And now here's a column in The Washington Post by Anne Applebaum:
Polish and Ukrainian statues [of Lenin] came down as the result of a revolutionary moment, a sudden break in the political situation. In the United States in 2017, we are living through what feels to many like a similar, though not entirely analogous, revolutionary moment. The election of Trump, the first American president in decades to use unapologetically racist language — starting with his insidious slur that Barack Obama was not American, moving on to his reference to Mexican “rapists” and continuing with his refusal to condemn neo-Nazis — has smashed the ordinary rhythms of American political life. Suddenly, in Trump’s America, a statue honoring a Confederate leader looks like not just a boring monument to the distant past but a living political statement about the present.Suddenly!
Suddenly I see just how much that damned dog looks like that bastard I have to work for.
Isn't this how David Berkowitz got started?
The Applebaum quote is nonsense
I hear Canada's got it all figured out.
"1.starting with his insidious slur that Barack Obama was not American, 2. moving on to his reference to Mexican “rapists” and 3. continuing with his refusal to condemn neo-Nazis...."
1. Trump's hinted that Obama was not constitutionally qualified to run for President; never an assertion that Obama wasn't an American. One can be an American but not allowed to be President.
2. Trump said *some* illegal aliens from Mexico were rapists. A true statement.
3. Trump did repeatedly condemn neo-Nazis. One of his closest aides is Jewish and married to his daughter.
The Civil War was the worst thing to happen to America since Vietnam.
I am Laslo.
Wow, Applebaum's evidence for Trump using "unapologetically racist language" is pathetically weak. The birther stuff was most likely just dumb trolling to keep his name in the headlines, since Trump has a long history of being a well known press whore. There are many instances of illegal immigrants committing sex crimes, but of course people have to willfully misconstrue what Trump said during that speech as if he was saying that all Mexicans were rapists, which no halfway sane person believes. And of course there are compilations online of Trump continually disavowing Nazi-type rhetoric or action. As for his so called equivalence in Charlottesville, he said an absolutely true thing. Many of the counterprotesters there were carrying clubs and came looking for violence, so it will be a willful denial of empirical reality to say there wasn't blame on both sides.
Sometimes, after Laslo comments, I wonder why the rest of us even bother...
we are living through what feels to many like a similar, though not entirely analogous, revolutionary moment.
Only someone who is paid by the word would add the clause 'though not entirely analogous' after "similar". Exactly what does she think "similar" means, anyway? Hint: It doesn't mean identical.
I love the phrase "unapologetically racist language."
What's the racist language? It's not explicitly racist language. It's only -- at most -- implicit. But Trump denies that it's racist. That's why it's unapologetic. To apologize would be to say that it really is racist. So "unapologetically racist language" just about exactly equals — from Trump's point of view — non-racist language.
But "unapologetically racist language" sounds really bad.
She has been a crazy NeverTrumper all along. I don;t know what's the matter with her. She used to be fairly sensible.
Trump and Putin are alike.
In that sense the rise of Trump and the rise of Putin are connected. No wonder Trump feels such an affinity for the Russian president; no wonder he seeks him out at international meetings. And no wonder special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation has reportedly decided to look closely at past Trump family real estate transactions.
She's nuts.
It's like smashing your dad's 20 year old, 2nd place bowling trophy because he won't buy you a pony.
Does WaPo employ editors?
Idiotic twaddle.
Leftism is a mental disease.
"It's only -- at most -- implicit."
And that only if you are either a pathological liar, or a fucking retard.
Unapologetic twaddle.
What's the racist language? It's not explicitly racist language. It's only -- at most -- implicit.
You don't have to actually be racist to be a race hustler.
Good Lord! I'm in full agreement with Farmer. (That'll change.)
David Begley asks "Does WaPo employ editors?" Actually they laid off nearly all their copy editors recently. Gonna rely on Autocorrect. Seriously, it was in the news.
"Good Lord! I'm in full agreement with Farmer. (That'll change.)"
I appreciate J. Farmer's comments. Whether I agree or disagree (both occur, for me), they are characteristically well-thought out, and without needless rancor. A fine skill, that.
I am Laslo.
"we are living through what feels to many like a similar, though not entirely analogous, revolutionary moment."
