July 28, 2017

"Trump 'loved' Scaramucci's quotes — but he hates being upstaged."

According to Mike Allen at Axios.
The President likes people with backbone. And at the moment, Scaramucci is empowered: We're told the President loved the Mooch quotes. But President Trump doesn't like being upstaged. "Mini-me" can't forget the "Mini" part. Being more Trump than Trump, in Trump's house, is a dangerous game.
Scaramucci knew enough to say: "I’m not trying to suck my own cock." That means a lot.


Now I Know! said...

This is fake news with made up fake quotes from a New Yorker reporter.

traditionalguy said...

The Network's Babes were enjoying reporting Mooch's language this morning. The F word was laughed about with a slight disapproval, but they shut it down on quoting Mooch's metaphor of Bannon sucking his own dick. The Babes had really stressed looks on that one, whatever it was. Apparently the women are jealous of that idea.

Now I Know! said...

Mrs. Althouse please don't help to do the mainstream fake media's job by promoting it.

WisRich said...

I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Mooch's mistake was that he was taking the lime light away from Trump. Trump doesn't like that.

David Begley said...

If this drama and foolishness continues - and Trump doesn't have substantive policy wins - then welcome President Howard Schultz.

Viva Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

Every day this goon is allowed to represent the nations Executive Branch of Government, and the Republican Party, extends the national tragedy.

If Congress does nothing to condemn his activity, and thus condone his actions, then they shall all fall as one.

I've sent a form letter to the White House, and copied all those concerned, that I will send Elizabeth Warren down there and the Democrats will count coup.

Chuck said...

It was a Trifecta of a week for that segment of the population that is interested in Donald Trump, and who previouisly believed that Trump would be favorable to LGBTQ causes.

There's the homophobic slurs from the Scarmucci crowd; plus the Trump Tweet about transgenders in the military; and do not forget about the amicus brief filed by the DoJ in an EEOC case pending before the Second Circuit:


Amexpat said...

This is fake news with made up fake quotes from a New Yorker reporter.

How are the quotes from the New Yorker fake? Mooch confirmed them in his tweets.

MayBee said...

CBS this morning had to tsk tsk over how embarrassing this is for the world to see, and how the children are listening.

I've got to believe Rahm Emmanuel was at least as explicit in his language.

Viva Maria said...

Etienne said... "Every day this goon is allowed to represent the nations Executive Branch of Government, and the Republican Party, extends the national tragedy."

We Americans – all – took our lessons from what John Candy did to that washing machine, with that gorgeous redhead watching him from the background, that is, after her Canadian free scrip meds killed her orgasms. Sure, we could use a little more “Buck” in this administration.

Feste is an Aspiration. Colombo is a phase (profile will soon be enabled)

CStanley said...

I was for the idea of draining the swamp but don't get how hiring people in the executive branch and then claiming the hirees are swamp creatures who need to be taken out is an effective strategy.

M Jordan said...

I like chaos ... to a point. But it's about time for Trump to rein it in.

Chuck said...

This is fake news with made up fake quotes from a New Yorker reporter.

Fake news, about fake quotes...

Too bad that Ryan Lizza has a recording. Mooch better hope that there are no tapes! Have you heard that one before?

I expect Brietbart will be doing a story on how Mooch claims that the quotes were fake, and that he never uttered the words, right? Mooch won't send a Tweet admitting to using "colorful language," right? Oh, wait...

gspencer said...

"Mooch's mistake was that he was taking the lime light away from Trump."

Rush's rule on callers, "The purposes of callers is to make the host look good."

Bay Area Guy said...

Why is the Mooch talking to the New Yorker in the first place?

James Graham said...

Heterosexual men obsessed with fellatio are ...

tcrosse said...


sinz52 said...

"I’m not trying to suck my own cock."

Well, it's time for parents and teachers to stop urging their children to keep up with current events by watching press conferences or reading transcripts.

clint said...

I wonder how many political junkies -- the kind who are glued to CNN and journalists' twitter feeds and hang on every detail -- could actually identify three bills President Trump has signed or identify two new policies President Trump announced in Poland or for that matter any new policy position that wasn't announced on twitter.

I'm guessing very few. And yet, they can give you a ten minute monologue on all the ins and outs of Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lobbyist.

It's not just that the media is biased -- it's that they've lost all interest in covering the actual business of government. It's all tabloid all the time, now. I assume it's a calculated position because it sells advertising better than reporting actual policies and bills

Chuck said...
"... and do not forget about the amicus brief filed by the DoJ in an EEOC case pending before the Second Circuit:"

Chuck, I take a back seat to no one on gay rights. I think it's awful that ENDA keeps getting voted down. But what the heck is the outrage here? That the DoJ correctly stated the law in a brief? Yes. The current state of the law is bad for gay rights. That's why we should pass ENDA. But we haven't yet. Are you really suggesting that the DoJ should just pretend that the law is what it should be, rather than what it is?

bgates said...

CBS this morning had to tsk tsk over how embarrassing this is for the world to see, and how the children are listening.

If he had any sense of decorum, he'd have said "I'm not trying to be my own cock holster".

Titus said...

It is not fake news. He actually admitted it. And of course he would call the New Yorker. He is a New Yorker.

dumb fucks.

Titus said...

Him talking about sucking cock turns me on.

jacksonjay said...

Like I said, More Cowbell Mooch.

Unknown said...


Trump is hiding underneath Resolute Desk speed reading Art of the Deal to understand what it means;
Bannon continues to suck his dick in the corner;
Jared and Ivanka have slipped away on another vacation;
Priebus is attending a lunchtime reading of Ayn Rand by Paul Ryan;
Scaramucci found by FBI in a WH toilet blowing-up coke by the handful.

Quayle said...

Is this more planned media distraction? Surely Trump knows the media can't avoid a dog fight. An advanced communications strategy in today's world could easily have a component to create a facade of Paton Place and Dallas (the show) to make the press dance to the story they can't lay off, thus helping create a smoke screen to what is really getting done.

