৬ জুলাই, ২০১৭

Yes, don't let anyone tell you CNN is incapable of an awesome achievement.

২৭৩টি মন্তব্য:

273 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
TWW বলেছেন...

Everything is a barometer. It all depends on how you read it.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

I thought better of Ms Powers than this.

Uhhhhmmm, because people know that first CNN goes after the ugly, nasty, anti-semitic, racist homophobes. Then, later, they find some way to paint the rest of us as one of those nasty people listed above, and proceed to destroy our lives. Brendan Eich, anyone?

The average man on the street may not know Soviet history well enough to know Beria' nostrum of "Show me the man & I'll show you the crime", but he knows the principle well enough in his bones.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

This is a story that has challenged my desire to stay informed. I do feel assured that its mostly bad for the right people. Check

MayBee বলেছেন...

I have not seen any CNN on-air personalities (except Mary Katherine Ham, a conservative) criticize CNN for what they did. Not even Jake Tapper.

David বলেছেন...

Is he 15, or not? All we have is some people saying YES! and others NO! Welcome to the disinformation era.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

Yeah, that's the thing. People understand that no matter how much of an ass the original poster is, he was only expressing an opinion. That isn't something you would normally threaten to unleash the dogs of war over. CNN was using its power (that could be used against any of us) to shut a fellow citizen up.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

I thought better of Ms Powers than this.

Me too. Apparently the left has stopped even pretending to uphold the principle of "not agreeing with what you say, but defend your right to say it."

Not to mention corporations using there power and money to abuse people. When I first heard the story I thought that it sounded like something from a William Gibson novel.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

He's not 15 years old

Prove it.

anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content

Prove it. You know, like reporters with evidence might do.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I have no idea how old this person is. Has anyone thought about asking Putin?

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

CNN would have violated no law if they had simply revealed who the Reddit user was- you really don't have a right to privacy here as a Reddit user- you want to make such posts, you run your risk of having your anonymity stripped away. One could criticize CNN for being that thin-skinned for going to such lengths, but the action is defensible in and of itself.

However, this isn't what CNN did, they used the threat of unmasking get something they wanted. That is unethical and violation of the law, and I don't give a shit what the guy posted.

Hari বলেছেন...

Other than saying, "he's not 15 years old," has CNN said anything about how old he is?

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...


He is probably 14 or 16.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

I agree with Fernandinande. All we have is CNN's word that the guy is middle-aged or 37 or whatever. And their word that the stuff about keeping his identity secret if he behaves was added in the "editorial process."

Considering its history regarding verisimilitude I see no reason to give any credence whatsoever to any assertion coming from them.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

IMO the real scandal here is that CNN – a major global news network that came to fame for its coverage of Operation Desert Storm – is now covering postings on social media and internet forums as “news.” That’s the reason I don’t watch broadcast news anymore – not because it’s biased to the Left but because it no longer distinguishes between what’s trivial and what’s important.

Darrell বলেছেন...

!2 is a popular guess for his age. The Left thinks that 12-year-olds are irredeemable.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

how did someone who posts anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content become a victim for ppl to rally around?

The Principle of Charity obliges me to presume that she genuinely does not know, that she genuinely wants to know, that she is asking a sincere question, and that she is stupid.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

How old is he? I'm guessing he was 15 when he made the GIF, has since turned 16, and CNN is pretending that that makes him an adult, since 16 is old enough in most states to make it legal to have sex with a much older person without making the latter a criminal child-molester. In other words, I suspect CNN is using the most technical of technicalities to pretend that a child of 16 is somehow an adult. It seems significant that they don't give us any hint as to how old he actually is. An exact year might give the general public too much information to preserve his anonymity, but they could easily say whether he's in his 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. Not that there would be any reason to believe them if they did, since they continue to lie about whether they're blackmailing him.

Why should I suspect that they're dissembling about his age? They're obviously using the same sort of deceit I suspect here when they say he deleted all his web activity before they "spoke" to him, without clarifying that they must have contacted him by e-mail beforehand. They want us to believe that not speaking to him is the same as not contacting him, without actually saying so, since that would be not just dishonest but a literal no-doubt-about-it bald-faced lie.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Let's see... anti-Semite, homophobe, racist (gasp!) and probably an Islamophobe. How dare CNN conceal the identity of such an egregious criminal from the People's justice?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

how did someone who posts anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content become a victim for ppl to rally around?

CNN tried to blackmail him because he made fun of CNN.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

There have been reports that CNN didn't even target the right person.

And this rationalization that "what we did was great, because this person is a racist, anti-Semitic homophobe" is meant to distract from the fact that CNN went after him solely because he mocked CNN. That was his only "crime."

Nonapod বলেছেন...

That's right, keep on victim bashing CNN. Keep on accusing people of stuff without providing any evidence other than your own highly dubious word. Keep on getting upset with people who don't believe you or trust you anymore (with good reason). And keep on being completely clueless as to why more and more people not only no longer trust you, but are beginning to despise you.

Let's see where this goes.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Other than saying, "he's not 15 years old," has CNN said anything about how old he is?

It doesn't matter if he/she is 15 or 45. That is immaterial. It also doesn't matter if he/she is a crude, juvenile, obnoxious, even racist person making dumb jokes and a silly .gif. As long as he/she is not breaking any laws he/she is entitled to free speech and to NOT be blackmailed, threatened by CNN.

If you are not making a direct threat or breaking the laws, just being offended doesn't give CNN the right to personally attack a person who wishes to remain anonymous.

Chuck বলেছেন...

I am amazed that nobody -- wholly apart from CNN -- hasn't doxxed HanAssholeSolo yet.

I am not saying I should be done.

I am not saying it shouldn't be done.

CNN certainly has chosen not to do it.

But Kirsten Powers is right. HanAssholeSolo (user name checks out) is no victim.

CNN is no victim.

Trump is no victim.

Mika is no victim.

I am not feeling sorry for anybody, today, and Professor Althouse I sort of understand your righteous indignation -- sort of -- and to the extent that I understand it, I disagree with it wholeheartedly.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Remember when they used to say "First they came for..."

That was when they were not the people doing the "coming for."

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Whoever it was made a funny gif mocking CNN.

CNN's hysteria about the gif endangering journalists made the situation even funnier.

Then CNN provoked gif-makers into making even more gifs mocking CNN.

When Trump tweeted the gif, CNN should have simply laughed like everyone else.

Mark বলেছেন...

I thought better of Ms Powers than this

Don't underestimate the propensity of the media to circle the wagons. Too many times have I seen Fox News either withholding criticism, refusing to investigate, or even defending abuses by CNN, etc. The media will protect its own, even when they are otherwise diametrically opposed to each other.

Chuck বলেছেন...

exiledonmainstreet said...
There have been reports that CNN didn't even target the right person.

Wow, I never before thought to make use of this myself...


Fen বলেছেন...

Oh I get it now. We can't just burn Samantha Powers Willy Nilly. We have to justify treating her as a subhuman wretch that normal civilized rules don't apply to. Did she once use ethnic slurs like wetback and redneck? Is she an ignorant bigot who makes brosdsweeping generalizations based from contempt and hate? How many consrvative friends does she have? None?

