June 14, 2017

The Alexandria shooter was "radicalized by mainstream media."

A good turn of phrase by Scott Adams.


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Anonymous said...

"Heh. Wisdom would have been using TOR and VPN to hide yourself while cheerleading violence against people like us.

We can read your mail Inga. Not so bright."

Have you seriously lost your mind? Are you suggesting I've posted somewhere else advocating violence? Feel free to copy and paste what you think I posted anywhere. Show where said comments supposedly came from my account. It's truly pathetic that you're going to such lengths to lie about me. What a pathetic nutcase you are. You can "read my mail"? Oh lord, lol. Nuttery abounds.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can argue with him till you are blue in the face, he'll just adopt positions as they are convenient for the moment

I now realize the reason for how uptight and socially constipated you are: The discomfort caused by your own deliberately inconvenient positions.

Ask your doctor if liberalism is right for you.

FullMoon said...

Four days ago, Bernie told the guy to take down Trump. He was only following orders.

Fen said...

Matt: "just remembered that for last 8 years I said the right should be more moderate and not follow the left"

No worries, I said the exact same thing in the 90s. I worked for Lt Gov Hobby of Texas, a democrat. It was common to meet your political opponents over drinks, loser buys first round. But those days are long gone.

I blame the long march of the Marxists. As subtoi iver at
Belmont first recognized, these people are no longer our countrymen. We are left with the Little Eichmanns like Ritmo and Inga who refuse to bear any responsibility for what their brownshirts are doing to advance the power of the party.

Fen said...

"ask your doctor if liberalism is right for you"

Nah, tried liberalism in my 20s. Then I put away childish things.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sure the Trump assassination porn will go on in Central Park tonight. You people have no shame nor self analysis.

Time for my book. You are hopeless.

You should try radio sometime. I was listening to NPR on this whole Caesar/Trump production. The issue of a controversial portrayal of Trump arose, and basically everyone agreed that the assassination scene was meant to and successfully did horrify all the audiences. That was the point. No matter how bad things got, the right-thinking decent people of America should never demean themselves to the level embraced by the conservative Optimates faction that murdered Caesar. The consequences are worse than simply making sure that his abominable unlearned tyranny is checked within every letter of every law on the books that they can throw at him. And it's working. Trump is being hamstrung legally and politically and will either comply with the will of the people and the conventions of a lawful republic, or he'll be out of there. No need to kill. That's what you wacko conservatives threatening "2nd amendment remedies" are for - as you were when you brought down Rome.

Hitler came out of Weimar. Be careful with your destruction of the culture of a thousand years.

Lol! "Culture of a thousand years!" Hilarious. So Bannon really does think he's the revived Holy Roman Emperor.

You go, girl.

Yes, let's repeat and perpetuate some arbitrary definition of "culture" as if it were more important than the republic and its laws. Like that'll ever work. Oh well, Hitler thought it could.

Culture is as immutable as language - i.e. infinitely mutable. Only laws can be preserved in perpetuity.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
khesanh0802 said...

No Chuck, the polls were mostly wrong. Adams was right. Keep practicing. I said nothing personal about you. I took exception to what you said by characterizing it as nonsense. I continue to stand behind that characterization.

Here's 538's take the day after the election. Here's their first paragraph: "The polls missed Donald Trump’s election. Individual polls missed, at the state level and nationally (though national polls weren’t far off). So did aggregated polls. So did poll-based forecasts such as ours. And so did exit polls."

Or here's Pew Research's take. Their headline: "Why 2016 election polls missed their mark."

Anything else I would have to say about your comment you would take as personal so I will stop.

Fen said...

Inga: "You can read my mail? What nuttery-"

LOL Inga. Do you even understand what TOR and VPN is? Go ask an IT guy to explain it to you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Exactly to Scott Adams

Anonymous said...

And what mail would that be Fen? Post it here, I'd like to see what mail you think was written by me. I've met bullshitters in my life, but you take the cake.

FullMoon said...

Althouse and Meade vs. Walker is a Nazi 2014

Big Mike said...