I wonder.

Not sure, but I wonder.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

So if he's not trying to suck his own cock ... whose cock is he trying to suck?

Fernandinande said...

We're told the President hated the Mooch quotes. But President Trump doesn't mind being upstaged. Being more Trump than Trump, in Trump's house, is a fun game.

traditionalguy said...

You do have to wonder how Mr and Mrs. Kushner feel about a low class wop being in charge at Daddy's Office.

Sebastian said...

The Real White House Workers of DC reality show needs to be canceled.

But it is noteworthy that the rough language of a hired hand has already gotten more tsk-tsk disapproval than all the illegal leaks combined.

Fernandinande said...

According to our anonymous White Horse Souse.

Terry di Tufo said...

Good throwaway line, Professor. LMAO, as the Mooch might actually say.

grackle said...

If Congress does nothing to condemn his activity, and thus condone his actions, then they shall all fall as one.

Don’t look now but Congress hasn’t needed Trump to “fall.” It’s doing very well all by itself. Congress couldn’t find its ass with a map and a guide. Passing significant legislation is not, shall we say, what Congress views as a pressing duty. They would much rather spend their time virtue-signaling to each other.

On the other hand we have the stock market, an institution not hampered by the same delusions and ideological straightjackets as the MSM, the eGOP and the rest of the political class in DC. Billions have been added to America’s wealth since Trump became POTUS. I never invest but those that do – which includes the majority of Americans – should be very happy with Trump.

Chuck said...

Chuck, I take a back seat to no one on gay rights. I think it's awful that ENDA keeps getting voted down. But what the heck is the outrage here? That the DoJ correctly stated the law in a brief? Yes. The current state of the law is bad for gay rights. That's why we should pass ENDA. But we haven't yet. Are you really suggesting that the DoJ should just pretend that the law is what it should be, rather than what it is?

No; I like the DoJ's brief on Title VII limits. I don't support ENDA, and I'd vote against it. I actually like the general policy outline of the no-transgenders in the military.

So I actually like the strict terms of some of these Trump Administration policies.

My larger point was to drive a wedge between Trump, and some of his supporters who were favoring Trump because they perceived Trump to be pro-LGBT. I never liked Trump's pandering to LBGT causes, and I intensely distrusted the influence of Jared and Ivanka Kushner on the president.

I also thought it stupid, the way that some of Trump's confidantes and people like Kid Rock got away with crude comments on gays.

I don't like tashy talk about homosexuals. But I also don't think that the Consitution guarantees any rights to homosexual sodomy, or that it mandates states to recognize same sex marriages.

Darrell said...

Chuck is starting his NeverKidRock campaign.
Purchase your celebratory fireworks early, folks.

Bill R said...

OK. I voted for Trump. I have been wishing him well. I've been defending him to my friends.

Now Trump has hired a communications director who is calling the White House Chief of Staff a "fucking paranoid schizophrenic" and is talking about sucking his own cock. On the White House lawn no less.

Mr President. Pardon yourself for anything you have ever done; fire the special counsel; and call the Vice President and tell him he's got a promotion. I'm sorry but you are not suited for the position you hold.

Bay Area Guy said...

I think there likely is some HR policy against sucking one's cock during work hours, between regularly scheduled breaks. Somebody should call the Fair Employment and Housing Department, or the Office of Legal Counsel for an advisory opinion.

Darcy said...

I take a back seat to no one on coarse language.

Ha ha. I kid.

Are we really here? I want to wake up from this bad dream where Trump selects a communications director that immediately gets gotcha'd by the NY press in a spectacularly awful and unforgettable way. Couldn't be worse.

Ah, well. At least the country has the heroism of John McCain to feel good about.

Bob Ellison said...

Watch this Fox News interview of Sarah Huckabee Sanders yesterday.

The lady is good at her job. Her boss, Scaramucci, is incompetent.

Darrell said...

Save your money. The first chapter of Hillary's new book has been hacked and leaked.

"What Happened" by Hillary Rodham Clinton

It was a dark and stormy-3 a.m. phone call from Libya-kind of night. Or would be, if I took 3 a.m. phone calls from Libya. The tension in the room was as thick as the bulge in Sandy Berger's underwear at the National Archives. The temperature inside the Russian Embassy reception was a blistering 70 degrees and I was beginning to feel faint, when suddenly, our eyes met from across the crowded room. Or would have, if I hadn't been wearing my coke-bottle Frensel Prism lenses to stop the double vision.

It was him; the Macedonian cyber-criminal mastermind Gucifer. The man who had cunningly tricked Podesta into setting his password as "password". The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Or would have, if I weren't heavily sedated by the Diazepam/vodka cocktail I'd just swallowed in the bathroom.

I knew why the Macedonian was there; he had been sent by Putin, Cambridge Analytica, Netflix, Croatian content farms and rural voters--but mostly by Putin. I knew what Gucifer wanted by the look in his eye and the list of demands. But I could have told him it was Mission: Impossible. And would have, if the Paxil, gin and L-dopa smoothie I guzzled in the van weren't making me slur my words.

Putin sent Gucifer to get his money back. Bill only gave a 12-minute speech in Moscow for the half-million, but Putin wanted the full hour of Bill's wise counsel and sage advice.

Here's some advice, Vladimir: We're the Clintons; We Never Give the Money Back.

Anyway, Gucifer is in prison now. Ya' know, it's funny; every time Bill or I get in trouble, it's always somebody else who ends up in jail or face-down, bleeding out on a D.C. sidewalk at 4 in the morning. I guess we're just lucky that way.

And to all those who think I should step aside, I've got news for them; I'm going to persist in leading the Resistance and keep my hand in the game. After all, America still has 80% of it's Uranium $upplies!"

--The Gipper Lives (from Ace)

Drago said...

"I expect Brietbart will be doing a story on how Mooch claims that the quotes were fake, and that he never uttered the words, right?"

Since that is your expectation the odds for that occurring just dropped to zero.