We are trying to psych up the blacks to be our shock troops since we don't want to do anything hard or dangerous. We are cowards and timeservers. We couldn't even tell Hillary (Wha'? Wha'? Wha' Happened?) Clinton not to run. We lost the election. But we can reverse that loss at no cost to our own comfort. We can ride around in the white sheets of our newspapers shouting the KKK is coming. Then the blacks will (we hope) get out there and riot and burn down the areas they live in and just generally show how bad Donald Trump is and we can impeach him in a cool most lawyerly fashion with fat fees for all. And pig faces back into the pig trough - our dream. And, sure, a little rebuilding in the burned areas. ... Only somehow they won't rise. Almost as if they see that we are using their pain for our gain? ...?... Nah, couldn't be.
The Democrats in Wisconsin voted against Foxconn. The arrival of Foxconn would benefit several of the most heavily black areas in Wisconsin, areas suffering from poverty and unemployment. Black or white, if they are American workers, the Democrats hate them and seek to damage them.
Applebaum, like most of these commenters, does not know this country, especially not the deplorables. Her work to date is mainly in Eastern Europe. Her lifes purpose has been to win the Cold War and maintain the Pax Americana.
Its a curious thing that all these people have found that the center of the US, that place and people which more than anywhere or anyone else sustained the side they backed all these decades of the Cold War and the Pax Americana, is more foreign to them than the lands over which the Cold War was fought. That donkey that carried the burdens of their policies they took for granted.
It is a strange neglect.
But, perhaps, it is sort of like Kiplings Tommy. Tommy is appreciated when he is needed, but otherwise despised. It is most disconcerting when Tommy mutinies.
But what's Anne Applebaum's position on the undeniable fact that President Trump tortures puppies? Hmm?
Anne Applebaum is tightly wound up about the ravages of Communism, Nazism, and various other 'isms and national movements in Eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century - which is indeed a fearful story that she has thoroughly researched and written about - and she tends to see everything through that lens.
"Tommy is appreciated when he is needed, but otherwise despised. It is most disconcerting when Tommy mutinies."
AND the poor bastard is deaf, dumb and blind.
People no longer recognize the importance of Pinball Skills.
I am Laslo.
David Begley and Farmer are right. Applebaum's quote is nonsense, and pernicious nonsense.
Suddenly, in Trump’s America, a statue honoring a Confederate leader looks like not just a boring monument to the distant past but a living political statement about the present.
So it really has nothing to do with the statues or who they depict; that's just the excuse for their Hate Trump tantrum.
unapologetically racist language
"[Anne Applebaum] is a visiting Professor of Practice at the London School of Economics, where she runs Arena, a project on propaganda and disinformation."
Laslo always appreciated that Tommy wanted him to see me, feel me, touch me, heal me.
However, this thing about the Confederate statues and renaming parks and streets, we see that for what it is when the (or raher, some) Jews of New York chime in and demand that all traces of Peter Stuyvesant and t New York as a Dutch colony in the 17th century be erased from history.
wildswan has it exactly right.
The Democrats are desperate to rile up blacks and get them out to vote next year.
If the lefty colleges, like Stanford, are running classes about "abolishing whiteness" they should expect white people will feel beleaguered and start behaving like a mirror image of "People of Color" who are demanding their own "space."
Those of us who are educated understand that all the "whiteness" stuff is bullshit.
You cannot take lefties seriously and keep your sanity.
She means Trump favors the America Race over the Mexican Race that wants into a Welfare Kingdom. Taking sides against that invasion is a crime because Bezos wants to staff his personal world with wage slaves from anywhere.
Making North America Great for submitting to UN world governance is what Trump always stood up against. And destroying the WASPs is a small price to pay for Bezos to get his next trillion dollars faster.
We elected Trump to be Trump. And Trump is a Jacksonian warrior who fights for us.
When did the Trump said racist things become a casual accepted slander. I would like to see a racist quote from him. You understand, progs, that latins are not a race. You do don't you? Syrians? Mexicans?
It's all about black anger and keeping it targeted at whites, so that blacks never get out of the trap. Anger keeps things from going well.
The right target is their parents, the absent father and the angry mother who drove him away; and the right action is to forgive them.
"I love the phrase "unapologetically racist language." What's the racist language?" There is none. But of course, anything Trump says is inherently racist, and any Republican is now a de facto nazi. And questioning whether Trump was unapologetically racist is actually racist. This blog will be on the SPLC hate list soon.
