July 25, 2017

At the Ugly Lily Café...


... you can talk about whatever you like while I go out for a walk on this nicely cool July morning in Madison, Wisconsin, where there are way too many lilies in far too many grotesque colors.

And you can shop about whatever you like through The Althouse Amazon Portal.


David Baker said...

In case you missed it, there's a new, official-looking sign showing up around Minneapolis warning people that the Twin Cities police are "easily startled." Click the link to see the sign, which shows a policeman, guns drawn, shooting wildly.

traditionalguy said...

Purple Day. Great place for a wedding.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

You could make a Pinterest-worthy bouquet out of those...

Laslo Spatula said...

Laslo Films presents "The Man in the Woods!"

"The Man in the Woods!"

Tucker has a Terrifying Encounter.

An Ominous Tree.

That is Not How You Eat a Donut.

I am Laslo.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

They stink, too.

eric said...

I'm going to do something I have a very poor track record on. Make a prediction.

The White House is going to announce Sessions will keep his job.

Surprised faces will appear everywhere.

sunsong said...

“Let my love, like sunlight, surround you
and give you illumined freedom.”

~ Rabindranath Tagor

Tommy Duncan said...

I'm surprised Ann hasn't posted the "men in shorts" picture on Drudge.

YoungHegelian said...

In honor of today, the Feast of St. James the Greater, "Congaudeant Catholici, the first surviving musical composition in three parts. Found in the Spanish manuscript the Catalixtine Codex (1138–1145), it was written by the clerics who maintained the shrine of Santiago di Compostela in Galicia, Spain. Compostela was, along with Jerusalem, one of the big time pilgrimage sites in the Middle Ages. Hey, you don't want those pilgrims to come all that way & hear the same chant they could hear at home, dooyah? They & the bones of St James deserve only the best! Translation at bottom of page, squiggles on a page manuscript, here.

Ralph L said...

I've come to the conclusion that a lot of visuals are ruined by the presence of white.

And this isn't the wedding post.

David Baker said...

Little by little, the story unfolds:

Today we learn that an "unknown" "Woman 'slapped' squad car before police shooting in Minneapolis"

ABC: "A woman approached the back of a Minneapolis police car and "slapped" it shortly before an Australian woman was shot and killed by an officer, according to a search warrant filed by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

The search warrant obtained by Minnesota Public Radio doesn't specifically say that the woman was Justine Damond, but: "Upon police arrival, a female 'slaps' the back of the patrol squad ... After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley."


And here's what I wrote immediately after the incident:

"It is my contention that that code of Sharia conduct was violated when Justine Ruszczyk (aka Justine "Damond") attempted to interact with Noor and his partner. We already know that Ruszczyk was frustrated, she called 911 twice to ask where in the world the police were. And it's likely she expressed that frustration when Noor and his partner finally arrived - only to sit in their patrol car with the lights off as if they had nothing better to do. At which point Ruszczyk left her house - in her pajamas - to ask them what the heck they were doing. Which turned out to be a fatal, yet unforeseen mistake - as indicated by Noor's "stunned" partner."

So again I ask: Why was licensed-to-kill Officer Mohamad Noor so easy to predict? And that any and all future Officer Noors' will be just as easy to predict.

Ralph L said...

YH, looks like the clerics could have kept it together.

tcrosse said...

but the female became deceased in the alley.

With no assistance from anyone ?

David Baker said...

"The White House is going to announce Sessions will keep his job."

I think hell will need to freeze over in order for Sessions to keep his job. If you've ever been in a position to hire-and-fire, and in so doing strive to run a first-rate operation, it's impossible to live with what you view as a cancer, and Sessions is stage-4. He's proven to be a dupe, a fool, a man in rapid mental decline.

madAsHell said...

Laslo Films presents "The Man in the Woods!"

So, the pink cake doughnut is an allegory for an asshole.

David Baker said...

tcrosse said..."With no assistance from anyone ?"

"Became deceased": It's as if she willed herself to death.

Kovacs said...

Althouse, no "using children in politics"-tagged post about Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday? What a gross display.

tomaig said...

Have never felt the same about lilies since reading Poe's bizarre, opium-dreamish (very) short story "Silence - A Fable".

Opening line:

"Listen to ME" said the demon as he placed his hand upon my head.

buwaya said...

