June 30, 2017

Word that does not appear on the front-page at CNN right now: Russia.

The narrative has changed. Click to enlarge:

I do see — look closely — "Van Jones: O'Keefe video is a hoax." The video is the one where we hear Van Jones say "That Russia thing is just a big nothing-burger." But the teaser on the front page doesn't give us a clue that the video had to do with Russia, and even when you click through, there's no mention of the substance of what we hear Jones say in the video, just the assertion: "CNN's Van Jones says the ambush video of him done by notorious provocateur James O'Keefe is a hoax."

And how is the video a hoax? I think Jones is misusing the word, because he does not deny that he is the man in the video or that there's some context that would change the meaning of his statement. He indicates that he could have said other things, but not that he did actually on that occasion say more and O'Keefe had it edited out.

ADDED: I'm just noticing that among the things CNN is trying to tease us with this morning is: "Prostitutes: Senate health care bill will devastate us." Prostitutes!

ALSO: The Washington Post also has a front page that doesn't mention Russia but does — amazing! — have sex workers. Click to enlarge:

You see the sex workers story: "Everything you were afraid to ask about phone sex workers — in one class-action lawsuit."

Is there some JournoList-like back channel where they're brainstorming about how to titillate people if you can't talk about Russia and coming up with PROSTITUTES!


Original Mike said...

"Russia" is reaching back and biting CNN in the ass. Good.

Kevin said...

So not one story can stand the scrutiny of the new approval process.

Kevin said...

"Prostitutes: Senate health care bill will devastate us."

The word of the day is misogyny. When you hear it, drink.

Unknown said...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders at yesterday's daily WH press briefing said:

"The president in no way, form or fashion has ever encouraged any form of violence."

At multiple rallies during the election campaign, Trump said (and recorded for posterity):

"Maybe he should have been roughed up."
"I'd like to punch him in the face."
"Knock the crap out of them."

MSM screw ups are nothing compared to those by Trump & Family & Associates.

rhhardin said...

Trump's tweets are a yeast infection on the presidency.

rhhardin said...

Trump's tweets take over his presidency like a boob job.

rhhardin said...

Trumps tweets are the presidency's lady-time.

rhhardin said...

Small hands are the devil's workshop.

rhhardin said...

Trump would make a good obstetrician.

Unknown said...

Eric Holder (ex-Attorney General - yes, Trumpski's) tweet today:

"To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country."

Tick, tick, tick ...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Van Jones is a hoax.

iowan2 said...

The President takes 90 seconds to tap out a tweet. More than 24 hours later, the media is still leading every new 30 minute segment with the tweet.

Conclusion? President Trump is spending too much time on things unimportant.

Got it.

President Trump is the one with a problem

Johnathan Birks said...

CNN, WaPo, NYT all gave up any pretense of objectivity long ago. It's all clickbait bullshit and they have been called on it.
NYT responds by laying off their copy editors. All Teh Newz Thats Fit Too Pint.

robother said...

"Tarnishing the Presidency" is the new Treason.

Meade said...


Anything about the peeing Russian prostitutes dossier?

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm generally for Russian prostitutes.

Anonymous said...

Trump tweets again this morning. Oooooo, National Enquirer, Trump's favorite publication.

"Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show."

rehajm said...

I dunno, CNN's Trump pic makes him look like tiny hand Jesus.

traditionalguy said...

Let me get this straight. Scarbrough and Breshinsky get 3 uninterrupted hours for 5 days each week to call Trump an insane man, with 4-5 handpicked guests corroborating that is totally true, but when Trump types 280 characters of truth on Twitter, it is the end of the United States as true blue Globalists envision it.

That is evidence of hyper-insanity, but not Trump's.

Anonymous said...

Hoping the Russia story goes away is wishful thinking. We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing.

David Begley said...

Absolutely a back channel amongst journalists. The last one got busted so they came up with a new and better one. It is all groupthink.

Nice take by traditional guy. Journalism is all name calling now.

traditionalguy said...

You have to admire the CNN producer of the morning smear Trump show, he said Kellyanne was the one who looks like she was hit in the face by a shovel. That is admirable hate.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Headline!!! Trump is ruining the economy and destroying health care as we know it (or at least since Obamacare)

Women, children and whores hurt the most.

Won't anyone think about those poor suffering whores....and their pimps?

Pretty sure that tactic isn't going to play in Kansas. But then again, we know how stupid those people in Kansas are...right?

Ralph L said...

Write about what you know.

Ralph L said...

