June 29, 2017

Trump tweets that Mika Brzezinski "was bleeding badly from a face-lift."

Just this morning:
I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

... to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!
Wow. That's harsh. He must know facelifts to be so confident he can diagnose the source of the bleeding. She had blood coming out of her wherever... face.

Why's he suddenly going back to New Year's Eve? And what's with all the "Crazy" and "Psycho"? It seems... crazy and psycho.

Here's the NYT story on the subject:
The graphic nature of the president’s suggestion that Ms. Brzezinski had undergone plastic surgery was met with immediate criticism on social media...

Mr. Trump’s comment on Thursday echoed a contentious remark that he made about another female television anchor, Megyn Kelly, during last year’s presidential campaign. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever,” Mr. Trump said, a remark that was widely seen as a reference to menstruation and drew rebukes from women’s groups.
Yes, widely seen as a reference to menstruation, but who knew he might have been talking about facelifts?

Over at The Washington Post, Callum Borchers is calling it a "blatantly sexist attack." Ridiculous. Men get facelifts too. In fact, it's Borchers who's supplying the sexism:
When Trump hits Brzezinski and Scarborough on Twitter, he hits Brzezinski harder, more personally and in a way that seems designed to portray her as insecure (“facelift”) and unintelligent (“low IQ”) — as a side piece who would not be on TV if not for her romantic relationship with Scarborough, to whom she was recently engaged.
Trump didn't say "sidepiece" or characterize plastic surgery as a marker of insecurity.  That's Borchers projecting. What I read in that tweet is that he found it ludicrous that the person trying to insinuate herself into his company was bleeding from the face. That doesn't sound at all like insecurity. Quite the opposite.


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exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Rene Saunce. yeah, I'm not crazy about tweets like this either, although I get what he's trying to do. The tweets about Comey, Russia, etc. are smart - a way of going around the media. But instead of tweeting about Mika's facelifts, he should direct attention to the stupid anti-growth regulations his administration is gutting, or to lower court judges he's appointing - to the positive things he's accomplished. (And of course, I define good and "positive" as anything Inga hates.) Force the media to focus on those things rather than silly insults.

wwww said...

More Random Thoughts:

5) POTUS: the visual image of DJT punching Mika, a woman, is not helpful to getting his platform passed through congress.

6) DJT needs Maine & Alaska R. Senators -- both women -- to pass his health care bill & any tax bill. How do they respond to this tweet when they go home next week. AWKWARD.

7) yeah - I don't think this helps him politcally. Reminds me of someone I knew with onset senility who got impulsive & mean.

Anonymous said...


DanTheMan said...

>> "It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job."

'It's a sad day for us when a Republican fights back' is what he meant.

William said...

Trump will never be described as Lincolnesque. Future presidents who do something gauche will be described as Trumpesque. Trump is making a new mold.......This will be good for Mika's career. Look at what happened to Megyn Kelly after Trump insulted her. I just hope that Mika doesn't dump Joe after she makes the jump to prime time and gets her own show........Trump is running his office like some kind of reality show. It's very entertaining, and it holds your attention, but who knows how it will play out in the long run. Right now I'm into it and look forward to more Trump dumps.

Brando said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Face it; Trump is just an uninterested dolt on this subject. He won't be helpful; he is just going to have to stay out of it"

That may be for the best--he ought to just sit back and let Congress work out their deal, and tell them he'll consider what they submit to him when it reaches his desk. It's not like his cheerleading is going to get anyone to support it who isn't already on board.

Drago said...

William: "Look at what happened to Megyn Kelly after Trump insulted her."

It was good for one career jump. Now its all burning down around her and NBC.

I doubt Mika has skills/personality/likeability that is greater than Megyn's.

Achilles said...

Brando said...

FWIW, I would have preferred if Trump had produced a budget plan that he could have sold to Congress and the public, but failing that, he really had not choice.

Most critics of Trump seem to have no idea what the job of President is and what the job of Congress is.

Ryan has had over a decade to assemble a conservative budget. Over a decade. It was his job description until he became speaker. The easiest explanation is Ryan likes Obama's budgets and he doesn't want Trump to reform the government.

MayBee said...

Trump and the media are both pretty ridiculous But I'm cheering for him right now

Darrell said...

Is Inga in early stages of senility?

How could you tell?

readering said...

Well, at least he's not Clinton, am I right?

This is the line we will keep hearing until they remove him on a stretcher to the funny farm.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Shall we roll the Gruber tape?

He's the architect of ObamaCare. The bill that was a big fucking deal and had to be passed on party line vote without anyone actually reading it.

“the stupidity of the American voter” made it important for him and Democrats to hide Obamacare’s true costs from the public. “That was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” said Gruber.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Every time a leftist troll whines and cries and blubbers about Trump, an angel gets his wings.

Heaven's wing factory has been on double shifts since November. See, Trump's creating jobs everywhere!

tim in vermont said...

Look at what happened to Megyn Kelly after Trump insulted her.

Yeah, everybody thought she was great suddenly because "reasons." And of course those "reasons" paid off, amiright?


Seems like Trump sized her up correctly, but he should understand that it's poor form to attack women without a 'D' after your name, his old friend Bill Clinton could explain to him how it is properly done!

Darrell said...

Inga said...

6/29/17, 12:20 PM

Her only rational comment since she took the name.

Achilles said...

William said...

Look at what happened to Megyn Kelly after Trump insulted her

Oh really?

Payday yes. Career builder no.

In fact this is a perfect example of what the current mass media is. A bunch of people paid not by results(ratings), but paid to attack political enemies of the left.

tim in vermont said...

Well, at least he's not Clinton, am I right?

The cost of trying to give a crook and a rapist both offices in the White House is that people will rub it in your face rendering.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Chuck said...
Hey why talk about healthcare reform, when it's possible that Mika Brzezinski had a facelift?
6/29/17, 10:12 AM

Please, Chuck, let's hear your ideas on healthcare reform. Have you got any?

Anonymous said...

Trump had "sources" for his birther claims, lol.

Here's a laundry list of birther declarations Trump made before he tried to put the controversy to rest:
1. "Why doesn't he show his birth certificate? There's something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like."
- March 23, 2011, on "The View"
2. "He's spent millions of dollars trying to get away from this issue. Millions of dollars in legal fees trying to get away from this issue. And I'll tell you what, I brought it up, just routinely, and all of a sudden a lot facts are emerging and I'm starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in this country."
- March 28, 2011, on Fox News
3. "He doesn't have a birth certificate, or if he does, there's something on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me -- and I have no idea if this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be -- that where it says 'religion,' it might have 'Muslim.' And if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion, by the way."
- March 30, 2011, on The Laura Ingraham Show
4. "I have people that have been studying [Obama's birth certificate] and they cannot believe what they're finding ... I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics."
- April 7, 2011, on NBC's "Today" show
5. "His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh, no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' She's on tape. I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon. Somebody is coming out with a book in two weeks, it will be very interesting."

tim in vermont said...

spellcheck thinks that "readering" is really "rendering," not me.

Anonymous said...

6. "He didn't know he was running for president, so he told the truth. The literary agent wrote down what he said ... He said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia ... Now they're saying it was a mistake. Just like his Kenyan grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and she pointed down the road to the hospital, and after people started screaming at her, she said, 'Oh, I mean Hawaii.' Give me a break."
- May 24, 2012, interview with The Daily Beast's Lloyd Grove, responding to an erroneous report about Obama
7. "A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. ... Many people do not think it was authentic. His mother was not in the hospital. There are many other things that came out. And frankly if you would report it accurately I think you'd probably get better ratings than you're getting."
- May 29, 2012, to CNN's Wolf Blitzer
8. "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud."

- August 6, 2012, in a tweet more than a year after Obama released his longform birth certificate
9. "Was it a birth certificate? You tell me. Some people say that was not his birth certificate. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I'm saying I don't know. Nobody knows."
- August 2013, to ABC News
10. "How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama's 'birth certificate' died in plane crash today. All others lived."

Drago said...

Inga: ""4) Is DJT in early stages of senility?"

Good question"

Ah, pulling the Reagan tactic out of mothballs. Another desperation play. You may have noticed recently that the American Psychiatric Association leftists are taking a play out of the Soviet Psychiatric playbook (bit surprise, eh?) to try and create momentum for removal of Trump via the 25th Amendment by declaring Trump unfit for office by "diagnosis from a distance".

Basically, just as in the Soviet Union (Robert Cook paradise), the powers that be would simply declare anyone who disagreed with state policies "insane". Things like belief in individual rights and individual freedom.

The left hates that sort of stuff.


Think of it this way, a bunch of borscht-eating Inga and readering Soviets got to sit back and just declare all their political opponents insane.

Anonymous said...

