Sessions’s tight relationship with Trump and the White House has unraveled since he recused himself in March from the Russia probe. The president had privately complained about that decision for weeks, and in an interview with the New York Times last week he said he would not have appointed Sessions as attorney general had he known that Sessions would do such a thing....I am not comfortable with the way Sessions is being treated, even though I get why Trump is bitterly disappointed in him. Must this be done in public? It's so awkward, so... unpresidential.
Among the names being floated as possible Sessions replacements are Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, according to people familiar with the conversations....
Or is this what we've been told to see as MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL?
Look at how cute he thinks he is:
Oh, I don't know, maybe Obama and Bill Clinton and the Bush I & II and Ronald Reagan all answered reporters with wordless facial expressions like that. You can tell how much you hate or love the President by how much this sort of thing works on you.
Remember when Barack Obama responded to a reporter's question by flicking (imaginary) lint off his shoulder?
The civil forfeiture thing is baffling. Something's seriously wrong with Sessions.
The eternal investigation and leaking will turn off everybody to the democrats though, so there's that plus.
The eye roll was directed at the question and the questioner. Give it a rest, a-hole media.
Scott Adams, on Sessions being called beleaguered, amused, "That doesn't sound good."
I want HIllary investigated, and anyone touching Clinton-world. I'm looking at you Terry McAuliff.
You too, George Clintonoplois.
Sessions might be one of those moral Christians, determined to crack down on immoral people.
Sessions needs to go for the simple reason that he's all for civil forfeiture of people's assets without a trial. I call it government stealing.
Boot his ass.
You needed a "He's a dick, but — Hillary" option.
They're asking him the gotcha question in the middle of a photo op for a group excited to be there. It wasn't the moment for that.
Fuck you media asshole. Enjoy your stomach ulcer.
Honestly I don't know what to make of it.
I wish he would just fire Jeff Sessions. I believe he is a good man, but he is a terrible attorney General. Specifically, he appears to be making many decisions as if he does not have a boss. He should have gone to the President first before announcing his recusal on the Russian question BS. He doesn't appear to think he needs to tell the President before he makes major policy decisions.
The recent announcement about the Civil Asset Forfeiture policy was to me the deal breaker. I cannot imagine a worse idea, and the fact that all those law enforcement officers were back behind Mr. Sessions when he did that matters to me not one whit.
I didn't vote in the poll because I didn't like any of the choices. It seemed like there was no real middle ground there... either you pretty much liked it or thought he was a D!ck. I hate that epithet. That word has become way too familiar as an expression of dislike for people who you disagree with or think are bad people.
Son of a Bitch would be preferable, if you have to use anything at all but would it not be better to be more precise, such as saying,
" It was inappropriate for Mr. Trump to ape for the camera over such a serious subject."
Fuck you media asshole. Enjoy your stomach ulcer.
Worth a repeat.
I think the warning was to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
The warning wasn't to beware of wolves in wolves' clothing.
"It wasn't the moment for that." But of course, it's always "the moment for that."
Which Trump knows but Sessions doesn't. Trump needs a Holder or Lynch, not the tender feelings and moral self-regard of Jefferson B.
I agree with previous commenters about the problematic support by Sessions for expanding civil asset forfeitures. Taking property from people who haven't been convicted of a crime is abominable. It should not be a tactic supported by good Republicans.
Thanks Tim.
Doesn't wolves' work also?
I realized wolve's doesn't.
All the above.
You know, I'm not sure.
Wolf's = belonging to a wolf.
Wolves' = belonging to multiple wolfs?
Unfortunately, I left my Handbook of English Grammar, 10th ed.
in my other cape so I can't say definitively.
At least you sir, are not a Looser!
"Honestly I don't know what to make of it.
I wish he would just fire Jeff Sessions."
Some people (like the lawprof quoted in the WaPo article) say Trump is waiting for the Senate to take its August recess so he can make a recess appointment. That person would not need to go through confirmation.
If Trump uses a recess appointment, that person would serve, without confirmation, until Jan. 3, 2019.
Seems like the wrong time for that question, as rehajm stated.
Trump needs people as committed to policy reversals from the Obama Administration as his voters are. And he needs those people to be bull dogs. The Deep State is The Resistance.
The DOJ is still prosecuting its efforts against religious exceptions to ObamaInsurance. That is decidedly not a Trump policy.
I think Trump needs more youth, vitality and energy in his administration.
Another poll, which does nothing so much as reveal the nature of the Althouse commentariat.
Althouse, I do hope that you will blog the Trump speech to the Boy Scout Jamboree in W. Virginia. This line in particular was one that I thought you'd find striking:
“In the Scout Oath, you pledge on your honor to do your best and to do your duty to God and your country. [Applause.] And by the way, under the Trump administration, you’ll be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again when you go shopping. Believe me. Merry Christmas. [Applause.] They’ve been downplaying that little, beautiful phrase. You’re going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again, folks.” [Applause.]
It's clear, both from a reading of the transcript and a viewing of the video, that the textual line of the speech was the first sentence in which Trump recited (accurately) a line from the Scout Oath. And that the rest was one of Trump's inimitable ad-libs.
So are the Boy Scouts of America a Christian organization now? Why is it that "under the Trump Administration," we'll be able to say "Merry Christmas" again? What policy or regulation is the President talking about? Who, and especially who among the Boy Scouts, is being prevented from saying "Merry Christmas"?
You know, if Trump had any balls as a conservative, and if he wanted (he clearly did) to turn an address to an organization like the B.S.A. into a political rally, he might have spoken out in defense of a major case in which the B.S.A. were real parties in interest; Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000).
A great column from the New York magazine website, "The 14 Most Inappropriate Moments from Trump's Speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree":
Lyin' AG sounds like a hip-hop artist.
Welp, one thing no one is claiming that Sessions is Trump's lackey. No one is saying Trump has stopped the DoJ from being totally independent. No one is saying Trump is using the DoJ as his personal Clinton hammer. Trump's tweets alone have apparently obviated those arguments. So, mission accomplished on that front.
That said, I'm with Glenn Reynolds and the anti-forfeiture folks. It's an abomination.
Clyde said:
"Taking property from people who haven't been convicted of a crime is abominable. It should not be a tactic supported by good Republicans."
This turns the Highway Patrol into highway robbers. In most instances they stop citizens who are not obviously wealthy, because they know once they steal the person's assets they will not have the reserves to fight them over it in court. That is not supposition on my part, look up the many articles by Radley Balko at Reason Magazine on the subject. This is official corruption of the highest order.
They're asking him the gotcha question in the middle of a photo op for a group excited to be there. It wasn't the moment for that.
That was my choice and it wasn't included.
He was mugging for the effect with people who knew it was an inappropriate question
He is grifter and a egotist---look at the way he behaved and used the BSA. He wants loyalty to himself, not the constitution and he willing to whine in public about anybody who does not give him that "loyalty."
The trouble with boy scouts is that you get too old for that shit before you have very many merit badges. Only extremely weird people get eagle rank.
Parari et Covfefe
"Trump's tweets alone have apparently obviated those arguments." Forget the eye roll. It will probably take a Scott Adams to explain to us how the ridiculous anti-AG tweets are a subtle way to boost Jefferson B.'s image of independence and his cred in the swamp.
Trump is right, of course, that his AG should fight the good fight. Jefferson B. works for him. But "governing" by tweet is sad, very sad.
