৭ জুলাই, ২০১৭

#CNNBlackmail — "This memes WAR!"

Explore #CNNBlackmail.

Good thing you already know who I am, because otherwise, maybe someone who worked on something in those videos might have said something racist/homophobic/xenophobic/sexist one time and CNN might try to cow me into submission by threatening to tell you who I am.

২৮৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   287 এর 201 – থেকে 287
walter বলেছেন...

Doug said...Does anyone know how to hack into airport television feeds?
If it's possible, seems very likely.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

If he's not fifteen, they sure are talking to him like he is. Picture Napoleon Dynamite getting a lecture like that, it's not hard to do.

But how is

"we are not releasing his name BECAUSE he promised not to do it again" and if that changes, we might "publish his identity"

not extortion?

A person is guilty of coercion in the second degree when he or she compels or induces a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a legal right to abstain from engaging in, or to abstain from engaging in conduct in which he or she has a legal right to engage, or compels or induces a person to join a group, organization or criminal enterprise which such latter person has a right to abstain from joining, by means of instilling in him or her a fear that, if the demand is not complied with, the actor or another will:

1. Cause physical injury to a person;  or

2. Cause damage to property;  or

3. Engage in other conduct constituting a crime;  or

4. Accuse some person of a crime or cause criminal charges to be instituted against him or her;  or

5. Expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or false, tending to subject some person to hatred, contempt or ridicule;

I would love to hear some lawyer explain to me how what CNN publicly did does not amount to extortion.

And I don't give a crap about his "hostage video" given under duress.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I speed by a lot. I refuse to watch anything about health care, for example." I'm curious (of course) why?"

We have been talking intensely about a very dull question — paying for health care — for a decade. To my mind, it's a complicated policy question that needs to be worked out but can't be worked out competently by neutral experts and must be bandied about clumsily in the political arena forever. I cannot provide the policy answers myself — it's too complicated — so I have nothing to contribute to the policy analysis. There are many political actors participating in a very partisan way, making it much more complicated, but also a vast web of bullshit. On top of all that, it is BORING. It's insurance. I refuse to spend my limited time on this earth contemplating insurance, especially as discussed by a bunch of self-serving liars. It's not a good use of my time.

readering বলেছেন...

Glad that threat of war with North Korea went away.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Ann asserts: On top of all that, it is BORING. It's insurance.

More interesting than, say, Bob Dylan. ;-)

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Linking to Cernovich, Althouse? One day soon you're going to look back and regret that you didn't stand up to these radical dangerous right wing racists sooner.

J/k, j/k, LOL, j/k.

clint বলেছেন...

walter said...
"Doug said...Does anyone know how to hack into airport television feeds?
If it's possible, seems very likely."

Not difficult at all. The phrase you're looking for is "tv-b-gone".

You can get one the size of a keychain for $20 at Amazon with free shipping for Prime customers. Remember to support this blog by purchasing through the Amazon portal on the front page.

There are other versions that would let you change the channel -- as, for example, to put on the baseball game that everyone in the waiting area really wants to be watching.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said... I refuse to spend my limited time on this earth contemplating insurance, especially as discussed by a bunch of self-serving liars. It's not a good use of my time.

Spoken like a true 1%er. Must be nice to afford not to obsess over things you can't control and exercise liberty regarding what to think about, as though you have a "free mind" or some such impossible concept. Check your wealthy, able-bodied, white privilege!

It's dangerously easy to be Left-wing troll type person.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Doug said...Does anyone know how to hack into airport television feeds?

Sounds fun until some offended airport manager sees to it that you're charged with a federal crime or two!

clint বলেছেন...

On the topic of enduring memes, and apropos of nothing -- certainly not the topic-not-to-be-discussed...

One of my all-time favorite internet memes, from xkcd:


Reminding us that just because someone is eyerollingly wrong on the internet, that doesn't mean we have to respond, much less derail a thread in the process.

Drago বলেছেন...

readering: "Glad that threat of war with North Korea went away."

Says the side fixated on a handshake.

I'm sorry Trump hasn't yet completely fixed what Clinton and Obama actually gave money to in North Korea.

Now back to your regularly scheduled soft coup attempt by the side that can't accept election results.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Thank you!!! Althouse

There is nothing more tedious than these back and forth insults that derail what can be interesting conversations. The draw, to me of this blog is several. First the range of topics that are being blogged about. I can ignore those that don't strike my fancy or get involved in those that do. The level of the commentators is superb. People from all walks of life, different geographic areas, different backgrounds and when civil create an interesting and entertaining conversational event.

