৩ জুলাই, ২০১৭

Flying the flag.

flags in yard

A Google Street View grab from I won't say exactly where. Your priorities may differ, but for some people even a full size flag pole is not enough to say how much they love America.

৯৯টি মন্তব্য:

Kevin বলেছেন...

Someone should take that picture into large blue cities and ask people on the street what they think of the person who lives there.

That footage can then be shown in the Trump Presidential Library to explain the mood of the country that lead to his election.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

Madison, particularly the eastside, has very few American flags displayed on homes. This photo is Althouse showing her derision for patriotism in her classic passive-aggressive way.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

She's just jealous because it's a tiny house.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Madison, particularly the eastside, has very few American flags displayed on homes.

What do you think those people are, Trump lovers? Warmongers? Members of the Klan?

Everyone of stature knows the only correct flag is the rainbow flag. That's the one which shows how tolerant you are.

Limited blogger বলেছেন...

God bless America.

Meade বলেছেন...

Yes, Dr. Sigmund Spinelli, and this will no doubt cause the entire American flag making industry to permanently collapse.

My name goes here. বলেছেন...

"She's just jealous because it's a tiny house."

And the owner probably wears shorts.

Dave from Minnesota বলেছেন...

I'm thinking the people in that house are the nicest and most generous people you will ever meet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Doing it right.

Esp if it pisses off Obama and jingoistic progressives.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Esp if it irritates the racist left.

dreams বলেছেন...

Definitely an all-around patriotic home.

Unknown বলেছেন...

We took a Sunday drive and went down a lane in horse farm country and there they were, 2 foot tall American Flags every 20 feet on both sides of the road.
i looked on Google Map, there are 4.6 miles of them.
i thought about putting it on facebook, but then i realized it would only take one Antifa from the university about 10 minutes to drive on the shoulder and wipe them out.
better to leave them for random drivers to discover.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

If elitist leftists are angry - good.

BamaBadgOR বলেছেন...

Great caption to a great picture. Thank you.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

My dad had a full-sized flagpole installed in the front lawn of our house at some time during the years I was growing up there. He flew the flag on the pole up until he died.

Now my parents are gone, and the house is gone, and the flagpole and flag are gone. All razed to the ground.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"If elitist leftists are angry - good."

Are any "elitist (?) lefists" angry? It's seems childish to care one way or the other how others feel about flying a flag.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

If Gramscian whores are pissed off because some deplorable flag-flyer isn't whining about "corporate America" bringing him down = good.

rcocean বলেছেন...

When i was younger liberals would say " I don't need to wave the flag, or sing god bless america to show my patriotism"

Now they've simply dropped the pretense and are proudly un-patriotic.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Kinda of a run down house, but the pickup looks new and he's got cable TV.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

but the pickup looks new and he's got cable TV.

....and a handicap ramp.

Meade বলেছেন...

And a steel security front door so no one can kick it in a steal his good stuff.

NoBorg বলেছেন...

I love that he considered that flagpole to take priority in the home improvement budget over fixing the roof and extending that handicap ramp. (That's some ramp! The wheelchair is probably going at a pretty good clip when it reaches the bottom!).

My kinda guy!

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

Hui Chen, a top Justice Dept.corporate crime expert, loves America which is why she wrote: For those who truly care about #ethics, ignoring our current #conductatthetop requires abandonment of conscience. Trying to up hold ethical standard the current administration was not living up to caused to much cognitive dissonance for her and she quit the job.She is now working to restore notions of integrity and decency in America.

ndspinelli বলেছেন...

"No one can kick it in and steal his good stuff." More derision for white, blue collar, men. Typical Madison horseshit.

William বলেছেন...

I have met people from all parts of the world. Many of them are far more accomplished and of higher moral character than me. (Not necessarily a high bar.). The lives of these people were complicated and worsened by the actions of their government and the customs of their culture. They had to struggle to keep from drowning in problems that were not of their own creation.......Although I've made a great many poor decisions and have consistently demonstrated a lack of moral character, I've nonetheless reached a safe harbor. I didn't think this is a testament to my skills in navigation but rather to the fact that for most people America is a safe harbor.

Meade বলেছেন...

Wrong. I only have derision for you, nick.

Michael K বলেছেন...

" she quit the job"

Good. The swamp has one less creature.

T Rex has the Deep State in a panic.

A steel security door is not the only thing that keeps the crooks out.

