June 14, 2017

"Steve Scalise, the majority whip of the House of Representatives, was shot at a baseball field in Alexandria, Va., when a gunman opened fire at field near a Y.M.C.A."

The NYT reports.

ADDED: I looked to see if I'd ever blogged about Steve Scalise, and I found this (from January 2015):
"Asked about Steve Scalise, Newt Gingrich invokes Jeremiah Wright."

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich defends House Majority Whip Steve Scalise after it was reported that Scalise once spoke before a white supremacist group."

(Walker, a Baptist minister, is the pitcher on the Republican team.)


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Ken B said...

"Is Once being racist ..."
Since when is racist the only thing that can be wrong with a comment, or a person? Once is a bilious bigot. That's enough, isn't it? Do we need to know the color of the bile, the strain of the bigotry?

madAsHell said...

The name is available to ABCNews but they are not providing it to the public.

The name doesn't fit the narrative.

smartsy said...

It would be nice to know the gunman's exact motivations, would it not?

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

Sounds like a possible motivation.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Ok, I only have so much time in the morning to play with you Althouse Hillbillies."

Once, your homeroom teacher wants to see you. She said something about the mess you left in the toy box yesterday. Looks like you might have to stay after school.

Kevin said...

"It would be nice to know the gunman's exact motivations, would it not?"

He was cut from the company softball team and was clearly out for revenge.

Matt Sablan said...

Smartsy: On the other hand, Flake says the shooter had jeans. The person described in that encounter was wearing running clothes. So, unless one or the other's memory is wrong, it probably wasn't the same person. (Or maybe they changed fast?)

Jaq said...

Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

It seems like if he was after "cuckservatives and GOPe, he would have been more selective. But since the witnesses are all Republican, apparently, they can safely be called liars. Except the guy won't be able to shut his mouth.

"I come not to praise Republicans, but to bury them!"

mockturtle said...

The Capitol cop who took down the gunman deserves a medal. Hope she is not badly hurt. Rand Paul said that, had the two Capitol police not been there it, would have been a total massacre. Both cops were shot.

Dave from Minnesota said...

Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther. 9/11 trooferism is a leftwing conspiracy theory.

According to a 2011 Rasmussen poll, 61% of Democrats either think the Bush knew about 9/11 ahead of time, or that its possible that President Bush knew about 9/11 ahead of time. 61%. Sure there are rightwing wackos out there (I had one tell me last year that he thought Obama might declare martial law so he can be President indefinitely), but 61% of a major party thinks that Bush knew or may have known about 9/11 before the event happened.

Birkel said...

If Leftist shooter: gun control.
If deranged shooter: gun control.
If Right leaning shooter: culture of hate.

MSM alternative headline: local story like Kermit Gosnell.
Or: old news.

Are there any other options?

Grab your carry on.

MisterBuddwing said...

Once, you do remember the facts of the Giffords shooting, right?

Politicians being the cynical scumbags that they are attempted to use the tragedy for political leverage

Well, thank goodness there's none of that on this thread...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Just heard it reported that the FBI has taken over the investigation.

I feel so much better now.

Jaq said...

Well, thank goodness there's none of that on this thread..

Where did we learn it? We learned it from you, Dad! We learned it from you! It took us a while to assimilate Rules for Radicals, but we have.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Much of commercial media, the free internet too, is awash in inflammatory articles founded on hearsay, innuendo, and outright lies.

The commercial media is in business to sell print and airtime. I do not value them for it, but nor do I fault them. They are - and should be - at liberty to say whatever. Likewise commenters on the free internet.

If the problem is too much rancor among the populace about Government then one certain solution is to make Government less important, less powerful.

One political party, the Libertarian, has the core principle of reducing the power and importance of Government.

If the Government had money to spend and less power to limit the activities of the populace, there would be less conflict over the use of that money and power.

MaxedOutMama said...

Not too much is certain about the motivation of the shooter, so I will withhold comment other than to say that it is a sad day. I am also certain that it will only cause the media to redouble their inflammatory rhetoric.

But this, disturbing as it is, is not so disturbing as the London fire.