Odd, I didn't see him demand that the scouts all raise their hands in the three finger scout salute and pledge loyalty personally to Donald Trump.
I do recall a photo of Wehrmacht troops doing exactly that to Adolf Hitler. Perhaps you are confused?
Some lefty sites, I hear, are comparing the rally to a Hitler Youth meet.
They have no shame.
Oh, and both my nephews were Eagle Scouts.
That's what any member of the Senate or House gets for being a loyal supporter of Trump. Sessions was the first to endorse Trump. Soon after the election Trump said he didn't want Clinton investigated, he said she'd been "punished enough", Sessions complied. Now the story changes, Trump is obsessed with reopening an investigation into Clinton, why? To deflect from the investigation of himself. Now Trump is hounding Sessions over another Clinton investigation and his recusal in the Russia investigation. Nothing more than an excuse to get rid of Sessions, so he can appoint a toady. Sessions did the ethical thing by recusing himself. This is the man you people voted for, I hope you're proud of him and yourselves. This man is unAmerican, possibly a traitor and a criminal. Impeachment is inevitable. Then indictment.
Sessions was an Eagle Scout, he was missing in that Scout Rally yesterday.
Also remember, that loyalty is sworn to the Constitution, NOT the President. A President demading loyalty is unAmerican.
RNB said...
Remember when Barack Obama responded to a reporter's question by flicking (imaginary) lint off his shoulder?
or remember when he rubbed his nose with his middle finger, surreptitiously flipping off the reporter who asked him an annoying question he didn't like...
even considering Trump's braggadocio... Obama is still the most vulgar, classless President to ever hold the office...
Look at how cute he thinks he is:
He was pretty cute, especially for an old, kinda-fat guy.
What's with the reporters yelling questions to someone who doesn't have a microphone during a photo-shoot?
It might've been cuter to flip-off that news creature.
rhhardin said...
The civil forfeiture thing is baffling. Something's seriously wrong with Sessions.
Besides looking like a Munchkin? And "baffling" meaning illegal and fascistic?
Wow some pretty heady stuff there, Mr. Unknown.
I have a question, been on my mind a while now. I am asking in all seriousness, not trying to bait anyone.
It is this:
what do you think will happen if, for whatever reason, Donald Trump is forced out of the presidency? What do you think will be the reaction of literally millions of people who voted for him?
I await your response and please, this is a serious question so limit the snark and insults.
The time is now to emerge from the Trump sycophancy. You have a chance to redeem yourselves .
"Must this be done in public? It's so awkward, so... unpresidential."
Is there anything about Trump or that Trump has done since his inauguration that isn't unpresidential? He's a crude and stupid flim flam man who is behaving as his nature dictates. I would be startled if he behaved otherwise.
Perhaps Wile E. Coyote doesn't know that he is in a cartoon. Imagine if it suddenly dawned on him that the Road Runner was always winning. What would Wile E. Coyote do then?
UnknownInga51, as the resident expert on Acme Products sure to destroy the president, what do you think?
"He's a crude and stupid flim flam man... who believes that communism will work if only the right people are in charge next time.
Which Leftist Collectivist is Robert Cook criticizing? Bernie?Waters? Obama? Pelosi? Chavez? Castro? Marx? Engels?
I guess Mr. Unknown isn't going to address the question.
Anybody else?
To restate, it is this:
what do you think will happen if, for whatever reason, Donald Trump is forced out of the presidency? What do you think will be the reaction of literally millions of people who voted for him?
Tim Gilliland said...
what do you think will happen if, for whatever reason, Donald Trump is forced out of the presidency? What do you think will be the reaction of literally millions of people who voted for him?
I await your response and please, this is a serious question so limit the snark and insults.
No insult, and no snark from me; I shall let "Unknown" answer for him- or herself.
I'd just like for Tim Gilliland to answer his own question. Tim, what do you think will be the reaction of those millions of Trump voters? If, say, Donald Trump was impeached via a bipartisan vote of a supermajority in the Senate? After a finding, supported by the Special Counsel and the Department of Justice, of clear and convincing evidence that Trump committed one or more felonies? (I am presuming that the President wouldn't be indicted while he is still in office.)
I'm one of the millions who voted for Trump. My own reaction in that event would be, "Good riddance."
"He's a crude and stupid flim flam man who is behaving as his nature dictates. I would be startled if he behaved otherwise."
Robert Cook wants serious men and serious women.
What he settles for is serious looking and sounding men and serious looking and sounding women.
What is behind the vaneer is corruption, lust for power, total self interest, and greed - a cabal that has gotten a select few rich and left the poor poorer.
But as long as Cook gets his vaneer, he's OK with the rotton insides.
That's why I'm on the Kid Rock bandwagon right now.
Better than wolves in serious sheep's clothing, is a fun-loving goof-ball in a fun-loving goof-ball's clothing.
Jeff Sessions wants his Senate seat back. Too late for that though.
Sessions has lost any ability he might have had to run the Justice Department effectively. He has no functioning office to stay in.
Bad decisions by the President but the rolling coup has set the environment where this schism occurred. The coup is gathering force.
Government is paralyzed but the country continues with life and business as usual. What does that tell you?.
Guliani probably would have been the right guy from the start. Another Trump mistake
I wonder if Senate rules will require Kid Rock to remove his hat.
If we can change the filibuster rules, we can change a hat rule.
I'll celebrate our national resoration the day Kid Rock wears his hat on the Senate floor with all of those very Cookean serious statesmen and serious stateswomen frowning on the abhorrent breach of decorum and tradition.
They've decorumed and traditioned us into slavery and ruin.
About Jeff Sessions' senate seat...
If indeed Sessions is forced out, what self-respecting Senator or House member would ever think of throwing their loyalty Trump's way? Much less give up their seat to serve in the Trump Administration. Everyone who gets close to Trump gets hurt in the end, and usually very badly.
Getting rid of Trump would start Civil War 2.0. Go ahead and try.
Trump leaves Sessions twisting in the wind while berating him publicly
Didn’t Sessions leave Trump “twisting in the wind” when Sessions arbitrarily recused himself without even discussing it with Trump? Such lack of consultation in this type of circumstance is very, very strange.
Has any AG in the past put their President in the position where that President’s political fate was decided by that President’s political enemies? Has any AG in the past set policy without Presidential approval? The Nixon era comes to mind but in that case there was an actual crime involved.
Something is very wrong with the Sessions recusal. Either Sessions was too easily rattled by the anti-Trump atmosphere, which has been my guess from just observing Sessions public appearances(which are remindful of Barney Fife) – or Sessions knew exactly what would follow from his dereliction.
And now I’m wondering why Sessions is sticking around where he is not wanted. Doesn’t he have any pride? The POTUS, whether it be Trump or Obama, should not have to fire unwanted cabinet members. As soon as they know, as Sessions surely knows, that they are not wanted the only credible thing to do is resign.
Chuck, get close to Trump. Please.
There was no reason Sessions needed to recuse himself so quickly. He knows more than anyone that the Russia collusion is all BS. He was supposed to part of a team that helped drain the swamp, and he cowered the first time the swamp pushed back.
The Russia story is dangerous deep state - media - democrat garbage. Everyone is scared to push back except Trump.
He should fire Sessions in August, and appoint who he wants. Trump is right to be pissed, and has the authority to do something about it.
