৩ জুন, ২০১৭

What it means to say "He broke me" — the words Kathy Griffin said 3 times and made her cry.

Here's yesterday's post about Griffin's "He broke me." She'd lawyered up, and she'd moved beyond her sincere apology for going too far and wanted all the people who were outraged and attacking her to know that now they'd gone too far, and they had become the bullies. But it shifted from crying out about all the many people who were swarming her, to a focus on the one man, Trump. The key phrase was "He broke me." That one man, he broke her.

If you do a Google image search for "broke me," you'll see something like this:

"Broke me" belongs in melodramatic speech about a love relationship. Where did that visualization of Trump come from? Kathy Griffin never had a love relationship Donald Trump — did she?! — so how could there have been an emotional reservoir from which "He broke me" could spring?

You might argue, it wasn't that kind of "broke me." It was like breaking a horse. She sees herself as a wild, untamed creature — galloping comedy, running free. And Trump tamed her. He got that saddle on her and he's riding her. No. I'm not seeing that.

She was in relationship mode. "He broke me" is of a piece with: I really loved him. But how can that make sense?! It made enough sense for her to stop and listen to herself and say it again and hear herself again and say it once more with overly passionate feeling, like a ham actress in a bad movie. Why?! Where did that come from?

One answer is: We (some of us) are experiencing Donald Trump as our boyfriend. We love him in a romantic way. It's easy to see that we felt like that about Obama. I wrote a post in 2014 about how I already had 54 post with my tag "Obama the Boyfriend." It is something that happens with political leaders, romantic fixation. It was especially strong with Obama, and we could see it and (often) confess to it, because he was outwardly so charming and attractive and we wanted to be seen loving him.

But Trump?! Could Trump's success — his bizarre, how-the-hell-did-that-happen? success — be explained as romantic love? Throughout the campaign season, I know, I always opposed Trump on the sheer merits, but I also observed myself rooting for him. It was absurd, and yet I saw it happening for months. I didn't want him to win, so what was this crazy elation when he did win? I asked myself that question over and over again and observed myself on the heightened scrutiny level of knowing I was doing it and that it was bizarre.

I'm not making a new tag for this. I'll just give it my old tag "Trump derangement syndrome." It's a love/hate relationship.


৫৩৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   536 এর 201 – থেকে 400   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

If you're a boiler so be it: Intelligence Artificial.

My IA has overcome ever single time your supposed AI.

Don't worry.

You're smart.

Don't worry.

You're smart.

Don't worry,

You are very smart.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Griffin is a broke-ass ginger.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ Inga

So you're saying Kathy Griffin went over some imaginary line in the hopes of inciting Trump supporters to cross some imaginary line? And only the response would matter, not the initial incitement?

When the Left punished people for espousing Wrong Think was that backlash or incitement? And which is to be punished?

Non-Leftists have been warning the Left that their tactics would be met. The lesson still hasn't stuck.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Again, the only way for conservatives to gain lefty support"

I'm supporting a lot of cons these days - a great many who can't stomach the slob in chief. I wish them well.

MD Greene বলেছেন...

On the plus side, she'll always have Berkeley. And Middlebury.

Birkel বলেছেন...

John McCain and Lindsay Graham have received the all-important Brookzene endoresement.

Well, maybe not Lindsay Graham who believes he was improperly unmasked by the Obama Administration.

That might be Wrong Think line crossing.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Why hasn't someone been coining Art Official and making bank?

You all all in on it?

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

It has become embarrassing and she should just drop the mask.
6/3/17, 10:13 AM

Arm, if you don't like the free ice cream, why do you come here and gorge on it every day?

Drago বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "I'm supporting a lot of cons these days.."

I wouldn't be to exuberant in letting that be known since that, ipso facto, makes you a deplorable Nazi.

Btw, define "a lot".

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Broke Woke WhatEVAH!

I NEVER looked at any president as boyfriend material.

Ever. It's a ewwwwww factor since I was never into older or old men.

I don't care about whether they wear tighty-whiteys.

My concern is would they help or hinder?

The former rapist-in-chief was slime, but since he was the 1st boomer pres, he got a pass, he's our slime!

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "That might be Wrong Think line crossing."

Graham has been quite good on the Obama/Dems domestic spying scandal and he is not letting go of it.

McCain will always do whatever hurts a republican President and will happily participate in whatever Dem shenanigans are afoot, just as he did against W and now with Trump. In particular his role in the fake dossier handling is poignant.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Loll brooks end thinks McCain is a con? And his mini-me Lindsay?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"So you're saying Kathy Griffin went over some imaginary line in the hopes of inciting Trump supporters to cross some imaginary line? And only the response would matter, not the initial incitement?"

No. Her initial bloody head trick was just extremely bad judgment and despicable, I'm not sure why in the world she did it.

She's trolling you with her "He broke me" schtick and her tears. If she was sincerely sorry, she'd just be quiet and go away for a long time. She wants to be in the public eye for a few reasons, one of which is to get you Trumpists to look more bloodthirsty than she did.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Yrump broke KG before she did the head thing. He made her cross the line, and lose all sense of balance necause he is so terrible. The same as he causes some celebrities to overeat and get fat, and he causes others to lose appetite and lose weight.
The same way he makes Snoopy Dog do a vid shooting trump in the head. Same way he makes robby deniro want to bunch his face. The same way he makes little joey biden want to take him out back and beat him up.

He just makes them ca-ca- crazy.

Meanwhile, sun is shining here , Las Vegas had the coolest May in decades, all the bad stuff because of Trump will happen "someday"

And , best of all, there gonna be another Trump appointed supreme court justice.

Oh, and lefties starting to dis respect Hitlery,and her excuses, finally.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

This is an interesting article. There is considerable overlap between the left and the right with respect to their frustration with the power of the oligarchs. If they could stop bickering about trivial shit like effigies they might raise their heads and look at how the country actually works these days and do something about it.

Ambrose বলেছেন...

What exactly did Trump do? Was't it Griffin's liberal friends who abandoned her? Did Trump force CNN to drop her?

Fen বলেছেন...

Again what Callahan said and Insty backs up: the more the Left froths and hyperventilates, the more Trump voters accept that they made the right choice.

And have you looked at the midterm map? You are defending more seats than you are attacking. It's going to be an uphill climb just to keep the seats you have. And Trump's rejection of the Paris Accord is going to energize voters that you took for granted.

So please, keep up the hysteria. Hell, I may even Moby just so you will keep hitting yourself.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ Inga

That was a thoroughly useless response. Try again?

Grab your carry on.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

As Trump's popularity continues to plummet, exactly who are the most recent people who are leaving him? Lefties?

Darrell বলেছেন...

The Daily Beast is a liberal website run by far-left anti-Tea Party activist John Avlon. Founded by liberal media figure Tina Brown, the website has become infamous for its history of false reporting. On January 30, 2015, The Daily Beast declared that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had decided to run for the U.S. presidency in 2016. The website was left humiliated less than two hours later when Governor Romney announced that he had decided to not run for the presidency. On February 27, 2015, The Daily Beast claimed that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state's universities. The next day, that claim was proven to be a lie and as a result the website retracted the claim, although the author of the claim refused to apologize. In the immediate aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, The Daily Beast falsely identified the brother of one of the terrorists as one of the perpetrators.

No wonder ARM links to it.

Birkel বলেছেন...


If you give up your delusions of power through the federal government, you might gain some support. Until then all entreaties to join the Left against the powers that be are bull shit posturing.

Devolve power away from a centralized authority and increase the transaction costs of those who would rule.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "No. Her initial bloody head trick was just extremely bad judgment and despicable, I'm not sure why in the world she did it."


Ingas self-proclaimed mind-reading skills which she employs "religiously" to explain what's "really going on" with Trump populists and consevatives fail her utterly if the subject is a leftist.

Strange indeed.

Fen বলেছেন...

No ARM, we don't trust people like you anymore. And your offer sounds too much like the usual "civility" bullshit you play when you guys are flat on the mat. Soon as you catch your breath you'll be spitting in our face again. No deal.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The Professor has a point. Trump has worked hard to engage our loyalty to a strong, intelligent, sharp dressing leader who, so far has, proven he is on our side. That ability is the key to leadership 101. And it is as American as the 1950s that was the result of the Greatest Generation millions of men following men's leadership into a total War to the death.