Rick said...

Once written, twice... said...
There is no Alex Jones on the left. Think about that.

For decades the left has been claiming 1 in 5 women on campus have been sexually assaulted, tens of thousands of women claim to believe this. Conspiracy theorists are mainstream on the left, they're not than marginalized outcasts but rather high ranking policy setters and activists. Alex Jones stands out on the right because his views are unique.

Naturally left wingers can't understand this because they've been indoctrinated to accept left wing conspiracy theories and as part of that support the status of left wing kooks.

Dave from Minnesota said...

For Louisiana newstalk WBRP Suburban Baton Rouge.


Press conference right now. "We don't know that yet" "I am not aware of that"

So not much is known yet.

robother said...

False Flag? Nah. Most likely the shooter will turn out to be a legally insane individual, who was merely trying to impress Hollywood royalty. (How these people know that shooting Republicans is the way to impress Hollywood stars is a mystery.) Fortunately, the Beltway jury pool is full of compassionate empaths, who recognize such behavior a cry for help.

MisterBuddwing said...

Where did we learn it? We learned it from you, Dad! We learned it from you! It took us a while to assimilate Rules for Radicals, but we have.

Interesting that you construed my comment as an attack on conservatives...

Jaq said...

I hope nobody used any metaphors with ancient roots in violence! I mean severed heads and bloody knife wounds is one thing... but metaphors! You have to draw a line somewheres!

Jaq said...

Interesting that you construed my comment as an attack on conservatives..

You have a history.

MisterBuddwing said...

You have a history.

Which you're obviously not familiar with.

DanTheMan said...

Has anybody seen John Hinckley today? Maybe he's still trying to impress Jodie Foster?

Jaq said...

Which you're obviously not familiar with

"Excu-uuse me!" - Steve Martin.

Jaq said...

Has anybody seen John Hinckley today? Maybe he's still trying to impress Jodie Foster?

I heard he had all his teeth pulled to make a better cock holster for Colbert!

Rusty said...

I. An only conclude that the rest of the usual suspects are waiting for their talking points.

Dave from Minnesota said...

His name is out. A guy from Illinois.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

9:38 Dave from MN...

Exactly. The big conspiracy theories are all on the paranoid left. If they want to believe it, they do. Facts be damned.

Birkel said...

James T. Hodgkinson.
Favors Obamacare.

Leftists BAMN.
One it.

Grab your carry on.

Anonymous said...

rhhardin: "The Hill is on edge, says the headline."

When does it tip over?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Ignorance is Bliss -

Yeah, I saw that right off also and had a good laugh. "[The gun] continued to fire at different people."

I see a *lot* of crappy writing in newspapers and major media web articles - most of it just long convoluted sentences and apostrophe abuse. This one shows a lot about the mind-set of the writer. Who even thinks like that?

"The car drove off a cliff..." maybe. An unintended act by the driver. But an intentional act?

There is the apocryphal story of the guy who went into the crapper stall and hung is semi-auto on the coat hook upside down by the trigger - but I'm not sure I believe that one.

rhhardin said...

So what happens to Julius Caesar in the park.

Spin has to be delicate.

Dave from Minnesota said...

I think I found his Facebook page. He's a Trump hater and Bernie Sanders fan.

MisterBuddwing said...

The big conspiracy theories are all on the paranoid left. If they want to believe it, they do. Facts be damned.

Suddenly, I have this craving for pizza...

Dave from Minnesota said...


JPS said...

once written, twice...

I liked your original comment. We agree on that much, though obviously on little else.

No Alex Jones on the left, though? Cynthia McKinney had a good run there for awhile, and she was in Congress!

Dave from Minnesota said...

One his Facebook page: "Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump & Co"

madAsHell said...

The shooter will be deemed mentally ill, and unable to stand trial.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

What the left deliberately ignores about the Giffords shooting was that a GOP judge was murdered by the same gunman, who was a confused loon.

Jaq said...

So what happens to Julius Caesar in the park?