Well, maybe they should - and gun buyback programs, etc. are fine starts. But they should also close loopholes at the gun shows, straw purchases, all sorts of things that the NRA works tooth and nail to stop from happening. They've even preserved no-fly listed terrorists rights to purchase, right?

I guess you've never been to a gun show or you'd know that the "gun show loophole" is essentially nonexistent. Every gun I've bought at a gun show, except for one, went through a background check, as it ought to. The exception was an antique handgun chambered in a British black powder cartridge that to my knowledge hasn't been made for over fifty years, The cutoff date for background checks is 1898, if I understand correctly, and my antique is quite a bit older than that. What you want to do is end private sales between individuals. And that ain't gonna happen because there's no way to enforce it.

Are you unaware that straw purchases are already illegal? But they won't be ended until those laws are enforced.

And if the only people on the no-fly list were terrorists then okay. But they aren't. The singer Cat Stevens is on it. For a while Teddy Kennedy was on it. For all you know you're on it. Maybe the reason Althouse doesn't fly is because she's on it. Part of the issue is that the list is strictly by name, and names are not unique identifiers. Once you're on it there's no way -- short of bribery or political clout -- to get off no matter that your name is only accidentally on it.

There's a reason why intelligent people push back so hard. If you had the slightest touch of humility you'd know that.

FullMoon said...

From Instapundit

A year ago, Benn wrote a screed at the HuffPo headlined, “Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any:”

In the face of media, politicians, and GOP primary voters normalizing Trump as a presidential candidate—whatever your personal beliefs regarding violent resistance—there’s an inherent value in forestalling Trump’s normalization. Violent resistance accomplishes this. In spite of this, such resistance is apparently more offensive and unacceptable to societal norms and liberal sensibilities than the nastiness being resisted in the first place.

FullMoon said...

Mar 18, 2017 - In Snoop Dogg's latest music video, a character named "Ronald Klump" gets "shot," and there's no mistaking who Klump is a stand-in for.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

For all you know you're on it.

Not possible.

James K said...

The NYT is getting raked over the coals for its editorial, which among other things asserts that Jared Loughner's shooting spree was clearly linked to "political incitement" by Sarah Palin.

Achilles said...

From Fulloon's linked post in the comments:

garage mahal said...
Can't Wisconsin Republicans come up with sources [all Walker supporters] that aren't racists, drunks, violent, use swastikas, or smash themselves in the face with a rock?

garage mahal said...

It's desperation to point out the people at the heart of the attacks on her tenure at Trek are GOP operatives, Walker-supporting, racist weirdos?

This was about the time Democrat Prosecutor Chisholm was running around illegally assaulting political opponents in their homes with early morning SWAT raids I remember.

JHapp said...

Had Comey and Lynch enforced the laws of this country and prosecuted Hillary, this wouldn't have taken place. There is a lot of blame to go around.

Be said...

I am sorry about this. Maybe more Virginians should be armed? (That's what the whackdoodle ex from Rosslyn used to tell me about the Boston area: that we're all Cowering In Fear, because we are Liberals and we don't have guns.)

Again, this is Horrible. Most People are Radicalized by the Mainstream Media.

steve uhr said...

i do think that one good thing to come out of this is a greater effort by all of our elected leaders to turn down the rhetoric. Just because you disagree with someone politically doesn't mean one of you is a bad person. Do we all have friends with whom we have political disagreements? If not, there should be an app for finding someone.

steve uhr said...

And to change the subject, some lovely Wisconsin country will be on display for the world to see this weekend. And I'm sure Rodgers will be there too. Football season right around the corner.

WA-mom said...

Speaking of a good turn of phrase, it's only a matter of time before we hear the phrase "Trumped up charges."

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: The right has done it's fair share of creating a climate of hate...


Earnest Prole said...

Am not!
Are too!
Am not!
Are too!
Am not!
Are too!
Am not!
Are too!

Jon Ericson said...

A concise summary. Thank you.

Rusty said...

This is what happens when people are relegated to being;
punch back twice as hard
The weak minded among us-the majority of which seem to be from the left-take that as their cue.
In order to destroy your enemies they must first be dehumanized in the minds of your followers.
It makes it easier to denounce your neighbors and round them up.
fascism is what fascism does.