Remember , people also saw FDR in that light, and they cut him a lot of slack, and in the end, they wept when he died. That was a love straight out of loyalty to a good Patriarch. It was not Eleanor Roosevelt's cup of tea, but it was a genuine leadership style that connected to the deplorable men.

Bottom line: men can form social hierarchies with respected boundaries and common sense under a trusted leader. Women like Griffin hate that male talent, and finally have to admit it breaks them.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"As Trump's popularity continues to plummet, exactly who are the most recent people who are leaving him?"

I have a feeling Althouse is halfway out the door. You know, there are 50 ways to leave your lover.

"The problem is all inside your head, she said to me
The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover

She said it's really not my habit to intrude
For the more I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued
So I repeat myself, at the risk of being cruel
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover, fifty ways to leave your lover

Just slip out the back, Jack, make a new plan, Stan
Don't need to be coy, Roy, just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus, don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee, and get yourself free...."

Matt বলেছেন...

Griffin scores own goal. Obviously Trump's fault. I'm glad she was able to retain Lisa Bloom to help my dumbass understand how that works.

sprx বলেছেন...

She breaks just like a little girl

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Inga said...

"So you're saying Kathy Griffin went over some imaginary line in the hopes of inciting Trump supporters to cross some imaginary line? And only the response would matter, not the initial incitement?"

No. Her initial bloody head trick was just extremely bad judgment and despicable, I'm not sure why in the world she did it.

She's trolling you with her "He broke me" schtick and her tears. If she was sincerely sorry, she'd just be quiet and go away for a long time. She wants to be in the public eye for a few reasons, one of which is to get you Trumpists to look more bloodthirsty than she did.

6/3/17, 11:47 AM

KG, Colbert, Bill Maher, all represent you , dems, progressives, antifa, et all. The longer she whines, the worse you look. Majority of Americans not on internet talking politics like we are. Majority see that bloody head as an insult to America. When other countries say "Fuck Trump " because of Paris pullout, most Americans say, well fuck you, too, because most Americans do not know much about it, but they do know nothing bad has happened because of "Global warming. Average person things it is all bullshit, because it is.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "There is considerable overlap between the left and the right with respect to their frustration with the power of the oligarchs."

We already know this and it has been hashed over ad nauseum.

What is worth discussing is how quickly those on the populist left fell completely back in line with those oligarchs.


Leading to this relevant observation: what do you get when you cross a lefty populist and the oligarchs?

More oligarchs! (In terms of policies).

No different to how US "anarchists" find themselves so aligned with the establishment Dems.

In the end, if you are not rigorously "conservative" in principles you will inevitably devolve to statist/oligarch supporting sheep.

Regardless of how you label yourself.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"You know, there are 50 ways to leave your lover."

On point. Even Mattis is trolling Trump.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "I have a feeling Althouse is halfway out the door."

Ingas "feelings". Lol

Talk about a devalued commodity!

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Your love-hate Trump theory is entertaining and somewhat insightful, but a trip to the dictionary shows Kathy Griffin used the verb broke in sense 6:

a. to defeat utterly and end as an effective force: destroy (“used starvation to break the enemy”)

b. to crush the spirit of ("brutal methods broke the prisoner”)

c. to make tractable or submissive

d. to exhaust in health, strength, or capacity

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "I'm supporting a lot of cons these days.."

Indeed, since you voted for Hillary and supported the Paris accords.

Those are 2 of the biggest cons going.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Ingas 'feelings'. Lol"

Trump cons and alt+Righties who can't rub two neurons together without lying...well, just sayin'.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

And Maher has dropped the 'N' word in a 'joke'. He is toast. These douchebags are showing their true colors now.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Indeed, since you voted for Hillary and supported the Paris accords.

Yes, let's talk about who doesn't support the Paris accords...Syria...Venezuela...and then there's the Trumpelstiltskins...who else, let's see...hmmm...did I say Venezuela?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Althouse is a feeling woman. She feels the Trump tide receding, or maybe she's doing the receding. We'll see.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

What is worth discussing is how quickly those on the populist left fell completely back in line with those oligarchs.


Yep, and that was disappointing.

But when the populist left rails against the 1 percent, it is not because they want more liberty. It's because they want more free shit.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Althouse has a brain to balance out her emotions. If all she did was bleat about feeeeellings, she'd be you.

And nobody would pay any attention to her blog.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Venezuelan state official was hoping his country would now support the Paris accords because he couldn't stand his country being one of only two countries on the same side as the United States.

Fen বলেছেন...

Brooke, if you and Inga are going to fap each off again, please get a room.

I Callahan বলেছেন...

And Maher has dropped the 'N' word in a 'joke'. He is toast. These douchebags are showing their true colors now.

I can't stand Maher. I think he and Colbert are two of the most arrogant, uppity lefties in all of Hollywood. Maher is the only guy who I would have to consider, for a while, if punching him in the face is worth facing the legal consequences.

That said, I'm giving him a pass on this one. It's a word that was NOT meant as a slight to anyone, and it's NOT a picture of the severed head of the president of the United States.

This one falls beneath my outrage meter's red line.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga once again breaks out the "All-Powerful Google Cut & Paster Persuasion Device"!

In lieu of actual thought and reason.

Which breaks Brookzene heart.

Ergo, Inga "Broke" Brookzene.

And let me tell you something my little amigos, there is nothing sadder than a Broken Brookzene. There is no prosthetic for an amputated spirit (ht to Al Pacino).

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"She feels the Trump tide receding, or maybe she's doing the receding"

Ah, the lies Inga has to tell herself to get through the day.

That's what happens when you're all feeeellllings and no brains.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"That's what happens when you're all feeeellllings and no brains."

Do you think Trump's popularity is going up exiledonmianstreet? Do you have a "reason" for thinking so? Or is that your feeeelllling?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Note: Griffin was happy to throw that carefully created bloody severed head image at the fool Trump, and she could stand up to him any day of the week.

Then DJT escalated to the Patriarchy Rules: He came back at Griffin as the Father of a family protecting his young son and the son's mother. That is why men assembled and went to war in 1942 and that is why they still do it. Which is what scared the shit out of Griffin.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Inga once again breaks out the "All-Powerful Google Cut & Paster Persuasion Device"!

In lieu of actual thought and reason.

Which breaks Brookzene heart.

Ergo, Inga "Broke" Brookzene."

I give. WTF are you talking about, Mister Brains?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
More oligarchs! (In terms of policies).

Confusing two issues. Yes the left likes the look of Canada and western Europe and Australia and New Zealand and every other civilized country on the planet but they don't like oligarchs any more than the right. Alliances don't have to agree on everything.

Drago বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "Yes, let's talk about who doesn't support the Paris accords.."


When you are handing out free money and the promise of rich countries transferring whole industries to other countries, don't be surprised when lots of those "other" countries line up for all the free stuff!

Now let's talk about which countries DO support the accords: Russia and Macedonia!

Well, I wonder if Hillary and the Podesta pay for play gang were involved there?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"....If all she did was bleat about feeeeellings, she'd be you."

Good thing Althouse doesn't sound like a chained dog snarling at the neighbor's cat.

David বলেছেন...

Maybe she meant "brake" as in "to stop?"

He sure did brake her. Full stop, crash into wall variety brake.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Brookzene said...
Venezuelan state official was hoping his country would now support the Paris accords because he couldn't stand his country being one of only two countries on the same side as the United States.

6/3/17, 12:15 PM

Venezuela's socialist government is shooting its starving citizens in the streets.

They've got rather more pressing matters on their minds than the Paris accords.

BTW, why isn't Sean Penn down there cheering on the government as it murders its own people? Venezuela was a shining model for the left a dozen years ago, when Chavez was cheered for calling Dubya the devil. You don't hear much about that countries wonderful success any more.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

My retriever sez Dogs Rule, Cats Drool!

David বলেছেন...

"Good thing Althouse doesn't sound like a chained dog snarling at the neighbor's cat."