11. "Well, I don't know -- did he do it? ... Well, a lot of people don't agree with you and a lot of people feel it wasn't a proper certificate."
-May 2014, in an interview with TV3's Colette Fitzpatrick in Ireland, Trump first contested whether Obama had released his birth certificate, then questioned whether its legitimacy.
12. "There are three things that could happen. And one of them did happen. He was perhaps born in Kenya. Very simple, OK? He was perhaps born in this country. But said he was born in Kenya because if you say you were born in Kenya, you got aid and you got into colleges. People were doing that. So perhaps he was born in this country, and that has a very big chance. Or, you know, who knows?"
- May 27, 2014, in remarks at the National Press Club
13. "Who knows about Obama? ... Who knows, who knows? Who cares right now?... I have my own theory on Obama. Someday I will write a book, I will do another book, and it will do very successfully."
- January 6, 2016, in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
14. "I'll answer that question at the right time. I just don't want to answer it yet ... I don't talk about it anymore. The reason I don't is because then everyone is going to be talking about it as opposed to jobs, the military, the vets, security."

tim in vermont said...

Inga conveniently forgets that Hillary was the first "birther," who pointed out correctly that he was fine with being a Kenyan when he thought it would give his books more cachet.

Why didn't you give us a reasonable choice, Democrats?

Bad Lieutenant said...

After Trump went out of his way during the campaign to promise (falsely, it seems) that he would never cut "Medicare or Medicaid."

But Chuck, that's good, right? You were concerned and angry that President Trump, then Candidate Trump, said that he wouldn't touch SS/M&M. So really, if that was just a campaign promise to get elected, that's great, right? Now we can reform entitlements and save the country.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump isn't totally off topic here. I mean, the tweet was clearly healthcare related.

Frankly, I'd rather have a President tweeting about Mika's healthcare than taking over mine.

Chuck said...

Brando said...
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Face it; Trump is just an uninterested dolt on this subject. He won't be helpful; he is just going to have to stay out of it"

That may be for the best--he ought to just sit back and let Congress work out their deal, and tell them he'll consider what they submit to him when it reaches his desk. It's not like his cheerleading is going to get anyone to support it who isn't already on board.

Being one of the few remaining intelligent voices left here, I owe you a reply.

Respectfully, I don't think it will be "for the best." Without any meaningful presidential support, there will never be an Obamacare "replacement." It will be nibbling around the edges, and hopefully so minor that Republicans can hold the Senate in 2018. So that when Trump gets a chance to nominate a replacement for Kennedy, and maybe Ginsburg, we can win a confirmation.

Trump's staying out of any healthcare debate may be a given. It may be the least-worst option. But very respectfully to you I don't think it is for the best.

buwaya said...

"Force the media to focus on those things rather than silly insults."

These things (substance on progress re regulations, etc.) would not be read, or repeated.
This sort of thing is not going to be focused on.
The MSM has control of story selection, so the reach of such will be the Presidents Twitter following and not much more.

Things that appear to be statements that can be used against him, such as silly insults, will be used, and repeated in the MSM Wurlitzer.
That's why Trump's tweets are effective, because they are amplified, as ammunition against him. However they are intended to be double-sided in their effect. It is Jui-jitsu.

This is not a situation that rewards quiet competence. Objective criteria are irrelevant. Nobody can be made to care.

Rabel said...

This is so bad that the entire staff of the NY Times will soon be out on the street marching in protest.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Being one of the few remaining intelligent voices left here..."


Similar to ARM being a "reasonable man" and a "moderate".

Too funny.

john marzan said...



Achilles said...

Brando said...

FWIW, I would have preferred if Trump had produced a budget plan that he could have sold to Congress and the public, but failing that, he really had not choice.

That may be for the best--he ought to just sit back and let Congress work out their deal, and tell them he'll consider what they submit to him when it reaches his desk. It's not like his cheerleading is going to get anyone to support it who isn't already on board.

So for Brando, it doesn't matter what Trump does, it is wrong.

The vichy republicans aren't in power anymore. Trump is actually forcing the party to act on what the voters that elect republicans want. And while he fights the leftist traitors he has to deal with sniping and backbiting in his own party and some that pretend to be in his party.

Bad Lieutenant said...


Part of the problem with mindless cut and paste is that it is TL;DR. The first couple of things you posted sounded good to me. For instance, Obama did spend I think $5 million defending his privacy/secrecy in the BC/COLB issue. You want President Trump to release his tax records on the basis of "Why not?" Let Obama release his various records on that basis. First.

BTW, now that President Trump is President and controls (ha) the FBI and CIA, how about a black bag job or two, on the Hawaii records, and on the LAT to get that Khalid videotape?

Chuck said...

Bad Lieutenant said...
After Trump went out of his way during the campaign to promise (falsely, it seems) that he would never cut "Medicare or Medicaid."

But Chuck, that's good, right? You were concerned and angry that President Trump, then Candidate Trump, said that he wouldn't touch SS/M&M. So really, if that was just a campaign promise to get elected, that's great, right? Now we can reform entitlements and save the country.

LOL. Trump said it, the saps believed him, and Trump won the nomination. He's a world-class liar. A consummate salesman. Ya got me. I think you're right. If only he had an idea about what he is selling.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and "One of The Few Remaining Intelligent Voices Here" Chuck: "Without any meaningful presidential support, there will never be an Obamacare "replacement.""

So, you are desirous of a true Obamacare "replacement".

"lifelong republican" and "One of The Few Remaining Intelligent Voices Here" Chuck:
"It will be nibbling around the edges, and hopefully so minor that Republicans can hold the Senate in 2018."

But you don't want anything big in terms of replacement because you believe it will help republicans in the Senate races next year.

"lifelong republican" and "One of The Few Remaining Intelligent Voices Here" Chuck: "Trump's staying out of any healthcare debate may be a given. It may be the least-worst option."

So, Trump should stay out of it.

"lifelong republican" and "One of The Few Remaining Intelligent Voices Here" Chuck: "But very respectfully to you I don't think it is for the best."

So, Trump should jump back into it.

Well, it's truly a wonder that you have not been hired as a campaign manager for up and coming republicans.


buwaya said...

"After Trump went out of his way during the campaign to promise (falsely, it seems) that he would never cut "Medicare or Medicaid."

Does anyone believe that the Republicans would actually cut Medicare or Medicaid?

MD Greene said...

Trump's unmediated id is an embarrassment, just his candidacy was an extension of our adoption of reality-television values. The few Americans who who still know how to read should buy copies of Emily Post's and Dale Carnegies's best sellers -- and should take the lessons to heart.

That said, I wish the New York Times had displayed similar dismay over the previous administration's failure to act when the IRS, part of the executive branch, joined the 2012 election campaigns and ran the Tea Party out of business.

There are various ways to forfeit your credibility. One is by behaving like a vulgar boob. Another is by tolerating blatant corruption.

Anonymous said...

Bad LT.
Doesn't matter, don't read it. I'm posting them as an example of using "sources" and lies. That's your President's specialty.

wwww said...

More Random Thoughts:

1) "When I said that foreign powers follow the President's Twitter feed to examine his state of mind, today was the kind of thing I had in mind." Tom Nichols

2) This is immensely entertaining

3) The entertainment is not worth the potential loss of prestige in the world.

4) random thoughts about the fall of Rome.

5) Pax Americana was a good deal while it lasted.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So Inga's jabbering on about birtherism, which nobody really cares about anymore, since Obama is an ex-president on his 48th vacation since leaving the WH. Being an ex-president is very tiring and requires almost as many vacations as Obama took while he was in the WH.

"Inga conveniently forgets that Hillary was the first "birther,"

She forgets that a lot - like 3 times a day.

Is Inga going senile? As Darrell said, how could anybody tell?

buwaya said...

The best reforms possible to Obamacare would be to relax the rules on employer mandates as to coverage standards, reducing the cost of insurance for all employers, and lowering, for once, the cost of employment.

That would be a huge employment and growth incentive, and would on its own reduce the numbers of the uninsured.

The rest of the mess is far less economically significant.

Humperdink said...

Speaking of bullying a woman, who said: "You better put some ice on that".

A) Donald Trump
B) Steve Bannon
C) Michael Flynn
D) Robert Reich
E) William Jefferson Clinton

If you guessed E, you would be right.

PS: It was beyond bullying.

tim in vermont said...

Meanwhile, Hillary's military adventurism in Libya continues to pay dividends in the form of thousands of refugees a day crossing the sea in rickety, overloaded boats. But she never insulted anybody female and liberal.

Chuck said...

Trump is actually forcing the party to act on what the voters that elect republicans want...

What DO they want? Can you compile a healthcare reform list of what Trump voters want?

This is a good challenge -- a terrific exercise -- for the Trumpkin fanatics on this board. You will all trickfuck yourselves on this before this day is done. Compile a list of the healthcare reforms that you want. The challenges will present themselves as we go. Which reforms are inconsistent? Which reforms will cost too much? Which reforms will hand the Senate to Democrats?

This will be good.

Fen said...

Bagoh at 11:24 nails it.