Bruce Hayden said...

In maybe a different vein, but touched on at least once above, is the subject of gun control. If Dems were the target of the shootings, and still controlled Congress and the Presidency, there would be a chance of a revised "Assault Weapons Ban" enacted. And no doubt, some gun grabbing Dem in the House is going to introduce something equally inane. And, of course, it will be DOA, unlikely to get even a first reading. Of course, things are reversed, with the GOP being the target, as well as controlling Congress and the White House.

So, what's next? GOP Congress members are waking up to the reality that they are personally endangered by the leftist culture of violent "resistance" sweeping the nether regions of the country. Several GOP members have pointed out that they are, effectively personally disarmed by the District's draconian gun laws, and suggested an exception for themselves. But what about their staffers? They too are vulnerable. And one of the victims of yesterday's anti-GOP violence was a former staffer turned lobbyist. What about them? Democrats, the party of the people can get away with one law for the masses and another for their betters, the Dem party elites, etc. Doesn't work for Republicans. Congress has the power to do what they want in DC legally, and I wouldn't be surprised if they (DC) got shall issue concealed carry shoved down their statist, elitist, throats by Congress.

But that too begs the question. The more Dem controlled a state or city is, for the most part, the more draconian their gun laws, and, in particular here, their concealed carry laws. I currently cannot carry concealed anywhere on the west coast of this country, except for in AK (where I would more likely carry openly anyway). I do expect to get a WA out-of-state permit this summer, but that leaves CA, OR, and HI, all of which we want to visit. Moving east, there is Chicago, apparently more violent these days than, say, Somalia, and then NY, NJ, and DC on the east coast. Top thing on the gun owners' legislative wish list is national CCW reciprocity. If Congress forces DC to allow their members to carry concealed, then we should be able to do the same in our nation's capital, and, really, throughout the country. I do expect concealed carry reciprocity to pass the House this year, and be introduced in the Senate. Can Chuck Schumer, from gun grabbing NY, prevent enough defections to kill it in the Senate through filibuster? My guess is no, with the number of Dem Senators up for election next year from Trump states (already seeing Jon Tester ads here in MT - showing him talking to a group holding shotguns) . I don't think though that the Republican base will be too sympathetic to the argument that CCW reciprocity failed to pass because of the fairly recent tradition of fake filibusters.

Should be interesting.

Bruce Hayden said...

My point on "fake filibusters" is that traditionally, Senators wanting to delay votes in the Senate had to essentially stand up and talk, typically in shifts, to keep a vote from happening. They could delay indefinitely this way, or until 3/5 voted for cloture cutting off debate. When Dems like Al Gore, Sr, Wm Fulbright, "Sheets" Byrd, etc, were filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s, this was the situation. But sometime after that, the bother of having to stand up and keep debating the issue (or just monopolizing the business of the Senate through speaking and giving speeches) was given up. At that point, Senators could just essentially announce that they were filibustering something, and if the other side couldn't get the needed 3/5 for cloture, the matter was dead for a bit, until the next cloture vote. The result was that at times there were numerous matters being filibustered - notably, but not exclusive very, judicial and executive branch nominations, none though actually impeding the business of the Senate. These fake filibusters for nominations were recently nuked, mostly by Dingy Harry Reid, but remain for legislation - at least for now. My prediction is that the rule that provides for fake filibusters doesn't survive the current (115th) Congress. Several things could force the small Republican majority to utilize the "nuclear option" for legislation. One is Obamacare repeal and/or replacement (which has to happen soon, since there otherwise will be counties across the country with no Exchange insurers in 2018, and, thus, no non-governmental individual healthcare insurance). Another may be concealed carry reciprocity, in view of yesterday's (likely) politically motivated attack on GOP House members in Alexandria. Should be interesting.

Rusty said...

And what is a good liberal like the shooter doing with firearms anyway? And an assault rifle no less.
I guess magazine restrictions go out the window when you're hunting conservatives.
Since he's from Illinois he had to have a FOID card. For those of you that don't live in a heavily restricted blue state that is a card that is issued by the Illinois state police that says your a good joe. You have to show the card when buying ammunition and the sales person won't even take the gun from behind the counter until you show them your FOID card.
But some how this good democrat managed to get his hands on a couple of firearms?