You better hope that chain holds, kitty.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "Confusing two issues. Yes the left likes the look of Canada and western Europe and Australia and New Zealand and every other civilized country on the planet but they don't like oligarchs any more than the right."

I don't care about rhetoric. Words are cheap as Obama and the left constantly rediscover.

I care about policy outcomes.

On that basis: left = left populist = Democrat = statists = oligarchs.

Drago বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "I give. WTF are you talking about, Mister Brains?"

That's Senor Brains to you, H8ter.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Now let's talk about which countries DO support the accords"

Okay, let's. 148 countries signed on to the Paris accords. 3, Venezuela, Syria, and the United States of Trumpelstiltskin, did not. Three.

Fen বলেছেন...

Party at Brooke's house ALL MONTH LONG. Open bar. 5 star catering. Tier one escorts. Lexus raffle every day at noon. And Brooke has been gracious enough to pick up the tab!

RSVP please....

Everyone at Althouse confirms except Brooke, Syria and Fen.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

We wanted to be seen loving him?


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"He broke me"

Surprised by Althouse's post and all the comments because the simple and obvious answer is it means nothing at all. It's the vacuous emoting of a child caught in a misdeed and feigning grief to avoid punishment. Full stop.

Off topic, thanks, Clyde, for the great link! I didn't know that existed. I'm a Japanese history buff but find their postwar popular culture almost unfathomable. A 100mg edible and a walk through that cityscape would be a memorable experience.

Drago বলেছেন...

Exiled: "Venezuela's socialist government is shooting its starving citizens in the streets."

And it's judges.

And it's farmers.

And Maduro and his pals are rewriting the Constitution. Apparently Maduro is adding an eraser to his list of what he needs to run his nation in addition to a pen and a phone.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

"You better hope that chain holds, kitty."

Oh the dog's chains will always hold it, it's owner made sure of that. It'll just keep snarling at the cat who walks by, enjoying her freedom and swishing her tail at the beast.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Okay, let's. 148 countries signed on to the Paris accords

You get that kind of consensus when people think there is free money to be had.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"BTW, why isn't Sean Penn down there cheering on the government as it murders its own people?"

Ha ha love these kooks who scream about logic and reason then can't keep an argument going without changing the subject after two seconds! Model of impeccable logic, you are!

Brookzene বলেছেন...

By the way...SQUIRREL!!!!!

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Ooohhhhhh they signed!

Circle jerk.

How many signed Kyoto?

How did that go?

If Kyoto worked, there wouldn't have been a need for Pais, now would there?

It's only $3 billion, start a crowdfunding if you're so concerned.

Between Hollyweird and the tech companies, they could fund our portion themselves.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"You get that kind of consensus when people think there is free money to be had."

Sure, sure. Tell yourself and your grandchildren whatever you have to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Just think. If you spent half as much time as you do on this crap as you might on science/the humanities - you could actually contribute to making the world a better place.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
you could actually contribute to the world becoming a better place.

Who says I want it to be a better place?

Fen বলেছেন...

Brooke that comes to $9 billion, plus another $1 trillion in property damage.

But don't fret - Inga, Ritmo and ARM have promised to throw in $2 billion maybe sometime later.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ Brookzene

If it makes you feel better, just consider that Trump is leading from behind on the non-treaty that never bound the United States to anything.

The so-called Paris Accords (sic).

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Maybe at some point it will be more important to actually "do something" than to be seen signing something as a communal pat on the back. Aren't we wonderful?

Don't we care?

It's for the children!


It always runs out.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

""Now let's talk about which countries DO support the accords"

Okay, let's. 148 countries signed on to the Paris accords. 3, Venezuela, Syria, and the United States of Trumpelstiltskin, did not. Three."

And how many of those 148 will actually do anything to further the goals of the accord? I'm guessing the number is much, much closer to 8 than 148. Talk about vacuous emoting. Still, it's a good way for Third World countries to leverage graft from First World suckers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

exiledonmainstreet said...
why isn't Sean Penn down there cheering on the government

Sean Penn is 'the left' in the same sense that Alex Jones is 'the right'.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"And Maduro and his pals are rewriting the Constitution."

And you guys are with Maduro and Assad on the world's most pressing issue - nobody else, just youse brilliant guys - Trump the Slob.

You would think that would be a clue to you geniuses but tweet tweet! over your head.

As all other clues from Russia to Trump's inability to resist both the pettiest of lies and a mirror have gone over your head as well, you just have to assume it's a reflection of who you are.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Brookzene said...
"BTW, why isn't Sean Penn down there cheering on the government as it murders its own people?"

Ha ha love these kooks who scream about logic and reason then can't keep an argument going without changing the subject after two seconds! Model of impeccable logic, you are."

You're the fool who brought up Venezuela. I merely pointed out that Venezuela has bigger problems on its' plate right now than the Paris accords. And that its government was applauded by assholes like you, who now avert their eyes from the ruin.

Darrell বলেছেন...

What do you think happens between Ice Ages?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Inga fell for the video explanation, Drago.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"you could actually contribute to the world becoming a better place."

Who says I want it to be a better place?

That's true. These retrogrades seem to have no ideology, let alone ideas. Just a need to promote their misanthropic malcontent.

They hate the world and, by golly, once they get done with it (and with you), you will too!

Forget everything else. This is what they stand for and are all about.

Darrell বলেছেন...

If Lefties cared about your grandchildren, they would kill themselves now.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Trump can afford to be a slob.


Birkel বলেছেন...


1) What does the Paris Accords (sic) require of the signatories?

2) What is the mechanism for enforcement?

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"And how many of those 148 will actually do anything to further the goals of the accord?"

I don't know. My guess is if you stay in the accord you get to exercise your leadership and influence the others.

Of course, the USA can't seem to cede its leadership in the world to others fast enough these days...Trump cons and alt+righties find that a "feature".

Another tweet tweet moment where the obvious flies right other their heads.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Retrograde anthem:

We hate the world! We hate its children!

We are the ones to make a darker place, so let's start grousing!

There's a choice we're making.. we're ending our own lives!

It's true we'll make a worse place, just you and me!

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"As all other clues from Russia to Trump's inability to resist both the pettiest of lies and a mirror have gone over your head as well, you just have to assume it's a reflection of who you are."

Fingers going faster than my thoughts...or vise versa.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Ritmo should hire a lawyer to explain his jokes--like Griffin did.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I can't stand Maher. I think he and Colbert are two of the most arrogant, uppity lefties in all of Hollywood. Maher is the only guy who I would have to consider, for a while, if punching him in the face is worth facing the legal consequences.

That said, I'm giving him a pass on this one. It's a word that was NOT meant as a slight to anyone, and it's NOT a picture of the severed head of the president of the United States.

This one falls beneath my outrage meter's red line.

Most, if not all, blacks would disagree. I've known enough 'people of color' to know that, while the 'N' word is acceptable in black conversation, it is unacceptable when used by whites. Unfair? Perhaps. But there it is. Libtard think they are exempt from racial boundaries. They aren't.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Trump can afford to be a slob.


Hey, be all the slob you can be. Just don't pretend you are fit then for the highest office in the land. You aren't. Slobs have bad character."

Drago বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "Just don't pretend you are fit then for the highest office in the land."

Why not?

Hillary did.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

The NY Times absolutely loved Hugo Chavez's 2006 performance at the UN. I guess they're just like Alex Jones too:

"But compared with Ahmadinejad, Chávez was just more colorful. He brandished a copy of Noam Chomsky's "Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance" and recommended it to members of the General Assembly to read. Later, he said at a news conference that one of his greatest regrets was not getting to meet Chomsky before he died. (Chomsky, 77, is still alive.).

He suggested that Americans read Chomsky's book instead of spending all their time "watching Superman and Batman" movies.

Minutes later, at the same news conference, Chávez offered to double the amount of heating oil Venezuela donates to poor communities in the United States. He reminded reporters that Citgo, which is owned by Petróleos de Venezuela, delivered free and discounted oil to Indian tribal reservations and low-income neighborhoods in the United States, including the Bronx.

"We are ready to double our oil donations," Chávez said. "That is a Christian gesture."