"~ Rabindranath Tagore"

I am one of the few people in the US who was made to read Tagore in High School - well, selections thereof.

Back in the day our schools were deep into the "Asian Literature", "third world" kick, we being in a newly independent third world country of course.

Most of that was actually rather good, even the selections of the Gita and Mahabharata, in spite of it being poetry.

Disliked Tagore. Dull. Humorless.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tommy Duncan said...
I'm surprised Ann hasn't posted the "men in shorts" picture on Drudge.

Tommy tries the subtle, teasing route to the suggestion box.

Tim said...

"unknown" "Woman 'slapped' squad car before police shooting in Minneapolis"
I don't give a damn if she was back there beating a bass drum. There is no excuse for firing your weapon through the window of a car at anytime. This might as well have been a drive-by shooting.

Tim said...

Don't get me started on firing a weapon past the head of your partner!

Richard Dillman said...

When asked about their conversations with Russian officials, Trump officials should explain that they talked about Russian literature, music,
and ballet. And that they had deep discussions of Tolstoy, Pushkin, Doestoyevski, Babel, Chekhov, and Shostokovich, among others.

Big Mike said...

@Alhouse, I take it you don't like that color? Seems attractive to me.

Humperdink said...

A few weeks ago, I went to watch a youth soccer game at the Erie, Pa campus of PSU (aka Penn State-Behrend). Beautiful facility.

As I approached the field, I noticed a sign: "No Sugary Drinks Permitted". No other drink restrictions were mentioned. So I called the local beer distributor and requested two 1/2 kegs be delivered (only kidding). What a farce.

Big Mike said...

@Richard Dillman, and their grandkids. Don't forget the grandkids!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ralph L said...
I've come to the conclusion that a lot of visuals are ruined by the presence of white.

Frame that as "the problem of whiteness" and you just sold an article to the NYTimes, Ralph.

Ugly lily? Why not try gilding it?

tcrosse said...

Ugly Lily sounds like the Madam of a Baltimore whorehouse.

David Baker said...

Dangerous Islamic buffoonery surfaces in the US:


Egyptian-born American preacher Ammar Shahin gave the sermon at the Islamic Center of Davis California.

"In a July 21 lecture posted on the Davis Masjid YouTube channel, Muslim preacher Ammar Shahin spoke in English and Arabic about how all Muslims, not only Palestinians or Syrians, will be called upon to kill all the Jews on the last day.

He also prayed that al-Aksa mosque be liberated from "the filth of the Jews."


Oh my, Iman Ammar Shahin must be a rogue, completely out of step with modern, electricity-loving, Walmart-shopping Muslims.

Then again, think again.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

At the Ugly Lily Café...

I used to wake up in the morning
I used to feel so bad
I got so sick of having sleepless nights
I went and told my dad

Chuck said...

The Drudge Report, now featuring fake news, with a fake headline, written by fake journalists.

Above the banner at Drudge, they are featuring this eye-popping headline:
"Former CIA Director Calls For Coup If Mueller Fired..."

The link is to a story at the discredited "Zero Hedge" blog, written by the fake journalist "Tyler Durden."

I hate to give the site any free page-hits, but this is it:


You need only read the article itself, and not any external fact-checking, to know that the word "coup," and any meaning that effectively means "coup," is completely absent from the article.

Here is where "Zero Hedge" gets deconstructed:


Fake news, courtesy of the Trump-extremist blogosphere, and Drudge. Drudge's lame and worthless excuse will be that it was not a Drudge headline, but rather a Zero Hedge headline. And all that Drudge did was to link to it as printed.

Shamelessly fake news.

rhhardin said...

Birth canal is a euphemism. The claim is made that no other activity is thought of first.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Althouse, no "using children in politics"-tagged post about Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday? What a gross display."

Presumably, you were doing that isolation pod experiment from 2008-2016.

rhhardin said...

Time for Gorey

An innocent maiden named Herridge
Was cruelly tricked into marriage;
When she later found out
What her spouse was about,
She threw herself under a carriage.

rhhardin said...


Little Zooks, of whom none was fond,
They shot towards the roof and beyond;
the infant's trajectory
passed him over the rectory,
And into a lily-choked pond.

William said...

