June 1, 2017

"President Trump will announce Thursday that he will withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord...."

"... weakening global efforts to combat climate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy, officials briefed on Capitol Hill said," the NYT reports.

You can watch Trump say it right here:


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Life has gotten infinitely better for humanity the warmer the earth has gotten.

Yes, when I look at life at the equator, I think riches and success for mankind. I think Sahara desert, Sudan, Somalia --> just awesome places that we'll never compete with economically or socially. And malaria! But don't worry. Every new mosquito-borne disease outbreak spreads further northward every year.

How are the bee and pollinator populations doing, BTW? Or is that the newest bit of scientific "fake news" to you "alternative facts" crowd?

Drago said...

TTR: "Come on, give me a break. You know better than this. Orange Temper Tantrum is a head-case of a completely different feather."

Unfortunately the left's rhetoric has been exactly the same for all.

Do I consider those 4 Presidents equivalent?


But if you go by leftist rhetoric they were all exactly alike.

I can understand the retro-active attempt to rewrite history, but you've run out of those Mulligan's.

Anonymous said...

"Trump is an empty shell of a man and is following the closest looney to have his ear. Seriously, he thinks other countries "laughed" at us.

They're laughing now. Trump gave up the role of the US President being a leader in the world. Merkel, Macron and Trudeau on the rise.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In accordance with acceptable leftist principles of global leadership, Trump should simply have drawn a "red line" against carbon emissions.....and then walk away from it and claim he never did that.

Just as obambi did.

'Cuz that's what "real" leaders do.

Plus that technique would have come pre-approved by the left.

Such exquisite partisanship! But again, you're failing to see the big picture.

Even DOD says that the Syria conflict is one that we'll see more of as droughts increase.

DOD. I thought you guys felt that military was the one infallible institution that could never fail you.

Well, I guess even what they say now has to be categorized as "fake news."

You guys aren't just post-fact or alternative-fact. You're anti-fact. As long as something is observed empirically in the real world, you're against it.

Drago said...

TTR: "How are the bee and pollinator populations doing, BTW? Or is that the newest bit of scientific "fake news" to you "alternative facts" crowd?"

You are far to smart to not keep up with some of the basics:


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Once the coasts are submerged,..."

You're on the coast, aren't you, Ritmo?

Yet another upside to global warming.

I am looking forward to spending time at my oceanside condo near Pittsburg.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Instead, he did the equivalent of a charity donation by check that bounces 3 days after the telethon has closed. Real classy. And you fell for it."

Exactly. Obama was lazy and the things that lazy people build tend to fall apart rather quickly. Thank God for Trump.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"They're laughing now"

But why are they laughing, Inga? We're all gonna DIE!!!

It's no laughing matter, I tell you!

Although I can's seem to stop, reading your comments.

Drago said...

TTR: "Even DOD says that the Syria conflict is one that we'll see more of as droughts increase."


Yes the political appointees in the DOD were certainly on board with official Obama policy! Unexpectedly!

This just in: Alawite Sunnis, Sunnis, Shia and Kurds and multitudes of distinct subtribes are at each other's throats because they are thirsty.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But if you go by leftist rhetoric they were all exactly alike.

See, if you were a leader or part of a faction that felt leadership was important, you'd define your own goals and priorities instead of just defining what you're for or against based on what the FDR party (that brought America glory in the first place) does.

You really do want to bury his legacy, deep far down, don't you? I guess that's the only way for Republicans to look capable of achievement, by comparison. Put the ghost of their envied FDR-following adversaries way out of mind. He didn't exist. Government can't do anything. America is small and needs to retreat into itself - and not even into the industries it hosts that are doing well. But the old, defunct, dangerous, uncompetitive and outdated ones.

Trump is definitely picking losers to win in the marketplace. Let's hear it for coal - the 19th century's greatest energy industry - for all time.

Fen said...

Damn Ritmo. Time out. That was really lame. Are you feeling okay? Can someone fetch a glass of water!

Or are you guys sharing accounts over ati Soros Boiler Room B? Well whoever you are, please put the real Ritmo back on and tell your supervisor you're not yet ready for prime time. Thanks.

Drago said...

Exiled: "I am looking forward to spending time at my oceanside condo near Pittsburg."

I think you meant the oceanfront Port of Pittsburgh!

Comanche Voter said...