Ah, what a delightful card old Hugo was!

Chomsky must be so proud of the socialist Utopia down there!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo should hire a lawyer to explain his jokes--like Griffin did.

If you're going to pretend I hurt your feelings to the point of claiming damages, you might want to change your uninspired, boring and staid/last-century buttoned up dipshit with heavy framed glasses and a lit cigarette avatar, Professor Snowflake. It has a way of not coming across as delicately as you'd need to convey. Just nerdy, awkward and stupid. But in a "The Old Days Toughened Me Up!" kind of way.

The last time that personality/character was attempted for portrayal was with Michael Douglas in Falling Down. And yes, you look like you're about to snap just as easily.

Fen বলেছেন...

Heywaitaminute. You guys have been so obnoxiously super sure that Trump will be impeached. Because of Russia something mumble mumble. So why are you running around like chicken littles with your head's cut off?

That was a triple mixed metaphor, btw. I win.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I've known enough 'people of color' to know that, while the 'N' word is acceptable in black conversation, it is unacceptable when used by whites. Unfair? Perhaps.

Blacks are being unfair to us!

Let's lynch/enslave/discriminate/intimidate/disenfranchise/redline/rape them once again until they know what white fairness is all about!

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"The NY Times absolutely loved Hugo Chavez's 2006 performance at the UN."

Why are you going on about that shit? Is that some sort of higher logic your using that the rest of us can't hope to divine?

You know the argument isn't between people who reason and people who feel. It's between people who use both appropriately and others (Trump cons here) who can't use either appropriately.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Fen said...
That was a triple mixed metaphor, btw. I win.

I didn't know they were still giving out prizes for retards.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

mockturtle wrote:

"Most, if not all, blacks would disagree. I've known enough 'people of color' to know that, while the 'N' word is acceptable in black conversation, it is unacceptable when used by whites. Unfair? Perhaps. But there it is. Libtards think they are exempt from racial boundaries. They aren't."

Yep. Hold them to their own rules.

Drago বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "I don't know. My guess is if you stay in the accord you get to exercise your leadership and influence the others."


There is no "influencing" the global government types who simply want to raid the US piggy bank.

The US is THE world leader in technology development that will lead to reductions in CO2. The reasons are obvious and most obvious is this: the richest nations are the cleanest nations.

The Paris Accord would lock in economic advantages for the biggest dirtiest polluters while placing ZERO requirements or enforcement mechanisms to ensure those nations hit even their own self-generated pathetic targets.

Let's get specific here. Let's dive into the Accord specifics itself and have you guys explain the actual cause-and-effect-mechanisms that would address what you assert is an existential threat.

No more pie in the sky, religiously based argumentation with appeals to authority.

Just go ahead and lay out which Accord specifics would yield which specific results which would translate to what specific benefit with one MAJOR additional requirement: Include the Cost side of the equation along with the asserted Benefits.

Don't worry. No one is under any illusions that any of the #RealityBasedCommunity is prepared to do that since, as a religion, AGW requires acceptance and obedience, not critical assessment.

Drago বলেছেন...

Brookzene: "Why are you going on about that shit?"

Because Venezuela is just the latest example of so very very many of where the left here wants to take us.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Oh, good grief!

I don't care about your fear that if you go to Paris, some waiter will spit in your soup because we didn't sign a meaningless paper!

Get over yourselves.

Obama gave you what you wanted, America taking a step back. Trump is giving you what you wanted, letting someone else lead and NOW the sky is falling.

On the other hand, we are the original rogue nation, this is what we do and have done for 250 years.


My ancestors left for a reason and preferred to slug it out with bears, Cougars and the great unknown instead of returning.

They're not as smart as you think they are.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

What a day! Changed the oil on three of my vehicles already. Poured the old oil down the storm drain. I am lucky to have that storm drain right on the corner. Saves time when I need to dispose of old paint, oil, and other chemicals.

William বলেছেন...

I saw the Weiner documentary. I think the filmmaker's original intent was to present a story of repentance and redemption. Then Weiner had a fresh outbreak of perversity and ruined the scenario......I think that there are many who would like to forgive Griffin and embrace her edgy ways, but she keeps acting dumber. Compound interest is a fearsome force when your stupidity deposits are put to work.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

ARM said..."There is considerable overlap between the left and the right with respect to their frustration with the power of the oligarchs."

The left and the right may share frustations with the oligarchs but the overlap ends there. The left are statists; their only complaint is that the oligarchs are pulling the levers of government for their own interests. The left believes if they just install the "correct" leaders their preferred outcome will obtain. But it won't; power corrupts. We'd just have new oligarchs. I frankly don't know what "the right" wants, but libertarians understand that government power must be scaled back for the oligarchs to be disenfranchised.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yep. Hold them to their own rules.

American retro-conservatives! Enforcer of fair treatment rules for teh blacks!

That's why so many of them vote Republican, after all!

Any other groups that the connies sneakily decided that they're suddenly spokespeople for? I wanna know ahead of time. Thanks!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"You know the argument isn't between people who reason and people who feel. It's between people who use both appropriately and others (Trump cons here) who can't use either appropriately."

Well said!

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

"Matchpoint Of Our Love" (Brian Wilson/Mike Love)

It's been a long, long while
Since we've been strung out on love
And there's no mask of a smile
That can hide what we're thinkin' of
From your heart I hear
Only distant echoes of empty love
I guess this must be the matchpoint of our love

Early in the game when you broke me
Just like a serve (matchpoint matchpoint)
We shoulda walked off the court
But we both didn't have the nerve (matchpoint matchpoint)
So we volleyed a while with small talk
And a smile and as push comes to shove
I'd say this must be the matchpoint of our love

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Poured the old oil down the storm drain. I am lucky to have that storm drain right on the corner. Saves time when I need to dispose of old paint, oil, and other chemicals.

Better for the environment and your obviously unsound body and brain if you drink it first. Gets a head start on the breakdown process.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Original Mike said...
libertarians understand that government power must be scaled back for the oligarchs to be disenfranchised.

Not sure that libertarians have any useful answers for the inherent tendency of free markets to become monopolies.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Well said!"

Bleated the mind-reader.

Can't wait to see Inga input on the specifics of the accord and how those translate to actual verifiable benefits.

Should be hilarious.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago just barks, barks, barks. Annoying but not dangerous.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Brookzene unwisely drags Venezuela in to the conversation. I counter by pointing out that Sean Penn's favorite country has um, issues right now, thanks to the socialist policies Penn so loves.

ARM says Penn is like Alex Jones, just some fringe character. I counter by posting a bit of the gushing coverage the NY Times gave to Chavez, the instigator if Venezuela's present woes, back in 2006.

Brookzene then blubbers "why are you going on about this shit?"

Because, bonehead, you brought it up and I was rebutting the idiotic points you two thought you made. I can understand why you dislike being proven a dolt, but acting like you don't understand how comment threads work doesn't make you look any wiser.

Drago বলেছেন...

Just for the record, despite all the back and forth there has been some agreement on a few items with ARM and Brookzene which just goes to show that when everyone goes back to their corners, takes a breath and gains a bit of perspective, its easier to see the Venn Overlaps, even if they aren't that large.

But then we come out swinging again, don't we? Let's face it, we enjoy that part more.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Because Venezuela is just the latest example of so very very many of where the left here wants to take us."

TFW you can't think of any logical reason your opponents are wrong so you just make it up and phone it in. YAWN!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sing it, retro-conservatives!

We hate the world!

We hate its children!

We are the ones to make a darker day,

so let's start grousing!

There's a choice we're making,

We're ending our own lives!

It's true we'll make a much worse place -

Just you and me!

William বলেছেন...

Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Melissa McCarthy are reliably liberal, but, imho, they're legitimately funny and I'll go out of my way to see some of their shows or movies. Amy Schumer--I know just enough about her to avoid her shows. Sarah Silverman is sort of ok. I think I like her, however, not because of her humor but because she's kind of hot. Lena Dunham inspires ambivalence. She's definitely got talent, but she's extremely annoying.......Kathy Griffin has had a career breakthrough. I don't think that many people knew about her before this. Now she's a big name. It's true that people hate her, but there must be away of monetizing that hate. Snooki and the Kardashians have made millions.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Brookzene keeps talking about Venezuela, apparently unaware that Venezuela signed the Paris Treaty: Nicaragua didn't. I guess all those south-of-the-border countries look the same to Brookzene, even when they're not on the same continent.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Drago just barks, barks, barks. Annoying but not dangerous"

And thus, we are exposed to the real world sum-total of Inga's understanding of what was actually in the Paris Accord that she bleats continuously about.

