June 29, 2017

Trump tweets that Mika Brzezinski "was bleeding badly from a face-lift."

Just this morning:
I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

... to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
Wow. That's harsh. He must know facelifts to be so confident he can diagnose the source of the bleeding. She had blood coming out of her wherever... face.

Why's he suddenly going back to New Year's Eve? And what's with all the "Crazy" and "Psycho"? It seems... crazy and psycho.

Here's the NYT story on the subject:
The graphic nature of the president’s suggestion that Ms. Brzezinski had undergone plastic surgery was met with immediate criticism on social media...

Mr. Trump’s comment on Thursday echoed a contentious remark that he made about another female television anchor, Megyn Kelly, during last year’s presidential campaign. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,” Mr. Trump said, a remark that was widely seen as a reference to menstruation and drew rebukes from women’s groups.
Yes, widely seen as a reference to menstruation, but who knew he might have been talking about facelifts?

Over at The Washington Post, Callum Borchers is calling it a "blatantly sexist attack." Ridiculous. Men get facelifts too. In fact, it's Borchers who's supplying the sexism:
When Trump hits Brzezinski and Scarborough on Twitter, he hits Brzezinski harder, more personally and in a way that seems designed to portray her as insecure (“facelift”) and unintelligent (“low IQ”) — as a side piece who would not be on TV if not for her romantic relationship with Scarborough, to whom she was recently engaged.
Trump didn't say "sidepiece" or characterize plastic surgery as a marker of insecurity.  That's Borchers projecting. What I read in that tweet is that he found it ludicrous that the person trying to insinuate herself into his company was bleeding from the face. That doesn't sound at all like insecurity. Quite the opposite.


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 533 of 533
Fen said...

Dick not Rick.

Calm down Chuck. He's an old man, not an autistic 10 year old boy.

Darrell said...

Chuck empathizes with lists of cocksuckers he constructs. Why the fuck would we care what the enemy thinks? Trump 7, Democrats 0 on special elections (4 and 0 on the majors). And if we get rid of all the traitorous Uniparty infiltrators in our Party, maybe the winning will never stop.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Terrific Molly Hemingway piece about how the Clintonistas plotted the RUSSIA! story just hours after losing in November, to deliberately hoodwink addled fools like Inga. From the book "Shattered"

"In other calls with advisers and political surrogates in the days after the election, Hillary declined to take responsibility for her own loss. She's not being particularly self-reflective,' said one longtime ally who was on calls with her shortly after the election. Instead, Hillary kept pointing her finger at Comey and Russia. 'She wants to make sure all these narratives get spun the right way,' this person said.
That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech.

Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn't entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.

In Brooklyn, her team coalesced around the idea that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign, overshadowed by the contents of stolen e-mails and Hillary’s own private-server imbroglio."

And the morons fell for it.


tcrosse said...

"Data point here, at lunch a group of secretaries (all white women, 40's & 50's, urban Northeast U.S.) were laughing their asses off at Trump's tweets about Joe & Mika, no animosity directed at Trump at all."

Trump gets the last laugh, though.

Darrell said...


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga presents us with a pack of GOPe flunkies and expects us to be impressed:

Carlos Curbelo
Adam Kinzinger
Tom Reed
Orrin Hatch
Lisa Murkowski
Lynn Jenkins
Susan Collins
Lindsey Graham
Ben Sasse
John McCain
James Lankford

Wow! I care about as much as what those idiots say as I do about the opinion of Charlie Sykes.

All Republicans look alike to Inga.

Achilles said...

Inga is providing a useful service pointing out the Vichy traitors in our midst.

That is why they are kept around. As a comfort to the traitors on the left.

n.n said...

It sounds like the aftermath from a Democratic assassination of a Republic representative and staff.

Darrell said...

Zbigniew Brzezinski was the asshole that didn't see that the Soviet Union was ready to collapse during Carter's time and got Jimmy to help them out by cutting our defense budget and canceling key programs. The blowup in oil prices with the fall of Iran later saved the Soviet Union, until Reagan came along. Nitwit or traitor, no wonder his daughter turned out to be a globalist, open-border piece of shit.

Chuck said...

Fen said...
It's kind of a big thing, Chuck. Been all over conservative sites and AM talk radio for 3 days now...

By "conservative sites and AM talk radio," I am just guessing that you don't mean the Wall Street Journal, National Review and the Weekly Standard.

I am just guessing that you mean InfoWars, Breitbart, Pamela Geller and Michael Savage.

And so yeah, I wouldn't have known. Now tell us more about Vance's conspiracy theory.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Yeah, Chuck, Trump's mean tweets and comments have hurt him so much. Why, remember the not nice, very rude things he said about Little Marco and Jeb.

No wonder Hillary's in the WH now! No wonder there's been a massive anti-Trump backlash at the polls!

Chuck, I think you are proving to us all that male menopause really is a thing.

grackle said...

Without any meaningful presidential support, there will never be an Obamacare "replacement."

Replacement? What the Congressional eGOP leadership has revealed so far is no replacement. But that’s not Trump’s fault. Trump proposes and Congress either acts or it doesn’t.

Trump will sign anything they put on his desk, whether it be ObamacareLite or a politically dangerous true repeal and replace, which would be without mandatory acceptance of pre-existing medical conditions and that allows individually tailored insurance to be sold across state boundaries. If those two provisions are part of the package, like it or not it is ObamacareLite.