Eric O'Keefe tag. Who he?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

Just like "Health care reform" disappeared from the Fox News Channel, Drudge, and the Althouse blog.

Mike Sylwester said...

Unknown at 8:08 AM

Eric Holder:
To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned.

One person who never will question the FBI's actions and integrity is Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.

The FBI has been conducting a bogus, never-ending "investigation" of all Trump associates who have any business or personal relationship to Russia. Mueller's primary goal is to cover up that witch-hunt.

Mueller's second goal is to whitewash his BFF, "Crazy Comey the Leaker".

Mueller's third goal is to imprison a scapegoat -- someone like Scooter Libby -- in order to convince the public that the FBI's "investigation" of Russiagate is valid and worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

You don't know that any investigation into Trump or associates is "bogus" Mike S. You wish it was, but you have no more inside info than the rest of us

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Russia story was all Podesta-Hillary butthurt revenge.

Michael K said...

"We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

Who is "we?" Do you have a mouse in your pocket ?

Rae said...

The Russia story leads back to the Obama admin and the Clinton campaign. Down the memory hole.

Jersey Fled said...

Looks like the usual suspects are up early and are trying to change the subject.

Not really change the subject, I guess, because they always spout the same nonsense regardless of what the subject of the post is.

Anyway, I read the Philadelphia Inquirer web site every morning to check the sports page. I usually go in through the front page because their site is poorly designed and it's easier to navigate to the sports page that way. I've noticed over the past week or so that Russia references have been way down - in fact no references to Russia several days this week. Maybe something is going on here.

Anonymous said...

"We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

If the investigations were over, it would be announced or reported, they wouldn't simply end quietly.

Michael said...

Ah, the fake news National Enquirer, the one that took down the bullshit artist from N.C. John, I led two wives, Edwards. All the real news outlets knew that that was fake news, right? and had a good hardeharhar at the NE. Until....

Original Mike said...

Blogger Inga said..."Hoping the Russia story goes away is wishful thinking. We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

So is the Rural Electrification Administration.

Michael said...


Exactly. Just like it was reported that Trump was not a subject of an investigation per Comey. Of course it would be immediately reported that there had been no collusion, no involvement by Trump. Because honesty. Because FBI.

JaimeRoberto said...

I would argue that Jones properly used the word "hoax" for the milieu he is in. It's all they need to be able to say that the video has been debunked.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Robert Mueller and his special prosecutor office has let the MSM there is nothing to the Russia meme. They are moving on to obstruction of justice and perjury traps.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Chuck said..."Just like "Health care reform" disappeared from the Fox News Channel, Drudge, and the Althouse blog."

You could always start your own blog ...

Hagar said...

There are some passing notices about bills passed in Congress that the media has failed to mobilize against being preoccupied by Trump's tweets.

Or he may just have heard about what this guy at CNN tweeted about his buddy Kellyanne.

Peter said...

"Trump tweets again this morning. Oooooo, National Enquirer, Trump's favorite publication."

The Washington Post has a long and storied history, the National Enquirer is a checkout-line scandal rag.

But since 2016, it's become difficult to see any significant difference in their journalistic standards.

(And, yes, President Trump's staff should insist on reviewing the President's tweets before they go out, and should not shut up about it until he does. BUT that issue remains independent of the apparent convergence in editorial standards between the Post and the Enquirer.)

Sebastian said...

You'd think that, after all these months of collusion mania, progs could at least have fabricated some halfway plausible "evidence." But no. Their incompetence is America's saving grace.

PB said...

Is there something like Journolist? Given how immediately news people echo the exact same words , there is no other conclusion.

John henry said...

They're trying to lure Laslo away from his Althouse gig?

Say it ain't so, Ann!

John Henry

Original Mike said...

"Mitch McConnell, America's No. 1 obstructionist"?

What's happened to the Washington Post?

Anonymous said...

Mika and Joe said on their show this AM:

“We got a call that ‘hey the National Enquirer is going to run a negative story about you guys.’ And they said ‘if you call the president up and you apologize for your coverage then he would pick up the phone and basically spike this story’ . . .I had three people at the very top of the administration calling me and the response was like ‘are you kidding me, I don’t know what they have, run a story, I’m not going to do it.’ The calls kept coming and they were like ‘you need to call, please call.’”
"Whoever, being an officer, or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof, or representing himself to be or assuming to act as such, under color or pretense of office or employment commits or attempts an act of extortion, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; but if the amount so extorted or demanded does not exceed $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."
§ 11.448 Abuse of office.
A person acting or purporting to act in an official capacity or taking advantage of such actual or purported capacity commits a misdemeanor if, knowing that his or her conduct is illegal, he or she:

(a) Subjects another to arrest, detention, search, seizure, mistreatment, dispossession, assessment, lien or other infringement of personal or property rights; or

(b) Denies or impedes another in the exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power or immunity.

traditionalguy said...