Never too early to pick up your "'Republicans' For Stabenow" t shirts! If you buy them now you can get them at a discount as you will be ahead of the "lifelong republican" rush.

Unknown said...

BREAKING NEWS: Shooters discovered in White House

Scaramucci found shooting blow up his nose and Bannon found shooting into his mouth.

Viva Maria said...

Unknown said -- "Priebus is attending a lunchtime reading of Ayn Rand by Paul Ryan"

Heh. Touche! Ethical egoism includes freedom for quiet moments of reflection just like this! Far and free away from The Mouths of Eros.

I’m reading, "Affluence Without Abundance: The Disappearing World of the Bushmen," physical anthro/bio. Those dudes have a 15 hour work week. Chic Keynesian. Fits too within voluntary choice-features of Hayek and Darwin. I don’t “know” the reproductive virility of the “Bush”-men in the book, yet, but 15 hour work weeks, lots of free time, plenty of bush in the bush, how could a tribe go wrong?

Unless they voted for Hillary’s social medicine fix :).

Hillary saves the “Bush” men!

Unknown, you gotta work this angle!

Since I’m already registered, Independent, I’ll be writing in Ron Jeremy and Dennis Hof, in the next swamp-snake-drain cycle. To make the current pleasure-eros-madness, come to a Mad Max, climax.

Feste is an Aspiration. Colombo is a phase. Love taught me trust. Pain taught me wisdom.

Darcy said...

Love taught me trust. Pain taught me wisdom.

Hear! Hear!

Trumpit said...

Anthony Scaramucci is lying. He doesn't have a cock because he is pure asshole.

Viva Maria said...

Darcy! I don’t trust you!

I saw how Maureen O'Hare manipulated TWO MEN to beat the living hell out of each other, with pain bringing THEM wisdom, and her PLEASURE, while she just cooked sweetly another meal, all-domestic-like, home in the “kitchen.” She wouldn’t even jump in the sack with her man.

What the hell is that?

My lovely, Mistress Mine, forces me to watch Quiet Man. Which means I be quiet. She ecstacizes, “EVERY WOMAN wants her man to be like that!” I think there’s a hint in there. Somewhere.

But I’m in too much pain – too wise – to take her hints. Anymore.

Darcy said...

Ha! My favorite John Wayne film. "Here's a good stick to beat the lovely lady."

Viva Maria said...

lol! yes, and wasn't that stick given by yet another woman? - while the men lined up to place bets?

gadfly said...

Now Is the Time! said...
This is fake news with made up fake quotes from a New Yorker reporter.

Hardly - Scaramucci has not denied a single word. Google it.

White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Thursday said he will avoid using “colorful language” after calling a reporter a day earlier to let off a wildly profane rant in which he attacked White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief White House strategist Steve Bannon.

“I sometimes use colorful language,” Scaramucci tweeted.

He pledged to “refrain in this area” in future.

Drago said...

Feste, if your lovely missus is giving you a hard time I'll be happy to provide a good stick to you so you can beat the lovely lady (assuming you are truly a fan of "The Quiet Man").

I can even gin up a crowd which, when necessary, will cheer like Protestants!

Of course, I fully expect all other "exploits" to be "Homeric".

Viva Maria said...

Peace out ..

David Baker said...

Laura Ingraham is appalled by all the vulgarity. And I thought she was a good Catholic girl.

Viva Maria said...

Drago, such a great movie. All around. Protestant-Catholic love. Perfection. Thanks for offering "the stick," because this woman of mine ...

Viva Maria said...


Unknown said...

Trump in 2016: “John McCain is not a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

McCain in 2017: "I like Presidents who weren't captured by Putin."

Chuck said...

Let's be clear about "Drago," shall we?

I've repeatedly and resolutely said nothing nice about Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). I don't like her; never liked her; and have voted against her three times.

I've said so repeatedly.

I've said that I really, really like the (leading, declared) candidate for the GOP senate nomination in Michigan, former Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Bob Young.

All of that is perfectly unremarkable, consistent Republican thinking. And any support for Stabenow would be unthinkable.

But Drago wants/needs/hopes to make me a Stabenow supporter. Why? Because I have said what a ridiculous candidate "Kid Rock" would be. So, I must be a lefty/Dem Stabenow supporter. Despite what I have clearly written.

This is the binary thinking of the Trump Fever Swamp Underclass. You're either with them (even before a primary) or you're against them.

You're such a weird and stupid commenter Drago. It's pointless to argue anything of substance with you. Or anyone like you. I might actually not hate Trump quite so much if his supporters weren't so much like you.

madAsHell said...

Top Republicans tell us
Anonymous sources? When will we stop paying attention to anonymous sources?

Scaramucci knew enough to say: "I’m not trying to suck my own cock."
Who is Mike Allen? He appears to know someone at the New Yorker, and he can't write dialogue as well as Laslo.

I refuse to believe any of this fly-on-the-wall reporting.

mockturtle said...

Yes, fake news. Good grief! Is it really worthy of a post?

gadfly said...

Meanwhile, the world turns while Trump and his new henchman blow up the West Wing. First casualty - the Obamacare repeal. Next up the budget and then the mass exodus from the President's staff as the internal fight created by Trump himself overwhelms more staffers. Perhaps the light is beginning to shine upon the problem.

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

"All of that is perfectly unremarkable, consistent Republican thinking. And any support for Stabenow would be unthinkable"

You support Young because you think he will lose. And even if he magically wins he will probably betray us like the other LLRs just did on Obamacare.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Darrell @ 9:30

Wow - she really is letting her guard down.

clint said...

Mockturtle -- It gets eyeballs for CNN's advertisers, it gets clicks for blogs. It gets us to come here and read and write comments.

How much back-and-forth would there be on a post about the Wounded Officers Recovery Act (which passed the Senate yesterday and now heads to the White House for the President's signature)? Or Sessions' visit to El Salvador?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If they cannot repeal Liar-care (crap medicare for all!) and lower taxes and simplify the tax code - what difference does it make?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why Freud hisself could only non-lucidly dream of attempting an explanation of just how much this quote by Scaramucci means.