The reality is that the public has grown fond of Obamacare and is reluctant to part with it. True reform or replacement is politically dangerous. The game was up the day Obamacare became law. Now they are trying to improve it, make it less expensive and remove a couple of the mandates but even those minor fixes seem to be floundering, due mainly I believe to lack of Congressional GOP leadership.

Fen said...

No Chuck,

I'm talking about RUSH, Instapundit, Ace of Spades, Drudge.

Weekly Standard? NRO? No wonder you are such a cuck.

rhhardin said...

414 comments! There must be an intercommenter war. Information content is likely to be low.

Humperdink said...

One could easily ague that Meeker's pap, Zbigniew Brzezinski, during his tenure in Carter administration lead to downfall of the Shah. The Shah's downfall brought the first Ayatollah Rock'n Rollah to power in Iran. Hello: militant Islam. This is not a stretch by any means.

Instead of a facelift, Zbig (and Carter) needed spine transplants.

buwaya said...

"But some of the people I talked to did not care for the Japanese, at all. Perhaps they were older people who remembered the war?"

Filipino trait - they will tailor their speech to suit their audience. To you, they would have said what they thought was safe to tell you. To a Japanese expat, likewise, but it would be a different story. To insult a man to his face, no matter the underlying dispute, is a huge faux pas.

The fact remains that the Phils was doing business with Japan, and there were Japanese visiting even back in the 1950's, in spite of bad feelings from the war. And the Filipinos are a forgiving people, much more so than most Asians. There is no acid in the heart, burning away, as seems to be the case with the Chinese and Koreans.

I recall the case of my grandmother. If anyone had a personal reason to hate, she did. The Japs killed two brothers and a brother-in-law, shot another brother, tortured a brother in law, killed a sister-in-law and all her children, murdered her uncle, tortured her father-in-law, murdered many of her friends and their families, burned her home and those of all her friends and relations, made all the survivors flee for their lives, took her property and most of her inheritance, made the whole family live with poverty and privation for years, and more besides.

One afternoon, in the 1970's, she was sitting in the garden by our gate having her merienda, as was the custom, with the gate open for visitors, as also was the custom. In came a young Japanese tourist, just wandering through the neighborhood, who got to chatting with her for a couple of hours. No one dared to approach, fearing to interfere. The Japanese boy left presently. That evening, at dinner, she said "You know, I think I forgive the Japanese now".

Laslo Spatula said...

I didn't expect this post of Althouse's to become the PIG-FUCKING COMMENTS POST.






I am Laslo.

Michael said...

Love the virtue signaling on twitter by the Republicans! LOL. They believe their constituents follow this shit and are going to be impressed that they preened on twitter? Remarkable. Even Trump knows these tweets have a half life of two days.

Observe the people in the cars next to you as you drive along and ponder for a moment if any of them give one rat's fuck about anybody's "tweet." They don't. They have bills to pay, work to do, places to get to.

Fen said...

btw Chuck, Ace of Spades is talking about you in his Never Trump thread.

Short version: What's the point of you?

Longer: if you are going to don a leather harness and ball gag, to be led around as Pelosi's Bitch while you parrot left wing talking points... why do we need you?

Achilles said...

Fen said...
No Chuck,

I'm talking about RUSH, Instapundit, Ace of Spades, Drudge.

TheGatewaypundit, ZeroHedge, DailyCaller, Mark Levin, Free Beacon, Legal Insurrection, Powerline, Medved.

The last 2 have some borderline cuckiness going on...

Levin has actually been the tip of the spear the last few months.

buwaya said...

"By "conservative sites and AM talk radio," I am just guessing that you don't mean the Wall Street Journal, National Review and the Weekly Standard."

They are all passe. The parade has gone down the road a ways.

Bad Lieutenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...


Great story. Our own decadent and indulgent times and our outrage at tweets and politics are insignificant as are the woes of virtually everyone living in these times. We eat better than Nero.

Bad Lieutenant said...


1) it is impossible that a Republican, or a conservative, wrote that post (6/29/17, 3:25 PM). William F. Buckley would eat your face.

2) when addressed respectfully and constructively, you have nothing to say. Only when someone falls into the imprudence of candor are you motivated, either to spout more ink or to call for Mommy Althouse. Is the cc: a thing you have worked out?

You, Chuck, are a fraud. Or, in Shakespeare's deathless prose, I say with Tybalt:

[Chuck], the love I bear thee can afford
No better term than this: thou art a villain.


Don't worry, Ann likes frauds, and loves villains, so you're OK. But it seems that anyone interacting with you is either a Leftist or wasting their time. One doesn't have to have proof positive that a three-card monte player is on the scout to refrain from giving him one's time, attention or money.

I recommend people talk to/about someone else, and let Chuck fold his tent and find another hustle.

I ask again of all assembled: does anyone remember Chuck, this incarnation of Chuck, before Trump came along? Does anyone vouch for him?

Bad Lieutenant said...

We eat better than Nero.

I dunno, I can't find larks' tongues in aspic ANYWHERE!

Anonymous said...

One thing that has gone unmentioned up to this point is the idea that PDT is reacting as a human to people who have betrayed him:
Mika and Joke were sucking up to PDT so as to get invited to a posh NYE event at Mar-A-Lago. To dare to ask for the tix must've either known him socially and/or used their 'star power'. I bet they smeared butter up both sides of his ass and have had been doing it for a while. I also bet that they were cordial with him in social circles and perhaps had a form of 'friendship'.
Of course he turned them down. (One wonders if much of the animus M&J direct at the president 0originates from that snub.)