It is easy to ignore those who are boringly repetitious or who are purposely disruptive. However, it is also easy to get side tracked and drawn into the mud wrestling. Instead of addressing the topics, it is easier to sling mud

Some people, who shall remain nameless, are basically one trick ponies. Ignore those.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

This is a weblog, not a papal bull. Get over yourself.

That's a rather odd comment given that papal bull is an edict issued by the pope to the faithful. This blog is owned by and administered by our hostess who, for purposes of Google Analytics, has a sufficiently large body of congregants that she is as much a pope as the pope, at least with respect to this blog.

She is apparently tired of cleaning up all the bull. I imagine that I speak for most of her commenters in expressing gratitude for her hospitality and respect for her wishes.

That said.....chuck chuck chuck chuck chuck chuckie chuck.

- Krumhorn

Unknown বলেছেন...

The ass kissers are boring too.

Alex বলেছেন...

Ann... you will never convince a leftist that the meme is funny. To them Trump is literally Hitler and anything he does is on the level of 100 Auschwitzes.

Drago বলেছেন...

exhelodrvr1: "Hung well, I hope!"

Well, they said I was hung, "and dey was right!"

H/t Mel Brooks.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's good that a 19th century party with a 19th century energy policy and a 19th century economic policy has finally mastered the art of the 19th century's favored form of social expression: the political cartoon.

Nice job, guys! You're really coming along, there!

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

The "blackmail" #FakeNews is promoted by a powerful, informal-but-single-minded media conglomerate; Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of far-right talk radio, and the mass of Trump/TeaParty internet outlets and social media platforms.

The condemnation of CNN's actions (in finding the guy/making him part of the story) and in the language they used (appearing to make the poster's "good behavior" a condition of CNN's continuing grant of relative anonymity) was pretty widespread, man. A centrist like Prof. Althouse found it despicable. Lefty young-adult website Vox wrote it up in critical fashion. Vox!(Subheadline: The apparent threat would be extremely unethical.) It's obviously false that the charge of blackmail (in practical if not legal terms) is coming just from the Right or just from the pro-Trump Right. Click the twitter hashtag and read the tweets that include "I don't like Trump, but" and "I'm a liberal, but..." This assertion of yours is not just wrong, it's plainly wrong, in a way that should be obvious to everyone--including you. I have to assume bad faith here. Sad.

In the meantime, let's all recall one of HanAssholeSolo's greatest hits. Before it was hastily deleted by the author:

Quick - let's focus not on the actual story, nor the substance of the alleged problem/bad actions by CNN, let's focus exclusively on the fact that this one guy is a really bad guy who said really bad things. That's ALL we should ever focus on, and that's ALL that should matter.
Sure that one dude got punched in the head, but he's a Nazi, right? We love it when Nazis get punched.
Sure that one guy got his skull cracked by a bike lock, but that guy was pro-Trump, and you know how racist/sexist/homophobic pro-Trump people are.
Sure some Republican reps got shot at a ball game, but they are the ones enabling Trump and haven't impeached him yet, so they're actually threats to the safety of the world and it's not a big deal if they get shot. They probably support the NRA, anyway.

Transparent! Ugly.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "Nice job, guys! You're really coming along, there!"


With any kind of luck we can work our way up to leftist 20th century thoughtcrimes, gulags and mass graves before the cocktail hour.....

Oh who am I kidding? We wont get to that until the end of business tomorrow.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

The end of CNN should have been when Eason Jordan admitted to covering up Saddam Hussein's human rights abuses in order to have a CNN Baghdad bureau. It's more important to be in Iraq, or to go to the right Washington DC parties, than it is to report the news. How could you trust them after that?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

We have been talking intensely about a very dull question — paying for health care — for a decade. To my mind, it's a complicated policy question that needs to be worked out but can't be worked out competently by neutral experts and must be bandied about clumsily in the political arena forever.

Ok. I guess we know who wasn't in the studio with NBC and Michael Crichton as the hit show "E.R." was pitched to them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sorry! Hope that last comment of mine wasn't too offensive. I didn't realize until just now how much controversy and parenting the thread had provoked.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mary Beth: "The end of CNN should have been when Eason Jordan admitted to covering up Saddam Hussein's human rights abuses in order to have a CNN Baghdad bureau."