According to the outlet, the veteran told police that when the three suspects returned to his house on June 22 he believed they were once again trying to break into his house.

Several rounds were fired through the veteran’s front door, hitting him in the shoulder.

Seemingly unfazed, Irving returned fire with his pistol, wounding all three suspects.

“It surprised me too but when someone just shot and is trying to kill you it just wakes up the dragon,” Irving said to News 5.

I like that. "Wakes up the dragon."

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

As a matter of personal taste, I think that one ought not fly the American flag as a matter of course. A residential home is neither a military base nor a post office. Same goes for the bed of a pickup truck.

National holidays are an exception and that is when I fly the American flag. I do not own a pickup truck.

If you display the flag in the rain. If you display it at night without proper illumination. If you display the flag faded or in tatters. If you let it touch the ground. I would like to see you issued a citation.

The American flag is not a plywood cutout of a lady bending over showing her polka-dotted underwear any more than it is a lawn jockey. It should be treated with respect. For ordinary citizens, that means saving it for special occasions so that it may retain the full value of its ceremonial impact.

Meade বলেছেন...

And it's not necessarily a wheelchair ramp. I've known dogs who refused to go up or down steps.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

You need a 33 foot flagpole to run a quarter wave wire up the inside as a stealth antenna for 40m, to get around antenna-banning homeowners' associations, assuming they allow flagpoles.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

And the American flag should be at half-staff only during an officially designated time of national mourning and at no other time.

And a time of national mourning should be declared almost never.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...


Looking at the style of house, age of the house and other houses that you can see in the photo, that there are no sidewalks, no sight obstructing fences or shrubs, one yard running into the other, the clutter and type of furniture on the deck.....I would guess small town rural Midwest somewhere. Missouri, southern Illinois or Indiana.

Of course, in the real Geoguesser game, you get to "walk" around the area and explore the downtown (if there is one) and pick up more clues and be able to narrow it down even more.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I swear I've driven past this house in rural NW Arkansas.

clint বলেছেন...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
"And the American flag should be at half-staff only during an officially designated time of national mourning and at no other time.

And a time of national mourning should be declared almost never."

That one is a peeve of mine. I notice flags at half-staff at least once a week these days, and never know why.

Re: the house in the picture...

Is there a way to tell what date the picture was taken? I'd imagine the flagpole is used every day and that the other flags are there for an actual flag-displaying holiday.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Not sure what the issue is with flying the flag in the rain, Mr. Bat. We always did in the Army. We had three types of American flags at our kaserne: The standard "post" flag for everyday use, a smaller 'storm' flag for inclement conditions, and a huge 'garrison' flag for certain holidays and ceremonial situations. The garrison flag is so large it hangs almost to the ground. The original 'Star-spangled Banner' is a garrison flag.

Wouldn't be much of a flag if we can't fly it in the rain.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

There's a 13 colonies ham thing every 4th (apparently), work all 13 special stations plus a special one and if you ask then you get a certificate.

But it's a way to get short exchanges which favor my ultra-low power. I got all 13 last year

288:Fri Jul 1 12:17:53 EDT 2016 k2j 599 nc 599 oh 13 colony
289:Fri Jul 1 12:52:49 EDT 2016 k2f 599 md 599 oh 13 colony
290:Fri Jul 1 12:55:17 EDT 2016 k2d 599 ct 599 oh 13 colony
291:Fri Jul 1 12:57:36 EDT 2016 k2i 599 nj 599 oh 13 colony
292:Fri Jul 1 13:02:19 EDT 2016 k2h 579 ma 599 oh 13 colony
294:Fri Jul 1 18:07:50 EDT 2016 k2m 599 pa 599 oh 13 colony
295:Sat Jul 2 10:43:19 EDT 2016 k2l 599 sc 599 oh 13 colony
297:Sat Jul 2 11:58:37 EDT 2016 k2g 599 ga 559 oh 13 colony
299:Sat Jul 2 19:40:46 EDT 2016 k2c 599 ri 599 oh 13 colony
301:Sat Jul 2 22:56:57 EDT 2016 k2k/qrp 599 nh 599 oh 13 colony
303:Sun Jul 3 19:17:16 EDT 2016 k2e 599 de 599 oh 13 colony
304:Sun Jul 3 20:13:39 EDT 2016 k2b 599 va 599 oh 13 colony
305:Sun Jul 3 20:57:00 EDT 2016 k2a 599 ny 599 oh 13 colony
306:Mon Jul 4 07:05:31 EDT 2016 wm3pen 599 pa 599 oh 13 colony independence hall station

