June 27, 2017

What's the most disgusting thing about this Looper video, "Actors Who Were Drunk During Filming"?

I'll give you my answer later.

ADDED: The commenter Virgil Hilts essentially got it, in this comment that went up 9 minutes after the post (and it took 6 minutes to watch the video):
Thinking like Ann -- wow, the only examples they could come up with for actresses related to shooting sex scenes.

Thinking like most men -- wow, why didn't they show the actual sex scenes from the movies involving the drunk actresses.
Yes, all — I think all — of the actresses had used alcohol to get through sex scenes. There was variety to the stories of the male actors, and I don't think any of it had to do with sex (or even with overcoming inhibition caused by the ordeal the script imposed on them (unless you count Omar Sharif's fear of falling off a camel)).


David said...

The most disgusting part would be to watch it.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I was going to say, The voyeurism, but you beat me to it Dave.

Virgil Hilts said...

Thinking like Ann -- wow, the only examples they could come up with for actresses related to shooting sex scenes.
Thinking like most men -- wow, why didn't they show the actual sex scenes from the movies involving the drunk actresses.

rehajm said...

The most disgusting thing was brandy and milk.

traditionalguy said...

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. I think Bill Cosby said that.

Kevin said...

The background music.

traditionalguy said...

What, you don't like Brandy Alexanders????

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Sometimes you watch reruns of Star Trek TOS and it's, like, okay, three space aliens in bowling balls have taken over the bodies of three crew members because money's tight and this way the producers don't have to pay three guest stars to play the three aliens and Willie the Shat gets to ham it up for the win and what's so wrong about that?

Kate said...

1) It's too boring to finish, even though the topic should be titillating and lively.

2) Alcohol and art have a long, companionable history. Lumping in poor second-rate actresses who must get drunk to fulfill a humiliating contract and stories of struggle -- Shaw was wrong about his process, but would he've nailed the take the next day without the drunken attempt first? -- is lazy.

3) Harry Potter was a drunk??

Etienne said...

The narrators voice.

It sounds like a disgusting California voice; reading a disgusting California script; from a disgusting immigrant from Nevada.

Darrell said...

Brandy and milk.

Fernandinande said...

Most disgusting thing? That someone expects someone else to watch 6 minutes of trivial nonsense about actors.

Darrell said...

Aubrey Plaza (at the end) drinking out of the bottle without a credit.

BudBrown said...

The ending.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

This is pathetic.

I want drunken actors to be magnificent wrecks, like John Barrymore and Richard Burton.

Antiantifa said...

Fernandinande said...
Most disgusting thing? That someone expects someone else to watch 6 minutes of trivial nonsense about actors.

Amen, brother!! This is too flipping long. Bored me to tears.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker - Ogden Nash

tcrosse said...

Nothing says 'Wisconsin' like Brandy and Milk.

Darrell said...

No nudity.
What the hell are "stars" good for otherwise.

The Vault Dweller said...

Hmm.... I'm torn between the adults on the Harry Potter set doing nothing about Daniel Radcliffe, the under 18 child, showing up drunk and not at least trying to straighten him out, and Francis Ford Coppola in effect encouraging Paranoia in Martin Sheen, through booze, false rumors and imprisonment.

I'm going to go with Harry Potter, because the rumors Martin Sheen heard may in fact not have been false.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

My vote is the underage Harry Potter drinking to blackout regularly, etc., presumably with the knowledge of a lot of adults. I think it's a bit late for any of us to object to voyeurism; although this video may focus somewhat on young sexy people rather than old stinky disgusting ones who are obviously affected by alcohol.
I also agree that this effort seems a bit half-hearted. Once you start thinking about sex scenes, doesn't it make sense that actors at least use a drink or two to get into the mood with the lights on and the crew around? Where's Richard Burton and for that matter Liz? Did they do Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf cold sober? I find that unlikely. Wasn't there a well-documented story that for a tea-drinking scene, I don't remember in what movie, a cup had to be glued to the saucer because of the way Burton's hands were shaking? Surely Peter O'Toole had shoots where it was difficult to get him to show up, or perform, at all.

Jeff Gee said...

Robert Shaw in shorts, around the 2 minute mark.

Gahrie said...

Coppola messing with Sheen's mind?

Francisco D said...

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker -- Dorothy Parker

Static Ping said...