What a vile inhuman monster. Go on, gang rape her till she bleeds out, bitch has it coming. Besides, we already planned to do that, but now we don't feel so bad about ourselves

And that is whats most important.

Fuck you Samantha Powers. The very idea that some people should have their lives ruined because of Thought Cime... you really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

I hope 4chan treats you roughly.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

CNN's management, butthurt from the ridicule of the past 2 weeks, wanted to show they could slap down a critic, and make the critic prostrate themselves- that is why they chose the course they took. It shows a complete lack of common sense on their part that they didn't realize how this would backfire- you really do have to punch up, or at least level, in the power hierarchy to not completely embarrass yourself. This is why it was unwise to even devote resources to investigating who the Reddit user was in the first place, and catastrophically dumb to do anything with the information once they learned it was a complete Joe Schmoe.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Wow, I never before thought to make use of this myself...


7/6/17, 12:52 PM

Which is why I said "there have been reports." I didn't say they were accurate or confirmed.

Ironically, the first report came from Buzzfeed, Kaczynski's old employer. You're right, they are fake news. After all, they are the ones who reported that Pissgate story that so many gullible fools believed.

RAH বলেছেন...

Age is immaterial Any one has the right to be antisemitic or racist or believe in whatever they want. So just because this person posted stuff that offend any one is no reason to destroy him. He was anonymous for reason He is victim of CNN What CNN did was despicable and vicious.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

I think the 15 years old assertion came from 4chan. It could be true or it could be a troll. We have no way of knowing unless CNN outs the individual in question and we know they don't want to do that.

Looks like CNN has just discovered the First Rule of Holes does apply to them.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Creating photoshops and animated GIFs are the new cornerstones of free speech--and have been for twenty years. Get with the program, Grandpa CNN! I predict you will be seeing lot of cocks P-shopped in your mouths, CNN staff, from now on. It's a new generation.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Oh, and while CNN fretted about a "violent" gif that shows Trump punching a character with a CNN logo for a head, this happened:

#BREAKING: Man arrested outside @JeffFlake's Tucson office. Allegedly told staffer that liberals will solve GOP prob by getting better aim.

12:28 PM - 6 Jul 2017

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Dearest Kristen-

Not the point, dipshit.


Freedom Loving People Everywhere.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Chuck, it may or may not be fake news. What does seem accurate, however, is that the original gif was, at the very least, modified before Trump sent it out on his account. Given that the gif is based on an actual event Trump took part in, it isn't even improbable that the someone else didn't come up with the exact same meme as the Reddit user CNN attacked.

grackle বলেছেন...

Too many times have I seen Fox News either withholding criticism, refusing to investigate, or even defending abuses by CNN, etc. The media will protect its own, even when they are otherwise diametrically opposed to each other.

My fav comment so far.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

But Kirsten Powers is right. HanAssholeSolo (user name checks out) is no victim.

Honey! The puppy shit on the carpet again......

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

It's legal to extort someone if he's older than 15, right? And if he's not cute.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward;

There is a confirmed history of Trump and/or his social media team closely following the sub-Reddit "The_Donald." Trump has Tweeted stuff found on that page like 20 minutes after first appearing there.

There is no freaking doubt that the Trump video (with music and one superimposed logo at the end) was the video that came from The_Donald.

And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

Ah, it is always entertaining when intellectuals discover tribalism and think it clever. Or is it heresy? It's hard to keep up in these heady times.

fivewheels বলেছেন...

Privacy is an absolute, inviolable bedrock right if it's used as a code word for abortion. Otherwise, there's no such thing as actual privacy in left-world.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

If they out him, he will have cash for lawyers within hours.

Hari বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
readering বলেছেন...

Patricia Heaton's tweet is dumnb.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Powers argues in tweets that HanAssholeSolo was targeting Jewish CNN reporters without bringing to bear any evidence of that fact.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Chuck lies again, they said they didn't receive it from Reddit, they made no comment on its origin. A lawyerly distinction that whizzed right over Chuckie's zealous head.

Michael বলেছেন...

What if CNN discovered some black people saying motherfucker on line?

Darrell বলেছেন...

Every image posted on the internet gets passed along, copied, modified, and re-imagined at the speed of light. Finding the source image is far more difficult than you would imagine, without the resources of, say, the NSA. I say this as someone who has supplied P-Shops to political blogs, and have a collection of images numbering more than a million--lost in an unfortunate canoe accident, of course.

Hari বলেছেন...

"[H]ow did someone who posts anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content become a victim for ppl to rally around? "

Actually, people aren't rallying around him. People are rallying against CNN.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did."


Also, it may have come from Reddit or it may have come from another source. You have no evidence of where it came from. Even given the fact that Trump supposedly follows The_Donald. Correlation ≠ Causation.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Fen said...
Oh I get it now. We can't just burn Samantha Powers Willy Nilly. We have to justify treating her as a subhuman wretch that normal civilized rules don't apply to. Did she once use ethnic slurs like wetback and redneck? Is she an ignorant bigot who makes brosdsweeping generalizations based from contempt and hate? How many consrvative friends does she have? None?

What a vile inhuman monster. Go on, gang rape her till she bleeds out, bitch has it coming. Besides, we already planned to do that, but now we don't feel so bad about ourselves

And that is whats most important.

Fuck you Samantha Powers. The very idea that some people should have their lives ruined because of Thought Cime... you really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

I hope 4chan treats you roughly.

Who else is laughing at this insane screed, and thinking that Fen just mistook journalist and communications professional Kirsten Powers (the subject of this post), for former UN Ambassador Samantha Powers (who will soon be testifying before Congress in the unmasking controversy)?

You know that old line, "That's not funny, that's sick..."?

This hysterically perverted rant is so sick, it's funny.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I wonder how many of the people who think the GIF-maker deserves to be unmasked and to lose his job and most of his friends also think it's great that kidnapper, rapist, and armed robber Ernesto Miranda had his conviction set aside and a new trial granted when the Supreme Court (on a 5-4 vote) awarded him the rights now named after him. I suspect the Venn Diagram would show a more-than-50% overlap. That is, I suspect that well over half the population does not comprehend that even loathsome people have rights, and that this applies to non-criminal bigots as well as to violent criminals.

donald বলেছেন...

Nobody goes a shit where the video came from Chuck. No matter how much they tell you to push it, it just ain't gonna happen.

You work at this so feverishly...Are your handlers getting frustrated with you? Are you in danger? Do you owe them money if you don't produce?

Cause that would be cool.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Also, it may have come from Reddit or it may have come from another source. You have no evidence of where it came from. Even given the fact that Trump supposedly follows The_Donald. Correlation ≠ Causation.

Oh, that is why I want the press to work over everybody in the White House good and hard to find out whether it did or not. Just to settle whether or not Spicey was lyin'.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

"It is a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters."

I thought Trump was encouraging violence against Vince McMahon, and therefore against people of color because my betters tell me that the Irish used to be Negroes turned inside out.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

exiledonmainstreet said...
Yancey Ward said...
Blogger Gahrie said...
Blogger Sample Commenter said...
Blogger Known Unknown said...

Leasepay oday otnay eddfay hetey rolltay.
Please do not feed the troll.

Todd বলেছেন...