IMO Van Jones is a talented man. I wish he would come over to the Trump Train. The Soros owned violence and riot operation will never accept him because he thinks for himself. Without a Clinton run Party, he is just another outdated propagandist to the Dems.

CWJ said...

"Hoping the Russia story goes away is wishful thinking. We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

And Francisco Franco is still dead.

James K said...

Apparently "hoax" means "I was tricked into saying something that I didn't know would be made public."

Chuck said...

Original Mike said...
Blogger Chuck said..."Just like "Health care reform" disappeared from the Fox News Channel, Drudge, and the Althouse blog."

You could always start your own blog ...

What a fascinating comment in this thread. It's much like what I have been saying to the most devoted Trump supporters: if you don't like CNN, or MSNBC, or the New York Times, don't subscribe. Don't watch. Don't buy the product.

The liberal media bias story is about 30 years old. Meanwhile, conservative media does very nicely in the marketplace. Fox News Channel; the Wall Street Journal; talk radio; Ann Coulter's books. (Well, at least Ann's books that were published before this week when she suggested that if Donald Trump endorsed the Communist Manifesto, then Sean Hannity would endorse it too.)

I don't read InfoWars; consequently I rarely write about it or comment on it. Who cares what Alex Jones thinks? Is anybody doing gotcha videos on Alex Jones? Maybe so; but if they are we'd have to search for it. Nobody cares.

Once written, twice... said...

My analysis is that Trump's "Morning Joe" tweetstorm yesterday will be recorded as being one of his multiple jump-the-shark moments that sank his presidency. The question is, will Republicans leave him in place knowing he is just as likely to turn on them (as he did in a tweet this morning) or set him up for a fall and remove him.

I'm betting on a President Pence.

traditionalguy said...

Big story this AM is that National enquirer is staking out the Joe and Mika's love nest. Good reading coming in the check-out lines. Those guys give great Headline.

sunsong said...

I am loving this from Ana Navarro. Trump's misogyny is going to taint the entire GOP if they don't stand up and speak out against this:

Ana Navarro of CNN

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Trump is stupid to keep punching down. In doing so he provides the MSM with the narrative change they so desperately need. Sad.

Ralph L said...

Trump's misogyny
So are women the equal of men, or hothouse flowers?

Birkel said...

Anonymous con law man thinks politics is best explained by reference to a 1970s TV show. That's the sort of reference sure to change the minds of Hillbillies. Am I right?

Perhaps the ever-cool Obama could have worn a leather jacket while water skiing but not this Trump guy. All Trump wants to do is reduce regulations and free the creative destruction of capitalism to improve the lives of others. But what is the fun in that if you can't micro-mis-manage the lives of people you deplore?

Give me the first 2000 names in Boston phone book.

James K said...

"one of his multiple jump-the-shark moments that sank his presidency"

Ha, like all the dozens of others that were sure to sink him, either as a candidate or President? Keep hope alive.

Birches said...

Ok, now I get it the overblown coverage of the Mika tweet yesterday. The press realized Russia was dying and decided to go with "HATEZ WOMANZ!!!1!1!" again.

I don't think this will go any better than the Russia narrative. The MSM is trying too hard.

Chuck said...

God, this is so great; Jonah Goldberg on NPR's Morning Edition program:


~This week was "Energy Week." As successful in messaging, as "Infrastructure Week" was.

~Trump's "lizard brain."

~Republicans, and Democrats are claiming that the current GOP reform proposals will kill Obamacare, and they are all wrong. Obamacare is being adjusted, trimmed, changed. A little.

Jonah Goldberg was writing "Liberal Facsism" back when Donald Trump was donating to the Clintons and favoring a single payer national health system.

Michael K said...

My analysis is that Trump's "Morning Joe" tweetstorm yesterday will be recorded as being one of his multiple jump-the-shark moments that sank his presidency.

Hilarious !

The left thinks the nonsense they read, instead of what is really happening, is important.

Birkel said...

The song of the giant star in the center of our solar system believes the majority of white women who voted for Trump will be lost to Trump when the next election happens. Those white women will surely be convinced THIS TIME after not knowing what a lout Trump was before they elected him president in 2016.

Perhaps, but let us in on the secret of which Democrat is going to earn those votes. Enquiring minds want to know who will convince them after the press self-immolates.

