August 26, 2017

"If it’s an antagonistic fight between two blacks, it’s one thing. But if it’s an antagonistic fight between a white and a black, then you can play the race card tremendously and get an overwhelming return."

Said Don King, quoted in "Mayweather Sees a Racial Double Standard in Megafight vs. McGregor" (NYT).
Both fighters have flung racially tinged barbs at each other — McGregor told Mayweather to “dance for me, boy” and said he himself was half black “from the bellybutton down”; Mayweather said he was fighting “for all the blacks around the world.”...

McGregor has been criticized for some of his racial remarks during the promotion of the fight. He gyrated on stage during a promotional event, calling it “a little present for my beautiful, black female fans.” In an interview on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” McGregor seemed to refer to black boxers in a scene from “Rocky III” as “dancing monkeys.”...
Well, that's all awfully crude. I guess people have a hankering to escape from the bonds of political correctness (which is what Trump perceived and exploited).

(I've been ignoring this thing all week and am just now seeing that it's a boxer boxing a mixed martial arts guy, and the mixed martial arts guy is boxing for the first time.)

The 3 top-rated comments at the NYT are:
1. Why is this even an article? As the article points out, "But one important difference between Mayweather and McGregor, Boyd noted, is that Mayweather has been in serious trouble with the law related to domestic violence and has served jail time." Mayweather says there is a racial double standard, but he has repeatedly beaten and battered women. It doesn't matter what race you are -- if you beat women, and especially when you are a champion boxer, you lose all respect of any decent person. End. Of. Story.

2. Mayweather is the greatest boxer of all time, with a 50-0 record when you include the time he beat the mother of his children in front of his children, leaving her bloody and screaming.

3. Mayweather, lets discuss a real issue. Your tendency to beat down women.


Laslo Spatula said...

In the end it doesn't come down to black or white.

It comes down to cock.

"McGregor really rolled to the weigh in with an erection. Floyd gotta cancel that fight"

I am Laslo.

AllenS said...

They are both trying to sell tickets.

David Begley said...

Don't care.

Hope both lose.

Humperdink said...

Since McGregor will not be permitted to use all his skills (read: Kicks), I think the American will win.

John henry said...

Agree about beating a woman.

Is a woman beating a man ok?

Used to be a comic theme

Andy Capps wife
Maggie with a rolling girl pin in bringing up father
Cora Dither in Blondie (umbrella usually)
Snuffy smith's wife (frying pan)
And more.

What about lesbians beating on partners? A fairly serious problem we hear little about

Let's condemn all domestic violence.

John Henry

AllenS said...

Once the fight starts, I'd like to see McGregor switch into the MMA mode and start kicking at Mayweather, then take him down and choke him out.

Freeman Hunt said...

Mayweather will win decisively.

Laslo Spatula said...


"It’s that posture — that up-from-poverty, can’t-keep-a-black-man-down, bespoke suit-flaunting, look-at-my-damn-private-jet insistence on claiming his props — that Mayweather so expertly converts into benefit of the doubt and pay-per-view dividends. More than anything, that’s what “Money” is taking to the bank."

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

When a male fighter IS allowed to hit a woman.

UFC's Joe Rogan to Transgender MMA Fighter Fallon Fox: 'You're a F***ing Man'

I am Laslo.

Owen said...

Don King is perhaps the most candid character in this scene. This is just about money. The race card usually is. Playing it has made a lot of people like King and Jackson and Sharpton rich and powerful. Of course, their wealth and power come at the expense of others, usually black people, who have to live in the ashes after the riot stops and business moves away, or who fail at things because they have been lied to about how prepared they really are, and who come to believe there is a Man who leads a conspiracy to keep a Brother down.

King is in a sleazy business but his candor is refreshing. I almost wish him luck with this circus act.

Anonymous said...

My family has legendary (as in, nearly universally believed but as yet unproven) ties to the MacGregor clan of Scotland, so I was initially interested to learn about this fight.

But Conor's from Ireland. Meh.

Bob Ellison said...

'Twill be an important event in the sportin' trade.

If Mayweather wins, the Greatest Boxer of All Time will add to his record. The MMA crowd will continue to shout that boxing is not real fighting. Kind of a stalemate.

If MacGregor wins, the MMA crowd will say boxing is not real fighting. The boxing crowd will probably say MacGregor cheated and the ref and judges were corrupt.

If it goes to a long, boring, disputed decision, the argument will continue to be long and boring.

I don't see how the filthy sport of boxing can win in this situation. The two fighters and their fans can both win, but boxing cannot.