I can't, by sight alone, differentiate between a Somali and an Ethiopian immigrant. However, I take note of the fact that it would not be necessary to appoint an Ethiopian to the police force to qualm fears within his community that our police force is unfair.......I've read that there are some sixty million refugees from the world. Most of them would like to come to America, but some of them come from countries that hate America. They grew up hating America and, whatever they tell the immigration officer, they continue to harbor deep hostility towards America......I would prefer that we accept Ethiopian over Somali refugees. Why does my distrust of them make me a bigot and their distrust of me make them an activist.

tcrosse said...

One dirty little secrets about the Twin Cities is that there's no love lost between the Somalis and homegrown American Blacks, skin color notwithstanding.

Nonapod said...

I've always taken anything on Zero Hedge with a grain of salt. It can be informative and entertaining, but they have glaringly obvious biases towards Russia/Putin as well as anything anti establishment in general, so you have to keep that in mind. That said, I can't tell you the number of times some click-baity story I first saw on ZH turned out to be almost completely true and accurate.

William said...

I've seen videos where cops unquestionably did the wrong thing. Nonetheless, I think they should be given a pass even if they screwed up. It's the kind of job where it's easy to make the wrong decision. We don't prosecute doctors for prescribing Tylenol for an aortic aneurysm, but it happens often enough. You won't get better cops if you criminally prosecute them for screwing up..........This seems to be a mammoth screw up, but I don't see the malicious intent. It won't be done, but if an investigation of this officer's past showed a pattern of contempt and disrespect for women, then a case could be brought. It won't because such a case would make the wrong people look bad. Also, I wonder if any heads were deliberately turned during this offer's training, Somebody besides this officer screwed up.

Guildofcannonballs said...



Kovacs said...

"Presumably, you were doing that isolation pod experiment from 2008-2016."

First, that's a total non sequitur as a response to what I asked. But since you brought it up, identify any occasion where President Obama took an opportunity to inspire young people and instead made a crass, self-glorifying political speech. Encouraged them to boo his political rivals. Regaled them with a baffling story of a cocktail party he attended with all the "hottest people." Told them their government is a cesspool.

If you can't even acknowledge that speech was an embarrassment, I feel sorry for you.

JackWayne said...

Life-long Republican says that the names of the Zerohedge owners are sufficient to discredit anything they say. Kind of how I feel about the name Chuck.......

Jupiter said...

"Noor was one of several Somali-Americans hired by the department in recent years as part of the city's public effort to diversify so it better reflects the city."

Howard said...

I was wrong about Kabuki theater, the Senate passed the Anti-Obumbles Care bill, what ever that is. Should be lots of red meat served up from the MSM. Let the "pearl clutching" comments begin.

Chuck said...

Jack Wayne said...
Life-long Republican says that the names of the Zerohedge owners are sufficient to discredit anything they say. Kind of how I feel about the name Chuck.......

The fact that they are using a fake name, or multiple fake names, with a long history of misleadingly hysterical headlines, and since this is a perfect illustration of a story with a misleadingly hysterical headline... yeah, I'd say that's enough to discredit "Tyler Durden" (a fictional character from the movie "Fight Club") and the "Zero Hedge" website.

If the New York Times or WaPo or CNN did such a thing, you all would be right to excoriate them. Althouse would likely do it for you.

I'm not going to defend the mainstream media. But sure as hell, there's so much worse, coming out of Breitbart, and InfoWars, and crap like "Zero Hedge." And broadcast even further, via the Drudge Report.

Viva Maria said...

rhhardin – “"And into a lily-choked pond."

Tragedies of the commons,
under-loved lilies, unfit,
unappropriated ugly,
no longer of use
to adorn our choked-selves
back to attraction,
mulchingly we go,
groaning for resurrection.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Told them their government is a cesspool"

God forbid we be honest with the young. The double-standard, have-you-no-decency schtick expired last November. Think of something else.

Fernandinande said...

tcrosse said...
One dirty little secrets about the Twin Cities is that there's no love lost between the Somalis and homegrown American Blacks, skin color notwithstanding.

Which group should I be more prejudiced against? IOW, which group is higher on the Affirmative Action totem pole?

A middle aged woman had to be hospitalised in Vienna following a brutal beating in broad daylight by a veiled Somali asylum seeker offended by her pet dogs.

Systemic Racism™ causes dogs.

J. Farmer said...

This is a little bit old news at this point but some rare good news on the foreign policy front:

Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow

This was always an idiotic, self-defeating policy begun under the Obama administration. It's most predictable outcomes were always to arm radical jihadi salafists and to prolong the carnage and destruction in Syria. The notion that we were only arming "moderate" rebels was laughable on its face.