Took Scaramucci mere days in the Madison public's eye to get a tag at this web locale, when it took years and years and years and hundreds of highly-encouragedly linked songs, plus the Senate thing, for the Kid Rock tag to appear.

It's okay: Rock "won't disappear, I'll be around next year."

And you can quote him on that.

gadfly said...

madAsHell said...

Who is Mike Allen? He appears to know someone at the New Yorker, and he can't write dialogue as well as Laslo.

Could be so, but Ryan Lizza wrote the Scaramucci piece at the New Yorker.

Drago said...

LLR: "I might actually not hate Trump quite so much if his supporters weren't so much like you."

I might actually not rumor monger about a child quite so much if Trump supporters weren't so much like you.

I might actually not support leftist media quite so much if his supporters weren't so much like you.

I might actually not support betrayal of campaign promises by republicans quite so much if his supporters weren't so much like you.

You can see where this is going.

And, for the 14th million time, I supported Cruz until Trump won the primary.

Drago said...

Trust me, when it comes time our LLR will be "forced" to speak out against the eventual MI republican Senate nominee because, gosh darn it, those republican base voters are just so darn deplorable.

I mean, he won't "want to", (wink wink), he will simply be forced to.

Chuck sees "badness" in the republican base. Every day. That forces him to want to sentence conservative policies to death.

He won't "want" to do it. Oh no. Not at all. He will simply "have" to do it since He will feel he "owes" it to them.

Unknown said...

Yep, everything is Clinton's fault.

Trump elected President: Clinton's fault.
Trump can't do job: Clinton's fault.
Trump loses Trumpcare vote: Clinton's fault.
Bannon shooting himself in the mouth: Clinton's fault.
Scaramucci shooting blow up his nose: Clinton's fault.
Trump politicising the BSA: Clinton's fault.
and on and on and on

Unknown said...

Peggy Noonan writes in today's WSJ:

"The president’s problem is that he is weak and sniveling, whiny, weepy and self-pitying. He’s a drama queen."

Just like Trump's supporters.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Darcy said...
I take a back seat to no one on coarse language.

Ha ha. I kid.

Are we really here? I want to wake up from this bad dream where Trump selects a communications director that immediately gets gotcha'd by the NY press in a spectacularly awful and unforgettable way. Couldn't be worse.

Ah, well. At least the country has the heroism of John McCain to feel good about.

7/28/17, 9:27 AM

What are you worrying about? You seem to be assuming everyone shares your take but can you put it in words?

Did the Dow fall? Did the Norks get another thousand miles on their ICBM test? Did more Congressmen get shot?

Nothing happened! Scaramucci apparently went candid with Lizza, under the expectation, as with doubtless many previous interviews, that it would be appropriately filtered. You know what? The Mooch got off cheap. And Lizza will never get anything again. He could have banked trust and screwed Scaramucci bigtime at a later date.

What, the language? In the words of the Beastie Boys, "Don't Be A Faggot." I can't even be bothered to entertain the "moral issue" unless you think S. intended those words for publication.

What, the criticisms of Administration members? Impeccable. Trenchant critique. You need it dipped in honey and mush?

Yeah, Patton shoulda dialed it down too.

Y'all don't get it. The Guys Get Shirts!



All he was doing was trying to impress upon his crew that they need to bear that in mind and have the integrity ...

You're on fucking notice!

Bill said...

President Pence has a nice ring to it.

Drago said...

"You support Young because you think he will lose. And even if he magically wins he will probably betray us like the other LLRs just did on Obamacare."

Just as our LLR is "celebrating" along with the dems today.

McCains vote locks in as a baseline non-bipartisan Obamacare even as McCain rails against non-bipartisan legislation.

McCain spent 8 years sabotaging W Bush (to the cheers of the "lifelong republicans") and now he's doing everything he can to sabotage another republican president (to the cheers of the "lifelong republicans").

And if you think McCain and his li'l cabal are going to allow any major legislation through this year or next you are crazy. They mean to shut it all down. Tax Cuts, infrastructure, the budget, etc.

McCain and his supporters (like Chuck) have purposely put Chuck Schumer in charge in the Senate.


Mr. Young in MI will be another just like him.

Achilles said...

48 democrats and 3 republicans let us down last night.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And Chuck, here, let's try to take you seriously again. You support Judge Young. He has credentials, he is a somebody to you, so that's nice.

Does he have positions?

You're all about the "be," I want to hear more about the "do." If he is a credentialed RINO I'm not sure of his usefulness.

As for Kid Rock...look, he's a singer, I don't get it either. But you may remember that a little ways back, there was a rush on trying to find rich people to run, because they could self-fund. Self-funding candidates seemed the path to victory. It was a trend, apparently not to be ignored by the scientists.

Now, perhaps the trend is celebrity candidates.

That may be all there is to it. Kid Rock may just have a wind at his back.

I want to win these elections. Young may be a fine fellow but I haven't seen any attestation from you that he should be able to do so. A judge doesn't seem fit for the rough-and-tumble necessarily, and doubtless Stabenow will bring it.

So if Young would lose and Ritchie would win I prefer Ritchie.

Don't you?

Unknown said...

Peggy Noonan writes in today's WSJ:

"Trump must remind people of their first wife."

Woof, woof.

Bay Area Guy said...

You know, Cheney and Panetta were both Chiefs of Staff and Secretaries of Defense in their respective careers for their respective Presidents. That means it would be appropriate for Trump to appoint Gen. Mattis as his new Chief of Staff. First Memo:

"Anyone caught sucking their own cock on company time will be shot! --Mattis"

pacwest said...

"Woof, woof."

The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.

Darcy said...


I've heard (and said) worse. My point was the naiveté of the White House communications director. The does not bode well. Neither does all of the apparent in-fighting, if what the brilliant "Mooch" has to say is correct.

I voted for Trump. I have cringed ever since. I do not, at this point, believe he is a competent President. I question his mental state.