Now they use their bully-pulpit to demean the man in the coarsest of terms. I think President Trump hates being played by such obvious phonies
This looks like a case of Justifiable Tweeticide.

Darrell said...

dunno, I can't find larks' tongues in aspic ANYWHERE!

I guess you've never been to the Democrat's cafeteria in the U.S. House , then. Or to one of Obama's State Dinners.

Humperdink said...

If I am a national political figure and someone on a nationally broadcast opinion show calls me "mentally unhinged" (as Meeker did to Trump), fasten your seatbelt baby doll, it's coming.

Achilles said...

While I am listing sources of information I am just going to post youtube.com. Every time a democrat blabbers about russia you can instantly find them contradicting themselves on video just a few years ago with a simple search.

Hillary can't spell reset.

Master stroke! Looks like Hillary is having one...

Why they hate Trump. It is fucking hilarious watching Trump tear these pieces of shit apart.

Bad Lieutenant said...

So Obama eats better than Nero, that I can believe.

Chuck said...

Bad Lieutenant said...

I ask again of all assembled: does anyone remember Chuck, this incarnation of Chuck, before Trump came along? Does anyone vouch for him?

Not only was I a commenter here before Trump; long before any Trump campaign, Ann Althouse had a tag for me. Chuck (the commenter).

So there. Althouse will vouch for me. I think that she and I have shared occasional email correspondence starting in about 2010 or 2011.

What leaves me dissatisfied right now, is simply showing you up in this way. I'd like to figure out something else, in your case, as to how to spike this football.

Anonymous said...

Man, a dormouse sure sounds good right about now.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

The thing that struck me was not the bit about Mikado and her bloody face-lift, but that they had gone to Mar-a-Lago asking to spend their time with Trump. Why?

Darrell said...

So Obama eats better than Nero, that I can believe.

It is said that Michelle's ancestors caused the extinction of the passenger pigeon. It takes a lot of passenger pigeon tongues to fill a 55-gal drum. And that's just the starter course!

Darrell said...

Chuck shows us up.

Talk about fake news. Keep thinking that Chief. . .

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be spiking anything Chuck, given your unfortunate experience with Lawn Darts.
Bless your heart.

Achilles said...

"What leaves me dissatisfied right now, is simply showing you up in this way. I'd like to figure out something else, in your case, as to how to spike this football."

I could throw a football over that mountain!

traditionalguy said...

In the recent past when the rules of propriety were honored in the breach, it was required that unwed pregnancy and plastic surgery to the face( read nose) required a 6 month absence period reason which everyone would pretend to believe.

DJT has called out the precious adulterer and pretender of meeting to social standards for violating the basic RULES. New Years Eve parties is the opposite of laying low 6 months while you heal.And she had her real face cut on herself. The blood in public is her problem.

Jim at said...

"That's not change," Obama said. "That's just calling something the same thing something different. But you know, you can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change, it’s still going to stink after eight years. We’ve had enough of the same old thing."

Yep. That's President Precious calling Palin a pig, an old fish and whatever else spewed from his piehole.

And Inga cheered.

FOAD, you hypocrite.

Tommy Duncan said...

This thread has taken on the characteristics of my college era refrigerator during finals week. Weeks and months of accumulated antipathy have fermented into over-ripe sniping.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger Crazy Jane said...
Trump's unmediated id is an embarrassment, just his candidacy was an extension of our adoption of reality-television values. The few Americans who who still know how to read should buy copies of Emily Post's and Dale Carnegies's best sellers -- and should take the lessons to heart."

Dale taught you well, my little one. Thank you for spreading his message, even with that worse-than-cancer writing style you harm people with.

FullMoon said...

Tomorrow people will tune into Morning Joe to watch Mika continue the personal insults, while hiding behind the facade of "journalism".

Not gonna lie, have never seen it, but will record it tomorrow to get up close to my 60" HD Sony and see if her work is better than Nancy Pelosi's.

Legitimately curious how they will handle it. Deny the facelift? Deny asking to be let in? Deny bleeding? Rationalize face lift a sa medical necessity?

Or, acknowledge facelift as desirable to improve appearance?

I saw a brief part of a religious show when the hostess(Joyce something?) honestly acknowledged her face lift as being done to make her look and feel better. No apologies, just smiles and positive commentary.

traditionalguy said...

FTR Scarbrough has been getting close to losing his presence and TV Cool self control. The man may need psychiatric intervention. Cherchez LaFemme. Joe wants so much to impress the Polish Princess and she secretly signals to him that he is failing to slay the Dragons she wants slain. Back into the fray again goes Joe while the dragon's fiery breath burns them both.

Unknown said...

Let it be known that Andropov and Brehzniv had more intellectual honesty and character than the Democrats "Lion of the Senate" Ted Kennedy. The man the left held up as the "Epitome of a great Democrat Senator."

He was a two bit traitor, who not even the Soviets could stomach. This was well known, by the way, at Kennedy's funeral, and still the left praised Ted Kennedy up and down.

He was a liar, a murderer, and an Anti-American traitor--and the Democrats, who knew all of this, hailed him as their hero.

That says it all, really.


Fen said...

Chuck, now even your intellectual pose is slipping, a few hints:

1) if you must assert you are "one of the few intelligent
and reasonable people" left here, you are not.

2) if you must assert that you have won something, you have not.

Better to let others speak for you then remove all doubt.

"Any man who must say 'I am the King!' is no true king" - Tywin Lannister

Achilles said...