President Trump does not launch unprovoked attacks. And unlike other pussy Republicans, he doesn't ignore cheap shots in the name of faux civility.

If the Left does not like the "tone" of the current media climate, they need to look in the mirror. You want a return to civility, stop launching personal attacks at Trump.

Just 2 weeks ago Mika was giggling with accusations that Trump was mentally ill. Now allofasudden she's the victim? What a bitch.

And that's really what this is about - the Democrat Media is accustomed to making vile vicious attacks at Republicans who just roll over. They are like the schoolyard bully, crying like little bitches the first time one of their marks punches back.

As Ace explained in his May 31st article, Para Bellum, the rules have changed. The Right is no longer tolerating the Left's usual bullshit. We are no longer looking the other way. We are no longer going to fold in the name of "civility". The sooner you come to terms with that, the less your nose will get bloodied.

Humperdink said...

wwww: "3) The entertainment is not worth the potential loss of prestige in the world. "

Au contraire, I think tweets such as this put the world on notice. Don't screw with him.

Darrell said...


Barack's grandmother featured, for Inga.

rcocean said...

"Ryan has had over a decade to assemble a conservative budget. Over a decade. It was his job description until he became speaker. The easiest explanation is Ryan likes Obama's budgets and he doesn't want Trump to reform the government."

Exactly. Another thing Trump has done is shown what a clown Ryan is. Promising to repeal Obamacare for years, and yet when Trump is elected - where's the plan?

Its obvious Ryan & McConnell - not mention Lindsey & McCrazy - were much happier doing nothing under Obama and playing as the Washington Generals.

Now its, "Damn that Trump, now we have to work!"

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" and "One of The Few Remaining Intelligent Voices Here" Chuck: "What DO they want? Can you compile a healthcare reform list of what Trump voters want?"

You first.

Try not to "trickf***" yourself on this before the day is done.

rcocean said...

Its sad that Sweden and Botswana think less of the USA. But I guess we can live with it.

buwaya said...

"The entertainment is not worth the potential loss of prestige in the world. "

The US has prestige? What is prestige anyway?
The US has as much prestige as it cares to purchase.
Its all in the $. Nothing else counts.

Rome fell because its government grew to displace its economy, its people would no longer fight for Rome, and its unpaid mercenaries were eventually co-opted. If you want a US analogy to Rome, you were on a good path the last few years.

The Pax Americana was a fine thing. The US is too corrupt to sustain it, and some people, like the Chinese, are indeed figuring that out. Thats been the case for many years now.

Drago said...

Humperdink: "Au contraire, I think tweets such as this put the world on notice. Don't screw with him."

It's clear Assad is not taking Trump lightly.

All the usual voices screaming for Trump to revert to Republican Punching Bag For The Media.

Sorry, those days are forever gone. For-ev-ah. And the left/"lifelong republicans" can thank themselves for it.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Its sad that Sweden and Botswana think less of the USA. But I guess we can live with it."

I'd bet that was fake news generated in Macedonia.

Drago said...

Actually, I don't have to wait for "lifelong republican" Chuck to list his obamacare replacement requirements.

I can get all I need on his thoughts from heading over to MSNBC and reading about what the "brilliant" Maddow wants. That will be close enough.

tim in vermont said...

Can you compile a healthcare reform list of what Trump voters want?

Doesn't need reform. Obamacare is manifestly perfect. Leave it as it is. Obama assured us and we can trust his word.

This is a serious question Chuck, what do you have against the Democrats? You obviously are one, a person who believes that every cent of take-home pay is a "lost revenue opportunity" That there is no problem that the government can't solve better than the marketplace, etc, etc, etc.

What gives? What's the matter with Chuck?

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

This will be good.

Or more proof you are not a republican.

What DO they want? Can you compile a healthcare reform list of what Trump voters want?

Vichy traitors like yourself defeated and scurrying off with your other democrat/progressive friends.

This is a good challenge -- a terrific exercise -- for the Trumpkin fanatics on this board. You will all trickfuck yourselves on this before this day is done.

Chuck gets all frothy in his hatred of republican voters.

Compile a list of the healthcare reforms that you want.

Right now we would take any movement towards a free market. Anything at all. Since there are 5-10 republican traitors in the senate who hate republican voters as much as Chuck does and probably double that in the house it will be difficult.

The challenges will present themselves as we go.

The biggest challenge are republicans who wanted Trump to lose to Hillary.

Which reforms are inconsistent? Which reforms will cost too much? Which reforms will hand the Senate to Democrats?

We know you want the senate to be in democrat hands. It wont happen. You leftists have completely outted yourselves. 2018 is going to be a wipeout election. Republicans are going to control the senate for a generation and we can focus on primarying out the vichy wing of the party.

tim in vermont said...

Fuck off Moby. Shouldn't you be fapping off to autistic 10 year olds?

Careful. Chuck is really sensitive about autism and Asperger's. For some reason it doth make him protest too much!

Drago said...

Achilles: "ou leftists have completely outted yourselves. 2018 is going to be a wipeout election. Republicans are going to control the senate for a generation and we can focus on primarying out the vichy wing of the party."

Giving us plenty of time to proceed methodically over the next 8 to 12 years starting with our own Marshal Pétain, McCain.

tim in vermont said...

Yes, widely seen as a reference to menstruation,

Yes, just as he is "widely seen" to have colluded with Russia! That's the new standard! I think a secret program of prozac in the water is called for in major cities.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

"There will be more and more unnamed Republican sources pushing back against this incompetant president. Expect it."

The only thing worse than the traitorous democrat party that is trying to destroy the rule of law and the foundations of our republic are the vichy republicans like Chuck who can be counted on to aid Inga by pretending to be on our side and stabbing us in the back.

And for fucks sake spell incompetent right. It probably has a red squiggly line under it. I really would prefer to think there is intelligent opposition in this country. This base idiocy is the most disheartening part of what is going on right now. I am starting to think you people are moby's trying to make the left look stupid.

Brando said...

"The easiest explanation is Ryan likes Obama's budgets and he doesn't want Trump to reform the government."

That's what you get when you want the easiest and not the correct explanation.

Mind you, I don't absolve Ryan--he's been a ridiculous disappointment. And I guess the reason I'm not that disappointed in Trump is I have such low expectations for him. But the budget, health care, and tax reform are on both branches.

"So for Brando, it doesn't matter what Trump does, it is wrong."

I've often given Trump credit where credit is due, yet I must have missed where you ever blamed Trump for anything.

"The vichy republicans aren't in power anymore. Trump is actually forcing the party to act on what the voters that elect republicans want. And while he fights the leftist traitors he has to deal with sniping and backbiting in his own party and some that pretend to be in his party."

Weren't you just saying all this was the fault of Ryan and the very Republicans you say are not in power anymore? You're all over the map here.

"Respectfully, I don't think it will be "for the best." Without any meaningful presidential support, there will never be an Obamacare "replacement." It will be nibbling around the edges, and hopefully so minor that Republicans can hold the Senate in 2018. So that when Trump gets a chance to nominate a replacement for Kennedy, and maybe Ginsburg, we can win a confirmation."

Well it'd certainly be better than him throwing around empty threats about "last chance to repeal" (quickly reversed!) and clumsy attempts to cajole Republicans into backing a law he clearly has not read or even had anyone explain to him. It's got a better chance of passing with him staying out of it.

Now, what they pass is the rub--Ryan and company had 8 years to figure out what they'd do re: ACA if they had the legislative power, and they came out with "keep it intact, but gut some of the spending and taxing mechanisms" rather than a wholesale overhaul. So there's plenty of blame to go around.

But it is nice to see the "AlwaysTrump" brigade in fine form, explaining how it's always someone else's fault--a great standard to hold your leader to!

bagoh20 said...

"Compile a list of the healthcare reforms that you want."

Get the Federal government out of it.

Let anybody who wants to sell health insurance, health maintenance plans, health savings plans, private group plans and things nobody has thought of yet. Have some very limited regulation to prevent fraud, and false advertising. In other words, make it extremely transparent, like most other things you buy where the supplier doesn't control and limit your choice, like food, housing, cars, electronics, entertainment, etc.

As before, any urgently sick people must be treated by law, but the caregivers must get paid, so if you don't buy something in advance to protect your assets from your health care costs, then you lose your assets. If you don't have assets, then the rest of us subsidize the caregivers through government supports and increased costs of the health insurance products we buy.

There are things we buy in our lives that we all know are a rip off, over-priced with poor quality and service. Those things are all highly regulated and government supported monopolies with little choice or innovation. All the real value things that are satisfying buys are widely available from many sources, in many flavors, with transparent pricing, customer reviews, mobility. In short, they involve open informed choice.

What we need in health care is choice, freedom, information, and responsibility. The very things the left is trying to remove through government, and the Republicans, including Trump, do not have the imagination or courage to resist it. We need new bold ideas and trust in our people. Washington D.C. has no interest in that craziness.

tim in vermont said...

