"... weakening global efforts to combat climate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy, officials briefed on Capitol Hill said," the NYT reports.
You can watch Trump say it right here:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 425 of 425The Nazis denied life deemed unworthy and so do the progressive liberals, Democrats. They also engaged in clinical cannibalism/recycling of aborted human lives a la #CecileTheCannibal of Planned Parenthood.
The Nazis were [class] diversitists and so are the progressive liberals, Democrats. The judge people by the "color of their skin". The Democrats are also anti-nativists.
The Nazis liked elective wars and so do the progressive liberals, Democrats.
The Nazis made the trains run on time and so do their progressive descendants, Democrats.
The Nazis profited from national socialism as do the progressive liberals, Democrats, profit from national redistributive change.
The Nazis liked order and stability and so do the progressive liberals, Democrats. Even at the cost of human life by the millions (annually).
Did the Nazis share a twilight faith with progressive liberals? They did adopt a Pro-Choice (i.e. selective, unprincipled, opportunistic) religious/moral philosophy, but were they also twilight fringe?
If the correlation fits...
Socialist/fascist/[class] diversitist/Pro-Choice
Look, if progressives didn't want Trump to be Prez, why didn't they choose a candidate that could beat Trump? Fer Gawd's sake, Biden thinks that he could have beaten Trump, and he's as much of an obnoxious idiot as Trump is.
Blogger Etienne said..."It doesn't work like that.
[sea-level rise is] an exponential function.
Sort of like the debt, or compound interest."
Exponential? Really!!! So, after a few years there won't be any land anywhere? That's terrifying
I might have believed logarithmic, but exponential? I don't think so. Here is the thing - the theory that the oceans will rise with GW depends on the theory that the GW will cause the various glaciers and ice sheets in the world to melt, and the resulting water run into the oceans, increasing the sea level. But there is only a limited amount of water in those glaciers and ice sheets, which means that there is only a finite amount that the sea level can rise from the ice melt, which means that the function cannot be exponential. QED.
This doesn't take into account several other limiting factors. One is that ice is heavy, pushing the land it sits on down. When it melts, the weight on the land decreases, and the land rises up, reducing the effect of the added water in the oceans. But that weight has to go somewhere (into the oceans) which probably means that the land under the oceans is pushed down a bit, again effectively counteracting some of the added water in the oceans in terms of sea level increases. Moreover, temperature affects the transition from water vapor to liquid, and, thus warmer air can effectively carry more water vapor before it condenses out, which means that some of that water from the melting of the glaciers and ice sheets will end up as water vapor, instead of liquid, adding to the depth of the oceans.
Of course, most of the supposed rise in the sea level that triggered AlGore and the panic there turns out to be more a measurement problem than a real issue. The problem is that in reality, the sea is rising some places, and dropping in others. This wasn't captured in the traditional recording of sea levels, since that was done at a relatively small number of fixed points around the world. And that leads to the charge of cherry picking data, which is probably even worse than the problem of calculating global temperatures from a relatively small number of fixed points on the surface of the planet.
One of the things that I found interesting in the Trump speech was when he kept putting up two fingers close together to indicate how much ocean rise our Paris Accord contributions would affect sea levels, and I was reminded why spending all that money for so little was essentially economic suicide. It wouldn't really be much worse, if we were talking a foot over the rest of the century, and not less than an inch. The basic problem is that buildings have economic obsolescence, typically of less than a century, and often of half that. In the third world, we might even be talking a decade or so. That means that in the normal course of things, most buildings effectively have to be rebuilt at least once during that time. Maybe multiple times. And the cheap solution to GW caused sea level increases is to just rebuild several inches, or even a foot or so, uphill. Wonder why AlGore would buy a beachfront mansion after his apocalyptic movie? Because that house will be just fine throughout his lifetime, and that of his children, and, indeed, until it falls down through aging and economic obsolescence. And then his great grandchildren can just rebuild a bit higher uphill.
Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday.
Email: michael.l@hackermail.com
Telephone +1 646-652-6107
Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday.
Email: michael.l@hackermail.com
Telephone +1 646-652-6107
Drudge has the salient point. If the Democrats want to write off the coal country working class, Trump is happy to scoop them up.
Seeing Red said...
How were the Great Lakes formed?
Five average lakes attended one of Glenn Turner's motivational meetings.
I might have believed logarithmic, but exponential? I don't think so.
Yeah, that would have made sense. When I first started arguing climate issues, I hadn't looked into any of it, and just assumed that the climate "scientists" were right, of course. Then I started noticing the kind of math-mangling innumeracy displayed by almost every one of the supporters of the position, and the ones who weren't math innumerate were using math deceptively, like Tamino and Michael Mann.
There is no need for deceptive charts and "proofs" that are self referential in, for example Quantum Mechanics, or General Relativity, or even Newtonian Mechanics. The proof is in the pudding and every objection answered as it arises. So far, anyway.
Five average lakes attended one of Glenn Turner's motivational meetings
Well, six actually, but Lake Champlain, being in Vermont, rejected the whole idea for socialism.
So you ask people how this thing is supposed to work and you get blank looks. Never occurred to them, unless as a Thing No Decent Person Would Do (ask how it's supposed to work)>
A thorough MIT analysis of the Paris agreement shows that on its own assumptions even if ALL the nations adhere to it totally, world temperature will drop TWO-TENTHS of a degree by 2100. So far, hardly ANY of the nations involved are adhering to their own worthless promises. And we are all supposed to take this joke seriously. Even if you buy the entire global warming alarmist hype, you cannot honestly take any of this seriously.
You think there's a refugee problem now?
This post has been included at Memeorandum in the 'discussion' of the Shear article at NYT-- do they often link to Althouse? a bit surprising to me because there isn't much 'Althouse' here compared to 'commenters'.
"You think there's a refugee problem now?"
Somehow that doesn't keep me up at night worrying. And likely it doesn't keep Trump up either. But, then, there appears to be a fairly high correlation between those who believe this junk science, and those who support open immigration.
The big problem scientifically with that statement, and why I, at least, won't stay up late at night worrying about refugees, is that if The climate is, indeed warming, then we are more likely to be fewer, and not more refugees. The vision of starving masses in Bangladesh is just fear mongering. It is fairly well established that plants do better with both higher CO2 and warmer temperatures, meaning more food available worldwide (and ignoring the new farm land that would result in pushing the freeze line north across Siberia, Canada, and maybe even Alaska) . Plus higher temps have historically meant less disease.
Oren Cass
"The giveaway for the Paris charade is the refusal to set baselines. If nations are to hold one another accountable for progress on greenhouse-gas emissions, surely they must agree on a starting point from which to progress. Yet the framework for Paris pointedly omitted this requirement. Countries could calculate their own baselines however they chose, or provide none at all. Now, per Chait, the pledges have themselves become baselines, and each country receives applause or condemnation in inverse proportion to its seriousness.
Even failing on one’s commitment is acceptable, so long as the right things get said. Carbon Market Watch reports that “despite all of the fanfare that went on at the time, it seems that there are currently only three European Union countries pursuing climate policies that put them in line with the agreements made at the Paris Climate Change Talks.” Angela Merkel said that she finds the G7’s discussion of climate change “very difficult,” but not because her nation’s emissions have risen the last two years. Her difficulty arises from those ugly Americans’ unwillingness to keep up appearances.
Later this week, we will be treated to the spectacle of “a statement backed by all 28 EU states, [in which] the European Union and China will commit to full implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement”—undoubtedly accompanied by lamentations that the United States has disrupted the charade by walking off stage. How the world misses President Obama’s enthusiasm for a debating society that delivers no substantive action, or even a useful framework for assessing results, only a forum for bashing America."