Well, Inga. You might not condone violence, but you sure don't condemn it when it happens. And I don't mean just the bike lock professor. I understand you might have enjoyed the dust up until you found out the assailant was using a weapon, but even the casual references to rednecks, evil republicans, etc. And then you trivialize the concerns of conservatives.
The people that got shot aren't evil, Inga.The guy that got his skull cracked by the bike lock wielding professor wasn't a nazi. They're citizens of the republic just like you and your friends and deserve the same respect even if you don't agree with them. You're not 'resisting' anything except constitutional guarantees that have served this country for over 230 years.
Goddamn! I get tired of being the adult to supposed grown ups.

Tank said...

James K said...

The NYT is getting raked over the coals for its editorial, which among other things asserts that Jared Loughner's shooting spree was clearly linked to "political incitement" by Sarah Palin.

The NYT is fake news.

End of story.

Jaq said...

You guys are crazy! Anti Trump PSAs every 15 mins, using the pretext of a "promo" for a late night show. Assassination porn like severed heads, constant drumbeats of hatred like we usually don't see except during a hot war, none of this "radicalized" this guy. Plus, he isn't even radical. Twitter is full of true visionaries who point out that the Republican is a fucking mass murderer anyways on account of policy differences.

You Trump supporters really are not living in the real world.

Jaq said...

Othello should be the next play, and the pillow should be smothering Desdemona tarted up as The Enlightenment.

Kevin said...

Maybe we've missed the real opportunity here. Maybe we still have our most potent weapon against this kind of thing sitting on the sidelines.

“Maybe I can, by speaking directly to white people, say, look, this is not who we are,” [Hillary] continued.

Anonymous said...


Listen to yourself. You are asserting things that are untrue. I have condemned the use of violence from either side in all situations since I started commenting here in 2011. You hardly come off as the adult in the room when you accuse people of things they've never said, or of things they've said, but you choose to ignore. You seem to expect every liberal commenter here to express some mea culpa for the shooting yesterday, you won't get one from me, as I didn't choose to pick up a weapon and attack my political opponent. I have never even come close to approving of violence perpetrated by the left and I won't pretend the right is as pure as the driven snow, nor should you unless you want to appear childish and foolish. I suggest you pay attention to the unstable element on your own side before scolding others.

Jaq said...

You seem to expect every liberal commenter here to express some mea culpa for the shooting yesterday, you won't get one from me, as I didn't choose to pick up a weapon and attack my political opponent.

So you are saying it has nothing to do with the constant drumbeat of wild speculation about "traitors" and the assassination porn that has been front and center recently?

If I deeply believed some of the crap this guy has been fed in the interests of partisan politics, I might do the same thing. Believed the "democracy was dead" because Hillary needed someone to blame after blowing the election. If I believed that policy differences on health care were motivated by heartlessness on one side and caring on the other, rather than honest disagreements on how to serve the greatest number best. The WaPo keeps this civil war drumbeat up day after day, the New York Times maybe a bit less so, but they do it too.

And if you honestly believe some of the shit you say here, how can you say that you don't believe assassination is justified? If somebody put a gun in your hand behind Hitler's back in 1938, wouldn't you pull the trigger? I would. You guys are playing with fire.

Jaq said...

Bernie Sanders said that The GOP House were plotting to cause thousands of deaths out of simple greed. That's a paraphrase, but not an unfair one, and it was echoed all over Twitter by "liberals" celebrating the shootings as a kind of instant karma. If I truly believed these guys were mass murderers, what would I do?

Jaq said...

Exactly how many times do you get to call your fellow Americans racists and murderers either directly, or by all too obvious implication before they begin to feel threatened by whatever it is that motivates you? It's a rhetorical question, don't worry, you don't have to count the numbers of times you have done it.

And an avatar with a Pussy Hat on it, when your party supported the sexual harasser in chief and probable (well certain by the standards of evidence you guys would apply to anybody else) rapist and serial sexual harasser, that's just a bonus finger in the eye, isn't it? A "face wash" as they call it in hockey.

