Comments from 2 different Bannon friends, relayed by Politico.
“First he’s gonna figure things out with Bob and Bekah [Mercer],” said one Bannon ally. “Breitbart’s certainly the likely landing spot.” This ally said that Bannon may also move to a Mercer-funded outside group, or even start a new one.
Another friend of Bannon’s doubted this: “Why would he help them from the outside at this point? Run the outside group and then Jared Kushner takes credit?"...
Bannon unchained is probably the best thing that can happen to Trump right now. He will go careening off blasting right and left and Trump will be able to point and blame him for the careening of the administration since the Inaugural. Hopefully John Kelly can get things under control and start moving things forward. Mattis (the other Marine) seems to be doing quite well as SecDef.
“Why would he help them from the outside at this point? Run the outside group and then Jared Kushner takes credit?"
Is he motivated by credit or by something else?
I have no idea what Bannon's plans are but it will be very interesting to watch.
I suspect the generals have no idea about politics and how it works and Bannon might have decided he can do more outside.
I doubt he will attack Trump but he might be vocal about swamp dwellers still inside the administration.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Do others agree with Steve that it's a good thing that Bannon is gone? If so, what do you think it said about Trump that Bannon was there until now?
KittyM said...
Do others agree with Steve that it's a good thing that Bannon is gone?
Bannon's ideas regarding economic nationalism versus China were pretty much the only thing I liked about Trump's entourage. That is dead now. If your primary concern was about the decline of US manufacturing competitiveness, and by extension the real economy, having a bunch of generals and Wall St types running the country is not very comforting.
Bannon as a person seems to be a dick but he was not wrong about some things.
Bannon will spill his guts regarding Kushner and another Trump allies, all sorts of interesting tidbits will be published in Breitbart. Bannon was enjoying his role as quasi President, but Kelly and McMaster put an end to that. All Bannon's big talk of "hiring this one and firing that one" is over. His Svengali role has collapsed. Now the real fun begins.
Most Americans have no idea who Bannon is.
This essay reads like a re-warmed press release written by a political hack. Journalists and essayists re-transmit press releases routinely.
Bannon who?
As with all Trump appointees, I had never heard of them before. Carry on.
I'm sure Bannon will provide some great news bites for the Trump haters. That's fine; it doesn't actually do any harm. Just keep moving on projects.
Bannon was a loose cannon. Interesting that Trump let him go under conditions similar to Scaramucci: After a controversial media "interview." More interesting if what he ends up doing involves autofellatio.
"Bannon who?
As with all Trump appointees, I had never heard of them before. Carry on."
Yeah right, you never heard of him, lol. Trying to make it sound inconsequential by pretending not to know who Bannon is. And if you truly never heard of Bannon, welcome to the big wide world not under your rock.
Fully unchained. Bannon as Prometheus with blood-shot eyes and a wrinkled, business-casual wardrobe.
Let Bannon be Bannon. He has the celebrity to get a platform on a media that needs programming.
Maybe his departure is something of an olive branch to the Chinese? I'm not sure I believe that China has significant influence over North Korea.
@MikeR "Bannon who? As with all Trump appointees, I had never heard of them before. Carry on."
I gotta say, I agree with Unknown that I find it amazing that you had never heard of Bannon before his appointment to the White House.
But I will take you at your word that this is true (because I have the experience of people in this forum not believing me and it sucks!). So I will say that the fact that you had never heard of him undermines your views here a smidge because it means you weren't really paying much attention.
The most interesting thing about Bannons departure is finding out how many people believe Bannon was some sort of shadow president.
The MSM and #nevertrump have assured me that due to Bannons departure, Trump will now become an out of the closet Democrat.
This is the surest sign that nothing of the sort will come close to happening.
With this new political vacancy, Trump should bring back Roger Stone.!
Go watch football this weekend or play golf -- take a siesta from politics!
"Bannon was a loose cannon" Just one left now.
Do others agree with Steve that it's a good thing that Bannon is gone? If so, what do you think it said about Trump that Bannon was there until now?
I have no idea whether it will be good for Trump or not.
