— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017
Wow. He really is doubling down and apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists.
As a metaphor, there's a bit of a fakeness muddle. Fakeness 1: CNN is — in the Trump rhetoric — fake news. Fakeness 2: that kind of wrestling is fake. So Trump has himself fake-fighting fake news. Might be kind of like writing a sentence with a double negative.
Anyway, a President showing us video of himself physically brutalizing the news media... that's something we've never seen, and if the question is whether that's presidential, we know Trump's answer is it's modern-day presidential.
Meanwhile, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison calls for censorship: Twitter should kick Trump out. Twitter does have the power to pull the plug, but what are the consequences?
What happens to Twitter after it shows itself looking plainly political? There's always another social media platform. It wasn't that long ago when Twitter didn't exist. There's nothing that special about Twitter other than that it has a lot of users. They could have them today and lose them tomorrow. Trump has 33 million followers. Anywhere he goes, he will be followed, leveraging Twitter's competition.
As for the censors like Ellison, why do they not worry about how they will be seen? Why don't they worry about the demands for equal treatment? Ellison said: "I personally think that Twitter should treat him like any other social media harasser and snatch his account." Turn that around. If Trump's account is snatched, then everyone else whose account was equally "bullying" toward anybody would have to get their account snatched. That would be a lot of snatches.
In last night's post about Trump's tweeting, the commenter rcocean wrote that he was "surprised Althouse isn't pulling out her 'Civility Bullshit' tag." I see the point. This is squarely within what I use that tag to mean, which is that calls for civility are always bullshit. That is, I have observed again and again that when somebody issues what purports to be a lofty call to civility, they're bullshitting. They don't really mean it. They just want someone who's not on their side to disarm, tone it down, and recede into boring innocuousness. If their side were coming on strong, scoring hits, they'd be exulting and proud of their effective rhetoric.
1 – 200 of 307 Newer› Newest»I thought it was funny, as it was clearly meant to be.
Blogger mockturtle said...
I thought it was funny, as it was clearly meant to be.
7/2/17, 10:55 AM
As did I.
Wow. He really is doubling down and apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists.
Journalists? By their own admission they are no more than entertainers. A wrestling match seems highly appropriate.
Twitter is not gonna pull the plug, because Twitter is almost dead, financially, and Trump is all that's keeping Twitter alive.
Thirty years ago conservatives use to rail against the degrading of the culture. Do you remember that?
The media picked a fight with Trump from the get-go. Trump, sanely or not, is not a man to back down from a fight. Trump's supporters hate the media more than Trump does, so he has their complete support in humbling the media. Folks who don't like Trump aren't going to like him more if he starts making nicey-nice with the media.
Short of Trump crossing some legal bounds (e.g. throwing a reporter in prison), I can't see this as being a losing strategy for Trump.
Is it now okay for students to call their teachers "psycho" and "dumb as a rock"? The president does it afterall.
Social conservative railed against degrading the culture. Not conservatives.
Swear words have a lot of literary performance packed into them.
Oh, gosh. Rare AA error. You meant "whose".
How can Republicans ever claim a moral high ground about the need for civil discourse with Trump leading their party?
Thirty years ago conservatives use to rail against the degrading of the culture. Do you remember that?
Yes, & they did it in the name of Jesus. And the Left hated them for it back then, too.
Do you remember that?
"Is it now okay for students to call their teachers "psycho" and "dumb as a rock"?"
Bad analogy.
Trump is moving news more and more plainly into entertainment. That's the whole point.
That's all the news is.
There's no market for hard news. That's why.
So public debate has to go somewhere else, if it wants to be taken as serious, because Trump has ripped away the veil too plainly now.
"Wow. He really is doubling down and apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists."
They quit being journalists some time ago. Now they are simply the organs of propaganda for the state.
Harry Truman did offer to punch a journalist in the nose. Trump has gotten much worse press than that. We are in new territory here - the mainstream media is exposed as an organ of the deep state and that can't be undone. Trump is a mean son of a bitch who happens to be President of the United States. I wouldn't worry much until journalists start turning up missing or murderd like Seth Rich.
Will Trump be borked before the press is Vince Fostered.
Trump is leading the way in defining deviancy down. He is taking the lowest of American TV culture (think Maury Povich) and making it the norm.
Point One: Right, Bob Eillison. Twitter is never, ever going to ban @realDonaldTrump. Ever.
Point Two: Is it "censorship," if Twitter did pull the Trump account? It wasn't censorship for Trump to yell at hecklers, "Get 'em out of here. Get 'em out." It's hard to say that policing private space, to get invitees in that space to adhere to agreed rules is "censorship." And to expel them from private space if agreed upon rules are not followed. Right, Althouse? Free speech and everything?
Point Three: Once written, twice... said...
Thirty years ago conservatives use to rail against the degrading of the culture. Do you remember that?
Yeah! Yes indeed I do remember that. A lot of us remember that. A lot of us are a bit embarrassed, by anyone purporting to represent conservatism, who degrades the culture.
I'm not quite sure if Trump is even purporting, to represent conservatism.
Once written, twice... said...
How can Republicans ever claim a moral high ground about the need for civil discourse with Trump leading their party?
We need to talk.
Journalists? News divisions?
I think the going rate for a network news anchor is about $15 million per annum plus perks.
Anyone believe this is for reading the news on camera?
They are actors/celebs in the entertainment industry.
Well it's a good thing a liberal NYC dem doesn't represent conservatism.
Dems with bylines, nothing more
"Oh, gosh. Rare AA error. You meant "whose"."
Homophone typos are extremely easy to make. It's not about not knowing what's right. It's just finger instinct tied in the brain to the sounds. But I'd corrected it before I read your correction.
I make errors like that a lot, but I try to proofread and catch them.
You all have no problem with talking about "ghetto culture" or "hip hop culture." Well this is Hillbilly Culture. I have been pointing to its rise for years right here on Ann's blog.
Ooohhhh hillbilly culture. Gotta agree Hill and Bill brought that to the fore.
Or should I say the former rapist-in-chief and his main grifter?
Kim Kardashian has more than 3 times as many followers on Twitter.
Isn't once living in Argentina?
Trump has CNN on the ropes. He's going for the knockout.
Thirty years ago conservatives use to rail against the degrading of the culture. Do you remember that?
Yes and I remember we lost the culture war and you danced on its grave.
Be careful what you wish for.
The left may bitterly regret this war they have declared on the duly elected president.
Some Obama appointee is whining about how T Rex is cleaning out the State Department.
In my six years at State as a political appointee, under the Obama administration, I had gone to countless of these events. They usually followed a similar pattern: slightly awkward, but endearing formalities, a sense of melancholy at the loss of a valued teammate. But, in the end, a rather jovial celebration of a colleague’s work. These events usually petered out quickly, since there is work to do. At the State Department, the unspoken mantra is: The mission goes on, and no one is irreplaceable. But this event did not follow that pattern. It felt more like a funeral, not for the departing colleague, but for the dying organization they were leaving behind.