News Alert: Trump Tweet widely condemned (CNN)

Film at 11! We're sure on this one! We saw it on Twitter ourselves! Plus, don't ask us to explain in detail why it is "sexist," it is, because everybody knows women are silly and vain and are the only ones who get face lifts and boob jobs and the like, it's mean to make fun of them! And if it's "mean" and a woman is the target, it's ipso facto, modus ponens, ontologically certain to be sexist!

tim in vermont said...

Inga: "When does the all the "winning" begin"

For you Inga, not for a while. You see St Hillary lost, she's a loser. A bigger loser than Mike Dukakis. A bigger loser than Hubert H Humphry, HRH HRC is a lost cause, so that's when the "winning" began.

Unknown said...

I just want to ask if Chuck has reported himself to Ann for his harsh, personally insulting swearing campaign specifically directed at specific commentators here.

After all, wasn't it this week where he pleaded for Ann to delete every conservative poster permanently and enforce a brave new world of DailyKos postings? Chuck wanted this blog to only have Inga, Brookzene and the rest (and there are many) to post.

Funny isn't it that a Republican as Chuck claims wants a blog filled with nothing but liberal posters and the State (in this case Ann, who wields governmental power here) stomping on conservatives faces.... forever.

Government censorship and control, with the silencing of conservative and Republican thought.... that sure sounds familiar, Chuck. Minor detail: that's the commie approach to debate. Why are you proposing it, Mr. Life Long Republican?


Unknown said...

But to the merits of the story. Curious, but has anyone asked if Trump was right? Did Mika have a facelift and did she try to visit Trump over New Years while bleeding from the face?

Because everyone's attacking Trump for it... but no one is saying he was wrong or made up the story.

Personally, if Mika did go in for a face lift and was still bleeding from it and tried to buddy buddy Trump.... why shouldn't Trump point it out?

Is it mean of Trump to point it out if it actually happened? What does Trump owe Mika to "spare her embarrassment" or whatever?


Brando said...

"What we need in health care is choice, freedom, information, and responsibility. The very things the left is trying to remove through government, and the Republicans, including Trump, do not have the imagination or courage to resist it. We need new bold ideas and trust in our people. Washington D.C. has no interest in that craziness."

That's pretty much it. The current gang may cobble something together that they can call "repealing Obamacare" but it'll only fool those who want to believe. It's more likely going to keep a tinkered version of Obamacare (and if it collapses, guess who voters are going to blame?).

tim in vermont said...

“That really saddens me because it is so beneath the dignity of the president of the United States to engage in such behavior. I just don’t know why the Republicans — they can tolerate almost anything.” - Nancy Pelosi

The same Nancy Pelosi who defended a rapist and serial committer of sexual assault, and a huge pay for access scheme that enriched both the the ex President and his wife.

We couldn't tolerate that, but insulting Mika? Whatever. The only thing that bothers me about it is that it means that DJT is probably watching Morning Joe.

roesch/voltaire said...

The crazy tweeter in chief calls the kettle black. No longer is it necessary to say this is below the office because the bar has been so lowered by this office holder anything goes.

Anonymous said...

I wish Trump wouldn't do this stuff. Just when he appeared to have the fake news outlets on the run he gives them a break. At least he has more backbone than the Senate Republicans, but about the same quantity of judgement, unfortunately.

Brando said...

"Personally, if Mika did go in for a face lift and was still bleeding from it and tried to buddy buddy Trump.... why shouldn't Trump point it out?"

I'd sort of not want to know. I'd also not want to know if she shat herself after eating a bad burrito.

Now, if it was hilarious, that's a different story...

Browndog said...

Almost as if I've heard this somewhere before...

Liberals attack, then claim those they attack have no right to self-defense.

The second anyone stands up against their attacks, liberals instantly become the victims.

From muslims, to Antifa, to MSM, it's the same template.

Chuck said...

So bagoh:

~You no longer want an insurance commissioner in your own state to be able to do something, if an insurer rips you off?

~Do you want "preexisting condition" coverage in healthcare?

~Are you proposing the complete elimination of Medicaid? Are you proposing any changes to Medicare?

~Absent any state or federal regulation of healthcare insurance, do you think that most people are equipped to negotiate a plan for themselves? Or, would the basic landscape for people to buy understandable plain English plans be something that would require a new federal regulation to begin with?

Just for starters.

Achilles said...

Brando said...

Weren't you just saying all this was the fault of Ryan and the very Republicans you say are not in power anymore? You're all over the map here.

Am I? My point is there is one person taking on the Deep State. He has his supporters and his staff. But what elected Republicans are stepping up to help in the fight for "conservative" principles? Maybe Tom Cotton. Maybe Rand Paul. Everyone else is content to let Trump take all the shots and carry this fight on alone.

Trump is clearly not an ideologue. If the GOP had a solid market based health care plan ready to go and passed it is there any doubt Trump would sign it? The congressional republicans have one job. That is to get legislation to Trump's desk while Trump holds the line against the traitorous left. But they can't even do that much. In fact they are turning out to be a liability in the fight.

tim in vermont said...

No longer is it necessary to say this is below the office because the bar has been so lowered by this office holder anything goes.

LOL! Having a rapist there didn't do it for you, but a tweet!

Anonymous said...

Spell "incompetent" right? Sure, ok, covfefe! How about setting a "president"? Your President sure is smart. Oh yes siree! Oh, maybe he was just joking....

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Today I learned that it's not possible to send two tweets and also fill vacant seats in the judiciary.
I stupidly assumed a person and his staff could do both.
I'm glad I came here and got educated.
Tell you what, I'm gonna #staywoke, too.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

The Dem approval rating of a guy who used an intern as a humidor in the Oval Office itself is, what, 70-80%?
The Dem approval rating of his wife (the guy who used an intern as a humidor in the Oval Office) who helped wage a vicious personal smear campaign against several women who credibly accused that guy of rape and sexual assault is, what, 85%?

Yeah, gotta say, I'm not all that moved by Dem assertions that a non-Dem is damaging the dignity of the office of the President.

Alex said...

Regardless of what Inga says, does it matter at all to you CON-servatives that Drumpf has the lowest approval ratings EVER?

roesch/voltaire said...

Sample-I assume you are talking about Trump? Although he was accused of rape by first wife, I didn't want to go there.

Achilles said...

Brando said...

I'd sort of not want to know. I'd also not want to know if she shat herself after eating a bad burrito.

Browndog said...
Almost as if I've heard this somewhere before...

Liberals attack, then claim those they attack have no right to self-defense.

The second anyone stands up against their attacks, liberals instantly become the victims.

From muslims, to Antifa, to MSM, it's the same template.

Trump is finally taking on the leftist media that has been trashing every republican and republican voters non stop for 30 years. What is the last President that wasn't repetitively called Hitler? That is the point Brando.

People like Mika are dishonorable tools trying to destroy the republic. Trump is fighting them in Trump's way. The alternative to Trump's way is far worse. You should support Trump in this fight unless you want it to get worse.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Is DJT in early stages of senility?

Trump is dumb. Trump is going senile. Trump is ignorant?

Yet, he kicked Hillary's ass. What does that say about her?

You know, if someone beats me at something, my first instinct isn't to disparage their abilities. If, for instance, I lose at backgammon, I don't tend to tell my opponent that they suck at backgammon and are not playing it correctly.

Martha said...

Morning Joe has become a non-stop shrill attack on Trump.

Mika and Joe deserved Trump's crude cruel response.

I never thought I would defend Trump but the media has gone berserk.

Anonymous said...

Once again I have to take solace in the fact that Hillary is not president, Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court, the EPA is being reined in, Syria doesn't want to conduct a chemical attack on its people when we are watching, the Travel Ban is reinstated and to likely be overturned in the fall, we have a strong relationship with the new head of Saudi; European NATO members are accelerating the increase in their defense spending; Kennedy is thinking of retiring (maybe). There are more.

Achilles said...

Alex said...
Regardless of what Inga says, does it matter at all to you CON-servatives that Drumpf has the lowest approval ratings EVER?

It does not matter one bit. We give zero-fucks about your approval ratings. Zero.

Trump is going to win the polls that matter in 2018 and 2020. Both elections are going to be wipeouts for democrats.

Have fun with your approval poll lies. Trump will have more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. Not a single real trump voter has left him or decided to not support him since then.

Anonymous said...

I agree with those who say that Trump's counterattacks (that's what they are) are warranted. Just wish he'd leave out the raunchier parts - even if true; which they usually are.

Unknown said...

I guess Trump is a Trumpski woman's ideal man - alpha male, money'ed, a liar, bully, petty, childish, dominant, drag 'em by the hair (and pussy hair) into the cave for some ding-dong on call.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

When does the all the "winning" begin

Hillary will never be POTUS, violent felon illegal aliens deported, number of refugees being imported down, Obama's executive orders being reversed, conservative supreme court justice, stock market up, black unemployment lowest in 17 years. That's off the top of my head.