What I find amazing is the left and the RINOs on the right seem to think that the President should NOT be surrounded by people of various ideas, persuasions, temperaments. That the people around the President should be an echo chamber or some sort of amorphous glob of like minded people.
Personally, I would think it more beneficial to have a wider representation of views to listen to and to be able to bounce ideas off of. Have some outliers, like Bannon for example.
One of the biggest failures of an Obama Administration was that he seemed to surround himself with "Yes Men" and didn't listen to any views that didn't back up his own. This is a terrible way to run a business, much less a country.
"And if you truly never heard of Bannon, welcome to the big wide world not under your rock."
Oh, bullshit.
The only time I ever heard of Bannon was when you leftist nutjobs were screaming nonsense about him being a Jew-hater or something like that. I could ask 10 non-leftist people on the street and not one of them could name him.
But, now that "Bannon the Bad Guy" is out, just watch how quickly you imbeciles embrace him.
Earnest Prole said...
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
I didn't vote for Trump, not that it would have mattered in the People's Republic of California. However, like any president, whether I voted for him or not, I want to succeed. One of my fears for Trump had to do with a lack of a coherent governing philosophy. Unfortunately, that lack has also meant he has surrounded himself with people based more on personality and personal connection, and being a general, rather than fidelity to a coherent governing vision. This frustrates Trump as well, because all these people bring their own agendas, and are work furiously not only to undermine the agenda of others but also agenda that Trump himself may have declared and blessed. Unfortunately, there is no one he seems to trust who will actually tell him this. (His family would have the most credibility with him, but it's pretty clear to me that they didn't actually sign on to his vision.)
Like MIchael K, I don't see much sign that the generals know much about politics. Either that, at a minimum, they seem to lack much interest in Trump's own declared agenda. But no surprise that generals would, in general, be friends of the swamp.
(I do not particularly like or dislike Bannon and while he may be anti-swamp, he also seems to be pro-bigger-government when it suits his "populist" creds. I do believe Andrew Breitbart himself would have run the organization and movement he spawned differently, and was very sad to see him go. He had a coherent classical liberal vision that Bannon, and Breitbart's organization under him and since, has lacked. Still, Breitbart has been consistent in trying to cover stories that the major media would suppress.)
Bannon was the major check against the Neocons and the globalists. Not sure why any leftist here is happy he is leaving. We know you are blind with hatred but wow that is stupid.
It looks like Bannon has been guiding Trump through the Charlottesville ambush and the left has been completely routed there.
Trump still clearly values Bannon's advice. Not sure what the play is here.
It is interesting that Bannon is about to leave on the eave of the Russian collusion story getting blown wide open and backfiring in epic fashion on the left.
When you have lost Achilles ...
Everybody knows who Bannon is -- he's the guy from Jonny Quest.
"Steve is now unchained. Fully unchained."
More stuff from the drama queens that alienates the middle-class.
I just read that Breitbart is going to WAR for Trump, so it seems like too many people got their hopes up that this was going to be a public break up. Bannon knows how to play the media.
"More stuff from the drama queens that are the middle-class."
I keep trying to help you lefties understand what Trump is about.
For example , China and Trade.,
Economists estimate that China’s currency was undervalued against the dollar by 30 percent from 2003 to 2013. By intervening massively in currency markets—up to $2 billion a day in 2007—China kept the yuan priced artificially low. This was tantamount to a form of mercantilism—intensive government intercession in support of maintaining a trade surplus—using a cheapened currency, which achieves an attractive price for export goods while keeping prices high for imports. Though many argue about Beijing’s actual motives, China ran a trade surplus at nearly 10 percent of GDP, while the U.S. floundered during the financial crisis.
But this isn’t the whole story: China also imposed tight capital controls, largely walling off its stocks, bonds, and banks from foreign investors by imposing extensive restrictions. Though this seemed to make no economic sense, for Beijing, it was worth foregoing these investments from a currency perspective: the financial inflows could have driven the yuan up and brought inflation, undercutting the real devaluation effort.