Fernandinande said...
He's not 15 years old

Prove it.

anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content

Prove it. You know, like reporters with evidence might do.

7/6/17, 12:36 PM

LOL, good one! They are not reporters (and haven't been in a long, long time), they are "journalists". Completely different species. Journalists don't need no stinking proof! They don't need no stinking facts! Crap like that just gets in the way of "the narrative". Silly wabbit!

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

donald said...

Leasepay oday otnay eddfay hetey rolltay.
Please do not feed the troll.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" and Noted Michigan Electoral "expert" Chuck: "Oh, that is why I want the press to work over everybody in the White House good and hard..."


Just watch it go....

Etienne বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Drago said...

Leasepay oday otnay eddfay hetey rolltay.
Please do not feed the troll.

Mark বলেছেন...

Only a few more comments, which added to the farce of a discussion yesterday, and we will top 1000 comments on this idiocy.

Wince বলেছেন...

The guy created a GIF that put a CNN logo on Vince McMahon's face.

The GIF in no way implicated in the prior speech Powers ascribes to the maker.

Do we now have to look into the political speech of every CGI technician in Hollywood to make sure he or she has never offended people in his or her life?

And if later some offense is found, does that the CGI segment have to be removed from the movie because of its creator's prior speech?

These people have all gone nuts!

Darrell বলেছেন...

Kids say and do outrageous shit to get a rise out of adults. Ever visit the YouTube comments before Google took over? It was a cesspool of lower-case insults and slurs. At the time, I read the average age of a commenter there was around 12. I doubt that any of them actually harbored those beliefs or would repeat them face-to-face.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"Oh, that is why I want the press to work over everybody in the White House good and hard to find out whether it did or not. Just to settle whether or not Spicey was lyin'."

NO ONE FUCKING CARES, CHUCK. <--- You missed this part of my previous post.

Drago বলেছেন...

Perhaps the "journalists" at CNN could spend a few moments investigating why it is that their top White House "correspondent" apparently was unaware of all the retractions the previous week regarding how many intelligence agencies actually investigated potential foreign influence in our election.


"lifelong republican" Chuck, #CNNStrongDefender, hardest hit.

Real American বলেছেন...

HanAssholeSolo may not be a teenager, but he sure is acting like one. To me, the racist reddit posts smack of children knowingly saying naughty words to show how cool they are. For all we know, he may not *actually* think that way, but is just trolling people using lowest common denominator bad words.

Usually, I have no sympathy for such a person, but in this case, I do - CNN went too far in threatening this poor soul for nothing more than making fun of CNN in a gif. Anonymity is the only protection we have in this online world that will seek to punish people for merely having the "wrong views" even when we do not use explicitly bigoted words. CNN knows that, which is why it crossed the line.

GRW3 বলেছেন...

Since no examples are provided for "anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content" we can extrapolate what they mean.

Anti-Semitic = criticized some left wing icon of Jewish descent

Racist = criticized something Obama did

Anti-Gay = believes in traditional marriage

Big Mike বলেছেন...

He's not 15 years old.

So is he 14? 16? 17? Or is Kirsten merely relying on the word of her known to be untrustworthy colleagues, including about the racism, anti-semitism, and anti-gay content? Up your game, Ms. Powers, and spend time outside the bubble.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did.

The fifty bucks in my pocket did not come from winning the pool game. It came from the U.S. mint. What an ass.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
buwaya বলেছেন...

I feel sorry for Brendan Eich, and for the million other Brendan Eich's out there that you aren't going to hear from, and for everyone else that doesn't hear from them.

The real losers in this speech-suppression business are most people, because they are forced to suffer through every sort of absurd naked-Emperor situation. This is what happens when common sense is not tolerated.

The existence of a few neo-Nazi reddit posters is a small price to pay for freeing Brendan Eich and the other million Brendan Eichs.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

Chuck: And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did.

Because no one cares?

Seriously, it is a minor detail of minimal importance that is tangential to the main story. It's roughly on the same level as covering the OJ trial and focusing on Marcia Clark's fashion sense. You may as well be arguing about the appropriateness of ending a sentence with a preposition. If it makes you feel better, you can continue your "look over there" dance for us, but we're really not interested.

Todd বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did.
7/6/17, 1:07 PM

Chuck my man, you are getting lost in the weeds again.

Just take a step back for a minute. The reality is NO one gives a crap if the kid is 12 or 42. No one gives a crap if the video was photoshopped by Trump himself. No one cares where it make from or if Spicer misspoke (or even lied). It is all beside the point noise and distraction. The point (and only point) is that a HUGE media company blackmailed a private citizen that committed NO crimes to extort an apology from them AND went public with it (to show off) AND conditioned their blackmail upon future behavior.

They were (might still be) proud of what they did! Get it? Let that sink in.

All over a little joke that was not obscene, not vulgar, and was fairly amateurish.

Get it? Let that sink in.

Still think the person deserves to be doxxed? How about if it turns out to be a 10 year old girl? Same answer? How about it turns out to be your mom? Same answer?

ccscientist বলেছেন...

It is irrelevant how old the creator of the video is. It is irrelevant if he is a jerk. It is a silly video, a spoof, a satire, clearly protected by the first amendment. CNN threatened someone over this spoof to get an apology--that is technically blackmail.

Fen বলেছেন...

Here is the irony - if we used CNN's rules, Ritmo and Chuck would have had their hands chopped off long ago.

Reminds me of the Climate Alarmists who want Skeptics jailed due to ignorantly denying Science.

That was the day I decided I could make a living replacing Irony Meters.

Related: CNN asserts Deplorables inching violence. I kid you not. If I had the power and wasn't just a sidekick, I would rub CNNs nose in the bloodtrail left on that practice field.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Bring back the creepy Obama Youth Choir singing "Tomorrow Belongs to Me." I'm sure Stephen Colbert would let them perform on his show!

Quaestor বলেছেন...

But Kirsten Powers is right. HanAssholeSolo (user name checks out) is no victim.

Yeah, and those pushcart fishmongers in Little Italy had it coming, too.

MayBee বলেছেন...

It's amazing how bad CNN has been a communicating all of this, considering they are a communications company that spends its days criticizing others' communication skills.

William বলেছেন...

The courts have held that Trump's policies are unconstitutional because of comments he made while campaigning. By the same reasoning, this Reddit poster has no rights of anonymity because he has made unsavory comments in the past. This is settled law.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

To hell with protecting childhood. I had a job when I was 15. How else can a kid pay for flying lessons.

n.n বলেছেন...

Character elements in isolation. He can still be rejected for his adoption of [class] diversity, politically convenient congruences, and other Pro-Choice doctrines. As can CNN and other progressive liberal elements for the same causes.

Mark বলেছেন...

One Thousand!

William বলেছেন...

Dear Kirsten: I'm one of your many friends at NSA. We have copies of the many "texts" you and Anthony Weiner exchanged during your "friendship" from years back. Please be advised that we will never reveal such correspondence to the world at large. Please be advised that we value your continued support of Clapper, Comey, and Brennan. Keep up the good work.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

This hysterically perverted rant is so sick, it's funny.

Most of the people on here are "moderate" republican's now Chuck. They have learned something from the "moderate" democrats and the "moderate" muslims.

We are going to start treating you all like you have been treating us for decades. Enjoy.