Chuck said...

sunsong said...
I am loving this from Ana Navarro. Trump's misogyny is going to taint the entire GOP if they don't stand up and speak out against this:

Apart from Republicans who are being paid by the Trump Administration, or the Trump Organization, or a media outlet that is in business to cater to Trump supporters, is there any Republican who HASN'T criticized, condemned or otherwise distanced themselves from the Trump Tweets?

Bay Area Guy said...


"..how to titilate people if you can't talk about Russia and coming up with PROSTITUTES!"

You can't titilate the prostitutes without a good pair of tits.

Birches said...

NYT said that the Mika tweet was vulgar. Can anyone tell me why saying someone was bleeding from a face lift is vulgar?

Anything to fit the narrative....

Laslo Spatula said...

""Prostitutes: Senate health care bill will devastate us." Prostitutes!"

Angry Hooker With No Health Care says...

What is wrong with you people? What the Hell am I supposed to do without Government Health Care? You think my Pimp offers insurance benefits? You think my chlamydia is going to cure itself...?

Sure, I can go to the drug store and buy Monistat® 7, but that over-the-counter shit don't work a damn on my yeast infections anymore! I get the yeast infections REAL bad, people! Trust me, you DO NOT want me sitting on your bus seat before you, I tell you that...

Without Health Care I can't get my anal fissures fixed, much less my anus bleached! No one wants a hooker that doesn't bleach her anus anymore! Make America Great Again? How about Make My Asshole Great Again, okay...?

Is that what you want, America? You want prostitutes with swampy-ass vagina infections and ugly stained assholes? Hell, I won't even get into the costs of the vaginal reconstructive surgery I'm gonna need in a few years...!

All I'm gonna say, America, is -- when all your men are walking around with their dicks about to fall off -- don't blame me: my vagina is getting RIPE...!

And -- while we're at it -- can't we get the Government to fucking cure Herpes? This Herpes Shit HURTS...!

I am Laslo.

Curious George said...

"Hoping the Russia story goes away is wishful thinking. We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

What a dullard.

John henry said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...

I'm betting on a President Pence

Really? I've got $5 that says that President Trump is still President Trump in January 2021.

Will you take the bet?

John Henry

Michael K said...

Laslo, I was thinking something like that as I watched a girl with supper short shorts get on the plane yesterday.

The days when people dressed for airplane trips have been gone for decades.

Once written, twice... said...

Once again, it will be Republicans who bring down Trump, not Democrats. Democrats don't have the power to do so. Republicans do, and then they will get a President Pence.

Once written, twice... said...

John, I won't take your money.

We are not even six months into Trump's presidency. This should be the honeymoon for him when he has a chance to get things done. The next year and a half things should get even harder for him. Does anyone have any doubt that he will become even more mentally unbalanced over this coming period?

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, so you were writing about phone sex workers. I thought you were referring to the picture of the staffers from the New York Times on strike because they'll have to do their own spell checking and proofreading from here on. After all, prostitutes only sell their bodies; people who write for the Times have sold their souls.

John henry said...

President Trump's presidency is paralyzed!!!!

Or so the deep (anonymous) thinkers would like us to believe.

But then there is this:

Finally, federally funded education and workforce development programs that do not work must be improved or eliminated so that taxpayer dollars can be channeled to more effective uses.

Sec. 2. Policy. It shall be the policy of the Federal Government to provide more affordable pathways to secure, high paying jobs by promoting apprenticeships and effective workforce development programs, while easing the regulatory burden on such programs and reducing or eliminating taxpayer support for ineffective workforce development programs.

(Emph added)


Read the whole thing.

Sounds like he is going to stop funding useless education programs.

I hope so. Much more importantly, it sounds like he is going to get rid of some of the regs that have effectively killed apprenticeship programs in the US.


John Henry

Once written, twice... said...

What is bizarre (even for Trump) about this "Morning Joe" thing is that they were discussing on their Thursday show his troubled mental state and he decided after watching it to turn around and prove them right.

Curious George said...

"Hoping the Russia story goes away is wishful thinking. We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

"Once again, it will be Republicans who bring down Trump, not Democrats. Democrats don't have the power to do so. Republicans do, and then they will get a President Pence."

Trump Derangement Syndrome?
It's just derangement syndrome. Trump. Walker. Bush. Russia. Secret routers. WMD's. Hell you should see what lefties in Utah are saying about Jason Chaffetz. It's universal.

It's a mental disorder.

John henry said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...

John, I won't take your money.

Why am I not surprised?

John Henry

Michael K said...