So he pulls out of a non binding agreement. Trump doesn't have much use for virtue signaling.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Lefties, truly, thank you for providing me with such a wonderful feeling of schadenfreude.

It's been fun reading this thread, really, folks.

Makes me so happy I voted for Trump.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"They're laughing now. Trump gave up the role of the US President being a leader in the world. Merkel, Macron and Trudeau on the rise"

Alas, no. Power has a gravitational pull that defies all the wishful thinking, unwarranted assumptions, and displays of virtue, in the world. Merkel, Macron and Trudeau didn't rise today. They were, in fact, significantly brought to heel.

Michael said...

"Merkel, Macron and Trudeau on the rise."

Priceless. Trudeau just let the pipeline deal go across his wide and beautiful continent. Germany's emissions are on the rise. Hard to tell but easy to guess what Macron will get up to. Perhaps the three of them should gang up and take us over.

Anonymous said...

"Lefties, truly, thank you for providing me with such a wonderful feeling of schadenfreude."

Enjoy it while it lasts...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I think you meant the oceanfront Port of Pittsburgh!

6/1/17, 6:22 PM

Ah, yes, of course. Where I will enjoy the warm tropical breezes and feast on the kiwifruit and pineapples that will surely flourish in the balmy Pennsylvania climate.

Hey, Boston, it will suck to be you, but oh well....

Drago said...

TTR: "See, if you were a leader or part of a faction that felt leadership was important, you'd define your own goals and priorities instead of just defining what you're for or against based on what the FDR party (that brought America glory in the first place) does."

That's alot of words thrown out to avoid the obvious: Dems have called every Republican "Hitler", racist and destroyer of our planet.

Look, the long term rhetorical abuses are "coming home to roost" with easily anticipated effect.

Trump was immunized by your pals.

Something to think about.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The American Beekeeping Federation still says it's "a serious problem threatening the health of honey bees and the economic stability of commercial beekeeping and pollination operations in the United States." When they say otherwise, and when its causes are identified, then I'd say it's time to once again pretend that human activity can never have any adverse impact on the natural world. (The Republican mantra).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lefties, truly, thank you for providing me with such a wonderful feeling of schadenfreude.

It's been fun reading this thread, really, folks.

Makes me so happy I voted for Trump.

Of course, Pigtails. Since none of your comments today have identified a single thing that you think was right about this, you go with the obvious: That you live to just annoy a majority of the country that you feel inferior to and the even much greater majority of the rest of the world that you know nothing about. You're like Trump: No one likes you so you just identify people that you resent or feel inferior to and live instead to annoy them. As a Republican, you have no actual principles or coherent ideology of your own. It's all just about negative attention.

Michael said...

It has not yet dawned on the lefties, blinded as they are by their hysteria, that not entering into the Paris Accord does not mean we are taking the scrubbers off of smokestacks. LOL .

Go check your tire pressure progs.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Inga: ""They're laughing now. Trump gave up the role of the US President being a leader in the world. Merkel, Macron and Trudeau on the rise"


Those three combined can field what type of force? A couple canoes and a popgun.

Even now, people everywhere turn their hopes to the "leaders" who can't even scrape together 2% of their budget for actual defense and couldn't keep a squadron deployed for more than a few months!


Clyde said...

Mark said...
When, Gahrie?

People love to demand specifics from climate change proponents and then pick apart every prediction.

I think it only fair you provide specifics on when there will he a mile of ice over Chicago. When exactly will that be?

December 22nd, 7814, at 10:15 p.m. Prove me wrong! That number is just as valid a guess as the so-called scientists telling us how many tenths of a degree the temperature will rise in 83 years. None of us are likely to still be around to know who was right or wrong.

Anonymous said...

"The unyielding response of Italy, France and Germany came amidst a tsunami of global condemnation for Trump’s decision to renege on an agreement made by 195 countries after decades of negotiation. The US will join Syria and Nicaragua as the only governments to be outside the agreement.

The most furious reaction was in Germany, where tomorrow’s front page of German tabloid Berliner Kurier carries the blunt headline: “Earth to Trump: Fuck You”."


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Look, the long term rhetorical abuses are "coming home to roost" with easily anticipated effect.

Oh. So the real purpose of the Trump presidency reveals itself: Rhetorical na-nee-na-nee-poo-poo.

Wow. What a cause. What really big, important people you all must be.

