August 29, 2017

"Can Trump Show A Nation He Cares?"

Asks NPR, as Trump goes to Texas.
"President Trump is doing the right thing by going to Texas," said Alex Conant, a Republican strategist who worked for Marco Rubio's presidential campaign. "Nothing can replace seeing a disaster firsthand.... Whenever a president visits a disaster site or meets with victims of a tragedy, it's important that he not make the visit about him... "

Kevin Madden, a former senior adviser to Mitt Romney's presidential campaigns, [said] ... "For Trump, the key here will be blocking out distractions and keeping his words and deeds squarely focused on the rescue missions, the humanitarian relief and economic recovery that needs to take place. It can't be about him or taking credit...."...

"Those remarks should be inclusive, healing and aspirational in terms of focus on the future," GOP strategist Phil Musser said. But Trump also has to show "command of the situation — the operational tick-tock — that demonstrates that the leader of the government is in charge, focused on the challenge and resolving it as quickly as possible, and on top of things...."


JackWayne said...

Three losers advising Trump on how to be presidential. Yeah, I'd take their advice in a heartbeat.

rhhardin said...

It's not the president's job to care.

That's for the women, one of the failures of the voting system.

President Coolidge come down in a railroad train
With a little fat man with a notepad in his hand.
President say, "Little fat man, isn't it a shame
What the river has done to this poor cracker's land?"

deepelemblues said...

But when the media slobbered all over Obama for doing such a great job with Hurricane Sandy (despite Staten Island being royally screwed over by the feds and Albany both) nobody said a word about how that would be 'inappropriate.'

They all think we're dumb and we either don't remember or are too dumb to recognize their constant double standard.

Wince said...

For these establishment experts, it's all about image and perception.

Accordingly, the image and perception I receive from them is they don't give a shit about anything except their status as influential, connected insiders.

Never have, never will.

And that's why Trump is such a threat to them.

rehajm said...

Trump shows me he cares by showing up for work everyday.

tcrosse said...

Message: I care.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

"Trump shows me he cares by showing up for work everyday"

He's taken more days off than Obama. Even if he shows up, he doesn't show up.

Michael K said...

Trump stayed out of the way until things got organized.

Good essay today by VDH on all the Trump haters of various denominations.

Quayle said...

"Kevin Madden, a former senior adviser to Mitt Romney's presidential campaigns, [said]"

Still using and relying on the advise and opinions of people who failed where Trump succeeded.

rehajm said...

He's taken more days off than Obama.

Obama needed to take more days off.

Fernandinande said...

Alex Conant and Kevin Madden usually charge for their - apparently poor - advice. Why are they handing it out for free?

"inclusive, healing and aspirational"


It seems that they don't want Trump to do anything useful, just look and sound good. How about a truckload of taco bowls?

Which reminded me, a while back there was a flood or something and Trump showed up with a truck full of stuff others were deriding as useless, so I tried to look that up -
google [trump brought to disaster]
and found out that Trump is already a master of disaster.
On 1st page of results and nothing to do with the hurricane:

6 months in, Trump's presidency is teetering on the brink of disaster ...

Donald Trump's transition is officially a disaster of historic proportions ...

The Solar Eclipse Could Mean Disaster for Trump, According to ...

Donald Trump, master of disaster? – POLITICO

How can Kelly save Trump when he was a human-rights disaster at ...

Senate health care bill failure is 'unmitigated disaster for Trump ...

Ralph L said...

A presidential visit causes more trouble than it's worth, but the national press demands it. State and local people are supposed to be in charge (they failed in Katrina), with help from the military. The Feds just pick up most of the tab when it's over.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Fritz said...

First rule of being a Republican: Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

furious_a said...

President Trump is doing the right thing by going to Texas," said Alex Conant, a Republican strategist who worked for Marco Rubio's presidential campaign.

Den Rubio came in, what, third in his home state primary?

Nonapod said...

It's so idiotic that things like feelings and appearances are given such primacy during a crisis. How about focusing on the problem first? A president showing up to a natural disaster recovery effort just creates more headaches for everyone, with his massive attendant entourage of staff and SS agents and all the logistical planing around a presidential visit. The most useful things a president can do in these sorts of situations is from behind the scenes anyway.

Jaq said...

He's taken more days off than Obama. Even if he shows up, he doesn't show up.

"The food was terrible. And such small portions" - Woody Allen

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I think they gave him a hard time over the PlayDoh. Which shows how much the critics know about disaster relief. Sending toys to kids is SOP.

Rusty said...

He's already shown he cares. He just doesn't care about NPR.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

We all know what's really important in a crisis...

Fernandinande said...

"inclusive, healing and aspirational"

"OK everybody except cisgender white males, I got a giant box of BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages, America's #1 bandage brand for protecting cuts, scraped knees and boo-boos but stay away from the taco bowls because you might aspirate."

I can haz strategist and senior adviser!

Ron Winkleheimer said...


I have been triggered! When I clicked that link and went to youtube I was offered the choice of listening to __A Whiter Shade of Pale__ which is clearly white supremacist!

Martin said...

All of Trump's old enemies offering him advice... hmm...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Fernandinande said...

Which reminded me, a while back there was a flood or something and Trump showed up with a truck full of stuff others were deriding as useless, so I tried to look that up -
google [trump brought to disaster]
and found out that Trump is already a master of disaster.

