August 25, 2017

Are you watching the TV news about Hurricane Harvey hitting Texas?

I haven't yet, but I'm just guessing that the newsfolk are talking about how much Hurricane Katrina hurt President George W. Bush and are hoping — and trying not to be too unseemly about it — that Harvey will screw President Trump even worse. Check it out for me, and let me know. Please give me credit if I've said it first: They're less worried about Harvey hurting Texas than they are delighted that at the prospect of Harvey hurting Trump.


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trumpists-the 33%...

I like this. The low support for their minority needs to be reiterated every time they're mentioned.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

steve uhr, mockturtle

Not trying to cut in on this dance. Standing along the back wall muttering. I can’t frame this. If Sheriff Joe risked a contempt conviction and jail sentence on a gamble in the first place, for behaviors before Trump took over, then Joe gambled against those certainty costs, contempt and jail, and calculated indifference kept his enjoined behaviors in place, but was Joe a rational and risk calculating gambler?

Will Trump’s pardon really (not in the Machiavellian press) motivate a partial population of government agents, state and federal, to risk both an injunction, plus convictions now, because of new calculations of indifference?

The problem of connecting sanctuary city illegal behaviors to expectations either for a pardon (how would this work? - gov't agents defying unadjudicated state and city government pro-sanctuary positions?), or gambling expectations on the loss of federal funding (continuing illegal sanctuary operations on this calculated loss) - isn’t the problem in these calculation of risking indifference toward lawful behavior. either way?

Beyond govt’ agent calculations, won’t Antifa will go full ape shit riot mode when they reckon this calculated internal governmental anarchism clearly?

There’s more to calculating risk premiums and rewards that inculcates legal indifference. I can’t frame it right now, it's kinda novel.

No need to reply. Just muttering.

Darrell said...

Inga and Ritmo--the putrescine and cadaverine of the Althouse blog.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry it took me so long to correct the Bush for Trump error!

I did proofread....

Darrell said...

Sorry it took me so long to correct the Bush for Trump error!

It only took us a second to know what you meant.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

8/25/17, 9:01 PM


Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

I did proofread....

I think proofreading your own stuff is very hard to get right. I'm terrible at it.

Big Mike said...


steve uhr said...

Contempt is not an ordinary offense the sheriff put himself above the law. The court's make the rules. Otherwise you have anarchy

richard mcenroe said...

bgates -- well, it cocks a pretty good snook at that particular judge...

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Bgates is right. A pardon does not reverse a conviction. Ford did not pardon Nixon because Nixon was not guilty of breaking the law. He pardoned him because he had the authority and it was the right thing to do, at least to Ford.

Tari said...

MathMom - thanks! My job in the tree removal process was mostly to keep our 5 and 8 year old sons away from the chainsaws.
:-) Now they're 14 and 17, and they get to help out this week if needed. All of that testosterone of which you spoke comes in very handy at times like this. And when no one is in danger, there's always rugby ...

We actually live in the Med Center! We're about a mile from TCH, and very, very mercifully, are not in this part of town for any bad reason. But it does make me think to offer up a prayer for my temporary neighbors down the road. It's hard enough to face a hospital stay without all this other stuff going on.

Hang in there these next few days! We got this!

Narayanan said...

Can impeach Trump now ??!!

Howard said...

wildswan: Oroville was erosion from excess surface water spillage, not the same thing. A closer example to Katrina levee failures was the famous San Francisquito Dam failure in 1928 that was also a side story in the movie Chinatown. The Mosul Dam in Iraq is predicted to fail from subterranean undermining because the dam is seated in gypsum, which is water soluble.

Darrell said...

A judge that doesn't enforce the laws of the State of Arizona and the United States of America is a crooked judge. They got what was coming to them in Westerns.

MathMom said...

Tari -

Glad that you're not IN the Med Center! I have a client, recent heart transplant recipient, who is still in hospital, and he and his wife are riding it out on the 8th floor of Cooley.

Guys like to help, if we let them.


mockturtle said...

To all of you in Harvey's line of fire, I pray that you will be safe and that the damage is minimal. God bless!

Narayanan said...

Hahaha ... May be this case should go to Supreme Court in India

Heywood Rice said...

How exactly does one "buttress a lie...

Margarine and toothpicks.

Heywood Rice said...

In butyrum veritas!

Portlandmermaid said...

I'm just here to say that I love that you used the word "unseemly."

HT said...

I haven't yet, but I'm just guessing that the newsfolk are talking about how much Hurricane Katrina hurt President George W. Bush and are hoping — and trying not to be too unseemly about it — that Harvey will screw President Trump even worse.

Guessing or hoping?

That never occurred to me. I would have figured that FEMA only got better after Katrina. You are alone in that guess or hope.

awhitely said...

I'm still waiting for someone from the "NEWS" (any form) to call Harvey "Superstorm Harvey".
When "Superstorm Sandy" hit the Atlantic coastline on October 29th, 2012, maximum sustained winds were 90 MPH (data from NASA's CloudSat spacecraft). Harvey hit the coast with 130 MPH winds but it was the wrong coast for "Superstorm" status! The "flyover states" not only get no respect, we don't qualify for having super storms either.

Unknown said...

This is one of the strangest and most irresponsible posts I have ever seen. If you are so sure that this is what someone is going to say, then wait for them to say it and call it out. Do your homework. But instead, you make a guess about something that hasn't happened and then ask the readers to report in if the prediction is correct so you can take credit for it? How about this: watch and read the actual coverage and then comment on it. Maybe the coverage of this potential disaster will be professional and accurate. In particular, maybe the Democrats care about the well being of Americans, and are not about to try to turn a serious situation into a political football. If FEMA responds well (unlike in Katrina) good. That is what they are supposed to do.

Jon said...

@Tim - you *may* be right, but I know which way I'd bet...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"In particular, maybe the Democrats care about the well being of Americans, and are not about to try to turn a serious situation into a political football."

Good God, I laughed aloud when I read that! Incredibly disingenuous.

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