Brando said...

"Am I? My point is there is one person taking on the Deep State. He has his supporters and his staff. But what elected Republicans are stepping up to help in the fight for "conservative" principles? Maybe Tom Cotton. Maybe Rand Paul. Everyone else is content to let Trump take all the shots and carry this fight on alone."

I won't disagree about many Republicans squishing out, that was always the problem. I just disagree that Trump is this fighter you claim him to be.

"Trump is clearly not an ideologue. If the GOP had a solid market based health care plan ready to go and passed it is there any doubt Trump would sign it?"

I don't doubt it--that's why the AHCA fight is on Congress and why I think it'd be best if he just sat back and told them to get it to his desk (provided they don't deliver crap that is). I suspect the deal he made with Ryan last year was he supports Trump and Trump will sign whatever they want him to. But Congress stumbled badly with this one.

" The congressional republicans have one job. That is to get legislation to Trump's desk while Trump holds the line against the traitorous left. But they can't even do that much. In fact they are turning out to be a liability in the fight."

No argument there. I'm not absolving them on the legislative front. But even if he's not an ideologue, you don't see where a POTUS who actually is engaged, who does have political skills, could be an asset? If he's not, then no he should stay out, but previous presidents have been able to add to the equation.

sparrow said...

Thank you Drago , that's quite a compliment, now back to work

MadisonMan said...

does it matter at all to you CON-servatives that Drumpf has the lowest approval ratings EVER?

Why should anyone believe a poll. President Hillary indeed.

Chuck said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Sample-I assume you are talking about Trump? Although he was accused of rape by first wife, I didn't want to go there.

Well, just to be clear; it was circumstances that would have qualified as criminal assault and battery/domestic assault, plus sexual assault.

And Ivana was under oath at the time. Was Paula Jones under oath? I think she was. Was Kathleen Willey under oath? I'm not sure she was.

Anonymous said...

@Achilles Agree with you. Here's what Dan Henninger in the WSJ has to say about the Republican Senators. He's correct.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Once written, twice... said...
How can anyone be proud to have a president behave like this? This is Maury Povich level talk.

6/29/17, 10:08 AM


You all are going to hate him no matter what he says or does, and we don't give a shit anymore about your side's hyperventilating, apoplectic outbursts.. We judge Trump based on his ACTIONS and his INTENT... using something your side sorely lacks... common-sense...

tim in vermont said...

Sample-I assume you are talking about Trump?

Of course you do because remaining ignorant is critical to your role as an "intellectual"

Why not go to Salon and look at the evidence?


I am sure you can't read it because that would mean that you might have to accept new information into that capacious intellect, which I am sure is already so full of Democratic talking points, that it can't take another fact!

What do you teach anyway? Democrat Talking Points 101?

But we have one unsubstantiated accusation from a divorce filing with tens of millions in play, and that is conclusive! 6 Contemporaneous witness, not just to her words, but even to her torn cloths and tears right after the fact? That means nothing to you because you are such a good feminist, amiright?

Achilles said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Sample-I assume you are talking about Trump? Although he was accused of rape by first wife, I didn't want to go there.

That is because you know it is a lie and a despicable smear to even bring it up. Even now you can tell that R/V realizes this is the sort of pathetic attack that is going to get Trump reelected in 2020.

Ivana Trump in 2016 about DJT's presidential run

That sure sounds like a rape victim eh R/V? Despicable.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Look, I didn't vote for Trump, so unlike some LifeLongRepublicans I don't have to make a big show of psychically purifying myself every damn day. I don't think Trump's methods are optimal and I don't think he's taking the best course in terms of getting a conservative agenda passed. He's certainly cruder than I would like the President of the United States to be.

Real talk, though? George W Bush is a super-nice guy. The Dems, the Left, and the Media treated GWB horribly, and GWB's administration let that bad treatment influence them in ways they shouldn't have. The bullshit now where GWB's approval rating is rising sharply and some Lefties are saying "we really were too hard on him" is typical--once a person is no longer in a position of influence the more honest people on the Left might grudgingly admit they were maybe a bit out of line, maybe.

Mitt Romney was the turning point for me. Mitt was/is a moderate big-government type Republican and definitely not my first choice, but a more honorable, decent, morally-straight national politician is hard to even imagine. I supported him despite his ideological squishiness and naively thought the election would be one about ideas and substance since there'd be no way the Left and Media could attack Mitt's character. I haven't forgotten how wrong I was.

So: fuck 'em. There're few more dignified men than Mitt Romney and he was treated with pretty shocking disrespect. The "if only Republicans were nice guys we could have fair, civil elections" died with Romney. The more we expose the Media as Leftist enemies, and the more we reduce their power to influence the nation, the better. A President and Administration that "wastes time" attacking the Media and individual media personalities is certainly not my ideal, but given the actual environment today maybe it's about the best we can do.

The President we deserve, if not what we need. Or something.

Unknown said...

Well, if Trump really wanted to go for a kill strike, he could bring up Joe Scarborough's little problem with a dead intern in his office, a la Gary Condit.

Still unsolved, as far as I know. Wonder what Inga, et al, would say to Trump bringing up the fact Joe likely killed a girl. But then, I suppose under the "Ted Kennedy" rule murdering young girls is a resume enhancer for Democrats.


Chuck, you want to defend Joe on that too?


buwaya said...

Much of this seems like the wailing about the introduction of new systems of warfare.

The French Revolutionary armies broke all the rules of European warfare, making the old organizations and tactical systems obsolete. They even broke the old social systems, promoting outre and earthy NCO's, ex-sailors and haberdashers and innkeepers sons, to Generals and Field Marshals (Massena, Ney, Soult, Murat, and a great many more).

The old regime could not help but criticize this new world, but could not effectively fight it without adopting many of its characteristics.

Humperdink said...

Speaking of bullying media personalities, who the following book: "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot"?

A) Chris Christie
B) Rosie O'Donnell
C) Michael Moore
D) Perpetual Loser Hillary Clinton
E) Senator, statesman, master legislator Al Franken

If you guessed E, you would be right.

tim in vermont said...

we don't give a shit anymore about your side's hyperventilating, apoplectic outbursts..

I call them overreactionaries.

Funny how "life long Republican" Chuck can't seem to remember about Juanita Broaddrick either. Clinton supporter who asked for a meeting with the Governor, and ends up getting talked into meeting at her hotel room. Talk about a sexual predator. He had the whole thing planned from the start, getting her alone in a room, after she contacted him. That is Ted Bundy type aforethought.

None of that bothers any good Democrat though.

tim in vermont said...

Buwaya, you have to watch those haberdashers! We had one as president, and he nuked Japan.

ndspinelli said...

I was a house dick @ The Drake hotel in Chicago. It is next door to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The wealthy women of Chicago would have plastic surgery and instead of going home, some would stay @ The Drake for a few days. The Drake offered a service that house dicks would check on these women periodically. They had to come to the door so I could verify they were not unconscious. I hated doing it because people who have plastic surgery, even just a nose job, look like fucking monsters for a few days.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Compile a list of the healthcare reforms that you want.

Chuck, I asked you first. You desired to be treated respectfully, and invoked Ann's desire for quality engagement or "clash" as we used to call it in debate; and although I don't think you have deserved it, I am trying. Did you have anything affirmative to contribute, or are you happier asking questions than answering them?

If I may say so, respectfully, I don't see, why you are a Republican, or why you dislike President Trump.

On the former, other than some boilerplate and name-checking on the level of Titus' discussions of homosex (I'm saying that Titus, who I suspect of sockpuppetry, presents non-compelling descriptions of his trysts, as yours are of conservative policy), what have you to offer?

On the latter, it doesn't seem to have been a great effort for you to match and exceed the President's arguably regrettable crudities, so, again, what is it that you resent?

mockturtle said...

Sparrow quips: So while I might not like the way Trump stirs the waters, his wake is a thing of beauty.


Achilles said...

Brando said...

No argument there. I'm not absolving them on the legislative front. But even if he's not an ideologue, you don't see where a POTUS who actually is engaged, who does have political skills, could be an asset? If he's not, then no he should stay out, but previous presidents have been able to add to the equation.

I would love it if Trump was a student of Hayek and quoted out of "A road to Serfdom." Now shit in one and and put your wishes in the other hand and see what fills up first.

Trump is the first fighter Republicans have nominated in decades. Not just getting elected by republican voters then going to DC and pussing out. He keeps fighting. That is worth more than all of vichy cowards combined. It is why the GOPe sings praises to Reagan even as they did to hi what they are now doing to Trump.

Just look at what the GOPe tried to do to Reagan and Gingrich's legacy. They are a false flag operation and always have been.

buwaya said...

"Buwaya, you have to watch those haberdashers! We had one as president, and he nuked Japan."

Yes, perhaps only lawyers are more dangerous.

The haberdasher (actually a haberdashers apprentice) was Joachim Murat, Marshal of France and King of Naples.