J. Farmer said...

p.s. The "a move sought by Moscow" is typical Bezos-era Washington Post clickbait.

Kovacs said...

"The double-standard, have-you-no-decency schtick expired last November."

So just to confirm, no examples to offer of Obama behaving similarly crassly in front of an audience of children. Just snark, and an unwillingness to acknowledge the indefensible.

Jupiter said...

"The notion that we were only arming "moderate" rebels was laughable on its face."

By Muslim standards, they're pretty moderate.

Jupiter said...

"no examples to offer of Obama behaving similarly crassly in front of an audience of children"

Didn't he address the Democratic convention at some point?

Bad Lieutenant said...

First, that's a total non sequitur as a response to what I asked. But since you brought it up, identify any occasion where President Obama took an opportunity to inspire young people and instead made a crass, self-glorifying political speech.

Kidding, right? Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Encouraged them to boo his political rivals.

I don't remember boo. I remember getting in faces, punching twice as hard, bringing guns to knifefights...he may have omitted boo.

Regaled them with a baffling story of a cocktail party he attended with all the "hottest people."

Something something arugula. Whatever. I dunno, when's the last time President Trump's wife told the media that her husband was snore-y and stinky in the mornings?

Told them their government is a cesspool.

Good valuable true information.

FullMoon said...

And here's what I wrote immediately after the incident:

"It is my contention that that code of Sharia conduct was violated when Justine Ruszczyk (aka Justine "Damond") attempted to interact with Noor and his partner.

Yeah, know what? A million examples of why Sharia law is bad. Claiming a cop who deals with crazy people, drug addicts, pimps and whores, trannys alcoholics and more picks a normal white lady in pajamas to kill because of his religion kinda works against your argument.

LilyBart said...

Hi Ann - this news seems like the kind of thing you'd notice: makeup artist Kat Von D disqualified the winner of her make-up contest because she found a pro-Trump post on the winner's Instagram from around the time of the election. Interesting article, but is that even legal? Can you withdraw the prizes from a winner after a contest because you found you didn't like the person?

Gypsy Freeman told The Wichita Eagle that she was recently declared the winner of Kat Von D’s Saint + Sinner Contest for her Instagram photo depicting the duality of good and evil. She was supposed to be awarded a trip to Los Angeles to attend the launch party of Kat Von D’s new makeup line — a prize totaling about $2,100 — but she was later disqualified by the “LA Ink” star personally after social media users pointed out a post-election Instagram post by Ms. Freeman supporting Mr. Trump, according to screenshots provided to The Eagle.


J. Farmer said...


By Muslim standards, they're pretty moderate.

Who is they?

Drago said...

I'm not going to defend the mainstream media.


Fabi said...

Here's the current Washington Post headline in my newsfeed -- "Trump's latest rage tweets reveal a lawless, out-of-control president"

Lawless! From the beloved-by-lifelong-fopdoodles WaPo. Lulz

buwaya said...

Re Brennan interview and Zerohedge -

The clip has Brennan saying that executive branch officials should refuse to carry out the Presidents instructions.

That is, well, soliciting mutiny at least. You can call it soliciting a "coup" if you like, but that is characterization, an editorial comment. A fair enough editorial comment.

David Baker said...

"David Baker: WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS SIR? (ie muslim-attacks-dogwalker)

Typical, certainly, but fairly small potatoes compared to the widespread rapes now being perpetrated by Muslims throughout Europe - and mostly going unreported. Although anecdotal, an in-law whose family lives in Germany, says the women in her hometown (Stuttgart) are afraid to leave the house unless accompanied by at least one able-bodied man. Or a large, aggressive dog.

Here's something from January in The Daily Mail:

"Migrant rape fears spread across Europe: Women told not to go out at night alone after assaults carried out in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland amid warnings gangs are co-ordinating attacks:

*Sweden has issued warnings to women to be wary of potential attacks
*15 young women have reported being groped by men in Kalmar, Sweden
*Austrian police have come under fire after claims attacks were covered-up
*Finnish police say they have information that the attacks are co-ordinated
*Vienna's police chief advises women not to go out on the streets alone
*Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers relieved of his duties over handling of New Year's Eve sex attacks


Muslims know the men in Europe are largely liberal, and therefore physically passive (ie punks).

