"As residents of Houston grapple with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, we recall the Great Flood of 1937, which put 27 square miles of Louisville under water in what – until now – was the widest and most destructive flood in U.S. history.
Above is a video from the Federal Works Agency showing the devastation, which flooded more than 150 cities along the Ohio River, drove hundreds of thousands from their homes, and contributed to 500 deaths.
Below, you'll see more of what Kentucky and West Virginia looked like after the "Mad Ohio.""
We see how much James Clapper and "Crazy Comey the Leaker" hate Donald Trump and want Trump to be removed from his office by any means possible.
In that regard, Robert "The FBI White-Washer" Mueller is no different from Clapper or Comey. Mueller will try to remove Trump from office by any means possible -- just as Clapper or Comey would do if either of those two were the Special Counsel.
When Hillary Clinton and the Trump-hating mass media were making a big deal during the Presidential election campaign about Trump not respecting the judgement of "all 17 Intelligence agencies", Clapper and Comey both refrained from informing the US public that Clinton's accusation was total bullshit. Clapper and Comey both knew that all 17 agencies did not participate in making the judgement.
Clapper and Comey did not consider themselves to be serving the entire US public. Rather, they served only the Democratic Party and its Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Since the accusation that Trump was ignoring "all 17 Intelligence agencies" was working for the Democrats and for Clinton, the accusation was not corrected by either Clapper or Comey.
Mueller has exactly the same attitude toward Trump.
"I wonder where Robert Mueller lies in the various groups explained by Victor David Hanson?"
Max Boot in the LA Times today is in a group he describes well.
They wrote him off and bet their reputations for wisdom on their opposition to Trump, and in some cases they even ventured to support the sure-thing Clinton administration. After November, they became orphaned for their wrong-headed wagers, without a constituency among their own, and increasingly deemed less useful by the Left, MSNBC, or NPR. When Trump won, they doubled down and swore that he would implode from sheer incompetence or crudity, or would finally reveal his Manhattan liberalism, in league with Senate Democrats.
I have been thinking a lot about problems of association as they relate to private actors, eps. powerful near-monopoly corporations (mostly in tech) and I think this topic is worth talking about.
I visited Whole Foods yesterday for the first time in a long while. Like the jokes in Silicon Valley and elsewhere it felt like I was the only one shopping for my own groceries amongst a sea of Instacart shoppers. Does Bezos throw them all out now?
Amazon has Amazon Fresh and Prime Now in the same space as Instacart.
"Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)" "Lay Lady Lay" "Rainy Day Women #12x5 "Knockin' on Heaven's Door "It Ain't Me, Babe "Ballad of a Thin Man"
Side two "Up on Cripple Creek" "I Shall Be Released" "Endless Highway" "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" "Stage Fright"
Side three "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right "Just Like a Woman" "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" "The Shape I'm In" "When You Awake" "The Weight"
Side four "All Along the Watchtower" "Highway 61 Revisited" "Like a Rolling Stone" "Blowin' in the Wind"
I have been in a Whole Foods exactly once, in Alpharetta, GA. When I went in the door, I immediately went to check the fresh produce. They had strawberries and blueberries from the exact same fruit packers stocked in my local grocery back at my home in TN, where the day before I had paid a much lower price for the same products. I have not been back to Whole Foods since.
Speaking of photoshopped, I saw a backyard view in Architectural Digest that had such perfect focus and clarity in both foreground and background that it looked faked and flat. Da Vinci, call your office.
The media has not been publicizing Governor Terry McAuliffe (aka "the sleazebag carpetbagger") walking back his plans to tear down statues honoring Confederates throughout the state. Democrats grabbed the wrong end of that issue, not to mention being on the wrong side of antifa versus free speech and the right "peaceably to assemble."
rehajm said...I visited Whole Foods yesterday for the first time in a long while. Like the jokes in Silicon Valley and elsewhere it felt like I was the only one shopping for my own groceries amongst a sea of Instacart shoppers. Does Bezos throw them all out now?
Shoot, you don't even need WF for that--there are dedicated Instacart fridges & freezers at my local Publix in a less-than-pricey neighborhood. The future, man! I used Amazon Prime Now a bunch when it first came out but the surcharges now are a bit much. I got a mailed ad the other day for some Google delivery service (Google Express, maybe?) but I haven't tried them out. The bad part about Prime Now is that if you have anything frozen they have to hand it to you...which means hearing a doorbell and actually seeing another person...which, you know, if I'm interested in doing that I'll put on pants and go tot he store myself! At my next place I'll get one of those expandable, lockable delivery boxes and find one that's refrigerated...then my isolation will be complete.