That was September of 2016, the flooding was in Louisiana. Although nothing like what's going now on in Texas, it was still pretty severe.

Obama would not cut short his vacation and didn't go until he was damn sure he'd had his fill of golf. Hillary MIA through out the whole thing.

Trump and Pence went to Louisiana. That's why they're sitting in the White House, IMO.

The entire staff of NPR should be air dropped into a North Korean gulag!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Pam West, 63, came to see Trump at the church after her nearby home flooded. Her Grand Marquis is packed with salvaged clothes and jewelry while she and her husband stay with a cousin. The couple had to be rescued by boat. They never had been impacted by flooding before and have no flood insurance.

She called Trump’s visit “awesome. … Our own dear president is too busy at Martha’s Vineyard to visit us,” West said as she picked up a box of donated toiletries from a Samaritan’s Purse truck parked outside. “I’m hoping a lot of people who were going to vote for Hillary will see he came and vote for him. He’s our only hope.”"

No way that Trump wouldn't visit Texas.

Robert Cook said...

Trump may be able to convince some people he cares, but he can't really show he cares, because he doesn't.

Fernandinande said...

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Yeah that, thanks, I especially enjoyed the heartwarming* story of the homeless chihuahua, poor little guy!

*When picking a movie to watch, we use "heartwarming" as a warning, as in "I dunno about that one, it might be heartwarming."

Ron Winkleheimer said...

@Robert Cook

Thank you for your psychic input. It is invaluable.

As for politicians caring, isn't that like sincerity? Once you can fake that, you have it made.

Curious George said...

"Robert Cook said...
Trump may be able to convince some people he cares, but he can't really show he cares, because he doesn't."

The all seeing and all knowing Cookie.

madAsHell said...

He's taken more days off than Obama.

How could you possibly know this? You're just making shit up.

sunsong said...

Does Trump care abut anybody but himself?

MountainMan said...

Prior to this tragedy in Houston the worst urban flood was Nashville in 2010. But Obama was missing in action and the press did not care at all.

Robert Cook said...

"As for politicians caring, isn't that like sincerity? Once you can fake that, you have it made."

Trump can't even fake sincerity.

Robert Cook said...

"The all seeing and all knowing Cookie."

It doesn't require one to be all seeing or all knowing to see that Trump doesn't care. It does require that one be blind to be convinced he does.

Nonapod said...

he can't really show he cares, because he doesn't.

You're able to divine what's in his heart?

Trump may be a psychopath, I don't know. But when you always assume the worst of people you hate, it can make it more difficult to understand them.

William said...

I just hope he shows sufficient self restraint to not drown some poor immigrant child in the flood waters, nor to sexually assault some woman in a wet t-shirt. These sort of natural disasters bring out the worst in Trump. The secret service detail should be doubled to protect those poor Texans from the ravages of Trump.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Trump can't even fake sincerity.

Well then he must be sincere, or at least better at faking it than Hillary. Hence, his winning the election.

I don't understand why people are intent on minimizing their opponents abilities. It only sets them up for further failure and magnifies their own shortcomings.

A losing football team doesn't deride their opponents. They don't call them chumps at explain how the team that beat them had poor coaching and a crappy running game.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Press: "Wow what a blow out coach! 42 to 3. What do you have to say about that?"

Losing coach: "They didn't play right! They kept throwing the ball instead of running it! They know we are much better at stopping a running game than a throwing game! Also, their head coach is a big poopy head with funny hair who knows nothing about winning a football game the right way!"

Robert Cook said...

"Well then he must be sincere, or at least better at faking it than Hillary."

Hillary is even worse at faking sincerity than Trump. Anyone able to swallow her bullshit had to be blind and deaf!

traditionalguy said...

Americans know Trump cares for them. The Propaganda Media cannot erase the way he gave himself to lead an American Renaissance at the last minute before we became a Venezuela/Cuba failed State.

And no amount of Russian Collusion smoke and White Supremacy smoke has proved anything except the dishonesty and venality of the CIA owned media jerks. And our President is paid nothing except the honor he deserves for making us winners again.

sparrow said...

Trump can't win playing by NPR rules: they'll decide whether he's caring enough and given their bias a positive outcome is already off the table. The only way for Trump to win is by ignoring their criteria; which he clearly has already done and will continue to do.

Mark Jones said...

Half the nation already thinks Trump cares. The other half will never be convinced.

Bay Area Guy said...

Political strategists aren't really needed for this type of natural disaster, sorry.

Yes, the Dems got political mileage from Hurricane Katrina by hounding Bush, but that hasn't really happened since.

So, the first priority of the Feds is to ask the local (Houston, Turner) and State (Austin, Abbott) authorities what they need and how the Feds can help. Texas and its citizens are suffering the most and bearing the brunt of the recovery. The Feds and Trump should not supplant them, but should supplement their efforts.

As for the politics, I'd simply put that aside.

My 2 cents.

Robert Cook said...

"I don't understand why people are intent on minimizing their opponents abilities."

Who is minimizing Trump's "abilities?" I'm just describing his manner...which is overtly insincere, crude, overbearing, self-regarding, and untrustworthy. If I went to a car dealer to buy a car and a salesman approached me with Trump's manner, I'd walk off the lot. The guy is manifestly a creep and a con man.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I guess the answer to my own question is that they don't see them as opponents, they see them as enemies. Of course, deluding yourself concerning the abilities of your enemies is even more foolhardy.

bridgecross said...