Blogger Tommy Duncan said...
"This thread has taken on the characteristics of my college era refrigerator during finals week. Weeks and months of accumulated antipathy have fermented into over-ripe sniping."

Weeks and my months?


They have been nasty traitorous hypocritical shits for years.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Not only was I a commenter here before Trump; long before any Trump campaign, Ann Althouse had a tag for me. Chuck (the commenter).

Oh, there you are. As I was saying, you can't be bothered to talk substance, only look around the edges for something to peck at. So, like Trump, I gave you some bait, and you took it.

Well, anyone can post under the name "Chuck." (Do you need that mansplained to you? Shall I prove it? You won't like it.)

Perhaps Ann could vouch for you, but she hasn't. And no one else has. Do you remember what you got a tag for? Do you remember anything you were commenting on in 2010 or 2011 that was interesting enough to remember and perhaps repost? Maybe something supportive of Governor Romney and opposed to President Obama during the 2012 election? Surely a Life - surely one such as you would have been just the one to be making those sorts of posts.

Yeah, it's too bad you can't spike the football. Usually first you have to score though.

Of course this is all much more interesting than, you know, talking about health care, but you weren't really interested in that to begin with. You're not now, because I asked you reasonable questions, and they blew over your head like a cool sea breeze.

Bob Ellison said...

When the comments go over 400, there's an interesting effect: almost nobody sees the middle comments.

You might see the first two hundred. If you're really into the discussion, you'd be most likely to punch the "Newest" button on Blogger. The "Newer" button lies unappreciated.

Just a UI observation that should teach every commenter: if you think the comments are going to jump by 200s, seek to be in the first group or the last. Don't be a Middle Commenter. That way lies oblivion.

I'll be back when we get over 600 here.

Glen Filthie said...

Oh how I love the screaming coming from the left! Trump is putting the boots to the media slobs and they can't take what they give. welcome to equality girls. If you act like shrews and harridans, our president will treat you like one. It's about time our feral women were put in their place.😆👍

Kevin said...

Some of the MSNBC chit chat, for those who don't regularly tune in:

On Wednesday morning’s show, for example, Mr. Scarborough called the President “the greatest liar that’s ever sat in the White House.” Judging from a cursory search of online stories about the daily MSNBC program, calling the President a liar appears to be a staple of its morning commentary. And of course, like all MSNBC shows, there is the usual evidence-free questioning of whether Mr. Trump betrayed his country to get elected and aims to rule as an authoritarian.

Ms. Brzezinski has referred to the Trump Administration as a “fake presidency” and has suggested that the President is “not well” and perhaps even “mentally ill,” according to a report earlier this month in The Hill.

We can debate the propriety of Trump's Tweet, but we should also debate the propriety of news personalities making habitual statements like this toward the President.

robother said...

The Republicans who dare not speak their name. An unseen force that Trump didn't reckon with, pushing him back, back to where he once belonged. Hey Jude (the Obscure).

FullMoon said...

Seems Mika is denying bleeding. Not sure if she is denying facelift, or being denied entry by Trump

Matt said...
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FullMoon said...

I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he’s is trying to undermine the media, trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that, while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that is our job.

- Mika Brzezinski

Fen said...

Related. The NYTs just retracted Inga's 17 Intelligence Agencies Agree Russia Hacked. It was fake news.

As usual, Inga won't offer up any mea culpas or change her behavior. The fake news served her purpose back then - to taunt and badger Trump supporters here. She doesn't have the integrity to apologize, she'll just keep churning out propaganda without concern for credibility or reputation.

Makes you wonder how she got to a point where she has no self-respect left. Perhaps that's why so many on the Left are immune to shame. Past a certain point it's just rain on a sea of corruption.

Fen said...

Matt, specificly what words were "undignified" ?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger Fen said...
Related. The NYTs just retracted Inga's 17 Intelligence Agencies Agree Russia Hacked. It was fake news.

WHAT?! Link?

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Fen: "Related. The NYTs just retracted Inga's 17 Intelligence Agencies Agree Russia Hacked. It was fake news."

It was always fake news as only a few of the agencies (4) were really involved. The other 13 agency heads were pressured to sign on as if they were some independent group able to verify anything on their own.

Anyone with a brain could recognize that immediately.

I mean, come on, Coast Guard Intelligence? Whose kidding who here?

Drago said...

Fen: "Matt, specificly [sic] what words were "undignified" ?

Matt then spends many many many words not identifying what specifically he found undignified.


Drago said...

Apparently, for Matt, if you happen to notice that someone who has undergone a medical procedure is still experience some bleeding this is considered undignified.

Lots of "undignified" stuff going on in the post-op ward, I guess.

Drago said...

Matt: "So if Obama has said [or tweeted] "Sarah Palin was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no! Wow" then all conservatives would have:"

Obama called Palin a pig.

In a most dignified, leftist way, of course.

Sod off snowflake.

FullMoon said...

So, ya know the news stories about the guy who kills his wife because the toast was burned. Or the guy who kills his friend over a five dollar bet? It is always the straw that broke the camels back. The final grievance or insult. That is Trump's tweet. Predict he is not done. If they insult him tomorrow, he will hit them again.

Drago said...

In other bad news for Inga, the House passed their version of Kates law.

The lefties are not going to like any attention brought to their beloved illegals executing American citizens.

Drago said...

Hey, you know who was bleeding alot?

Steve Scalise.

But he had it coming...from a democrat terrorist who apparently liked to chat with Dick Durbins office.

policraticus said...