You know what I am wondering about? What kind of a knockdown drag out brawl is going to erupt when Bill, Hillary, Obama, and Trump attend the actuarily probable upcoming George H W Bush funeral. No doubt the grieving son will be called upon to bust up the fight.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gavin Newsome (D-Kim Jong Un) wants Trump impeached.

Over what?

Jaq said...

Suddenly, I have this craving for pizza...

Yeah, that was a "big conspiracy theory" Millions of believers, movies made, books written, political figures joining in, Hollywood. Yup!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Scary stuff; I'm glad it wasn't worse and it does sound like the Capital Cops did a really good job (pistols v rifle at distance is no easy task). I hope the other officer mentioned (who was apparently medevaced out) comes through ok.

I understand the temptation and reflex to throw this in the faces of the Left & Media in exactly the way they attack the non-Left, I truly do, but probably it's best to just cool off for a little bit. The Media will most assuredly make asses of themselves so there will be plenty of time to point out their double standards, hypocrisy, and poisonous partisanship later. Pointing out unfair treatment and hypocrisy to the non-Media Left is more ore less useless--you're not going to change many of their minds so it's a self-indulgent exercise in almost all cases.

Take a little while off. Listen to the news, note the Blitzer-ian idiocies the Media's going to commit, and try to stay positive.

Normalizing political violence, petit & grand, is a mistake. It's a very dangerous mistake and we can't let it continue. I blame the Media's ideological and partisan bias (towards the Left) for much of the progress down this road lately, but everyone, Right and Left, has to make sure we fight against it. The alternative is very very bad.

This business will get out of hand

MisterBuddwing said...

You know what I am wondering about? What kind of a knockdown drag out brawl is going to erupt when Bill, Hillary, Obama, and Trump attend the actuarily probable upcoming George H W Bush funeral.

Must have missed the brawl that broke out when they all showed up for President Trump's inaugural.

Jaq said...

The pizza conspiracy has lasted years and is believed by 60% of Republicans! Yup!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Wapo says shooter named: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/2017/live-updates/public-safety/updates-shooting-at-congressional-baseball-practice-in-virginia/shooter-named-as-james-t-hodgkinson/?utm_term=.18d7e07d0858

James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Il. 66 years old.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Dave from Minnesota said...
One his Facebook page: "Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump & Co"

He's also a John Oliver fan.

His FB page contains Sanders and FDR avatars.

Gee, he has the same heroes as Ritmo (who would certainly lump all conservatives together if a GOP shooter shot a bunch of Democrat Congresscritters.)

Someone mentioned earlier that the guy might be an alt-Right hater of the GOPe. I immediately thought that was improbable because the guy was such a bad shot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What the left fail to understand about the Giffords shooting, is that the Sarah Palin connection was made up out of whole cloth. The gunman was not a Sarah Palin supporter and never went to her website. Also, the use of the word and symbol "target" is often used by all sorts of politicians during campaign season. The morally degenerate left don't care, it made a good excuse to blame Sarah Palin. Any lie will do.

Jaq said...

Must have missed the brawl that broke out when they all showed up for President Trump's inaugural.

A lot of water under the bridge since then, a lot of hateful rhetoric. And BTW, I didn't really want to bother with Google, but it does appear I had you pegged properly. Or are you another "Reasonable Man" or "Life-long Republican"?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Il. 66 years old."

With the exception of Abe Lincoln and a few of the commenters here, nothing good comes out of Illinois.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Once written: "There is no Alex Jones on the left. Think about that.""

There's nothing but Alex Jones's on the Left. Batshit is the new normal for liberals.

Bill said...

The Fort Sumter of the Second American Civil War.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Reports that shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The entire leftwing corruption and lie machine are to blame for the culture of hate they have inspired with their lies, lies, lies.

Birkel said...

Volunteered in Iowa for Bernie.

Dave from Minnesota said...

None, see his Facebook page. He loves The Berne.

n.n said...

An elective abortion cut short by men and women with voices and arms to Resist. Positive progress.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

MSM alternative headline: local story like Kermit Gosnell.
Or: old news."

Since this involves Congressmen, they can't turn this into a "local story."

Scalise is not the mayor of some little town in Alabama.

Rick said...