So they want him to be Obama. Caring and healing and coming together f all that. If there is credit to be had for helping people, he should take it. Practical results are the yardstick not motives.

Robert Cook said...

"Half the nation already thinks Trump cares. The other half will never be convinced."

You're over-estimating the number of Americans who like Trump.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Who is minimizing Trump's "abilities?" I'm just describing his manner...which is overtly insincere, crude, overbearing, self-regarding, and untrustworthy. If I went to a car dealer to buy a car and a salesman approached me with Trump's manner, I'd walk off the lot. The guy is manifestly a creep and a con man.

But yet, somehow, this guy, "manifestly a creep and a con man," built a multi-billion dollar real estate empire, starred in a successful reality TV show for years, and got elected to president of the US despite the opposition of not only the MSM, but much of the party for whom he was the nominee.

I don't suppose you see the disconnect there?

Anonymous said...

Cookie: Trump may be able to convince some people he cares, but he can't really show he cares, because he doesn't.

sunsong: Does Trump care abut anybody but himself?

The profundities are coming thick and fast at the Althouse this morning.

Please, please guys, slow it down so the rest of us have time to absorb the blazing insights.

walter said...

Just one way NPR shows how it cares..asking the important questions.
"Is there a way for Trump to please fuck this up?" couldn't make it past the gatekeepers.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

In fact, I recall a lot of news articles about how Trump would stop and talk to every day people, getting their names, asking about their families, actually connecting with them.

But then he challenged the status quo and suddenly he is a blowhard who secretly drowns kittens.

traditionalguy said...

Cookie sees Trump's style of deal making as Insufficiently dictatorial. A genuine Marxist Revolutionary never gives you a chance th deal with him. He just orders you to be taken out and shot...for the collective good like Modura always does for his grateful people.

Nonapod said...

All successful politicians are con artists to one degree or another. Many of them are creeps too. Trump just happens to be far more overt and ostentatious than most, which just means that the reactions he engenders are more severe.

Larry J said...

rehajm said...
He's taken more days off than Obama.

Obama needed to take more days off.

I never complained when Obama went on multi-million dollar vacations at taxpayer expense and played golf. He did a lot less damage to the country when he was playing golf than when he was playing president. He should've played a lot more golf.

Kevin said...

The man who didn't need the Presidency and whose campaign is based on making America great again must show he cares.

The man who wasn't content to be a Senator and used the White House as a means to build himself into a "global brand" never had to.

Ralph L said...

Strangely, Hillary's book tour doesn't go to Texas, but it does go to Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. I guess she cares about Canada.

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

"But yet, somehow, this guy, "manifestly a creep and a con man," built a multi-billion dollar real estate empire, starred in a successful reality TV show for years, and got elected to president of the US despite the opposition of not only the MSM, but much of the party for whom he was the nominee.

"I don't suppose you see the disconnect there?"

No. He "built" a multi-billion dollar real estate empire using the millions he was staked by his real-estate magnate father. He has filed bankruptcy several times, and does less actual building than buying of existing buildings and slapping his brand on them. Given the base quality of "reality" (sic) television, that his show was successful is a testament to his sleaziness. Have you watched any of the popular "reality" tv shows? They really make one question if there is intelligent life on earth, either among those appearing on them and among those who watch and enjoy them. He won the Presidency because he pandered to the all-too-real and legitimate fears, angers and concerns (and prejudices) of disenfranchised Americans, who rightly feel ignored and minimized by the ruling elites. (Even so, the numbers of Americans who like Trump are far less than a majority.) Given that he went against an equally or more insincere, huckstering fraud, those inclined to vote for one of the major parties preferred him. Those who realized either of them would be a disaster either didn't vote at all, or voted for third party candidates. (The number who didn't vote at all was close to half of all eligible voters.)

Also, Americans are prone to being suckered. It happens every four years, when we elect yet another obvious liar and fraud to serve as our president.

Anonymous said...

Cookie message for the day: "a pox on both your houses!"

Anonymous said...

Robert Cook: The guy is manifestly a creep and a con man.

To paraphrase buwaya's remarks regarding people's varying tastes in how they prefer to be flim-flammed, Trump is no more of a creep and a con man than the next pol, and one who discerns his crudity and narcissism as being in any way anomalous is doing no more than expressing his own incapacity for discerning the crudity and narcissism of the pols who successfully appeal to his own preferences in flim-flam.

To your credit, you do seem to recognize the flim-flammery of every other pol when called to do so - though I don't recall you being this tediously, repetitively exercised on this point over Obama (or Bernie, or Jill Stein), who was also manifestly a creep and a con man, just one who appealed to a different class of mark. (In his case, the sort of easy marks who pride themselves on not being easy marks.)

Kevin said...

Maybe Trump could just tell everyone how much he feels their pain.

I would love to hear the press describe how they know Clinton was telling the truth and know Trump isn't.

MadisonMan said...

I don't suppose you see the disconnect there?

A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.

tcrosse said...

Strangely, Hillary's book tour doesn't go to Texas, but it does go to Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. I guess she cares about Canada.

She cares about Canadian money.

Florence said...

I think the media would really prefer our president to be more like the British monarchy. "Seen"...a visible presence. All about the looks, decorum, etc. But not really in charge of anything.