Sessions is pushing civil asset forfeiture, and a new Federal war on marijuana--things that Trump didn't campaign on. Sounds like he is trying to destroy from within, if we didn't know better,
"Getting rid of Trump would start Civil War 2.0. Go ahead and try."
Stupid bravado or treason?
Trumpists threaten civil war, the Left was called crazy for protesting Trump. Who are the real extremists and who are the real patriots?
Getting rid of Trump would start Civil War 2.0. Go ahead and try.
I regard such comments with less seriousness, but with equal contempt, as left-wingers who threaten violence if anybody cuts their social welfare programs.
Chuck and Inga sitting in a tree. And we still don't care what you think.
Infantile Darrell. No wonder you're a Trump sychophant.
"I asked two ppl close to Trump why he is tormenting Sessions instead of firing him. The answer from both, paraphrased: Because he can."
Maggie Haberman, NYT
Chuck wrote: "Another poll, which does nothing so much as reveal the nature of the Althouse commentariat. Althouse, I do hope that you will blog the ..."
You're so bad at suggesting a topic. You do it in a way that makes me less likely to blog it. Are you trying to have that effect?
Are you trying to have that effect?
I'm starting to think that Chuck alone was responsible for Trump's win.
I think you are missing the point Chuck;
You can set up the scenario saying that there was "clear and convincing evidence that Trump committed one or more felonies..." In that case, the answer would be probably nothing. The Senate would never convict him without a huge amount of public support. -Or would they? (By the way, the House impeaches, the Senate holds the trial)
Do you believe Trump's supporters will ever believe he is guilty of something? At this point with the media's track record of fabrications half-truths and distain?
If so perhaps you should rethink assuming humans are rational actors.
Didn’t Sessions leave Trump “twisting in the wind” when Sessions arbitrarily recused himself without even discussing it with Trump? Such lack of consultation in this type of circumstance is very, very strange.
"AG Jeff Sessions is a stand-up guy. He's always said he would recuse himself from any case in which his impartiality could be questioned."
- Anthony Scaramucci
Guliani probably would have been the right guy from the start.
I saw Giuliani acting as a surrogate for Trump during the campaign. Giuliani was terrible at defending and promoting Trump. He seemed to have been ignorant of the issues involved. Giuliani has a tough-guy reputation because of past exploits but in those on-air interviews he was putty in the hands of a clever NewsWhore. I kept wondering why Trump kept using him.
According to this article, Giuliani, if appointed, would also recuse himself, offering ammo for the anti-Trumper snipers. Not my idea of a good AG for Trump.
"There was no reason Sessions needed to recuse himself so quickly."
Yes and so broadly. That was an error and while I am not enthusiastic about what Trump is doing, I can understand his frustration.
Sessions harmed himself with the libertarian wing of the GOP with his decision on asset forfeiture.
This administration is on the right track. More NYC and less Alabama. The wench from Arkansas needs to be next. As the new PR guy from NYC said her hair and makeup is improving, but not enough. You can't get the Arkansas out of that thing no matter what you do.
Bring on the fab coasties with good hair and clothes!
Sessions was the only Senator to endorse to endorse Trump up until the point he was the de facto nominee.
Don't think I'm a fan of Sessions. This is about how Trump places himself above everyone else. He'll throw you under the bus, too. He already did some of you just don't want to believe it.
As far as Civil Asset Forfeture Laws,Trump is in favor of them. Sessions was doing Trump's bidding. Now you demonize Sessions? Yes YOUR President is in favor of these laws, you dummies.
"In a White House meeting with county sheriffs from around the nation on February 7, President Trump sided with the law enforcement community in opposing change in the nation’s civil asset forfeiture laws. Here is the transcript of that meeting, and the president’s flippant attitude (he joked about destroying the career of a state senator in Texas who had proposed a bill to reform civil asset forfeiture) and eagerness to stay in the good graces of the sheriffs are very bad news."
"what do you think will happen if, for whatever reason, Donald Trump is forced out of the presidency? What do you think will be the reaction of literally millions of people who voted for him?"
They'll bitch and moan, there might be a few protests, some of them quite violent, but in the end you will calm down. Or are you suggesting treason and a violent insurrection?
Some people (like the lawprof quoted in the WaPo article) say Trump is waiting for the Senate to take its August recess so he can make a recess appointment. That person would not need to go through confirmation.
I had forgotten about that. The 'Life-long Republican' Senate will barley move any of his nominees along for confirmation; a new AG seems impossible. This seems unworkable.
A recess appointment would do the trick.
My Poll Answer:
Yeah, I wish he wouldn't do this in public. Not professional.
In particular, I wish he would not act like this in front of minors and children.
The President is also the Head of State, and in certain situations, before certain institutions, needs to bring the gravity of the office and non-partisanship.
Trump has given Sessions and Rosenstein cover against being accused of being White House stooges.
But that civil assets thing was atrocious.
"A recess appointment would do the trick."
You seem to have forgotten that there is no such thing as a recess any more.
Transcript from Whitehouse. Remarks by President in Roundtable with County Sherriffs, in which he assures them he would uphold Civil Asset Forfture Laws.
I am suggesting nothing of the sort.
In fact, that was the reason I posed the question.
The Democrats and leftists calling themselves "The Resistance"
Right-leaning websites filled with commenters vowing blood and thunder.
All this rhetoric has got people on both sides wound up.
People need to calm the hell down.
So far this environment has got an unstable democrat killed and a republican congressman maimed for life. Is this a score we need to keep increasing?
"There's a lot of ruin in a nation" Someone said, (Adam Smith?)
But, like it is said about going bankrupt, it happens a little at a time, then all of a sudden.
I am afraid that as a nation we are spending our social capital and we could very well be bankrupt "All of a sudden"
This is not the world I want for my children.
How about you?
"He was supposed to part of a team that helped drain the swamp, and he cowered the first time the swamp pushed back."
It's amazing how you can believe that someone who has lived in the swamp for the last 42 years is going to be willing to destroy their own home. Same goes for guiliani.
"This is not the world I want for my children."
You should've considered that before you voted for this Fraud.
Blogger Unknown said...
"The time is now to emerge from the Trump sycophancy. You have a chance to redeem yourselves ."
"You should've considered that before you voted for this Fraud."
To quote the indomitable Hamchuck,
"You Funny!"
That first sounds an awful lot like, "Repent, Sinners! and ye shall be saved!!!"
And note that you have not the courage to actually address my earlier question.
Sessions' job is a valuable asset. Will it be forfeit? Let him see what it feels like to "twist in the wind" wondering if he is going to get to keep it.
Some of the people who would never have voted for this fraud are going to have to reach out and listen to some of the people who did vote for this fraud. We have to start building a moderate and civil society imo.
#civilitybullshit (adding that for some of you).
"And note that you have not the courage to actually address my earlier question."
Courage? No I thought the question was stupid. What will happen, fools like Darrell and Achilles will yell and scream about Washington DC burning down and civil war. We will laugh at you after we question your patriotism. So you'll have. Hissy fit if Trump is shown to have perpetrated high crimes and misdemeanors? Too bad.
"Althouse, I do hope that you will blog the Trump speech to the Boy Scout Jamboree in W. Virginia."
And then proceeds to blog it for her. Can't risk the chance that Althouse might blog it "incorrectly."
Hamchuck laughs
JMHO what do you think will happen when/if Trump is forced to leave office is a real good question. Part of the reason for is Trump is not the problem. He's only a very bad symptom of something that's sick in our country.