Conan knew how good this feels.
What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Someday, we may have had too much Trump but we are not there yet.
By a long shot.
You'd think the left would recognize the moral high ground as part of an oppressive power structure.
Virtue can't be planned. It comes up as you go along. You see instances from time to time.
Plug the latter into the former.
Billhilly culture often involves shitting on a sidewalk. Right, Once?
Well, all those other Repubs got similar treatment, bent over and said "Thank you sir, may I have another" look where it got Romney. Trump is just another fat guy with a combover but he fights and a lot of people like that.
If you want to know why is this funny and NOT incitement to violence, it's because this meme is based on a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING clip for Lord's sake - which everyone knows is fake violence played for laughs. That's the signal that it's a joke. Was it incitement to violence when Trump actually took that person down? No. It was a gag, a joke.
Newsbabe blood will flow.
Trump did not retweet this. Did someone create it for him?
Of course you think it is a bad analogy Meade. That is because you don't like the implications of it.
I posted elsewhere on the State Dept. purge:
The State Dept being the State Dept, they're also probably shocked & stunned to find out that they are on the shit list of a Republican administration & a Republican Congress. While it's unlikely that there will be a major house cleaning because of it, everyone outside of Foggy Bottom is well aware that for all the malfeasance of the Clintonistas while at DoS to have occurred, hundreds of staffers made up of political appointees, foreign service, & contractors had to have been involved. These staffers saw the "inevitable" Clinton administration as their ticket to ride. Well, they lost, & now the winners are dropping the hammer on them. There's just no trust left between the bureaucracies involved. If the parties were reversed, the exact same thing would be happening.
I loved it. Also, per the Dems neither accepting multiple blow-jobs from (and engaging in cigar-sex with) an intern (BC), nor sharing a mistress with a leader of organized crime while having sex with multiple other women (including an intern)(JFK) while in the white house, disqualifies one from being a great president. Trump's peccadillos are of a different kind/more public and silly, but hard to see how they bring more shame to the office.
In toto, shorter Once Written:
"You guys lost the culture war, so quit acting like winners and shut up."
When Obama used to talk about the Republicans driving the US over a cliff, nobody pretended he meant they literally were driving us over a cliff, and Brian Stelter and Keith Ellison didn't pretend to fear vehicle violence in retaliation.
But there has been real violence recently. The "antifa" guys. Black Life Matters protests. A couple anti-Trump protest groups during the election. How did the media respond to that? Mostly with no disapproval.
And, just for education purposes, have all you noticed who it is around here that is always pushing for the banning of commentators from this forum? It isn't coincidental, either.
Virgil your argument is of the "Jefferson owned slaves (and had sexual relations with one of them) hence he can't be considered a great person" variety.
Since I had a psycho teacher or 2 over 30 years ago and did call them that, not to their face yeah.
Now after the stuff I've read about some of these wackos? You bet. Almost wants me to take a class cos they can't do shit to me.
Ann Althouse said, "Kim Kardashian has more than 3 times as many followers on Twitter."
Yes, and this comment illustrates the problem most people have with the Interwebs. The numbers dwindle compared to the passion. There are lots of followers, but the ratio of zealots to people who just clicked on a "follow" button varies widely.
Maybe he is sending a message to North Korea.
That's the best spin I can think of.
Self deprecating humor and a follow up to the very recent exchange with CNN's Acosta. Lighten up folks.
"You're Thor! How do you think I feel?"
Who has picked a fight with Trump, attacking him personally, and won?
Once written, twice... said...
Of course you think it is a bad analogy Meade. That is because you don't like the implications of it.
7/2/17, 11:26 AM
Explain the analogy to me. How is Trump like a student to Joe and Mika being teachers?
The culture war has intensified from the previous years of missile combat between well-defined lines; the lines have closed, the battle has gone to shield-to-shield at spears length, and from there the lines have broken into a mass melee.
You cannot expect the lines to reform at this point, until one side or the other breaks and flees.
Wow. He really is doubling down and apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists.
Journalists have been making statements leading to violence against the right for decades. They should be glad all they are facing are some hilarious tweets.
Chuck, if I were running the pathetic disaster that is Twitter, I'd say, "Let's ban Trump!"
Lots of publicity that way. Trump takes his minions to another location, but Twitter gets all kinds of plaudits. Twitter should drop the facade and market to its base on the left.
But CNN's parent company financially supported the Trump get's killed Julius Ceaser play, right?
Chuck said...
Once written, twice... said...
How can Republicans ever claim a moral high ground about the need for civil discourse with Trump leading their party?
We need to talk.
Of course you do.
Remember both of these people think "teabaggers" is moral high ground.
The media is running around in circles today acting like Trump held up a bloody severed head.
Trump is Twitter's main thing right now. They should go for the gold, grab for the ring, whatever! Say you're bigger than that guy; he's using us; we can judge him and move on to better things!
The Left long ago declared war on conservatives and our nation.
"Fundamental transformation".
Some "wise" President called for that.
Well congratulations, you've got it.
The only hope for the Left is that the LLR's help overthrow a duly elected President and assist the dems in regaining power.
Why is Drudge headlining stories about Pence distancing himself from Trump?
I mean.....I don't think it's a presidential tweet, but I've gotten used to the idea that Trump is a different kind of president. It's the more zen-ful approach.
If I could change both the media and Trump, I would. But if the media (led by CNN) isn't going to change their ways, then I'm at peace with Trump being Trump.
Once written, twice... said...
You all have no problem with talking about "ghetto culture" or "hip hop culture." Well this is Hillbilly Culture. I have been pointing to its rise for years right here on Ann's blog.
Don't you have a police car to go poop on or a fellow protester to go rape?
Trump is Jerry Lawler, CNN is Andy Kaufman.
Why is Drudge headlining stories about Pence distancing himself from Trump?
Who cares?
The Left told us Drudge is a Nazi.
You guys stick to your civility bs. The rest of us live in the real world.
Trying to shame, how judgmental. Naughty naughty. That's sooo passé.
The DNC talking points and press's narratives about Obama borrowing liberally from Medicare to fund Medicaid (i.e. Obamacare)... I mean, throwing "granny" off the cliff, led to the attempted abortion of a Republican representative and staff, as well as violence in public (e.g. town halls) and private (e.g. Occupy) settings. The left have a tradition of conflating logical domains but also insurance and medical care and health care. The baby hunts carried out by the DNC and Democratic special and peculiar interests served to prime the violence, domestic and foreign.