I am grateful for the obvious successes so far, but at what cost, I wonder? It is not crazy to wonder that. When you operate the way Trump has, screwing his own cabinet members publicly, belittling various GOP in Congress while expecting that they help pass something he promised, it leads to disaster, as it just has. (Though obviously not the only reason the cowardly Reps won't repeal)

As I said, I am grateful for a few wins. I am troubled by the blatant unprofessionalism. I don't have any confidence in this dumpster fire at the moment.

If this all ends well for the American people, I will eat my words. I am so right wing it is scary, but I do appreciate even small steps in the right direction (more freedom).

Hope I am wrong.

Achilles said...

Obamacare is going to fail and take the uniparty with it.

tcrosse said...

"Anyone caught sucking their own cock on company time will be shot! --Mattis"

Anyone caught sucking their own cock will get a three-picture deal with Laslo Spatula Productions.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"My larger point was to drive a wedge between Trump, and some of his supporters..."

I applaud your efforts, namely in not being a lowly critic as is everyone of course, but instead by getting in the ring as it were. Because I am opposed to your aims I also applaud how others, in their shared admiration of free speech, having been influenced by you naturally given the context of this discussion, then donate and vote.

Please don't stop, don't change, don't forget why you are fighting the good fight.

Time will, I know with absolute certainty, bow down to your well-reasoned reasonings.

Ralph L said...

"I’m not trying to suck my own cock." That means a lot.
Yeah, it means he can't do it.

Anonymous said...

Bad Lieutenant: What are you worrying about? You seem to be assuming everyone shares your take but can you put it in words?

Did the Dow fall? Did the Norks get another thousand miles on their ICBM test? Did more Congressmen get shot?

Nothing happened!

I can't figure out why some people here are being "pressed" into being such a bunch of old women, either. Stop being such a bunch of old women.

"Don't Be A Faggot."

That works, too.

Laslo Spatula said...

A Very Important Memo to Staff...

Listen you cock-suckers: I don't care if you suck your own cock. Good for you: suck away, I don't give a fuck. But do NOT put a finger up your ass when you're sucking your cock, okay..?

I do NOT want to pick a pen up off of a desk and worry about Ass-Finger, you get me? And I've only been here a little while, but I can tell: a LOT of you have Ass-Finger, I can sense these things. The President does NOT like Ass-Finger, and if I find any of you with Ass-Finger you're Fired...

You know the kind of people that leak stories to the press? Those are the kind of people with Ass-Finger. They get Ass on their fingers and they touch the Donuts in the Office and they leak stories to the press. I do NOT want to read these stories in the press, and I do NOT want to read these stories while eating a cake donut that has been touched with Ass-Finger, Capiche…?

I am Laslo.

TA said...

More white trash in the White House.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"...dumb fucks."

Thank you for mentioning this observation of yours. Us smart fucks everywhere appreciate you, your voice, and your mentioning that the fucks here today are dumb.

Maybe we shouldn't be caught engaging in comments with folks like the dumb fucks mentioned, as it could reflect on us as proles?

I was told if you are gay and make one mistake, wrong clothes or phone or shoes or zip code or internet provider or mode of transportation or rhetoric lapses etc., then in fact you would be resultingly exiled from the cool gays, and my briefly considering that tyranny of pressure enduces* my empathy and sympathies.

*I haven't figured out what definition I want to make up for "enduces" yet, but trust that I will, God with willing timing be on my side, which OF COURSE is His side I am on, oh Lord I pray, but understandably can be understood to mean I am trying to say God is on my side because I am me, whereby baked-in-the-cake is the definition of God which allows for no misunderstandings regarding who/Whom.

hombre said...

"We're told the President loved the Mooch quotes. But President Trump doesn't like being upstaged."

This is wishful Democrat thinking overheard in an alley somewhere. If "Mooch" actually said those things, there is no chance Trump fails to see the danger of such remarks.

Brookzene said...

I've got to believe Rahm Emmanuel was at least as explicit in his language.

Context is everything.

BarrySanders20 said...

I believe there are people in Trumps administration not primarily interested in promoting themselves. I don't believe that about Scaramucci.

Joaquin said...

More make-believe 'news'

mockturtle said...

Angel-Dyne exhorted: I can't figure out why some people here are being "pressed" into being such a bunch of old women, either. Stop being such a bunch of old women.

As an old woman, I take some umbrage with that remark, being neither 'pressed' into old womanhood nor putting on the imprimatur of my age and sex falsely. I have, by birth and by the effect of time, earned this status fairly. :-)

Drago said...

Brookzene: "Context is everything"

Shorter: Its different when we do it.

roesch/voltaire said...

Apparently there is a whole lot of sucking going on, or at least suck ups in the Trump House.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"48 democrats and 3 republicans let us down last night."

Be mature and address why your, "us" as you say, perceived predicament was so wrong (aka forcefully maladaptive) to such a shitty extent so as to allow 48 Democratics to be in a position whereby they are able let you down. If these fucks aren't trying to topple the POTUS using Russian propaganda along with good old-fashioned treason, like the Lion Senator Ted fucking Kennedy, but merely voting Lennin/Marx/Clowared-Piven socialism as they campaigned explicitly on with Judas' promises, I have to at least credit them for knowing who pays the bills and what to say to keep getting paid, regardless of any content in context (or without) the words were designed to impart unique meaning for. Jeff Goldstein used to blog about this kind of thing at Protein Wisdom, back in the day.

Bob Dole should, like me here, have asked "where's the tact" instead of talking about a lack of outrage. Consider Bob Dole asking about where outrage is, the weakness of it, the expectation that Bob Dole should lead the parade because he is a leader, never mind the fact this leader sucked up more opportunity because of his welfare state collector status
he, like others, has to lean back on heroism from literally decades and decades and decades ago to confirm why his policies now aren't going to ruin America, as if all those veterans who don't go into politics are mere dupes and idiots for not exploiting honor and dignity as a get rich and get out of jail for corruption anything-but-quick-in-fact-lifelong status.