I don't get the grand strategy that a lot of people impute to Trumps Twitter storms. How does being this gross and offensive persuade anyone to follow you? Maybe there is strategy, maybe it's even deliberate, maybe Scott Adams can weigh in on how this works, in the meantime, it looks to me like the president's id has full control of the iPhone while his ego and superego go play 9 holes at Maralago.

Someone (maybe Gen. Mattis?) needs to grab him by the collar and shake him while screaming "YOU ARE THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD. IN. THE. WORLD. Stop acting like a cast member of the Real Housewives of Palm Springs. Stop hurting yourself. Put the phone down. Stay on message. Your brand does not have to be bile. You WON, you fuck, show just a little discipline and maybe you can accomplish something that will last.

But, I am probably wrong. The country doesn't want a mature, thoughtful Donald Trump. It would be a contradiction in terms. Like Jumbo Shrimp. I've been wrong about Trump form day one. I'm not betting that my instincts have suddenly improved.

Matt said...
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Darrell said...

Matt didn't bother to read the whole thread and Obama's full quote. That's a FAIL for the course. Here's a dime. Go call your mother.

Fen said...

Matt, you typed 3 paragraphs dodging a simple request to identify what specific word(s) in Trump's tweet were "undignified".

Strike One.

Odd how you can be so outraged by something you can't manage to identify. But I will pitch it again:

What specific words were "undignified" ?

Matt said...
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Humperdink said...

policraticus asked: " How does being this gross and offensive persuade anyone to follow you?"

Pretty simple actually. The Conservatives and right of center R's are tired the media picking our candidates, then watch the media proceed to destroy them without so much as a whimper from said candidate. Trump doesn't play that game. It may be crude to you my friend, but it's a breathe of fresh to us.

Thanks for asking.

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

How about Obama flipping the bird with that middle-finger scratch between the eyebrows? Are you going to send me a Snopes link that says it was only coincidental? Do you think that link will convince me? He did it several times and Lefties got off on it. But that's dignified, isn't it?

Humperdink said...

@Matt When Mika (daughter of statesmanlike Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor) called Trump "mentally unhinged", would you label that undignified?

Drago said...

Matt: "Drago Obama never called Palin a pig. That's one of those lies you bought and didn't investigate"

I watched it live when it happened.

So take your lies and put them with your pre-election Hillary wins in a landslide polls.

Kebas said...

Mike who? Never heard of him.


Drago said...

Matt: "And, are you also pretending like Trump tweeted about face-life surgery and blood as a general innocent FYI?"

Oh, I get it now.

You're going with the "play dumb" routine.

Trump was being quite clear about making fun of them both trying to snuggle up to him even at a moment when Mika was recovering from her surgery and now they are both running around claiming Trump is Hitler.

Very obvious.

In fact, so obvious you have to be a leftist to miss it...just as you've missed everything else for the last 2 years.

Good luck with that in the future.

Darrell said...

So take your lies and put them with your pre-election Hillary wins in a landslide polls.

Those polls were extremely accurate!!!!11!! Especially the November 9th ones.

Drago said...

We now return you to your regular programming where "dignified" democrat presidents get to jam "dignified" cigars up the "dignified" va-jay-jays of "dignified" interns in the dignified White House and be celebrated from one of "Left-dom" to the other.

Matt said...
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Matt said...
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Humperdink said...

Matt asserted: " While with Trump you don't have to interpret that he is attempting to offend Mika. He clear(ly) is. And you love it."

You betcha!!!

Michael said...

" it is OKAY if TRUMP says it but NOT okay if OBAMA says it. Right? Yes, correct."

Yes, correct. New rules, Matt. Actually the rules of the left now adopted by the winning team. But you can keep your plan if you like it. Doctor too,

Michael said...

Nothing more dignified and presidential than getting a blowjob from an intern that works for you. In the Oval Office. Nice. Now that is the way to celebrate women and work for their power.
Oh, but these tweets.... LOL

Darrell said...

Clinton jerked off in an Oval Office sink. Obama paraded his erection to reporters on Air Force One. If only we could go back to the dignified days of the Presidency.

Guildofcannonballs said...


---TEN MONTHS AGO Kos's ascendancy seemed hardly pre-ordained. On April 1, 2004, Kos responded to the savage murder of four American contractors in Falluja by writing, "I feel nothing over the death of the mercenaries [sic]. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them."---

I feel nothing for Mika nor Joe. They are waging wars of lies for profit and pride. Screw 'em.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Someone (maybe Gen. Mattis?) needs to grab him by the collar and shake him while screaming

Policraticus, funny, that is what we would like to happen to the media. General Mattis is a good choice, but he's only one man, so I was thinking a bunch of 4 am visits by four-man teams to, oh, the list writes itself...

Bad Lieutenant said...

Oh and, the thing is poli, that he apparently hasn't anyone to do this for him, so he does it himself. Pity because he's got such a full plate. If deputized, I would be happy to shake reporters' trees for him, then he could spend more time figuring out how best to nuke NK.

Kirk Parker said...


"Look, it'd be great to have a president that is polite, tactful, collected, well spoken and all those good things that have traditionally been associated with being 'presidential'."

You have just described Mitt Romney. But I have it on good authority that Romney was Literally Hitler™ too.


"Still, I'd like Trump go in with a scalpel, not a chainsaw."

Every day I grow a bit fonder of the battle ax + whoopee cushion approach that Trump takes.

Kirk Parker said...

'Vichy' Chuck,

Did you miss the part where bagoh2o wrote "Have some very limited regulation to prevent fraud, and false advertising"?