Some good news:

The Capitol Police officers wounded in the shooting are expected to survive.

The only person not specifically mentioned is the staffer shot in the leg, but that's likely because the political side was focused on the recognizable name and the other information came from police.

MisterBuddwing said...

A lot of water under the bridge since then, a lot of hateful rhetoric. And BTW, I didn't really want to bother with Google, but it does appear I had you pegged properly. Or are you another "Reasonable Man" or "Life-long Republican"?

If you can't be bothered to Google, then review my comments in this thread alone, starting with the one in which I denounced someone for saying on Wikipedia that Rep. Scalise had died.

Dave from Minnesota said...

You know....when someone makes an off-the-cuff threat about the POTUS, the Secret Service pays them a visit. I always thought that some of this was a bit overboard in many cases. Just some angry political type.

But when this guy has this on his Facebook page: "Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump & Co", maybe he should have been on someone's radar.

James K said...

Shooter's Facebook page: "Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co."

Birkel said...

Limited resources, Dave. Too many candidates.

DanTheMan said...

>> "Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump & Co", maybe he should have been on someone's radar.

He would be one of about 30 million blips on that radar.

FIDO said...

Okay. So we started.

Of course those on the Left don't want to politicize this...because they will be the likely political whipping boys. And correctly so:

Haven't they

-Violently disputed the election results

-engaged in riots and vandalism over trifles on campus

-Murdered Trump by proxy in theater

-Cut Trump's head off by proxy

-Been heavily sympathetic to the 'Punch a Nazi' meme

So why SHOULDN'T the majority of Americans think Democrats are a) violent and b) dangerous in their actions and rhetoric?

They aren't being FORCED to act like rioting a$$hats. They are VOLUNTEERING to act this way.

Time to think very hard about buying a gun.

Anonymous said...

Dave from Minnesota: Have you not seen the recurring them since January? The left is saying Trump really is Hitler and we must do whatever we can to destroy him. Where to you think the "resist" thing came from? Rush never said we should use violence to prevent NOW people from speaking, but the Berkeley Daily Californian said we should use violence to stop Republicans.

I think I'm pretty up to date on the left's journey down Crazy Highway. Don't know what I wrote that suggests otherwise.

rhhardin said...

In a culture that recognizes good character there are fewer active crazies over the edge.

Nonapod said...

when this guy has this on his Facebook page: "Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump & Co", maybe he should have been on someone's radar.

My guess is that literally tens of thousands of Facebook users have probably said similar things.

DanTheMan said...

>> Time to think very hard about buying a gun.

Time to think very hard about buying more ammo.


rhhardin said...

Somebody pointed out that the Sarah Palin crosshairs wasn't crosshairs but a printers' registration mark.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Amadeus, It's nice that you think facts matter to lefties, but they're not going to let them get in the way of the narrative.

(That shooting, and several others, points out the deplorable state of mental health care in the nation. That can be laid at the feet of both sides: the left, who makes it very difficult to forcibly treat the mentally ill ("they have rights, even if not in right mind, to refuse medication and go be violent") and the right, who doesn't want to pay for the expensive hospitalization required.)

Lyle Smith said...

The shooter has a tweeter feed. Trump hater who supported Bernie Sanders.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Time to think very hard about buying a gun.

6/14/17, 10:20 AM

Buy one. Learn to use it.

alan markus said...

Here is a clickable link to his FB page - James Hodgkinson

His posts are getting slammed with comments - top post already at 1275.

Getting unfriended like crazy - someone noted that when he logged on, there were 421. In the last few minutes it has dropped to 396. One of his friends has a Bernie profile pic - I think I will have to log into my fake account and go after him - ask him if he has a good alibi.

Dave from Minnesota said...

Alan....kind of funny in a way. Suddenly all these progressives don't want to known as a pal to him.

FIDO said...

Ann, that slur against the House Whip has all the class and bearing that mentioning the length of a rape victims skirt.

This is about 'creating political cover'. Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

"My guess is that literally tens of thousands of Facebook users have probably said similar things."