That said, Democrats have one last chance to secure political progress through elective wars that force refugee crises, immigration reform that has seen mass exodus from second and third-world nations, and Planned Parenthood et al that have advanced Dodo Dynasties.
It all plays into Nancy Pelosi's corner.
Even though that's still the corner where they keep the washboard, sweeper, and mops.
Little dolly, don't cry, said the mouse.
Oh, what nonsense by golly!
You're loved in this house.
Yes, it's true you were left all alone here,
But life is worth living,
So wipe off that frown.
Your real friends are here by your side...
The washboard and sweeper,
The sponge and the mop,
The broom and the duster,
all love you a lot...
CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted: “Isn’t Pro Wrestling Fake?” and Donald Trump Jr replied: “Yes, just like your coverage.”
Leftist: "30 years ago conservatives use to rail against degrading the culture. Do you remember that?"
Very clearly. And then your side massacred them.
When politeness and orderliness are met with contempt and betrayal, expect the response to be less polite, less orderly - Instapundit
You dismissed the Tea Party as racist xenophobic hillbillies.
So now you get Trump.
Once written, twice... said...
Why is Drudge headlining stories about Pence distancing himself from Trump?
Who said Pence is distancing himself?
"an ally"
This is in Axios. A recently formed leftist shitrag pretending to be news.
Meanwhile the media is face down on the mat. I hope they try to get up a couple times before they give up.
It seems to me that Trump has given up (not that he ever cared, much less tried) in getting a legislative agenda through congress. It is now Clown Time, all the time, from here on out.
I posit this:
Trump's use of Twitter is connecting the Media of the Mikas and Coopers with the Social Media of the Kardashians.
He is nudging people to view them through the same lens, and to then treat them with the same Unseriousness and occasional Disdain.
The News has the Fakeness of a Reality Show: everyone knows the shows have planned narratives, and are edited to Sell what they wish to Sell: Russian Collusion, Kardashian Perfume -- no difference.
Many people do not recognize the World the Media portrays as their own, in the same manner they do not recognize the Lives of the Kardashians as anything resembling their own: however, even the Kardashians understand Downtown Arkansas better than the Media, and don't bash them, because they know THOSE ARE THEIR CUSTOMERS.
Part of the Entertainment found in the Kardashians is their narcissism and simultaneous lack of self-awareness: Trump is showing the Media to be the same Actors, and he is battling them with a Wrestling Wink.
He is signalling that he knows all of this is a Game, and yet the Media continues to play their parts with Dead Seriousness, not realizing that they have come full circle to Twitter Ted Baxters, adding only sociopathic habits along the way.
Would watching "Election Night With The Kardashians" be fundamentally different than CNN's Panel of Tsking Heads?
The Twitter Tar Baby has been deployed.
I am Laslo.
"Why is Drudge headlining stories about Pence distancing himself from Trump?"
Hey, you can read Trump's mind. You tell us.
If you think the left has real, rather than imaginary, trouble with Trump who is libertarian, try to think of what President Pence would be like.
I'll save you the trouble. It would be your own worst nightmare,
The only thing worse would be if you actually got enough Muslims over here to take over.
Teaching gays to fly from tall buildings would be amusing as schadenfreude.
It seems to me that Trump has given up (not that he ever cared, much less tried) in getting a legislative agenda through congress. It is now Clown Time, all the time, from here on out.
Kate's law, an issue he ran on, just passed the house.
And late last week he had all the GOP Senators over to discuss the healthcare bill.
What the media is focused on is not all that he is doing.
Chuck said...
Once written, twice... said...
How can Republicans ever claim a moral high ground about the need for civil discourse with Trump leading their party?
We need to talk.
Chuck takes the high road, April 2016
So much of the anti-Trump rhetoric is hysterical, hate-based and over the top. Take Chuck’s vituperation as an example: “lying assholes, mendacious Trump asshattery, Fuck you, You are a real fucking joke, You are an even bigger fool and a moron, God damn you eric!”
And that’s in the comments section of just one Althouse post. The rage is palpable.
One of my leftist friends posted a story about how mean and sexist it was for Trump to make jokes about Dumb Mika. I posted "Didn't you hear the latest joke? Trump has tiny hands! Boom."
She liked it and thought it was a funny joke. Not sexist or anything...
Trump haters truly don't understand how stupid they are acting.
He really is doubling down and apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists.
You can criticize this but how can they? They've been leading the Trump is Hitler / Republicans are white supremacists charge which is far more likely to lead to violence (and already has).
Michael K. wrote "Teaching gays to fly from tall buildings would be amusing as schadenfreude."
Ann must be so proud to have you as a commenter...
Once written, twice... said...
It seems to me that Trump has given up (not that he ever cared, much less tried) in getting a legislative agenda through congress. It is now Clown Time, all the time, from here on out.
When did Obamacare pass? How long after the election was that?
I know your post wasn't in good faith. I just posted the obvious answer for funs. You are just mad that the media is getting owned and you are trying to make points in an argument the way a troll makes points in an argument.
What really makes you mad is a bunch of hillbillies are smarter than you.
Trump probably thinks he really beat up the wrestler, though everyone else knew it was fake.
I think commentators are wrong in thinking that all Trump haters are screaming and pulling their hair out whenever he tweets like this. I just smile and go on with my life. Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.
Laslo Spatula, very well written. If you take a few months to be serious like that and write a book on it, I'll be first in line.
Once written, twice... said...
Michael K. wrote "Teaching gays to fly from tall buildings would be amusing as schadenfreude."
Ann must be so proud to have you as a commenter...
That is what Muslims do though. Are you mad that Michael K pointed out the people you want to import into our country murder gay people as a normal course of action?
If you think the left has real, rather than imaginary, trouble with Trump who is libertarian,
Trump is no libertarian.
This is Trump's best yet. He dangled it and the moron Acosta bit it. Yes, Acosta, wrestling is fake. Wrong footed. Own goal. Trump banks an empty goal.
Shit this is just tops. Really really good.
Rommel: How can the Americans ever claim the moral high ground when Patton slaps around troops recovering in a hospital tent?
Hitler: Yah, what Rommie said! Surrender now, mud people.
Chuck: Can we talk? You just want a bit more "living space", right? I have this piece of paper, and if you sign, I feel we will have secured peace in our -
Hitler: WTF Rommie! Dude...
Rommel: Sorry. I just really hate traitors. Even American traitors.
Not yet six months. But like I said at outset, gonna be 4 year cluster@¥©k.
Ellison wants to grab Trump's Twitter!
Rick depends on what side one is looking from.
It seems to me that Trump has given up (not that he ever cared, much less tried) in getting a legislative agenda through congress.
You have to read that a la Marv Albert
I've always wanted to see a politician blend electoral politics and performance art.
And Trump is doing it masterfully!
With a touch of Andy Kaufman.