Anyway, none of this has anything to do with the actual meaning of actual words, or the actual validity of actual reasoning--the sort of thing our hostess bravely but irrelevantly focuses on--since to the left and now to NeverTrumpers like Applebaum words are simply tools in an all-out culture and political war. They are all bullshitting, all the time. (So is Trump, but not all of the time.) Harry Frankfort diagnosed the syndrome, but not the reasons.
It's ironic because tearing down confederate soldiers actually is what started the process a long time ago. Well, after some fascists started shooting at US troops, in 1861.
Lee was figuratively torn down back in 1865, Stonewall Jackson was torn down even earlier. By Southerners!
Ann is exactly right.
The statues are all Trump statues.
The Left is mostly just an ignorant mob calling their opponents "racist", while ignoring the murder and violence in black inner cities.
The post-war reconciliation between the North and South was a tremendous achievement towards healing the country's wounds. True, blacks got a raw deal, before the war, and even after - but over time and after many hard fought political victories, the country accepted blacks as relatively equal members of American society.
Sadly, though, LBJ's war on poverty in the 60s, and creation of the welfare state, destroyed the black nuclear family and stopped much of this progress.
"The statues are all Trump statues."
The statues are all Trump voters.
They went after confederate flags the same way with no Trump.
Lenin, after the revolution, tore down the statues of saints and stripped the churches of their gold vessels and ornaments. He considered the Orthodox Church a repository of superstition and bias. It was an infamous thing that needed to be destroyed. There were quite a lot of people In Russia who still believed in the Church and its saints, but they were backward and superstitious and their opinions did not count.......I equate our current iconoclasts not with the people who tear down statues of Lenin but rather with thefollowers of Lenin who wished to eradicate beliefs that they considered antiquated.......I enjoyed Anne Aplkebaum's book, Gulag. I would have hoped better from her.
MBlogger Bob Boyd said...
"The statues are all Trump statues."
The statues are all Trump voters.
Yes and they would love to tear us down.
The 2018 election is going to be very interesting.
Southerners are into ancestor worship, and some of their ancestors are manifestly not worthy of worship. That said, Robert E. Lee seems to have lived, according to the precepts of his time and place, an honorable and decent life. Why not just arbitrarily say that statues of Robert E. Lee represent his wish to seek reconciliation between the north and the south. Such an opinion is no more arbitrary than saying Robert E. Lee was a brutal racist.
"the first American president in decades to use unapologetically racist language — starting with his insidious slur that Barack Obama was not American, moving on to his reference to Mexican “rapists” and continuing with his refusal to condemn neo-Nazis"
Almost everything in this paragraph is a LIE. Typical MSM reporter, Appblebaum can't write 10 words about Trump without an insult or a misrepresentation.
The subtext of the argument against Confederate monuments is that no white southerner of that era is worthy of respect and honor. They were all Nazis. The people who make this argument with the most vehemence are those who consider Che, the Black Panthers, Ho Chi Minh et al as sainted figures beyond reproach.
When the solid south voted for Democrats FDR/Truman,JFK, LBJ, Carter.. the Confederate statues were A-OK.
Once they went Republican, the South became the worst place, ever, ever.
In any case, this isn't a one time temper tantrum, its just one more step in the Leftist "hate America" program. Washington/jefferson have already been lined up for destruction, and after that it'll be any POTUS who supported Segregation, and then anyone who was "Racist".
Applebaum wrote a great and harrowing work, "Gulag." Unfortunately, like Simon Schama, another historian whose work I admire, she appears to be drawing the wrong lessons from history.
Well, that certainly explains the calls by the left over the last few decades to rid ourselves of Western Civilization studies, Christopher Columbus and the founding fathers.
Because years after the fact.......Trump.
#LeftyLogic & #When"Suddenly"EqualsWhatTheLeftHasBeenDoingFor50Years
1. No one has to work for Trump. And increasingly fewer people want to every day.
2. Tearing down monuments devoted to respecting and honoring a legacy of putting Americans into bondage, going to war against the United States, and getting 600,000 Americans killed in the process is always a good thing - whether your president is too much of a douchebag to condemn that legacy or not.
Your posts are getting more bizarre all the time. Sort of like this administration.
Alinsky Rule Analysis:
4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
Statue issue with use of toxic meme of racism...
13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Again Racism.
Ray Rules -
Avoid the point.
You don't attack you boss unless you no longer want a job. Trump has been attacked left and right. The statue attack is another attack, which seems more successful than others in the short term. For what correct thinking individual would be against racism?