Same with Cuba.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR, don't make me have to link to the opening sequence of "Full Metal Jacket" to keep you in line.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Was that the one where the Mail Call guy improved a string of insults at the Texan suicide case after Matthew Modine got him to chuckle?

That was a crazy scene. And here I was hoping I could get off with just a Michelle Pfeiffer look-alike going all Dangerous Minds on me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sorry - I just realized that the verb form of "improvisation" looks like a different word altogether.

Drago বলেছেন...

These ain't your Grandaddy's memes.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I have to assume bad faith here.

What was your first clue?

OldManRick বলেছেন...

The funny thing is that CNN has already lost the meme battle. A rational person would cut their losses, apologize and retreat. CNN is the Black Knight vs King Arthur. "All right, we'll call it a draw." If I could photoshop, I would add that to the meme stream.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

clint said...Reminding us that just because someone is eyerollingly wrong on the internet, that doesn't mean we have to respond, much less derail a thread in the process.

You couldn't be more incorrect, clint: let me explain why in detail. 1/224

Dust Bunny Queen said...There is nothing more tedious than these back and forth insults that derail what can be interesting conversations

That's a barely-disguised scurrilous attack on me, DBQ, and I hope you have a good legal team. Also you're a poopyhead.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Sample Commenter said...What was your first clue?

Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence. No one has demonstrated that HoodlumDoodlum has the first clue.

Sustained; let's stick to what's already in the record, SC.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Speaking of "cartoonish", saying that AA "seems completely disinterested in" something or other is a compliment, not an insult. If she were "uninterested" in something inherently interesting, that might be an insult, and even then that assumes that there are some things so interesting that we should all be interested, which is arguable. English, how does it work?

Alex বলেছেন...

The fact that CNN is reduced to going toe-to-toe with rando redditors is a huge victory for Trump. I mean look at the juxtaposition. Trump is meeting with world leaders while CNN is fighting Joe Blow on the internet.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...Was that the one where the Mail Call guy improved a string of insults at the Texan suicide case after Matthew Modine got him to chuckle?

Full Metal Jacket - GySgt Hartman speech

(NSFW, obviously)

The part you want is around the 1:45 mark. It is much more impressive knowing he didn't have much scripted dailog for most of his scenes--they apparently just told real Marine SSgt R. Lee Ermey go. And did he!

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Dr Weevil said...Speaking of "cartoonish", saying that AA "seems completely disinterested in" something or other is a compliment, not an insult.

**sound of a small bell ringing**

Grammar Girl: Disinterested vs Uninterested

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yeah, HD. (And there really has to be a better past tense verb form for improv. (Improvved?) Thanks for linking. I'll watch it again, but it does make me wonder what sort of experiences or thoughts left Ermey with that impressive a store of visuals and references to so spontaneously draw from. ;-)

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The funny thing is that CNN has already lost the meme battle. A rational person would cut their losses, apologize and retreat. CNN is the Black Knight vs King Arthur. "All right, we'll call it a draw." If I could photoshop, I would add that to the meme stream.
7/7/17, 5:10 PM

Best thing for CNN now would be to end each segment with a short Trump vs CNN clip and laugh it off. Pretend they are normal people with a sense of humor.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I dunno...I find the topic of insurance and all things financial very interesting. But then again, that is what I did for a living for years and years.

If there are topics that I am not interested in, like Bob Dylan (sorry, just never could really get into him) I abstain. What is annoying is to take every thread about anything ...say....Dylan and turn it into someone's personal hobby horse to ride.

Back to the memes. CNN has really 'jumped the shark' on this. All they had to do was act professional, be above the fray, ignore the Redditors, 4chan guys etc. If CNN would just present the NEWS in an unbiased even handed manner and hold off all the editorializing for the programs dedicated to that, they would have a better reputation and not be held in such disdain.

Shows on Fox, like Hannity (which I don't watch) are obviously editorializing. Shows on AM Radio like Rush are also OPINION shows. They make no bones about it. Do not pretend to be even handed. The dis-ingenuousness of CNN is that they make their "News" shows into propagandized, slanted versions of the news. They just can't stop with the opinions instead of actual journalistic reporting.

Drago বলেছেন...

Alex: "The fact that CNN is reduced to going toe-to-toe with rando redditors is a huge victory for Trump."