To put it another way, if Muslims tried their rape stuff here, even in Minneapolis, they know they'd get their heads handed to them.

Trump was absolutely right when he campaigned to bar ANY & ALL Muslims from entering this country. And the reasons are incredibly self-evident.

Jim at said...

"where there are way too many lilies in far too many grotesque colors."

Well, that's a new one. Slamming flowers because you don't like some of the colors.

Personally, I can't get enough lilies. In hundreds of colors.

David Baker said...

"...picks a normal white lady in pajamas to kill because of his religion kinda works against your argument."

Then why did Officer Mohamad Noor kill a "normal [pajama-clad] white lady"? Because we now know that he and his partner had plenty of warning that she was there by the car, that it wasn't an "ambush," and that slapping the trunk of a car doesn't qualify as a "loud noise," but as an alert that she's approaching.

So what, in your opinion, set Noor off? What caused him to defacto overrule his partner and shoot the lady? I mean, even reaching over and past his partner FARGO-style.

Jim at said...

"Althouse, no "using children in politics"-tagged post about Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday? What a gross display."

Yeah. Just like there was no 'go piss up a rope, Boy Scouts. I can't be bothered to attend your little Hitler Youth Rally' for the last eight years.

You may not like Trump or his speech. But at least he had the courtesy to accept their invitation to speak. Unlike your President Precious who Had Better Things to Do.

I, for one, am sick of your leftist double standards. Fuck off.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"So just to confirm, no examples to offer of Obama behaving similarly crassly in front of an audience of children. Just snark, and an unwillingness to acknowledge the indefensible."

Snark? I was absolutely serious. I realize it's going to take a while for the Left to understand that the game has changed. There's certainly an abundance of Republicans who haven't quite caught on yet.

rehajm said...

"no examples to offer of Obama behaving similarly crassly in front of an audience of children"

I recall a few Obama State of the Union Addresses.

FullMoon said...

David Baker said...

"...picks a normal white lady in pajamas to kill because of his religion kinda works against your argument."

Then why did Officer Mohamad Noor kill a "normal [pajama-clad] white lady"? Because we now know that he and his partner had plenty of warning that she was there by the car, that it wasn't an "ambush," and that slapping the trunk of a car doesn't qualify as a "loud noise," but as an alert that she's approaching.

So what, in your opinion, set Noor off? What caused him to defacto overrule his partner and shoot the lady? I mean, even reaching over and past his partner FARGO-style.

7/25/17, 4:22 PM

Not doing yourself any favors. Cop fucked up. Cops do that. He was scared.Don't have to be muslim to do it. Had four cops in SF all shoot a guy who was cornered, with a knife as his only weapon. They fucked up just like Noor did.Plenty of legitimate muslim attacks to choose from, this isn't one. .

David Baker said...


Then may we assume that you'd be perfectly comfortable hiring more Muslim cops despite their violent, anti-social history, particularly regarding women, - not to mention Jews, infidels, liquor, bacon, dogs, western law, and modernity - just to name a few.

David Baker said...

General question:

How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow to find that every cop in Minneapolis, or Madison, or wherever it is that you live - was a Muslim? More, a Muslim immigrant?

mikeski said...

Don't get me started on firing a weapon past the head of your partner!

When asked about the incident, his partner said "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU. SOMEBODY JUST DISCHARGED A FIREARM FOUR INCHES FROM MY FACE."

FullMoon said...

David Baker said...


Then may we assume that you'd be perfectly comfortable hiring more Muslim cops despite their violent, anti-social history, particularly regarding women, - not to mention Jews, infidels, liquor, bacon, dogs, western law, and modernity - just to name a few.

7/25/17, 5:03 PM

Yeahm that's the ticket.

FullMoon said...

Blogger David Baker said...

General question:

How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow to find that every cop in Minneapolis, or Madison, or wherever it is that you live - was a Muslim? More, a Muslim immigrant?

7/25/17, 5:11 PM

How would you feel if we had no police at all? Eliminate all chance of police mis conduct.
How about all woman police force, trim, attractive, in bikinis?

How about all Irish cops, over six foot tall and ready to rock and roll?
How about a police force of people exactly like you, only different?

J. Farmer said...

@David Baker:

How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow to find that every cop in Minneapolis, or Madison, or wherever it is that you live - was a Muslim? More, a Muslim immigrant?