No doubt, probably hundreds of thousands. So, will Alex Jones say this shooting is also fake, like he does with Sandy Hook? I'm glad no one was killed and hope the injured will have a swift recovery.

Dave from Minnesota said...

Listening to the news on this event....its amazing now one was killed. If the security people won't have been there or been close, we could have witness multiple deaths.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Eagerly waiting for the upcoming hilarious SNL skit.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Shooter was hard-core Bernie Sanders supporter who wrote: “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”

FIDO said...

Listening to the news on this event....its amazing now one was killed. If the security people won't have been there or been close, we could have witness multiple deaths.

I think based on how inept he was with a firearm, we can confirm he actually WAS a Democrat.

Clyde said...

Clyde said...
It's pretty obvious that this is a political hate crime. When the shooter's name is revealed, we'll know more. This is the fruit of a hateful "by any means necessary" ideology.

We're fortunate that Rep. Scalise is a member of House leadership and had a security detail that was able to shoot back. Most members of Congress do not have that luxury. How long was it going to be until the far left loonies realized that if they killed some Republican Congressmen, there'd be all kinds of special elections to replace them?

And sure enough, it's a "lone wolf" Trump-hating Bernie supporter who has been "radicalized online." I blame the radical Democratist media.

robother said...

No party registration for the shooter reported by the MSM. That can only mean one thing.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

The shooter: James T. Hodgkinson, 66 of Belleville, IL. His Facebook Page sports Bernie Sanders.

Scott AFB is nearby; we were stationed there in early 1980's.

Clyde said...

The perp is dead, according to President Trump. Good riddance. We won't have to pay to incarcerate the SOB.

Swede said...

A Trump hating Bernie Bro.

Who'd of thunk?

The irony that he's from one, if not the, most gun restrictive states (Illinois) probably has a lot to do with his crappy marksmanship.

So he's got that going for him.

I wonder what responsibility Hillary has in all of this? I mean she, along with the DNC, stole the nomination from Bernie.

Probably really set him off.

Illinois, the land of..."if they bring a knife, we bring a gun" Obama.


Jaq said...

No doubt, probably hundreds of thousands. So, will Alex Jones say this shooting is also fake,

Well we have their talking points now Apparently a 911 troofer, Alex Jones, who thought Bush was behind it the murder of 3 thousand Americans, is a mainstream Republican today. For purposes of propaganda only, I am sure Inga doesn't really believe it.

Drago said...

Apparently the directive has gone out for the leftists to focus on Alex Jones.

Jaq said...

Apparently he missed the subtle nuance of Shakespearian tragedy, and may have misinterpreted the standing ovation given for Trump's body dead in effigy.

Yeah, those are our talking points, live with them.

TWW said...

I'm not saying anything until I hear from Kathy Griffin, American Express and the NYC Public theater.

traditionalguy said...

Scott Walker started this by first the Unions running Wisconsin. They then had to call in trained Union thugs from Illinois like this guy.

Now Trump has made Congressional leaders dealing with Trump's plans to restore America into targets for the Illinois Union Thugs.

And CNN celebrates. Trump's assassination will be everyday politics.

Birkel said...

Can we pre-miss Obama yet?

James K said...

The shooter has a tweeter feed

which includes some NBC/MSNBC people among his followers!

Brian Ross is busy googling "Hodgkinson + Tea Party"

Anonymous said...

I await more definitive reports of what happened. If this is like every other thing in life, we will replay "Rashomon" as various witnesses struggle to remember. And the forensic team will be collected brass, putting lasers onto ballistic pathways, creating timelines.

What amazes me is how LITTLE carnage occurred. Consider: this dude had tactical surprise, from his chosen position, over a bare field (I believe) at unarmed targets. This situation apparently persisted for minutes. He had a semi-auto rifle for his Big Day and presumably could have brought thousands of rounds already loaded. He could have practiced hard. He could have put on a scope (not sure if he had one) but even with open sights he was able to cover the ballfield.

And yet, thank God, he only got five wounded. I am praying for their full and swift recovery but I am also pinching myself that he was so very inept.