but they're not turning up this year on my favorite band so it looks dicey

2395:Sat Jul 1 11:24:19 EDT 2017 k2d 599 ct 599 oh 13col
2396:Sat Jul 1 13:07:25 EDT 2017 k2k 599 nh 549 oh 13col
2397:Sat Jul 1 13:21:08 EDT 2017 k2g 599 ga 559 oh 13col
2398:Sat Jul 1 13:41:44 EDT 2017 k2l 599 sc 559 oh 13col
2399:Sat Jul 1 19:09:50 EDT 2017 wm3pen 599 phila 599 oh independencehall 13col
2401:Sun Jul 2 08:21:46 EDT 2017 k2h 599 ma 599 oh 13col
2402:Sun Jul 2 12:13:31 EDT 2017 k2f 599 md 599 oh 13col
2403:Sun Jul 2 15:46:53 EDT 2017 k2m 599 pa 599 oh 13col
2404:Mon Jul 3 10:37:36 EDT 2017 k2b 599 va 599 oh 13col

Michael K বলেছেন...

"I've known dogs who refused to go up or down steps."

Basset hounds have a lot of trouble with steps. Short legs and long bodies.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

CNN should note Trump' v. West Palm Beach American Flag lawsuit at Mar a Lago.
Trump had installed an 80 foot flagpole in violation of a 50 foot code limit. So they issued him a $50,000 fine and demanded the flag pole be removed. Trump offered the city a settlement deal that he would replace the pole with a 50 foot Flag Pole and donate the $50,000 fine to a Veterans group, and Palm Beach agreed to end the litigation.

The next day Trump built a 30 foot mound as a base for a new 50 foot flag pole flying the same flag.

Rabel বলেছেন...

He has a cat and a dog. Fireplace and air conditioner and angle of satellite dish indicate mid-country location. Smoker, probably left-handed.

Rabel বলেছেন...

The ramp is for the Dachshund.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Flat land, no pines. I'll guess Indiana.

Meade বলেছেন...

Shoe size?

Gerrard787 বলেছেন...

People still live in houses that small in America? Canadian garages are bigger!

Rabel বলেছেন...

The broom stuck in the fence indicates he may be a forcibly retired rodeo clown so I'm guessing size 32EEE.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

1 not a new pickup. That is a GMT900 chassis, 07-14 model years IIRC. Just well maintained.

2 note the hellish, non-Euclidean, R'yleh-esque geometry of the home (New England? Arkham, Mass?) What is that floor plan? It ain't square.

3 Yeah, that ramp ain't all that. Maybe for cargo, hauling up heavy goods?

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Blogger Gerrard787 said...
People still live in houses that small in America? Canadian garages are bigger!
7/3/17, 11:39 AM

Believe it or not, G, some people here admire, advocate, covet, such tiny houses, or indeed want smaller! Masochism, one can only suppose; like veganism perhaps.

Meade বলেছেন...

"Yeah, that ramp ain't all that. Maybe for cargo, hauling up heavy goods?"

à la Rabel — boxes of collectable Obama masks.

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

Hmmmmmmm. "The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed." -- United States Code Title 4 Chapter 1, sec. 6(c) (time and occasions for display).

So it looks like the Code is all about maintenance. But me? I just don't like the way it looks, all saggy and drippy like a dish rag.

Gerrard787 বলেছেন...

""Believe it or not, G, some people here admire, advocate, covet, such tiny houses, or indeed want smaller! Masochism, one can only suppose; like veganism perhaps.""

LOL. No, it's just poverty housing. Nobody aspires to live in a shack like that in Canada.

Gerrard787 বলেছেন...

"I'm thinking the people in that house are the nicest and most generous people you will ever meet."

Deep poverty does wonders for one's character.

Rabel বলেছেন...

If he's any further North than Indiana I'd say the fence and window bars are there to protect him from Canadian assholes.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

"I'm thinking the people in that house are the nicest and most generous people you will ever meet."

Dave: Deep poverty does wonders for one's character.

I'm thinking they probably own the house and land outright and have very low property taxes. Especially compared to places like Palo Alto California, where a house in that condition and size would be about $800,000 and carry about $16 or more in property taxes.

Everything is relative.

Rabel বলেছেন...