Even worse, an incompetent affirmative action hire meant to placate community activists. Back during the Ferguson imbroglio, we once again heard that police forces don't "look" like their communities. Obviously, the problem with police violence was too many evil whites. We needed diversity. It's our strength. But oops, preliminary research has shown that has police departments recruit more blacks, the incidence of deadly encounters with blacks goes up. Of course, this was predictable by anyone who will allow themselves to think forbidden knowledge: that blacks, as a group, are more violent than whites. And who suffers mostly from this disproportionality? Other blacks. Take domestic violence. Black women are about 6.5% of the US population but make up more than 1/4 of all domestic violence victims in the US. But move along folks, nothing to see here. The important thing is diversity is our strength!

MadisonMan said...

Althouse, no "using children in politics"-tagged post about Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday? What a gross display.

That's not usually what children in politics posts are about IMO. Children in politics means taking them to rallies and having them hold signs about things their parents are exercised about. Kind of like parents now pulling their kids from Scouts to Send a Message of their glorious virtue.

Scouts behaved badly at this speech, no question. It's hard to control a group of teenaged boys.

harrogate said...

"Scouts behaved badly at this speech."

That's rich. It's the *boys* who were badly behaved, not the old guy who was doing the yammering.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Don't get me started on firing a weapon past the head of your partner!


The driver had a better view of the woman. He wasn't alarmed or reaching for his gun. As I understand it, the driver was waiting for her to approach the car. If there were anything amiss, you would think he would be the first to react.

Instead, Noor pulled his weapon, while sitting down, not that easy. Then shot the woman right in front of his surprised and astounded partner. Literally in front of his face.

Something is just not right. It doesn't add up.

J. Farmer said...

Regarding the Trump Boy Scouts speech, it was undoubtedly an inappropriate venue for engaging in campaign-style partisan bluster. The fact that this charge is coming from "the left" doesn't make it any less true.

Part of the problem, I think, is systemic. In retrospect, it was not a good idea for the framers to merge the head of state and the head of government into a single executive. A head of state should be more removed from politics.

And it is no defense of Trump to say, "Obama did it, too." If it was wrong when Obama did it, then it's wrong when Trump does it.

FullMoon said...

Something is just not right. It doesn't add up.
So you agree he shot her because of his religion?

Chuck said...

Good God, what a shit-show this live Trump rally in Youngstown is.

A man with a Trump-Pence Must Go! sign is bum-rushed out amidst being pummeled by Trump supporters who "believe in the rule of law."

As healthcare is being reformed, Trump leaves Washington -- perhaps rightly, since he has nothing to offer -- and goes to a campaign-style rally in front of his base.

FullMoon said...

Chuck said...

Good God, what a shit-show this live Trump rally in Youngstown is.

A man with a Trump-Pence Must Go! sign is bum-rushed out amidst being pummeled by Trump supporters who "believe in the rule of law."

As healthcare is being reformed, Trump leaves Washington -- perhaps rightly, since he has nothing to offer -- and goes to a campaign-style rally in front of his base.

7/25/17, 6:27 PM

That is interesting.We will get back to that in a minute. Right now, it is good to know Ms. DeVos is going to help the poor kids go to good schools.

Fabi said...

I couldn't tell if the guy was being pummeled or couped.

FullMoon said...

Fabi said...

I couldn't tell if the guy was being pummeled or couped.

7/25/17, 6:42 PM

He was being Fielded, or Lewenowskied.

D 2 said...

Grotesque always sounds like it is more than necessary.

If She had only said "a basket of grotesqueries" it might have sounded not half bad. Insulting, sure, but look at the effort!
Deplorable is too easy, and sounds like she meant it, and with venom. She needed a word that was more eccentric to give the contempt shadow/latitude. Forget the Russians (please!) - let the historical record show: for want of the right hyperbole, the throne was lost.

Lesson of the Day: Elevate your sneering insults of half the electorate to an absurd proportion (i.e. Grotesqueries) if you want to get away with it during a campaign speech in public.

Chuck said...

FullMoon said...
Fabi said...

I couldn't tell if the guy was being pummeled or couped.

7/25/17, 6:42 PM

He was being Fielded, or Lewenowskied.

If we asked Greta, she would say he was being "assaulted." Pere the last media corporation she collected checks from.