Michael K said...

It's about the money and I don't care. I've been a boxing fan but this is not an example.

Laslo Spatula said...

Nowhere in the Marquess of Queensberry Rules is hitting a woman prohibited.

I am Laslo.

Tank said...

AllenS said...

Once the fight starts, I'd like to see McGregor switch into the MMA mode and start kicking at Mayweather, then take him down and choke him out.

Really, the perfect ending.

tcrosse said...

A lot of people want to see Mayweather get beat up, but McGregor isn't the guy to do it.

Ralph L said...

I didn't realize until today that both guys are tiny. Not saying I want to meet them in a dark alley, however.

Bob Ellison said...

Here's all you have to do to enter this fine field of sport.

I'm not going to go into government regulation of filthy sports, monopoly management, licensing abuse, and guildmanship. Just not going there. It stays in Vegas.

Tarrou said...

A lot of the hysteria about "fratboys" and the like is the displacement of white women's racial fears about violence from black men. Good liberal college girls can't say out loud that what they really fear, and what is far more likely to actually happen in the real world, is a gang rape by the football team. So they go for the lacrosse team or an imaginary fratboy instead, out of rage and guilt.

Freud would have had a field day in our time.

Tarrou said...

As to the fight itself, someone (might have been Bill Burr) said that it was like Michael Jordan and Pete Sampras playing a game of tennis to figure out who was the better athlete. It's as simple as this. Boxing is Mayweather's game, and he's very good. Boxing is a tiny part of McGregor's game, and he's very good. If it was a MMA match, Mayweather wouldn't stand a chance. In a boxing match, McGregor doesn't.

Bay Area Guy said...

Boxing has fallen so far from the days of Leonard, Hearns, Duran, Hagler.

This spectacle proves it.

If this were MMA rules, McGregor would kill Mayweather.

But under normal boxing rules, Mayweather (the most boring boxer ever) easily has the edge.

Fritz said...

Racism sells.

Sebastian said...

"if you beat women, and especially when you are a champion boxer, you lose all respect of any decent person." What's this sudden universalism and equal justice under law and judging everyone by the content of their character bit, equating decency with assertions of white privilege? When a black man fights a white man, on behalf of all black people, it's time to choose sides and tone down the racist moralizing.

Paddy O said...

"You know, the Irish are not noted for their fondness for the colored."

Bay Area Guy said...

"Dance for me, Boy" is a pretty good taunt by Connor. Since Mayweather though is making $100 Million for the fight, I'm sure he wont mind.

These 2 are laughing all the way to the bank!

Gahrie said...

So it's not just Althouse that gets threadjacked.

Freeman Hunt said...

"These 2 are laughing all the way to the bank!"

This. The whole thing is pure marketing. This isn't a real fight; it's not even two boxers.

Gahrie said...

Nobody would have batted an eye if Mayweather had beaten his brother, or brother-in-law. I thought women and men were equal? Why is it OK for a man to beat a man but not a woman? Would it be OK for Mayweather to beat Bruce Jenner?

I know why I think it's bad for a man to beat a woman, but I don't try to pretend than men and women are the same.

Freeman Hunt said...

I feel conflicted about boxing. As a sport, it's fantastic. It requires incredible skill, quick thinking, strategy, endurance, and strength. There aren't many (any?) sports that demand a higher level of fitness. And yet, is it ethical to pay people to knock eacb other's brains out for entertainment? Hm.

(This is not in reference to this match, which is a farce.)

rcocean said...

Sean Connery once defended wife beating, saying that if the women is told to stop nagging on something - and ignores his warning and just keeps at it - she deserves a slap.

Wonder if that's a Scottish attitude.

rcocean said...

Pro Boxing has always been a cesspool of corruption. If the whole thing as been fixed, I wouldn't be surprised.

tcrosse said...

Wonder if that's a Scottish attitude.

The Scots say that a man should never strike a woman or a child except in anger.

AllenS said...

Just thought of something. So, Mayweather wins the boxing match, and then they announce later that they'll fight again, and this time it will be an MMA affair, which McGregor wins, which will result in... yes, you guessed it, a rubber match.

ca ching, ca ching, ca ching

mockturtle said...

They are both trying to sell tickets.

This is hardly new. Ever since I can remember the 'Great White Hope' hype has been used to promote fights. The pre-fight taunting is also part of the game. I'd be surprised if McGregor lasts a round--unless, of course, Mayweather has been 'persuaded' to drag it out for a few so people will think they got their money's worth.

Howard said...