Please don't stop our Tweeter in Chief from posting his bread crumbs for the circus of pop culture.
Blogger Rick said...
If you think the left has real, rather than imaginary, trouble with Trump who is libertarian,
Trump is no libertarian.
I guess you must be a lefty.
What is not libertarian about Trump ? Really.
Forget your DNC talking points and tell me why you think a guy who supported gay marriage before Clinton and Obama is not libertarian.
Are you mad that Michael K pointed out the people you want to import into our country murder gay people as a normal course of action?
The left lives a world of good intentions that trump (pardon me) real consequences.
Muslims are "brown people" and therefore a protected class.
In Sweden, woman are told not to report rapes. In Germany much the same occurs.
Reality is not their thing.
Ann Althouse said, "Homophone typos are extremely easy to make. It's not about not knowing what's right. It's just finger instinct tied in the brain to the sounds."
This subject is vast and insufficiently studied.
I'm a piano player. Typing came quickly and easily to me, probably because of the piano background.
You, AA, imply that your typing is connected to the sounds in your mind's ear. That happens, but people also type what's under their fingers, or what's in their heads with no sounds. The mind's ear, eye, and word composition places may be distinct parts of the brain.
Most of us fast typists in the computer age auto-correct in real time, backing up over typos and mistakes. It can be a tyranny. Sometimes I type something quickly, almost as fast as I'm thinking it, and then look it over and think, "that's pretty stupid", and delete it.
If AA were less gracious:
"Don't try to bullshit us with your bullshit calls for civility!"
I am really enjoying Trump. He simply refuses to play by the establishment rules.
But fortunately he doesn't need Congress to roll back rules and that's going better than I expected at this point.
Maybee: Kate's law
Yup. And President Trump just had a very successful diplomatic trip to South Korea. Exceeded even my own expectations.
OnceBitten, embrace the power of MULTI-TASKING
President Trump is taking down the propaganda arm of the Democrat party WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY fixing the mess he inherited from Obama.
And as per Rule 6 - a good tactic is one your people enjoy - he is energizing the people who voted for him. We are having a blast watching him troll the media "elites"
readering said...
Not yet six months. But like I said at outset, gonna be 4 year cluster@¥©k.
8 year clusterfuck.
He is signalling that he knows all of this is a Game, and yet the Media continues to play their parts with Dead Seriousness, not realizing that they have come full circle to Twitter Ted Baxters, adding only sociopathic habits along the way.
Brilliant, Laslo!
Trump is pointing out that the presennt "news" shows - even the "Evening News" - bear the same relation to news reporting as WWE "wrestling" bears to Olympic wrestling.
Likewise Fen at 12:05. Credit where credit due.
think commentators are wrong in thinking that all Trump haters are screaming and pulling their hair out whenever he tweets like this.
Our mistake was probably caused by watching all the Trump haters screaming and pulling their hair out whenever Trump tweets.
Please excuse our "misinterpreting" all that screaming and pulling out one's own hair by the Trump haters.
Rick said...
It seems to me that Trump has given up (not that he ever cared, much less tried) in getting a legislative agenda through congress.
You have to read that a la Marv Albert
If I did internet betting I would make a bet he gets more done in his 8 years than Obama did in his 8 years.
Mostly because unlike Obama Trump isn't going to lose his house and senate majority.
Would watching "Election Night With The Kardashians" be fundamentally different than CNN's Panel of Tsking Heads?
There it all is, in one question.
I make the folllowing predictions: In the coming year, 1)an illegal immigrant will commit a ghastly crime 2) a Muslim extremist will commit an act of mass murder 3) a CNN reporter will get booed at a Trump rally 4) CNN will mitigate or ignore the first two crimes and exaggerate 3 beyond all recognition.
I hope CNN has hired a body guard for their logo.
roesch/voltaire said...
Please don't stop our Tweeter in Chief from posting his bread crumbs for the circus of pop culture.
Briefs or Boxers?
Can Bill fit a cigar in your...
Every day in a America there is a shooting with at least four victims.
readering said...
Every day in a America there is a shooting with at least four victims.
And the shooters and people shot are almost all democrats.
Blogger readering said...
Every day in a America there is a shooting with at least four victims.
Fantasy, as you can tell by the lack of documentation.
Note the sloppy language, as well. What is a victim? Also note the use of passive voice to remove the idea that there is a person responsible for the "shooting."
readering said, "Every day in a America there is a shooting with at least four victims."
Where'd you get that talking point? There must be some lefty-wacko site that I have neglected or failed to notice.
I am saddened by these undignified antics in and out of the ring. I fear Pugilism will never be the same again until we ban this Muhumed Ali character.
"Once written, twice... said...
It seems to me that Trump has given up (not that he ever cared, much less tried) in getting a legislative agenda through congress..."
He's signed more bills into law in his first six months than Obama did.
One of his major campaign promises was signed into law two weeks ago.
Another passed the House this week and now moves to the Senate.
The fact that CNN isn't covering President Trump's legislative agenda... well... perhaps that's part of the point of the Twitter Wars?
Four million refugees starve every month because America refuses them...
Uh, camels are dying in the Sahara because Trump doesn't own the Luxor.
Poop stinks. It wouldn't stink if Monsanto didn't want it to stink, because Monsanto is also a major share-holder of Waste Management.
Outrage! The digusting and classless way he performs on stage. It's indecent. The acts he does with his... pelvis are obscene and an insult to the traditions of music. Elvis Pressley must not be allowed to sing.
Thanks for the mention.
Happy 4th of July weekend.
If Trump is to be kicked off twitter, then surely anti-Semites like Ellison should be as well.
" "Every day in a America there is a shooting with at least four victims."
Hell. That's nothing. Chicago can outdo that standing on its head.
And do you know what the shooters and the shootees in Chicago have in common ?
That gun control sure works great !
"apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists."
I believed that pro wresting was real at 10 years old. By the time I was 12, I knew it was "sports entertainment" as the WWE now describes itself. When you know it's fake, you either turn the channel or enjoy the acting.
50 years later, the POTUS invokes the wrestling metaphor to "slam" CNN. Hilarious! Trump (who worked with WWE's Vince McMahon and appointed his wife Linda to a cabinet post) needs to give comedy lessons to Kathy Griffin and the like.
When you know the CNN news is fake, you either turn the channel or enjoy the acting. If you are a leftist who cannot tell reality from acting, you are probably a fervent leftist expecting Trump to be impeached. LOL!
Wimbledon must uphold the tradions of tennis. It matters not how many commoners he brings over to the sport. In fact, it might serve us well to keep the public out. His behvavior is tasteless, classless and upsets the decorum of Centre Court. John McEnroe will destroy our civilized sport.
Serena: say what bitch?
Venus: ohnoyoudidnt
Let's ban all metaphors in news reporting, shall we?