Of course, the actual British citizenry are split between wanting to keep the monarchy out of a sense of historical pride and the other half believing that it's not really fun paying for someone to just look pretty.

I'm not sure a Wizard of Oz situation is best for long term stability and transparency, but maybe someone would actually be able to get something productive done that way (roll the dice that the "something done" isn't equally destructive).

Robert Cook said...

"In fact, I recall a lot of news articles about how Trump would stop and talk to every day people, getting their names, asking about their families, actually connecting with them."

That's how con men successfully gull their marks! I have no doubt that on a one-to-one basis, Trump can come across as quite affable and hail-fellow-well-met. However, as conveyed on television, his "sincerity" seems obviously superficial and artificial.

walter said...

Blogger Ralph L said...Strangely, Hillary's book tour doesn't go to Texas, but it does go to Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. I guess she cares about Canada.
The US voters let her down. She's building bridges...

Rusty said...

Sunsong .You want to know who the "resistance is?
We are.
All the deplorable who voted for Trump.
You're the status quo.
You are the ones resistant to change.
We're the ones protecting our constitutional democracy.

eric said...

Prediction: It doesn't matter what he says or does. His enemies in the Democrat party, the Republican party and the MSM will say it was bad, bad, bad.

walter said...

From Tom Perez:

Friend --

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has been affected by Hurricane Harvey. This storm has done catastrophic damage across Texas, and there is more still to come.

As President Obama reminded us, helping each other out is what we do as Americans. National and local relief organizations are already on the ground in communities across Texas, and you can make an important difference at this critical moment, too.

Robert Cook said...

"To your credit, you do seem to recognize the flim-flammery of every other pol when called to do so - though I don't recall you being this tediously, repetitively exercised on this point over Obama (or Bernie, or Jill Stein), who was also manifestly a creep and a con man, just one who appealed to a different class of mark. (In his case, the sort of easy marks who pride themselves on not being easy marks.)"

Oh, yes, I was quite exercised, repetitively so, about Obama's being a fraud, a war criminal, a servant of the ruling elites, etc. In fact, I think I was more on Obama's case than Trump's. Often, I can't muster any interest or energy in engaging in discussions here about Trump. It seems redundant to even bother.

Michael K said...

"However, as conveyed on television, his "sincerity" seems obviously superficial and artificial."

Whereas, Obama's sounded sincere.

Funny how those things fool you.

walter said...


Michael K said...

"You're over-estimating the number of Americans who like Trump."

If there is one thing Cookie is good at, it's checking the pulse of the American voter.

eric said...

Blogger sunsong said...
Does Trump care abut anybody but himself?

He cares more about me and those like me than you do.

Jaq said...

Sunsong believes that if AntiFa beats somebody, that person must be a Nazi. Hard to give her opinion any weight.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Hey guess what? Air Force One just flew over my house on his way to landing here in Corpus Christi. We all ran out back to wave at President Trump. 11:15 am, CST.

We evacuated to Dallas for Harvey and just arrived back to the house. It's in pretty decent shape although we did get some water inside and lost some tree branches. No flooding where we are. A lot of damage in my community though.

Back to emptying out the fridge and working on the rest of the dump trip. :(

Robert Cook said...

"'However, as conveyed on television, his "sincerity" seems obviously superficial and artificial.'

"Whereas, Obama's sounded sincere.

"Funny how those things fool you."

No. Obama was at least as artificial and insincere as Trump. After all the comments I've made here, do you still believe I ever liked or voted for Obama?

MacMacConnell said...

And then there are the documented stories of Trump taking losers off the street, helping them clean up their act and employing them. Stories of him knowing the lowest employees by name and asking them how their wives were by name. Obviously Trump doesn't care, plus he is a Nazi.

It truly doesn't matter if the media thinks Trump's handling of Harvey is a success, they won't. It won't matter for the mid-terms or 2020. The Democrats own Antifa, the Republicans will run endless loops in political ads of the Antifa beating up women, old men and spitting on old women wearing MAGA hats in wheelchairs. Mourning Joe crew is starting to get this, but it's too late.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

as conveyed on television, his "sincerity" seems obviously superficial and artificial.

To you, but the empirical facts would indicate that is not the case for around 63 million voters.

Ralph L said...

No flooding where we are
So no blaming it for your loss of pants.

pacwest said...

I think the real question here is what he is going to wear. Rubber boots and a suit would be gauche. A toga and sandals would be a real fashion statement though. I'm going to wait to see what CNN tells me what to think about it all.

You know who really gives a damn and is a part of the citizen relief effort? It's those antifa guys, that's who.

traditionalguy said...

The Key condition to the query is showing a Nation he cares.

That makes Trump's job easy. Other than Nigel Farage, no politician has been in favor of a Nation since Reagan went away. All the others are bought and pre-paid for by Globalist banks and Soros. That damn Trump wouldn't take the money.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

No. He "built" a multi-billion dollar real estate empire using the millions he was staked by his real-estate magnate father. He has filed bankruptcy several times, and does less actual building than buying of existing buildings and slapping his brand on them. Given the base quality of "reality" (sic) television, that his show was successful is a testament to his sleaziness. Have you watched any of the popular "reality" tv shows? They really make one question if there is intelligent life on earth, either among those appearing on them and among those who watch and enjoy them. He won the Presidency because he pandered to the all-too-real and legitimate fears, angers and concerns (and prejudices) of disenfranchised Americans, who rightly feel ignored and minimized by the ruling elites. (Even so, the numbers of Americans who like Trump are far less than a majority.) Given that he went against an equally or more insincere, huckstering fraud, those inclined to vote for one of the major parties preferred him. Those who realized either of them would be a disaster either didn't vote at all, or voted for third party candidates. (The number who didn't vote at all was close to half of all eligible voters.)