Gut feeling is Trump is going to reshuffle the deck. Question is how?
My guess something to do with Antifafa. Perhaps RICO...
Freedom of speech I don't see as a big enough issue / care, unfortunately.
That is silly and you know it.
You are much more intelligent than this, its just that you are so prone give in to your emotional deficiencies.
You like Brazil I gather. In Sao Paolo one of the landmarks is the monument to the Bandeirantes, the freebooting explorers, conquistadors, and not least slavers, that were the ancestors of most of the Brazilian populace. Brazilians in general have a bit of a soft spot for these tough ancestors.
The Brazilians dont freak out about their ancestors, and neither should you.
Guess Ritmo only just now got his cuppa going, while Laslo's posted thrice. Seems like Rit's just mailing it in, though. Now let's hear from Comrade LLR.
This is all about the powerless left attempting to exert power over those they deem deplorable. The same with the whole transgender thing, and the gay marriage thing. The Left is determined to run everybody else's life for them.
As for his so called equivalence in Charlottesville, he said an absolutely true thing. Many of the counterprotesters there were carrying clubs and came looking for violence, so it will be a willful denial of empirical reality to say there wasn't blame on both sides.
99% of Leftist thought and belief requires a willful denial of empirical reality.
Kamala Harris ✔ @SenKamalaHarris
Joe Arpaio was convicted because he committed a crime. He should not be pardoned.
The Left's new best hope.
It's interesting to see how many ways you can avoid not only making a point, buwaya, but addressing anyone else's.
"Silly" is not a refutation of anything. The theory of relativity is silly. What happens to people at the horizon event of a black hole is "silly" - probably why it's called "spaghettification". Still all true or very likely things as far as reality is concerned.
Calling things "silly" is however your own emotional reaction to them, though. Talk about emotional.
Brazil is a country that has traditionally tolerated much more corruption than the U.S. We already have enough of that and don't need any more.
It's the Confederates who are "freaking out about their ancestors," douche. That's why they want these monuments to oppression up in the first place. Duh!
It astounds me how you regularly fail to see how fatuous your own points are.
Thanks so much for that boring sidebar commentary, Marty Keller! What would thinking people do without it!?
I think President Trump should join in the tear down the statues crusade by tweeting he agrees with the move to remove all the racist Democratic past in America including all the statues of those who voted against the 60's civil rights legislation or who were ever in the KKK or who supported segregation. Expose the Democratic Party and force them to defend their past to a population that is unaware or a media who knows and covers up. Then antifa terror groups can do Trumps bidding in statue removal of statues of racist bobby Byrd and Pelosi's papa or fade away showing their hypocrisy.
"Joe Arpaio was convicted because he committed a crime. He should not be pardoned."
When Kalma Harris is POTUS she'll only give pardons to people who haven't been convicted.
Should lighten her workload.
FDR is one of our most Racist presidents. We need to tear down any monuments to him and shut down the FDR Library.
FDR is one of our most Racist presidents.
Black Americans certainly never thought so. He was the first American president to actually employ them and not worry about "sullying" the White House with their presence, of course. He was the Democrat who got black Americans to defect from the Republican party en masse.
But thanks for demeaning your fellow Americans for being black and implying how they should have devalued that. A racist like you is capable of no less.
These descendants of the Confederates are, by now after all the mixing, most of your people. If you hammer on their ancestors, well, you are hammering on a vast number of your countrymen. This is very very foolish. It only makes enemies, or makes existing enemies more bitter. You will need to live together forever, after all.
Brazil has its troubles and defects, but in this they have something to teach the US, as also in their attitude to race. Someone somewhere always has done something better, it is best to be open to learning from them.
Anne Applebaum is married to Radoslaw Sikorski, former Polish Foreign Affairs minister and speaker of the lower house of the Polish Parliament. She's a 100% Deep State Globalist.
I am now a true Althouse commentor - TTR responded to me! How many more posts to get to the ultimate reward, a Laslow response?
Alinsky rule analysis:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
>Ray Rules:
>avoid the point
Another relevant rule:
7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news...
Question to ask in posting. Are you having an impact, are you adding to the discussion, or just virtue signaling so you can pat yourself in the back, and tell yourself, I supported right think and the revolution!
And, Ritmo, you know I'm right.
You are just being petulant.