Unknown said...

Joe Scarborough's little dead intern problem was named Lori Klausutis.

This likely explains Joe's journey to be a leftist. He was a backbencher Republican, don't forget, when Lori turned up dead on the floor of his office.

Now, Republicans are hounded to the ends of the earth. Democrats? They literally get away with Murder. Ask Ted Kennedy, and likely Bill and Hillary Clinton. So Joe went hard left, and now he's immune--no one will ever investigate Lori's mysterious death. After all, that's "persecuting a liberal Democrat" which is against the law or something. Just ask Inga or Chuck. Democrats are immune from petty things like "laws".


Darrell said...

Trump will lose me the second he starts implementing Hillary's agenda. Or Obama's. As long as he doesn't advocate open borders, AGW bullshit, anti-fracking policies, anti-drilling policies and the rest of the Left's anti-American agenda, he will have my full and total support. God Bless President Trump and all the ships at sea.

mockturtle said...

Buwaya, you have to watch those haberdashers! We had one as president, and he nuked Japan.

I'm sure buwaya is pleased that Japan was nuked as Japan was no friend to the Philippines.

Chuck said...

Sample Commenter said...
Funny how "life long Republican" Chuck can't seem to remember about Juanita Broaddrick either.

I wasn't forgetting anybody; I was never defending Clinton.

I was simply pointing out that as with Bill Clinton, there is sworn deposition testimony accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault.

So what's your point?

Clyde said...

The President of the United States needs to be above this kind of petty squabbling. At his level, the only way he can punch is down, and punching down always looks bad. If he differs with someone on matters of substance, he's well within his rights to disagree, but the personal attacks don't make him look good.

Still, he's better than Hillary. (Low bar, I know!)

Humperdink said...

Say what you want about Trump, but he has all the right enemies. I am really enjoying this, but I repeat myself.

Clyde said...

mockturtle said...
Buwaya, you have to watch those haberdashers! We had one as president, and he nuked Japan.

I'm sure buwaya is pleased that Japan was nuked as Japan was no friend to the Philippines.

It's always been my theory that they killed Kennedy, too. He put them out of business by setting a bare-headed trend.

tim in vermont said...

here is sworn deposition testimony accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault.

So if she lied in a civil trial, what's the punishment? How many millions were at stake? Just curious. It might have happened, he might have misjudged his wife's mood. I don't know, but I learned the hard way that lying in civil court is one of the easies tactics to use and one of the hardest to counter.

buwaya said...

"I'm sure buwaya is pleased that Japan was nuked as Japan was no friend to the Philippines."

I was not alive at the time, so I can't say.
My grandmother was, and her comment was "Bueno! Es castigo de Dios!"

- Good! It is God's punishment!

As everyone recalls.

That was the general opinion in 1945.
Note that the agency for that deed was not given to the Americans, but to God.

Darrell said...

It's always been my theory that they killed Kennedy, too. He put them out of business by setting a bare-headed trend

Nah. Canadians associated with the beaver trade. Which brings us full-circle to Papa Cruz.

buwaya said...

"The President of the United States needs to be above this kind of petty squabbling."

That was the general expectation in an earlier and more civilized age.
But in this modern world, is this still true?

Humperdink said...

Prior to Trump, "R" presidents were subjected to relentless attacks from the media (read: commie-pinko lefties).

When Trump was elected, the media went nuclear (peruse some of Mika's comments regarding Trump over the last few weeks). Well guess what? Trump can go nuclear better than anyone out there.

steve uhr said...

Even the biggest Trump supporters must realize that when he does things like this his overall support among the rest of the population is diminished. How is that in his or your best interest? Feels good in he moment perhaps but long term is not helpful to the conservative movement.

tim in vermont said...

Feels good in he moment perhaps but long term is not helpful to the conservative movement.

Fuck the conservative movement! What really scares the shit out of Democrats and Republicans alike is that the unrepresented center might find a voice, and this voice must be destroyed at all costs! I wouldn't vote for Chuck for dog warden.

Clyde said...

Inga said...
"Nope. What liberals and the MSM cannot wrap their heads around, is just how much the MSM is despised by the American populace."

Only one half of the American populace. The rest of us aren't Trumpists and see the necessity of a FREE Press.

You forgot to put "AND INDEPENDENT" between FREE and Press. But then, they aren't, are they? "Whose bread I eat, his song I sing."

Chuck said...

Achilles, by all accounts including Ivana's she used the word "rape" in her divorce deposition. Later, when Trump and his lawyers found out that a writer doing an unauthorized biography ("The Last Tycoon") on Trump, they went to the publisher, threatened litigation, and agreed that a statement from Ivana would be included in a second printing of the book. Ivana never denied having called it a "rape" in her deposition.

Funny thing; the triggering episode for the hair-pulling assault according to Ivana was The Donald's undergoing [scalp reduction] plastic surgery for his own bald spot and that it had been painful and he was upset about Ivana's recommendation of a plastic surgeon.

Humperdink said...

"Even the biggest Trump supporters must realize that when he does things like this his overall support among the rest of the population is diminished."

And you know this how? Fake polls?

Brando said...

"Just look at what the GOPe tried to do to Reagan and Gingrich's legacy. They are a false flag operation and always have been."

We have different definitions of GOPe--I always considered Newt to be a part of it (how else do you define a Speaker of the House?) but assuming you mean the left wing of the GOP, that's true--they've often been a problem for a conservative agenda. But they still have their uses--flip any of those seats to Dems, and we'd be arguing right now about what best to do about Pelosi's agenda. (Obviously it'd be nicer to flip them to more conservative GOP, but in some places that simply won't happen--e.g., DE 2010).

I don't expect (or need) a POTUS who could quote Hayek or debate with Friedman (when he was alive anyway) but I do look at whether he is more likely to get things done. On health care, I'm hard pressed to see where Trump has helped make passage more likely, so while an active POTUS would be preferable, in this case he's better off sitting back and letting Congress stumble around. They'll probably screw it up, but that's what happens when you spend nearly a decade promising to do something without thinking through how you'd do it.

Anonymous said...

"Senator James Lankford takes part in a panel discussion during the Oklahoma Press Association (OPA) 2017 Convention at the Hilton Skirvin Hotel on Saturday, June 10, 2017 in Oklahoma City, Okla. Photo by Steve Sisney, The Oklahoman
U.S. Sen. James Lankford admonished President Donald Trump on Thursday for two tweets in which the president mocked and insulted television hosts.

“National and local leaders, including our president, should model civility, honor and respect in our political rhetoric,” Lankford said in a statement. “The president's tweets today don't help our political or national discourse and do not provide a positive role model for our national dialogue.”

Ron Winkleheimer said...

My grandmother was, and her comment was "Bueno! Es castigo de Dios!"

When I was in the Philippines back in the 80's the Japanese were still hardily hated to the point that it was dangerous for one to visit the country.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Yes because Al Franken is a model of civility.

Unknown said...

Trumpski's who equate cable TV show hosts to the President of the United States is ridiculous and demonstrates the low-intelligence of the Trump voter.

buwaya said...

“National and local leaders, including our president, should model civility, honor and respect in our political rhetoric,”

He is, sadly, behind the times, like so many of the flyover hillbillies.
Out in the middle of the country many of the old fashioned sorts have not caught up to the coasts yet, or the more enlightened centers of higher education.

Darrell said...

The "Fuck You!" Lefties are calling for civility. We'll get right on that.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"The GOP are going to kill everyone if they touch LiarCare"


buwaya said...

"When I was in the Philippines back in the 80's the Japanese were still hardily hated"

I don't think so. There were a lot of Japanese expats there at the time, setting up factories like the Toyota plant way back in the 1960's. I knew several in those days.

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, several Republican lawmakers were absolutely disgusted. House Speaker Paul Ryan didn’t hesitate to state, “Obviously, I don’t see that as an appropriate comment.” Ryan further emphasized that insults like these are counterproductive to getting the job done in D.C.

Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted directly to the president: “Your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics.

Whereas Sen. Ben Sasse asked Trump to “stop” while stating, “This isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office.”

Sen. John McCain was left scratching his head: “It’s hard to understand, and not presidential…”

Senator Susan Collins:
This has to stop – we all have a job – 3 branches of gov’t and media. We don’t have to get along, but we must show respect and civility.

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins stated, “This is not okay. As a female in politics I am often criticized for my looks. We should be working to empower women.”

tim in vermont said...

The rest of us aren't Trumpists and see the necessity of a FREE Press.

Sorry, the real reason you guys are so mad is that Wikileaks convincingly demonstrated that the press is nothing more than an arm of the Democrat Party. It was treason for us to get the facts on that one.

Chuck said...

Sample Commenter said...
Fuck the conservative movement! What really scares the shit out of Democrats and Republicans alike is that the unrepresented center might find a voice, and this voice must be destroyed at all costs! I wouldn't vote for Chuck for dog warden.