I guess if you can read minds, who needs to actually know the details of what is really being discussed?

Rusty বলেছেন...

Not sure that libertarians have any useful answers for the inherent tendency of free markets to become monopolies.

Without regulatory help monopolies can't exist very long in a free matket.Competition drives out monopolies. At one time Apple had the monopoly on I phones.

Fen বলেছেন...

Pssst. Guys, Ritmo is playing for our side. Don't interrupt him.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

So Mike Bloomberg is willing to write the check?

Would he do the right thing and not take a tax deduction?

What about Soros?

How come the lefty loudmouths aren't putting their money up to show how much they care?

They could probably fund most of the commitments.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR, you would find it much more powerful and persuasive (not to mention interesting) to lay out an argument based on the Accord specifics and why those are necessary rather than coming up with song lyrics.

Song lyrics in lieu of argument do not go far, even if I think the lyrics are funny.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Here Drago, have a bone and stop yer yapping. A good loud bark when the burglar is actually trying to break in will suffice, so be a good doggy and stop yer infernal barking. You bark so much you can't hear a thing.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Not sure that libertarians have any useful answers for the inherent tendency of free markets to become monopolies."

I didn't know what label to use. The point is the way clear of our troubles is a significantly less powerful government. The left doesn't want that. Establishment right doesn't want it either. The only people who want that are Tea-Party types.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
The US is THE world leader in technology development that will lead to reductions in CO2. The reasons are obvious and most obvious is this: the richest nations are the cleanest nations.

The first statement is debatable given China's lead in solar panel technology. The second statement makes assumptions about GDP and CO2 that may not be entirely correct.

AmPowerBlog বলেছেন...

"It is something that happens with political leaders, romantic fixation..."

Isn't that kinda weird though?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Let's face it, we enjoy that part more.

Speak for yourself. I am hear to learn and make friends. Humbly, of course.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga goes to tremendous pains in demonstrating her complete lack of knowledge regarding the Paris Accords.

Let's help her out a bit (though it will never be enough).

Inga, did you know that each nation, on its own, looking towards its own economic interests, gets to set its own CO2 emissions targets?

And if those nations don't hit those targets there are NO penalties!


Further, China and India don't have to reduce at all. In fact, they are the dirtiest polluters and they get to build hundreds (HUNDREDS) of brand new dirty coal fired plants with no penalties!!

Wait, it gets better!

We, the US, get to transfer the bulk of what is currently our coal production to both of those countries!!

Wait, it gets better!

We get to send them additional cash!!


What's not to like?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago likes hearing himself bark.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

As Kimberly Strassel noted in yesterday's WSJ, while the media was focused on Griffin and covfefe and Russian boogie men, this happened:

• Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke signed an order to begin reopening Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve to oil and gas exploration, reversing the Obama administration’s ideologically driven 2013 shutdown. The order even aims at opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to production—a move that is decades overdue. This could not only buck up the listless Alaskan economy but cement the U.S. as an oil and gas powerhouse.

• In related news, the Dakota Access Pipeline finally went live."


Strassel's column is critical of Trump as well as of the media for focusing on trivial crap instead of the solid job his administration is doing at deregulation.

Of course, that is more reason for the Gaia worshippers to weep and rage....LOL!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga said...
Drago likes hearing himself bark.

6/3/17, 1:10 PM

And you like hacking up hairballs all over these threads.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Brookzene really can't connect the almost 100-year old dots to Venezuela.

Face palm.

But that's another thread the "well, we will get it right this time thread!"

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "The first statement is debatable given China's lead in solar panel technology."

Which they stole from us!

In addition to hacking our systems and stealing every single raw FBI background file on every single person in the US who has or applied for a security clearance.

Oh, and what did obambi do about that? Nothing.

So it's unsurprising that China would sweat what the US would do as they hack every single technology that we develop here.

BTW, did you know there are 3 universities in China that specialize in nothing but cyber-attacks and hacking?

Hey, I've got an idea, lets transfer our coal industry to those guys and give them more cash too! On top of the all the missile technology the Clintons handed over via their Loral pal Bernie Schwartz and crew.

The hits keep coming and they've been coming for decades.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Sing it, retro-conservatives!

We hate the world!

We hate its children!

Yeah, you don't have any children because you hate them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

They are funny and it's to augment and entertain the argument, not replace it.

I can't even remember what the post was about - I thought it was the eminently uninteresting Kathy Griffin and her latest clumsy attempt to defend her own free speech (in which she will succeed) with a stupidly offensive video/photo of Trump (or his body parts) in a more 16th century sort of pose - that got her fired from a job that she may or may not actually really need. And how that's not really the issue so much as its inversion of the equally boorish hatreds directed at the last administration, and how this involved a minor celebrity/celebutard-snark queen - so she functions as a "high value target" to the "entertainment industry is out to get me!" Trump person and his crowd.

The accord itself had voluntary targets and served as an example/forum for American leadership on a planetary issue of likely grave importance. It wouldn't have hurt us economically because coal is being replaced by natural gas and employs many many more in renewables than in dangerous, 20-year limited occupations that Trump would never, could never and doesn't want to see anyone he knows doing. Non-fossil energy development only helps us economically, it doesn't hurt us. And as for isolationism, Australia apparently tried and played this game for the last decade to similarly predictable lackluster results. We are ceding leadership on this to China and other rising nations - and all for what?

For an industry that we can't and that no one can save. And that we shouldn't save, but instead help transition its labor to better opportunities in the better industries replacing it.

It was the feel good moment of the last century. Of the 19th century, in fact.

This is not how America leads. It was a declaration of leaderlessness. Whatever you want to do for America that you think others are doing against our benefit, this most certainly was not it. They weren't laughing at us before (as Trump, in characteristically paranoid fashion, asserted). But they are now.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

I am now listening to Elvis sing 'An American Trilogy'. Life doesn't get any better than this, at least not for me.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Drago likes hearing himself bark"

That's a strange way of admitting you know nothing about the deal and are simply acting like a trained seal in Colberts lefty studio audience.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"• In related news, the Dakota Access Pipeline finally went live."

At least the right supports things the country needs.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "I can't even remember what the post was about - I thought it was the eminently uninteresting Kathy Griffin ..."

Yeah, that's sort of the point.

It was such a transparently stupid pre-planned tactic on her part it only takes about 2 posts to pull it apart to basic agreement by all, so the thread has moved on.

Plus, we hit the 200 comment threshold which just about guarantees content topic divergence.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

So asking for specifics is bark bark bark?


Says the woman who believed the video excuse.

And barked and barked in that thread .

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Mild 76degrees in San Jose today. Record temp was 114 in June, 1961. That was before the introduction of global cooling. A welcome respite.

Anything lately about the ozone layer? Last I heard, co2 repaired the damge and plugged the holes.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Yahoo on the pipeline!

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Saw under $2 gas in Virginia or Kentucky this past week.

Then came home, spit spit.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Since we're off topic....

The Proud Boys are getting rough, for realz.


"As the founder of a group of right-wing vigilantes called the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, Mr. Chapman, a 6-foot-2, 240-pound commercial diver, is part of a growing movement that experts on political extremism say has injected a new element of violence into street demonstrations across the country.

Part fight club, part Western-pride fraternity, the Alt-Knights and similar groups recruit battalions of mainly young white men for one-off confrontations with their ideological enemies — the black-clad left-wing militants who disrupted President Trump’s inauguration and have protested against the appearances of conservative speakers on college campuses.

Along with like-minded groups like the Proud Boys, a clan of young conservative nationalists, and the Oath Keepers, an organization of current and former law-enforcement officers and military veterans, they mobilized on social media to fight in New Orleans over the removal of Confederate monuments; on the streets of Berkeley, Calif., where clashes between the left and right have increasingly become a threat for law enforcement; and at a raucous May Day rally in Los Angeles.

