২৭ জুলাই, ২০১৭

"The shock expresses itself in women and girls who sleep for days on end, seemingly unable to wake up..."

"... said Hussein Qaidi, the director of the abductee rescue bureau. 'Ninety percent of the women coming out are like this,' he said, for at least part of the time after their return.... A video... shows what happened when the sisters saw their family for the first time after their return. Their relatives rushed to embrace the gaunt women. They cried.... A day after the video was taken, reporters went to see the women, and they could no longer stand. They lay on mattresses inside the plastic walls of their tent.... Family members said that except for a few brief moments, the women have not awakened since then, over a week ago."

From "Freed From ISIS, Yazidi Women Return in ‘Severe Shock'" (in the NYT).

২৭টি মন্তব্য:

Fabi বলেছেন...

Prayers of peace for those young women.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

That darned JV.

David Baker বলেছেন...


David বলেছেন...

Now here are some cocks that should be blocked. With the sharp side of a sword.

David বলেছেন...

"Fabi said...
Prayers of peace for those young women."

And for war against the men who did this to them.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Yes, David.

David বলেছেন...

There are certain stories even the Times can not ignore.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Thanks Obama.

whitney বলেছেন...

This is a long bit from the top rated comment but towards the end they comment that they need to remember how truly lucky they are to live here. That's the problem with all these people screaming and yelling. They can't remember how fortunate they are, how they have been kissed by Fate. I can't remember time where I ever forgot

". This article also had a resonance for me that stayed closer to home: as I continue to watch the legal, moral and social foundations of my country be ripped apart by the tiny hands of an orange megalomaniac all day every day, I realized while reading this that I dont remember the last time I was actively grateful for the (relative) security, freedom and dignity I enjoy here. Now more than ever, I think we all need to remember how lucky we really are (its a deep dig), and how important it to do whatever we can to help those like Souhayla who, through no fault of their own, do not feel the same."

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

Is this sort of catatonia a common reaction after release from a long periods of stress & abuse? I hope that someone here has some experience with treating psychological trauma & can enlighten us. The story sure doesn't.

I know that soldiers sent back from the front lines could often sleep for days. But, that wasn't necessarily trauma. It was exhaustion caused by the continuous physical exertion of combat readiness & the fact that sleeping in the rough with people trying to kill you doesn't lead to a good night's sleep, ever.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

The best, so write this down, analogy is Obama's fav the automobile and the many, many drivers contained within (this here auto analogy) as well as nearby pedestrians and friends/family/competitors of those on the road regardless of locale.

We don't nuke or merely, considering the drasticness of the age, disassemble every auto which/who refuses to convert (typically so far via owner-operations) to vapor or non-linear components. Instead we all put up with a bunch of auto deaths each year. This is not without great effort undertaken to eventuate reasonable steps so as to not allow auto deaths to become realistically non-minimized I should like to think.

We do have laws and the required subsequent enforcement thereof to ostensibly limit deaths from e.g. traveling speeds in excess of the limit or not wearing a seatbelt as well as equipment standards that humbly accomplish results toward the same goal.

We must compare the Ford Pinto to the Ford GT40 and determine if there are any distinctions that can, and are to be, made that would enhance or even enable our shared American existence. Adamantly, dogmatically insisting 10,000,000 Pintos are precisely the exact equal to 10,000,000 GT40's is anti-intellectual and also manifestly wrong. Currrently many attempts to question the methods and wisdom this disordered thinking produces in clockwork fashion are not responded to in a way conducive to a potential shared understanding of the arguments' essence and hence predictable ramifications.

Etienne বলেছেন...

ABC had an interesting interview with a guy fighting in northern Syria. He's originally from California, but he says he was an orphan. In 2008 he fought in Iraq. He doesn't say who he fought with USA or France, but he says he did a tour with the Foreign Legion. He is well spoken. Heart felt soldier. Under no illusions what needs to be done.

They have no large weapons, so all they can do is defend, and not really attack.

He has a Tattoo over his right eye "rien n'empêche" which is the motto of the 2nd Engineer Regiment of the FFL.


traditionalguy বলেছেন...

So now we have a baseline to diagnose real Rape Culture.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

O opened the door for the bastards. He refused even to name them properly.

Etienne বলেছেন...

Nouri al-Maliki was the dictator that Bush installed. He gave him billions from our treasury to attack the Sunni's. Al-Maliki was with Hezbollah before the USA did the Pearl Harbor on Iraq.

I think we should go to Iran, find Al-Maliki, and slit his fucking throat.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Imagine the situation at the end of 1945, when there were millions of people in this condition in Europe and Asia, not just a few hundred.

Hugh Dudgeon বলেছেন...

Similar to what we were informed of the postmortem thoughts of Mary Jo Kopechne, these women were no doubt comforted that the their afflictions helped to assure the re-election the great

Jason বলেছেন...

Heckuva job, Obama

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Jason said...
Heckuva job, Obama

7/27/17, 11:01 PM

Mchele did tweet out a picture of herself looking sad and holding a "Bring Back Our Girls" sign so there's that. It was for the girls captured by Boko Harum but you can't say the Obama adminstration did nothing to help them. Sunsong has assured us that Caring is the Important Thing.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Democrats think this was Bush's fault. They will be along shortly. They will also blame their political opponents here in the US for what was done to these girls and they will call us Islamophobes for blaming this on Islam.

Anytime now.

sunsong বলেছেন...

Prayers for these women...

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Awful people.

MD Greene বলেছেন...

Think of Otto Warmbier, the student put in a coma after his show trial by the North Koreans. Some kernel of him endured 15 months until he was sent home to Ohio. Within 24 hours, his family reported, his limited outward expressions of stress and anxiety calmed and he seemed to have relaxed. He knew, somewhere deep inside, that he was safe and with his family. Within a few days he let himself die.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Hey, don't blame the Muslims for this. It happens in the West as well;

"Girl, 15, 'raped in rail station suffers second attack after flagging down man for help'"

That was in Birmingham, in the UK. Filthy fucking Brits.

"The first attacker is described as Asian with light skin, brown eyes, was of a skinny build and about 6ft tall. He was wearing a track suit top and bottoms, black trainers and was in his early 20s.

The second attacker is also described as Asian, in his early 20s, 5ft 6/7ins tall, of large build with a tight-cropped beard and was wearing a blue jumper and black jeans."

southcentralpa বলেছেন...

Sure they're damaged, possibly for life, but at least our diversity is not a casualty ...

Swede বলেছেন...

I was in Northwest Iraq on my last tour.

Yazidis served as our interpreters. Many of the towns we patrolled were Yazidi, particularly around the Sinjar mountains.

A lot of those towns were decimated by ISIS.

At least 2 of our interpreters made it to the states with their families. One lives in Tennessee and the other in Texas.

jg বলেছেন...

JV :(