(I've never used Instacart although my sister loves 'em. I had a free delivery and $10 or $20 off from them once, but I was put off by their puffery--they advertised delivery in a day but when I went to order they needed either 24 or 48 hours lead time...but I was hungry then! Oh well.)
Big Mike said... Democrats grabbed the wrong end of that issue, not to mention being on the wrong side of antifa versus free speech and the right "peaceably to assemble."
"Democrats" like Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney did, too.
The problem, as I see it, is calling civic virtue bourgeois.
Over the centuries the term "bourgeois" has morphed into various and sundry meanings. The authors chose one that differs significantly from the Marxist perspective.
An ambiguous, unfortunate label for an otherwise well thought out analysis.
Simply slashing WFs healthy operating margins seems counterproductive unless you love calling them Whole Paycheck. AMZN is never one to apologize for not being a cash cow. Nobody needs another AAPL sitting on $300 Billion in cash. There are so many ways Bezos will leverage the WF acquisition: as warehouses for Fresh, selling more Prime, capitalizing on Prime customer data.
Whole Foods did have a huge display of Alexas and Echos inside the door front and center.
I have a piano that I try to play every day, but fail to do so often.
I could replace it with another piece of furniture.
But I love that piano. It disappoints me sometimes. Once in a while, I push down on a key, and hold it down, and it misfires. Double-strikes or fails to strike properly. Probably my fault. Technique.
But the piano loves me back. Sometimes I can play something just the way I meant to do, and it says, Bob, that's as good as you can do. Lift your hands off the keyboard and remember what you did with me. Come back later, and we'll go for it again.
I have a son who has a similar relationship with his guitar.
Palin' suit dismissed "with prejudice," which means she "can not sue The Times again on the same grounds," whatever that means, but she surely can appeal?
She was accused of using a graphic, not killing anybody.
The editorial strongly implied her (or her PAC's) use of that graphic influenced Loughner to go on his killing spree, contrary to known facts previously acknowledged in their own paper.
Everything relates to everything so it's not defamatory to say she contributed by using a graphic. It's an opinion.
The Times' editors didn't seem to have the opinion Obama contributed to the shooting, which as you point out is equally as likely. To further the point, the Times' editors didn't have the opinion that it was the Editors of the NYT who caused the shooting, which was equally plausible.
If you're going to go with the "everything relates to everything" defense, it makes it even more problematic that she, and she alone, was singled out for repeated condemnation.
Palin's loss is more support for the concept I've articulated many times before that all you need to know is whether the judge deciding a political case is a Dem to know what the result will be.
Although I have no expertise, it seems to me that it would be much easier to destroy a North Korean missile if we had anti-missile rockets in orbit over North Korea.
With prejudice, which means she can appeal. So willful disregard is apparently not reckless disregard. It seems worse.
8/29/17, 2:54 PM
Interesting because just last week (or so), legal experts were saying that the lawyers for the NYT were making her (Palin's) case. They were establishing malice aforethought on the part of the NYT and they wondered what the hell was going on. So just the Lefty judge dismiss it and all is well. We don't have a justice system anymore.
From Tom Perez, having done his obligatory support Texas email:
Friend --
There are just a few short weeks until Election Day, and we have a chance to hand Donald Trump a big defeat in Virginia.
The Republican candidate for governor, Ed Gillespie, is Trump's chief lobbyist. He touts his support for Trump on the trail, he's embracing the agenda of Betsy DeVos, and he invited Mike Pence to campaign with him. When Trump threatened to take hundreds of thousands of Virginians' health care away, Gillespie was silent.
The GOP is pulling out all the stops to win this race -- they're calling in their billionaire donors like the Koch brothers. And earlier this week, Virginia Republicans launched a vile, racist attack on Democrat Ralph Northam because he's standing on the right side of history after Charlottesville. They'll say and do anything to win. -- "racist"? Ralph looks pretty white to me.
Republicans are Racist, White Supremacist, anti Women, anti Multi Cultural, anti Government and it does not matter what color they are, or their Democratic Opponent. And if anyone makes a statement that is not accordance with Newspeak, such as Charles Barkely on the dastardly Confederate Statues, they are also considered to be White Supremacists.
Please review your Newspeak dictionary before making any more faux paus. Big Brother is watching you, and Loves You.
I flew out of Riyadh Military, and King Khalid during the Gulf war. Our first SCUD attack was after we landed from the first day of the air war.
They wanted us to go into the basement of a building, but I decided to stay and watch. Which was a good thing, because it was fascinating.