That's really the legitimate... make that the only legitimate... purview of the state insurance commissioners. So no, he's not talking about eliminating that.

Now, prohibiting the sale of plans in my state unless they include acupuncture treatment... hell yeah I want that eliminated! It's why I can't find a low-cost plan to buy any more...

Ron W., buwaya,

At one time my family was hosting two foreign students attending high school here: one Chinese, one Korean. Mostly things were fine between them, but occasionally things would get a little heated whenever the subject of national sports teams came up. Whenever this occurred I would somehow introduce the word 'Japan' into the conversation. Instantly the boys were back on the same page with each other!

Inga bleated, "Paul Ryan ... Lindsey Graham ... Ben Sasse ... John McCain ... Susan Collins ... Lynn Jenkins ... Lisa Murkowski". Way to prove our point!

Fen said...

Matt, is it the word "bleeding" (eeeew) that has your knickers in a knot? Are you, for some reason, assuming that "bleeding from the scalp" was meant as a metaphor for menstrual blood?

You realize that's from between a woman's legs, not from her head, right? It's called a vagina. V-A-G-I-N-A. Google it.

Fen said...

Policraticus, it comes into better focus once you start to realize the greatest threat to the Republic is the 4th Estate.

That may seem bizzare to you, but take an objective look at the unaccountable power they wield, how much they tip the scales in favor of the Marxist Left, and how easily they have sidelined decent American conservatives with yellow journalism.

Now look at threats like ISIS and illegal immigration. Dangerous enough on their own, but see that shadow in the background running interference for them? The Left Wing Media. Just look at how effectively they have nuetuered Western Europe. MiniTru is a powerful force to be reckoned with. In a sense, they can decide what your political reality is.

We can't effectively address challenges like the Jihad or illegal immigration while the media is handicapping us. It's like trying to beat the Packers WHILE dealing with corrupt refs.

wwww said...


Why are there so many comments?

Nothing is surprising. Not the tweet or the media response.

It cannot be surprise. So what is it?

Darrell said...

We ran out of things to say about tight watch bands.

Drago said...

wwww: "492??? Why are there so many comments?"

Some people look at the number of comments and wonder "why are there so many"?

I look at the number of comments and wonder "Why not more?".

Sprezzatura said...

"I look at the number of comments and wonder "Why not more?"."

Based on your many contributions this thread alone, that sorta goes w/o sayin'.

Just sayin'

ebtobiassen said...

Oh come on. Neither Althouse's casuistry nor the "so-there; now you know what it feels like" commenters are providing appropriate responses. Whatever you think of his policies, Trump can't seem to help behaving like a low-life, which is something an American President had better not do. We don't have a monarch; the President is head of state, and one that, when angry, inveterately goes on about bleeding women is a really rotten example for our citizens and to the rest of the world. Yes, the Tea Party got a bad rap; yes, the Left is at least as bad in its own sanctimonious way. But so what? When our politics resemble nothing so much as monkeys throwing dung at each other, its time for the adults, if there still are any, to call a halt. (And, while Althouse doesn't do it, the juvenile name-calling at the conservatives who won't defend this sort of thing, which I've seen elsewhere today, is a sure sign of demoralization, not the machismo it pretends to display.)

Darrell said...

Nows the time for concern trolls to show concern. Lets protect the dignity of internet commenting. Oh, wait . . .

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Laura Ingraham


"Elevating vindictive cable hosts w/ anemic ratings by tweeting abt them is ill-advised. Elevate the agenda. Elevate America."

Sprezzatura said...

"...while Althouse doesn't do it, the juvenile name-calling at the conservatives who won't defend this sort of thing, which I've seen elsewhere today, is a sure sign of demoralization, not the machismo it pretends to display."

I don't know if this is meant to call out the cuck callers. But, there is something sorta lame about the folks who revel in identifying cucks, as they see it.

Presumably it's a little bit less lame when some folks who don't go full-cuck-caller. These folks are sated w/ only SJW identification, for their pysch comfort.


Carry on.

Sprezzatura said...

"Laura Ingraham


"Elevating vindictive cable hosts w/ anemic ratings by tweeting abt them is ill-advised. Elevate the agenda. Elevate America.""

BTW Rene,

The thing that Ingraham and DJT know, but you don't seem to, is that everyone in DC watches that show.

You're welcome.

Drago said...

3rdgrader: "Based on your many contributions this thread alone, that sorta goes w/o sayin'.

Just sayin'"

Your "Just sayin'" always sorta goes w/o sayin'.

Just sayin'.

Fen said...

"American President can't behave like a low life"

Says who? Bill Clinton?

"Head of state when angry"

Assumption. You are reading your own bias into his remarks. I can just as easily read him as laughing his ass off.

"Rotten example to kids and rest of world"

Again, says who? The bullies? Or the kids tired of taking it? And fuck the rest of the world - I'm tired of polling Denmark to earn their approval.

"our politics resemble"

The Left has been throwing a 6 month temper tantrum and refused to normaluze Trump. And with the Democrat Media's help, planted fake stories to impeach or remove a duly elected President of the United States. So fuck you and your tu quoque, fuck you and your appeal to civility.

You want this to end? Tell the Left to stop attacking. Tell the media to stop attacking. The NYTs printed the time and day of the GOP baseball practice and printed that security would be light. And you want to whine about tweets and tone and appearances? Go. Pound. Sand.