Ok, so you're even now. Time to throw him out and let a real president take over. You've had your stick out your tongue moment, but that's not leadership. It sounds more like failureship.

Fen said...

Yes, if only Somalia was cooler, it would be the envy of the world!

Seeing Red said...

I think the market liked that decision. I know I do.

Kyoto FAIL

Paris FAIL

Michael said...

Holy shit. Coal by rail was up even before this great event. US Coal Rail Traffic is at a current level of 85183.00, from last week and up from 74552.00 one year ago. ..That stat is from March so it might be better still.

Read the Railroad news boys and girls and learn.

Fen said...

"Ok so you're even now

Uh no. We'll let ya know.

My ledger shows 30 years abuse. So just settle in.

Michael said...

Holy shit, the earth speaks German.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the market liked that decision. I know I do.

How much can you buy a stable planetary civilization for? Has the DJIA figured out a way to price that, yet?

Drago said...

Inga: "The most furious reaction was in Germany, where tomorrow’s front page of German tabloid Berliner Kurier carries the blunt headline: “Earth to Trump: Fuck You”."

This is a common reaction from the young adults who are forced to live at home with their more responsible and successful parents parents who are footing the bills.

Drago said...

Inga: "The most furious reaction was in Germany, where tomorrow’s front page of German tabloid Berliner Kurier carries the blunt headline: “Earth to Trump: Fuck You”."

This is a common reaction from the young adults who are forced to live at home with their more responsible and successful parents parents who are footing the bills.

Drago said...

TTR: "How much can you buy a stable planetary civilization for?"

Wholesale or retail?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" A couple canoes and a popgun."

The Germans have developed a rapid fire rifle that can overcome opposing troops with hundreds of thousands of rounds of spaetzle in no time, the French will come in and hit the wounded over the head with deadly 3 day old baguettes and the Canucks will finish of the rest by drowning us by pouring giant vats of maple syrup over our cities. Just imagine what that will do to your car's transmission.

So, really, this is no laughing matter.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My ledger shows 30 years abuse. So just settle in.

Wow. Your feelings are really fragile.

How long does that collective timeline compare to the number of years that bin Laden claimed that he and his fellow Arabs were being abused by the U.S.?

You guys really do think exactly the same way: Tribal and vengeful. And all things defined by a grudge.

Hell, you'll even invent a grudge. Just to have something to do.

It's the only way you can have meaning in your life. Overcoming and solving a problem of the natural world (or one of human making) just doesn't compare to the personal satisfaction of invented conflict with other people about whom you imagined that they hurt your feelings in a deep, long, and wounding way. Thirty years.

Someone needs therapy.

Drago said...

TTR: "So the real purpose of the Trump presidency reveals itself: Rhetorical na-nee-na-nee-poo-poo."

Inevitable side effect.

It's no use complaining about the environment you've created.

Anonymous said...

"Headlines from around the world in reaction to President Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris deal:

Earth to Trump: F*** You, Berliner Kurier, Germany

Europeans defy Trump and reject Paris renegotiation, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany

Trump passed on the best deal the planet has ever seen, The Guardian, U.K.

Donald Trump, the grave-digger of America's credibility, Le Temps, Switzerland

China and EU to tackle climate change together amid U.S. retreat, en.people.cn, China

Israeli greens slam Trump's decision to withdraw from Paris Agreement, Jerusalem Post, Israel"

Gahrie said...

"a serious problem threatening the health of honey bees and the economic stability of commercial beekeeping and pollination operations in the United States."

You know that the Europeans brought the honey bee to the new world..right?

Drago said...

TTR: "How long does that collective timeline compare to the number of years that bin Laden claimed that he and his fellow Arabs were being abused by the U.S.?"

According to them, right about 1776.

And about another 1200 years of western civilization before that.

Why do you ask?

Fen said...

Inga, the workd was already complaining about the US abdicating its leadership role around the globe during Obama. There were dozens of articles and statements by world leaders about it.

Stop trying to lay Obama's failures at the feet of others.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's no use complaining about the environment you've created.

We created? You had no role at all? No responsibility?

The other defining characteristic of modern conservatarianism reveals itself: Passivity.

You guys remind me of the terrorism apologists of ten to fifteen years ago. The Arab world has no responsibility, no agency. All its problems are the fault of Israel and the west.