So what does "the unrepresented center" want from health care reform? I am presuming that "the unrepresented center" wants something, healthcare-wise. What, exactly? I'm guessing that it isn't anything that is ideologically conservative. Because you say, "Fuck the conservative movement!"

Unknown said...

Yes, people like Inga who cannot say that shooting Republicans in cold blood is wrong is all clutching pearls over Trump's tweet.

How.... hypocritical. You leftists are fully down with literally beating and shooting your opponents, but Trump makes what appears to be an accurate remark about Mika bleeding from the face, and you are all "how dare he coarsen our conversation! I'm totally down with calling every Republican racist Nazi hillbillies and shooting the lot of them in cold blood, but Trump's the dangerous one here!"

Yes, Inga, I haven't forgotten how you said I was bullying you by asking you to say that shooting Republicans was wrong. Bullying you into saying something you clearly didn't want to say. I.E. you fully support killing Republicans, and you openly admitted it.

So which is worse, leftists? Openly calling for and laughing about literally shooting and killing people, or Trump's tweeting about Mika bleeding from the face and coming out to a party?


tim in vermont said...

I am presuming that "the unrepresented center" wants something,

Well, being a Democrat yourself, "left alone" isn't one of the options for you, I guess.

FullMoon said...

More recently, however, Scarborough and Brzezinski have again begun knocking Trump – even going so far as to question his mental state.

On Thursday morning, Brzezinski went on an extended diatribe urging Trump’s Cabinet members to stand up to him.

“Everybody in Washington, in the administration, needs to look at this from, I think, a point of view where they’re not lobotomized because you’re sitting in there and you’re so scared of him, and you think you need to suck up to the president,” Brzezinski said. “You need to look at this like any company.”

She added: “Let’s say someone came into NBC and took over NBC, and started tweeting wildly about people’s appearances, bullying people, talking about people in the competition, lying every day, undermining his managers, throwing them under the (bus) — that person would be thrown out. It’s just not normal behavior. In fact, there would be concerns that the person who runs the company is out of his mind.”


Drago said...

If Trump keeps this up Hillary will win in a landslide.

Darrell said...

Did John McCain comment about taking funding from George Soros? How do I get Michelle Carter to start texting McCain?

Chuck said...

Sample Commenter said...
I am presuming that "the unrepresented center" wants something,

Well, being a Democrat yourself, "left alone" isn't one of the options for you, I guess.

1. I'm not a Democrat.
2. Trump ran on "lowered premiums, lowered deductibles, better care" and no cuts to Medicare or Medicaid.

I am quite serious; what kind of a health care plan do Trump supporters want?

Michael said...

"Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins stated, “This is not okay. As a female in politics I am often criticized for my looks. We should be working to empower women.”"

No, Lynn, we should not. And the criticism of your looks is justified. And it is OK to say that while it might be "unpresidential" of Trump it is equally "un congressional" of you to be hanging around twitter when you ought to be working for the people of Kansas, including the men who live and work there.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I am quite serious; what kind of a health care plan do Trump supporters want?"

You first.

mockturtle said...

Sample Commentator comments: Fuck the conservative movement! What really scares the shit out of Democrats and Republicans alike is that the unrepresented center might find a voice, and this voice must be destroyed at all costs! I wouldn't vote for Chuck for dog warden.

Exactly! Neither the Dems nor the GOP represents the majority of people. Nor do they give a shit about them. We desperately need a third party. I've seen Trump as essentially a third party candidate and he could have won as one. He didn't need the GOP coffers to finance his campaign. The days of the power brokers are numbered.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Trump ran on "lowered premiums, lowered deductibles, better care" and no cuts to Medicare or Medicaid.

The market could provide all but the last just by not forcing guys with vasectomies to buy plans that cover "free condoms" would be one thing, that would free up a little money. There's lots of forced coverages in Obamacare that people don't like.

It's almost as if a "life long Republican" has no faith in markets.

Michael said...


We want what he promised but which your Republican congress seems not to want.

We want free shit just like you Chuck. We want the fucking poor people to pull their weight and give us a turn at free stuff. Same as you.

Anonymous said...

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins is a Republican. It's good to see principled Republicans.

Ron Winkleheimer said...


I am going to defer to you, since you know your country far better than mine. But some of the people I talked to did not care for the Japanese, at all. Perhaps they were older people who remembered the war?

I recall a scene in Mad Men were the older guys, who had served in WWII, in Asia, were struggling with working with the Japanese, while the younger people thought that was crazy. And of course the senior partner apparently admired Japanese culture judging by the décor of his office.

Drago said...

Inga: "Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins is a Republican. It's good to see principled Republicans."

Your side call principled republicans Nazi murderers.

You aren't fooling anyone anymore, though its clear you can still depend on those lifelong republicans" who consciously opt to join forces with you.

Anonymous said...

Sen. Lisa Murkowski @lisamurkowski

@POTUS, do you want to be remembered for your tweets or your accomplishments?

Fen said...

Chuck: "I am quite serious "

LOL. Like we're going to discuss something as complex as health care reform on the back pages of a blog with a moby who has the intellectualintellectually integrity of Chuckie Schumer. Go fuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sen. Lisa Murkowski ✔@lisamurkowski
Stop it! The Presidential platform should be used for more than bringing people down.
1:45 PM - 29 Jun 2017

Kevin said...

And of course Mika responds with a Tweet about the size of Trump's hands.


This is so typical. First the media attacks Trump 24/7. Mika has been particularly unhinged, openly questioning Trump's mental health to the point where Joe has to cut her off. Eventually, Trump sends a Tweet back at them. The media goes crazy calling Trump "unpresidential". And then people within the media respond accordingly, showing they are no better than the man they're criticizing.

Tomorrow people will tune into Morning Joe to watch Mika continue the personal insults, while hiding behind the facade of "journalism".

Kelly said...

If he is going to insult someone, I just wish it wasnt so lame.

Darrell said...

@Inga, Do you want to be remembered for your fat ass or your deficient intellect?

Anonymous said...

Senator Hatch Office @senorrinhatch

"It’s incumbent on all of us, then — from the President to Congress on down — to be responsible for our speech."

tim in vermont said...

Yeah, the presidential platform should be used to lie into existence, a clusterfuck of a health care bill, that 8 years later is on the verge of collapse and fucked up everybody's health insurance.

Unknown said...

Again, Inga: Take up the challenge: If you blame Trump, then step up and openly declare that shooting Republicans is wrong.

You haven't done it yet, so how can you attack Trump for churlish behavior?


Anonymous said...

"Rep. Tom Reed, R-New York, told CNN in an interview that he was "concerned with that type of language."
"Well, obviously, I was just made aware of that tweet. I don't know the context of the exchange. But obviously, I'm concerned about that type of language."

Kevin said...

from the President to Congress on down

How far down before we find the first media person?

tim in vermont said...

Democrats can call Republicans mass murderers all they want though, even after a believing Democrat went on a shooting spree to kill Republicans.

Chuck said...

Fen said...
LOL. Like we're going to discuss something as complex as health care reform on the back pages of a blog with a moby who has the intellectualintellectually integrity of Chuckie Schumer. Go fuck yourself.

I kind of knew that it wouldn't be possible, to put together a cogent Trump theory of health care reform. No such thing exists in reality.

But Michael got it! Straight to the core of the Trump Id:

Michael said...
We want what he promised but which your Republican congress seems not to want.
We want free shit just like you Chuck. We want the fucking poor people to pull their weight and give us a turn at free stuff. Same as you.

I'm not so sure I've ever seen Trumpism put so succinctly as that. This was the post of the thread. The winner. Makes me glad I asked the question.

Kevin said...

"Rep. Tom Reed, R-New York, told CNN in an interview that he was "concerned with that type of language."

So the media is doing the thing where they run around and ask Republicans to repudiate something?

Because when Republicans were not Tweeted at, but actually gunned down, no one put a microphone in front of a single Democrat.

tim in vermont said...

It's "bloody shirt" vs "bloody face" day here at Althouse!

Fen said...

"Doesn't this latest Democrat Media bullshit poll concern you?"

Brought to you by the same people who were promising a Hillary landslide. Hillary on track to get 320 Electoral Votes, they said.

I understand you people are so stupid that you keep falling for these "polls". What I don't understand is you could be so stupid to think *we* would fall for your fake polls.

Kevin said...

"Rep. Tom Reed, R-New York, told CNN in an interview that he was "concerned with that type of language."

Was Tom Reed asked about Mika's Tweet in reply? Was he asked about her on-air comments about Trump?

Nah. It's about the meme, not the news.

Anonymous said...

"Illinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger wrote on Twitter: "Mr. President, it is incumbent upon ALL of us to tone down this divisive political rhetoric.#RestoreCivility."

Florida Republican congressman Carlos Curbelo put out a series of tweets saying leaders should set an example free of personal attacks and vitriol.

"Let's all remember the lessons from the Congressional shooting just a couple weeks ago. We must treat one another with decency & respect.""