"Robert Cook wants serious men and serious women.
"What he settles for is serious looking and sounding men and serious looking and sounding women.
"What is behind the vaneer (sic) is corruption, lust for power, total self interest, and greed - a cabal that has gotten a select few rich and left the poor poorer.
"But as long as Cook gets his vaneer, (sic) he's OK with the rotton (sic) insides."
Just who do you think I have "settled" for?
The Left needs to be strong. The time for listening to Trumpist bullshit is over. They had their chance. They continue to be sycophants for Trump. No, I'm not cutting the deplorables any slack. They caused this travesty and need to take responsibility for what they've done to this country.
"He's only a very bad symptom of something that's sick in our country."
And what would that be?
And what would that be?
That's over my pay grade, although I have thoughts. For one thing if we coughed up something like Donald Trump as president we must be very, very sick.
The something that is sick in our country is a diminution of rights of the people and an aggressively powerful centralized state that has become aware of its own (meaning the people who run that centralized state) interests ahead of the interests of the broad polity.
Perhaps I'm just not plugged in, but I don't understand what the big deal is about Trump calling out Sessions. He calls out people all the time. The fact that people obsess about it is what's weird. I don't think anything will come of it.
OTOH, if Trump really is looking to get rid of Sessions, he really is brilliant. He doesn't speak out against him until Sessions cuts off his own legs by the Civil Asset Forfeiture announcement. Apparently this has been simmering for awhile and Trump resisted lashing out until the time was right.
So now Sessions is friendless. The NeverTrumpers in the GOPe never supported Sessions, now the more insurgent Republicans don't either. It is pretty rich to see guys that have been condemning Session's judgement now saying he's such an honorable and upstanding guy. The whole lot (both sides) is a bunch of hypocrites.
"Some of the people who would never have voted for this fraud are going to have to reach out and listen to some of the people who did vote for this fraud. We have to start building a moderate and civil society imo"
I agree. But it won't happen until the Trump opponents realize their people are no better in terms of competence or morality and in most cases far more dangerous because they are enabled by a media that covers for them and protected by the "deep state" that is in business with them.
"The Left needs to be strong"
And do what, exactly?
This is the point gentlemen:
Are you willing to work together for the good of the country? Of indulge in fantasies of purges and pogroms, violent rhetoric?
On both sides?
How exactly are they supposed to "take responsibility"
And as a side question, what exactly what have they "done to this country?"
I agree. But it won't happen until the Trump opponents realize their people are no better in terms of competence or morality and in most cases far more dangerous because they are enabled by a media that covers for them and protected by the "deep state" that is in business with them.
Stuff like this does give me hope. I'm vehemently opposed to Trump but his opponents can't always be showing the back of their hand to his supporters - not all of them anyway. Both sides have learn to respect one another. Not everyone can, but the people in the middle on both sides have to imo.
I also think it's fairly possible that Trump will be removed or will quit, so I think the people in the middle should be talking to each other now. I'm as tough on Trump as almost anyone here and that won't change but I don't always have to be a dick, and not all Trump supporters do either.
If I were Jeff Sessions, I would fire up my twitter account and start make my own comments about the Whitehouse.
I'm a person. I got opinions about people too.
Freder so it's a safe bet you never would have expected Hillary to drain the swamp. Unknown no doubt voted for the grifter, criminal and traitor because...... ?
The only way a Republican Congress will vote to impeach and remove Trump is if it turns out he is a Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama level criminal. The Republicans unlike the Democrats have some vestigial character so if such a level
of criminality as that of the Democrats was true of Trump then there might be an impeachment and removal. In the meantime Hillary isn't president and never will be and for that alone we should be eternally greatful. By the way, exposing the Democrats for the criminals that they are is not a crime, it's a public service.
"He doesn't speak out against him until Sessions cuts off his own legs by the Civil Asset Forfeiture announcement."
Yet you are completely ignorant of the fact that Sessions was doing Trump's bidding regarding the Civil Asset Forfeiture laws. Trump is on record as being in favor of them. Why do you people not know this?
Whitehouse transcript from a Roundtable meeting with County Sherriffs in which Trump assures them he will uphold Civil Asset Forfeture Laws.
A Leftist claims not to want to show us the back of the hand "all the time" but offers no examples of compromise? Can the Leftists compromise and allow The Little Sisters of the Poor to have a religious exception to the requirement for contraceptive coverage under ObamaInsurance? Can the Leftists compromise by walking down the street to another baker or florist who would happily accept business from a paying client without violating their religious faith? Can the Leftists compromise by accepting that not all men accused by women of untoward behavior are guilty of a crime?
Those were some early points of departure that no Leftist Collectivists anywhere allowed were reasonable.
Can the Leftists compromise by allowing people to choose catastrophic medical insurance plans that don't have all the required coverages (READ: subsidies for third parties) that they do not want?
The Leftist Collectivists are about the raw exercise of power and dominion over their fellow man.
Tim Gilliland said...
what do you think will happen if, for whatever reason, Donald Trump is forced out of the presidency?
I've wondered the same thing and I'm afraid that my uninformed opinion is "not much, just a lot of yapping." People are too comfortable, physically.
So are we to understand that UnknownInga51 is opposed to civil asset forfeiture or that UnknownInga51 is merely attempting to dislodge some support from Trump?
Which seems the likelier answer?
I think most of us are opposed to civil asset forfeiture. Unknown showed Trump and Sessions both support it. The message is: put that in your bong and smoke it.
Opposed, as in you made great mention of it when Obama was president? Do I actually have to call bull shit or can we just assume bull shit?
"The Left needs to be strong. The time for listening to Trumpist bullshit is over. They had their chance."
Are you suggesting you started out giving Trump the benefit of the doubt?
And yeah, that was some pretty hellacious bullshite with the Boy Scouts. I expect the stuff does pile up for some of you. So some of us want to talk with some of you when you are ready.
Talk, like you were willing to compromise when Obama was using the IRS to punish political enemies and abridge their rights under the First Amendment?
"So some of us want to talk with some of you when you are ready."
About what? Single-payer health insurance? Higher taxes? More union control of education? Title IX kangaroo courts?
I wanted a "I just don't care" box. I get very tired of the media game that gets played. Every word, every smirk, every thing parsed to no end.
It is like they are all talking to themselves. They probably are because I at least have ignored them for a long time.
"A Leftist claims not to want to show us the back of the hand "all the time" but offers no examples of compromise? Can the Leftists compromise and allow The Little Sisters of the Poor to have a religious exception to the requirement for contraceptive coverage under ObamaInsurance? Can the Leftists compromise by walking down the street to another baker or florist who would happily accept business from a paying client without violating their religious faith? Can the Leftists compromise by accepting that not all men accused by women of untoward behavior are guilty of a crime?
Those were some early points of departure that no Leftist Collectivists anywhere allowed were reasonable.
Can the Leftists compromise by allowing people to choose catastrophic medical insurance plans that don't have all the required coverages (READ: subsidies for third parties) that they do not want?
The Leftist Collectivists are about the raw exercise of power and dominion over their fellow man."
Oh my. How I recall the Trumpist glee at Trump making "all the right people angry". How loved it that he was kicking the Left in the teeth. Oh how they reveleved in their hero Trump. Now I dectect a shift, from one of triumphalism to one of "let's all try to get along". But not before the handwriting is on the wall regarding Trump's ability to continue as President. Oh my the hypocrisy.