‘Like a Rumble’
Law enforcement has taken notice. At the protest last week at the City University of New York, which had been heavily promoted on social media, throngs of police officers lined the sidewalk before it began. In Portland, the police said they were mobilizing a robust presence because of what they have seen online. “It’s almost like a street fight, like a rumble, the way it’s being advertised,” said Sgt. Pete Simpson, a spokesman.

Many in the movement, like Mr. Chapman and Mr. McInnes, say they are supporters of Mr. Trump’s agenda to tighten immigration and fight political correctness. While Mr. Trump has recently taken steps to denounce hate speech and violence, the proliferation of militant groups on both the left and the right is part of the new reality of political expression. Advocates who track extremism say the president, who egged on violent supporters during his campaign, has played a role in emboldening the groups."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Plus, we hit the 200 comment threshold which just about guarantees content topic divergence.

True that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Oh, and what did obambi do about that?

"On April 12 Trump told the Wall Street Journal (paywall) that he has offered Xi better trade deals in exchange for help on confronting North Korea. “We have a great chemistry together. We like each other. I like him a lot. I think his wife is terrific,” he said."

I mean, who doesn't like a man with a terrific wife.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "The accord itself had voluntary targets and served as an example/forum for American leadership on a planetary issue of likely grave importance. It wouldn't have hurt us economically because coal is being replaced by natural gas and employs many many more in renewables than in dangerous,"

Could not disagree more.

It would have required us to shut down our coal industry in a spectacularly accelerated fashion while completely exempting China and India from doing anything at all.

To argue that something that would happen via technology and capabilities improvement over the course of decades is not impacted by forcing it administratively to occur over the course of less than a decade is not rational thinking.

Worse, since the entire point of the agreement was supposedly to reduce CO2 emissions globally, the reality would be the transfer of coal production in the near term to the dirtiest of the producers.

Self-defeating in terms of CO2 production from Coal and acting as a Trojan Horse for massive wealth transfer to other nations is not economically negligible.

Which is why obambi "courageously" refused to submit it for Treaty review.

Just like Kyoto.

Same old same old.

I'll bet Elon Musk is so upset he will only fly his brand new super-duper private jet 200 times this year!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Says the woman who believed the video excuse."

News to me. Find a comment in which I say I believe it. I said she was trolling you people, dummy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Mild 76degrees in San Jose today. Record temp was 114 in June, 1961. That was before the introduction of global cooling. A welcome respite.

Hear that, everybody? One temperature reading in one place on one day now means that the global averages have been disproven and are WRONG!

Yep. Whenever I look at a single stock doing well I say, "Fuck this DJIA and the market as a whole! We had a huge sell-off, but ONE SINGLE STOCK DID WELL! I will now sell ALL my diversified risk mutual funds and buy and sell single stocks - a much safer, less risky and realistic option!" Averages are a lie! There are only individual examples, and I ALONE get to decide which of them are relevant. The others just don't exist! Buahaaahahahahhaahaha evil laugh etc.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "I mean, who doesn't like a man with a terrific wife."

Trump does have to deal with a North Korea that has been allowed to advance its missile technology to the point where nukes threaten all of the western pacific and potentially Alaska and the US west coast.

BTW, that technology transfer was estimated to have come from China, which got lots of help from the Clintons. Who received significant commie Chinese Cash for the info.

But it's Trumps fault.

Drago বলেছেন...

I too am impressed by Ingas solid understanding of the Paris Accord and it's implications.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

"I too am impressed by Ingas solid understanding of the Paris Accord and it's implications."

I'm impressed too since I haven't discussed it. Are you hearing my voice in your head, or is that your own barking?

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "I'm impressed too since I haven't discussed it."




It's a fine line for you, isn't it!

Drago বলেছেন...

Its difficult to discuss something you know nothing about.

Other than that you are right. Even if you don't know why.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga said...
"I too am impressed by Ingas solid understanding of the Paris Accord and it's implications."

Because you have no more understanding of it than the cat in your avatar does.

Didn't keep you from going on about how terrible Trump was for ditching it, because that's what they said on MSNBC.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Australia is shipping a lot of coal.

Cos of demand.

Were they required to shut their industry down?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Its difficult to discuss something you know nothing about."

When has that ever stopped Inga?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Well, I can't disagree with you more.

First of all, this animus against Elon Musk. Let's start with the obvious. I guess capitalists are now BAD to the right when they're innovative, young, brilliant, paradigm-shifting/disruptive, and concerned about the planet as a whole. Ok.

Transfers make sense when those nations are making greater reductions per capita. It is a small and symbolic price to pay for the U.S. being the worst emitter historically and currently. The U.S. simply has more work to do and has benefitted from massive earlier development with it to its own benefit. To make that symbolic concession shows we have credibility on what you want everyone else to do. Just like colonial nations had injustices to correct, it's not improperly seen that we do, too. And it's only a "wealth transfer" if you think the U.S. can't out-innovate anyone else on the replacements. So I guess you're placing your bets on America's inability to innovate and solve problems - even as these technologies advance faster than at any rate before. You seem to be against the most meager incentives for R&D, and that's bizarre and sad and I think a loss politically.

Almost as short-sighted as Trump's cuts of the NIH and CDC. We will lose out on these things, no question about it. Next pandemic that hits it seems we'll have to ask Europe or SE Asia what they've been able to find out about it early on to save as many as possible, because America does not believe in its own public health and couldn't be bothered to resource its medical science operations well enough to stop Zika or Ebola in its tracks, or whatever else travels northward by mosquitos loving that spreading heat no matter how many South American tourists (or returning Americans) you stop at the border.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "Hear that, everybody? One temperature reading in one place on one day now means that the global averages have been disproven and are WRONG"

Its only fair since one temperature reading or one storm in one place on one day is presented as proof positive that the flawed AGW models are correct.

The left is constantly violating their own Weather/climate differentiation discussion rules so why shouldn't everyone else.

Or is allowing one side to do something in a "scientific/religious" debate the newest "New" Lefty definition of #Science?

LordSomber বলেছেন...

I see her making crying faces, but I don't see any actual tears.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "First of all, this animus against Elon Musk."

First of all, I have no animus whatsoever against Elon Musk. I think he is absolutely fascinating guy.

He has done quite well at the public trough though, it must be admitted and if indeed CO2 was the existential killer he and others claim, he ought to at least behave in a manner consistent with that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Elon Musk is also stunningly successful. In multiple industries. And never ripped off his ideas the way Bill Gates did. What a horrible person.

PayPal must just be a tool of the globalists that Alex Jones warned me about.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

It's all about the Benjamins via Insty a couple of days ago:

RENT-SEEKERS GOTTA SEEK RENTS: German carmakers fear losing competitive edge after U.S. Paris exit.

“The regrettable announcement by the USA makes it inevitable that Europe must facilitate a cost efficient and economically feasible climate policy to remain internationally competitive,” Matthias Wissmann, president of the German auto industry lobby group VDA, said in a statement on Friday.

“The preservation of our competitive position is the precondition for successful climate protection. This correlation is often underestimated,” Wissmann said, adding that the decision by the Unites States was disappointing.

The VDA said electricity and energy prices are already higher in Germany than in the United States, putting Germany at a disadvantage.

Now we know what the Paris Accords were really about — hampering U.S. industries to make Europe’s more competitive.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Hear that, everybody? One temperature reading in one place on one day now means that the global averages have been disproven and are WRONG!

Right. Millions of temps recorded today around the world. Not a single record high.

Stupid people believe lies of "global averages" .

I am California native, so have been subjected to world gonna end big earthquake any day now my entire life. So, tend to take overpopulation, global cooling, asteroid collision and global warming hysteria less serious than more gullible people.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

I've been following this thread since it's inception. It is quite interesting, with some valid points being made.

And then there's inga: "Drago likes hearing himself bark." That's not an edited response. That's the response in total. Classic inga.

Drago বলেছেন...

Seeing Red: "Australia is shipping a lot of coal. Cos of demand. Were they required to shut their industry down?"