If visual and verbal metaphors are necessary, violent metaphors as necessary as non-violent metaphors and deserve as much protection in human communication.
Violent metaphor. Smash the twitterers! On the pages of WaPo, of course. They actually seem to be quite proud of this violent imagery.
Michael K said...
I guess you must be a lefty...Forget your DNC talking points
Try to keep up.
What is not libertarian about Trump ? Really.
Pretty much nothing. Support for gay marriage is fairly widespread and certainly not limited to libertarians. Liberals for example would dispute this.
On the other hand how does Trump's opposition to trade fit libertarian principle? Has he pushed law enforcement reform? Does his immigration policy match this?
CNN just"covers" the Russian collusion bullshit for ratings, not because it's news. They are entertainment for the "resistance" which, of course, is just Democrats refusing to accept the results of the election (dangerous and treasonous if Republicans did it.)
"every day there is a shooting with 4 victims"
Typo? Because Maxine Waters says every day 4 MILLION Americans are killed in gun violence.
Insty says if that's so then the problem should work itself out in about 3 months.
Ann said:"...I have observed again and again that when somebody issues what purports to be a lofty call to civility, they're bullshitting."
Bears repeating...
Please Dear Lord, stop Donald Trump from . . . aw, fuck it.
"I make the folllowing predictions: In the coming year, 1)an illegal immigrant will commit a ghastly crime..."
Link to the recently Trump-pwned CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/19/us/muslim-teen-killed-trnd/index.html
"If I did internet betting I would make a bet he gets more done in his 8 years than Obama did in his 8 years."
If you make that more include things not over turned by his successor via pen, you might want to give odds.
"Pretty much nothing."
Not all libertarians are suicidal, pal.
Libertarian foreign policy and pretty much trade policy has been bypassed by events. China has been playing a game that has nothing to to with free trade,
Immigration was addressed before you were born.
"Open borders and a welfare state cannot exist together,"
His social policies predated your heroes the Clintons and Obama.
Fracking and pipelines are libertarian issues even if you don't get it.
"Green" subsidies are not libertarian although this may be news to you.
I guess "Law Enforcement reform" to Rick means the BLM agenda.
Got it.
No body armor because it looks scary.
Got it.
Leftists literally screaming for the deaths of conservatives? Meh.
Trump obviously playing a lame joke on the media? Death! Violence! Eleventy!!!
You leftists can go to hell. I'm more then fed up with your crap.
Trump probably thinks he really beat up the wrestler, though everyone else knew it was fake.
THe "wrestler" was the head of the promotion, Vince McMahon, whose wife is running the SBA. Given that the entire spot was laid out, in detail, well before the event (when it would happen, how to do it, multiple run throughs doing it at half-speed)...no, he did not.
I guess "Law Enforcement reform" to Rick means the BLM agenda.
So everyone who disagrees with anything you say "must" believe whatever you make the most? Maybe if you didn't leap to conclusions you wouldn't make such ridiculous assertions.
Not all libertarians are suicidal, pal.
Thanks for the tip.
Rick, what does "Law Enforcement reform" mean to you?
There is a false premise here. Ellison in fact does care about how he is seen. Being anti free speech is very popular with progressives. Both Bernie and Hillary ran on curtailing speech by repealing parts of the first amendment.
As a diehard LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE, I want Trump to continue to tweet. The more the better, The tweets just make plainly obvious that Trump is nuts.
Trumpski's embrace Trump and his actions because they don't give a damn about American health, security, or anything else. Just their anger and resentments.
Ellison said: "I personally think that Twitter should treat him like any other social media harasser and snatch his account." Turn that around. If Trump's account is snatched, then everyone else whose account was equally "bullying" toward anybody would have to get their account snatched. That would be a lot of snatches.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping Tom? A pickpocket snatches watches.
How can Republicans ever claim a moral high ground about the need for civil discourse with Trump leading their party?
With nothing to lose, why would Trump be “civil?” What would Trump get if he WERE to turn “civil?” Honest coverage by the MSM? Honest coverage is never going to happen, no matter how Trump acts.
I love the gif. The Lefty MSM, which loves nuance when explaining why all the cities run by Democrats for generations are tanking or why there’s so many negative articles about Trump that cite all unnamed sources, will be unable/unwilling to comprehend the various subtleties in the gif. If Trump jokes they view it literally, when he’s serious they treat the issue like a joke.
The MSM turned itself into a reality show decades ago. “News” is staged, edited and directed like any other reality show and has the same relation to reality as a reality show. And with Trump-related coverage the MSM seems to have added a dash of soap opera into the mix.
The MSM’s problem now is that unlike McCain and Romney this time it is confronting an individual who has excelled in the reality show format, who knows all about reality shows and has the balls to take them on.
The timing of the gif. – so good! Right in the middle of the Sunday shows so they didn’t have time to clean up their rhetoric before making prissy asses of themselves about a visual joke. It’s obvious that the gif. had to be carefully thought out – or should be obvious but the Talking Whores will say that it is dangerously impulsive.
Trump isn't going to lose his house and senate majority.
Sadly, the “majority” in Congress are more than able to do this on their own. The healthcare mess the eGOP leadership in Congress has gotten themselves into, which Trump did not create but has to contend with, is unsolvable. The eGOP is going to take a hit in the 2018 elections unless they can get some kind of healthcare bill passed soon enough to pass other significant legislation. But the way Ryan and McConnell are dithering I see little hope for that.
The signals of class are hundreds and can not be mastered by a Contractor from Queens, the grandson of a poor Presbyterian fisherman and a German speculator that came over in steerage.
Even Winston Churchill never measured up. His forebears were a commoner Military genius who boot strapped the Glorious Revolution and an Indian trader among the Algonquin
Who speculated on Wall Street.
He was despised by the English Aristocracy, but ,like Trump ,he stubbornly refused to agree with them, and ended up being the greatest Englishman in history.
Unknown: "As a diehard LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE, I want Trump to continue to tweet. The more the better, The tweets just make plainly obvious that Trump is nuts."
Then please tell the 99% of the liberal/progressives to stop screaming for Trump to stop tweeting.
p.s., we know you're lying about wanting Trump to keep tweeting.
Unknown: "Trumpski's embrace Trump and his actions because they don't give a damn about American health, security, or anything else. Just their anger and resentments."
The party of Hodgkinson speaks!
You might want to wait until Scalise is out of the hospital before returning to leftist boilerplate.
Carry on!
With every tweet the message to the media becomes more and more undeniable: 'you suck, and we hate you.'
This is a message that leftist lickspittles in the press desperately need to hear. Until they grasp that they can be nothing more than clowns. Fact is that most of the big bloggers (and their commenters) have more integrity than their entire industry. Welcome to obscurity, MSM! You made that bed and now you will lie in it.