The first two Patriots launched out of their tubes. One went up, and the other came right for us, and exploded downtown, making a huge mess. It smelled like sulfur everywhere.
Then we watched the other Patriot and just then we could see a small meteorite looking thing coming down. The Patriot exploded and the SCUD warhead was knocked into the desert. Technically it missed, but it had a good effect.
Then there was the sonic booms. So it was a full feature show: smell, sound, and visual.
My greatest fear, was getting a SCUD attack during a take-off. I thought maybe the Patriot would cut through our plane first, on the way to the SCUD.
Wouldn't that be unlucky?
What was really neat though, was watching a SCUD launch in Iraq. As we orbited around (half-way between the border and Baghdad) we would see a bright flash under the clouds. Then the rocket would pop out of the clouds headed to either Israel, or Saudi. We would announce the missile launch, and that would cause the air raid sirens to start going off in either country.
I really liked rockets after that. Technically, they are really neat. Course if they really had nerve gas in the warhead, that would have been a bummer.
Two good friends of mine flew F 18s in the first Gulf War. Both Marines.
One, who had never been in combat before, confessed it was the most scared he had ever been in his life.
The other had had 500 missions in Vietnam and was not supposed to fly because he was the Group Commander. He flew 60 missions anyway and it cost him his star.
He retired, went into business and sold his company two years ago for 23 million. The Marines missed out.
Will the DNC files released by Guccifer 2.0 be analyzed to determine if they were, as VIPS has concluded, altered to give the false impression that the Russians had hacked the server? If so, will Mueller pursue those responsible for the adulteration? If, as appears likely, the server was not hacked, will Mueller investigate why Hillary Clinton and the DNC claimed it was? Will he investigate whether the DNC files were stolen by someone who had direct physical access to the DNC server? Will he try to determine who at the DNC had a motive to leak the files? Could it be someone who wanted to make public Clinton and the DNC’s underhanded treatment of Sanders?
"The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted."
Kinda sorta what Trump was clumsily trying to say about Virginia, no?
On my 21st birthday in Vietnam, we had a case of warm Pabst Blue Ribbon and started drinking it on top of a bunker. When the rockets started coming in, we grabbed the beer and went inside the bunker. Great 21st birthday!
>I think he's an honorable guy. But I really don't know for sure...
I hope your right, but I have a gut feeling he seems to be of the group of win at any costs. And what scares me, is basically once the government goes after you, your guilty, unless you have a huge amount of money. Even if you win, your life is ruined and the process is a form of punishment. And if you don't have a huge amount of money, your bankrupted with lawyer costs. So it's a lose lose.
Donald Trump is an exception to this I hope, since he's been involved in 3500 lawsuits and understands the legal system, and it's biases.
I don't think Donald Trump is going to work on legal reform, especially over charging by prosecutors, but it would be nice.
The only way to truly crack down on Antifa would be through using Federal law - or passing a new one - and using the DoJ.
Same thing with sanctuary cities and Colleges who deny Conservatives the right to speak.
Unfortunately, Ryan and McConnell won't lift a finger until someone bribes them to do it. And of course, McCain and the Democrats would fight it, every step of the way.
I couldnt open the youtube link, MaxedOutMama, but I was wondering if it went to the Style Council, circa mid 80s, and their album Café Bleu. Tracey Thorn from EBTG sang on that album. Her voice would go with a blue photo
@rcocean, I assume that conspiracy to deprive the speakers of their civil rights is applicable. I think it would be great to use anti-KKK laws against antifa and their Democrat buddies.
My Garmin fitness watch counts my guitar strums as steps.
Yeah, the other day I jerked off into my sock before getting out of bed, I looked at my Fitbit, and already had in 10,000 steps, so I went back to sleep! Badumpbump! Try the veal!
D - Chris Rea's song "Blue Cafe" : My world is miles of endless roads That leaves a trail of broken dreams Where have you been I hear you say? I will meet you at the Blue Cafe Because, this is where the one who knows Meets the one who does not care The cards of fate The older shows To the younger one, who dares to take The chance of no return
Where have you been? Where are you going to? I want to know what is new I want to go with you What have you seen? What do you know that is new? Where are you going to? Because I want to go with you
anti-KKK laws against antifa and their Democrat buddies
Yes. The officers of color diversity who deny individual dignity, the selective-child advocates who deny human dignity, the Ceciles who profit from cannibalism of lives deemed unworthy, and other a-religious/moral Pro-Choice polemicists. It's time to qualify progress, monotonic change.