Talk about the hostile educational environment the Obama Administration created for men and conservatives on college campuses?
Americans have always disagreed about policies. That won't ever stop. But there are times when there are things that are more important than policies.
We can come to the table with each other without agreeing on all the issues.
"So are we to understand that UnknownInga51 is opposed to civil asset forfeiture or that UnknownInga51 is merely attempting to dislodge some support from Trump?"
I'm pointing out the stupidity and hypocrisy of Trumpists. Sessions is getting what he deserves, as will Trump.
What you sense is severely limited? Did you sense the Trump victory during the first week of November 2016? Were you ready to revel in the final glorious victory of your total power over those reckless heathens?
Did you sense the appointment of Justice Gorsuch? Do you sense what will happen when Justice Ginsburg leaves the Court?
I'm quite happy that Trump is demanding a cabinet that more fully embraces the call for radical changes to the bankrupt system that Obama used to deprive citizens of civil liberties.
Name an issue (or issues) you believe is (are) important to non-Leftists that you would support.
No, UnknownInga51, you are pointing to your own hypocrisy. You know you supported the things you are now pretending to criticize.
You just don't like who is in charge.
You know who supported the things you are now pretending to criticize?
Yes, you.
Name an issue (or issues) you believe is (are) important to non-Leftists that you would support.
I'm not saying anything about issues I would support or not when talking to other moderates who want to see us build a better country. I think we should all talk with each other openly about the media and how it should be or might be reformed.
What, pray tell, have I pretended to criticize?
An overweening central government exerting unchecked power against citizens? Pretty sure I've been on that bandwagon for about 40 years.
Tim Gilliland;
I fully realize that there is a small group of people who are Trump dead-enders. They won't believe anything that is negative about Trump. They are the EverTrumpers. Cult 45.
And I would no more concede to them any power over the national agenda, than I would concede such power to Black Lives Matter, or the APA.
In the photo all the interns are laughing because they realize how ridiculous the question is at that time and place. Trump does whatever most of us would have done in the same situation. The eye-roll obviously says to the reporter "Don't you have a brain in your head?"- the kids get that. In this case one might go so far as to ask the reporter: "Have you no sense of decency?" It would fit the circumstances.
Trump wants Sessions out now. Sessions has clearly been a disappointment and as Grackle ( I think) says why did he expect a 40 odd year resident of the swamp to drain it? Trump is not one to keep people around who aren't doing their job as he sees fit. Sessions obviously did not get the message last week that he was supposed to change his ways or turn in his resignation. If I were in Trump's position I would expect to have my AG covering my back to the extent that it is legal (think Jack and Bobby). Sessions certainly has not done that. Mueller's purported delving into Trump's real estate transactions 20 years ago, if true, should have drawn some reaction from the AG's office since it appears to be well beyond the scope of Mueller's charge.
If Trump were to be impeached (most unlikely) regardless of how angry we hillbillys would be, we would accept Pence as the new President and exact revenge at the ballot box. Talk of civil strife or armed rebellion is absurd puffery. We voted Trump into office because we were unwilling to accept the extremely corrupt Hillary there. We aren't going to lose our respect for the law if Trump is impeached. So far there is no evidence of any wrongdoing that could possibly lead to impeachment. If some should surface we will make our own judgements during that lengthy process. Yesterday's Barney Frank piece shows us that this has been a constant Dem theme at least since Reagan.
Since you have zero issues about which you might compromise and no chance of convincing anybody that your policies are better, we might have reached an impasse.
I'm pointing out the stupidity and hypocrisy of Trumpists.
Well I was going to respond back to your earlier reply, but then I saw this...
we might have reached an impasse.
You and I might have reached an impasse.
Unknown is Inga? And here I was thinking Inga had stopped showing up here because she lost her marbles for good and was carted off to the loony bin clutching her pussy cap and shrieking about Trump.
But it's quite like her to adopt another nic after she so thoroughly beclowns herself that she doesn't want anybody to know she is still posting here.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Another poll, which does nothing so much as reveal the nature of the Althouse commentariat.
Althouse, I do hope that you will blog the Trump speech to the Boy Scout Jamboree in W. Virginia. This line in particular was one that I thought you'd find striking:
Very interesting, we will get back to that in a moment,
What is important to remember is that Sessions agrees that seizing and.or freezing all of your assets before conviction is OK. As a well respected, LLR lawyer, what are your concers regarding that?
None of the reasons given for Trump's public complaints about Sessions makes any sense. Unless you hate Trump, then it is just Trump being Trump. I don't think he's that dumb. The theory I like is that there is a super secret plan to strike back against his enemies, and the public criticism of Sessions is just drawing the press in before springing the trap. If only such genius plans could be real. I can dream. Larry Schweikart is pushing this secret plan pretty hard, and says he has talked to people in the admin who know. His twitters make fun reading.
Does anyone here think there is a chance of this?
I suspect Trump was tentative on most of his cabinet, and went with the leading recommendations of the GOP.
This is certainly due to his being an outsider in that level of politics.
I think he is sincere in wanting Sessions out, having sussed the man out as not useful for his purposes, and I suspect he wants to drive him to resignation as a first preference. Less messy than firing him.
Seems that the lefties are all here to defend the AG who wants to lock up victims of the gateway evil weed, marijuana. Suppose your opinions have evolved away from MJ being medicinal and harmless, eh? Now siding with big pharma to crush the miracle and cheap MJ? SAD!
In the photo all the interns are laughing because they realize how ridiculous the question is at that time and place.
Yes. That was, unfortunately, not a choice in that poll question.
@Brookzene It is good to see that you are concerned about the state of the media in this country today. When you step back a bit it is hard not to see how much damage this crazed media atmosphere is doing. I have no problem with investigative reporting and revealing of things that ought to be revealed, but the MSM's constant negative (at most times irrationally negative) reporting is taking a toll on everyone. The problem is greater than the press. In many ways I think it rests on the nature of the two political parties that have managed to gerrymander their states in such a way as to make it unimportant to appeal to the moderate portion of the electorate. The MSM in a way mirrors this tend.
Fernandin... said;
"People are too comfortable, physically."
Normalcy bias and fear of disruption of the status quo is what keeps the country from falling to pieces. It is said that most revolutions are not started by the poor, but rather by the middle class who expect respect and recognition of their station, and have it denied. I watched a documentary about George Washington some time ago, and they put forth the idea that what really turned him to revolution was that he was a wealthy man, who contracted to trade his goods with merchants in England who proceeded to cheat him. When he went to the courts in London through his lawyers to get redress his claims were dismissed, and he learned that justice was not available to colonists, no matter how much they considered themselves subjects of the crown...
The bakery and pizza shop episodes are symptomatic of this same disease. When a portion of the populace feels access to the mainstream is being denied them, they get all kinds of bent out of shape about it.
Just ask Tsar Nicholas I about that. The bombers who blew him up came from wealthy families.
I have to admit, I'm not entirely sure what Cook thinks would be an effective form of government. I realize he says one that doesn't suffer from Wall Street cronyism or oligarchy, but that would actually require a less-powerful less-important federal government — and that doesn't sound like one Cook would like.
There rarely are super genius plans that function in public, or have major public components. The real genius plans run quietly in the background. Bits and pieces are public or controversial only if they fail, or run into difficulties.