I'm sure that is Greek to you, but read the whole thing and try to see what he is talking about.
We are now a very low cost energy provider and, with a corporate tax cut, most manufacturing may come back. China is not a low cost labor source any more. Vietnam and India are competitors that are beating China at that game.
The CEOs who are "bravely " quitting Trumps Manufacturing Council are kowtowing to China which steals their technology.
It will be interesting if he can get the GOP Congress off their ass.
Add me to the list of conservatives that didn't know Bannon until after the election and he was picked to do whatever it is he does.
And I'm no newbie. My first day with my first WebTV in 1997 I bookmarked Drudge and Free Republic and started here at Althouse long before the 2012 election. I first heard the term 'alt-right' here too around the same time.
I think it must be because what liberals think is important usually isn't.
Steve Bannon UNCHAINED
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Mr Bannon told Bloomberg.
I guess the gloves are coming off. Should be entertaining.
Bannon has some great ideas and some bad ones like so many others. He just learned, like so many others before him, that there is only one president.
I was curious about how many Generals Lincoln went through in the Army of the Potomac ( a somewhat similar staff shakeup) before he settled on the Grant/Meade combo. There were a bunch and several did not last long.
Brigadier General Irvin McDowell: Commander of the Army and Department of Northeastern Virginia (May 27 – July 25, 1861)
Major General George B. McClellan: Commander of the Military Division of the Potomac, and later, the Army and Department of the Potomac (July 26, 1861 – November 9, 1862)
Major General Ambrose E. Burnside: Commander of the Army of the Potomac (November 9, 1862 – January 26, 1863)
Major General Joseph Hooker: Commander of the Army and Department of the Potomac (January 26 – June 28, 1863)
Major General George G. Meade: Commander of the Army of the Potomac (June 28, 1863 – June 28, 1865)
Bannon's final comment in the article. This is now a Democrat White House.
Can't disagree with this either.
Oh, hell. I have no idea if this is good or bad for Trump. "He's going to WAR against Trump!" "He's going to WAR for Trump!" "It's better he's in!" "No, it's better he's out!"
Can anybody (including Unkwown, who clearly has been masturbating all afternoon to this news) admit that we don't know what Trump's reasoning was or what the real story is? That we have no idea yet of what Bannon will or will not do? The arrogance of people who act like they've have an inside scoop on the Oval Office and know, KNOW, what's going on here because this talking head on CNN or Fox told them what's going on, is beyond belief.
How about - let's wait and see? Just like - let's wait and see what comes out at Fields' trial.
Oh no, let's not! We KNOW what the story is!
Gut feeling is a lot of stuff the MSM has been covering up, Breitbart is going to blast wide open. And Bannon and Trump both may be more effective with the new set up.
"Can anybody (including Unkwown, who clearly has been masturbating all afternoon to this news)...."
Such a vulgar and crass person you are.
Bannon may think it's a Democratic White House, but if the Republican Congress can pass a bill Trump will sign it. No Democratic White House would do the same.
There are certain rules of the game in politics that can't be broken no matter how much they be disliked. Bannon did not want to play by the rules. He was hurting more than helping. If what he said and inferred in that interview is true then he doesn't belong inside the government. He disagreed with policy, he should have resigned. I have the impression he is a bright and perceptive guy, but also very divisive. Running a government and running a campaign take different skills. Perhaps, like Comey, Bannon should have been let go at the beginning. The "so-called" Generals are probably as adept politicians as anyone in this administration. They are certainly aware that pyrrhic victories are not victories at all. I am not sure Bannon understands that.
Just to help clalrify Bannon's intentions here's a quote from the Bannon article DBQ linked to:
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents (emphasis mine)-- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Mr Bannon told Bloomberg.
Oh wow.
Who cares.
"If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America".
Surrrrre he is, lol.
I keep trying to help you lefties understand what Trump is about.
Then Trump should fix China and trade. Instead every Friday at about this time he has us discussing something for the next several days that's not anything to do with China or trade. And it's because of Trump himself and his incompetence that we don't discuss those other issues that you think Trump is about.