Mayweather would never fight in the Octagon, he would then know what it feels like to be his wife. People forget that euro's do not hew to political correctness.

Howard said...

I think the standard prediction is that Mayweather is the best defensive boxer in history and will outlast McGregor because he is not used to standing 15 rounds.

William said...

How come they don't play the national anthem before boxing events?.......Boxers have suffered brain damage since forever. Why are the injuries of football players so much more pitiable than those of boxers? Can boxers with brain damage sue the promoters?

AllenS said...

There are only 12 3 minute rounds in boxing. In MMA a title fight is 5 5 minute rounds.

Humperdink said...

Mayweather gets $100 mil, McGregor gets $30 mil.

Should McGregor win, say with an inadvertent knee to Mayweather's groan muscle, Vegas bookies are in deep doodoo.

tcrosse said...

Should McGregor win, say with an inadvertent knee to Mayweather's groan muscle, Vegas bookies are in deep doodoo.

Some Big Money has been bet on Mayweather the last few days, so a McGregor win would not be quite as disastrous to the sports book. The small money is on McGregor, where the odds are long enough to make it worthwhile.

Narayanan said...

Will the rematch be MMA format?

What is IRS cut of on this payday?

Freeman Hunt said...

I'll be surprised if it goes more than three rounds. I won't be surprised if it ends in the first.

Humperdink said...

"Some Big Money has been bet on Mayweather the last few days ..."

I was not aware of that.

Narayanan said...

Won't MMA fighter be nimbler? He can last if he doesn't close in. How good a long punch boxer is the other guy?
Could there be a Trumpian upset?

Jim at said...

"If this were MMA rules, McGregor would kill Mayweather."

Yes. He would.

Not that it would be a bad thing, mind you.

Jim at said...

"I think the standard prediction is that Mayweather is the best defensive boxer in history and will outlast McGregor because he is not used to standing 15 rounds."

Neither is Mayweather ... since they haven't found 15-round fights since the early '80s.

damikesc said...

Conor sells fights. This is how you do it. UFC cannot be happy that, after this pay-off, Conor doesn't have to fight anymore and NOBODY in UFC can sell tickets besides him now, since Jon Jones failed another drug test.

Conor has a small chance to win. If it was MMA rules, he'd obliterate Floyd. But in boxing only? I'll go with an elite boxer over a far-less-than-elite one.

And note that, back in the 1970's, a pro wrestler legitimately beat Muhammad Ali in a legit fight where the wrestler had rules that limited what he could do tremendously. In an MMA judging fight, Ali would've lost horrendously. 13 or 14 rounds out of 15 lost.

damikesc said...

I think the standard prediction is that Mayweather is the best defensive boxer in history and will outlast McGregor because he is not used to standing 15 rounds.

I'd be shocked if it goes to 5 rounds. Conor is an amazing fighter, but I have doubts about him throwing punches effectively for a long time.

AllenS said...

Well, I'm not sure how many of you have been boxing fans. The reason that MMA has won over more watchers of combat between two fighters than boxing is the simple fact that people tired of the "clinching" in boxing. Which means that when the two boxers get too close, or one is taking a beating, they will clinch to stop the fight for a while. That does not happen in MMA, because of the "take down", which results in a wrestling match, and perhaps a choke hold to end the fight.

I'm hoping that tonight, if Mayweather clinches, McGregor picks him up and body slams his ass into the canvass. What will they do? Call the fight, and give Mayweather a win?

If that happens, I want McGregor to call Mayweather a sissy ass.

And, damikesc, McGregor has fought 5 5 minute rounds multiple times. Boxing matches are 3 minute rounds.

Jim S. said...

Is humility anathema in the assaulting arts? Is it perceived as weakness? How can I root for one trash talker over another? I don't like hearing people talk about how awesome they are, I just find it unseemly.

tola'at sfarim said...

I thought it was racist to deflect by bringing up black on black violence and familial dysfunctio

William said...

"McGregor seemed to refer to black boxers in a scene from “Rocky III” as “dancing monkeys.”

Note the word "seemed". If he had really made the reference they would have gleefully said that outright, so we can assume he really didn't and they weasel-worded their article to plant the seed in your mind. AKA FAKE NEWS!

William said...

"McGregor seemed to refer to black boxers in a scene from “Rocky III” as “dancing monkeys.”

Note the word "seemed". If he had really made the reference they would have gleefully said that outright, so we can assume he really didn't and they weasel-worded their article to plant the seed in your mind. AKA FAKE NEWS!

Bandit said...

Who's kidding who - this is some race hype to boost PPV buts

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