Take responsibility for something, for once in the life of your political avocation. I guarantee you the voters will notice if you do or don't.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Man, I've been ever so worried about what the Germans think of us. After all they've managed the refugee crisis in their own backyard so well!

Oh and the Guardian doesn't like America! Why that's new!

Michael said...


Go to Drudgereport.com and scroll down the left side to the European papers. Will be a wonderment of cut and paste possibilites for you to entertain us with.

Drago said...

TTR: "We created? You had no role at all? No responsibility?"

I had no role in the left's insane March to even further left.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

According to them, right about 1776.

And about another 1200 years of western civilization before that.

Why do you ask?

Nonsense. He starts with the fall of the Ottoman empire and the predominance of western power in the middle east that was ushered in by it.

You resent the world that the left built. You resent the post-WWII global order.

Seeing Red said...

Ooohhhh, telling a US president to fuck off.

So bold, so daring, so old.

Now if they printed that against Muslim terrorists.

Anonymous said...

"French President Emmanuel Macron told Trump that the Paris climate deal could not be renegotiated and that while France would continue to work with Washington, it would no longer discuss climate issues with the United States, a French source said.

"Donald Trump's announcement today is obviously very significant but Australia will carry on because as our prime minister has made very clear, when we sign up to international agreements ...we will follow through," Mr Frydenberg told ABC TV on Friday.

Canada's PM Justin Trudeau said on Twitter that he was "deeply disappointed" with the decision.

Five Nordic countries wrote a last-minute letter to Trump, saying the Paris accord was a commitment "to our children."

"We must reduce global warming," the leaders of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden said in a short, joint missive. "The effects are already visible in all parts of our planet. It is of crucial importance that all parties stick to the Paris Agreement."

The Prime Minister of Belgium, Charles Michel, called it "a brutal act."

Argentine Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, told the Italian daily La Repubblica that a withdrawal from the agreement amounted to "a disaster for everyone."

Premier Li Keqiang of China, in Berlin for meetings with Chancellor Angela Merkel, said Thursday before Trump's decision that his country remained committed to the fight against climate change and to participating in international efforts for a greener world.

China, the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, stands to gain international credit for standing by the Paris Agreement, but it would not be able to fill the void on its own if the United States abandoned the treaty.

"China will continue to uphold its commitments to the Paris climate agreement," Li said, confirming a position his country agreed to alongside the United States in 2014, in what proved to be a watershed moment for the ultimate passage of the landmark accord the following year.

Jane J. Chigiyal, ambassador from the Pacific island nation of Micronesia, said her people were already feeling the acute impact. She called sea rise "an existential issue."

"Our contribution to this problem, this challenge, is very small," she said. "Yet we will continue to do our part.""


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I had no role in the left's insane March to even further left.

So the left's "party" is run by corporatists, shut out a progressive candidate (who honeymooned in Russia) to favor an oleaginous former Goldwater-supporting young Republican, but it's problem to you is that it's too far to the left?

Get some coherence, buddy.

mandrewa said...

The Toothless Revolutionary believes that increased average temperatures mean an expansion of the deserts. Quote: "I think Sahara desert, Sudan, Somalia --> just awesome places that we'll never compete with economically or socially."

I think a lot of people believe that. It just seems to make sense.

But I believe the opposite is true. There are scientists that believe higher temperatures would mean an expansion of the deserts. But there is also quite a large group that believe the opposite.

Here's part of the argument for why higher temperatures would mean fewer and smaller deserts.

A) The higher the temperature the more rapidly water evaporates from the oceans and lakes. And thus more rain.

B) The historical record: from about 10,000 years ago till about 5,000 years ago the Sahara Desert was relatively green, and in fact people occupied it. Why? Temperatures were warmer back then than now. Actually this is a correlation, but it is a correlation consistent with point A.

C) The historical record: during the most recent ice pulse, when much of North America and Europe were covered by glaciers, the Sahara Desert and deserts in general were more numerous and larger and drier than they are now. Why? Temperatures were colder back then than now. Actually this is a correlation, but it is a correlation consistent with point A.

D) In the photosynthetic pathway for green land plants, six CO2 molecules are combined with six water molecules to make six molecular oxygen molecules and one glucose molecule. But that equation is a bit misleading because the only place plants can get CO2 from is the air.