Well, when even Clapper has to go on air on CNN to correct CNN over more CNN #FakeNews, perhaps CNN is better focusing on random nobodies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Prefer without overdubs, though.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

My favorite of the whole bunch.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

OldManRick said...The funny thing is that CNN has already lost the meme battle. A rational person would cut their losses, apologize and retreat. CNN is the Black Knight vs King Arthur. "All right, we'll call it a draw." If I could photoshop, I would add that to the meme stream.

Here's a good start:

Black Knight - It's Just A Flesh Wound!"

Drop the CNN logo on the knight's head and plop a Trump face on Arthur in the back and you're there.

There are actually "meme maker" sites and tools; here is one for the Black Knight so really you're just a few clicks away, OldMan. Get meme'in!

pacwest বলেছেন...

"DarthJerkoffVader to take the case."

Or Gloria WhatsHerName.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

This is the one. Better sound, too.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...Prefer without overdubs, though.

Sorry about that, I didn't realize it wasn't the real thing! I had my sound off.

I think this one is "clean:"

Full Metal Jacket Monologue (original)

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...


G Joubert বলেছেন...

Chuck is a moby . Mobys are a troll variant. Trolls are mere attention seekers. The more you respond to him the more he gets his little leftard cookies off. He ought to be ignored. Get it?

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "I'll watch it again, but it does make me wonder what sort of experiences or thoughts left Ermey with that impressive a store of visuals and references to so spontaneously draw from"

Every Marine Corps DI is trained to break individuals down and remold them.

Anyone who ever had 1 will never forget them.

Drago বলেছেন...

Will Brown l: "Isn't it a little boring when the news is about the "news"?"

These little idiots went into "the news" so that they could "make" the news and be the most important parts of every story.

It's all about them, their feelings, their ideas.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The fact is, this man was free to post whatever he wanted; he was not “censored” as Turley claims, any more than I will have been “censored” when I get attacked by the alt-right for writing this column. This man’s speech was completely free of any restrictions. What his defenders are objecting to is him being accountable for what he wrote and posted. - Kirsten "The Digger"

Nice little private life you have there! Shame if something should happen to it!

If this was just about racist posts about CNN employees, like Kirsten claims, then it wouldn't be a huge deal. CNN's problem, and they can't seem to comprehend it, is that they attached it to the making of the GIF mocking CNN and showing Trump in a positive light and interrupting their world record breaking two minute hate.

They still do not get it. They threatened every internet commenter. What means did they use to unmask him? Who cares1 He helped Trump!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I think this one is "clean:"

Is it necessary to sanitize the profanity? I thought much of that was part of the point of his monologue? It showed just how nasty his instruction was.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think Kirsten is in the process of re-imagining the past so that CNN is the victim, de-emphasizing certain facts that certainly happened that it. would be better for CNN if people didn't consider them important, and emphasizing other facts that were a side-bar to the original story, which after all, was about the CREATOR OF THE MEME!

I remember the lefty posters coming on here exulting that the creator of the Trump clotheslines CNN meme had "aplogized." Remember when the whole story was about encouraging violence against the press through the use of WWF imagery? Now that talking point is down the memory hole, and we have to talk about other stuff that POTUS never retweeted said by a guy who apparently wasn't the source of the Trump Tweet because reasons!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Nasty and harsh.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Also, the extracted an apology from him for inspiring the Trump - CNN GIF. What the fuck does that have to do with RAYCISM Kirsten? No, that was about helping.... could it be... Orange Satan!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Every Marine Corps DI is trained to break individuals down and remold them.

I kind of get that, and see it as somewhat disturbing. What is the effect of that on one's permanent sense of dignity, self-worth/respect and individual initiative? Is this why they're coming back PTSD? Is it something that wears off more quickly on an 18-year old? Is it really the best way of achieving a goal of... what, exactly? It seems that in countries with respectable fighting forces, this sort of abuse is foregone. But perhaps that's because other countries have a better sense of internal solidarity. In the absence of that in the U.S. maybe the only way to achieve solidarity is to have a whole troop going through the similar experience of being abused by the same DI.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Having reduced another promising thread to nothing, perhaps it is time for "a Festivus for the rest of us". In particular, it may be time for an airing of grievances. We can skip the feats of strength.