Also, Americans are prone to being suckered. It happens every four years, when we elect yet another obvious liar and fraud to serve as our president.

You're being logically inconsistent. If what you say about him is true, then he must be good at faking sincerity. Your contention was that Trump can't fake sincerity. Perhaps you're far to discerning to be fooled. But you're only one lonely voice calling for sanity in the wilderness. Hey, I can't believe anyone would buy anything Hillary Clinton is selling. If she told me the sky was blue, I would go outside and check. But apparently plenty of people believe she is a "servant of the people."

walter said...

"who really gives a damn and is a part of the citizen relief effort? It's those antifa guys, that's who."
Houston must have a few Black Lives that Matter.

Robert Cook said...

"You're being logically inconsistent. If what you say about him is true, then he must be good at faking sincerity. Your contention was that Trump can't fake sincerity. Perhaps you're far to discerning to be fooled. But you're only one lonely voice calling for sanity in the wilderness. Hey, I can't believe anyone would buy anything Hillary Clinton is selling. If she told me the sky was blue, I would go outside and check. But apparently plenty of people believe she is a 'servant of the people.'"

Those who are taken in by Trump or Clinton (or Obama, etc.) want to believe them. This is less a testament to the candidates' capacity to fake sincerity than to the need for their supporters to believe.

Big Mike said...

However, as conveyed on television ...

Well, that's kind of the point, isn't it. The people recording and editing what you see on television have made it abundantly clear that they hate the man, and thus you should conclude that you are getting video calculated to try to make you hate him too.

(Not that it's hard to get you to hate Trump, Cookie, or any other person who earns their keep.)

As to NPR, apparently they haven't realized how badly they've sabotaged themselves. From where I sit, NPR's basic audience is already predisposed to hate Trump. But people who are neutral to favorable towards Trump have been conditioned by NPR itself that if there's nothing Trump has done wrong then NPR will invent something to rant about. So most people don't much care what NPR has to say.

cubanbob said...

Robert Cook said...
"'However, as conveyed on television, his "sincerity" seems obviously superficial and artificial.'

"Whereas, Obama's sounded sincere.

"Funny how those things fool you."

No. Obama was at least as artificial and insincere as Trump. After all the comments I've made here, do you still believe I ever liked or voted for Obama?"

On the contrary we are pretty sure you voted for the Communist Jill Stein.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Those who are taken in by Trump or Clinton (or Obama, etc.) want to believe them. This is less a testament to the candidates' capacity to fake sincerity than to the need for their supporters to believe.

Nonsense. There were what, like sixteen candidates for the Republican nomination? So Trump was better able to fake sincerity than 15 career politicians all who were more than willing to pander to the base. Once again, the contention was that Trump couldn't fake sincerity. People may want to buy what someone is selling, but they still have to sell it convincingly if several people are selling it.

walter said...

Dr. Jill Stein🌻‏Verified account @DrJillStein 23h23 hours ago

Hurricane Harvey to @realDonaldTrump: Don’t quit the Paris accords. Go above & beyond! Launch the #GreenNewDeal.

William said...

Rubio is really good at being sincere and earnest. He was the candidate that Hillary most feared, but, of course, Trump won.....I don't think future generations will look to Trump for moral inspiration, but that's part of his appeal. His vices and bombast are on full display, and you don't have to pretend he's an admirable figure. You can be sincere when you're not mouthing admirable platitudes and, in fact, your credibility diminishes in proportion to the beauty of your sentiments.

walter said...

Dr. Jill Stein🌻‏Verified account @DrJillStein Aug 27

Our hearts go out to the people of south Texas, victims of climate change & the sold-out politicians causing it.
181 replies 344 retweets 1,034 likes

Darrell said...

The Media has been wrong about everything. They have been caught lying everyday. The negative stories about Trump are written before the day starts. Why the fuck does anyone read/watch them anymore?

Darrell said...

Dr. Jill Stein🌻‏Verified account @DrJillStein Aug 27

Our hearts go out to the people of south Texas, victims of climate change & the sold-out politicians causing it.
181 replies 344 retweets 1,034 likes

Dr. Jill Stein would never sell out. Send her $14.95 and she will go to Washington and straighten out the crooked politicians. Do it now!

ga6 said...

NPR, I care...I care that you have been sucking up tax dollars for more than 50 years..I care enough to write Congress and ask that your corporation be dissolved. The Ford Foundation can pick up the tab after they finish paying off BLM..

walter said...

Green for Green, Darrel.
Stein is a veritable tweet machine...makes Trump seem like a dabbler.

Michael K said...

The Democrats own Antifa, the Republicans will run endless loops in political ads of the Antifa beating up women, old men and spitting on old women wearing MAGA hats in wheelchairs. Mourning Joe crew is starting to get this, but it's too late.

I think even a few Democrats are starting to worry about this but, as you say, it's too late.

That train has left the station.