And to extract CO2 from the air the plant has to allow the air into it and in the process many water molecules are lost to the air. Since the concentration of CO2 is very low in the air, it's actually a whole lot of water lost to the air. So the real equation is: 6 CO2 + many water molecules --> 6 O2 + 1 glucose.

By increasing the CO2 concentration in the air, we are making it much easier for plants to extract CO2 from the air, which mostly means that far less water is lost during photosynthesis. And thus that opens up many dry environments to plant colonization that were not previously accessible.

Seeing Red said...

I don't resent Cuba, Venezuela, the former USSR or China. They are the death cult.

Those are the worlds that the Left builds.

Which is why we got Trump.

Canada will get its reminder with Trudeau Jr.

Every 30 years or so, keep gotta relearning the lesson.

Fen said...

"Headlines from around the worlx"

LOL Inga. Why on earth would you think an appeal to conformity would work on people like us? Because it's always worked so well on you? Are your politics really based on fear of ridicule?

Madagascar and New Zealand are laughing at Inga!

LOL do you not see how stupid that is?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Kurt Schlicter on the growing hate. Ritmo won't read it, but he should:


"We conservatives have been warning for a long time that liberals are not going to like it when everyone plays by the new rules, and – surprise! – they don’t. But guess what? Most of us don’t like the new rules either. Yet it’s ridiculous to expect human beings to remain in perpetual denial about the situation they face, and to forever live under a double standard that results in their faces getting pressed into the dirt.

The hypocrisy has become intolerable, and we have stopped tolerating it. This is just the beginning of the reaction, and - make no mistake – this entire situation is a bad thing. Our society is making choices that can lead only to ruin (and my new novel describing the consequences just dropped).

Lincoln mentioned “the better angels of our nature” – also at a time when Democrats were rejecting the rule of law in order to promote their subjugation of those they considered lesser beings – and the important thing to note is that “angels” is plural. You need two angels, not one angel and one demon. But that’s what we have, and if it doesn’t change we’ll have two demons, and everyone should care about that."

Seeing Red said...

Part of the Sahara is greening.

Has been for a few years. Even the UN noticed a few years ago. I'm sure there's a vid somewhere.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't resent Cuba, Venezuela, the former USSR or China. They are the death cult.

Those are the worlds that the Left builds.

Send Western Europe (and Israel) the memo.

I only see one group admiring the former USSR and that's Trump admirers.

Drago said...

TTR: "So the left's "party" is run by corporatists, shut out a progressive candidate (who honeymooned in Russia) to favor an oleaginous former Goldwater-supporting young Republican, but it's problem to you is that it's too far to the left?

Get some coherence, buddy"

You make a good point here...buddy. (are we buddies now? Pals? Kind of like Felix and Oscar?)

There is no question that the dems have moved much further left. It's also true that there is a corporate and political elite (which you to your credit railed against) that "hacked" the dem primary to ensure Hillary's path was cleared.

(Shhhh, don't tell Inga I wrote that. She gets very upset when I bring that up...)

Therein lies the tension on the dem side.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There is no question that the dems have moved much further left. It's also true that there is a corporate and political elite (which you to your credit railed against) that "hacked" the dem primary to ensure Hillary's path was cleared.

(Shhhh, don't tell Inga I wrote that. She gets very upset when I bring that up...)

Therein lies the tension on the dem side.

I can't believe you think this. Either that or we define "left" differently. The elite are about feel-good talking points and identity politics. That battle (if it even was one) is basically won and over. I don't think of it as "the left." I think of "the left" as FDR and TR progressives who remain unconvinced that their economic programs and priorities were wrong for the country.

Fen said...

Heh. Reading all the nation statements is amusing. Typical socialist parasites - now the Boxer has left, the lesser animals are less interested in building tbat windmill.... go figure

Drago said...

TTR: "I only see one group admiring the former USSR and that's Trump admirers"

(On knees, in the rain, wailing uncontrollably: It was a reset! a reeeeeeessssseeeeeet! We thought that's what obama wanted.........)


Drago said...

TTR: "I think of "the left" as FDR and TR progressives who remain unconvinced that their economic programs and priorities were wrong for the country."

Oh my dear, dear friend.

Where have you been?

Would that it were so.

Seeing Red said...

Besides can't control the sun or the earth. Vulcanology is just starting to become a factor. Didn't anyone see the article a few months ago that volcanoes and fissures in the ocean might be releasing more gasses than the experts think?

Which means the models are wrong.