What could possibly go wrong if we simply asked everyone to express their grievances regarding other posters? Of course, anyone whose screen name has appeared more than 5 times in a single thread would be excluded on the basis of posting privilege, since they have aired their grievances already.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
EMyrt বলেছেন...

Doug said...

"Why is CNN still on in airports everywhere?" Does anyone know how to hack into airport television feeds?
7/7/17, 3:44 PM

Simple. CNN pays airports to play them, by giving them the tv monitors in return for playing CNN. Then CNN uses the airport eyeballs to inflate their advertising rates.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Sample Commenter said...
It used to be that if you didn't want to be mocked, you just called up SNL and told them to steer clear. Worked for Democrats, anyway. Not anymore. Democrats don't own mockery like they once did.

CNN was taking on 4chan and Reddit when it issued that idiotic statement. That's a corner of the internet where people who are very clever at IT gather together in clusters to do as they please and say truly awful things if they feel like it. Awhile ago they were hunting down a sign someone was posting in hidden locations by studying contrail locations, then climbing up towers to pull the sign down. They're like that. They aren't the people to try to silence and overawe with pompous threats to send them to their room unless they behave. As CNN is learning. And the rest of us? not so clever, not so free? - we are loving it.

CWJ বলেছেন...

I'm a little ticked that my 1:45 comment was deleted by blog administrater as my concluding sentiment was that both Voldemort and his tormenters should give it a rest. But I had the misfortune of naming he who may not be named simultaneously with Althouse's intervention, so I guess it's a fair cop.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "I kind of get that, and see it as somewhat disturbing. What is the effect of that on one's permanent sense of dignity, self-worth/respect and individual initiative? Is this why they're coming back PTSD? Is it something that wears off more quickly on an 18-year old? Is it really the best way of achieving a goal of... what, exactly? It seems that in countries with respectable fighting forces, this sort of abuse is foregone. But perhaps that's because other countries have a better sense of internal solidarity. In the absence of that in the U.S. maybe the only way to achieve solidarity is to have a whole troop going through the similar experience of being abused by the same DI"


Nothing personal, but I'm not sure I'd even know where to start to enlighten you. Again, nothing personal. Seriously. It would need to be its own thread.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

wildswan: CNN was taking on 4chan and Reddit when it issued that idiotic statement. That's a corner of the internet where people who are very clever at IT gather together in clusters to do as they please and say truly awful things if they feel like it. Awhile ago they were hunting down a sign someone was posting in hidden locations by studying contrail locations, then climbing up towers to pull the sign down.

That was wonderful, wasn't it? Contrails and shadows in a photo from an "unidentifiable" anywhere, and...busted!

They're like that. They aren't the people to try to silence and overawe with pompous threats to send them to their room unless they behave. As CNN is learning. And the rest of us? not so clever, not so free? - we are loving it.

"Weaponized autism". (Don't know who coined that phrase to describe these guys.)

Fen বলেছেন...

Ignoring a troll does not work. You have been asking people to ignore him for months now, and here you are, wasting part of your evening cleaning up the comments.

So I respectfully ask - is there any point where you would re-evaluate your current strategy? What would it take? And how many more months do you intend to test a strategy that is clearly failing?

Fen বলেছেন...

"Disrespectful of me"

Yes it is. Now consider why people are shrugging that off and ignoring you.

It is because they sense you do not respect them. Why?

Imagine I ran a bar and you were a regular. I allow some jerk to sit next to you and insult you and everything you believe. However, I forbid you from responding in the same manner. If you do so, I sent you service (delete your post. So, day after, you have to put up with his bullshit, because I allow him to sit near you and disrupt your conversation and your evening... would you feel I had any respect for you? If not, then how much weight would you give to my request that you show me some respect?

Again, you have one jackass in Chez Althouse stinking up the joint. And you are demanding everyone else tip toe around him. Right now, your regulars are huddled outside on the patio wondering why you just dont throw the bum out.

Fen বলেছেন...

"I'm a little ticked that - "

Can't hear you. We are out here on the patio now. Come and join us if you like. If you can tip toe around That Which Can't Be Named, try to snag your jacket. Because its starting to rain.

Birkel বলেছেন...

These so called administrator deletions were a blessing.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@TTR For your edification why_is_boot_camp_so_intense

Michael K বলেছেন...

I got home from work a little while ago and it looks like this thread is not worth my time.

Michael বলেছেন...