Drunken wizardry is the worst. You wake up the next day and your flat has been transformed into a hybrid of an apple and a pear, your fiancee's boobs have been turned into licking toads of which is not at all pleased given she has now built in defibrillators, and there is a mannequin in the corner with a broomstick shoved up its butt. Or at least you hope it is a mannequin. Perhaps it is best to leave that unexplored and discreetly buy a new broom and some magical disinfectant.

From a practical matter, Shaw was unable to perform because he was loaded. In the other cases, the booze actually helped their performances. There is some disgust in misusing a tool.

Jeff Gee said...

Upon further viewing, I believe it is in fact Richard Dreyfus wearing the shorts at the 2 minute mark.

Ralph L said...

As if those sluts hadn't been naked in public before. Right.
There's a reason actresses weren't considered respectable before Mae West.

Static Ping said...

And if you need to buy a new broom and magical disinfectant, do consider using the Althouse Amazon Portal to help support this blog. There you can find everything from the latest best selling books and music to Japanese video games that have been banned in 108 countries. (Note: "Magical disinfectant may not be actual magic. Drinking magical potions of any kind have been found to cause warts, incontinence, death, worse than death, worse than worse than death, involuntary polymorphing, glitter bombs, and the urge to watch The Incredible Burt Wonderstone in lab animals, all of which were people we didn't like. Please remember to not drink and divine.)

Bill Peschel said...

*punches buzzer*

What is "everything," Alex?

(For me, it was the narrator. I couldn't get past the first scene, which considering it was two beautiful young women kissing in a pool should tell you how much I couldn't take it.)

Re: Taylor and Burton, I remember reading someone's memoir that talked about sitting with them in a hotel lobby, waiting for something to happen, both of them blitzed, and Burton suddenly vomited down the front of his shirt. Glamour and success are mere veneers that say everything about the person's life and nothing about the inner man or woman.

themightypuck said...

The narrator's voice. Also brandy and milk sounds disgusting but that's probably because milk is disgusting. Always make a white russian with cream.

Darrell said...

Jeff Gee said...Upon further viewing, I believe it is in fact Richard Dreyfus wearing the shorts at the 2 minute mark.

You are the winner. He looks like an infantile paedo.

traditionalguy said...

Another name for brandy and milk is Bailey's Irish Cream. Love the sweetness in Airline coffee in the little bottles.

Dan C said...

Because it upset the notion we all had that actors were smart, wholesome role models?

William said...

The only thing I remember about Denise Richards' movie career was that make out scene. Movie magic.......They encouraged Edward Norton and Brad Pitt to have a make out scene during Fight Club. It was meant to demonstrate how Norton's alienated character was given to despairing acts of masturbation. The scene got a little out of hand (so to speak) and was later cut. They felt that the symbolism of Norton's fellatio of Pitt might be misunderstood. They filmed him taking a swing at Pitt instead. This symbolized his conflicted nature.

J2 said...

I'm scared to even post this -

the baby crib?

Ralph L said...

No fucking way I'm going to watch that again to guess what Althouse didn't like.

madAsHell said...

Two girls kissing? Of course, I found that so disgusting that I had to watch twice.

tcrosse said...

Another name for brandy and milk is Bailey's Irish Cream. Love the sweetness in Airline coffee in the little bottles.

It does make a bowl of oatmeal stand up.

pdug said...

he who laughs at calamity shall not be unpunished.

My dad would quote that proverb whenever a TV show would include a drunk character for laughs.

Kevin said...

Thread has died down. Is it later yet?

Anthony said...

William said...
The only thing I remember about Denise Richards' movie career was that make out scene. Movie magic.

I just remember the fight scene in Undercover Brother.

Snark said...

Congrats to anybody with the steel to make it all the way through. I bailed. What aching drivel that was.

Yancey Ward said...

I drink to Richard Dreyfuss' leg.

Real American said...

Nothing was disgusting. Now, please redefine disgusting for us all.

BxBomber said...

I didnt watch the whole thing. I stopped at the discussion of two adult actresses getting drunk in order to have the "courage" to perform a lesbian scene. Hollywood is like a big drunk frat boy trying to get girls wasted so he can have his way with them. Only diff is Hollywood gets Oscars and the frat boys get jail time for date rape.

Night Owl said...

I couldn't make it past 5 seconds because of the narrator's voice. Something about it was just too off-putting.

Earnest Prole said...

That's easy. The most disgusting thing is that Francis Ford Coppola kept Martin Sheen locked up and hammered in preparation for the Apocalypse Now scene where Coppola goads Sheen into smashing the mirror and smearing his blood around; shortly thereafter, Sheen had a heart attack. Heart of Darkness indeed.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Questions of consent. So important.
Encouraging women to become impaired as part of one's own commercial enterprise? Shocking. Rape culture at its finest and most evil.