People who run around with buttons that read "Yeah, I’m In The Media, Screw You!" shouldn't whine when they find themselves on the receiving end of contempt.
@fen He also entertained the Prime Minister of India for a visit and revived the Nation Space Council.
Trump is tormenting our (or at least my) tormentors. Winning!
Have a Happy, Safe, and Sane 4th of JuhTrump everyone!
Not all libertarians are suicidal, pal.
Thanks for the tip.
Don't mention it.
I thought you needed it.
You could fill the rest of us in on your concept of "Law Enforcement Reform."
Aside from legal drugs, of course.
That little video clip made my day.
I was young when Ronald Reagan was president, but not so young I didn't see him as a great president. I remember one of my high school buddies put together a video of Reagan as the best president ever. I was impressed then as I am now.
But in Trump, Reagan has some really stiff competition.
"What is not libertarian about Trump ? Really."
Appointing Sessions isn't the most 'libertarian' thing one could do.
He's not open borders, which is at odds with pure theoretical Libertarianism. WIthin libertarians, there's a range of those who support unfettered movement between nations and those who clearly don't.
What Trump is not is a social conservative.
The President as unorthodox as he is,doesn't do this bat sh!t crazy stuff without a good reason. The media hates him, they always hated him. They called him nasty things for years before he even ran for president, thinking of the time Seth Myers tried to get under his skin at the White House Correspondence Dinner in 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Km4R377s4M
Trump didnt flinch. He didn't tell anyone to be condemned or censored. President Obama didn't step in and say 'Hey Seth, that was too much'. Nothing.
I'm on the record about not liking Trump as a person, but I can't see any difference between what he's doing and all the rhetoric about Fox News over the years. He's basically treating CNN like Progressives (including Obama) have treated Fox News, and for the same reasons. The Left is very scandalized by mirrors.
From the comments... from the YouTube video of Seth Myers egging on Trump to run.
"Thank you Seth, if it was not for you we would not have had President Trump in office. And i truly believe he will make america great again. America was NOt built by rich comedians and wall street crooks but it was build by the sweat and tears of steelworkers, truckers, miners, construction workers, farmers, coal workers and factory workers. You guys in the cities will never understand this. if you want to see the power of the trump train get off your high horses and visit any place in Rural america . We do not hate Obama, we dont agree to his politics but he is actually very likable respected and so is liberal socialist grandpa sanders. But Hillary Clinton is so despised, she has ruined the name of the democratic party for generations to come in Rural America."
Unknown said...
As a diehard LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE, I want Trump to continue to tweet. The more the better, The tweets just make plainly obvious that Trump is nuts.
Trumpski's embrace Trump and his actions because they don't give a damn about American health, security, or anything else. Just their anger and resentments.
Nobody talks like this. The emphasis is wrong and the stupidity of the taunts is off. Liberal/progressives believe they are the center. They refuse to accept they are a fringe group.
This is a moby trying to make progressives look stupid.
Also, if you bait someone into getting outraged in one direction, they're too worked up to notice things happening in other directions, and exhaust their outrage on secondary issues.
Is Trump rope-a-doping the media?
It's definitely a strategy.
"How can Republicans ever claim the moral high ground if - "
Something just caught me. You have to marvel at the disingenuous sophistry of this argument.
Note that it is NOT a call for a truce. No promise of "ok we get it, we'll stop throwing cheap shots if you'll stop too".
Box it's this dishonest civility bullshit that we should be ashamed for not unilaterally disarming ourselves.
"How dare you defend yourselves from our vile and vicious attacks! How dare you counter-attack using our own base tactics! Have you no decency sir!"
Go fuck yourself.
There are many areas where Trump is far from being a libertarian. Probably the most serious ones are concerning asset seizure, eminent domain, and private property rights. He and AG Sessions have a child-like belief in the honesty of law enforcement, who have a long record of abusing regular citizen's rights for their amusement and enrichment.
That being said, no one is perfect, and he is head and shoulders above Hillary even on these subjects, so I am still an avid Trump supporter. After all, no one agrees with me 100% on everything. I don't even agree with myself, some days.
Why Trump is going to win in 2020.
Thank god someone started fighting back. It took a non-republican to teach republicans how to win. Imagine that.
And Trump's tweet is still fucking hilarious. That is the real hammer. Everyone except CNN and 20 or 30 Trump haters laughed at it. I bet a bunch of the support staff at CNN laughed.
He and AG Sessions have a child-like belief in the honesty of law enforcement, who have a long record of abusing regular citizen's rights for their amusement and enrichment.
I was buying this a few years ago when police departments were looking more militaristic.
What has happened since is an insane war on cops. Libertarians do themselves no favors to get allied with BLM, which is an anarchist, racist outfit probably funded by Soros or some other leftist group.
On eminent domain, the Supreme Court has been the worst offender. Trump was trashed for some deal in Atlantic City which I have read about and seemed pretty muddled. Not at all clear cut.
Libertarians seem to have one big issue. Drug legalization. That's all Weld and Johnson talked about in 2016.
I have pretty libertarian views on that after 50 years as a physician but the Mexican cartels and the marijuana growers in northern CA have muddied that issue, too.,
I am happy to announce a new effort to bridge the gap between Reporters and Deplorables through our 3 mile nature course.
Deplorables will be anonymously matched with the Journalist of their choice to tour the trail and bond through nature with these elite sophisticated media personalities.
No security, no background checks, just you and your favorite reporter, learning to work as a team to negotiate lava pits, chum the shark tanks, and even go skydiving!
Your excursion is topped off by a catered picnic together at Reconciliation Point. A 900 foot cliff face with gorgeous sunsets and no handrails.
Call one of our representatives today and RECONCILE with the elites who despise you. But hurry! Reporters are going fast!
"As for the censors like Ellison, why do they not worry about how they will be seen?"
Likely, it's how he wants to be seen. All the worse.
Young people understand funny memes. What Trump posted was a funny meme. Even if young people don’t agree with Trump, they recognize the tweet for what it is. They appreciate he has humor. Young people also recognize that the meme is of Trump participating in a WWE event. “That’s kind of cool,” they think, even if they aren’t fans of fake wrestling. Trump comes across as funny and hip.
Then, young people see the reaction of the liberals. “Wow, those people are humorless fuddy-duddies,” young people think. I expect Trump got a bump in support from this and it may even show up in polls. Even better, the bump in support will be from a traditionally Democrat demographic.
How can Republicans ever claim a moral high ground about the need for civil discourse with Trump leading their party?
It's like this:
progressives say nasty things about Republicans;
Republicans say nasty things about progressives;
progressives destroy Republican property, commit assault against Republicans, and murder Republicans in cold blood;
so at least until we start killing you back, we're on the moral high ground, you little shit.
Trump comes across as funny and hip.