Did Dante ever consider such people, that would deny freedom of speech in a society that had become accustomed to it, deny corruption is corrupt if the corrupt have an excuse and/when most near any damn even unbelievable bullshit words-of-one-who-kneels* would and can do, deny harm caused because of some potential wishfully-perceived utopic forever orgasm that just happens to always be arriving tomorrow?

*to the extent kneeling before God Almighty can somehow result in conflated domains on Earth, domains that engage in Cargo Cult Style kneeling to humans in place of God, I disavow this lyric. I make no claims that that is the lyrics only meaning or even a significant one.

Achilles said...

Darcy said...

I've heard (and said) worse. My point was the naiveté of the White House communications director. The does not bode well. Neither does all of the apparent in-fighting, if what the brilliant "Mooch" has to say is correct.

I don't think it was naivete. I think he wanted it out there.

I voted for Trump. I have cringed ever since. I do not, at this point, believe he is a competent President. I question his mental state.

You haven't been around many Alphas then. It seems they are rare these days. I was in Ranger Battalion. During training and planning it was often like this. Profanity yelling pressure etc. Then we would go out at night, do stuff, and come back and do it all over again.

If someone accused me of trying to suck my own dick the obvious comeback is "You are just jealous I can." I am betting Bannon can deal with it and Reince can't. Win Win.

I am grateful for the obvious successes so far, but at what cost, I wonder? It is not crazy to wonder that. When you operate the way Trump has, screwing his own cabinet members publicly, belittling various GOP in Congress while expecting that they help pass something he promised, it leads to disaster, as it just has. (Though obviously not the only reason the cowardly Reps won't repeal)

Any success in this fight is going to come with a fight. Would you rather have the polite Mr. Romney lose to Hillary?

As I said, I am grateful for a few wins. I am troubled by the blatant unprofessionalism. I don't have any confidence in this dumpster fire at the moment.

If this all ends well for the American people, I will eat my words. I am so right wing it is scary, but I do appreciate even small steps in the right direction (more freedom).

Hope I am wrong.

Don't be a shrinking violet. Seriously.

Call them assholes. Whatever. They just be on the right side when we roll out at night. Notice how the leftists on this page never attack their own even if they go shoot a bunch of congressmen or form a mob and attack people at a political rally. You don't need to be in the middle of most of the fight but don't go sit on your couch when the going gets tough.

Brookzene said...

Brookzene: "Context is everything"

Shorter: Its different when we do it.

I'm pretty sure given the context (like day 3 on the job, calling the New Yorker reporter at his own instigation to spew bile all over members of Trump's team, the esp. graphic imagery of Bannon sucking on his own cock...omg where do you stop noting the difference in context!?) Rahm's potty mouth was slightly less of a problem than Mooch's.

But, hey, if you don't see a difference between Rahm's work and Scar's ... cool with me.

Bay Area Guy said...

Achilles sez:

"I don't think it was naivete. I think he wanted it out there."

I think that's right. The Mooch knows how to call up a journalist as an "anonymous" source, just like all Washington insiders in the swamp.

So, he calls up leftwinger Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker? And somehow there is a miscommunication as to what was on or off record? No, siree Bob.

The Mooch wanted this out there. Maybe, to distract from the failed Obamacare vote, maybe to put some heat on Bannon, maybe for 10 other reasons.

It is trivial and unimportant, though.

Drago said...

Bad Lieutenant: "So if Young would lose and Ritchie would win I prefer Ritchie. Don't you?"


LLR's would want Ritchie over Stabenow in precisely the same way that McCain "supports" repeal of obamacare!

Darcy said...


Good talk. Exactly what my alpha husband has been telling me and he is most often correct. Darn it.

SukieTawdry said...

Why would anyone in politics trust a reporter? Why would anyone on the president's staff (especially someone who purports no interest in media attention) call a member of the media to "unload" (was this vulgar tirade supposed to be off the record)? Why would the president tolerate his communications director publicly calling his chief of staff a "fucking paranoid schizophrenic"? What the hell is the matter with these people?? I'm sick of this shit.

I'm not one who shrinks from the sound of coarse language--heck, I could hold my own in a Marine barracks if need be. But is it too much to ask for a little decorum from people in high office? Trump is a drama queen. I've long said so. That's not a compliment and it's hardly an attractive trait in a president. You and your staff need to shape up, President Trump.

Fabi said...

Seeing the left and their sympathizers trip over this "shiny object" is more fun than I thought possible!

Etienne said...

48 democrats and 3 republicans let us down last night.

Not true. McConnell stiff-armed the Democrats when creating his Bills. That's how he works, and why the Senate is not functional. He thinks the slim majority is a source of power.

The problem is, he has no money to shovel into Senators purses, as the treasury is empty.

The only way forward, as I see it, is a regime change.

mockturtle said...

Of course it was intentionally put out there. It's like when Jesus told the recipients of his performed miracles not to tell anyone. He knew this was a sure way to spread the word.

Achilles said...

Darcy said...

Good talk. Exactly what my alpha husband has been telling me and he is most often correct. Darn it.

It takes all kinds. We have been trying for decades to get people in DC that will do what we want. We have been nothing but polite and kind. The Tea Party was the most peaceful political movement ever and it was still trashed and vilified by the uniparty.

At some point your enemies show they will not respond to kind and decent. At that point you have to let the dogs loose.

Please don't get mad at us when we growl and tear shit apart.

Achilles said...

Etienne said...
48 democrats and 3 republicans let us down last night.

Not true. McConnell stiff-armed the Democrats when creating his Bills. That's how he works, and why the Senate is not functional. He thinks the slim majority is a source of power.

The problem is, he has no money to shovel into Senators purses, as the treasury is empty.

The only way forward, as I see it, is a regime change.

If you mean removal of the uniparty I am right there with you.

I wouldn't mind someone other than McConell as well.

mockturtle said...