Is their name "The United States of America"?

If not, the answer, obviously, is "no".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago, I hate to break it to you, but you don't dictate what others choose to discuss on these threads. Especially when we're all wayyyyy off topic. But you just keep on barking, if only to get all the neighborhood dogs to bark with you, even the snarling dog.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Via Insty:

Australian coal prices serve as a benchmark for Asia and soared over 130% to nearly $110 a tonne last year creating huge profits for producers. These high prices caused suppliers to ramp up production flooding the market and causing prices to plummet. Despite this, the Indonesian coal industry has several major producers which are still planning major production increases for the latter half of this year.
The main question is whether producers will continue to reinvest profits creating additional production capacity. It is a simple matter to put idle equipment to work or increasing the hours for a workforce. However, if major investments are made in new heavy equipment which is put into service there will have to be a major increase in output to offset the cost. This type of increase is what could drive an already over saturated market into a glut.
Some people think the threat of the market being over saturated is being blown out of proportion. Australian coal prices have fallen but that fall came from record highs where a correction was needed and demand in the area is increasing dramatically as well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Its only fair since one temperature reading or one storm in one place on one day is presented as proof positive that the flawed AGW models are correct.

A storm is a more significant and less numerous/more easily observable event. So changes in storms or their intensity are easier to observe.

So too with much larger changes in one single direction (warmer) on the coldest parts of the planet. Bigger and bigger parts of Antartica are cleaving and breaking off, which impacts sea level. It makes sense that whatever fluctuations you see around the rest of the planet, the overall warming is going to be most pronounced and proved by the warming and extent of warming of the poles, which are supposed to stay quite cold much more consistently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Right. Millions of temps recorded today around the world. Not a single record high.

Stupid people believe lies of "global averages" .

One day. ONE DAY!

Not 365 days!

Not over several years!

One day! Exceptions ALWAYS PROVE THE RULE! Averages are LIES!

Ok, you can move along now.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

I realize that "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") deal primarily in BS (they certainly don't deal in logic or facts, as evidenced by their economics if nothing else); but as the lovely Ms. Griffin given any specifics or concretes on how Trump "broke" her? She also accuses him of "bullying," but that's standard Liberalese: Bullying=criticizing/refuting/mocking, etc. "Liberals" complaining about bullying is risible hypocrisy anyway, given how they're in love with the biggest, baddest, bloodiest bullet of all, Der Staat.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Drago, I hate to break it to you, but you don't dictate what others choose to discuss on these threads."


Inga, I hate to break it to you but your little modified Kathy Griffen act is insufficient to hide your ignorance of the Paris Accords.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "A storm is a more significant and less numerous/more easily observable event."

Not according to the AGW alarmists who argue the lack of storms in a given year is meaningless.

Once again, you can try to continue having it both ways, but as you do that don't blame others for noticing.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

You want a Milk Bone this time Drago?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Global warming is something we should just take a chance with. Uncertainty in our environment is always good for humanity. Extinctions and loss of biodiversity help decrease the amount of life on earth, and flatter ecosystems that support less life are good for us, somehow. Not sure how, but this is the idea that's being clung to. The earth's climates have changed many times prior to the emergence of humanity and its civilization, and who does humanity or its civilization think it is to get in the way of the cataclysms those caused. The ball of rock known as the earth will not shatter into a million pieces - which is the point. Preserving the life it currently hosts that we've evolved to rely on and the conditions that maintain it is a bad idea.

We need more risk in our planet. We need more risk in our markets. We need to make a predictable life - economically or ecologically - something to avoid. We need to play with fire. Only when the earth knows how badly we can threaten it will it listen to us.

Drago বলেছেন...

William Chadwick: "but as the lovely Ms. Griffin given any specifics or concretes on how Trump "broke" her? She also accuses him of "bullying,"..."

Griffins entire schtick was pre-written in anticipation that the reaction from the right would be actual violence with Trump himself calling for her to be fired.

When that didn't happen, Griffin and her hilarious inept minions/advisors decided to continue with their plan and not adapt it at all and, not surprisingly, she came off as the desperate D-list "ride the anti-Trump train to B-list status" personality she is.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Right. Millions of temps recorded today around the world. Not a single record high.

Stupid people believe lies of "global averages" .

One day. ONE DAY!

Not 365 days!

Not over several years!

One day! Exceptions ALWAYS PROVE THE RULE! Averages are LIES!

Ok, you can move along now.

You make me smile. In your entire lifetime, have you seen a change in the climate where you live. It is always somewhere else, or sometime in the future. Your high priest predicted new york would be under water by now, based on your climate models. You are an educated fool, with minimal common sense.

Additionally, nuclear energy would solve all the so called pollution problems, but you are against it because of "potential future problems".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Not according to the AGW alarmists who argue the lack of storms in a given year is meaningless.

Once again, you can try to continue having it both ways, but as you do that don't blame others for noticing.

It's not both ways. What you're dong is cherry picking. "A given year?" What does the earth care about a single arbitrary 365-day unit of measurement? Does it mark off less crosses on its wall-mounted calendar. Trends are trends they don't have to fit within the unit of time that you and other people find most convenient for planning their fiscal budgets, vacations from work, or a trip to the Bahamas or when to give their wife an anniversary present. The planet is not human-centric and doesn't care to find ways of conforming to things that are just important to people. Sheesh.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "You want a Milk Bone this time Drago?"

We get it Inga. You don't know anything about the Accord and you are upset its been noticed.

You know, it's not too late to go read up on it right now. In fact, you could have perused several adequite primers on it from multiple perspectives in the time you've spent attempting to camouflage your ignorance.

But then again, if you were the sort of person who brings herself up to speed on topics before commenting, you wouldn't be you.

At least, that's what my Russian handlers in Macedonian have relayed to me through several older white guys in the States.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You are an educated fool, with minimal common sense.

You are uneducated, and certainly a fool. And you don't have any common sense.

Additionally, nuclear energy would solve all the so called pollution problems..

Especially the waste. I heard you're going to house it, right? Right on your own undoubtedly vast estate.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago discussing the Paris Accords.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "It's not both ways. What you're dong is cherry picking. "A given year?"

I'm not "cherry picking". I noting that the AGW alarmists keep sliding back and forth between weather/climate observations and muddying the waters all the while complaining and asserting that those on the other side of the debate are misusing "weather" phenomena as evidence of climate changes.

Neither side should be doing that, but both sides do it. And for the AGW alarmist supposedly #RealScience types to be doing it is especially rich.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Seeing Red said...
Australian coal prices serve as a benchmark for Asia and soared over 130% to nearly $110 a tonne last year creating huge profits for producers.

China has its own large coal reserves that it uses for power/heat. As I understand things Australian coal exports to China are primarily metallurgical grade, rather than thermal grade, and are used for steel production.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

In any event, the premises of the denialists are nonsense. There simply is no way to regulate temperature in the universe outside of a fluid system - and an atmosphere is one of those. How much does the temperature fluctuate on the moon or an asteroid? I wonder how that happens? Maybe it's because they lack atmospheres. The vacuum of space certainly doesn't seem to be a good retention vessel for a more consistent temperature.

So the obvious answer is found in determining which gases in an atmosphere help to retain the heat? It's not oxygen. It's not nitrogen. Hum the Jeopardy tune and wait for the answer.

Achilles বলেছেন...

While Althouse and the right wing gets it knickers in a twist over a D-list celebrity:

19 instances of right-wing terrorist attacks causing 51 fatalities since September 11, 2001.

I am going to do some research since I know ARM is a dishonest hack.

The 2017 stabbing of Timothy Caughman in New York City (1 killed),

“He definitely had some issues of some kind,” Mr. Dagan said. “How do you describe it? He was off.”

Not a single mention of political affiliation or goals. Only right-wing by assertion.

The 2015 Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting (3 killed),

Dear was shooting people in the area and fled to the PP building. He was a nut. The left tried to paint this as a targetted attack and failed.

The 2015 Charleston church shooting (9 killed),

Who is Dylan Roof:

"Along with a long, hate-filled screed, the 21-year-old included photos of himself burning an American flag, taking aim with a pistol and posing proudly at sites connected to the Confederacy."

