August 17, 2017

"For one week, every August since 2009, a Maddon-managed team is allowed to show up to the ballpark no more than three hours before first pitch..."

"... and is encouraged to come even later. It’s called American Legion Week, in reference to when Maddon would have a day job and then 'show up at 5 p.m. for a 5:30 game' in American Legion ball. Even more than normal, he wants less work from his players before games this week. There’s actually a fine for showing up earlier than three hours before game time, in the form of a bottle of $100 wine (with receipt).... But ask veterans, and they love it -- though it’s not easy convincing players that less work is better for them... Since 2009, Maddon’s teams are 130-91 in August, not including this season. Since he came to Chicago, the Cubs are 10-1 during American Legion week.... 'This is the time of the year that you really have to fight through,' Maddon said. 'I’m talking post-All-Star break into August, because this is the time when you’re a little bit fatigued. That’s why we’re doing the American Legion Week. If you’re able to maintain at this particular point, here comes September and I promise you our guys will be charged up every day. September provides its own energy.'"

ESPN reports.


rehajm said...

Rest is more important later in the season. A Belichick fundamental, too.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

The Dodgers will clean their clocks. No amount of indolence can save them.

traditionalguy said...

Maddon is a white Italian-American, and that makes him a white privileged fascist.

mezzrow said...

Eamus catuli.

Bay Area Guy said...

Baseball is a grind -- even for outta shape fans who follow. It's damn hard to simply watch a slow-moving 3-hour game, let alone for the players to play it.

Maddon is smart cookie and a good coach to do this.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...
The Dodgers will clean their clocks. No amount of indolence can save them."

A few months ago, I was thinking it might be an Astros-Nats WS. Now I'm thinking Astros- Dodgers. The Dodgers, and Kershaw in particular (who is one of my favorite players) have a tendency to choke in October. I don't think they will this year.

Both teams are excellent. It will be a very good WS.

Anonymous said...

In other news, the best teams win the most games, on average.

Coincidence? I think not

Tyrone Slothrop said...


I had hopes for a Dodgers-Yankees series, as in days of yore, but I see the Yanks are 4-1/2 games back. Go Yankees!

Of course, as a Dodger fan, I harbor a secret fear of bridesmaidism, even with a team as good as this one.

mccullough said...

It's more about doing the work in the offseason than in season. Maddon is right that too many players take too much BP and tee work during the season. Study the video and scouting reports on the pitchers in season.

Mountain Maven said...

Cubs had always a rap of fading in the dog days.

mccullough said...

Reds 13 Cubs 10.

southcentralpa said...

Bill Bowerman had to do everything but put a rope on Steve Prefontaine to convince him that with more rest he could ultimately perform better.

ndspinelli said...

The Dodgers are shooting their wad in the regular season. They are a prime target for getting beat in the 1st round. And, I kinda like the Dodgers. But, I've seen this is many sports. Marty Shottenheimer teams did it every year.