Exactly so, Achilles. Long ago we should have been deaf and blind to the puerile whimpering of the Left because there is nothing we could do or say that would not invite it.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
Bad Lieutenant: "So if Young would lose and Ritchie would win I prefer Ritchie. Don't you?"
LLR's would want Ritchie over Stabenow in precisely the same way that McCain "supports" repeal of obamacare!

I really tried to make it so simple, that even you and Bad Lieutenant could understand. I did not factor in the "deliberate bad faith in arguing" element.

It's my view that Bob Young is by far the best candidate. His credentials, his loyalty to conservative principles, his being an African-American from Detroit, his having won three statewide elections are all features of that judgment on my part. That's pretty much it. He's the best candidate in the primary. Kid Rock hasn't even filed paperwork or formed a campaign. I wouldn't support him in a primary if he did.

You two can disagree with my judgment; but to go on and tell me that I am secretly (or not so secretly) stumping for the Democrat is just pure trolling.

The other candidate that you two never even knew about until I mansplained it to you is Lena Epstein. A Trump loyalist, she was the Trump campaign's Michigan co-chair. Her candidacy, combined with a Kid Rock novelty run, could be really great for Bob Young. All the serious mainstream GOP voters and money would go to Bob. While Lena and Kid Rock can split the trailer park vote.

If Kid Rock did somehow manage to win the Michigan GOP primary, I would not vote for Stabenow.

mockturtle said...

If you mean removal of the uniparty I am right there with you.

Remember back in the day when the USSR was roundly criticized for having only one party? Do people really believe we don't?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" All the serious mainstream GOP voters and money would go to Bob."

All the serious mainstream GOP money went to low-energy, worthless Jeb ("Please clap!") Bush and the other losers in the primary. Who won?

You haven't learned one goddamn thing since you got your ass kicked last November, because you're such a smug, conceited asshole you're incapable of learning.

Fabi said...

"While Lena and Kid Rock can split the trailer park vote."

Tell me what you net worth is, Chuck, and we'll cut a deck of cards for it.

Howard said...

mock, FIFY: Remember back in the day when the KGB was roundly criticized by Republicans for running Black Ops to destabilize the West? Do people really believe Trump hasn't let them in the front door?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Unless confirmation bias excludes all thoughts, there is no confirmation bias. There is confirmation and Catholics also confirm men and women. Science caught up, for a little bit, but has, as always must happen, arrogantly and factually greedily overstepped bounds made uniquely for those individuals to vulgar.

Describing what ought to be because you are Laslo smart is over-common.

rcocean said...

I don't give a damn that he used foul language. But anyone in the Trump white house who trusts a liberal reporter is a fool of the highest order.

Of course, others are claiming that's just an excuse. That he *really* wanted his "off the record" talk leaked.

Well, Okey-dokey. That makes him a foul mouthed dope who's made himself look bad, and made the Trump White house look like a circus.

In any case, well done Scarmouche.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Reposted from last night at the end of a soon-to-be-dead thread:

Was Scott Walker less vilified, despite his upper midwest affect, than Donald Trump?
Were Texas legislators less maligned in their redistricting efforts?
Was Ronald Reagan for confronting Soviet Russia?
George W. Bush for reading a story to children instead of acting like a wild man after learning of the 9-11 attacks?

Some folks have short memories.

Name a Republican who was effective or potentially effective. I'll then tell you about how that person was vilified by everybody. What part of this effort surprises anybody who pays attention?

Did Tip O'Neill and Teddy Kennedy roll President Reagan more than once? Did "Land of Confusion" get recorded with a claymation video?

FullMoon said...

Love taught me trust. Pain taught me wisdom.


Drago said...

"You two can disagree with my judgment; but to go on and tell me that I am secretly (or not so secretly) stumping for the Democrat is just pure trolling."

More strawmen.

Typical troll activity.

Please continue.

Drago said...

"If Kid Rock did somehow manage to win the Michigan GOP primary, I would not vote for Stabenow."

Sounds eerily like a McCain type promise that he never intended to keep. A lie for which certain commentators have expressed hearty approval.

You may properly view any comments and assertions by a certain commentator thru that lens.

Fabi said...

"Love taught me trust. Pain taught me wisdom."


^^^ A prime example of why Althouse is the finest spot on the web.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

What did Justice Thomas say though?

Can't we agree he has been, is, and will for about two decades more be, everything every ink-proven guarantee he and we said we were?

Lucien said...

Mooch shoulda' said "auto-fellatio", just to make the MSM explain what it means.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
mock, FIFY: Remember back in the day when the KGB was roundly criticized by Republicans for running Black Ops to destabilize the West? Do people really believe Trump hasn't let them in the front door?

I remember when it cost around 30 million dollars to buy a secretary of state and the President would have more flexibility after the election.

Rabel said...

"I’m not trying to suck my own cock." That means a lot.

As a metaphor what does it actually mean? I would guess that it means "I'm not self-promoting" but I'm not clear. Bannon has largely kept out of the limelight so he wouldn't be the best person to apply it to if my guess is correct.

Howard said...

Achilles said...
I remember when it cost around 30 million dollars to buy a secretary of state and the President would have more flexibility after the election.

True, so then you are conceding that Trump is part of the uni-party. He is playing the clown to kill populism forever. He trolling you

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Mooch is the media's holy grail.

Viva Maria said...

”FullMoon said... OK Cupid? Needlepoint?”

yes/no √yes/no.

You got me. Cupid and needlepoint do factor!

Mistress Mine chides me (she reads here). "Be more self-revealing." I keep reminding Cupcake to fear all the girlfriends I must need command, “go away!” She’s not fearful. Really don’t know - yet - how or whether to be more self-revealing. Better part of both love and wisdom (those words - my rare brevity sans sarcasm = stable seriousness) tell me otherwise. And that anonymity is the better part of both - love and wisdom. For now, those words are starters. Working on the rest. Clueless.

Feste is an Aspiration. Colombo, a phase. Love taught me trust. Pain taught me wisdom.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I've heard it's from the dude who lost, Bull Barnettly orsomething,some guy with a book.