Chuck বলেছেন...

GRW3 said...
Since no examples are provided for "anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content" we can extrapolate what they mean.

Maybe, in the backwaters of the Trump Fever Swamps, the good ole boys can say, "I ain't seen no proof o' and anti-Semitism!"

In the real world, we got proof:


Fen বলেছেন...

And hey CNN lurkers! Yes we see you out there. Ever since you remarked on Freeman Hunt's radiance and brilliance.

Why. Haven't. You. Resigned in protest

Are ya stupid? If you tolerate and enable such behavior then don't cry out when your world is set on fire.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

Oh, that is why I want the press to work over everybody in the White House good and hard to find out whether it did or not. Just to settle whether or not Spicey was lyin'.

Been pretty obvious for a long long time to anyone willing to see that Chuck is not a republican and is not posting in good faith.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

MayBeeL: "It's amazing how bad CNN has been a communicating all of this, considering they are a communications company that spends its days criticizing others' communication skills"

They are not "experts" at anything other than being democrat operatives with bylines.

Just as with local self-styled MI electoral "experts" who despserately hope no one remembers what fools they made of themselves last november, Trump has exposed them all for the ignoramuses they actually are.

Todd বলেছেন...

So it apparently is OK for all of Europe, many US Congressmen, the majority of the teaching professors in US colleges and universities, and many, many Democrats and lefties to be openly anti-semitic but a kid doing a goofy CNN photoshop GIF is where decent people draw the line (dare I say "red line")?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
It is irrelevant how old the creator of the video is. It is irrelevant if he is a jerk. It is a silly video, a spoof, a satire, clearly protected by the first amendment. CNN threatened someone over this spoof to get an apology--that is technically blackmail.

Okay, go ahead. Explain how it is "blackmail." Set up the elements of the crime, in the relevant jurisdiction. (In what jurisdiction will you be pursuing this prosecution, incidentally?) And since you went out of your way to say that this is "technically blackmail," I want you to be very technical in your answer.

Then, since you brought it up, explain the state action or state interest that brings any "First Amendment" question into play in this matter. I'm confident that CNN's lawyers know a thing or two about the First Amendment.

Drago বলেছেন...

GRW3: "Since no examples are provided for "anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content" we can extrapolate what they mean."

Chuckie was on here yesterday attempting to resurrect the Trump is Anti-semitic lie by referencing Trumps quote about wanting to use Jewish accountants.

Chuckie is simply running as much interference for his CNN pals as he can.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago, I didn't mention you in any of my comments. (Why would I? What have you ever written, that held any substantive interest?)

So why don't you just bugger off and quit all of your personal attacks on me that clutter up these pages?

Drago বলেছেন...

...The "Spicer lied" thing...

Thats all the far left and their "lifelong republican" allies have left.


Kevin বলেছেন...

Oh, that is why I want the press to work over everybody in the White House good and hard to find out whether it did or not. Just to settle whether or not Spicey was lyin'.

And when they're done with that group, which group gets it next Chuck? And how long until they get to you?

The job of the press is to report the news, not "work over" anybody. We have public opinion, the rule of law, courts, elections, and a whole host of things to make sure the bad people are punished and the good people are left properly alone.

The media has freedom to speak. That's it. Just to speak. They have no power to "work over" someone. To give them that power is to give it to everyone and everyone. To give them that power is to give it to any thug on any street.

You're not going to like the country when it comes to that.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Jewish princess jokes aren't anti-semitism.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "So why don't you just bugger off and quit all of your personal attacks on me that clutter up these pages?"

Your comments on these pages are public. Referencing how stupid you've been and how Trump has made you look foolish is unavoidable given the volume or your inanities.

Besides, you are clearly a big, BIG defender of making sure everything in someones past is put out there for all the world to see!

One set of rules pal, one set of rules.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Reddit is NOT the go-to source for political cartoons and P-Shops. I doubt that Trump goes there or found it there. Even--and this is a big "if--even it that animated GIF was first published at Reddit--it would have made it's way around and Trump could have found it--or someone could have sent it to Trump-- from any number of right-wing blogs. When I share a joke or an image with someone, I don't tell them where I got it unless I made it myself. I doubt that Spicer was lying. The image--the file Trump used wasn't taken off Reddit. BY HIM. Get it? Nobody that shares jokes cares where they came from. Ask Amy Schumer.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I can't find the link in my history, but someone proved to my satisfaction that the one Trump tweeted was not the one Hanbutthole posted. The aspect ratio, the logo, and the sound are different.

Therefore, Chuck is a big fat liar.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

GRW3: Since no examples are provided for "anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content" we can extrapolate what they mean.

It.doesn't.matter. What he did or did not write is absolutely beside the freakin' point. What matters is that a bunch of pixel-stained wretches, puffed up with God knows what metastasizing moral cancer, have appointed themselves the national mutaween, and are astonished and dismayed that anyone, anyone questions their moral authority and right to destroy the life of any citizen who is guilty of lèse-majesté (or really, blasphemy) against their holy anointed selves. When a powerful corporation that owns all the telescreens in America goes full Stasi, that some schmuck on the internet used "the n word" or has distasteful views about Jews or gays is not germane to the issue.

I took a look at Chucklehead Powers twitter, and she wants very, very badly to buffalo everyone into believing that not only is it germane, it's the point, the issue, the only thing of interest or importance here, not CNN's utterly vile Red Guard moves.

This is what they said, and this is what matters:

"CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change...."

Do not let these holy-rollin' dirtbags change the subject.

Todd বলেছেন...

Nobody that shares jokes cares where they came from. Ask Amy Schumer.

Ouch! That one left a mark...

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Because free speech doesn't matter if no one minds what you're saying.

Curious George বলেছেন...

I'll say it again, even Chuck's dog hates him.

Drago বলেছেন...

I took a look at Chucklehead Powers twitter, and she wants very, very badly to buffalo everyone into believing that not only is it germane, it's the point, the issue, the only thing of interest or importance here, not CNN's utterly vile Red Guard moves.

That's the entire motivating factor of the far left/"lifelong republicans" that are working so diligently to make the story something that it is not.

Michael বলেছেন...

Chuck . "Explain how it is "blackmail." K. If you dis den dat.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

All defense of free speech take place on behalf of people whose speech is somehow disagreeable.

Darrell বলেছেন...

When the Fox TV show, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, was about to premier, they sent out digital Press packages with images from the show and art department, including an image of Summer Glau as a half-finished Terminator hanging on an assembly rack in the factory with wires, tubing, and and metal skeletal pieces that would join with the bottom half. I took that photo, modified the hair to fully reveal her breasts, added nipples and added the caption "Cum with me, if you want to live!" I had done a quick Google image search beforehand to see if anyone else had done that first. They hadn't. Within a week, it was all over the internet, especially at Comics and Graphic Arts blogs. Did they copy? Were they inspired by mine? Who knows? Whenever you have an idea you can bet that dozens of others have the same idea--especially when it's kind of obvious. Only a couple used my P-Shopped image and text.

Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

Weasel Zippers analyses how CNN blackmailed the wrong person:


Chuck বলেছেন...

So if "free speech" matters, why doesn't CNN have the freedom to publish what it wants, how it wants, and why it wants?