Shia LaBeouf, the very stupid minor actor turned "performance artist" had the project of HEWILLNOTDIVIDE.US. After problems with the "installation" in several venues he decided it would become a flag planted in an obscure location. 4Chan found and removed it in a matter of days using, as you note, contrails and shadows. Being a very stupid fellow he thought to remove the flag, or another flag similar in intent, to England where it flew on a flagpole in Liverpool where it was discoverd the next day and removed. Better yet, in every instance the flag was replaced with MAGA hats and a Pepe the Frog shirt.
Great stuff, eh? Fanfuckingtastic.

Fen বলেছেন...

You know what, screw this. I'm heading back to Ace Of Spades. I never mentioned him in this thread, and so I never had anything deleted, but I'm not going to put up with Althouse running interference for a troll.

I will be tempted to respond to his bullshit in the future and my posts will just be deleted. Waste of my time. But I'm not going to be *forced* to put up with his crap every day. Geez, talk about disrespect.

And lastly, consider the double standard - why are we being asked to ignore the troll and let him take his cheap shots? Because it messes up the comments? Bullshit. Consider how hypocritical that is:

Althouse demands you ignore the trolling because she is incapable of ignoring the counter-trolling. Is that rich?

You guys can stick around and continue to be her bitches on a leash. Maybe she'll even fit you for a saddle and ball gag.

But I'm outta here. Not worth my time. See ya!

Charlie Eklund বলেছেন...

Mary Beth: "The end of CNN should have been when Eason Jordan admitted to covering up Saddam Hussein's human rights abuses in order to have a CNN Baghdad bureau."


That is what caused me to stop watching CNN, a channel I used to watch every day...every day literally, not figuratively, from the first day we got cable in 1981 to the day Eason Jordan disclosed that ugly fact in the New York Times in April, 2003. How, indeed, could they be trusted after such an admission? I concluded that they could not. After all, we would never know what other news they weren't covering for reasons unspoken.

As a wiser man than I once (sic) said, sad!

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"'We have been talking intensely about a very dull question — paying for health care — for a decade. To my mind, it's a complicated policy question that needs to be worked out but can't be worked out competently by neutral experts and must be bandied about clumsily in the political arena forever.' Ok. I guess we know who wasn't in the studio with NBC and Michael Crichton as the hit show "E.R." was pitched to them."

ER was about paying for health care?

I'm interested in health care. I do posts on medicine and health and injuries all the time. What I'm not interested in is finance. It may be an interesting topic if you're very educated about it, but I am not, and I think low-level poking around in finance is foolish and a waste of time.

I don't like the idea of the govt just taking over paying for health care for everyone, but if you ask me, at my low level, to give an answer, that's the one I'd give. If something more complicated is needed, I'm incompetent to understand it.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I'm a little ticked that my 1:45 comment was deleted by blog administrater as my concluding sentiment was that both Voldemort and his tormenters should give it a rest. But I had the misfortune of naming he who may not be named simultaneously with Althouse's intervention, so I guess it's a fair cop."

Key phrase: "concluding sentiment"

Unknown বলেছেন...

"You know what, screw this. I'm heading back to Ace Of Spades."

Lol! You should've stayed there to begin with.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Fen's Law!

CWJ বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote -

"Key phrase: 'concluding sentiment'"


mockturtle বলেছেন...

I, for one, will miss Fen's clever posts. And even his not-so-clever ones.

Pianoman বলেছেন...

Fen, just install KillFile in your browser. Problem solved.

This thread and the previous #WatchCNNSelfImmolate threads have convinced me to consign LLR to my KillFile list. He's becoming boring, especially his attempts to get others banned.

Thanks for the cleanup effort, Professor. *Someone* had to stop the poo-flingery.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Every Marine Corps DI is trained to break individuals down and remold them.

I kind of get that, and see it as somewhat disturbing. What is the effect of that on one's permanent sense of dignity, self-worth/respect and individual initiative? Is this why they're coming back PTSD? Is it something that wears off more quickly on an 18-year old? Is it really the best way of achieving a goal of... what, exactly? It seems that in countries with respectable fighting forces, this sort of abuse is foregone. But perhaps that's because other countries have a better sense of internal solidarity. In the absence of that in the U.S. maybe the only way to achieve solidarity is to have a whole troop going through the similar experience of being abused by the same DI.

The goal: Too prepare men to fight as a team in combat and win.