No doubt Paul Ryan is still waiting for it. In the wrong station, of course.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

You can be sincere when you're not mouthing admirable platitudes

Exactly. I don't understand what Trump is supposed to be insincere about. His candidacy seemed pretty transnational to me. Trump wanted to be president. He identified a group (working and middle-class) that were not being served by the current politicians. He, in Cook's phraseology, pandered to the all-too-real and legitimate fears, angers and concerns (and prejudices) of disenfranchised Americans, who rightly feel ignored and minimized by the ruling elites. That is, even Cook acknowledges that there were disenfranchised Americans that had real and legitimate "fears, angers and concerns" and that Trump promised to represent them.

He didn't talk about the sea receding or the moral arc of the universe. He just offered to renegotiate some trade treaties, enforce the immigration laws, and create a better environment for small businesses by reducing the number of regulations. Oh, and he didn't call them moral monsters. Voters, who hoped for a better economy and appreciated not being called moral monsters then voted for him. It's still a mystery how he got elected. I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

Known Unknown said...

I really don't care if the President cares.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

So anyway, the left, after careful analysis of this stunning loss to a political neophyte who was opposed by the MSM and a good portion of the political party of whom he was the nominee has decided their best strategy is a replay of 1968. After all, look how badly Nixon lost that year.

Here is a tip for the left. I will give it because there is no chance they will take it. When Americans see masked people rioting in the street and trying to take away the right to free speech, they are going to vote for the party that they do not associate with that. Also, calling people you disagree with Nazis is also not going to convince them to vote for your candidates. I'm just sayin.

Bill said...

Enough with the inclusivity-and-sensitivity B.S. I want to see Melania in waders.

Jaq said...

I would like to see empirical evidence of some sort that Trump doesn't care about Americans, I mean besides "just look at him."

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I would like to see empirical evidence of some sort that Trump doesn't care about Americans

All the empirical evidence would seem to point the other way. And even if he didn't, even if he ran purely due to ego gratification, further ego gratification would require that he actually fulfill some of his promises.

Big Mike said...

Well, the MSM is off to a good start. Trump is on his way to Texas, he's taking Melania with him, and the media aghast that she is wearing stilettos. Way to focus on the important things, guys.

Ralph L said...

I'd like to know how she got to Marine One over wet grass.

traditionalguy said...

Point of order: DaTrump is not a politician. All his GOP guys who despise him are politians hating him for refusing pay offs .

traditionalguy said...

For some reason empathy deficit was not seen as a problem for Georgie Patton's men. It was for politicians like Eisenhower and Bradley who had nothing else to offer.

Matt Sablan said...

"The Democrats own Antifa, the Republicans will run endless loops in political ads of the Antifa beating up women, old men and spitting on old women wearing MAGA hats in wheelchairs."

-- I don't think Republicans have the guts to risk being labeled Nazis by doing that. Trump will, but I don't think most Republicans will.

Robert Cook said...

"Nonsense. There were what, like sixteen candidates for the Republican nomination? So Trump was better able to fake sincerity than 15 career politicians all who were more than willing to pander to the base."

Oh, please. They were all representatives of the mainstream Republican party that that disenchanted voters already know is screwing them. None of those creeps came across as sincere, either.

hombre said...

What absolute nonsense! Of course he cares about the Houston victims. He's not Obama.

What NPR means is, "Will Trump show the nation he cares about the stuff we say he should care about?" Soon, they will tell him, and us, what that should be. The statues are under water and Sean Penn has not yet arrived with his rowboat, so it's up for grabs.

Robert Cook said...

"Here is a tip for the left. I will give it because there is no chance they will take it. When Americans see masked people rioting in the street and trying to take away the right to free speech, they are going to vote for the party that they do not associate with that. Also, calling people you disagree with Nazis is also not going to convince them to vote for your candidates. I'm just sayin."

That's all true...except for your equating the Democrats with "the left." The Democrats, like the Republicans, serve the interests of the financial elites, the oligarchs who own this country. We really have a uni-party with two faces.

hombre said...

Cook: "Who is minimizing Trump's "abilities?" I'm just describing his manner...which is overtly insincere, crude, overbearing, self-regarding, and untrustworthy."

And yet we assume that your preferred choice, or at least the alternative, shared these qualities and has proven incompetent besides. Witness the refugee invasion of Europe and the rise of ISIS resulting from her watch.

hombre said...

Cook: 'That's all true...except for your equating the Democrats with "the left."'

The left is subsumed by the Democrats as are Antifa, BLM, college activists, La Raza, the Communist Party of America, etc. without the patronage of the Democrats and their pet media these fringe groups would be nothing. If the Dems ever truly take over, there will be a bounty on them.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The Democrats, like the Republicans, serve the interests of the financial elites, the oligarchs who own this country. We really have a uni-party with two faces.

Actually, I agree with you on this. I remember when a standard Democrat talking point was to point out that the reason that manufacturers were locating outside the US was to avoid labor and environmental laws and that it was also undercutting unions. Most of the political resistance against NAFTA came from unions.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Oh, please. They were all representatives of the mainstream Republican party that that disenchanted voters already know is screwing them. None of those creeps came across as sincere, either.

So, you admit that Trump was able to fake sincerity better than 15 career politicians, all of whom were able to get elected to high office.

Bilwick said...

" . . . asks NPR. . . ." 'Nuff said.