The Trump admin is too subject to intense x-ray surveillance to be in a position to undertake secret plans, unless they are all only in one mans head.
Most people who work for the government, stay on for years because of the high pay, health and vacation benefits.
None of them are under any illusion they are doing anything worthwhile.
Sessions is in the job for the money. He won't leave on his own. He'll have to be shoved out.
Trump is miscalculating that Sessions has any pride.
"The Left needs to be strong. The time for listening to Trumpist bullshit is over. They had their chance."
"Are you suggesting you started out giving Trump the benefit of the doubt?"
Absolutely not. It was obvious to the Left and other anti Trumpers what a fraud he was from the beginning. I'm talking about the fact that you people have had your chance to stop being Trump sycophants these last few months, but the worse he behaved the more you loved him. You love a possible traitor and criminal. What the hell is wrong with you people?
The fundamental problem with the US political/cultural split is that it is fundamental. It is, at every level, not merely zero-sum but existential.
The only real ways out are separation or extermination.
Everything else is mere symptoms. This all is not going to be resolved by treating symptoms.
If Trump uses a recess appointment, that person would serve, without confirmation, until Jan. 3, 2019.
Also without pay IIRC as well as a nice dark cloud over everything that s/he did in office that might be the slightest bit controversial. Not to mention having seen what Trump is like as a boss or a client for the last eight months (e.g. can’t control his mouth or his thumbs, throws his subordinates under the bus after putting them in difficult positions, etc.). I’m not saying that there aren’t any lawyers who would take the job under those circumstances but it’s a much smaller pool than it probably would be if Trump exhibited self-control or the same loyalty that he demands in others.
I'd just like for Tim Gilliland to answer his own question. Tim, what do you think will be the reaction of those millions of Trump voters? If, say, Donald Trump was impeached via a bipartisan vote of a supermajority in the Senate? After a finding, supported by the Special Counsel and the Department of Justice, of clear and convincing evidence that Trump committed one or more felonies? (I am presuming that the President wouldn't be indicted while he is still in office.)
I'm one of the millions who voted for Trump. My own reaction in that event would be, "Good riddance."
I’m in agreement – I voted for Trump only because Hillary Clinton was worse. I had low expectations of what he’d do if in office and so far he hasn’t met those low expectations. If there is a chance to remove him because of his own bad behavior – either his wrongful actions or the terrible way he’s handled a mess that is largely of his own making (there’s no requirement that an official break the law to be impeached and removed from office) – and get someone like Mike Pence who seems to have a steady temperament instead, I would welcome the upgrade.
Thorley Cumberbatch is very concerned.
@ Khesanh 0802 I think there are a number of media reforms we might all get behind. It's an area I think leftists should put on the table and show some flexibility with. Among my complaints is how craven they are for viewers and how that tilts or spins the news. I also think in general mainstream media needs to be much more careful about fairness and objectivity. In return it would be good to hear from moderate righties that news institutions such as NYTimes, WSJ, WaPo are fundamentally important to our democracy and be willing to work to improve them rather than tear them down.
And the media is only one issue. If I'm right and Trump is on the way out, both sides need to talk about really changing SOME things and really reaching out to one another in a productive way. We're all Americans, and I think this is a real crisis. It's not time to be petty with one another at the cost of saving our institutions.
Yes, we must change some things. And that starts with you who oppose collectivist outcomes admitting that Leftist Collectivists are correct and you have been wrong this whole time. Submit.
Why do Leftist Collectivists defend media corporations and attack other corporations? Why must those other corporations have no point of view because they are not real people but the media corporations that have a Leftist Collectivist point of view are perfectly acceptable and should continue to voice an opinion?
Because Power. And Dominion.
"Because Power. And Dominion."
Yet this dummy didn't recognize it in Trumpism. He looks at the mote in others eyes and denies the plank in his own.
There is an opening for Sessions to leave the establishment and join the administration, but the opportunity is progressive, so he better order his priorities quickly.
Unknown said...
Absolutely not. It was obvious to the Left and other anti Trumpers what a fraud he was from the beginning. I'm talking about the fact that you people have had your chance to stop being Trump sycophants these last few months, but the worse he behaved the more you loved him. You love a possible traitor and criminal. What the hell is wrong with you people?
7/25/17, 10:49 AM
We will get to that in a moment. What is important now is the unconfirmed rumor that Trump is holding our $2500.00 average health insurance savings hostage until his poll numbers increase. Do you have any info ?
Sessions actions have led to the biggest impediment in Trump's administration. I still can't understand what Sessions could have possibly been thinking when he recused himself in the Russian matter. It is just another example of the "Stupid Party". A Democrat AG would never have allowed a situation to occur where a special counsel could have been appointed with what is now an unlimited mandate to investigate anything with an indefinite timeline.
However, Trump's attacks on Sessions are not a good plan at replacing him or Mueller. I think if Trump wants to fire Mueller, he should be carefully laying the groundwork by demanding that Mueller explain in detail why Mueller's own conflicts of interest and those of many of his hires who were full Clinton supporters aren't grounds for recusal themselves.
As an advocate of limited government and decentralization, you'll have to explain precisely which policies I prefer that might be an exercise of power over you.
List them.
Thorley the main thing that Trump is doing to piss me off ( as a Trump supporter) is not getting the DoJ to criminally investigate the Clintons and Obama. After that is my promised tax rate reductions and the repeal of Obamacare. However that I blame Ryan and McConnell mainly for that.
Ann Althouse at 7:46 AM
Some people (like the lawprof quoted in the WaPo article) say Trump is waiting for the Senate to take its August recess so he can make a recess appointment. That person would not need to go through confirmation.
In that case, President Trump should appoint Chris Christie.
@ Brookzene The WaPo has removed itself from consideration as a reliable news source and I believe that it has been a conscious decision on their part. I don't know if you have followed their front page since the election, but if you have, then you know that it has been a big antiTrump diatribe since November 9. The NYT is trying harder, but as always they skew their readers' views by what they choose to report and not report. The WSJ, after some adjustment - particular in its headline writing - has been coming as close to straight news on the front page as any of the three.
I think you are wrong about Trump being on the way out- I know that reflects your political views and hopes. To me, Trump is right to say if you are going to "witch hunt" me let's go back and look at Hillary's "crimes". Comey was completely off base in the way he handled the investigation. Bill and Loretta are easily more guilty of collusion to affect an investigation than Trump might have been in talking with Comey. Other than that its "Russians, Russians, Russians" with little, if any, proof the Russians had anything substantive to do with the Trump campaign.
In some ways you are falling into Ann's "civility" trap. You want everyone to be moderate and civil, yet it is those with your political leanings that are guilty of the grossest incivility. That doesn't mean that I wish it weren't so, but when your side (WaPo, CNN, MSNBC) actual pulls back a bit I am sure our side will as well. As I said before, the underlying problem is that many in leadership positions do not have to compromise in order to stay in office (Pelosi, Schumer being two examples - I am sure you have more!). As a result they make no effort to do so.
Jeff Sessions recused himself from an investigation of Russian meddling because he had participated in Trump's election campaign.
There never has been any evidence that the campaign had anything to do with any meddling, and so there was no reason for Sessions to recuse himself. The consequences of the recusal have been a disaster for the entire Trump Administration.
I like Sessions very much, but his recusal was a flabbergasting mistake, and I thought so at the time.