He's also a free man and not a subject of the Queen.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

16K in property taxes. Derp

Meade বলেছেন...

"If he's any further North than Indiana I'd say the fence and window bars are there to protect him from Canadian assholes."

Yeah. And if he's actuallyin northern Indiana, he could be one ofSimone de Beauvoir's erstwhile paramours.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

So are you getting these great screen grabs by wandering the streets of America randomly via google street view? Or do you have a guide?

Dave from Minnesota বলেছেন...


I've done some almost random google street view (there has to be a reason that town caught my attention). It can be interesting.

If you go through some of the black neighborhoods of Mississippi Delta towns....even small towns.....you'd think you were in Detroit or Gary. Bars on the windows and doors of houses. A lot of boarded up shotgun houses.

David Begley বলেছেন...

I say east Texas.

heyboom বলেছেন...

I fly an American flag proudly every day, although I do not during bad weather or at night. When they get old and faded I fold them into a triangle and take them to the local American Legion post and they give it a proper disposal.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Probably some Pepsi who thinks that by flying the Stars & Stripes the ICE won't send him back to La Belle Province.

Dave from Minnesota বলেছেন...

eric and clint...the flag half-staff is finally getting some attention. I'm glad to see I am not the only one who thinks its is over-down my many multiples.

Dave from Minnesota বলেছেন...

The unusually long roof overhang over the porch...does that signal a hot weather location?

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Robert Cook,

Are any "elitist (?) lefists" angry? It's seems childish to care one way or the other how others feel about flying a flag.

But it isn't, not when it's you impugning the other side as unpatriotic. I remember Katha Pollitt, in The Nation, opining to her daughter (Who wanted to display an American flag after 9/11) that the American flag was just a symbol of racism and bigotry. As it happens, I don't think that the passengers of Flight 93 were symbols of anything, apart from a passionate desire to stay alive, coupled with a knowledge that this wasn't actually possible.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"I fly an American flag proudly every day, although I do not during bad weather or at night."

Mine is up day and night. Maybe I'll take it own when the monsoon gets here.,

Scott M বলেছেন...

I spent the weekend in rural Missouri this past weekend, near where Mark Twain was born. The number and size of the flags on display was wonderful.

I did notice one aberration. Not a lot of good FM radio reception (for the few minutes here and there I poked around looking for a good station), but I happened on a Christian rock station where it was one of those..."Is this Christian rock or not?" moments. Sometimes it's hard to tell these days :) Anyway, when the song ended, the station ID came on and was accompanied by a holiday bumper, which was, "America...not perfect, but still great."

WTF???? I'm not necessarily waylaying the sentiment, but on a Christian rock/pop station in rural Missouri it's lolz.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Mine is up day and night.

My HOA requires that a flag flown at night be illuminated.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

coupled with a knowledge that this wasn't actually possible.
7/3/17, 12:37 PM

MDT, with love, that's nonsense. If movies and television since the 1970s have taught us anything (which is debatable), they have taught us that if you regain control of the plane after an in-flight emergency, are sitting at the wheel, Air Traffic Control will get you down on the ground safely at the nearest airport, cornfield or stretch of highway.

I don't see why you wouldn't think that the Flight 93 passengers had the hope of life. They were merely unable to kill or subdue the hijackers in time.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"My HOA requires that a flag flown at night be illuminated. "

I leave my porch light on all night and the flag is mounted there. The HOA here is about as low key as anyone could want.,

The houses are all on acre lots and there are no sidewalks.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"They were merely unable to kill or subdue the hijackers in time."

They knew their chances were poor but not zero. No one will ever hijack a US airliner again. There have been a couple attempts but they were subdued by passengers.

The best response I saw was to duct tape the guy in his seat.

Fen বলেছেন...

"A residential home is neither - "

When I got out of boot camp, my father had a huge flag pole installed on the front yard. Flew the US and Marine Corps flag every day, with reverent respect.

It wasn't a prop. He wasn't virtue signaling or disrepecting the American Flag in any way. He was proud of his country and proud of his Marine. These people, you can almost see it in there eyes - their boy is off in Iraq or Afganistan or Somalia, fullfilling Arthur's Dream that Might can indeed be channelled for Right.

As for respecting the flag, I stand by and watch in anger as Leftist Scum burns the flag in protest. I want to light them on fire but I dont. Know why? Because the American flag is a symbol of Liberty. And that includes the Liberty to burn our sacred symbols in protest.