Anonymous said...

Virtually Unknowm, are you suggesting that the Press should stop reporting the news because some unstable person will try to kill someone based on the reporting? The news reports about Clinton and Benghazi and her private server went on for months and months. Much of the accusations regarding her being somehow at fault for the deaths of the Americans in Benghazi were overblown and ugly, but I bet you believe they were true. Should they not have been reported because I happen to think they were wild speculation and could've caused some unstable person to go on a shooting rampage? Look at the nutcase shooter that shot up the Planned Parenthood Clinic around the time that all the outrage over the videos of the supposed selling of fetus body parts was occurring. Should the media not have reported on those videos? The Press reports what they think is news, they aren't always going to report news that either side agrees with, nor should they censor themselves because some nutcase or extremist will act out violently. You wouldn't want what you consider to be newsworthy to be censored, would you?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Still, it is amusing to see how anything other than the prescribed pro-Trump narrative is howlingly questioned.

The left and the media are the same thing. The difference is between the tools and the masters. The Alexandria shooter was a tool. The media is a tool. In the end it is the masters we need to get a hold of.

Do the Dems really think that their campaign has no effect on the wacko's of the world?

Do you think constantly accusing Republicans of being like Nazis might be trying to collectivise guilt or whatever you were discussing?

MSNBC just put on an analyst who called upon ISIS to blow up Trump towers.

Jesse Benn: "For violent resistance to work it'd need to be organized. Individual acts can be understandable, but likely counterproductive/ineffective. Strategic thinking from the left: the problem with poorly aimed terror is that it is ineffective. Organized violent resistance, Creamer/antifa squared, is what's needed."

Defang the NRA if you really want to see some progress started.

Leftish people who post here have to lie to make their points, which is expected, but among the samples above (from both sides) there appears a pattern that reminds me of the old Hollywood refrain that "it's just entertainment, and all the smoking and easy sex is vital to the plot but has exactly no effect on behavior." [Check out Michael Medved's book Hollywood vs America for more examples like this.] But then after the DotCom bubble burst we were suddenly told that all the violent video games were acclimating players to violence. Something about Columbine comes to mind.

So there you have the stark Janus-like position progressives take:

1. The garbage we produce has absolutely NO effect on the impressionable young minds we try to reach.
2. When conservatives "glorify" guns or watch "violent" NFL games, or allow smoking in front of children it changes the little tikes into monsters.

This contradiction is sometimes resolved by Hollywood with the "hard 180" whereby suddenly it is forbidden to smoke onscreen (enforced by threats of an R or X rating for too much smokin'). Which, as Medved shows, allows the truth to shine: The Left DOES know that advertising, conditioning, exposing repeatedly has an effect on behavior or they would charge so m uch for commercials designed to do just that. Sure they still argue that only the 8 minutes of commercials are persuasive, not the 22 minutes of programming per half-hour.

Right. Got it. YOUR bad behavior has no consequences, but your simply alleging bad think on my part makes me responsible for bad actors and their victims. See how it played out yesterday with the NYT blaming Sarah Palin (again) for Giffords' wounding even though it was known within hours of that event that the wacko who shot her had gone round the bend before anyone had heard of Palin, but the BerniBot that shot Republicans was somehow isolated and apolitical after he left a trail of HuffPo and Kos-like comments about eliminating Republicans and killing Trump generously laced with quotes from all the usual hate-mongers at MSNBC.

Among all the lies the left rely on, this one, to me, is the most despicable.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

People died at Benghazi, Marines, and phoney Inga with the supposed Marine daughter, didn't give one shit. No Democrats cared. That's the difference, fool.

The liberal media isn't reporting "news" Inga, but propaganda that weak-minded idiots like you eat up.

Anonymous said...

"Exactly how many times do you get to call your fellow Americans racists and murderers either directly..."

How many times does your side get to call your fellow Americans that happen to be Muslim, murderers after some extremist Islamist commits mass murder? Will you commit to stop blaming every innocent person for what some extremist or nutcase who identifies as a member of their group does? Will you take blame for the next murder committed from someone on your side? Will you consider yourself as guilty as one who acted in a violent fashion? No? Then shut up.