"This should be the honeymoon for him when he has a chance to get things done. "

January to August 2001 should have been a honeymoon for Bush but it wasn't. The Democrats did Exactly what they are doing to Trump and the 9/11 plot was missed. Rumsfeld was almost alone in DoD for months.

Self awareness would be good for you. I'm not sure if Democrats were all born yesterday or have some mental disorder that wipes out memory every January 20.

tcrosse said...

Remember the "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism" ?

sunsong said...

Apart from Republicans who are being paid by the Trump Administration, or the Trump Organization, or a media outlet that is in business to cater to Trump supporters, is there any Republican who HASN'T criticized, condemned or otherwise distanced themselves from the Trump Tweets?

No, they haven't. They need to call a press conference and state that they do not condone his misogyny or his hatred. They need to write op-eds making clear that he is wrong and acting in ways that not only demean the Presidency but our country. And they need to keep doing it until he stops...

Darrell said...



The investigations are now swinging toward Democrats and their litany of crimes. These videos show why the MSM have dug themselves into a hole so deep, they might never surface.

Bad Lieutenant said...

What a fascinating comment in this thread. It's much like what I have been saying to the most devoted Trump supporters: if you don't like CNN, or MSNBC, or the New York Times, don't subscribe. Don't watch. Don't buy the product.

Aside from the lacunae in your analysis, you could best show the value of your advice, by taking it.

sunsong said...

This is excellent as well. Matthew Dowd who worked for George W. shares his insights and profound understanding of what is happening here:

Dowd etc

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
Apart from Republicans who are being paid by the Trump Administration, or the Trump Organization, or a media outlet that is in business to cater to Trump supporters, is there any Republican who HASN'T criticized, condemned or otherwise distanced themselves from the Trump Tweets?"


Michael K said...

"Remember the "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism" ?

One of the best parts of Buchanan's new book about Nixon, is his great stories about his travels with Agnew. They loved each other and had constant fun doing to the press what Trump is doing now by himself.

Buchanan was one of the few people ate Agnew's funeral.

John henry said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...

This should be the honeymoon for him when he has a chance to get things done.

You wouldn't know it from the press but he does seem to be getting things done. Not the least of which is pissing off all the right people. Not the least of which is pulling the mask off all the shitheads in govt and schools.

The EO on Apprenticeships is one thing. It looks like he may be building some public, if not deep thinker, support for his tax plan. Keystone pipeline. Gutting useless regulations and more.

Most importantly, he is repealing Obamacare.

Anyone think he is really trying to get Congress to pass a bill? Nope. As I've said many times here and as even Sen Lindsay Graham has said recently, all we need to do to repeal Obamacare is nothing.

If the Demmies are so all in on Obamacare, they should be signing on to whatever the Repos are doing. Yeah, it may water it down a bit, but very little. That's why I am against it.

Obamacare was always designed to be self-repealing. The problem is that they counted on Crooked Hilary to be there to save it. She's not.

It's a goner unless the Repos save it and I don't trust them not to do that. I hope that Cruz, Paul, Lee et al stay strong.

John Henry

Quaestor said...

The Unknown Cretin wrote: Tick, tick, tick ...

Counting the seconds, eh? When you get to 206,928,000 let us know.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...
John, I won't take your money

No, you won't, because you'd lose that bet. I'd chime in, but - oh wait -

Once, didn't you get kicked off the blog before, for betting? It was a bigger number then. Oh yeah, on the Dow that would never exceed 20K. So John, don't ask him to get, he gets in trouble that way.

BTW Once, are you an American, or are you a former or current Argentine? I hear the beef is great down there.

Michael K said...

"They need to call a press conference and state that they do not condone his misogyny or his hatred. "

This is called "concern trolling."

Thank you for the advice.

tokyov said...

Propagandists like those at CNN know that the big lie works.

Quaestor said...

I'm betting on a President Pence.

You may win that bet in 206,928,000 seconds.

John henry said...

Bad Lt;

I was not really worried about him taking the bet. He is just a blowhard.

I've been offering that bet to everyone who tells me President Trump will be impeached or resign. Probably 15-20 times so far. No takers at all.

Nobody is willing to put their money where their mouth is.

Anyone else here want to take the bet?

Caveat: In the event of President Trump's death in office, from whatever cause, the bet is off.

John Henry

Michael K said...

"It's a goner unless the Repos save it and I don't trust them not to do that."

I have believed for some time that all we need to do is make it voluntary.

Obamacare is really just Medicaid with higher income limits. Let those who want it , have it, but then block grant Medicaid to the states.