Jim at said...

Damned if he does.
Damned if he doesn't.

The left can go to hell.

Brookzene said...

"What a crowd."

I have no problem at all with his going to Houston - the White House and people who are coordinating the response to the emergency can figure out what's best.

But he isn't fit for the presidency, and he demonstrates that in virtually every context.

"What a turnout."

Robert Cook said...

"So, you admit that Trump was able to fake sincerity better than 15 career politicians, all of whom were able to get elected to high office."

No, just that he was not a career Republican politician, and this was enough to appeal to voters disgusted with politics as usual. I'm sure he came across (and comes across) as sincere to those who want to see him as such--as witness those here who have been fooled by him--but this has to do with their desire to believe and not to do with any real or skillful simulation of sincerity on his part.

Achilles said...

Brookzene said...

But he isn't fit for the presidency, and he demonstrates that in virtually every context.

Because he colluded with the Russians?

Or because he hates Gay people?

Or because he is a Nazi?

Or because the uniparty in congress is corrupt?

Or because he calls out the media whores for the liars they are?

The caricature you people have made up isn't fit. But your lies are all obvious at this point.

Robert Cook said...

"And yet we assume that your preferred choice, or at least the alternative, shared these qualities and has proven incompetent besides. Witness the refugee invasion of Europe and the rise of ISIS resulting from her watch."

I did not and would not have voted for Clinton under any circumstances.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"So, you admit that Trump was able to fake sincerity better than 15 career politicians, all of whom were able to get elected to high office."

No, just that he was not a career Republican politician, and this was enough to appeal to voters disgusted with politics as usual. I'm sure he came across (and comes across) as sincere to those who want to see him as such--as witness those here who have been fooled by him--but this has to do with their desire to believe and not to do with any real or skillful simulation of sincerity on his part.

If you are capable of self reflection go back and read your posts and realize that there is nothing Trump could do to meet your approval. This is insincere on your part and sincerity is really your only strength. You have contradicted yourself in some posts on here much less over just the thread.

You are not worth taking seriously. Being a lonely voice is ok if there is a form of integrity in what you say.


rehajm said...

On the contrary we are pretty sure you voted for the Communist Jill Stein.

I always figured he writes in Stalin.

SukieTawdry said...

Has there ever been a president who truly did not care when/if his fellow citizens faced death, injury or destruction? Is it really possible that such a callous person could get elected? I may despise Hillary Clinton, but if she were president right now, I would have no doubt that she would "care" about the people in Texas.

Robert Cook said...

"'On the contrary we are pretty sure you voted for the Communist (sic) Jill Stein.'

"I always figured he writes in Stalin."

I did vote for Jill Stein, not so much for her in particular, but as the candidate for the Green Party. I voted for Ralph Nader several times when he ran as their candidate.

Todd said...

Brookzene said...

But he isn't fit for the presidency, and he demonstrates that in virtually every context.

8/29/17, 2:30 PM

I think it is such a hoot when people say stuff like this.

Let us see:

- He has yet to start a war.
- He has yet to run from a war.
- He has yet to apologize to those that wish to see America in ruin.
- He has yet to give away state secrets for money.
- He has yet to leave our nation's diplomats to die on foreign soil.

As well as a number of other things. So how exactly has he shown himself to be "unfit"? I mean actually, action-ably unfit versus "not our pick" unfit or "not Hillary" unfit?

I will wait...

buwaya said...

re Trumps sincerity or lack thereof -

I go back to the bit from the old Shadow radio show - "who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" - the Shadow may know I suppose, but we rarely ever get much of an idea. Even the subject of the analysis is not an authority as people have a wonderful ability to rationalize.

All we can go by is what men do. And this is more important by far than what they merely say. Words are tools and it is far too easy to hide evil intentions behind pharisaical words. Jesus did have something to say about whited sepulchres.

In the case of a politician it is a complicated problem because all you really have to go by most of the time are their words and not their acts.

So, what of Trumps acts? Are any of them self-serving, self-enriching, or in opposition to his stated intentions?

Fabi said...

This topic has really stuck in Comrade Cook's craw.

pacwest said...

"But he isn't fit for the presidency, and he demonstrates that in virtually every context."

Brookzene, it is hard to take you seriously when you spit out hyperbole like this (although being taken seriously may not be your objective here). How far back, and what traits are we talking about to have a president who is fit to take office by your standards? Not sure if you are a Dem, or just a naysayer like Cooke. Is anyone not a Dem unfit?

Is the Republic in danger? How long has it been in danger? Just trying to find some common ground if there is any. In light of the catastrophe in Texas what is he doing that makes him "unfit"?

Michael K said...

I guess Brookzene is taking over troll duties from Howard who spent a long day yesterday posting nonsense.

Todd said...

Also, as to his fitness, he may have [in a prior life] talked (TALKED) about grabbing women by the pussy but [as far as we know] he has not yet used the vast power of his office to seduce a "lowly" intern that according to NOW (right up until Clinton was found out) was an exceedingly unfair power dynamic that bordered on rape.

So again, how exactly is Trump unfit, and please use facts, not feelz?

Anonymous said...

RC: I'm sure he came across (and comes across) as sincere to those who want to see him as such--as witness those here who have been fooled by him--but this has to do with their desire to believe and not to do with any real or skillful simulation of sincerity on his part.