Smash Hollywood! Do it for the women and children.

Anyone supporting Hollywood and related artists is encouraging rape. Couldn't be clearer.

Virgil Hilts said...

I've been added as a "tag" to this post, so I assume I win.

Real American said...

Disgusting is people eating live insects. Lack of variety hardly qualifies.

Kevin said...

Ok but be fair, the background music is pretty damned disgusting.

jameswhy said...

After reading all these reactions, I think I'll get drunk before I watch.

Michael K said...

I tend to agree about the sex scenes with women.

It reminds me of the old joke whose punch line is "It took me three martinis just to get her out in the alley !"

Alex said...

Rumor has it that Peter O'Toole was drunk in every scene from 1960 to 1976.

Alex said...

Earnest Prole said...
That's easy. The most disgusting thing is that Francis Ford Coppola kept Martin Sheen locked up and hammered in preparation for the Apocalypse Now scene where Coppola goads Sheen into smashing the mirror and smearing his blood around; shortly thereafter, Sheen had a heart attack. Heart of Darkness indeed.

6/27/17, 2:45 PM

Coppola did Sheen a favor with that. A healthy man would not get a heart attack from a few days of heavy drinking. Sheen is still with us thanks to Coppola's kindness.

Alex said...

Where's Richard Burton and for that matter Liz? Did they do Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf cold sober? I find that unlikely. Wasn't there a well-documented story that for a tea-drinking scene, I don't remember in what movie, a cup had to be glued to the saucer because of the way Burton's hands were shaking? Surely Peter O'Toole had shoots where it was difficult to get him to show up, or perform, at all.

The glory days when actors could get totally hammered and deliver Oscar-worthy performance. Richard Burton was the best(worst) drunk of them all.

Alex said...

re: Burton's vomiting. Great artists go all the way.

readering said...

Disgusting? Not a big enough sample to draw conclusions.

Jeff Gee said...

Okay, but this still needs a "men in shorts" tag.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, when male actors do a nude sex scene they're supposed to say "Please pardon me if I get an erection -- and especially pardon me if I don't."

Scott said...

Lee Marvin said he was drunk when he did his death scene in The Killers (1964), and it's pretty good.

Joe said...

RE: Peter O'Toole

See: My Favorite Year

One great quote is when O'Toole/Swan stumbles into the wrong restroom:

Lil: This is for ladies only!

Alan Swann: [unzipping fly] So is *this*, ma'am, but every now and then I have to run a little water through it.

Rich Rostrom said...

Towards the end of his life Curly the Stooge was drinking heavily, and some of the Stooge shorts from that period suffered. (A lot of their slapstick routines required very precise timing.)

FIDO said...

Is it the editorial selection? I mean, there were only two women mentioned and in both, yes it was for sex scenes.

Was that because no actress ever got looped before an performance? Kat Hepburn might have had a few snorts with Spencer in one of their many films.

I don't know. They might have picked sex scenes simply to take a slightly interesting video to spruce it up so they had an excuse to put three hot women in the video. After all, they led off with Wild Things.

I mean, looking at Rosanne Barr and Kathy Bates, both of them just scream 'alcoholics' to me but who would watch a film about them?

So if you'd like to be offended, please feel free. But I would wonder 'why are you upset'? Is it that men like naked women? Might as well bark at the moon over that. That the girls are 'forced' to get naked? No. They willfully took up this profession. You can no more get mad at that choice than you get to be mad at having to do Doc Review as an early lawyer, or that medical interns work 30 hour shifts: you knew that was a VERY likely part of the job going in.

FIDO said...

I didnt watch the whole thing. I stopped at the discussion of two adult actresses getting drunk in order to have the "courage" to perform a lesbian scene. Hollywood is like a big drunk frat boy trying to get girls wasted so he can have his way with them. Only diff is Hollywood gets Oscars and the frat boys get jail time for date rape.

Well, to stop you right there, did none of these women read the scripts? You know...BEFORE they said 'yes'?

Granted, Frat boys would have much more success if they dangled two million dollars in front of the actresses instead of some Jaeger Shots. If they did that, they would have a line out the door...

There is this thing called 'consent' and it was given. That the girls got cold feet is a problem but it is a PERSONAL problem. Both of them could have walked away and they would still be rich.

Denise Richards is worth $12 million, Neve is worth $10.

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