My guess is that a fair number of women were mistreated by Martin Luther King and JFK during their peak priapic days. Of course, such women know better than to come forward and voice their grievances, but you can bet they exist. Are we so deaf to the cries of rape victims and all those women who have suffered from the predations of pussy gropers that we allow statues of such men to exist in the public square. I can think of no better way to repudiate the sexism of DJT than by bearing down he statues of JFK and MLK.
These descendants of the Confederates are, by now after all the mixing, most of your people. If you hammer on their ancestors, well, you are hammering on a vast number of your countrymen.
Nah - they're slightly more inbred than that, jackass. And convicts have conjugal visitation rights and can thereby reproduce also. No one needs to be forced to honor a criminal from the past, though. You are basically a penis-worshipper. Instead of the actual legacy of action you are just worshipping whose penis whose ancestors came out of. Pretty pathetic. But then you always struck me as more Hindu than Asian, anyway. Perhaps Pilipinos are practiced penis worshippers? It's not too late to preach to your people the gospel of lingam and yoni, and the works of the kama sutra.
And, Ritmo, you know I'm right.
You are just being petulant.
LOL! This comment is the dictionary definition of petulant. Instead of making a valid point, one in which you could have a sense of conviction, you just demand that people accept it. Outcome over process. That's you, buwaya. You practice a results-based faux "reasoning" where the logic is a facade simply erected to lead you to the conclusion your emotions wanted you to believe. You then sputter at the fact that others don't agree with where your emotions led you.
There you go again Ritmo.
This is emotional with you.
This place is your point of cathartic resolution, or one place at least where you seek it. I hesitate to imagine where else you attempt this, but so be it. Be careful out there.
I am sounding like a broken record of course, but this sort of thing will get you nowhere. This is not how to deal with your troubles.
This is emotional with you.
I provided logic and evidence.
You provided fluff, blind assertions and the arrogant, (emotional!) demand that I find something to agree with in them.
You must be used to getting people to go along with you for no reason. What a flock of dependent sheep you command, bu. Do they go, "baaaaahhhh?"
buwaya the goat-herder. He shepherds dependent people like he does any other ungulate.
When bubu runs out of people to agree with him he just reproduces more.
The ultimate slavery.
The Ritmo Blog is sickening. I don't know why Althouse tolerates it.
So you're having an emotional reaction, too, "Darrell?" How sad.
Pity no one taught you how much cigarettes will sicken you.
Reproducing is an educational process!
I recommend it. Raising children changes you, probably, more than you can change them. And neither women nor children are sheep; they are even harder to herd than cats.
Really, do these things. Read, study, marry, and have children. They all serve to provide perspective and emotional ballast.
Althouse has a stronger stomach than you do, Darrell.
A stronger mind, too.
Raising children changes you, probably, more than you can change them.
Good. You obviously need to raise many more, then. You know. For your sake. Their sake is secondary.
Oh, good. The TDS angle should help the racists feel better about themselves.
One star yelp review of a bakery in Rancho Cucamonga
For selling racist squaw bread. Asks if next they are going to sell confederate cookies.
Not sure if the review was a parody or not.
I call Islamaphobia!
How could anyone write that? Wow - I am shocked that this blog is no longer a safe space.
buwaya puti you repeatedly project a macho hot blooded emotional feminine reactivity onto the US's indifferent cold blooded culture and predicts a fall into chaos and violence. HaHaHa. Won't happen. It's too bad you can't view the world from 6'5". You might ask "how's the weather up there?" Cool and rarefied
I am accustomed to having teenagers snap at me. It is natural.
I hear this from you, and many others on the internet, and I assume youth.
I have tutored many high-schoolers in my time, so also I know what I'm talking about.
The fellows I have led, for the most part, were not adolescents but responsible and steady young men (some are not so young anymore!). Leading them is a different matter, and a pleasure. But these are chosen men.
It is an adolescent snapping at the world.
The proper approach is patient persistence.
And the occasional well judged comment, to prompt unconscious thought, hopefully, in calm privacy.
I am concerned with you, because it does not seem like something you can grow out of, you aren't an adolescent. You really do need to take your life in hand, because it is not normal. This here is just trivial venting, but I suspect that IRL you are doing yourself harm.
The US is quite a hot-blooded culture.
The only thing that separates it from Mexico is an extra padding of material substance and accumulated social capital, which is quickly running out.