If CNN commits a tort by invading privacy, I'd agree that a civil cause of action might lie there. If CNN defamed the Redditor, I'd further agree with a civil cause of action. If CNN engaged in any illegality with regard to fraudulently or wrongly obtaining and using private information, I'd agree with a criminal investigation and prosecution?

But why can't CNN say, "We figured out who this anti-Semitic bastard is. And we could publish that, legally, but we aren't going to. At least not yet. It's not newsworthy, yet. And for us, publishing under these circumstances is just more trouble than it is worth. Bad p.r., bad vibe, and as much as we think HanAssholeSolo is, uh, an asshole, we don't want to be party to any other nutjob freak out there who might do him harm..."?

Just a bunch of free speech calculations by CNN.

By the way, I can very easily see others reaching a different conclusion on all of those particulars.

Again, I am not defending CNN. (Something that many of you are just too fucking stupid and reality-resistant to accept.)

But all you Trump street-fighters seem to like bare-knuckles media wars. I am never going to presume that CNN won't have a chip on its corporate shoulder towards Trump, and I sure don't know why they shouldn't.

Like Fox's treatment of Obama, and vice versa.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

If we can believe what CNN says, the Reddit guy claims to have posted racist and ant-semitic images in order to troll other Reddit users. Which kind of takes the wind out of Kirsten's sails. If we can believe what CNN says.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"how did someone who posts anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content become a victim for ppl to rally around?"

-- Voltaire (though I think he's not actually the source of the quote) had the right idea: I won't defend what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it.

That's like... a *basic* understanding of freedom of speech.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I see we're going to let special-needs Chuck take over the thread again.

Look, people, Chuck obsesses over these irrelevant inside-baseball minutiae not because he's a moby, or a troll, or whatever, but (in my considered opinion) because he's a sperg, and that's what spergs do. You're not going to change him by painstakingly trying to explain, over and over and over and over and over and over, why he's missing the larger picture, the real point, the truly important issue at stake, because he's probably cognitively incapable of seeing the larger picture, the real point, the truly important issue at stake. He can only stare, mesmerized, at the spinning wheels.

Obsession with utter trivia punctuated by loss of self-control and bizarre lashing out is not a symptom of troll-itude or moby-osity, people. So, it's not a matter of "don't feed the troll", but "leave the sperg alone if you don't want to be either bored to death by prissy trivia-slicing, or irritated by a sperg melt-down".

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Please do not feed the troll.

When the puppy shits on the carpet, you have to swat the puppy...every time. If you don't the puppy never learns to stop shitting on he carpet.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Did they copy? Were they inspired by mine? Who knows? Whenever you have an idea you can bet that dozens of others have the same idea--especially when it's kind of obvious. Only a couple used my P-Shopped image and text.

This is a point I wanted to make but Darrell did it better. This gif wasn't made on reddit. It was made in a video editor and uploaded to the net. The creator probably posted it in at least 5 different places. I am sure he put it on FB, Instagram, Snapchat, twitter, youtube and other forums as well as reddit.

It just makes the idiots like Chuck who focus on the reddit account look all the more stupid and zealous in their vendetta.

This stupidity will help when 4chan comes for you I am sure.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Let's keep in mind, Andrew Kaczynski is the guy who found a perfectly innocent joke and used it as a pretext for starting a "racism" witch hunt that wrecked Justine Sacco's life, simply in order to amuse himself one afternoon. I will say, he didn't do it anonymously. He not only takes pleasure in torturing random strangers, he wants them to know who has ruined their life. CNN does too.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"I agree with Fernandinande. All we have is CNN's word that the guy is middle-aged or 37 or whatever. And their word that the stuff about keeping his identity secret if he behaves was added in the "editorial process.""

-- Everything, from story pitches to final print proofing is the "editorial process." That's a B.S. excuse.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

For those of you who still have a sense of humor and want to see some of the current "meme's' on Trump vs. CNN: this! . How the hell is CNN going to go after all these people?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

{cut long defence of CNN} Again, I am not defending CNN.

Methinks he doeth protest too much.

(Something that many of you are just too fucking stupid and reality-resistant to accept.)

No personal attacks on other posters over here either....nope I's a good boy.

Achilles বলেছেন...

stever said...
This is a story that has challenged my desire to stay informed. I do feel assured that its mostly bad for the right people.

How many people will come to CNN's defense? Even steve realizes you have to be a pretty base shithead t defend them now.

It would be in the interest of every CNN employee with a soul to resign and distance themselves from the disgraceful and utterly repellent organization and it's ownership.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And I told you Kathy Griffin would get a well-deserved visit from the Secret Service. griffin-grilled-by-secret-service-over-bloody-trump-photo

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Sample Commenter said...
Remember when they used to say "First they came for..."

That was when they were not the people doing the "coming for."

And here we have the comment of the year. I was thinking the same thing, but "Sample Commenter" said it so much better than any way I came up with.

Drago বলেছেন...

Its hardly surprising that Powers is towing the company line hard here.

After all, she, like the rest of the CNN crew is just about as far away from being a journalist and/or communications professional as she can be.

Only left wing hacks would think otherwise.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Its hardly surprising that Powers is towing the company line hard here.

After all, she, like the rest of the CNN crew is just about as far away from being a journalist and/or communications professional as she can be.

Only left wing hacks would think otherwise.

Jeffrey Lord, too? Or are some hacks better than other hacks?

Michael বলেছেন...

Buwaya at 1:32 gets to the essence of the broader issue which is afoot nationally. Outed wrongthink ruins lives. And is meant to. So bake the fucking cake.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And here are some more for those who can still laugh. "dont-doxx-us-bro-here-are-the-top-10-trump-vs-cnn-gifs"

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Chuck: And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did.

Perhaps if you understood the internet and common English language usage you wouldn't be so frustrated.

Reddit provides the platform for delivery, just as the Post Office, UPS, and FedEx are delivery services. When you get a package from someone it comes through those services but they are not responsible for the content. The package actually came "FROM" the person or entity who sent it. It didn't come FROM the Post Office. It was DELIVERED by the Post Office.

So when asked where did the gif come from the correct answer is the user who posted it. Not Reddit. It is not the sender.

richardsson বলেছেন...

When I first saw that wrestling post, I thought it was something a 15 year old would do. I assumed that someone brought it to Trump's attention. He thought it was funny and reposted it. In his mind, it was a funny rebuke for their terrible coverage of him and their "grassy knoll" theories of Russian collusion. Of course, when Trump reposted it, became "yuge."

CNN's reaction to the post was as stupid as it gets. The most likely explanation for this mess is that CNN is having an organizational meltdown. Zucker looks like he knows he's finished. Reporters are getting loose lipped in bars (and caught on hidden cameras.) They know when Zucker goes, they go along with him. They sought revenge, which often backfires. It usually makes things far worse. Since CNN is on the auction block, I suspect someone soon will step in and clean house.

Drago বলেছেন...

Powers, like other losers who thought Trump could not win, many of whom were based in states like Michigan, is simply playing her part to support her team.

You'd think there might be some lines these losers who thought Trump could not win wouldn't cross out of shame.

But you'd be wrong.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

My puppy has recurring diarrhea. Not much you can do about that. She starts to squat, and I yell and open the door for her, but she doesn't always make it out in time.