I'm sorry, incomplete. And have been incomplete for a few decades.

Seeing Red said...

We are also using less energy in lighting our homes, etc.

We do our part. Let the world do theirs.

Like China.

We really don't need to use masks on a daily basis to breath here, do we?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Identity politics required the CRA but after that they've all been for the most part just cultural battles that retrogrades like Pat Buchanan etc. advertised the most resentment for. I don't see a huge role for the gov't or any party in identity politics. I think the priority should be on economics and the working class but I think Trump has stolen those issues. Maybe 20% of him I can go with or at least see the point of engaging but I don't think he's right on the rest of it and his approach is all short-sighted and just as much for a resentful and fleeting feel-good moment. I don't think he's doing things that will build America, even if he's doing things that appeal to America's pride and the sense that it's an upset little kid that wants its old toys back. I'm sure there's a role for that but not half as big of one as he thinks. If he wants a better deal then negotiate it but for god's sake this is not the bargaining chip to use. It really is like a hostage situation where you call important things expendable just because the point you want to make about your wounded pride and own sense of lost power overwhelms your regard for what you're actually doing or where it can realistically go.

Drago said...

So, this conversation is nice and everything but only 1 real question remains: What are each of you planning on doing now that we have but months to live?

Personally, I'm just hoping that when the inevitable zombie apocalypse arrives that will we get those slow, sluggish ones and not the "Usain Bolt/Jackie Chan"-types.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, when I say that I don't see a huge role for the gov't in identity politics that goes for white, rural, male, Appalachian/Southern identity politics, also.

Drago said...

The Toothless Revolutionary: "BTW, when I say that I don't see a huge role for the gov't in identity politics that goes for white, rural, male, Appalachian/Southern identity politics, also"

I got that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, when I say that I don't see a huge role for the gov't in identity politics that goes for white, rural, male, Appalachian/Southern identity politics, also.

This is also a large part of the reason for what me and mainstreet fight about. She sees herself as a member of every one of those demographics.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...
So, this conversation is nice and everything but only 1 real question remains: What are each of you planning on doing now that we have but months to live?"

Live large, is what I say.

Cash in the retirement fund and blow the wad partying. Hell, why even bother with recycling at this point? With death around the corner, how much precious time do you want to spend separating paper from plastic? Hell, be really sinful and transgressive and toss a Snickers wrapper out of the car window. Sure, you'll make the Indian shed a tear, but he's gonna die too, so....

Anonymous said...

"BTW, when I say that I don't see a huge role for the gov't in identity politics that goes for white, rural, male, Appalachian/Southern identity politics, also."

"This is also a large part of the reason for what me and mainstreet fight about. She sees herself as a member of every one of those demographics."


Birkel said...

Venezuela was the greatest place in the world a mere 9 years ago. So I'm betting by using a pen and a phone to tell the world the Paris Accord is a bad deal for America we have a maximum of nearly forever before the shit really hits the fan.

And if I'm wrong, the entertainment value of TTR going ape shit about his pet theories is well worth a few billion people dying. I'm hoping they're all Leftists, as selected by God. And I can be a deplorable leftover in some new handmaid's tale.

urbane legend said...

exiledonmainstreet said...
Man, I've been ever so worried about what the Germans think of us.

Oh, thank goodness; I thought I was the only one.

They don't stop selling us Mercedes and Bmws, though, do they?.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"French President Emmanuel Macron told Trump that the Paris climate deal could not be renegotiated." One small error Trump made today: he should have offered to renegotiate with any partner who will do or has done as much as the US in the last 20 years to reduce emissions (mostly thanks to fracking).

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Toothless Revolutionary: "BTW, when I say that I don't see a huge role for the gov't in identity politics that goes for white, rural, male, Appalachian/Southern identity politics, also"


White? Check.
Rural? No.
Male. No
Appalachian/Southern. No.

I sympathize with their present travails but am not one of them. Ideally, I'd like to see a country free of these wretched identity politics. But if the left is going to insist on drawing those lines, why are they surprised when the demo they despise the most starts to model the behavior and rhetoric of other groups? They really do have a grievance and they have seen that victim-mongering works.

Again, the left seems amazed when their own tools and tactics are used against them.

Michael said...

I am snagging tickets to Kiribati. Like now. Ouch, many stops. Have to go through Tarawa.

Drago said...

urbane legend: "They don't stop selling us Mercedes and Bmws, though, do they?"