Then California can allow aromatherapy for Medicaid and Texas can shut down the nonsense and make it a safety net for the poor.

Then the rest can buy real insurance. Plus HSAs and a real cash market with discounted fees.

Michael said...

once written
Has worse predictive instincts than a Dem pollster. How's that DJIA doing for you Once? Hopefully you didn't act upon your stupid prediction that the DJIA would not see 20000 again after its post election rise and oh so brief decline (one day or was it two?). Surely you know you are too stupid to bet on your own predictions. LOL

Michael K said...

"In the event of President Trump's death in office, from whatever cause, the bet is off. "

That's why I'm hoping Trump keeps his personal security.

Indira Gandhi could not be reached for comment.

buwaya said...

Note how uniform and coordinated this all is.
And rapid.
The whole media industry flipped overnight. No new leaks from whomever in the intelligence agencies, justice dept, or investigators.
This isn't a matter of herd behavior by the "creative class", its not some ad-hoc "journolist" email list. These outfits are large, expensive and complex organizations with top-down control of every operational function.

John henry said...


I would bet against Pence ever being president. The Vice-Presidency is pretty much a barrier to becoming president.

Think of all the VPs who have been candidates in the past 150 years.

Now think of all the VPs who have won.

Think of all the VPs who have become president by death or resignation.

Now think of all the VPs that became president that have been re-elected.

Thinking of Pence as a future Prez is the triumph of hope over experience.

John Henry

wildswan said...

Reading Sharyl AtKisson on the mechanism of the smear as perfected by David Brock and concluding that failing media are using TheSmear mechanism in place of hard-news gathered by reporters. It's like getting a robot, it's cheaper but standardized. Well, TheSmear, this is how to robotize news. The history of the TheSmear in the digital age - who invented it, namely David Brock - and for whom - namely, the Clintons and their corruption - was interesting. The old-time news-media would always have had a hard time with the internet just like old-time retail but the presence of this robotized money-pump, TheSmear machine, seems to have absolutely destroyed the news media. They aren't evolving, they're eroding like a California hillside in a mudslide. And Trump - I may be wrong - but I think his tweets somehow bounce back or bounce into TheSmear mechanism so that it turns around and fires back along the line it came from. Mika, for instance, did herself no good by whining like a girl and explaining. Why they hate his tweets.

John henry said...

To clarify, I mean VPs that became president and were re-elected to a second full term.

LBJ was elected in 64 but was not re-elected in 68. Ditto Truman in 48 and 52. TR on 04 and 08

John Henry

John henry said...

Mika, for instance, did herself no good by whining like a girl and explaining. Why they hate his tweets.


Are you saying that Mika acted like a small young cat? Commonly known as a "pussy"

John Henry

Chuck said...

Curious George said...
"Chuck said...
Apart from Republicans who are being paid by the Trump Administration, or the Trump Organization, or a media outlet that is in business to cater to Trump supporters, is there any Republican who HASN'T criticized, condemned or otherwise distanced themselves from the Trump Tweets?"


Ya got me! I'll bite on this one; WHO?

Scratch Laura Ingraham; scratch Jeff Lord. Two of the ultimate Trump dead-enders both said that the Tweets were bad. (They also don't technically qualify, since they are paid pro-Trump media.)

I saw one -- Sen. Richard Shelby -- who came closest to neutrality, saying that it was to be expected when the media was "salting" Trump every day.

So who you got?

Mike Sylwester said...

Inga at 8:34 AM

You don't know that any investigation into Trump or associates is "bogus" Mike S. You wish it was, but you have no more inside info than the rest of us.

I know that the investigation is bogus because I read the progress report that the US Intelligence Community released to the public at the beginning of January 2017.

The report was discussed in this blog on January 7, in a post that Ann titled aptly: "Mountain gave birth to a mouse... "


I suggest that you review that discussion. The report made a big deal, for example, about RT television broadcasting newscasts against fracking.

You can read the preposterous report itself at the following webpage.


Nonapod said...

My natural tendency is to doubt most conspiracy theories until proven otherwise. But obviously journolist was an actual conspiracy among liberal Journalists, so conspiracy is hardly unprecedented among that tribe. Whether the heads of the the various MSM outlets are having actual secret Bilderberg meetings or it's just an email chain, it seems likely that there's at least some small coordination, even if it's just as simple as "OK, let's lay of the Russia thing for a while".

cf said...

I do hypothesize that Journolist-style coordination is behind our current News Theater, and a heavy dose of pseudo psy-ops. @NPR is right in there with the rest. Interesting that it is not exposed, where are the courageous ones to call it out? Pretty Ghastly state of yellow journalism.