"Even failing on one’s commitment is acceptable, so long as the right things get said."
Clever words, bromides, dire predictions, and big nothings = the Obama legacy.
Virtually, your path from faith & trust to skeptic was very much like mine, except my approach was from the verbal side not the math.
Like you, I initially trusted that the guys white lab coats were honorable men of good character who were dedicated to basic scientific principles. LOL remember that golden age?
The math was over my head, but the rhetoric is what gave me pause. Appeals to conformity, appeals to authority, ad hom directed at anyone who innocently questioned the theory, the burning of heretics, the hyperbolic predictions of doom to fear monger, etc etc.
I began to ask myself "if their science is sound and their cause just, why do they feel a need to prop it up with all this ugly rhetoric? If the evidence is true then it should be capable of standing on its own merits"
And then came the CRU data leak, and it all unraveled. I don't know who the hell that guy was but I hope we find out one day. We owe him a parade and an open bar for life.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Yeah, because the earth is really really feeling its' loss of status.
Venus and Mars are laughing at it. Even that dweeb Mercury and that big lunk Jupiter are snickering. It's the laughingstock of the galaxy!
6/1/17, 8:47 PM
I thought that was still Pluto due to getting kicked out of the "plants club" and all?
Ritmo and Inga: the Kathy Griffins of the Althouse commentariat.
Via Insty:
RENT-SEEKERS GOTTA SEEK RENTS: German carmakers fear losing competitive edge after U.S. Paris exit.
“The regrettable announcement by the USA makes it inevitable that Europe must facilitate a cost efficient and economically feasible climate policy to remain internationally competitive,” Matthias Wissmann, president of the German auto industry lobby group VDA, said in a statement on Friday.
“The preservation of our competitive position is the precondition for successful climate protection. This correlation is often underestimated,” Wissmann said, adding that the decision by the Unites States was disappointing.
The VDA said electricity and energy prices are already higher in Germany than in the United States, putting Germany at a disadvantage.
Now we know what the Paris Accords were really about — hampering U.S. industries to make Europe’s more competitive.
One of the reasons given for the Sahara desert, in fact, for the lack of greenery along much of the Mediterranean, is goats. If you've got lots of goats around, trees don't get a chance to grow.
As far as long term climate and weather predictions go, I'm old enough to remember just a few years back when the Great Lakes were at lowest level ever, EVER, EVER, and it was all the fault of modern society. We were in a permanent drought, caused by man, and the lakes would never fill again. And as the lakes fell a little further, we discovered some of our forefathers were so stupid they built docks underwater! They must have, because the lakes had never been that LOW! And now, as a result of that permanent drought, the towns just north of me are all suffering lakefront flooding and erosion. Because of the drought, right? The permanent one!
Sort of like the mountain in Europe that had always, always had a glacier on it. Always! And global warming was causing it to melt and retreat. And after retreating halfway up a cave opening appeared. So people naturally went up to explore it. And found it was an adit, and just inside, neatly stacked, were all the miner's tools and equipment ready for next spring and snow melt so the miners could return to work. The spring and snow melt that didn't come. But that glacier had ALWAYS been there.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Only a paranoid head-case thinks the way he does.
Based on what I read from people like you, actions I see from prominent entertainers like Kathie Griffin, and actions and words of our last president and virtually every prominent Democrat, including many loudly calling for impeachment and removal from office for imaginary crimes, President Donald John Trump, written out fully so you're forced to read and contemplate the words, President Donald John Trump is NOT paranoid in the least. He's realistic. You are out to get him. In any way possible, and wouldn't shed one tear if he were assassinated, and would contribute to the defense fund of the Democrat who did it. And vote for him again should it be an elected official who does the deed.
And I just looked him to get his middle name right and discovered we were both born on Flag Day. I'll have get him a birthday card.
It's good to have a president who loves America and oh yeah, wants to make it great again. God bless the USA!
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