n.n.: even the people we disagree with the most probably sometimes dream, at night, that they have wandered into a landscape, long lost in their past, and in that landscape people actually care about them - in a parental, or friendly, or compassionate way - and care about them not because of what they have achieved but because in that paradisiacal dreamworld which we al all, I hope, visit sometimes at night, unless we eat pizza with spicy pepperoni every night (God forbid) - as I was saying, in that paradisiacal dreamworld, the very fact of being human, and a child of God, is good enough to earn the compassion of others, no matter how small (hello short people) or old (hello old people) or insignificant (hello victims of abortion in the bad world that we forget in our best dreams) we - all of us human - might be. Anyway, God bless you, my young friend, and God bless the people who hate you. And God bless the people who do not hate you. Not that God cares whether I specifically say "God Bless" or not: but that is what friends say about each other, and God, just as much or more than anyone else, is my friend, if only because I too, have been a friend to someone who never had a friend in this world. (If you hated this comment please reread it, while imagining your favorite actor or actress (in my case, that would be Ralph Richardson or Loretta Young) reading it out loud).
Blogger garage mahal said... "I found some dark skies in Door County. Here is the Milky Way core rising 30 minutes after sunset, near Ellison Bay" Absolutely stunning. I'd like to use it as a screen saver if I may. Full attribution to you, of course.
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Cafe post soundtrack "Blue Cafe"
Love the photo.
The flood.
"As residents of Houston grapple with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, we recall the Great Flood of 1937, which put 27 square miles of Louisville under water in what – until now – was the widest and most destructive flood in U.S. history.
Above is a video from the Federal Works Agency showing the devastation, which flooded more than 150 cities along the Ohio River, drove hundreds of thousands from their homes, and contributed to 500 deaths.
Below, you'll see more of what Kentucky and West Virginia looked like after the "Mad Ohio.""
great shot
The eclipse is back already.
My in laws are in their Eighties and are outside of Pattison just west of Katy: they received over 26" of rain. They are fine but stranded.
We see how much James Clapper and "Crazy Comey the Leaker" hate Donald Trump and want Trump to be removed from his office by any means possible.
In that regard, Robert "The FBI White-Washer" Mueller is no different from Clapper or Comey. Mueller will try to remove Trump from office by any means possible -- just as Clapper or Comey would do if either of those two were the Special Counsel.
When Hillary Clinton and the Trump-hating mass media were making a big deal during the Presidential election campaign about Trump not respecting the judgement of "all 17 Intelligence agencies", Clapper and Comey both refrained from informing the US public that Clinton's accusation was total bullshit. Clapper and Comey both knew that all 17 agencies did not participate in making the judgement.
Clapper and Comey did not consider themselves to be serving the entire US public. Rather, they served only the Democratic Party and its Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Since the accusation that Trump was ignoring "all 17 Intelligence agencies" was working for the Democrats and for Clinton, the accusation was not corrected by either Clapper or Comey.
Mueller has exactly the same attitude toward Trump.
From Dr. K's comment on another another topic: "Good essay today by VDH" on Trump Haters, Supporters, Neither, and Both.
I wonder where Robert Mueller lies in the various groups explained by Victor David Hanson? My guess is The Bluestockings.
"I wonder where Robert Mueller lies in the various groups explained by Victor David Hanson?"
Max Boot in the LA Times today is in a group he describes well.
They wrote him off and bet their reputations for wisdom on their opposition to Trump, and in some cases they even ventured to support the sure-thing Clinton administration. After November, they became orphaned for their wrong-headed wagers, without a constituency among their own, and increasingly deemed less useful by the Left, MSNBC, or NPR. When Trump won, they doubled down and swore that he would implode from sheer incompetence or crudity, or would finally reveal his Manhattan liberalism, in league with Senate Democrats.
Fits Boot to a T.
Side one
"All I Want"
"My Old Man"
"Little Green"
Side two
"This Flight Tonight"
"A Case of You"
"The Last Time I Saw Richard"
I would like Professor A's opinion of Professor Epstein's essay from a while back:
Freedom of Association and Antidiscrimination Law - An Imperfect Reconciliation
I have been thinking a lot about problems of association as they relate to private actors, eps. powerful near-monopoly corporations (mostly in tech) and I think this topic is worth talking about.
I visited Whole Foods yesterday for the first time in a long while. Like the jokes in Silicon Valley and elsewhere it felt like I was the only one shopping for my own groceries amongst a sea of Instacart shoppers. Does Bezos throw them all out now?
Amazon has Amazon Fresh and Prime Now in the same space as Instacart.
"Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)"
"Lay Lady Lay"
"Rainy Day Women #12x5
"Knockin' on Heaven's Door
"It Ain't Me, Babe
"Ballad of a Thin Man"
Side two
"Up on Cripple Creek"
"I Shall Be Released"
"Endless Highway"
"The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down"
"Stage Fright"
Side three
"Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
"Just Like a Woman"
"It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)"
"The Shape I'm In"
"When You Awake"
"The Weight"
Side four
"All Along the Watchtower"
"Highway 61 Revisited"
"Like a Rolling Stone"
"Blowin' in the Wind"
My Garmin fitness watch counts my guitar strums as steps.
Come on, people! I'm strumming, not strutting.
Perhaps a strum uses the same energy as a step?
like once a while back - the color in that pic hits my color blindness in such a way it seems photoshopped
I have been in a Whole Foods exactly once, in Alpharetta, GA. When I went in the door, I immediately went to check the fresh produce. They had strawberries and blueberries from the exact same fruit packers stocked in my local grocery back at my home in TN, where the day before I had paid a much lower price for the same products. I have not been back to Whole Foods since.
What you get out of a dog is your obligation to it.
So you won't abandon it.
Great article above by Victor Davis Hansen -- thanks for sharing.
Here's another great article, about what actually was happening in Berkeley by a mainstream journalist. I experienced Hate in Berkeley
The public is starting to get wise to Antifa -- and their violent methods.
Speaking of photoshopped, I saw a backyard view in Architectural Digest that had such perfect focus and clarity in both foreground and background that it looked faked and flat. Da Vinci, call your office.
If Antifa keeps it up, the MSM will suspect they're paid by Trump.
The media has not been publicizing Governor Terry McAuliffe (aka "the sleazebag carpetbagger") walking back his plans to tear down statues honoring Confederates throughout the state. Democrats grabbed the wrong end of that issue, not to mention being on the wrong side of antifa versus free speech and the right "peaceably to assemble."
rehajm said...I visited Whole Foods yesterday for the first time in a long while. Like the jokes in Silicon Valley and elsewhere it felt like I was the only one shopping for my own groceries amongst a sea of Instacart shoppers. Does Bezos throw them all out now?
Shoot, you don't even need WF for that--there are dedicated Instacart fridges & freezers at my local Publix in a less-than-pricey neighborhood. The future, man!
I used Amazon Prime Now a bunch when it first came out but the surcharges now are a bit much. I got a mailed ad the other day for some Google delivery service (Google Express, maybe?) but I haven't tried them out.
The bad part about Prime Now is that if you have anything frozen they have to hand it to you...which means hearing a doorbell and actually seeing another person...which, you know, if I'm interested in doing that I'll put on pants and go tot he store myself! At my next place I'll get one of those expandable, lockable delivery boxes and find one that's refrigerated...then my isolation will be complete.
(I've never used Instacart although my sister loves 'em. I had a free delivery and $10 or $20 off from them once, but I was put off by their puffery--they advertised delivery in a day but when I went to order they needed either 24 or 48 hours lead time...but I was hungry then! Oh well.)
Big Mike said... Democrats grabbed the wrong end of that issue, not to mention being on the wrong side of antifa versus free speech and the right "peaceably to assemble."
"Democrats" like Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney did, too.
I for one will not forget that.
Here's an somewhat interesting article about the challenges of intercepting North Korean missiles.
Two law professors face racism, sexism, and homophobia charges for urging Americans to act responsibly.
by HEATHER MAC DONALD August 29, 2017
Commenting on the furor over:
Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture
by Amy Wax & Larry Alexander
The problem, as I see it, is calling civic virtue bourgeois.
Over the centuries the term "bourgeois" has morphed into various and sundry meanings. The authors chose one that differs significantly from the Marxist perspective.
An ambiguous, unfortunate label for an otherwise well thought out analysis.
That was an interesting piece about missile interception.
Long, long ago, too long to even imagine, I worked on the Nike Zeus.
People said it would never be possible to "hit a bullet with a bullet."
It's a beautiful photo. It's the sort that you get framed and put in a room that needs some blue.
Simply slashing WFs healthy operating margins seems counterproductive unless you love calling them Whole Paycheck. AMZN is never one to apologize for not being a cash cow. Nobody needs another AAPL sitting on $300 Billion in cash. There are so many ways Bezos will leverage the WF acquisition: as warehouses for Fresh, selling more Prime, capitalizing on Prime customer data.
Whole Foods did have a huge display of Alexas and Echos inside the door front and center.
My Garmin fitness watch counts my guitar strums as steps.
It probably counts the number of times you swing your wrist. Try wearing it on the hand you finger with.