"It's time for the adults to call a halt "

Oh NOW you get it. Where the fuck have you been for the last 20 years while I was routinely bullied as a "racist sexist homophobe" ? Your like the teacher who doesn't do a damn thing as the new kid is beat down by bullies all year, but steps in the moment he finally punches back, because an actual brawl would create "drama".

Shove your call for decorum. You had 8 years to speak out against "bitter clingers, flyover country, deplorables" and this is the first I've seen of you. Where the fuck have you been?

buwaya said...


Recent hires by MSNBC (Stephens, Hewitt) and NBC (Will), plus a change in commentary in various spots, like the tryout ebtobiassen entity above, indicate a change in media approach. More "civility bullshit" as per Althouse's tag, and less Russia hysteria, is the new propaganda line by the powers that be.

PB&J does still carry on of course.

Fen said...

Play nice with the Marxists, we want them to respect us in the morning.

Sprezzatura said...


That was pretty good re me.

But, ya coulda thrown in a couple

extra line breaks, too.
But, I guess yer to0 scared of the boss lady.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

PB - everyone inside the beltway. LOL - The deplorables have jobs.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The elites watch morning joe. good to know.

iowan2 said...

I used to watch the morning Joe. I told myself it gave me some insight into what the left was up to. It was kind of entertaining, I could watch if for an hour or two, that ended when President Trump became the nominee, thats when it became unwatchable, the two of them, just spouted wild accusations, theories, and alternate facts. I couldn't take it to get to a commercial break. Now, I try from time to time, and it doesnt take 30 seconds before some untrue statement comes out of their mouth. The left has no idea how little influence the media has outside the DC bubble. We really dont believe anything they say.

Fen said...

I'm so sick of the faux outrage and pearl clutching and virtue signalling.

The media has been launching an all out assault on Trump since they lost the election. So he outed them as two-faced hypocrites with a single tweet.

It was a tweet.

Get over yourselves. Or you are in for a very long 8 years.

Sprezzatura said...

"The deplorables have jobs."

It starts at 6 right-coast-time, i.e. pre-job, for many.

I often check in in at 3 my time (assuming I'm not working sans sleep, hence skipping the morning routine) before gettin' to capitalizing, or job creating, or MAGA-ing, or whatever y'all call it.

William said...

Over 500 comments as I clock in. I thought I had made the definitive comment upthread and that people would have thanked me for my analysis and called it a night, but the comments ke p churning .....All sides, pro and con, have to admit that Trump knows how to raise a shitstorm. The plus side of this shitstorm is that you don't have to be knowledgeable to form an opinion. You don't have to research the CBO 's accounting mechanics to blast away......I don't think this is politics for Trump. It's personal. He used to consider some of these people friends, and they have made some exceedingly nasty cracks about him. He's responding in kind, but, of course, he's no longer a reality show host. Or maybe not. Reagan thought that being President was his greatest role. Maybe Trump considers the Presidency the greatest reality show ever.

Fen said...

Laura: "elevating vindictive hosts with anemic ratings"

I'm sorry Laura, did you just pull off the most stunning upset in political history using unconventional tactics? No?

So is it possible your situational awareness is outdated and out of touch? Do you even have an idea what pieces are in play?

Do you actually think that Mika and Joe were the target of Trump's attack?

btw, the Tea Party ran with advice like yours. As did Mitt Rombey. They were orderly and civil and respectful. And when attacked by the Democrat Media, they rose above it and presented the other cheek.

How did that work out for them?

Sprezzatura said...

"Do you actually think that Mika and Joe were the target of Trump's attack?"

I doubt he intended to make a broader fuss re something that most (essentially all?) rich R (or married to rich R dude) gals will do, in one way or another, i.e. work done.

Or, closer to home, does nearly 50 yo Melania have a single wrinkle?

Maybe many of y'all don't understand SOP.

Achilles said...

Blogger Rene Saunce said...
Laura Ingraham


"Elevating vindictive cable hosts w/ anemic ratings by tweeting abt them is ill-advised. Elevate the agenda. Elevate America."

Too late. Been called a racist baby killer bigot misogynist by a bunch of dishonest hypocritical fucks who use violence to intimidate people they disagree with for decades.

The last 30+ years we been taking the high road. Not going to spare decency for people who don't have any or respect it. If they don't want to be decent what good are they)

Fen said...

"I doubt he intended..."

And yet, the Liberal Media is in a free fall.

Golly, that idiot Trump must be the luckiest man on earth. He just keeps stumbling into the endzone.

But no worries 3rdGrade, you get bonus points for taking a cheap shot at the First Lady before the calls for civility have died out. Thank you.

Sprezzatura said...

"you get bonus points for taking a cheap shot at the First Lady"

I stumbled into the end zone.

Drago said...

The side that was calling Trump's 10 year old a future serial killer would like for everyone else to tone down the rhetoric.

Drago said...

The side that was making rape jokes about Sarah Palin's young daughters would like everyone else to tone down the rhetoric.

Drago said...

The side that openly mused about whether or not Sarah Palin's was really Trig's mother would like everyone else to tone down the rhetoric.

Drago said...

The side that was making gang rape jokes about Sarah Palin would like everyone else to tone down the rhetoric.

Fen said...

3rd: "calling out cucks is lame"

Hear that boys? The Leftist says there is no shame in being his bitch. And do you mind, in the name of bipartisan civility, if he fucks your wife?

I mean really, since you are willing to stand by and watch as your own people get fucked, what's one more?

Darrell said...