Indubitably, and fashion icon as well. Tweet on daddy-o!
Thoughts on Civility Bullshit:
The media has some implicit assumptions about civility--assumptions that Trump does not share. Attacking someone's intellect or metal stability (assuming they have a job that requires intellect and mental stability, e.g., the president) is perfectly okay. But attacking someone's physical appearance (especially if that person has a job that depends heavily on appearance, e.g., a news anchor) is uncivil. Same for attacking someone's physical stature.
In general this reflects the elitist position that the people who matter live a life of the mind and the people who don't matter depend heavily on their physicality (e.g., blue collar workers). (Ironic that hollywood has fallen into this trap.)
Trump has called BS on this distinction, and he is perfectly happy to respond to attacks on his intellect and emotional stability with attacks on the enemy's physical characteristics. This is disaster for those who perceive themselves as intellectuals. It is uncivil to challenge them on anything other than their cognitive abilities, with which they are totally secure.
Of course, Trump realizes that many of these talking heads are really just talking faces, and but for their good looks, they would be out of work. The call for civility is basically a call to confine the debate an intellectual level. There were no complaints about calling Joe and Mika crazy or low IQ. What the press is afraid of is being called ugly and /or physically weak.
Very perceptive, Hari.
We dont really care about the moral high ground anymore. what exactly did romney get us? Moral high ground makes Ann's point; calls for "high ground" are all BS
attacking someone's physical appearance (especially if that person has a job that depends heavily on appearance, e.g., a news anchor) is uncivil. Same for attacking someone's physical stature
This would be more convincing if I'd never heard them giggle about our President's hand size and hair color.
Their implicit assumption about civility is that it's a celebration of the highest American ideals for them to say our President is a wannabe billionaire con artist who'd almost rather have Putin's dick in his mouth than to stick his own tiny penis in his own daughter, but if Trump says "hey cut it out" he's Darth Hitlemort.
Laslo (11:56): "Part of the Entertainment found in the Kardashians is their narcissism and simultaneous lack of self-awareness: Trump is showing the Media to be the same Actors, and he is battling them with a Wrestling Wink.
He is signalling that he knows all of this is a Game, and yet the Media continues to play their parts with Dead Seriousness, not realizing that they have come full circle to Twitter Ted Baxters, adding only sociopathic habits along the way.
Would watching "Election Night With The Kardashians" be fundamentally different than CNN's Panel of Tsking Heads."
This cannot be said often enough. The beginning point for draining the swamp is the immoral leftmedia. Next are the corrupt Democrats. Finally, the bedwetting GOPe. Today's media/Democrat/GOPe consortium is the most internally corrosive force in the history of the Republic.
Democrats and Obamajudges want young Middle-Eastern jihadists to have ready access to our country. American men want to use the ladies' rooms. Anarchists with clubs and torches censor college speeches. The Queen of the Grifters is nominated for President. The DOJ arms drug cartels while Obama arms Iran and jihadists in Syria. Etc. Enough is enough!
Donald Trump is a POTUS for today. Vulgar? Who cares? Drain, baby, drain!
It really is an awesome spectacle. Trump is attempting to build the "moral high ground" out of his own bullshit, but sadly cults like the one he's created usually require a martyr. His commitment to the cause is beyond question and as he slowly sinks into the structurally unsound mountain of shit he will know he has a left a monument behind, a turd castle in the sky.
The 'news' media have acted like pond scum for years. It's laughable that they dare to talk about moral high ground.
doofus said...
"That being said, no one is perfect, and he is head and shoulders above Hillary even on these subjects, so I am still an avid Trump supporter. After all, no one agrees with me 100% on everything. I don't even agree with myself, some days."
As Ed Kotch once said: ”If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.”
... the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists.
If laughing at journalists is violence, so be it. Maybe they can commiserate with Margaret Dumont.
I faintly remember the high ground. Rarified air. The sunlight up there dazzled and burned with a righteous fury. Pride hung in the air like a morning mist.
And the hills were littered with carefully tended graves of men and women who died on a principle. A sacrifice that did nothing to change the horrible fate of the people who followed them.
We have a responsibility to the living. The Boston Massacre, one of the events that set the world on fire? The Redcoats only fired on the crowd because people were throwing rock and glass at them.
Antiphone, you started out strong but went libtard. Try spacing out the bong hits 15 mins apart. And don't snort the meth, smoke it instead. Thanks.
Oh, yes. Civility from the Dems and the leftmedia. Remember BushchimpyMcHitler? Wars notwithstanding, he went for the moral high ground.
I remember a lot of tut-tutting about what a vulgar ruffian LBJ was (and he was) especially after that smooth, elegant JFK.
I also remember seeing "Where is Lee Harvey Oswald now that we really need him" written on walls in Madison in those days.
How about "Hey, Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today ?" Shrinks would write articles about what a psycho LBJ was, and how we should drop a net over him for the good of the country.
Plus ça change.
Wars notwithstanding, he went for the moral high ground.
Yeah, and he got re elected too. Go figure
The moral hig ground is where all those assholes blabbering about "grim milestones" hang out. I remember going to the chow hall in Afghanistan right after we got out of a hat on gun in boot formation for a friend who died and watching Wolf Blitzer discuss another GRIM MILESTONE. I imagined some awful things. I saw a helmet almost tear a TV off a mount in a chow hall once.
The people on the moral high ground better hope we grunts down here in the mud are satisfied with Trump humiliating them. Things fester down here in the moral low ground. Things also slowly roast over a fire.
Oh, speaking of moral high ground & CNN:
I was recently down visiting my Mammy in 'Bammy. My mother insists on wanting to watch CNN & every so often her caretakers relent & let her watch. So, I'm sitting there with my mother & one of her caretakers on Monday day, June 19th. CNN runs a story on Jared Kushner & they run a montage of properties the Kushners own, including prominently showing a property with the address 666 while a voice-over speaks.
The caretaker, good Bible-literate Pentecostal that she is, says "Why, he's got the mark of the Anti-Christ!". Why, yes, exactly. So, here's CNN, using one of the oldest anti-Semitic tropes in the book against a modern Orthodox Jew.
Now, if a Fundamentalist preacher in some tiny congregation in East Bumfuck, Arkansas had said that a prominent Jew was marked with the Sign of the Beast, the ADL, the SPLC, & every liberal Jewish organization would be up in arms. CNN does it to Trump's son in law? "Well, he deserves it". Crickets.
Fuck 'em. Fuck every single one of them. I hope Trump pounds CNN into the ground & then paves the spot over with three feet of cement.
"Try spacing out the bong hits 15 mins apart. And don't snort the meth, smoke it instead. Thanks."
Good advice for antiphone as he seems to be sinking into a drug induced daze.