Michael বলেছেন...


Clayton Hennesey বলেছেন...

Kirsten Powers: How did someone who posts anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content become a victim for people to rally around?

Powers Kirsten: How did a slut like that who does donkey porn in Tijuana become a poster girl for victims of rape?

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Jeffrey Lord, too? Or are some hacks better than other hacks?"

Jeffrey Lord is a long time political commentator, author and political strategy type guy.

And he's from Pennsylvania.

And he was confident Trump could win!

So, yeah, I'd say the political professional who properly assessed the situation on the ground and then applied that insight into support for a winning candidate might not be a hack.

Unlike all those other "hacks" from MI, PA, WI who thought Trump would lose "bigly" and take the republican senate majority down with him.

Remind you of anyone?

Darrell বলেছেন...

Second the DBQ hat tip!

Rick বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
[Please do not feed the troll.]

When the puppy shits on the carpet, you have to swat the puppy...every time.

He likes the swatting, it gives him attention.

Thanks for helping him ruin yet another thread.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Angel-Dyne said...
"Look, people, Chuck obsesses over these irrelevant inside-baseball minutiae not because he's a moby, or a troll, or whatever, but (in my considered opinion) because he's a sperg, and that's what spergs do."

But -- to his credit -- he takes 'Sperg' to Shakespearean heights. The Hubris, the Persistence, The Foolishness, the Arrogance, the Temper.

For instance, Shakespeare's line: "But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive."

Is this not Chuck's Persona?

His Honor is Above All, and he sees absolutely none in Trump. His Honor DEMANDS that this be pointed out, over and over, to lesser mortals who refuse to see.

What is funny is that I think both Chuck Detractors AND Supporters could agree to this view of Chuck as Henry V...

I am Laslo.

Drago বলেছেন...

This is the kind of thread where certain commenters are bound to become upset at the "unfortunate" narrative turn of events for their beloved MSM'ers and possibly begin attacking children.

Lets hope that doesn't happen here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Ralph L বলেছেন...

But why can't CNN say, "We figured out who this anti-Semitic bastard is"
Why would they bother to find him and contact him if they didn't want to intimidate him? Were they expecting him to be Russian?

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

I am amazed that nobody -- wholly apart from 4Chan -- hasn't doxxed Lifelong Republican Chuck yet.

I am not saying I should be done.

I am not saying it shouldn't be done.

4Chan certainly has chosen not to do it.

But Bitchmo is right. Lifelong Republican Chuck (user name checks out) is no victim.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Thanks Guys for the hat tip.

Sometimes it is just too hard to explain the most simple concepts. Almost like trying to speak to 3rd graders.

Drago বলেছেন...

Laslo: "What is funny is that I think both Chuck Detractors AND Supporters could agree to this view of Chuck as Henry V..."


There could not be a person further removed from Henry V's personal courage as a leader and in battle than our very own "almost joined the military but didn't because there was no draft" guy, Chuckie.

Which is why children are often too tempting a target.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I can't decide whether I like best is the meme where Trump, as wrestler, gives CNN an uppercut to the balls, or Trump as team USA hockey player boards the CNN guy. Having been a hockey player, I lean toward the latter .... that satisfying crunch, then the boarded guy collapses in a heap!

Maybe Ann can start a poll.

Drago বলেছেন...

BTW, my introduction to Branagh's "Henry V" was with some Navy SEAL's and EOD divers overseas some years back.

"Once more into the breach"


"And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day."

...was received in a very special way.

BGrear বলেছেন...

This is amazing to me - Kristen Powers wrote a book titled, "The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech" - published just a couple of years ago.

On Amazon this is how it is described:
Lifelong liberal Kirsten Powers blasts the Left's forced march towards conformity in an exposé of the illiberal war on free speech. No longer champions of tolerance and free speech, the "illiberal Left" now viciously attacks and silences anyone with alternative points of view. Powers asks, "What ever happened to free speech in America?"

This is the same Kristen Powers that is out to destroy a Reddit user because he made a GIF making fun of CNN? No hypocrisy there . . .

Chuck বলেছেন...

Khesanh 0802 said...
And I told you Kathy Griffin would get a well-deserved visit from the Secret Service. griffin-grilled-by-secret-service-over-bloody-trump-photo

But it was a joke! Can't anybody just post a joke anymore? Are they threatening Kathy Griffin? Blackmailing her?

Where have I heard all of that? On this page, it seems!

"[She] was just expressing an opnion...That isn't something you would normally threaten to unleash the dogs of war over... It also doesn't matter if he/she is a crude, juvenile, obnoxious, even racist person making dumb jokes and a silly .gif. As long as he/she is not breaking any laws he/she is entitled to free speech and to NOT be blackmailed, threatened by CNN....If you are not making a direct threat or breaking the laws, just being offended doesn't give CNN the right to personally attack a person who wishes to remain anonymous...It is a silly video, a spoof, a satire, clearly protected by the first amendment..."

All comments quoted from this very page, all concerning the free speech rights of HanAssholeSolo. Who I presume shares his free speech rights, with Kathy Griffin.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Maybe Ann can start a poll.

I personally like the one where they photoshopped the CNN logo on Hillary's head as she was being thrown into the van as the shit rolled down her leg...

Gahrie বলেছেন...


The difference being, it is a federal crime to threaten the life of the president, and it is not a crime (yet) to make fun of CNN.

Now having said that..was it a waste of time and resources to interview Griffin? Probably. But the Secret Service has always over- reacted to such things.

Drago বলেছেন...

Poor Chuck.

I guess you'll have to take it up with the Secret Service and their silly rules about investigating threats against the President.

I mean, that's cool, right?

But that reddit guy! He INSULTED CNN. That cannot be allowed.

Well played "lifelong republican".

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"..There could not be a person further removed from Henry V's personal courage as a leader and in battle..."

My attempt at facetiousness failed.

Was playing with the idea of some seeing the grand self-importance as tongue-in-cheek in the context of Internet Comment Heroism.

I'll sweep off the Launch Pad.

I am Laslo.

Drago বলেছেন...

Maybe we should appoint a Special Prosecutor to get to the bottom of why the Secret Service interviewed Kathy Griffin.

I mean, its INEXPLICABLE!!!

Drago বলেছেন...

Laslo: "My attempt at facetiousness failed."

Not at all.

I just went where I wanted to go.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

that satisfying crunch, then the boarded guy collapses in a heap!

I know right? While I never played hockey, I used to play broomball on the ice in Pasadena when the hockey leagues were done. 11 men (and women) on a team wearing sneakers, carrying brooms taped into a semblance of a hockey stick, chasing an elementary school red ball around the ice while committing mayhem on each other. They used to have two ambulances parked in the parking lot even before we began. It was a rare night when several people didn't hit the emergency room.

Drago বলেছেন...

Forgive my transgression Oh Great Laslo. I am but a mere mortal in the presence of creative genius.

Lest I appear too obsequious, allow me to add, "ya got that pal?".