Let's not encourage these crazies to go practice. Let's also work hard on the tactic conundrum of defending everywhere instantly against everybody. Kudos to those at the scene who stopped him, and to those who helped the wounded.

My head hurts. But my heart hurts more.

Known Unknown said...

"Next will be that the Repubs brought it on themselves because of gun control."

Already on my Derpbook page.

Jaq said...

which includes some NBC/MSNBC people among his followers!

If true, that's quite a feedback loop of hate.

Unknown said...

Inga and Once's support for violence from their side certainly has no part to play in this, does it! No, it's all Alex Jones, noted Republican, fault!

Not the lefts repeated daily calls to kill people they disagree with. That had nothing to do with it, did it?

In my local newspaper's story on this, the leftists are all out gloating and blaming the NRA. Not a smidgeon of "this is bad."


pacwest said...

The guy is obviously deranged no matter what side of the political spectrum he is on. My problem is the encouragement he has received from high ranking officials from one side.

Jaq said...

They have Megyn Kelly's deleted tweet as hard evidence that 911 Troofer, Alex Jones is a "Conservative." What more do you guys need?

Dave from Minnesota said...

"Next will be that the Repubs brought it on themselves because of gun control."

Minn congressman Erik Paulsen is his roommate in DC. One Derek Bauer of Belle Plaine Minnesota said that on Paulsen's Twitter account. Hey Derek, you may want to come up with a fake account if you are putting this stuff out there.

Drago said...

Meanwhile, Ingas beloved islamist supremacists put 19 girls in cages and burned them alive because those girls, who had been kidnapped, were refusing sexual slavery.

Burned alive in cages.

There are no words left to describe such barbarity because Inga and her pals have used them all up on republicans.

Big Mike said...

@FIDO, if you don't already own a gun you should start by locating a local gun range and sign up for a basic pistol class taught by an NRA-certified instructor. You want to learn whether you are more comfortable with a revolver or with a semi-auto. If you have weak hands you may have trouble racking the slide on a semi-auto, and semi-autos are prone to jamming, but they carry more cartridges and reload faster. You also need to figure out what caliber you are comfortable shooting. Then buy the gun that's right for you.

Also be sure to learn the applicable laws. A while ago Althouse linked to a video of a woman whose response to an armed home invasion was to storm out of her bedroom shooting a handgun, which caused the big, brave home invaders to run like Hell. Well, in some states she'd be at legal risk for not hunkering down in a defensive position in the bedroom. And in many states she'd be at legal risk for continuing to fire while the perpetrators were out of her house and clearly running away. So know what the law says.

And if you live anywhere near Evergreen State you may want a concealed carry permit, in case you accidentally run across a group of those sweet young student idealists wishing to educate conservatives on the error of our ways with their baseball bats.

Drago said...

Actual quote from Democrat underground: "this act was terrible but republicans are despicable"

So there it is.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

There are no words left to describe such barbarity because Inga and her pals have used them all up on republicans.

6/14/17, 11:09 AM

Mark Steyn wrote of those who filled the streets of London to protest against the "anti gay, anti-woman,anti-Islamic " Ulster Unionists that May must ally herself with that the fools marching for "tolerance" will soon be the prison bitches of the Islamists. And that even as they are devoured they will still be screaming about white "right wing extremists"

wholelottasplainin said...

Ficta said...
"Hillbilly" is a racist slur against the Scots-Irish. It is no different from k-e, w-p, or n-r. I am honestly puzzled why Althouse hasn't banned Once long ago.

I remember David Letterman years ago celebrating America's greatness in a July 4th Top Ten, by saying "Even a swollen-faced hillbilly can become President."

Guess who that was...

But how could the term be "racist"? With whites using it against other whites?

James K said...

The guy is obviously deranged

How is that obvious??? Have you met with him? Are you a trained mental health specialist? Or is every mass shooter "obviously deranged" and therefore not responsible for his actions?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Dave from Minnesota said...
"Next will be that the Repubs brought it on themselves because of gun control."

They were saying that on Twitter this morning just after the story was reported.

It's Republicans' fault that Democrats shoot them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I am certainly in favor of gun control for Democrats, who lack self control.