Hey, I understand you fine. Trump doesn't follow you however.
"More stuff from the drama queens that are the middle-class."
The chaos is the middle-class's fault. Not Trump's. Check.
Unknown said...
"Can anybody (including Unkwown, who clearly has been masturbating all afternoon to this news)...."
Such a vulgar and crass person you are.
8/18/17, 7:01 PM
No, just accurate.
I just read that Breitbart is going to WAR for Trump
Oh, good. Will there be Nazis and car plows?
Trump and Bannon are still partners in MAGA. Bannon needs more room to maneuver than what WH could provide. This is a tactical move.
(Just my opinion.)
I would prefer a more stable WH. But I voted for Trump because he disrupts, so I need to understand that and accept the instability cost. This is ok to me, so far.
Go watch football this weekend or play golf -- take a siesta from politics!
"Surrrrre he is, lol."
If lots of stories which embarrass the Dems start popping up on Breitbart, you might not laugh, dumb asshole. Not that I saying that will happen, but it just might....
"Oh, good. Will there be Nazis and car plows?"
Huh? Can you produce a link that shows Bannon or Breitbart support Nazis?
Or are you just repeating a funny that Rachel Maddow made?
Har, har. Brookzene so smart!
Or are you just repeating a funny that Rachel Maddow made?
I'm not that offended by your comment, just thought this was funny: I have never actually seen Rachel Maddow. I don't get MSNBC and have never seen any of its shows (Fox News either).
I get CNN but it comes in with a lot of static and snow (which I actually watch sometimes, particularly lately).
Carry on.
Looks like the swamp is winning.
And Bannon and Trump both may be more effective with the new set up.
It may well be the case.
Somehow I knew Brookzene would not be interested in the China article.
Russia and Confederate statues are your speed.
The Mercers had dinner with Trump and worked out the details of how Bannon would leave to continue to push his views, and some of Trump's from Brietbart probably continuing the attacks on Ryan for example and trying to counter Krushner and Ivanka if they exert any influence, but that criticism maybe a big mistake.
Looks like the swamp is winning.
From My So-Called Art of War:
When you go to war, your character should be better than or at least as good as those you are going to war against.
Somehow I knew Brookzene would not be interested in the China article.
Russia and Confederate statues are your speed.
If only Brookzene weren't so dense and he and the lefties would get off his back about his incompetencies, Trump would be able to fix our unfair trade balance with China.
Boo hoo. Here's a hankie, doctor.
Bannon helped him win, but is too much the loose cannon to help with governing. Treating this as a victory for the swamp is a mistake -- for the swamp.
The Trump --> Bannon --> Breitbart media pipeline could leak, but it's worth a try. The media cabal needs a good competitive challenge.
Brookzene, how do you get CNN with static and snow, and how do you get CNN but don't get MSNBC or FNC?
There’s bragging and there’s humble bragging. This is a sort of new category. It’s “foreboding prophecy” bragging that Bannon is doing. Now that he’s been canned for forgetting who was boss and leaking like a busted faucet to the MSM, things in the Whitehouse will fall apart – a symptom of the Disgruntled Fired Employee Syndrome.
Here's an example of the “help” Bannon is giving Trump:
“The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon said Friday, shortly after confirming his departure. “We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”
This barely disguised vitriol vindicates Trump’s decision to show him the door.
… what do you think it said about Trump that Bannon was there until now?
It may say it took awhile to figure out Bannon was a leaker and had visions of grandeur. Or perhaps Trump found out that Priebus and Bannon were both very leaky but could hardly fire both at the same time. Chief of Staff, being the most important position (Bannon is merely an advisor), was replaced first.
Have some outliers, like Bannon for example.
Outliers are fine. Outliers who leak to the MSM in order to damage their competitors in the Trump administration and who seem to believe they are irreplaceable are not fine.
So long as the Alpha Minnows keep eating their own, I'll just keep dwelling in the shade of the plants, obscured by kicked-up mud, somewhat minding my own business, all the time watching my shadow.
Sorry, was watching fish move around on a meander in the Saco river. Did Something Happen on TV?