Darrell said...

Knock off the lying. The only people that want Trump to stop Tweeting are Democrats and the rest of the Left. And Loser Republicans--either clueless or with evil intent. Some 70%+ of the American people know the Russian collusion story is a lie--according to polls. When CNN, NBC, the WaPo, and NYT are putting out 13 negative stories to every one favorable story about Trump--BY DESIGN, no matter what happened that day--Trump's POV would never be heard above the din.

Anonymous said...

Note to the WaPo:

"America's Biggest Obstructionist" is Chuck Schumer, who started the filibuster wars by filibustering Miguel Estrada's judicial nomination.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

A hoax! That's outstanding.
You just know he wants to say it's fake news.

Biotrekker said...

Leftist/Prog/Marxist journalists have a game plan (some version of Destroy the Republicans) that they go over together, whether by phone, email, texts, meetings or intermediaries (DNC, Democrat WH staff) and that's why the reporting all seems herd like and lacking in real content.

Marty Keller said...

Sadly, as a certain supposedly lifelong Republican says, this lefty NY/DC media coordinated messaging has been going on for a very long time. I remember reading an Allen Drury novel in the early 70s sarcastically juxtaposing editorials from the "Washington Tost" and the "New York Pimes." Perhaps, however, we don't really appreciate how the internet has permitted--finally!--the undermining of the formerly contained environment of monopoly "news." The good news (pardon the pun) is that we will never go back to those days again; perhaps the obvious decline in quality research and writing and increase in naked partisanship is a silent acknowledgement of their permanent loss of mastery over public opinion.

Michael K said...

"Thinking of Pence as a future Prez is the triumph of hope over experience. "

I tend to agree. Pence would be fine as Trump's third term but the left would discover, suddenly of course, how much they hate him and his right wing religious beliefs.

I still like Cruz on the USSC and the 2024 nomination would be interesting.

Darrell said...

FDR should give up his Fireside Chats--too undignified!!!11!!
That's the ticket.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bitter clinger Inga writes: "You don't know that any investigation into Trump or associates is "bogus" Mike S. You wish it was, but you have no more inside info than the rest of us."

As I pointed out yesterday, the book "Shattered" which Althouse blogged about extensively says right at the end that the "Russia stole the election" bullshit was cooked up by the Clinton campaign within hours of losing in November. They fed their offal to compliant media outlets; those outlets passed along the garbage to their clueless fans, like Inga, who uncritically swallowed the lies.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Discussion is about CNN and the Media's change of focus.
LifeLongRepublican: "Why is anyone talking about anything that's not a criticism of Trump, at any time!! Anyone not spending every second criticizing Trump must be some sort of pro-Trump shill--up to and including the owner of this blog where I choose to comment."

I dunno; did you ever consider that maybe you are being the insufferable asshole--that it's not everyone else that's the problem?

Kind of a dick move to passive-aggressively accuse the Professor of having a nefarious pro-Trump agenda.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing.

Scott Walker's gonna get frog marched to the prison any day now, I tell you. Any day now!

rich ruscio said...

My first time here ... I too have offered to bet, a $10 Amazon Gift Card, anyone who believed Trump will be somehow removed from the Presidency while remaining alive. Probably 2 dozen times.

I have 1 taker, who wanted 2 years as the time limit. No one else. Shocked, shocked, there's no gambling going on ...

Jupiter said...

"More than 3 dozen Republicans, Democrats in Congress condemn Trump for vulgar tweet".

Oh, what a laugh. They're still playing the "demand a condemnation" game, where a Republican says something they don't like, and they go around and make all his supposed friends denounce him on camera. They had so much fun with that, back in the day. Sexist, racist, homophobic, bigoted!

Now Trump just waltzes up and grabs 'em by the cooze, and all they do is call him "vulgar", while they clench their thighs and giggle. "Oh, you vulgar man! Tee-hee!"

Martin said...

Speaking of a "Journolist-like back channel," a couple of days ago every MSM entity seemed to suddenly obsess over Trump putting reporters in danger. This clearly was a coordinated meme, put out there to distract from the implosion of the Russia nonsense, and build off the press briefing kerfuffle. "Let's put this stupid thing out there and see if it can have legs."

But then Trump's Mika tweet gave them a whole new meme, tailor-made for their purpose, so they put the "reporters in danger" meme back on the shelf... for now.