I wouldn't want Inga or Once Written or Ritmo to own guns. Too hysterical and hateful.

Unknown said...

Gun control for Democrats would solve most of the shooting issues in this country, tis true. The vast, vast majority of shootings are by Democrats.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Human beings get shot at by a murderous leftist, Inga babbles on about Alex Jones.

traditionalguy said...

The only unknown is whether Bernie's Progressives will declare the shooter a John Brown type martyr and use his heroic death to recruit more soldiers to kill the Rich, and kill the deplorable middle class, and the Bigoted Christians...and the non-brain washed in general.

Bad Lieutenant said...

TWW said...
I'm not saying anything until I hear from Kathy Griffin, American Express and the NYC Public theater.

6/14/17, 10:48 AM

That reminds me, has Amex done the right thing or shall I cancel my USAA card? I hate to lose the line of credit, maybe they will switch me to a Visa account, or my existing Visa will bump me up.

Known Unknown said...

"So, will Alex Jones say this shooting is also fake, like he does with Sandy Hook?"

Alex Jones has literally zero credibility with anyone or anything that matters. Why you continually reach for him to score some kind of points against opposing minds here is laughable.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Another disenfranchised Democrat, now deceased, a contemplative cuckoo a la Giffords's attempted abortion, but this time he targeted people outside of his tribe a la Occupy.

Jaq said...

Alex Jones, like 60% of Democrats, believes that Bush knew in advance about 911. Hillary even held up a newspaper with a headline that said "Bush Knew!" Jones is their guy.

Anonymous said...

"Alex Jones has literally zero credibility with anyone or anything that matters. Why you continually reach for him to score some kind of points against opposing minds here is laughable."
Oh my, how quickly they forget. It would be laughable on a different day.

"Washington (CNN)Donald Trump is heaping praise on a radio host who has asserted that the U.S. government was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

"Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down," Trump told Alex Jones during a Wednesday afternoon appearance on the Infowars.com proprietor's show.

Jones shared the love, telling Trump that "my audience, 90% of them, they support you."

Matt Sablan said...

Did the shooter listen to Alex Jones? If not... then what Alex Jones says or thinks has no bearing on this.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Am I missing something? What has Alex Jones have to do with this Bernie-Supporting, Rachel Maddow-Loving shooter?

Anonymous said...

"Did the shooter listen to Alex Jones? If not... then what Alex Jones says or thinks has no bearing on this."

It doesn't. And I don't know why everyone is focusing on him. My comment was made in reference to mass shootings and crazy people denying they happened. You people decided to give it a great deal of attention. That's on you people, not me.

Anonymous said...

"Am I missing something? What has Alex Jones have to do with this Bernie-Supporting, Rachel Maddow-Loving shooter?"

Not a damn thing. So why are you paying so much attention to it?

Matt Sablan said...

So... you made a non-sequitor. Got it.

Birkel said...

One assume after only 5 hours the Democrats have their tried and true distraction techniques ready to go.

And here it is...

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Inga said...Inga said...
"My guess is that literally tens of thousands of Facebook users have probably said similar things."

No doubt, probably hundreds of thousands. So, will Alex Jones say this shooting is also fake, like he does with Sandy Hook?

Alex Jones? Swing and a miss.

pacwest said...

"How is that obvious??? Have you met with him? Are you a trained mental health specialist? Or is every mass shooter "obviously deranged" and therefore not responsible for his actions?"

He just tried to kill several people he had no connection to. I'm not an expert, but yeah, I'd call any mass shooter deranged. Use any adjective you want to describe someone who tries to kill several people for political reasons you want to if it makes you feel better.

Where did I make any statement or inference he was not responsible for his actions? I think the far left is full of crazies that are just a tick away from doing what this guy tried to do. When they cross that line I'll call them deranged too. Sane people don't commit mass murder.

I also hold by my statement that the MSM is culpable in this.

harrogate said...

Birkel observes:

"If Leftist shooter: gun control.
If deranged shooter: gun control.
If Right leaning shooter: culture of hate"

Something she apparently has in common with me: we've noticed there are an awful lot of shootings (I would respectfully edit to say "mass shootings") in the United States, enough at any rate that we are able to play at drawing broadstroke conclusions about how the media covers such phenomena.