I've been over yanking Breitbart chains (much like during the election--good times--oh, Andrew, how I miss you). It's drama queen city over there. Steve Bannon apparently is some kind of superhero while Trump is essentially trash under many a Breitbart foot. Maybe Steve will have time now to reacquaint himself with soap, water, razor and a comb. He's a regular right wing Michael Moore.
Last month we reached a long-stalled deal with China permitting the import of US-milled rice (apparently the phytosanitary protocol had been holding things up). This is great news for American rice growers as prices have been depressed for the last couple of years. Why can't Trump Tweet about stuff like that?
Bannon's departure is going go raise Jeff Sessions' stock. With "Russiagate" thoroughly debunked, there is no recuse for more visibility on his part.
Lord knows there are nothing but legal and law enforcement issues looming.
The political divorce between Breitbart News and Trump will splinter Republicans but make them more like the D-party, riven as they are by Clinton stalwarts and upstarts.
"Boo hoo. Here's a hankie, doctor. "
At least you admit you are not interested in policy.
"Bannon's departure is going go raise Jeff Sessions' stock."
I agree.
"The political divorce between Breitbart News and Trump"
I don't know that I agree with this. We'll see what happens.
Breitbart toned it down during Bannon's leave of absence. Tried to become more reputable.
Fox has gone a lot softer with the younger generation taking control.
Obvious opportunity for Breitbart. It's worked on ratings for the anti Trump tv channels. That leaves a market open for their opposition.
The most interesting thing about Bannons departure is finding out how many people believe Bannon was some sort of shadow president
It's like when people said that Karl Rove was George Bush's brain, but in the present case I think they believe that Bannon was Donald Trump's balls.
I haven't seen it mentioned but there was a weird article in the last day or two (don't remember which paper) which made claims that Steve Brannon's residence in FL was a meth house. I wonder if this had anything to do with his departure.
From..Keith Ellison:
Friend --
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that the most hateful elements of our society won't have a voice at the highest levels of government.
But the fact is that even with Steve Bannon gone, Donald Trump's inner circle still includes prominent white nationalists and enablers of white supremacy.
Seb Gorka, one of Trump's top aides, is a member of a Hungarian Nazi organization. Senior advisor Stephen Miller is a devotee of Richard Spencer, a leader of the so-called alt-right who cheered on Trump's disgraceful response to the events in Charlottesville.
These men are so far below anyone who should be serving in government, and it's beyond disturbing they continue to have the ear of the President of the United States. And as long as they remain among his closest advisors, Trump can never truly reject the hatred that they perpetuate.
Tens of thousands of Democrats signed on to call on Trump to fire Bannon in the past few days -- and today we were successful. Now, we are calling on Donald Trump to fire Gorka, Miller, and anyone else with ties to white supremacy in his administration -- today.
That was yesterday..
Less than 24hhrs later:
Fom Keith Ellison
Friend --
When Donald Trump finally brought himself to speak out on the terrible events in Charlottesville this past weekend, he didn't condemn hatred or white supremacy or people who marched wearing swastikas on their arms. He blamed "many sides."
And as he's continued to address the nation in the days that have followed, he's made it clear that he accepts the support of the violent, white supremacist mob because he thinks it will help him politically. I wish I could say I was surprised.
One of my favorite poets, Maya Angelou, once said: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Donald Trump started his campaign with hate, and we knew his presidency would be no different after he surrounded himself with men -- like Steve Bannon, Seb Gorka, and Stephen Miller -- who have given these vile groups platforms to speak on.
He showed us who he was and what he stood for the first time.
So if Donald Trump can ever truly reject hate, he needs to start by removing the enablers of white supremacy from his administration. Firing Steve Bannon -- as thousands of us called for -- is a start, but he needs to do more.
Words alone are not enough. Tell Donald Trump to take action against hate:
Keith Ellison just projects his own anti-Semitism.
Though I initially assumed it being an indicator of the level of obsession, his repeating essentially the same pitch the very next day might be an indicator they didn't generate the desired response.
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