So, if we can grudgingly allow people to set the flag on fire as an outrage prop to spotlight whatever trivial issue the Left is upset about this week, then I can't get bothered by some yahoo flying it from his pick up truck while he drives around with girls wrapped in star spangled bikinis hanging out the back.

They love their country, unlike leftist scum. And their mistakes are made in good faith. You don't want to fly the American Flag from your front porch? That's fine. Liberty and all, you express your patriotism how you like. But don't lecture others on what expressions of love for America are "acceptable".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Federal law requires a flag flown at night to be illuminated I'm pretty sure.

We fly a flag given to us by the honor guard at my Mom's funeral. In bad weather we have a nylon flag and that takes the brunt quite well. To see the flag standing proud in a strong wind, being stung by rain and hail, is inspiring to me.

If we fly it at night we have an HPS bulb on the same 40' pole.

I hope you all have a safe and sane holiday.

CWJ বলেছেন...

"She is now working to restore notions of integrity and decency in America."

Since integrity and decency, much less notions thereof, are personal characteristics, I wonder how one goes about doing this without being an insufferable nudge.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

The best response I saw was to duct tape the guy in his seat.

I bet that was just a nutter, not an actual death-or-Glory Boy. Make all armrests removable (perhaps upon central unlock by aircrew) and the passengers can use them as clubs-sure victory unless terrorists outnumber passengers.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Federal law requires a flag flown at night to be illuminated I'm pretty sure.

So by Federal law we can stomp on the flag and burn it, but not fly it at night without a light?

Federal law is fine for federal employees at work. Military regs are fine for those serving. If you want to put a light on your flag at night, or bring it down at sundown, I wholeheartedly salute you.

But I'm also old enough to believe that if you want to fly the flag at night without a light, that is your right as a free person.

The whole point of "dawn's early light" was the flag at Fort McHenry didn't come down and wasn't lighted through the night.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

The whole point of "dawn's early light" was the flag at Fort McHenry didn't come down and wasn't lighted through the night.

Except that the rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Except that the rockets' red glare and bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

Ha! Apparently that wasn't enough continuous illumination to be sure it was still waving when the sun came up.

Clyde বলেছেন...

It definitely is not southwest Florida. Someplace Up North. Of course, for us, Up North starts at the Georgia border.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Ha! Apparently that wasn't enough continuous illumination to be sure it was still waving when the sun came up.

Well, Francis Scott Key was a lawyer, so that's what you'd expect.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Hui Chen: "Even as I engaged in... questioning and evaluations, on my mind were the numerous lawsuits pending against the President of the United States for everything from violations of the Constitution to conflict of interest, the ongoing investigations of potentially treasonous conducts, and the investigators and prosecutors fired for their pursuits of principles and facts,” she wrote. “Those are conducts I would not tolerate seeing in a company, yet I worked under an administration that engaged in exactly those [conducts]. I wanted no more part in it.”

Probably good she's not sitting across from those companies anymore. Judge and jury she seems. An innocent until proven guilty person she isn't.

Apparently charges the previous administration used the IRS to crush its political opponents, unmasked surveillance on ordinary Americans to better "spread around" the information, and withholding treaty terms from the Congress charged with reviewing them did not rise to her personal level of impropriety.

I'm sure she'll be on CNN soon.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I think the point of the flag laws is to set a standard or baseline for what 'respecting' the flag means and what 'respectful' treatment of a flag is.

No where does it state that it is OK to stomp the flag or defile it in any other manner. Don't let a sparkler set that strawman on fire.

I've not heard of anyone going to prison under these laws. So you are free to disrespect it and call it patriotic all you want. Some people stomp on the flag, some chose to display it in darkness. Your choice.

Fen বলেছেন...

Kevin: so by federal law we can burn the flag, but we can't fly it without illumination at night?

Exactly. Kevin makes my point in fewer words and more strongly. Kevin is smart. Be like Kevin.

Fen বলেছেন...

Liverpool: "some choose to burn the flag and some choose to display it in darkness"

We displayed it in darkness off the back of my hog.

My hog was an LAV-25 out of Bravo Company, 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division.

The darkness was night time in Baghdad, Mogadishu and Badera.

You are comparing burning flags to that? Hey, how about you get over self.

Fen বলেছেন...