Oh, I'm sure it's not just teenagers. You come across as some weird guru type who feels he deserves to be believed and heeded, even though most of what you say is just ignorant bullshit. Adolescence is the age at which people no longer just blindly accept what it is spoon-fed to them, and actually question the world and seek to implement your arch-enemy: Reason. No wonder you find them to be so problematic.
But I'm sure your approach works in the subservient culture that you find to be so superior to the West.
I don't have a problem with that. But then for god's sake get your fat ass off the internet and start living in a way that's true to your anti-western ideals. Your people didn't invent electricity, or the ethernet. Throw away your refrigerator, get rid of democracy, agitate for the sort of autocracy you admire and leave everyone else alone. Piety, subservience and obedience are Asian values, and a good explanation for why dictatorships have flourished there.
So you don't need to dictate to me. You need to get your fellow obedient little Asians to fall in line behind you, since you obviously feel a need for as many people to agree to your arbitrary and authoritarian personal bullshit as possible.
But I won't be one of them. Neither will my superior Western culture. Leave the ridiculous domination-submission games to you and yours.
I'm sure it seems hot when you are shorter than most of our women. Believe me, we all wink and nod in amazement at how you Lilliputians scurry around with much sound and fury. What, Me Worry?
I am fascinated by your cultural theories. Tell us more!
And, perhaps, how they can inform US public policy.
Soo, Trump's a Confederate now? Wouldn't that make him a ...Democrat??
Soo, Trump's a Confederate now? Wouldn't that make him a ...Democrat??
In 1860 it would have. Funny how conservatives are so thick as to miss little things like, the passage of 157 years of time.
But Drumpf actually was a lifelong registered Democrat. Probably to have any influence in NY primaries where Republican candidates don't have much partisan competition. Though it means little. He's an opportunist, not an ideologue. He will be in favor of or against whatever furthers or diminishes his overblown ego, respectively.
Locals brought down statues in eastern Europe.
Locals did not bring down Saddam statue .. main reason Iraq is such a mess.
'Locals' are not bringing down statues in US ... This will be messier.
@Althouse, it's all part of the neverending culture war. The 21st century version of liberalism is not about talking and persuading. It's about burning (Berning?), tearing down, destroying. It's all about peace and love through clubs and thrown bottles of urine. The day is coming when those bottles of urine become Molotov cocktails. Then what?
Many comments are troll posts to get a reaction which is fun in the back and forth.
Toofus just goes straight to insults and name calling, and "I'm smart".
Moonie is a liar. I never make reference to my own intelligence. If I say something that makes you feel stupid then maybe you should be less ignorant of an arguer. Am I really supposed to prevent ideas, thoughts, facts from entering the discussion based on the stupidity you'd feel for never having thought of them beforehand? That sounds like your problem, not anyone else's. Conservatives like you really are opposed to personal responsibility, aren't you?
And all this in defense of an Asian supremacist who hates America and Western civilization and culture: Buwaya puti.
Interesting bedfellows you make.
You cannot agree with anyone -
Not if they're wrong. I agree with lots of people; just not on this blog.
Why are you so hateful against the concept of thinking for oneself? puti admits that he is an anti-American Asian supremacist who thinks that the West is an insufficiently subservient, docile, passive culture. He thinks it needs more father figures dictating to it and more followers just doing what the father figure wants.
Sounds like you too are an America Hater.
You don't belive half the crap you are saying.
Who died and made you a mind reader? Do you believe in clairvoyance too or just telepathy?
So geophysics-deniers are big proponents of ESP. Who knew?
Someday you'll have to tell me what you know of the ancient alien astronauts, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and other things that science the liberal academic industry is suppressing.
Behold the right-wing disintegration of the mind.
Toofus, why you guys gotta lie about the temp data?
Oh yes. Go give us the real accurate data of temp on the Moon. You know - since to deny AGW you basically have to deny that atmosphere not only regulates climate, but allows a climate to even exist in the first place.
Oh I see. You work in "construction."
So did you fail all of high school then or just the science courses?
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Toofus, why you guys gotta lie about the temp data?
Oh yes. Go give us the real accurate data of temp on the Moon. You know - since to deny AGW you basically have to deny that atmosphere not only regulates climate, but allows a climate to even exist in the first place.
8/26/17, 1:15 PM
Nobody talkin' bout the moon. Really hurts, huh? You guys get caught changing data all the time, then come up with bs to deflect.
The one thing you really, truly are passionate about is a lie.
Negates anything intelligent you might accidentally post.
Suggest you refrain from defending AGW. Makes you look unnecessarily fragile.