There's something in the American soul itself that is the problem. Exceptionalism indeed.

No amount of spin can deny that we have long embraced our identities as a Violent Nation. Hell, a goodly number of people celebrate that identity. Which, while I that a ... Deplorable line of argument, I at least respect it more than the eyes closed cry outs that Americans long for peace.

urbane legend said...

Big Mike said...
... and semi-autos are prone to jamming, ...

No, they aren't. I am personally familiar with several that have gone through 1,000 rounds without a hiccup. You may find that a particular pistol will not reliably feed some brands of ammo, but experimenting will reduce/eliminate the problem of jamming. So will buying a good quality pistol to start with.

Agree with everything else you said.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

harrogate said...

There's something in the American soul itself that is the problem

I'm not surprised that a leftist sees things this way.

No amount of spin can deny that we have long embraced our identities as a Violent Nation.

No spin is needed. We are not a violent nation. We are a nation prepared to do violence when necessary. And we are a nation that recognizes that it is sometimes necessary. We are also a nation that recognizes that there are some violent people among us, and recognizes that all people have a right to defend themselves, with violence if necessary.

harrogate said...

"No spin is needed," followed by awkward, clunky spin.

The author thereby aspires to the Poetic.

Achilles said...

harrogate said...

There's something in the American soul itself that is the problem. Exceptionalism indeed.

Bullshit. Leave if you think anywhere else in the word is better.

No amount of spin can deny that we have long embraced our identities as a Violent Nation. Hell, a goodly number of people celebrate that identity. Which, while I that a ... Deplorable line of argument, I at least respect it more than the eyes closed cry outs that Americans long for peace.

Most Americans do want peace. It is the violent leftist shit heads that keep pushing this. They always do.

Fen said...

"We are a violent nation"

No, we are not. If we were, Rachel Maddow and Bernie Sanders would be hanging from a highway overpass.

Stop trying to lay left-wing violence at our doorstep.

Fen said...

Regardless of whether semis are likely to jam, you need to learn Immediate Action to clear a jam and resume firing. Under pressure

Because I guarantee you, at the most critical moment Murphy will smile upon you and your semi will jam.

That said, I still prefer semi to revolver, simply because of the extra round capacity and ease of swapping out magazines. Never could reload revolvers with any efficiency, even with a speed loader.

And 6 shots is not nearly enough. It's not like in the movies where they hit a guy center mass and he backdrops out the window. Police reports are full of perps who absorbed 7 8 9 bullets and kept on coming. And what if you miss the to panic, adrenaline or the target finding decent cover? What if there are TWO perps?

Back to semi - PMCS is your friend and will prevent most jams. And don't ignore your magazines. That's like slipping Leg Days at the gym.

Fen said...

Fucking autocorrect I hate you.

Smartphone my ass.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Back to semi - PMCS is your friend and will prevent most jams. And don't ignore your magazines. That's like slipping Leg Days at the gym."

I have run maybe 5k-6k rounds through a G17, and the only problems have been an occasional failure to feed the last round in 17 round 3rd party magazines. Glock factory magazines work just fine (no failures), and I use them sparingly JIC, mostly just keeping them loaded with self defense ammo. Switched target magazines to Magpul, which are dirt cheap, and haven't had a hiccup yet. Not my favorite gun, but say what you will about Glocks, but they keep on running. I know a guy in the next town east who has a pair of them (G19 and I think G43) that he runs 1k a month through (combined), year in and year out. But then, he was a USMC armoror in Vietnam. In any case, that G17 with two spare 17 round magazines is over 50 rounds. Much preferable, to me, than 6 then reload with speedloaders (and even with those 3rd party magazines, I have 16 before reloading - if, as rarely happens, they don't feed properly).

Another nice thing about Glocks - Lone Wolf Distributors is a couple hours west (just west of Sandpoint on US 2). They sell almost every imaginable Glock replacement part there is(including non-Glock Glocks) - and many of those parts are 3rd party improvements.

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