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Honestly, I think that Secret Service over reacted for what I would have done, but well within what the Secret Service normally does. After all, look at the number of known wolves in Europe (and America!) who outwardly say things that get ignored, and then they shoot up or murder exactly what they said they would do. Like, look at the guy who shot Scalise. If security had taken a guy casing the field, with a history of threatening Republicans would have a reckoning and, after 10 minutes of investigation, found out, dude drove across the country after acquiring weapons and was living in his van -- the shooting may have been prevented.

So, I can get why the Secret Service might be a bit more... rigid than I am.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I see him more as King Lear.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

My puppy has recurring diarrhea. Not much you can do about that.

A tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese, repeated occasionally.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Drago said...

I just went where I wanted to go.

I would request that you restrain yourself. This is a decent thread so far. Chuck has been completely ridiculous defending the indefensible but civil.

You will notice he stopped pretending to be a republican too. We need to appreciate the candor and reward it.

clint বলেছেন...

How did he become a victim?

A large multinational corporation publicly threatened him, bragged about it, and did a little victory dance over his groveling apology.

That doesn't become okay just because he isn't a saint.

Sample Commenter said...
"Remember when they used to say "First they came for..."

That was when they were not the people doing the "coming for." "


Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

Okay, go ahead. Explain how it is "blackmail." Set up the elements of the crime, in the relevant jurisdiction. (In what jurisdiction will you be pursuing this prosecution, incidentally?) And since you went out of your way to say that this is "technically blackmail," I want you to be very technical in your answer.

Wait a minute Chuck, weren't you a big Ted Cruz fan?


Fabi বলেছেন...

I don't know the term 'sperg' but I like the sound of it. I hope it covers borderline personality disorder, impotency, obsessive-compulsive disorder, broad-based insecurity, passive-aggressive disorder, and irritable bowel syndrome. That would be perfect.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Ron Winkleheimer said...
Wait a minute Chuck, weren't you a big Ted Cruz fan?

In a field of about 14 candidates, Cruz was about 10th on my personal list of favorites. Trump was about 15th. When it got down to Cruz v. Trump, I was for Cruz.

I like Cruz as an iconoclastic voice in the Senate. I might like him, as Governor of Texas.

I don't agree with his construction as to how it might be extortion. But if Cruz is even close to being right, CNN might be liable civilly. And I expect that CNN won't pay a dime on this.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...



"“Doxing“ is a legal term that means revealing “documents” about a person. This can range from revealing the name of a person who uses an alias, but more commonly refers to revealing whatever the person doing it feels will harm, shame, humiliate, endanger, or put the person at some risk. Doxing is a form of stalking or threatening and is illegal under many different federal and state laws, depending on the exact facts and location."


"According to Wikipedia:

Doxing (spelling variant Doxxing) is an
abbreviation of document tracing, the Internet-based practice of
researching and publishing personally identifiable information about
an individual. The methods employed in pursuit of this information range
from searching publicly available databases and social media websites
like Facebook to hacking and social engineering. It is
closely related to cyber-vigilantism, hacktivism,
and cyber-bullying."

If I was the guy threatened, I think I would be consulting with an attorney. CNN has pretty deep pockets.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

rhhardin, I'll try the cottage cheese! The dog will enjoy it.

RE: the Secret Service and Kathy Griffin-- I read a fascinating and believable book some time ago by a guy who claimed to be retired Secret Service. He described at some length what they do about threats to targets (like the POTUS). They don't take them all very seriously, but they do try to respond to every one that might have real intent. Sometimes just with a phone call, sometimes with a visit to your house, etc.

It made sense. Take everything seriously, even with just a phone call. Hello, Ms. Griffin? This is Officer Samuel Jones from the Secret Service. Just fine today, and how are you? Good. I'm calling because you held up an effigy of the severed head of our President. That's not something we like to see, and I hope you can understand that. Yes, we can come to your apartment if you like. You're there now? I'm just around the corner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Kristen - because we despise CNN more.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...


Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

This is about a proposed bill intended to make doxxing a federal crime.


Chuck, I've been in the IT field for decades. I have a graduate level degree and plenty of experience regarding computer security and investigation

Mr. Groovington বলেছেন...

Blogger Chuck said...
Trump has Tweeted stuff found on that page like 20 minutes after first appearing there.

You just made that up. Give me one instance where that has been the case.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Ron, that defendant's name was Mir Islam. You think he wasn't going to get 24 months?

But seriously; what were you trying to prove with that link. All you showed, is how absolutely outlandish the cyber-bullying and online mischief has to be, to get charged.

I am declaring right now; no one associated with CNN will face any criminal jeopardy whatsoever over this.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

I follow the developments in things like cyber-bullying, swatting, and doxxing from the perspective of a professional in the field

My guess is CNN is busy paying their victim off after he signs a NDA right now at the advice of their attorneys.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"Ron, that defendant's name was Mir Islam. You think he wasn't going to get 24 months?"

This is the sort of anti-muslim bigotry and hate speech that CNN needs to unmask.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Chuck said, "I am declaring right now; no one associated with CNN will face any criminal jeopardy whatsoever over this."

It's a civil offense and a moral outrage that anyone smarter than a doorknob should recognize. CNN should get their asses sued right off.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

Oh, and Chuck ignored all the other links.

If somebody threatened to dox somebody using their work computer at any of the firms where I have worked, they would be fired.

This is from the SANS sample acceptable use policy:

"Under no circumstances is an employee of authorized to engage in any activity that is illegal under local, state, federal or international law while utilizing -owned resources"


"Any form of harassment via email, telephone or paging, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages"

I think you are correct, nobody at CNN will face criminal charges. But in a normal work environment, you don't go around doxxing people.

alan markus বলেছেন...

Has anyone been able to find where Spicer lied by saying the GIF did not come from Reddit? Is there a transcript of testimony given under oath? A video record of that testimony? Or just a video of a press conference? Because I am not finding anything by Googling "Spicer Reddit CNN Tweet" and variations - all I found so far was Daily Beast reporting that on Sunday Spicer (and others) had not responded to their request for comment. Maybe the source is a fake news site (CNN, etal?).

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

Or threatening to do so, even if you think you are one of the good guys. And that the other guy is scum.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Ron Winkleheimer, it's not the doxing. It's the blackmail.

CNN could've just published what they had on the perp (if they had it, which I rather doubt). That would've been fine, legal, and while stupid, not such a big deal.

It's that they threatened the perp, extorted an apology and deletion of accounts, and then said don't do it again, or we'll tell everyone where you poop.

Chuck বলেছেন...

sodal ye said...
Blogger Chuck said...
"Trump has Tweeted stuff found on that page like 20 minutes after first appearing there."

You just made that up. Give me one instance where that has been the case.

Wellllll! I am so glad you only asked for "one instance." Because I have a good one, but just one.

Here you go; Buzzfeed reporter Brandon Wall noting that a #RosieO'Donnell Tweet was re-Tweeted by Mr. President "about 20 minutes before the president tweeted it."


So, Sodal; don't you just hate little things like this? You throw me what looks like a low outside fastball on the edge of the strike zone, but I reach down, turn on it, and just pound it out of the park? Do I need to switch over to cricket terminology here?

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

...and they were dumb enough to publish that shit! This from a company organized around the spreading of information, in the pursuit of advertising revenue. That's just amazing.

Airports everywhere must be asking themselves, "Why again are we running this channel?"

Michael বলেছেন...