No they don't. And being able to use a devalued Euro instead of a much stronger Deutsche Mark means that the Germans can keep the trade imbalance in their favor indefinitely.

Birkel said...

Dear Leftists,
As you become the party of neo-Malthusians, would you please make as many batshitinsane predictions as possible? Please make sure you use linear projects to forecast dynamic systems.

Dear Conservatives,
Feel free to contribute you best neo-Malthusian predictions using the same principles of projection. But quit bogartin' the popcorn.

Fen said...

Hahaha Hey Inga, it's not going to be Germany and Canada that take the lead. And not even the EU. Because the EU says they are going to talk to China about taking the leadership role.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo talks about FDR style progressives.

Hmmm. I seem to remember that those white male Southern/Appalachian deplorables voted for him. Perhaps because FDR didn't hate and mock them (and there was far more racism in both North and South in the 1930's and 40's than there is today.)

Anonymous said...

"The view from New Zealand

Protests are planned in New Zealand where US secretary of state Rex Tillerson has a Wellington visit scheduled next Tuesday. Niamh O’Flynn, executive director of 350 Aotearoa, a climate change group, said:

"Trump is out of step with the rest of the world, and we need to make sure he feels that when his Secretary of State lands in Wellington on Tuesday. People and governments around the world are backing the US into a corner where they the lonely outlier. [Prime minister] Bill English must denounce this move to show whose side we’re on.”

Opposition leader Andrew Little said in a statement:

"We can’t now let the USA water down the Paris Accord. Mr Tillerson must be reminded that the world can only combat climate change together and that New Zealand stands shoulder-to-shoulder with other nations which have embraced the challenge.""

We can’t now let the USA water down the Paris Accord. Mr Tillerson must be reminded that the world can only combat climate change together and that New Zealand stands shoulder-to-shoulder with other nations which have embraced the challenge.

zipity said...

That was a horrible deal. Due to fracking and increasing use of natural gas instead of coal to generate electricity in the US, our C02 emissions have fallen drastically.

This "deal" would let China and India do NOTHING on C02 emissions until 2030.

That is us just subsidizing the Chinese and Indian economy's while damaging ours.

Good riddance.

Drago said...

Inga: ""The view from New Zealand"

New Zealand!!


Well, there goes the all important mutton and Sauvignon Blanc deals!

Of course, every rugby guy loves the Haka!

Drago said...

Opposition leader Andrew Little said in a statement:

"We can’t now let the USA water down the Paris Accord."


Here, let me help you rephrase that: We can't let the only Sugar Daddy in the whole wide world walk out of the deal!! Where will we get the cash???

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Hahaha Hey Inga, it's not going to be Germany and Canada that take the lead."

Hey, that's OK. Let her believe that the Grand Alliance of Germany, France and Canada will rescue the world from Trump.

Everyone needs some small glimmer of hope.

Fen said...

"What are each of you planning on doing now that we have but months to live"

I'm heading back to Alpha Centauri. I left a shield generator on and wifey #35 is about to find it. She really hates that. She was the inspiration for the Harvey Fenton Mudd diatribe, so if you'll excuse me.

Birkel said...

@ Drago

If we've lost the All Blacks, Inga will assume we are racists.

Drago said...

Although, truth be told in terms of New Zealand wine, although Sauvignon Blanc is their specialty, a more robust and fruitier red is most appropriate with mutton.

walter said...

Yeah..it was pretty warm in my CAGW creating vehicle as I listened to that speech.
But a breath of fresh air came over the radio.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago, I'll have you know New Zealand is the Charlie Sykes of nations!

Drago said...

Birkel: "@ Drago If we've lost the All Blacks, Inga will assume we are racists"

No doubt. No doubt.

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "Drago, I'll have you know New Zealand is the Charlie Sykes of nations!"

Oh no. I can't remember who it was but Inga was all over some other never-Trumper conservative as the "Voice Of Reason That Conservatives Must Listen To And Take Direction From".

I don't know why Inga dropped Sykes for this other guy. Perhaps Sykes was backsliding a bit?

I don't know because unfortunately I do not have access to the All Important And Critically Profound Greater Milwaukee Talk Radio Market Which Actually Includes Some Conservative Counties H8ters!!!

wholelottasplainin said...