So he is a democrat as the confederates and flag burners are/were all democrats.

"We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me."

Sounds like a real movement there.

The 2014 ambush attack on Las Vegas police officers (5 killed),

Cliven Bundy even denounced these two. And the 5 killed includes the 2 killers. That goes for most of this list. 51 killed is another lie.

The 2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting in Kansas (3 killed),

The nut that did this is only right wing by assertion. He has a lot more in common with campus leftists and muslims who call for the elimination of Israel daily. He was screaming "Heil Hitler," in the police car. That would make him a fan of socialists.

The 2014 Pennsylvania State Police barracks attack in Blooming Grove, Pennsylvania (1 killed),

Eric Frein was a serbian military re-enactment specialist. Nothing even remotely right of center in his background. Another assertion.

A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),

Investigators said they murdered four people, including Pedersen’s father and stepmother in Everett.

The other 2 were killed in car jackings while they were fleeing police. Whomever made this list is a lying piece of shit. We already knew ARM was.

A 2012 ambush of St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana police (2 killed),

Just read the article.

The 2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting (6 killed),

Wade Michael Page Not from the right. Looks like a democrat confederate in the wrong era. Got kicked out of the army for being a drunk. Continued to be a drunk. Nobody has problems with the Sikhs.

I got things to do. Others can have at the rest of this. This list is pure bad faith and ARM is a piece of shit for posting this in this manner. But it is clear that he believes the left is acting properly because their opponents deserve it.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "China has its own large coal reserves that it uses for power/heat. As I understand things Australian coal exports to China are primarily metallurgical grade, rather than thermal grade, and are used for steel production."

Australia is the worlds leading exporter of coal with Japan being the biggest customer and China being the second.

Yes, it's mostly for steel-making though we will see if that continues as the build out of some of China's "ghost" cities slows and the US takes a bit of the steel production back here in the states.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I'm not "cherry picking". I noting that the AGW alarmists...

Yes you are - and you're using pejoratives and not understanding that evidence accumulates through repeated observation. How does repeated observation start? With a single observation. It might be less solid a piece of evidence to go to a series of stronger storms here or there, but that's where proof starts - with a single or more observation and going from there. And the evidence is only accumulating, so you don't need to pretend that we're going to find the one or multiple observations that will disprove that CO2 retains enough heat to make a difference to our life and civilization. And the denialists (if you'll allow me the same pejorative leeway) won't do that anyway, because they refuse to define the point at which they'd accept the science. They will be denialists no matter what happens. They will not change their position so by definition they are the ones being political and not to be believed. If a denialist ever said what evidence would change his mind then you could work with them but none of them ever do. They will keep changing the goalposts because for them its all only about goalposts and only ever will be. They don't even have goalposts, actually. Just an ever-changing, infinitely vast field with no yardage or endzones where no conclusion contrary to their belief will ever be admitted to.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

You are an educated fool, with minimal common sense.

You are uneducated, and certainly a fool. And you don't have any common sense.

Additionally, nuclear energy would solve all the so called pollution problems..

Especially the waste. I heard you're going to house it, right? Right on your own undoubtedly vast estate

Nuclear waste!!! hahaha. You are not predictable.No way to store it safely, right?
I am indeed uneducated, and proud of it. I revel in my ignorance. I am delighted to be poorly educated through the public school system.

Barely literate, to be honest. Somehow, though, obviously more intelligent than you. And , content, happy, and secure. Enjoying life's simple pleasures, among them, making you look stupid, again.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Achilles, we get it. "Four legs good, two legs bad".

Unknown বলেছেন...

sabbigatortravels – travel blog, travel photography, sabbigatortravels
Have you ever dreamed about flying Around the World? Picking the most beautiful destinations on a small budget during summer?!
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n.n বলেছেন...


sliding back and forth between weather/climate observations

It's both. Weather is attributable to system patterns observed within forecast range. Climate is an estimate and extrapolation of weather patterns over an extended, but still limited frame of reference. It is an illusion of semi-stable terrestrial and extraterrestrial systems and processes that climate can be predicted over wider frames including decades.

Science is a philosophy and practice in a logical domain where it is understood that accuracy is inversely proportional to time and space offset from an established frame of reference. Post-modern science indulges in inference, circumstantial evidence, nonreproducible observations, and liberal assumptions/assertions about the state and character of process and environment.

The system is chaotic by virtue of nonlinear processes, incomplete and insufficient characterization, and that it is unwieldy (even with supercomputers).

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Cool/Warming/Climate Change is not science. It's a prophecy of a future state through inference from past states and hypothesis (e.g. models) constructed from incompletely/insufficiently characterized systems and processes. The belief in CAGW/CACC and now CC, is properly characterized as a philosophy, fantasy, or faith.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

So the obvious answer is found in determining which gases in an atmosphere help to retain the heat? It's not oxygen. It's not nitrogen. Hum the Jeopardy tune and wait for the answer.

It is water vapor stupid. It has a much higher heat trapping potential than CO2 and there is 1-50 times as much of it in the air at any given point in time. A 50 ppm change in CO2 is helpful to the plants on the planet, but that is about it.

I would love to hear your description of the feedback theory though. It is always entertaining to watch people claim it is legitimate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Full Moon seems to have gotten into the radioactive waste. And eaten it. Smeared it on his head, put it in his ears, up his nostrils. And in other orifices.

He's having a fun time. It's cool to play with stuff.

The eyewitnesses at Chernobyl told tales of how beautiful the sparkling electric blue aurorae were that swirled around the air outside of the buildings containing the reactor core. It was awesome. A place to which Full Moon would undoubtedly like to return one day. He might have actually been born there, for all anyone knows.

Achilles বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...
Achilles, we get it. "Four legs good, two legs bad".

You obviously haven't actually read any of that post. You don't know what you are talking about. And it was posted in bad faith to justify leftist violence against political opponents.

Good work.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Barkingly good understanding of the Paris Accords and AGW Drago! Good boy! So impressive. TTR got you to shut your yap? You recognize that you know next to nothing about the subject, I see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It is water vapor stupid.

Water vapor's not stupid but it does form in clouds and exists in all three phases of matter (water would be another one, dune) within the temperature ranges of earth's surface to go from one to the other without much problem. Warming causes more vapor, it forms clouds, cools and rains back onto earth and into the ocean. If the earth had temperature extremes that fit within all three phases of matter for CO2 this would happen and fluctuate more extensively with that compound as well. But it doesn't. We are not living on one of Jupiter or Saturn's moons. Therefore, it stays stably in gas form to retain the heat that the gas retains without allowing for transformation into the other forms where this does not happen. Who's stupid now?

n.n বলেছেন...

The American right is classical liberals with libertarian extensions.

The American center is conservative: classical liberal tempered by Judaeo-Christian religious/moral precepts.

The American left and exceptions are Pro-Choice. Their religious philosophy includes [class] diversity (i.e. racism, sexism, congruence), it derides self-defense but promotes elective conflicts including wars, it practices redistributive change (i.e. involuntary exploitation unreconciled by the moral principle of intrinsic value), it denies lives deemed unworthy (i.e. Pro-Choice/elective abortion). The American left and exceptions are in the tribe of communists, socialists, fascists, and anarchists. Unfortunately, so are libertarians, not on principle, but as a personal choice.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Full Moon seems to have gotten into the radioactive waste. And eaten it. Smeared it on his head, put it in his ears, up his nostrils. And in other orifices."

Some dogs bark, some snarl and some howl at the moon.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Full Moon seems to have gotten into the radioactive waste. And eaten it. Smeared it on his head, put it in his ears, up his nostrils. And in other orifices.

He's having a fun time. It's cool to play with stuff.

The eyewitnesses at Chernobyl told tales of how beautiful the sparkling electric blue aurorae were that swirled around the air outside of the buildings containing the reactor core. It was awesome. A place to which Full Moon would undoubtedly like to return one day. He might have actually been born there, for all anyone knows.

That's it? 30 years ago, 49 immediate deaths. Wow, earth shattering anecdote. More likely to die by bee stings or sharl attack.

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