Nobody talkin' bout the moon. Really hurts, huh?
I'm hurt? You're the one who can't explain why climates exist where there is an atmosphere but not in places that lack one. How stupid are you?
Oh, right. I'm just arguing with a would-be garbage man with a chip on his shoulder because he flunked high school, works with his hands (when not jerking off) and resents that everyone he knew from childhood who could pass a science class out-earns him by a few orders of magnitude.
Dude, don't insurance plans for manual labors cover psychiatric evals now, too? You know, you can work out your resentment issues nowadays with a professional instead of wasting your time online with them.
I briefly considered...
You did no such thing.
Your brain could not handle letting things get that far away from your fists.
Not even for a brief moment.
Ok, so because you can't work with your brain, had a shit education, bought a house and can't figure out how atmospheric temperature regulation works, you feel that you're better than me, and that that somehow makes your inability to understand geophysics the correct lack of understanding.
Oh, and you think I'm pathetic and that you hurt me.
Let's get together IRL and I'll take out a few of your remaining missing teeth, then. Is that how confident you are? That you need to obsess on everything I say and do?
When I ring the door to your trailer make sure you tell the doorman that I'm there to give you a swirly that you'll also argue the physics of. No, the toilet really IS NOT FLUSHING DOWNWARD! I'VE GOT A HOUSE TO PROVE IT!
Go back to your high school reunion, the one you didn't graduate from, and work out your issues with those guys. Or can you not afford the ticket back to Timbuktu?
Mom makes you pay rent, right? Teaches responsibility.. Here's the secret, son. She is holding that money for you. Yep, gonna give it all back when you make the decision to try it on your own. Maybe not lump sum, out of concern you will blow it on a new phone, computer, or video games.
So not only are you incapable of making money with your brain, you can't get a comedy job, and you shit up the house with your dirty hands and feet every time you run out of Lava. Oh I'm sure it's the construction that chaffed them up!
You really are as dumb as a rock. Laying brick is quite a useful skill. Do you impress all the ladies with that? The dirt and grime under your fingernails must impress them as much as your limited vocabulary - which diminishes to a few odd grunts after a beer or two, I'm sure. Oh, how you long for the days when you could impress them with profanity - like when you were 5 or 6 years old. Your glory days.
Internet basement memes. Not too current either, are you?
Again, take it up at the class reunion. The class you couldn't graduate from. I guess it's hard to prove how far you feel you've come when you can't gain admission to the party. They don't take drop-outs? I guess just argue with people you don't know, online, instead.
I admit, don't know the science behind your AGW..
Ok, so then why don't you just SHUT THE FUCK UP, then? Oh, that's right. You need to prove how adequate you really are. Nothing pathetic about that. Nothing at all.
I can build a house, paint a car -
Wow. That's so fucking awesome. And I can follow the instructions on an Ikea assembly kit, also! WOW! Isn't that impressive. If only all manual labors got the recognition that... that you can't manage to get, either.
How;s that rent in the city?
So again, you're admitting what you're incapable of affording. Again, not impressive. If you're proud to lack much income, then just march through whatever place you want to with a sign advertising how low your purchasing power is. Again, maybe that'll finally earn you the accolades that you feel you must somehow deserve.
I've never heard a more worthless person pound his chest so adamantly about how much he feels he deserves. It's really revolting. Much like watching a dog eat his own shit and then proclaiming himself the alpha male.
Own two homes in Bay Area, sun is shining,life is good.
Yes, that's what everyone who goes online to yelp and yip at people they resent for outearning them and graduating beyond the same high schools whose reunions they're barred admission to for not graduating from, do.
I think I made something from Ikea 15 years ago. But unlike you I have a memory and actually improve and expand on what I do in life. Kind of like how most occupations are an advancement over yours. I also wouldn't mind making a makeshift tent in a survival setting like they do on the reality shows, but wouldn't brag about it as my only life skill - the way a useless dirtbag like you would do.
Your steadfast defense of AGW "science" indicates your lack of diversity.
Happy hour apparently starts way before 12 noon PST. Or maybe it does on your block corner, at least.
Toofus, meet me on Sloat, right by the Tsunami escape sign, teach me a lesson. Where could there possibly be a more appropriate spot than San Francisco liberals hyaterical reaction to a Tsunami in Japan?
Ain;t no time to wonder why, whoppee, we all gonna die!