He should have said that he would make a recusal decision after studying the available evidence that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia. Then he should have studied the evidence and announced that there was no reason for him to recuse himself.
Furthermore, he should have ordered the FBI to terminate this bogus, never-ending RussiaGate "investigation" immediately.
What would happen?
Well 93 million Americans dropped out of the labor force during Obama's reign of lawlessness. That should give you a clue. When people don't respect the government, when the consensus is that our "leaders" are doing nothing for us and everything to line their own pockets, when the media continuously change "the rules" in response to what party the person they cover belongs to we begin to tune out. We already had appallingly low nonparticipating in our "democracy" because people don't think it matters. Too many people in the country, and on this blog, have come to the realization that there's a permanent cohort in DC that transcends party and exists to "take care of its own."
We sent Trump there as a OUTSIDER to bust up this monopoly, to represent us instead of them. What happens if this fails? Republicans will lose support. I stopped donating long ago when they wouldn't build the wall after allegedly funding it. McCain drove me away with his lame campaign and absolutely abandoning his only good asset, his running mate. So I'll leave the Stupid party behind and just disengage if the system gangs up on Trump and tries to remove him. Then all the NRO and LLR types can have the party they always wanted, without all these icky wage earners asking for freedom. We know the R's don't have our back. We know the D's find us deplorable. Why should we participate in a rigged system?
Then as the fewer people decide to contribute to the voluntary income tax, and as respect for the law lessens, other things we once viewed as obligations will become optional. Conservatives may become civilly disobedient. I already reject jury notices. Why with 30 million fellow Californians do I get called every fucking year? Because I play by the rules. Or I did. I might not keep playing by the rules I grew up on. I might just start playing by their rules. Leftists have been ripping at the social fabric of this nation for 40 years now. They won't like it if the silent majority starts giving them what they deserve.
Inga said..."I'm talking about the fact that you people have had your chance to stop being Trump sycophants these last few months, but the worse he behaved the more you loved him. You love a possible traitor and criminal. What the hell is wrong with you people?"
I, for one, do not love Donald Trump, but there were two choices and Hillary Clinton, for a whole host of reasons, was completely unacceptable to me. So now Trump is the legitimately elected President and needs to be allowed to govern. The notion that he is a traitor and a criminal has no basis. What the hell is wrong with you?
"You love a possible traitor and criminal."
Assuming that "possible" applies to criminal as well as traitor, this describes all adult Americans.
Even the radical Leftists cannot just type the plainly defamatory things they believe.
Possible does an impossible amount of work.
"Then he should have studied the evidence and announced that there was no reason for him to recuse himself. "
Yes, I think he was stampeded and expected the deference a Senator expects.
He should have known better from his experience with Nixon.
Look at how cute he thinks he is:
Everyone at the event seem to think it was pretty funny and maybe even cute.
The expression is one you give your tipsy aunt who just can't stop saying weirdly inappropriate things at a family dinner. Or one you give your toddler who has no internal controls or any awareness of social niceties and blurts out anything and everything. A sort of "Waddya gonna do with these kids (drunken aunts)?" type of face. Shrug and move on.
Seriously. What is WRONG with these reporters that they have no sense of when and where it is appropriate to just shout out questions. I bet when they (the reporters) were little kids they were the ones who would bang on the bathroom door when their Mom was trying to poop. Banging on the door..."MOM MOM MOM MOM MOMMY!!!! Can I have some icecream. Billy is getting ice cream....I WANT ice cream. MOM MOOOOOOOMMM MOM MOM." Their problem is that their Mom never came out and beat the bejesus out of them for being rude.
Maybe it isn't too late?
Mom? Is that you? I want ice cream, mom.
"Mom? Is that you? I want ice cream, mom."
OK knock on this door one more time and you know what happens......that wasn't a question, btw. :-D
I prefer the bejesus kept on the inside. Your offer to beat it out of me notwithstanding.
FullMoon said...
What is important to remember is that Sessions agrees that seizing and.or freezing all of your assets before conviction is OK. As a well respected, LLR lawyer, what are your concers regarding that?
My concerns are considerable. My views generally follow those of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board. They don't like the recent, seemingly abusive, practices involving asset forfeiture on the part of lots of U.S.A.'s in federal districts all over the country. I share the Journal's concerns. (Like I shared the Journal's considerable, and nearly insurmountable, objections to the Trump candidacy.)
But if asset forfeiture is your issue, why is Trump your guy? Trump is fully on board with Sessions' recent statement. If not directing that statement:
I don't see the Senate going into full recess in August. McConnell knows that things will go crazy if Mueller gets fired, so why give Trump the opportunity to accomplish that plus having a hack in place at the top of DOJ through the 2018 elections. Better to continue his practice under Obama of not going into recess to uphold Senate prerogative.
Trump is not anybody's guy; he is the elected president who was the best available candidate by the time we got to November 8, 2016 but who had and has no chance to win Michigan.
Trump is not anybody's guy; he is the elected president who was the best available candidate by the time we got to November 8, 2016 but who had and has no chance to win Michigan.
Bullshit, he's your guy. While Clinton was a very bad candidate, Trump was far far far worse. Clinton would've made a decent President despite her shortcomings. You people made a huge error in judgment and then doubled down on your bad judgment for the last 6 months. Now we are starting to see some of the rats jumping ship.
I find it amusing that some of the commenters here are outraged at Trump's possible crimes and treason while ignoring ( and indeed supporting them ) the Clinton's and Obama's actual crimes and treason. If not for double standards, they have no standards at all.
"I find it amusing that some of the commenters here are outraged at Trump's possible crimes and treason while ignoring ( and indeed supporting them ) the Clinton's and Obama's actual crimes and treason. If not for double standards, they have no standards at all."
Yes, your hypocrisy is evident. Clinton looks like Pollyanna compared to Trump. She was investigated and no crimes were found. Can you predict the same outcome for Trump and associates? The probable corruption, treasonous acts and criminal activity by Trump and associates will make Clinton look like a piker.
So you're saying Trump took even more than a million dollars from Qatar?
Also, refresh my memory, when did Trump get the IRS to conspire to deprive people of their civil liberties? I find this news shocking as one might assume it would have made all the papers.
"So now Trump is the legitimately elected President and needs to be allowed to govern"
As Mark Steyn said, the only people interfering with the election are the Democrats and their GOPe toadies. They can't accept the results of a valid election and are attempting a bloodless coup. They are treasonous assholes.
Inga continues to kiss the ass of the corrupt old hag.
Hillary Clinton will never be president. That gives me joy every day.
Beltway Jeff Sessions threw Trump under the bus to cover his own ass. He had no business recusing himself. He should have resigned or done his job. Alternatively, Trump should have canned him immediately after the recusal. The DOJ is the first line of defense against the Obot deep state and the criminal leakers of classified data in the intelligence community. Without an aggressive, effective DOJ, the swamp will swallow Trump.
The appointment of Conflicted Mueller to conduct a Lavrentiy Beria witch hunt will be the downfall of Trump. Mueller isn't even subtle about it, appointing fifteen lawyers to assist him - including a bunch of Clintonistas.
Sessions is a cowardly back-stabber. He should be ridden out of DOJ on a rail!
Inga babbles:
"Clinton looks like Pollyanna compared to Trump"
From Althouse's front page:
"The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department..."
"...even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments."
Uh huh.