Darrell said...

Why are all these serious and reverential Republicans Tweeting at all? I thought it should be beneath a serious politician?

Clyde said...

Darrell said...
Inga said...

6/29/17, 12:20 PM

Her only rational comment since she took the name.

The rat takes the cheese. The cheese stands alone.

Darrell said...

Inga's train of thought derails again.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Yay lectures!

Clyde said...

Sample Commenter said...
Inga conveniently forgets that Hillary was the first "birther," who pointed out correctly that he was fine with being a Kenyan when he thought it would give his books more cachet.

Why didn't you give us a reasonable choice, Democrats?

Because it was the crook's turn.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This all relates back to Pantera's album "Vulgar Display of Power" and the song "Domination" being played live in Russia, Moscow maybe even.

Althouse writes Obama and Trump are men who both want to dominate, I play the video of the Russian Pantera song live, bing bang boom, here we are.



Kevin said...

"Let's all remember the lessons from the Congressional shooting just a couple weeks ago. We must treat one another with decency & respect."

Please remind me again how many people the Republicans were trying to kill with their healthcare bill? It was hours ago Schumer and others were on the floor of the US Senate calling the Republican Party murders.

Where were the reporters then? Where were the calls for civility? Where were the calls for bipartisanship?

I would completely agree with all the people clamoring for civility had they clamor equally. As they never do, this falls on deaf ears.

Achilles said...

Inga wants republicans to get shot but thinks it is wrong to call Mika out for being a two faced liar getting plastic surgery.

Keep quoting the Vichy republicans. It just reminds us all we are up against the entire city of DC not just the traitors pushing the garbage Russia story.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

super OK - Democrats lying about healthcare and death

Not OK - Trump's odd tweets.

Unknown said...

Don't forget that Democrat Senator Dick Durbin is refusing to release his emails between himself and the Democrat shooter, Hodkinson.

Not a peep from the left about that, naturally. Hey, a US senator openly conspiring to kill his political opponents--perfectly a-ok as long as it's a Democrat! Right Chuck? Right Inga?

Ted Kennedy's open treason with Russia to defeat Reagan was a great thing too, no doubt. You'll never, ever hear Inga and Chuck say Teddy was a traitor for promising to sell America down the river to the Soviets as long as they got him elected.


Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

All Trump is saying with his tweets is:

"Mika and Joe are clowns."

If he said this about two honest, hardworking, obscure reporters for a daily paper in East Bumfuck, it might be said that such tweeting is beyond the pale or unfair or overkill or lacking in civility. However, as Mika and Joe are fucking clowns and television stars (but I repeat myself), and not serious or honest "reporters" (even using the most tortured definition of the word), this tweetsplosion is awesome.

Perhaps this will make for a healthier newsscape-- one where "journalists" actually seek to publish news and truth and stuff like that (rather than posing in a Vanity Fair-style photo-shoots or helping to produce craptastic, melodramatic videos that only a child could love)-- and we'll all regain a functioning media.

As for the notion that a POTUS shouldn't be doing such things, well, this POTUS ain't like previous POTI. (But if Jefferson had Twitter, his tweets might actually resemble the above tweets more than we think.)

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga does her old lady tsking tsking and oh heavens to Betsying about a tweet.

She's not nearly that wound up when Democrats call Trump Hitler or say he's trying kill poor people.

That's why Inga will continue to have the sadz on election days.

Achilles said...

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, however, used an upper chamber procedural motion to block a closed-door hearing, hosted by Grassley’s committee, on U.S. citizens being “unmasked” during FISA surveillances."


Kevin said...

Inga on the Scalise shooting: "I'm glad no one was killed and hope the injured will have a swift recovery."

Kevin on the Mika Tweet: "I'm glad no one was killed and hope Mika had a swift recovery."

Well wishes all around!

Fen said...

Inga: "unnamed Republicans"

Who are these pussy Republicans that are SO outraged.. but not enough to put their names behind their statements? LOL.

Best bet is they are like all your other Democrat Media anonymous sources for the last 6 months - they don't exist.

Chuck said...

Unknown said...
Don't forget that Democrat Senator Dick Durbin is refusing to release his emails between himself and the Democrat shooter, Hodkinson.

I hadn't heard that. I did not know that such emails existed. Durbin can't keep them from the FBI. You want a public release? Is Durbin a subject of any investigation?

Not a peep from the left about that, naturally. Hey, a US senator openly conspiring to kill his political opponents--perfectly a-ok as long as it's a Democrat! Right Chuck? Right Inga?

"...[A] US senator openly conspiring to kill his political opponents"?!? What the fuck? Do you care to specify that libelous charge? I not only wouldn't condone such a thing, I already mentioned that I didn't know that this was being talked about. Now, you can be very specific about your alleged conspiracy.

Ted Kennedy's open treason with Russia to defeat Reagan was a great
thing too, no doubt. You'll never, ever hear Inga and Chuck say Teddy was a traitor for promising to sell America down the river to the Soviets as long as they got him elected.

Kennedy, Reagan, and the Russian leaders from the Reagan era are all dead, and you are the only person on this page who seems to care about that. I honestly don't know what you are talking about, I don't care, and I wouldn't say anything good, bad or indifferent about the merits of what you are trying to say. Even if I understood it.

I might say that I support the idea of Dick Durbin releasing his emails with Hodgkinson, and also Donald Trump releasing copies of his tax returns.

Fen said...

ONE QUESTION for Democrats:

If you truly believe Russia hacked the election, how come not a single one of you has called for a return to paper ballots?


Fake outrage over fake news, that's why.

SDaly said...

Data point here, at lunch a group of secretaries (all white women, 40's & 50's, urban Northeast U.S.) were laughing their asses off at Trump's tweets about Joe & Mika, no animosity directed at Trump at all.

tim in vermont said...

Thank God this came along, because the the rotting corpse of the Russian story is starting to really stink.

Achilles said...

When does the winning begin?

The NYTs bleeds.

Heywood Rice said...

Ladies and gentlemen, this is clearly a fake "shit sandwich" (and it's delicious).

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

SDaly said...
Data point here, at lunch a group of secretaries (all white women, 40's & 50's, urban Northeast U.S.) were laughing their asses off at Trump's tweets about Joe & Mika, no animosity directed at Trump at all."

What normal person gives a damn if Mika's little feelings are hurt?

Does Jim Acosta really think that anybody besides his fellow "journalists" care about his little hissy fit?

Achilles said...

"I hadn't heard that. I did not know that such emails existed. Durbin can't keep them from the FBI. You want a public release? Is Durbin a subject of any investigation?"

That is because like every other democrat on this thread you get your information from a limited set of sources and live in a bubble while you take the orders your masters feed you and do your part to destroy the republic.

It is totally in character watching you defend Baghdad Bob Durbin. Durbin is a piece of garbage and has been a traitor for decades.

Chuck said...

"Data point here, at lunch a group of secretaries (all white women, 40's & 50's, urban Northeast U.S.) were laughing their asses off at Trump's tweets about Joe & Mika, no animosity directed at Trump at all."

Other people laughing their asses off today:
Barack Obama
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel
Dr. Jonathan Gruber
Governor John Kasich
Governor John Hickenlooper
10,000 lobbyists from AARP, the AHA, the AMA and the broad array of other health care special interests.

Darrell said...

Baghdad Bob Durbin

Call him Senator Dick.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

"Kennedy, Reagan, and the Russian leaders from the Reagan era are all dead, and you are the only person on this page who seems to care about that. "

Defending democrats and Kennedy... again and again and again..

The list of democrat traitors is longer than you think. But you wouldn't know because you never leave your information bubble. You just march along like a good little democrat.

Drago said...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I honestly don't know what you are talking about, I don't care, and I wouldn't say anything good, bad or indifferent about the merits of what you are trying to say. Even if I understood it."


Chuck pulls the classic Dem 'oh, I've never heard of that' ploy again!

But remember, he is a LLR whi knows more than you do!

Right up there with his passionate defense of Stolen Valor Blumenthal.

Fen said...

How does a Life Long Republican not know that Democrat Rick Durbin is refusing to turn over correspondence with the Democrat who attempted the mass assassination of Republican Congressmen?

It's kind of a big thing, Chuck. Been all over conservative sites and AM talk radio for 3 days now...

Chuck lays down with dogs, can't fathom why he has flees.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Still waiting on Chuck to outline, in detail, his desired health insurance legislation outcome.

He can't really afford to go on record himself snce it limits his attack republican options later.

Anonymous said...

a said...
"Who are these pussy Republicans that are SO outraged.. but not enough to put their names behind their statements?" I gave quotes from every one of these Republicans. Too bad you didn't notice their names.

Carlos Curbelo
Adam Kinzinger
Tom Reed
Orrin Hatch
Lisa Murkowski
Lynn Jenkins
Susan Collins
Lindsey Graham
Ben Sasse
John McCain
James Lankford

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