August 16, 2017

"Emad Mishko Tamo was only nine years old, sobbing and reaching out for his mother when ISIS militants captured and separated them..."

"... as the pair attempted to escape the besieged town of Sinjar in northern Iraq, where thousands of Yazidi men, women and children were murdered or abducted. For nearly three years, Mihlo Rafo — who came to Winnipeg along with four of her children in January as government-sponsored Yazidi refugees — knew nothing of Emad's whereabouts...."

Winnepeg Free Press: "'Take me to Canada to my mom,' boy pleads after liberation from ISIS."


Tommy Duncan said...

The faces in the photos complete the story.

Ann Althouse said...

Yes, please go to the link to see the photographs.

Wince said...

Notice they are refugees in Canada.

Obama was no friend to the Yazidis. First, he laid the groundwork for the rise of ISIS. Second, Obama's refugee policy overwhelmingly favored Muslims.

12,587 Syrian Refugees Admitted in FY 2016: 12,486 Muslims, 68 Christians, 24 Yazidis

Over the course of the conflict that began when small anti-government protests in early 2011 were met with a harsh crackdown by the Assad regime and later widened into a convoluted civil war, the U.S. has resettled a total of 14,460 Syrian refugees – 87 percent of them during FY 2016.

Of those 14,460, 14,082 (97.3 percent) are Sunnis, 196 (1.3 percent) are Shi’a and other Muslims, and 124 (0.8 percent) are Christians.

The rest are 25 Yazidis, six Zoroastrians, three atheists, two Baha’i, 14 refugees with “other” religion and eight with “no religion.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

For two years, Mihlo Rafo was imprisoned and made a sex slave by militants. She was beaten mercilessly and hit in the head and she still has no clue where her husband, along with one other son, is. They lost their home, their family and any sense of security in their home country.

Leftwing fascist progressives don't care at all about what ISIS is doing. Too busy whining about Trump.

F the left.

holdfast said...

Just relax everyone, they're just the JV team.

Fernandinande said...

Yazidis don't practice miscegenation with their inferiors.

buwaya said...

The NYT wants to treat rednecks like ISIS did Yazidis.

n.n said...

Obama's legacy is assured. Premature evacuation, following by social justice adventurism from Somalia to Libya Egypt to Syria to Ukraine to the world.

Bill said...

Emad's mother looks so much older than 38. And no wonder. I assume her left eye is askew from all the beatings.

What beautiful kids.