Sessions is a disappointment. He should not have recused himself in the Russia matter. I never expected him, unlike many others I guess, to go after Hillary Clinton (mainly because I never expected Trump to go after Hillary Clinton). But neither did I expect him to revitalize civil forfeiture and ramp up the war on drugs. Did Trump know this was going to be a Sessions priority? Is it also a Trump priority in which case Sessions is proceeding with Trump's blessing if not under his direction? Trump has indicated in the past that he supports law enforcement on asset seizure. I would like to know straight from the horse's mouth and without equivocation where the president stands on this exceedingly important civil rights issue.
Sessions is a good and honorable man and one of the first establishment Republicans to put himself on the line for Trump. He does not deserve this. The president is behaving like an ass and a coward and should be called on it. While I would not necessarily have a problem with Trump's deciding Sessions has to go, I have a big problem with Trump's childish, boorish behavior. And not for the first time. Not by a long shot.
In the last six months, Trump has slowly been winning me over. He's now losing me fast.
Brookzene said...
And the media is only one issue. If I'm right and Trump is on the way out, both sides need to talk about really changing SOME things and really reaching out to one another in a productive way. We're all Americans, and I think this is a real crisis. It's not time to be petty with one another at the cost of saving our institutions.
Are you truly serious about this? Here is a short list of things we could talk about:
I have to spend ~$10,000 in a year on health care before my "insurance" pays for anything. Obamacare has to go. Period. Been in the VA. You going to force me back into single payer? That is a no go.
Conceal Carry Reciprocity. There are several dozen high crime areas in the country that are having rampant issues with gun crime where law abiding citizens cannot carry.
Taxpayer funded leftist mobs on college campuses taking peoples civil rights.
A public education system that is socioeconomically and racially segregated that indoctrinates any students unfortunate enough to have to attend it.
Unknown said...
Yes, your hypocrisy is evident. Clinton looks like Pollyanna compared to Trump. She was investigated and no crimes were found. Can you predict the same outcome for Trump and associates? The probable corruption, treasonous acts and criminal activity by Trump and associates will make Clinton look like a piker.
This is absolute bullshit. If I or any of my fellow service members did what Clinton did we would be in jail for life. Period. The crimes were self evident. You are not a serious person nor are you here in good faith.
Brookzene said...
And yeah, that was some pretty hellacious bullshite with the Boy Scouts. I expect the stuff does pile up for some of you. So some of us want to talk with some of you when you are ready.
What reason would boy scouts have to boo Obama?
I bet they object to being called Hitler Youth.
Unknown: a crooked FBI director along with a crooked Attorney General and President deliberately tanked a prosecution that a first year law student could have prosecuted. Just to skim the surface, thirty thousand counts of obstruction of justice, thirty thousand counts each of federal records keeping laws along with same number of counts of violating freedom of information act. Then there are national security violations. Then there are the donations by foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State. Obamais up to his eyeballs in this since he knew about it and let it happen. Comey knew what he was doing when he tanked his investigation. Like I said absent an OJ jury these crooks would be doing forever and a day if brought to trial.. The day isn't over, Trump yet just might force the DoJ to do its job. Indeed I hope he does for the good of the country. It might be a bit difficult for you to comprehend but exposing criminals isn't a crime. Losing an election because one was exposed as a criminal isn't a crime. Even for the sake of argument if the Russians personally handed all of the information to Trump that isn't a crime. You may think it's a crime to lose to a Republican especially to Trump but that actually isn't a legal crime. What is a crime is what Obama and the Clinton's did. And Trump would be committing a crime by letting these criminals go unpunished. For Trump to let these criminals escape justice without making an effort is to my mind a good enough reason to impeach and remove him.
"This is the man you people voted for, I hope you're proud of him and yourselves.
The fact it pisses off people like you makes me proud to no end.
Your President Precious spent eight years deliberately pissing off half of the country and people like you kissed his ring for it.
And now, you're having to eat the same shit that you dished out.
Choke on it.
"Trumpists threaten civil war, the Left was called crazy for protesting Trump. Who are the real extremists and who are the real patriots? "
We're not the ones shooting up Congressional Republicans at baseball practice, Ms. Patriot.
But, keep pushing it. Keep it up.
Susie Tawdry: "Sessions is a good and honorable man and one of the first establishment Republicans to put himself on the line for Trump."
Sessions may have put himself on the line for Trump, but his cowardice has exposed Trump to a witch hunt that will, at least, impair his Presidency.
Trump will always be a jerk, but the viciousness he is being subjected to by the leftmedia, the Democrats and the GOPe, that is, "the swamp", should tell you that he is feared by the corrupt. Democrats engage in espionage and sedition. The media destroys its credibility. The GOPe puts its majorities at risk. They know the danger Trump poses to their swamp. (Of course, the Democrats face less risk because Sessions is an ineffectual pussy.)
If Trump can't, or won't, drain the swamp, it isn't going to happen. If not, a good deal of the failure will be on Sessions.
What happens if this fails? Republicans will lose support. I stopped donating long ago when they wouldn't build the wall after allegedly funding it.
I stopped donating to the GOP when the GOP establishment would not support their own duly nominated candidate. In the voting booth I will vote for any party other than the Democrats or the Republicans – Green Party, Libertarians, Socialist Party, whatever. It’s a message from me to the eGOP and the Democrats.
In a national or statewide office if no other party is on the ballot I will not vote at all on that particular race.
Any candidate personally endorsed by Prez Trump or who openly and wholeheartedly supports Trump.
Because I live in a city dominated by Democrats for generations, in municipal races I vote for the GOP candidate.
Think of myself and the commentor as coal-mine canaries and the eGOP as the miners.
I'm sure Mr. Sessions is a very nice man, but his view on Civil Asset Forfeiture ought to earn him life in the federal pen.
"I'm sure Mr. Sessions is a very nice man, but his view on Civil Asset Forfeiture ought to earn him life in the federal pen."
Then Trump should be there in the federal pen with him. Trump us on record as bring in favor of theses Civil Asset Forfeiture laws. Sessions was doing Trump's bidding.
There's something I'm missing about Trump's strategy here. He's saying publicly (to the "failing" New York Times, no less!) that he's pissed with Sessions because of his Russia recusal. This has the entire Left, and much of the Right, in the position of strangely defending Sessions (who was a villain for the Left, and even came under fire from the Right over the asset-forfeiture position) because (1) this seems to be part of a Russia cover-up, and (2) this looks like an incredibly creepy way to treat someone who has been loyal to you when you needed them most during the campaign (despite Trump's laughable claim that Sessions' loyalty didn't mean that much last year).
Had Trump simply kept his thoughts to himself, and then asked Sessions to resign because he wanted DOJ to go in another direction or some other reason, there would be some on the Right who are disappointed with losing Sessions but there wouldn't really be much uproar. So why telegraph that this is about Russia?
It's the same thing he did with Comey. Sure, people could assume what they want about your true motivations, but why feed directly into their suspicions by making it clear that this is all about Russia?
For a "nothingburger" scandal, Trump sure seems to be acting like someone with something to hide. It'd be ironic if he really did have nothing to hide, and just couldn't help making a mess.
"Think of myself and the commentor as coal-mine canaries and the eGOP as the miners."
Some of us canaries already escaped our cages and flew out of the damn mine.
Some of us canaries already escaped our cages and flew out of the damn mine.
To which foreign country have you emigrated, Brando?
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