Palin lawsuit dismissed.
With prejudice, which means she can appeal. So willful disregard is apparently not reckless disregard. It seems worse.
I have a piano that I try to play every day, but fail to do so often.
I could replace it with another piece of furniture.
But I love that piano. It disappoints me sometimes. Once in a while, I push down on a key, and hold it down, and it misfires. Double-strikes or fails to strike properly. Probably my fault. Technique.
But the piano loves me back. Sometimes I can play something just the way I meant to do, and it says, Bob, that's as good as you can do. Lift your hands off the keyboard and remember what you did with me. Come back later, and we'll go for it again.
I have a son who has a similar relationship with his guitar.
Palin should have lost. She was accused of using a graphic, not killing anybody.
Gee, Nike Zeus was my first programming job. 23 bit computer. Two's complement.
I would crop or turn this and then crop a bit. That railing or whatever it is on the bottom spoils the lines a bit.
Its a very fine picture indeed, and a very pretty blue.
Finally some TRUTH from CNN.
Article this morning:
"The Cajun Navy has no official relationship with the United States Navy."
For $8M the bridge certainly ought to come equipped with mood lighting!
I believe the Great Flood on the Mississippi in 1927 is the worst on record in U.S. history.
Nike Zeus was my first programming job. 23 bit computer.
I was using Marchant calculators until we moved into the new wind tunnel building where we had an IBM 650.
Palin' suit dismissed "with prejudice," which means she "can not sue The Times again on the same grounds," whatever that means, but she surely can appeal?
Palin should have lost. She was accused of using a graphic, not killing anybody.
She was accused of contributing to the shooting of Gabby Giffords, for which even the NYT has stated there is no evidence.
"The Cajun Navy has no official relationship with the United States Navy."
True, but I'm sure a few of their vessels have managed to run into each other this week.
I wish articles when their is a GOP person giving comment on Trump, would note if they are a never Trumper.
She was accused of using a graphic, not killing anybody.
The editorial strongly implied her (or her PAC's) use of that graphic influenced Loughner to go on his killing spree, contrary to known facts previously acknowledged in their own paper.
Everything relates to everything so it's not defamatory to say she contributed by using a graphic. It's an opinion. You can have the opposite one.
Palin wasn't conspiring, which would be defamatory to say.
Schumer has advice for Trump on how to fight white supremacy: Halt the voter fraud commission.
It will be glorious when the report shows there are north of 10 million voters on the voter rolls that shouldn't be.
The eternal summertme question - are those scattered rain showers on the radar going to fade away before they get here or not.
Bike errand wetness or dryness depends on it.
They look like faders, and I'll give it a go. I only have to be right for two hours.
It's an opinion. You can have the opposite one.
Then why issue a "correction"?
Everything relates to everything so it's not defamatory to say she contributed by using a graphic. It's an opinion.
The Times' editors didn't seem to have the opinion Obama contributed to the shooting, which as you point out is equally as likely. To further the point, the Times' editors didn't have the opinion that it was the Editors of the NYT who caused the shooting, which was equally plausible.
If you're going to go with the "everything relates to everything" defense, it makes it even more problematic that she, and she alone, was singled out for repeated condemnation.
Palin's loss is more support for the concept I've articulated many times before that all you need to know is whether the judge deciding a political case is a Dem to know what the result will be.
Although I have no expertise, it seems to me that it would be much easier to destroy a North Korean missile if we had anti-missile rockets in orbit over North Korea.
It's not just the Cajun Navy aiding in rescue efforts. The Redneck Mud Truck Rescue Division proving vital as well.
CNN on-air wouldn't know what a mud truck was if it ran them over.
James K said...
Palin lawsuit dismissed.
With prejudice, which means she can appeal. So willful disregard is apparently not reckless disregard. It seems worse.
8/29/17, 2:54 PM
Interesting because just last week (or so), legal experts were saying that the lawyers for the NYT were making her (Palin's) case. They were establishing malice aforethought on the part of the NYT and they wondered what the hell was going on. So just the Lefty judge dismiss it and all is well. We don't have a justice system anymore.
From Tom Perez, having done his obligatory support Texas email:
Friend --
There are just a few short weeks until Election Day, and we have a chance to hand Donald Trump a big defeat in Virginia.
The Republican candidate for governor, Ed Gillespie, is Trump's chief lobbyist. He touts his support for Trump on the trail, he's embracing the agenda of Betsy DeVos, and he invited Mike Pence to campaign with him. When Trump threatened to take hundreds of thousands of Virginians' health care away, Gillespie was silent.