Anonymous said...

And Exile barks, snarls and foams at the mouth, a new day, same old dog.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga called a traitor who wanted to burn down the WH and loves the Taliban and Iran a heroine and a patriot.

Remember that next time the dim bulb pretends she loves this country.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

New day, same shit from an addle-brained America hating traitor.

Anonymous said...

"... died at Benghazi, Marines, and phoney Inga with the supposed Marine daughter, didn't give one shit. No Democrats cared. That's the difference, fool."

And to suggest no Democrat cared is demented.

Anonymous said...

Extremism doesn't happen only to one side. Observe Exiled, a classic case, right here in River City.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NYT continues to LIE.

progressive assholes.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Deeply stupid and immoral pussy hat can't stop her lying.

Yeah, Hillary cared so much she lied to the parents of the fallen over the caskets of their loved ones. And NO Democrat objected to that, nor did they object to a man going to jail for a year because he was the scapegoat for Hillary and Obama’s negligence.

Are you capable of any honesty or self-reflection at all?

Or compassion? The very first thing you said about the shootings yesterday was blather about Alex Jones, as if he had anything to do with it.

At least sunsong showed she has a heart, even if her head IMO, is often in the wrong
You have neither heart nor brains.

Jaq said...

Much of the accusations regarding her being somehow at fault for the deaths of the Americans in Benghazi were overblown and ugly, but I bet you believe they were true.

Since you use the term "overblown," it's pretty clear that you think there is truth there too. I am not the one who said "We came! We saw! He died! (chortle, guffaw)" Hillary is the one who advocated for the overthrow of the sovereign government of Libya and the exacerbation of the civil war in Syria by arming one side.

You wouldn't want what you consider to be newsworthy to be censored, would you?

If you had the fist scintilla of evidence on the Russia thing, I would be all over it. What you have is a busted flush. Why is it front and center day after day? All I am seeing is innuendo based on highly selective leaks.

Jaq said...

Exiled brings up a good point, it was Hillary and Obama who put an artist in jail for making a film they didn't like.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The pro-democrat hack press have blood on their hands.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Corrupt democrats have no morals. The all lie, to themselves and to each other, and accept lying as morally fine because they are desperately hoping for the greater collective progressive future. Where their dictator is installed and free stuff, including single payer, is showered on them paid for by the evil other.

Any lie will do to accomplish the greater goal of the progressive collective.

Anonymous said...

All we saw in the Benghazi story against Clinton was innuendo. What did the numerous hearings prove? Nothing. You cannot expect the Press to cease reporting on stories you don't approve of, that's not how democracy works.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

A leftist pig shot up a baseball field yesterday and seriously wounded a GOP Congressman. He watched and consumed and believed the same media crap that Inga does.

And all Inga can do is call us the deranged ones.

Because all she can do is project her own hatred and craziness onto others.

Rusty said...

In a @ 7:27
But there is only one side , Inga. Who are resisting who are calling their opponents evil and fascists and nazis.
There is no moral equivalency here.
Your side declared open season on their opposition and you declare that any reasonable resistance is paranoia.

Matt Sablan said...

"All we saw in the Benghazi story against Clinton was innuendo."

-- Actually, no. The biggest accusation against her is that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack from the start and lied to Americans about it.

We know this is true due to emails found on her illegal secret server where she corresponded with her daughter (someone without a clearance who was using a pseudonym while receiving the emails that SHOULD have been classified) and the president (who had a clearance, but also, for some reason, was using a pseudonym on her server) and acknowledged that it WAS a terrorist attack.

So, in short. We know the biggest accusation against her is true.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

All we saw in the Benghazi story against Clinton was innuendo.

Not "we," all YOU saw was innuendo. I saw four survivors who were very brave in their defense of their fellow Americans, who lost their friends and colleagues in an 11-hour firefight against overwhelming odds, and who were very articulate in telling that story. I also saw the friends and relatives of the deceased all say the same thing: Hillary lied to them to their face about what happened while "receiving" the bodies from an AF transport plane.