Turning the other cheek means four wrecked cheeks when you are dealing with Lefties.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

William said... Reagan thought that being President was his greatest role. Maybe Trump considers the Presidency the greatest reality show ever.
6/29/17, 10:50 PM

Maybe I'll give a crap when President Trump starts appearing on Jimmy Kimmel and Fallon and Ellen and The View, and going on ESPN to pick his college basketball brackets, and showing up online with Zach Gak, and a woman in a bathtub full of Froot Loops. Jackass Obama spent 8 years playing King For A Day!

Sprezzatura said...

Left, right, middle, whatev, I think we'd all be better off if DJT's cock wasn't so tiny.

Sprezzatura said...


It looks like DJT gave cover to MSNBC so that they could dump the real expert re gettin' work done.

Now that Greta's expired at all three cable channels where can she go?


Quaestor said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson wrote: I think we'd all be better off if DJT's cock wasn't so tiny.

There's nothing like an informed opinion, is there?

Never mind the size, 3GPBGP, please describe the taste.

Laslo Spatula said...

At least Trump didn't give details about Mika and her surgical procedures to tighten her butthole.

"Another option to resurface and tighten the anus uses laser treatments, something that dermatologist Dr. Jessie Cheung does out of her office in Willowbrook, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. Lasers will not only remove discoloration, lumps and bumps, but a probe can also be inserted that will tighten the butthole."

Sure, Mika might have experienced some anal discomfort, and -- yeah -- there was probably bleeding, but now she has a new, tighter butthole with which to bewitch Scarborough....

Let's hear from Mika herself:

"Joe and I enjoy ourselves the butt-play, and I have been having men put their erect cocks in my ass since I was in college. But after some recent 'loose experiences' I realized that maybe it was time to do something about it...

I mean, I was proud of my backdoor capabilities. I could put objects up my ass the size of a small child's fist-and-forearm. Not that I ever actually put a small child's fist-and-forearm in my ass: Ha Ha! But Joe wanted that tightness he remembers from girls' assholes back during his University Days, when even something the size of a roll of dimes seemed like it was Just Too Big to fit...

Now, after only a few months of post-procedure discomfort, I DO feel like an Anal Schoolgirl again! And Joe says my new snugness makes it feel like his cock is even bigger -- which is good, because Joe sometimes has insecurities about the size of his cock...

Maybe I shouldn't have told him so much about all the giant cocks I've had in my ass over the years. I thought telling him about my times with a Black Man With An Eleven Inch Cock would bring us closer together, but he seemed to get upset about that...

"Joe," I said, "Is it that his cock was Eleven Inches, or is it because he was Black?" He didn't say anything verbally, but his eyes clearly said "YOU ANAL WHORE..."

I told him the Black Man With The Eleven Inch Cock was a Republican, but that didn't seem to matter. I'm not saying Joe is racist: he's known I've had plenty of Throbbing Black Cocks in my ass over the years. But I guess he pretended to himself that these Black Men weren't THAT well endowed, silly boy...

All that is in the past, now. With my new tighter butthole Joey feels like he's King! In fact, I don't even think I could fit an Eleven Inch Cock in my ass now: at least not without drinking a LOT of wine, first -- Ha Ha...!

I am Laslo.

Bad Lieutenant said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson wrote: I think we'd all be better off if DJT's cock wasn't so tiny.

There's nothing like an informed opinion, is there?

Never mind the size, 3GPBGP, please describe the taste.

Well considering how the left is getting schlong to buy this guy up down right and left they should probably Wish isn't any bigger than it is. But I thought this thing about his hand size was myth busted. But again as always eternally the left thinks it will be the Victor, and as Hitler said, the Victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

iowan2 said...

Time to go back and read Scott Adams. He pointed during the campaign, that President Trump never attacks people, he responds to them in kind. Pick any day of Morning Joe and you can come up with dozens of personal insults. Not policy, personal insults. That doesnt count the lies all wrapped up in this fiction that was the "Russia" thing.

President Trump will start acting more like a President, the moment those that oppose him, treat him like the President.

As has been pointed out, the paid fixers, ie, media, demolished Mitt Romney, and the Tea Party were so kind and polite, it became a trade mark. that did not get returned. The left, led by the corrupt media, will destroy those that oppose their quest to solidify power.

The left has never been threatened in the way President Trump threatens their grasp of power.

When I say the left, I include a large swath of Republicans.

William said...

Not everyone has time to read all 500 plus comments, so I'll briefly summarize. Those who voted for Trump think the tweets are hard hitting or, at least, within tolerable limits of political expression. Those who did not vote for Trump think that the tweets are indicative of mental illness, sexism, and the impending collapse of America. At about the 330 mark, however, Fen was able to convince Inga of the error of her ways, and she has vowed to wear a MAGA cap in the next gay pride parade.

Anonymous said...

Mika the dimwit said she didn't have a face lift she had some chin work. Maybe she had too many sweaty balls bounce off her chin. In that case maybe Odumbo should have that surgery too!

TDP said...

Donald Trump is an expert on real estate. Proof? Well, He is living rent-free in the minds of 99.999% of the Left - and will be ongoing. He knows it - they don't get it. Amazing. If Trump is any kind of crazy, it's of the 'like a fox' variety.

Hubris is a narcissist named Obama and a heartless b*tch named Hillary - hubris is an equal-opportunity destroyer of terminally repugnant power seekers.

Meanwhile, Nemesis goes by the name Trump.

Interesting how history and fate unfolds: "Trump" is defined as:

2: a decisive overriding factor or final resource — called also trump card
3: a dependable and exemplary person

You can't make this up.

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