FullMoon said...

Chuck said... [hush]​[hide comment]

FullMoon said...
Fabi said...

I couldn't tell if the guy was being pummeled or couped.

7/25/17, 6:42 PM

He was being Fielded, or Lewenowskied.

If we asked Greta, she would say he was being "assaulted." Pere the last media corporation she collected checks from.

We can talk about that in a minute. What is important now is the arrest of Debbi' s IT guy while trying to leave the country. They may have been romantically involved. Possibly not, as no evidence has surfaced as yet to confirm the rumor.

Jon Ericson said...

Get your own blog, Chuck.
Or, you could contribute your pearls of diversion elsewhere.

Michael K said...

"If it was wrong when Obama did it, then it's wrong when Trump does it."

Some of this was cheerleading for the BSA who have been a target of the left for the last 20 years.

I'm sure they are ecstatic to have a president who supports them.

Big Mike said...

A man with a Trump-Pence Must Go! sign is bum-rushed out amidst being pummeled by Trump supporters ...

Bum-rushed? Is that anything like getting shot at while practicing for a charity baseball game? Or maybe it's like being beaten with baseball bats by the open-minded students at Evergreen State?

David Baker said...

Major breakthrough in the Minneapolis Muslim-cop case: The media has learned the victim's name:

In an interview with investigators last week, one of the two Minneapolis police officers involved in the fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk said he was startled by a "loud sound" near the squad car.

Immediately after that loud sound, Ruszczyk approached the driver's side window of the car and was fatally shot by Officer Mohamed Noor...


Congratulations to CNN for not only digging up Ruszczyk's name, but getting the spelling right. Terrific investigative work!

Chuck said...

Big Mike said...
"A man with a Trump-Pence Must Go! sign is bum-rushed out amidst being pummeled by Trump supporters ..."

Bum-rushed? Is that anything like getting shot at while practicing for a charity baseball game? Or maybe it's like being beaten with baseball bats by the open-minded students at Evergreen State?

Yes, "Big Mike," it really is something similar. Not as vicious, or with the same serious consequences, but similar in tone and motivation.

At Evergreen State it was fanatical leftists determined to prevent the speech of a conservative (who was barely even a conservative). In Virginia, the fanatical pro-Democrat gunman wanted to silence Republicans by murdering them.

And at the Trump rally, a man who attended and who brought his own anti-Trump sign was shut down, beaten and kicked out by fanatical EverTrumpers. A cop was called, and (probably rightly) removed the guy if only for the reason that the Trumpies were going to start a small riot in that part of the stands.

So yeah, "Big Mike"; the three things are not the same. Certainly not equal in their seriousness. But, as you queried, they really are similar.

Which is a terrible look, for Trumpland, and which is why I commented on it.

It's so interesting that Fox chose to let its cameras linger on the crowd fight. Usually, like when someone runs on the field at a baseball game the cameras remain trained on the pitcher, or the umpire/catcher/batter/homeplate scene. And they don't show the drunk, or the streaker, or the stripper, or whoever it was who ran onto the field.

Maybe Fox thinks its viewers really wanted to see an anti-Trump protester being beaten. That's the simplest explanation for me.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Yup! Before Trump anyone could disrupt any politician's event in any way that person wanted to, and the disruptive protester wouldn't be pushed around, nor kicked out, nor escorted away by the police. It all started with Trump, and Trump is singularly bad. Well, I mean, Trump and his supporters--everything was totally cool until those jerks showed up.

Chuck said...

HoodlumDoodlum said...
Yup! Before Trump anyone could disrupt any politician's event in any way that person wanted to, and the disruptive protester wouldn't be pushed around, nor kicked out, nor escorted away by the police. It all started with Trump, and Trump is singularly bad. Well, I mean, Trump and his supporters--everything was totally cool until those jerks showed up.

Before Trump, which President or even presidential candidate yelled at his supporters, "Get 'em [protestors] outta here! Kick 'em out! Get him the hell outta here! If you hit him, I'll pay for your lawyers!"

Gahrie said...

Maybe Fox thinks its viewers really wanted to see an anti-Trump protester being beaten.

Well it would be newsworthy as a change to who is usually being beaten.

Gahrie said...

Before Trump, which President or even presidential candidate yelled at his supporters,

Get in their face. If they bring a knife, you bring a gun.

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