"Here you go; Buzzfeed reporter Brandon Wall noting that a #RosieO'Donnell Tweet was re-Tweeted by Mr. President "about 20 minutes before the president tweeted it.""

Can anyone link to a version of this in English?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

There is no freaking doubt that the Trump video (with music and one superimposed logo at the end) was the video that came from The_Donald.

As usual, Chuck, you are wrong. http://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2017/07/05/if-buzzfeed-is-correct-it-appears-cnns-andrew-kaczynski-outed-the-wrong-guy/

As for blackmail / extortion:
If you say " I have this information, and I'm going to publish it", that's protected by the 1st Amendment, assuming the information is true.

If you say "I have this information, and if you ever do 'X' again I will publish it", and publishing the information would be expected to harm the individual, then you are engaging in blackmail and/or extortion.

CNN said "we have his personal information, and if he ever again publishes anything we don't like we'll release it to the general public." That is classic criminal behavior by CNN

MadisonMan বলেছেন...



Chuck বলেছেন...

Michael said...
"Here you go; Buzzfeed reporter Brandon Wall noting that a #RosieO'Donnell Tweet was re-Tweeted by Mr. President "about 20 minutes before the president tweeted it.""

Can anyone link to a version of this in English?

Not my best work. I hate even talking about these digital platforms (Reddit, Instagram, FB, Twitter) that I don't even use.

Brandon Wall's Tweet was as follows: The Rosie O'Donnell tweet was posted on the Trump subreddit about 20 minutes before the president tweeted it

Just go look at the page I linked. They explain it.

Fabi বলেছেন...

I'm not sure if it was Buzzfeed that noted it, but the .gif from Reddit didn't contain sound -- the .gif that Trump tweeted [re-tweeted?] has sound.

Chuck বলেছেন...


I kind of like Twitchy. At least I always used to. I am uncomfortable with how pro-Trump they are. I read that earlier. I am not buying it. I think the Trump-used video came from HanAssholeSolo and I don't think HanAssholeSolo himself doubts it.

Michael বলেছেন...


I don't click on sites named "heavy,com" But reading your exegesis I would have to ask, so what? I can understand how you might follow Rosie O'Donnell's twitter account. It explains a lot.

Drago বলেছেন...

I think the Trump-used video came from HanAssholeSolo and I don't think HanAssholeSolo himself doubts it.

Mind reading again.

Beats presenting evidence.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

CNN could've just published what they had on the perp (if they had it, which I rather doubt). That would've been fine, legal, and while stupid, not such a big deal.

That's what I thought at first, but now I'm not so sure. Just what constitutes legitimate reporting vs harassment? The guy that created the gif didn't do anything illegal and was a private citizen. What news value was there in reporting who created the gif? It added nothing to the story.

I think the original plan was to see if they guy had posted anything objectionable and use that to "taint" Trump via 2nd hand association. That is, Trump retweeted a gif created by someone he didn't know that had come to him over the internet and therefore Trump must share that persons beliefs, because they really do think we are that stupid, because they are that stupid.

Which is why I don't understand why they don't reveal the guys name. Because they are merciful and he apologized and agreed not to be a bad boy again? Ha, it is to laugh. Nope, he probably is a minor. But, if they had doxxed him, I think he would have had a pretty good claim of harassment.

Chuck বলেছেন...


You just put in quotation marks a statement from CNN that CNN never authored.

Hey, I don't want to argue this shit with fifty people at once. Although that might just be a fair fight.

I am going to happily wait for the CNN indictment. Or the civil action of HanAssholeSolo versus CNN in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


Fabi বলেছেন...

Chuck said uncertainly...

"I think the Trump-used video came from HanAssholeSolo and I don't think HanAssholeSolo himself doubts it."

You think but don't know for certain about any of the sources but have accused Spicer of lying! And please describe in detail your insight into what HanAssholeSolo doubts or doesn't doubt.


Fabi বলেছেন...

When losing an argument it's always effective to become a pedant about quotation marks!

Chuck বলেছেন...

Michael said...

I don't click on sites named "heavy,com" But reading your exegesis I would have to ask, so what? I can understand how you might follow Rosie O'Donnell's twitter account. It explains a lot.


So then just fuck off. Somebody challenged me to find "just one instance" in which something from the pro-Trump sub-Reddit site was picked up and put onto Trump's personal Twitter account. As I mentioned, way up earlier on this page.

And so, I did just that. A documented instance in which a Rosie O'Donnell Tweet showed up on the Trump sub-Reddit and 20 minutes later Trump was Tweeting it.

If you want, I could print it, roll it up in a little ball and shove it down your throat.

MayBee বলেছেন...

The Heavy is actually an ok website.

And here is what it says about the Rosie O'Donnel Tweet trump made:

Just one day after firing FBI Director James Comey back in May, Trump pulled up a December 2016 O’Donnell tweet pleading for someone to “FIRE COMEY.” After following through on the firing, Trump quoted the tweet and fired back at Rosie.

Coincidentally — or maybe not — a post calling out O’Donnell on her thoughts of Comey was posted to The_Donald just 20 minutes before Trump tweeted it, BuzzFeed reporter Brandon Wall pointed out.

So it was a post about O'Donnell made on Reddit, and after that Trump tweeted calling out O'Donnell because she had asked for Comey to be fired.

And of course...the liberals calling out for Comey to be fired before Trump did it was pretty rich territory.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

There really isn't anything to argue, doxxing is generally considered a form of cyber-bullying, except, it appears, when huge corporations who can afford to hire teams of lawyers and have lots of political contacts do it.

And threatening people with harm, even if done indirectly, in order to get them to do something they wouldn't do otherwise is generally considered extortion or blackmail,except, it appears, when huge corporations who can afford to hire teams of lawyers and have lots of political contacts do it.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Ron Winkleheimer, good discussion.

This was probably a pretty simple thing. This guy Kaczynski wrote a story, and it made CNN look like white hats and probably got good laughs around the table, and sadly, CNN's editors are probably not A-team folks, so they ran it.

They ran it because they were too stupid to realize just how dumb it was. Probably Columbia School of Journalism grads.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Our resident troll can't seem to handle simple logic or basic honesty - hard to say which.

Challenged to back up his statement that "Trump has Tweeted stuff found on that page like 20 minutes after first appearing there", he proves that Trump tweeted something that had appeared on that page 20 minutes before, but not for the first time. It had appeared on Rosie O'Donnell's Twitter feed five or six months before that! That means - just to spell it out with 'emphasis added' for slow learners and rub it in for one of them - that it was not something Trump posted "like 20 minutes after first appearing there", and rolly polly trollie's proof crashes and burns.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Having said that....I wouldn't be surprised at all that Trump's people frequent The Donald Subreddit. Just as I'm sure Hillary's people and other Democrats frequent Daily Kos (Senator Barack Obama even posted there!!! Senator Warner threw them a party!!)

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

...and all they had to do was delete the last two paragraphs. Then it would've been fine.

I dunno. I've never held a job as an editor, but don't you try to hold them up to a standard of some kind?

Fabi বলেছেন...

Chuck is again being vulgar and threatening violence against another commenter. Didn't Chuckles yesterday post the commenting rules and tattle to the professor about claimed violations by others?

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