No seriously, this is the part where you say:

"I'd like to walk that one back"

And I let it go.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

I think I started this with a comment at 12:49 that my HOA requires a flag flown at night to be illuminated. It's not because of the Feds, but because of a Higher Power, my HOA, which can be quite strict. This being Las Vegas, it's probably a good idea to keep a lid on things.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Fen, you crack me up!

The darkness was night time in Baghdad, Mogadishu and Badera.

Yes, but was it occasionally lit up by rockets red glare? Or bombs bursting in air? Because it has been pointed out that's technically illumination. Headlights of a passing Humvee, or lighting of a cigarette might also have counted in modern times.

In strict observance, maybe there was a Private running behind with a flashlight? You might have been distracted and not noticed.

I was raised to respect the flag. I served under it. It has great meaning to me. I also know not every family that wants to fly it has enough members for a well-run color guard. If they're Mormons or strictly observant Catholics, maybe. But a typical nuclear family just can't keep up.

I know those families choose to fly it because it still has personal meaning to them. That means more to me than all the rules.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

"The best response I saw was to duct tape the guy in his seat."


My "best response" would be to subdue the guy lying face up, and stomp on his trachea.

Then watch him, look him in the eyes as he dies a horrible death, one he meant for us infidels.

They know that's likely what will happen now, and that's what keeps them at bay.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"I bet that was just a nutter, not an actual death-or-Glory Boy."

Oh, I think so. My point was that nobody is going to hijack a plane with passengers sitting quietly.

I think the underwear bomber was immobilized that way.

Michael K বলেছেন...

My "best response" would be to subdue the guy lying face up, and stomp on his trachea.

Then watch him, look him in the eyes as he dies a horrible death, one he meant for us infidels.

The guys on the French train actually held a thumb on the would be shooters carotid to stop the bleeding.

Dave in Tucson বলেছেন...

Interesting that a large number of the blocks in the foundation appear to be blurred, perhaps Google's face recognition algorithm suffers from pareidolia.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I stand by and watch in anger as Leftist Scum burns the flag in protest."

Really...how often has that happened in the last 30 years?

"They love their country, unlike leftist scum."

I suggest that "leftist scum" who burn American flags do so in protest of American policies that, so to speak, shit on what the flag is purported to stand for. I would say this shows they believe in what America claims to stand for, or, at least, they have their own conception of what America is supposed to be--which is their right as Americans--and oppose what the government's actions show America to be, (and which others who claim to revere the flag are willing to stand by and accept).

Meade বলেছেন...

"Really...how often has that happened in the last 30 years?"

Don't know. But the best was Rick Monday at Dodger Stadium.

Kevin বলেছেন...

I suggest that "leftist scum" who burn American flags do so in protest of American policies that, so to speak, shit on what the flag is purported to stand for.

We've learned if they were truly upset they'd light themselves on fire. Anything else is just attention seeking.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Millions and millions of rather large candles.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I live in liberal East Sacramento, CA and I am the only one in my neighborhood flying the flag. It's sad. Even 10 years ago there were a few flags flying on our street. The guy next door has a collection of old political signs leaning against the front of his house. Bernie, Hilary, and a sign stating his resistance to a proposed nearby housing development that was approved 2 years ago. that's about the extent of public expressions of political opinion around here...anti-growth signs.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I suggest that "leftist scum" who burn American flags do so in protest of American policies that, so to speak, shit on what the flag is purported to stand for.

Don't burn your hands, Cookie, setting that flag on fire.

Suicide bombers have short careers,.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Unknown বলেছেন...

I always liked flying a flag outside the house... and then shifted into various historical flags: 1st Navy Jack, 1775 Continental Flag, US Army flag, Cavalry guidon, Washington Headquarters flag among others. I figured if nothing else someone might learn something...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Fen, I just told you what the law is. You make your choice. Displaying the flag at home is different than flying a flag in combat.
I'll compare my Army service with yours any day you REMF.

You take a strawman argument and puff yourself up.
Please tell us how good you are at sucking your own dick.

And please continue to tell us how the South was right in the Civil War, as you did on the other thread.

Yeah, I didn't light up any flags at night guarding convoys up to Na Drang (and other places). But at home, if I fly a flag at night it will be lit.

So, in case I wasn't clear, fuck you and your smug attitude.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Don't burn your hands, Cookie, setting that flag on fire."

I have no desire to set the flag on fire. It's just a decorative piece of cloth, America's brand logo. In fact, it's used commercially by businesses all the time.