Why we fight.


Or ill or somethingk I ain[t be kinown.

revolved inches per Pacino in Any Sunday "FESTE knows" and pure "I got me mine so fuck you idiocy" becauswe I am me. Laslo, well Laslxo could take any company to the hext level, but they wont have him. So the derp derp derp repeated derpedly dismiss Parker, Gram., and Dwight Y. and Kid Rock.=

Brookzene said...

President Pence has a nice ring to it.

He'll most certainly be one of the worst presidents we've ever had in our country. And it will be big improvement over what we have.

Snark said...

"As a metaphor what does it actually mean? I would guess that it means "I'm not self-promoting" but I'm not clear. Bannon has largely kept out of the limelight so he wouldn't be the best person to apply it to if my guess is correct."

As somebody who once referred to inhabitants of a subset of the Trump apologist genre as "self-pleasuring contrarians" I can tell you what I meant. I was attempting to express the sense that there was a certain indulgence in personal intellectual pleasure and self-interest at the expense of the bigger picture and the general best interest. I can see Scaramucci meaning some version of that in knocking down the ideological Bannon.

Viva Maria said...

FullMoon ... besides, isn’t there Poe on Full Moon Crazy? All the things that go wrong when that black bird flies? Maybe you’re my totem-to-an-answer?

“Nameless here for evermore."

That it? All I need do is pay attention? Anonymity v. self-reveal solved?

FullMoon, you're pure genius! Thank you!

Wait 'till I tell my wife about this!

Feste is an Aspiration. Colombo, a phase. Love taught me trust. Pain taught me wisdom.

Viva Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Howard said...

True, so then you are conceding that Trump is part of the uni-party. He is playing the clown to kill populism forever. He trolling you

Actually I am conceding that the democrat party is an amoral construct with no principles except will to power and the people that support the democrat party are tools and idiots.

Pinandpuller said...

In Soviet Russia cock sucks you!

Achilles said...

Bill said...
President Pence has a nice ring to it.

I want to set up a catapults in the middle of DC. Kinda like a science competition.

The competition would be to see how far the catapults could launch members of the uniparty. Bonus points of they land in a burning building. The fat ones would be weighed into the calculations.

chickelit said...

Lucien said...Mooch shoulda' said "auto-fellatio", just to make the MSM explain what it means.

"Auto-fellatio" -- is that like sucking the chrome off bumpers?

Rabel said...

"Auto-fellatio" -- is that like sucking the chrome off bumpers?

If it is a self-driving autonomous car then that would be rape.

JPS said...


"Remember back in the day when the USSR was roundly criticized for having only one party? Do people really believe we don't?"

Back around 1999 or 2000 I was in a university library and I found a Soviet Encyclopedia from the early 80s, translated into English. I was curious to see what the approved line was about our political system, and found this gem:

"In the United States government, power is shared between two political parties, Republicans and Democrats. Both represent the interests of monopolistic capitalism." (That was all they had to say about our parties.)

mockturtle said...

JPS shares: "In the United States government, power is shared between two political parties, Republicans and Democrats. Both represent the interests of monopolistic capitalism." (That was all they had to say about our parties.)

And with the risk of sounding like Cookie, I'd say they were right. Capitalism is by far the best system but what we have is a legislative body bought and paid for by special interests and virtually no one representing the interests of the electorate. Of course, capitalists aren't the only beneficiaries of government largess. Big unions benefit, too. The entrenchment of power in career politicians only consolidates this situation. Term limits would be a good start and throwing out the 'uniparty' would be an effective way to finish. The parties wield far too much money and power and are accountable to no one.

Bay Area Guy said...

"In the United States government, power is shared between two political parties, Republicans and Democrats. Both represent the interests of monopolistic capitalism."

Everything there is true, except for "monopolistic." We have an abundance of non-monopolistic capitalism. That's why when you go to Costco -- there's a billion different kinds of soda pop and beer, whereas in the Soviet union, there were no kinds of soda pop and beer. The shelves were bare.

If the world were spinning on its correct axis, we'd be exporting capitalism and Christianity to many poor countries. But in the era of leftist, that is not kosher anymore.

Unknown said...

We’re going to lose. We’re going to lose so much. We’re going to lose at trade, we’re going to lose at the border. We’re going to lose so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of losing, you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t lose anymore.’ You’ve heard this one. You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. President, we beg you sir, we don’t want to lose anymore. It’s too much. It’s not fair to us. And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep losing, losing, losing, We’re going to prevent ourselves from making America lousy.

So much for winning.

Qwinn said...

Unknown's last post was almost microscopically clever, until the last half sentence ("We're going to prevent ourselves from making America lousy."), at which point you know the whole bit was written by an idiot.

Henry said...

Not enough chaos, said Scaramucci. What can I do about that.

Birkel said...

Qwinn for the win.

Fabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi said...


Birkel said...

Priebus is out.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

Guess Priebus was leaking. He gone. Bannon probably next

mockturtle said...

Feste writes: Wait 'till I tell my wife about this!

Why, is her name Lenore?

Fabi said...

RP had an incredibly difficult job.

chickelit said...

Rinse is now free to stage JEB's 2020 comeback campaign. It's what he wanted anyway.

Chuck will be appointed head of Michigan chapter of JEB! 2020


SukieTawdry said...

Scaramucci won't be calling John Kelly a fucking paranoid schizophrenic anytime soon.

SukieTawdry said...

Scaramucci's wife filed for divorce this week. It's a "Trump divorce."

Darcy said...

Divorce is hell. I really cringe when people make fun of someone going through it.

Michael said...

Agree. But understand when the mockery comes from someone who names themselves after a whore.

Viva Maria said...

mockturtle said... "Feste writes: Wait 'till I tell my wife about this! Why, is her name Lenore?"



"Go up to God so solemnly the dead may feel so wrong!
The sweet Lenore hath 'gone before,' with Hope, that flew beside."

Mine is still here. Giving me hell. Well, a little more :). But since she reads here, I need to stay, uh, humble.

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