The lefties switch from "moral high ground" to "small hands" and "incest with his daughter" without even taking a breath,
But, don't take my advice. Keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure you will find a pony in there somewhere.
antiphone: "Yeah, and he got re elected (sic.) too. Go figure."
That's easy enough. He ran against John Kerry.
But you missed the point, didn't you?
Ahhhh the things I learn here at Althouse:
Someone mentioned kayfabe. I've know what it meant since forever but saw this and realized I did not know the etymology. So I looked it up. Answer is: Unclear.
But, in the Wikipedia article I found:
Examples of "Kayfabe" being kept even to family members was illustrated in an article describing how in the 1970s, the wife of James Harris (known under the ring name Kamala) was celebrating that her husband had just won a $5,000 prize as he won a battle royal; not realizing that the prize money was simply a storyline, or kayfabe.[4]
So here we have a wrestler named "Kamala" Harris.
We also have a Senator from California named Kamala Harris.
It doesn't take much to amuse me on a Sunday afternoon.
John Henry
This comment has been removed by the author.
Good one
Once scrawled wrote: Is it now okay for students to call their teachers "psycho" and "dumb as a rock"? The president does it afterall. (sic)
Fallacious comparison. CNN and the Media, in general, are not the President's teachers. President Trump owes them respect only when they do their job respectably, which they have not been doing for quite some time. Their open partisanship and willingness to publish malicious lies immunize Trump against any rational criticism in the matter of his tweets.
Blogger Michael K said...
sinking into a drug induced daze.
Also known a "walking in the woods" though previous uses have often been related to a booze induce haze.
John Henry
What? Hombre you prefer reelect to re elect or maybe re-elect. No matter how you spell it it's not a that's going to be used much in the foreseeable future.
Thirty years ago conservatives use to rail against the degrading of the culture. Do you remember that?
Yes, we do. And we ridiculed for our trouble by the cultural myrmidons of the left. We remember that too. WE were also troubled by blowjobs given in the Oval Office. But you split hairs about the definition of sex, and even gave Clinton absolution in trade for the lives of the unborn. You and your kind were not uneased by the coarsening of the national dialogue because it served your purposes.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and you complain about the pinching — ha!
No matter how you spell it it's not a that's going to be used much in the foreseeable future.
Illiterate use of language followed by magical thinking. Your snowflake avatar is fitting, antiphone, given the transitory nature of your mentality.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and you complain about the pinching — ha!
I hope you're not insinuating that Trump got a blowjob in the oval office. That would be unseemly.
Ann writes:
He really is doubling down and apparently not worried about the recent accusation that his statements about journalists are going to lead to violence against journalists.
None of them cared that Democrats statements, with the press's collusion, led to a Bernie supporting domestic terrorist to try to assassinate the House Republican baseball team.
So, frankly, I think it would be divine justice for people to start attacking all the Democrat operatives with press bylines. And I think it would be great for America if all the people who look the other way when Republicans and conservatives lose their 1st Amendment rights, had hte same done ot their 1t Amendment rights
I hope you're not insinuating that Trump got a blowjob in the oval office. That would be unseemly.
I hope that was an attempt at humor and not a critique of the clarity of my prose.
So, frankly, I think it would be divine justice for people to start attacking all the Democrat operatives with press bylines.
That's the definition of terrorism, how patriotic.
Yes, I agree about civility bullshit. I keep thinking of George Will during the campaign, rather primly saying this is not a proper way to behave. Go to hell you twit. On the other hand, I do wonder why Trump can't seem to win graciously. He had the potential to have a fantastic week--many people, some of them not Trump fans, pointing out that CNN has in fact been forced to retract anti-Trump stories, so maybe they are caught up in hysterical Trump hatred. And again, it was not 17 agencies that saw a Trump-Russia link, it was four. Has he made his week any better, or simply distracted from what was very good news for him?
"I hope you're not insinuating that Trump got a blowjob in the oval office. That would be unseemly."
Please step away from the keyboard until the last bong hit is metabolized.
Frankly, I do not believe anyone at CNN or MSNBC or WaPo or NYT feels in the least threatened by Trump's tweets. Anyone with any education can see that what the President has done is use Twitter to publish what amounts to an animated political cartoon. Sine the invention of the political cartoon, which some trace back nearly 400 years to the English Civil War, the metaphorical image of one political figure inflicting violence on another political figure is very old indeed. Every cartoonist has used the image of a boxing ring, with one well-known figure in the guise of pugilist dealing a black eye to some other politico also attained in trunks and boxing gloves. Trump, not being a cartoonist has created (or someone created for him) the exact analog of such a caricatured cartoon in digital video.
The entire outrage is even more fake than the fake news reports about Anthony Scaramucci. If anyone is inciting violence it is CNN and MSNBC and WaPo and NYT.
* Understands civility is not possible when the press has no desire or use for it. He will be demonized regardless of his behavior.
* Has the media off balance. No Republican has ever fought back like this. The media is in uncharted waters. It shows.
* Won the Presidency by being unconventional. He has nothing to lose by annoying the media. The media has their meager credibility to lose.
* Knows that many Americans chuckle when they see his tweets. Those chuckles translate to votes.
* Correctly recognizes that Americans like a street fighter who is unafraid of a bloody lip (on him or his opponent).
* Knows the progressives and media are humor impaired and uses it against them as we saw today. Trump will play this humor card against them for several more days.
For those who have forgotten: NBC Dateline GM truck fire
" Has he made his week any better, or simply distracted from what was very good news for him?"
And Bush looked like a stiff at every press conference. I understand he was very animated in private.
Hubert Humphrey was a stiff in public but, according to my father in law, he was very animated in private conversations.
Reagan was a very, very rare politician who could be gracious and sting like an adder some of those who were enemies and tried to belittle him.
Trump is Trump. What you see is what you get. He got elected and will be elected again.
"small hands" and "incest with his daughter"
Yes, on those and a few other things like the "piss tape" some in the media are in my opinion, wrong, but it's simply inaccurate to assume everyone who isn't a Trump fan agrees with using that kind of material. I'm not saying it's unfair; I'm saying it's inaccurate.
but it's simply inaccurate to assume everyone who isn't a Trump fan agrees with using that kind of material. I'm not saying it's unfair; I'm saying it's inaccurate.
Do you simply not understand the modern network/newspaper production process?
These things are being said by some blogger at their site & his/her opinion. We're talking team productions here. This all involves editors, reporters, producers, on-air talent, directors, writers, support staff. All of these people can be canned by management if they go over the line for any reason.
Notice how few have been canned?
If the media feels ashamed about what their fellow staffers have produced on Trump, then they should let us know that. Management should let us know that, too, & make the miscreants face consequences.
Yeah, right.
Leftists lie. I was listening to NPR in the car just now - come leftwing comedy. All lies. That cannot even joke the truth.
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