The GOP is pulling out all the stops to win this race -- they're calling in their billionaire donors like the Koch brothers. And earlier this week, Virginia Republicans launched a vile, racist attack on Democrat Ralph Northam because he's standing on the right side of history after Charlottesville. They'll say and do anything to win.
"racist"? Ralph looks pretty white to me.
So just have the Lefty judge dismiss it and all is well
"Try wearing it on the hand you finger with."
Just felt that needed to be repeated.
I am Laslo.
Latest way for the politically correct to expose their weiners down under.
(Trigger Warning. The music played may offend your ears):
Naked skydiving musician plays violin during jump
Australian musician Glen Donnelly has taken the plunge over the city of Coffs Harbour to raise awareness about body image issues among men.
The classically trained violinist set himself the unusual challenge for his 30th birthday.
He wanted to go skydiving, wearing nothing except a harness, and play a couple of violin pieces on the way down.
Republicans are Racist, White Supremacist, anti Women, anti Multi Cultural, anti Government and it does not matter what color they are, or their Democratic Opponent. And if anyone makes a statement that is not accordance with Newspeak, such as Charles Barkely on the dastardly Confederate Statues, they are also considered to be White Supremacists.
Please review your Newspeak dictionary before making any more faux paus. Big Brother is watching you, and Loves You.
>"racist"? Ralph looks pretty white to me.
"racist"? Ralph looks pretty white to me.
They have a special spell-checker at the DNC which won't let a message go out unless it contains the word "racist".
So just have the Lefty judge dismiss it and all is well
Then it will be "legal" and can be repeated as much as desired.
Anyone who questions it will be "anti-law".
I flew out of Riyadh Military, and King Khalid during the Gulf war. Our first SCUD attack was after we landed from the first day of the air war.
They wanted us to go into the basement of a building, but I decided to stay and watch. Which was a good thing, because it was fascinating.
The first two Patriots launched out of their tubes. One went up, and the other came right for us, and exploded downtown, making a huge mess. It smelled like sulfur everywhere.
Then we watched the other Patriot and just then we could see a small meteorite looking thing coming down. The Patriot exploded and the SCUD warhead was knocked into the desert. Technically it missed, but it had a good effect.
Then there was the sonic booms. So it was a full feature show: smell, sound, and visual.
My greatest fear, was getting a SCUD attack during a take-off. I thought maybe the Patriot would cut through our plane first, on the way to the SCUD.
Wouldn't that be unlucky?
What was really neat though, was watching a SCUD launch in Iraq. As we orbited around (half-way between the border and Baghdad) we would see a bright flash under the clouds. Then the rocket would pop out of the clouds headed to either Israel, or Saudi. We would announce the missile launch, and that would cause the air raid sirens to start going off in either country.
I really liked rockets after that. Technically, they are really neat. Course if they really had nerve gas in the warhead, that would have been a bummer.
Two good friends of mine flew F 18s in the first Gulf War. Both Marines.
One, who had never been in combat before, confessed it was the most scared he had ever been in his life.
The other had had 500 missions in Vietnam and was not supposed to fly because he was the Group Commander. He flew 60 missions anyway and it cost him his star.
He retired, went into business and sold his company two years ago for 23 million. The Marines missed out.
The dam appears to be leaking in DC, as well.
Will the DNC files released by Guccifer 2.0 be analyzed to determine if they were, as VIPS has concluded, altered to give the false impression that the Russians had hacked the server? If so, will Mueller pursue those responsible for the adulteration? If, as appears likely, the server was not hacked, will Mueller investigate why Hillary Clinton and the DNC claimed it was? Will he investigate whether the DNC files were stolen by someone who had direct physical access to the DNC server? Will he try to determine who at the DNC had a motive to leak the files? Could it be someone who wanted to make public Clinton and the DNC’s underhanded treatment of Sanders?
Seth Rich could not be reached for comment.
Nancy Pelosi condemns Antifa
No joke:
Money quote:
"The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted."
Kinda sorta what Trump was clumsily trying to say about Virginia, no?
One day it's color diversity. The next day its color supremacy. The bridge is on the Left.
The Democrats are starting to realize that an alliance with ANTIFA is suicide.
It may be too late although the Media will try to help.
There are a lot of video clips that will make nice campaign ads next year.
I knew she was having some malfunctions. But it seems when she was repaired, her programming was hacked.
Good article on Antifa from 6 months ago, when they rioted at Milo's talk at UC Berkeley.
They have organizations in several cities and states. And they have websites.
If you are at a protest/march and masked thugs in black pajamas are destroying property, setting fires, and pummeling people --it is probably antifa.