Cookie, I'm afraid you've reached that last stage of non-malignant senility where curmudgeon-osity ripens into a kind of autumnal adolescence, wherein one is convinced, like the sullen, inchoately angry pubescent, that he's the only one seeing and speaking the truth about the corruption and hypocrisy of this fucked-up bourgeois sheep society, man.

I guess next you're going to discover sex.

cornroaster said...

Robert Cook said, "That's how con men successfully gull their marks! I have no doubt that on a one-to-one basis, Trump can come across as quite affable and hail-fellow-well-met. However, as conveyed on television, his "sincerity" seems obviously superficial and artificial."

Although you said "as conveyed on television" you should realize that this means "as edited on television in conjunction with the snarky remarks of late night hosts and other equally neutral commentators."

Brookzene said...

I guess Brookzene is taking over troll duties from Howard who spent a long day yesterday posting nonsense.

You're a little trolly yourself Michael K.

n.n said...

Not if he clings to Democratic policies of class diversity including color diversity, sex diversity, and other Pro-Choice quasi-moral standards.

Fabi said...

"Cookie, I'm afraid you've reached that last stage of non-malignant senility where curmudgeon-osity ripens into a kind of autumnal adolescence, wherein one is convinced, like the sullen, inchoately angry pubescent, that he's the only one seeing and speaking the truth about the corruption and hypocrisy of this fucked-up bourgeois sheep society, man."

That is pure poetry in motion -- Brava!

Mrs Whatsit said...

buwaya, please always keep commenting here.

Snark said...

Honestly, everybody everywhere should be well past wondering whether the malignant narcissist "cares" in any usual or useful way.

Ray - SoCal said...

Pelosi made a statement against Antifafa today...

With the memory hole the press controls, I don't think it's too late. Per recent poll from NPR, most people did not even know what Antifafa was.

>I think even a few Democrats are starting to worry about this but, as you say, it's
>too late.

Howard said...

MikeK: Thanks for inflating my impact on you snowflakes. You people are so easily triggered, it's not really fair. I just trolled for a few short moments yesterday morning, then spent the rest at an A's game, did a good bit of yard work followed by making supper of bar-b-qued country-style pork ribs stir-fried broccoli and multi-coloured salad for the little woman. After supper, we watched episode 2 of this seasons Endeavor, the prequel to Inspector Morse. No time for Althouse until just now.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I did vote for Jill Stein, not so much for her in particular, but as the candidate for the Green Party.

No president in U.S. history has caused as much human suffering as would the policies of the Green Party.

Michael K said...

"No time for Althouse until just now."

Brookzene has filled in admirably. Nothing of intelligence but that's that way of you lefties.

Why not post an intelligent comment once in a while ?

I have lefty kids who make better arguments than you people.

Narayanan said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump cares?


Does it involve his hair plugs?

The purported hotness of his wife?

The reputed size of his penis?

How awesome/horrible a president people think he is?

OH yes. About those things he cares. Very much so.

And nothing else.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I guess Brookzene is taking over troll duties from Howard who spent a long day yesterday posting nonsense.

When will someone take over your own troll duties?

You seem to have a lot of spare time at the Old Timer's Doctor Clinic.

Can one of your colleagues take over?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why not post an intelligent comment once in a while ?

Why not post something other than a senile facking opinion every once in a while? Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. Or in your case, many.

Oh and BTW, there is no need for a _space_ before a ?question mark? That's not an opinion, but a rule of grammar. Ever heard of it?

As with grammar, logical argumentation has rules. You can't just opine on whether you were impressed by it or not and call it a day. You have to actually point out what flaw, if any, existed in the thing. Saying the person is unintelligent is ad hominem, dummy, and therefore not a valid assessment of their argument.

Good god. Your kids must be as dumb as you are if you have to (sarcastically, of course) pretend to be that impressed by them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I have lefty kids who make better arguments than you people.

Too bad your memory isn't good enough to remember them and repost them here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I did vote for Jill Stein, not so much for her in particular, but as the candidate for the Green Party. I voted for Ralph Nader several times when he ran as their candidate.

Cardinal sin for Republicans: Not putting country above planet.

And if you can't put country above planet, what hope can they have that you will do the right thing and put party above country?

Luke Lea said...

This is a real softball delivered over the middle of the plate.

bgates said...

If I went to a car dealer to buy a car

I had you figured for more of a public transportation guy.

wbfjrr2 said...

re Cooke, who can take anyone who voted for Stein seriously? Voting for her signals willful ignorance or terminal stupidity. Likely both.

Michael K said...

Ritmo poisons another thread,.

Achilles said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

"Cardinal sin for Republicans: Not putting country above planet."

Cardinal sin for democrats: Not putting wealthy globalists ahead of citizens.

"And if you can't put country above planet, what hope can they have that you will do the right thing and put party above country?"

You can go join the sellouts in DC. People like you who want to sell our freedom make a lot of money there.

Jon Ericson said...

Ah, here's Pedro!
Just checked which thread was longer.
Your avatar is perfect!

Birkel said...

TTR above: "The purported hotness of his wife?"

I leave it to the reader to decide whether this issue is in dispute.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

"Nothing of intelligence but that's that way of you lefties."

No wonder his lefty children despise him.

Birkel said...

Nothing like a good UnknownInga64 comment to reveal the true blackened heart of a Leftist Collectivist.

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