First you have to come to grips with that necessity. Winning battles and eventually wars is dirty, violent, and brutish. If you win most of you live, if you lose most of you die. The winners are generally the best trained, best armed, best prepared, and most importantly the ones who act with violence of action.

Violence of action: If you are engaged and everyone on the team first ducks behind cover you lose. It is the natural human impulse but in a team combat environment it will get you killed. If you are engaged and everyone on the team fires back you have a chance to win. The side that achieves fire superiority has maneuverability. That side wins and lives.

The goal of the D1 is to simulate combat stress. Army infantry basic is little different. The constant assaults verbally and physically force the private to accept and ignore attacks on themselves. After several weeks you either wash out or you realize that you are a rock in the storm. He can say ridiculous shit and be absolutely verbally abusive and you still go to sleep and wake up in the morning. They can punch you kick you make you wash the bathroom all night instead of sleep or whatever and you are still there.

In the end if someone shoots at you and misses you are still there. You shoot back. A typical person will run and hide and a team of typical persons will die. An infantryman with his team will all shoot back. Now this would be the point where I start talking about military discipline but that is a bit longer. There is also esprit and a half dozen other concepts.

If you are truly interested we can continue. I really wish more people understood infantry men/marines.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

CNN. We extort. You deride.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I, for one, will miss Fen's clever posts. And even his not-so-clever ones."

Thanks for pointing that out. I'd scrolled past it yesterday.

A flouncer! Haven't had a hot flouncer in a long time. Or else I've scrolled past a bunch.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Meade: "Here's my comment: Fine, Fen, fin."

(Italics indicate French language.)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

ER was about paying for health care?

Of course. Unless my memory's skewed, a good number of encounters would involve how an issue of accessibility - whether indigent or not, who could afford this or that. It's a standard part of medical practice to consider what a patient's insurance will cover or not before deciding which procedure or treatment is not too high-priced to approve without bankrupting them. Several scenes involved a practitioner going out of their way, traveling to a run-down neighborhood, or otherwise jumping through many extra and taxing hurdles to provide care that wasn't otherwise available.

To separate most practitioners from the social mission that compels them to provide some level of care is not very feasible, but they almost never ignore the consequences of something they do all the time: forgoing the care that they feel is most effective regardless of price. If you can find me a physician who believes they've had the luxury of ignoring considerations of pricing and access in what they do, I'd say they're in a very sheltered and tiny minority. They are no less interested in going bankrupt than anyone else, but all the more acutely aware of how those transactions translate through to the patient's chances for recovery.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The goal of the D1 is to simulate combat stress. Army infantry basic is little different. The constant assaults verbally and physically force the private to accept and ignore attacks on themselves. After several weeks you either wash out or you realize that you are a rock in the storm.

I think I'd withstand it. Especially at 18. It's just that, having actually grown up, I find it difficult not to laugh at people taking themselves and their obsessive berating of these men seriously. A lot of growth takes place in the 20s of one's life. Perhaps in America, this sort of "de-individuation" in the military is necessary. In other countries, they already know they're expected to be more mature and less selfish from the get-go. Some live in tense, life-or-death situations already - and their military preparedness reflects that. I don't knock its effectiveness, even if the vocal style does uncannily remind me of a certain uniformed and militant "leader" of the 1930s.

We're a big country, with a big fighting force, and more bureaucracy needed to make obedient Spartans out of more recruits. Maybe that's just the way it has to be and that's fine. But I also wonder if it affects America's inability to actually put some thought into its missions, or prevents us from questioning which missions are really worth it. Finally, maybe our current White House Resident would be a more mentally stable person if he'd not not gone through that sort of thing while at boarding school.

We can discuss more. I appreciate your interest and honest feedback. But if you can permit me, I was also struck by the "socialist" ethic at work. Funny how the need to put the needs of the many/the unit over the few/the one is so searingly blared into these minds, as if to counteract all the other national messages of selfishness we give them at all other times - including and especially in our corrupt political system. No mission should never come at the expense of knowing right from wrong, or an institution that values that.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Ritmo, while there are numerous aspects of psychological studies that deal with such problems as unit cohesion, it really is a big topic and I'm happy to leave it to others. Was also impressed with your remarks on Jewish universalism.

I just wanted to say that, even though you may be uncertain or mistaken in your fact basis, you're arguing excellently of late, and really tearing up the Pea Patch in a way that is a pleasure to read. Needless to say, I welcome the change and hope for more.

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