Yes, you already admitted you flunked science class 45 minutes ago. How many more ways do you want to say it?
Money all important to you, isn't it.
No but it obviously is to you.
Thhe source of much of your resentment and agony.
You're the one chiming in with the screaming caps locks, the incoherent pointless insult attempts and the chest-beating about your completely unimpressive ordinary average occupation and homeownership status. And below-average brainpower.
Listen, you're pissed off because people who know more than you take seriously what they do in life and the impact it has. Your insurance premiums will either rise or not, and that's the end of the story. S.F. is high ground, it probably won't experience sunny day flooding, as has become a regular occurrence in Miami Beach, and never had any permafrost that's started to melt, like in Alaska, but if you can't get your own head out of your ass and accept what happens in the rest of the world then South Park already made an episode about you.
Ha ha ha!
Everytime you start losing, you bring up income. Been doing it for years.
It's been fun, gotta go.
I'm finished, go ahead and swallow now.
"It astounds me how you regularly fail to see how fatuous your own points are. - Ritmo
Best laugh I've had all week.
Thank you.
This mania will soon be gone - and so will the statues.
Applebaum is wrong here (as well as elsewhere, but we'll stay focused). Attacking the statues is just step 2. Attacking the Confederate flag was step 1, and that well preceded Trump.
Ms Althouse, it becomes very boring, and frankly a waste of my time, when you allow TTR to take over your comment section. After reading a few of his condescending gibberish posts, I began skipping them, then realized I was skipping the vast majority of the comments, since they were mostly by/about him. Very quickly I was at the end.
This is schoolyard crap. You should do a better job of eliminating the mind numbing stuff. Given that you seem to have no hesitation in deleting quite a few comments, perhaps you should add his drivel to your deletion criteria. I might read you more often then.
Funny how anyone who suggests that we might have a right to decide how many people and which ones get to immigrate, and that illegal immigrants are....wait for it....breaking the law--suddenly is a racist. And Trump did condemn the alt right at Charlottesville, he just didn't scream it loudly enough and dared to suggest that the antifa are a problem also. Most of this "Trump is a racist" stuff is pure projection and slander. I have never seen anything Trump has said or done that would harm blacks. The "harm" to hispanics is strictly wrt illegals which Obama was massively deporting by the way.
OH for god's sake, a douchebag who can't come up with an alias more personable than "wbfjrr2" opines to bemoan all the comments that he seems to believe I must have prevented others from posting. What a coward. No one's not posting because of anyone else. Any long threads dominated by a few would just be shorter threads without them. Less for you to read either way - so it makes no difference. Get a life. And get some respect for the 1st amendment. You must not have been reading here for very long.
Ms Althouse, kindly disregard the ingenue wbfjrr2's naive misgivings. More than half of what I posted here today was simply a refutation and defense against the crazed psychopath "FullMoon's" persistent and incoherent abuse. Trust me, I'd have preferred abstaining from any participation after 1 PM.
Ritmo poisons every thread he finds.
According to Anne Applebaum, one of Trump's crimes against the American populace was "...his insidious slur that Barack Obama was not American..." Perhaps in her next column she'll acknowledge Obama's incessant condemnation of politicians and ordinary citizens unsympathetic to his views and policies as un-American, not patriotic or not possessing "our shared values."
Michael Nursemaid K poisons every thing and person he can't control.
As I said.....
Keep up the control, there.
Buswaya wrote: "You are much more intelligent than this, its just that you are so prone give in to your emotional deficiencies."
Glib and contentious have nothing to do with intelligence. Read the comments again and raise the bar to a reasonable level.
Buswaya wrote: "You are much more intelligent than this, its just that you are so prone give in to your emotional deficiencies."
Glib and contentious have nothing to do with intelligence. Read the comments again and raise the bar to a reasonable level.
Buswaya wrote: "You are much more intelligent than this, its just that you are so prone give in to your emotional deficiencies."
Glib and contentious have nothing to do with intelligence. Read the comments again and raise the bar to a reasonable level.
Buswaya wrote: "You are much more intelligent than this, its just that you are so prone give in to your emotional deficiencies."
Glib and contentious have nothing to do with intelligence. Read the comments again and raise the bar to a reasonable level.
Buswaya wrote: "You are much more intelligent than this, its just that you are so prone give in to your emotional deficiencies."
Glib and contentious have nothing to do with intelligence. Read the comments again and raise the bar to a reasonable level.
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