They are against fascists, you know.
On my 21st birthday in Vietnam, we had a case of warm Pabst Blue Ribbon and started drinking it on top of a bunker. When the rockets started coming in, we grabbed the beer and went inside the bunker. Great 21st birthday!
In Phuoc Vinh.
As to whether Mueller will pursue the non-Russian determination made by former Intel experts, it depends upon which VDH category Mueller lies in.
I have to admit that when I look at Mueller's career I think he's an honorable guy. But I really don't know for sure...
Julie London is blue too:
Right here
>I think he's an honorable guy. But I really don't know for sure...
I hope your right, but I have a gut feeling he seems to be of the group of win at any costs. And what scares me, is basically once the government goes after you, your guilty, unless you have a huge amount of money. Even if you win, your life is ruined and the process is a form of punishment. And if you don't have a huge amount of money, your bankrupted with lawyer costs. So it's a lose lose.
Donald Trump is an exception to this I hope, since he's been involved in 3500 lawsuits and understands the legal system, and it's biases.
I don't think Donald Trump is going to work on legal reform, especially over charging by prosecutors, but it would be nice.
The only way to truly crack down on Antifa would be through using Federal law - or passing a new one - and using the DoJ.
Same thing with sanctuary cities and Colleges who deny Conservatives the right to speak.
Unfortunately, Ryan and McConnell won't lift a finger until someone bribes them to do it. And of course, McCain and the Democrats would fight it, every step of the way.
I couldnt open the youtube link, MaxedOutMama, but I was wondering if it went to the Style Council, circa mid 80s, and their album Café Bleu.
Tracey Thorn from EBTG sang on that album. Her voice would go with a blue photo
@rcocean, I assume that conspiracy to deprive the speakers of their civil rights is applicable. I think it would be great to use anti-KKK laws against antifa and their Democrat buddies.
I found some dark skies in Door County. Here is the Milky Way core rising 30 minutes after sunset, near Ellison Bay
My Garmin fitness watch counts my guitar strums as steps.
Yeah, the other day I jerked off into my sock before getting out of bed, I looked at my Fitbit, and already had in 10,000 steps, so I went back to sleep! Badumpbump! Try the veal!
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
"Nancy Pelosi condemns Antifa "
And Paul Ryan hasn't yet.
This tells you a lot about the republicans in DC.
D - Chris Rea's song "Blue Cafe" :
My world is miles of endless roads
That leaves a trail of broken dreams
Where have you been
I hear you say?
I will meet you at the Blue Cafe
Because, this is where the one who knows
Meets the one who does not care
The cards of fate
The older shows
To the younger one, who dares to take
The chance of no return
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what is new
I want to go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know that is new?
Where are you going to?
Because I want to go with you
anti-KKK laws against antifa and their Democrat buddies
Yes. The officers of color diversity who deny individual dignity, the selective-child advocates who deny human dignity, the Ceciles who profit from cannibalism of lives deemed unworthy, and other a-religious/moral Pro-Choice polemicists. It's time to qualify progress, monotonic change.
n.n.: even the people we disagree with the most probably sometimes dream, at night, that they have wandered into a landscape, long lost in their past, and in that landscape people actually care about them - in a parental, or friendly, or compassionate way - and care about them not because of what they have achieved but because in that paradisiacal dreamworld which we al all, I hope, visit sometimes at night, unless we eat pizza with spicy pepperoni every night (God forbid) - as I was saying, in that paradisiacal dreamworld, the very fact of being human, and a child of God, is good enough to earn the compassion of others, no matter how small (hello short people) or old (hello old people) or insignificant (hello victims of abortion in the bad world that we forget in our best dreams) we - all of us human - might be. Anyway, God bless you, my young friend, and God bless the people who hate you. And God bless the people who do not hate you. Not that God cares whether I specifically say "God Bless" or not: but that is what friends say about each other, and God, just as much or more than anyone else, is my friend, if only because I too, have been a friend to someone who never had a friend in this world. (If you hated this comment please reread it, while imagining your favorite actor or actress (in my case, that would be Ralph Richardson or Loretta Young) reading it out loud).
There's a bunch of shades of blue there. Why's it not the blues café?
Blogger garage mahal said...
"I found some dark skies in Door County. Here is the Milky Way core rising 30 minutes after sunset, near Ellison Bay"
Absolutely stunning.
I'd like to use it as a screen saver if I may.
Full attribution to you, of course.
Media theme / hit job on trump is visit is too soon;
Garage Mahal - wow on picture!
Missing your postings...
Hey GM!
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