What I saw, on multiple channels, through various media, in numerable formats was some very believable Americans who had survived hell and all recalled the same facts; and then I saw Hillary, known liar and maker of self-aggrandizing stories, telling the Big Lie that Obama's team came up with. A lie they stuck with right up until Candy Crowley and Obama pulled a switcheroo during the debate where the new story of "Obama DID too call it a terrorist attack" was debuted.

Despicable. There is no dispute that Hillary turned down multiple requests for security improvements in Libya. The memos exist with the her signature. And yet we still, thanks to D stonewalling during hearings, we still do NOT know why Ambassador Stevens was even in that part of a dangerous country on the 9/11 anniversary.

Curious isn't it? Does anybody have a source that can inform me what Stevens was doing in Benghazi on the most dangerous night of the year? Why he had to be there after our NATO allies had shut down their Benghazi operations specifically because of the threats they were under?

Buehler? Anyone?

Jaq said...

That pussy hat is very apropos, as it shows your ears as covered. If it isn't in the WaPo, it doesn't count because they print all of the true facts.

"Kiss it" - Bill Clinton.

Jaq said...

"Deny, deny, deny!" - Bill Clinton.

They guy was a regular Puddin' Head Wilson.

Birkel said...

You cannot prove anything when the side that maintains the proof systematically destroys that proof. And somehow that means Republicans, from whom the evidence was hidden, are to blame.

Isn't a world view in which one side is always wrong easy? I want such a world view.

Jaq said...

"All of the news we see fit to print." - The New York Times.

Tommy Duncan said...

This post has become another "Inga" thread filled with hateful language, name calling and endless claims regarding the mental state of others.

Inga opened her comments with this nasty invective: "I've noticed how active and animated Achilles and Fen have been on these three threads dealing with the shooting today. They're in their element and that's not a compliment. The planning of the coming War on Liberals has given them their purpose for today."

No one learns anything from posts like the one above, which attacks others and impugns their character. The effect of the post is to seek a fight. To what purpose?

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: I suggest you pay attention to the unstable element on your own side before scolding others.

Well, of course. This is only natural. All the nuts and flakes are conservatives, else Hillary would be Madame President Clinton. Inga's side has no unstable elements. You're all rock steady and unshakable — absolutely convinced of your righteousness and moral superiority. Nothing you say or do is wrong because it is impossible to err.

Quaestor said...

Actually, things worked out as Nature intended last November. Hillary's predestined station in life is more madam than Madame.

Fernandinande said...

"But resist we much. We must, and we will much about that be committed." -- Alfred "Baptist Minister" Sharpton

Rick said...

Quaestor said...
Inga wrote: I suggest you pay attention to the unstable element on your own side before scolding others.

I wonder why she never applies this expectation to herself?

victoria said...


You were the first person out of the box to politicize this event, not me. I think that both sides are responsible, not just the Trumpians. When a candidate can talk about a woman, for a national show, like she is a piece of meat, and demean competitors, people think that doing those reprehensible things are acceptable.

I'm pathetic, Fen??? look in the mirror

Vicki from Pasadena

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" I think that both sides are responsible, not just the Trumpians."

The "Trumpians" didn't try to commit mass murder.

" When a candidate can talk about a woman, for a national show, like she is a piece of meat, and demean competitors, people think that doing those reprehensible things are acceptable. "

Oh, my, Trump said "grab pussy" so that justifies shooting up a baseball field! Gee, Clinton actually raped a woman, and James Carville talked about trailer trash but you don't care about demeaning women when Democrats do it, do you? 'Cause if you did by your logic the Congressional Democrats would deserve to be beaten to death for Clinton's sins.

What a hypocritical, soulless piece of trash.

Jim at said...

"I suggest you pay attention to the unstable element on your own side before scolding others."

Until one of 'my side' goes around shooting up congressional representatives practicing for a baseball game, you can just fuck right off.

Jim at said...

"When a candidate can talk about a woman, for a national show, like she is a piece of meat, and demean competitors, people think that doing those reprehensible things are acceptable."

So, kill them, right Vicki?

Yeah. We got that. Yesterday.

It's our fault.

Hey Skipper said...

For those who think Hodgkinson was unhinged, except by Progressivism, this will come as no comfort.

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