But this is all clearly being coordinated. There can be no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Journalist-type coordination among the MSM? Shocking to contemplate. My (uneducated, outsider) two bits' worth of comment on that:
(1) MSM Journalism is a small town. Concentric or overlapping small circles of Those With The Magic, surrounded by those who are aspiring to the Magic, or helpful to those with the Magic. This is a vicious high-stakes world like a medieval court and only the ruthless and clever survive and prosper. Gossip is the currency. See also: Game of Thrones.
(2) So maybe there are 500-1000 players who represent 80+% of the influence. Do a network analysis on them: who is married to whom, who went to school with whom, who had which job before the other person took it, etc. This is a complex but fairly transparent ecosystem. Even a simplistic analysis would tell us a lot about why the same memes --to the very letter-- get pushed with remarkably short lag times.
(3) Systems like this are very powerful up to a point but I think they become insular and stupid about change and external pressures. So you get this hysterical defensive and vindictive behavior with ever-decreasing rationality or resort to "real facts" as the pressures build. Because they have ignored or mischaracterized the pressures for so long, they really have no response.

Pass the popcorn.

Seeing Red said...

The word Trump didn't appear in the top 5 stories at Bloomberg View.

What a refreshing change.

buwaya said...

The MSM is not just a network of individuals.

These are businesses, organizations, with tens of thousands of employees and contractors that make the process happen. These people have layers of management with budgets to work. They have owners with interests in the value of their media properties, or the effect of their media influence.

A network of influential "creatives"? Writers and newsreaders and editors? Certainly, why not. And that this society is one of the like-minded, no surprise there. But ...

These people are employees. They are easily replaceable flunkies. There is always another writer, pretty face or editor. They do what they are paid to do, someone else is calling the tunes. The political messaging they put out, affecting $trillions in value attached to government and social influence, is too important to leave it to a network of low-mid level employees to figure out strategic goals or even tactical maneuvers. That is an absurd idea.

There is a "Bilderberg" system in there.

Seeing Red said...

Since when is pointing out a facelift mysogeny? The rags do it all the time.

readering said...

The sun will come up tomorrow.

Seeing Red said...

Eric Holder (ex-Attorney General - yes, Trumpski's) tweet today:

"To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI: your actions and integrity will be unfairly questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Honor. Country."

Tick, tick, tick ...

6/30/17, 8:08 AM

So Unknown doesn't believe the appearance of sexual harassment should be questioned? When top officials of the dept may be involved?

Why do you hate women?

OTOH, circle the wagons, people, or I'm going down!

Man in PA said...


CJ said...

>Is there some JournoList-like back channel where they're brainstorming

There is, supposedly, a new listserv called "Cabalist" (cute, huh?) where the same set of jagoffs coordinate attacks on Republican

Mike Sylwester said...

Mike Sylwester at 9:54 AM

The report was discussed in this blog on January 7, in a post that Ann titled aptly: "Mountain gave birth to a mouse... "

A better discussion was on January 6 on a post titled "American intelligence officials have concluded that Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, 'ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election'..."


Darrell said...

Imagine there's no Leftists
It isn't hard to do. . .

Jim at said...

"We all know the Russia investigation is ongoing."

Only you and the voices in your head, bint.

Jim at said...

"They need to call a press conference and state that they do not condone his misogyny or his hatred. They need to write op-eds making clear that he is wrong and acting in ways that not only demean the Presidency but our country. And they need to keep doing it until he stops..."

I'm just sure they are eager to take the advice of an avowed leftist enemy.

They'll get right on it.


Known Unknown said...

Both of those front pages look like Op-Ed pages.

Jim at said...

"The sun will come up tomorrow."

And Hillary Clinton still won't be president.

Bilwick said...

The narrative--I prefer the old-fashioned "party line"--changes pretty much from week to week. If I were a member of the "liberal" Hive, I'd have the bends or something from constantly trying to keep up with it.

Pianoman said...

It's interesting that I don't see any more shrieking about "Lowering The Office Of The Presidency" from the Left.

I guess all those reminders about President Clinton's behavior in the Oval Office finally got through their heads.

While the MSM is swooning and clutching their pearls, President Trump is actually Getting Stuff Done.

Why, it's almost like the President trolled the MSM. Again.

Michael K said...

We are now seeing more concern trolling from "jim" and others.

I assume this is a form of surrender.

Michael K said...

Sorry , it wasn't Jim. He was just commenting on it.


readering said...

Damn, I just realized George McGovern will never be president.

walter said...

And they told us Obamacray was to enable poets..

n.n said...

Presstitutes projecting about, of all things, prostitutes. What 1% John, foreign or domestic, do they serve?

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