We are now officially Asshole Nation. Fuck the planet we want MONEY! (Nevermind the fact that sustainable energy jobs in America now massively dwarf those in coal.)


Utter inbecility. ALL those sustainable energy jobs are sobsidized by the government. NONE of them are remotely as productive as traditional fossil fuel jobs, in large part because the energy the "renewable" produce is so much more expensive.

Anonymous said...

French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to mock Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan, first by calling on scientists and engineers in the United States to come to France to work on climate change, and then tweeting "Make Our Planet Great Again."

"I regret the decision of the US president," Merkel said on Thursday evening. "Onwards with full power for global climate policy that will preserve our earth," she said online.

German's Foreign Ministry said the US was harming itself, Europeans and the rest of the world by pulling out of the pact.

"Those who deny climate change and do not fight against it will not only be affected by the consequences of increasingly severe storms, droughts and floods, but this "without me" strategy also prevents economic growth and technological progress," Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel wrote in a joint statement with seven Social Democratic ministers in Chancellor Angela Merkel's left-right coalition government.
"Even if climate change does not exist, the saving of energy and the use of free raw materials such as sun and wind are an economic success story. This has brought more than 400,000 new jobs in Germany alone!"

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker slammed the US climate decision as "seriously wrong."
The EU Commission said it will now seek new alliances in the fight against climate change. It said the withdrawal of the US was a sad day for the world community."


walter said...

Teacher's pet Macron must be throwing erasers furious..

Michael said...

OMG they are going to protest. Maybe all over the world. Will there be candles and teddy bears for the Paris Accord like there were all these times for the dead? No? Because this is serious stuff not like the ROP "incidents".

Drago said...

Uh oh, Inga has unleashed the All Powerful Auto-Googler Machine!!!

Jean-Claude Juncker will now seek new alliances!!!

But how can that be? I thought ALL countries (save 3) were already in the deal!!!


Man, the socialists are sure pissed that Daddy Warbucks has taken a hike aren't they?

walter said...

"The EU Commission said it will now seek new alliances in the fight against climate change"

Fen said...

"The view from new zealand"

No Inga, the view of one socialst Marxist weasel that no one but you gives a damn about.

I just talked to New Zealand on the phone and the think you are bonkers and that Trump is awesome. "A regular Hercule Poirot with orange hair" they said.

"Gods, you're stupid" - Ingrid, Game of Thrones

walter said...

Man..the overly firm handshakes will be non-stop.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Macron will feel better once his wife gives him his sippy cup.

Since it's France, I'm sure they fill sippy cups with the best Chardonnay.

Drago said...

I can imagine the world-wide protests will include Earth-Vagina hats.

They've got to if for no other reason than "intellectual" consistency.


I wonder who will be paying for those protests? If I had to guess it would the petro-dollars coming out of the Middle East and Russia.


Russia hates US fracking. The left hates US Fracking.
Russia hates the US Military buildup. The left hates the US Military buildup.
Russia hates having the Europeans become more independently strong. The left hates having the Europeans become more independently strong.


Birkel said...

The French president mocked the American president? Sacre bleu!

We should follow LBJ's leadership and ask them to return the 60,000 US soldiers buried in France and ask them to deliver them home.

Sebastian said...

"Onwards with full power for global climate policy that will preserve our earth," Great! They'll save the planet for us. The euros will pay for us rather than the other way around, for a change. Win-win.

Drago said...

Birkel: "We should follow LBJ's leadership and ask them to return the 60,000 US soldiers buried in France and ask them to deliver them home"

They couldn't do it.

Not enough planes.

But they will LEAD THE WORLD!!!

FullMoon said...

Uh oh, Inga has unleashed the All Powerful Auto-Googler Machine!!!

Jean-Claude Juncker will now seek new alliances!!!

But how can that be? I thought ALL countries (save 3) were already in the deal!!!


Man, the socialists are sure pissed that Daddy Warbucks has taken a hike aren't they?

6/1/17, 7:35 PM

Honestly, comments are sometimes more interesting since Inga was released on probation

Drago said...

You know, I'm already really missing that mutton and sauvignon blanc.

BTW, how much methane is produced by the kiwi's from those herds of sheep?

Well, harrumph.

Climate Savior heal thyself I almost always say in-between sips of sauvignon blanc and bites of perfectly prepared mutton while rubbing my hands together and cackling maniacally.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Fen said...
"The view from new zealand"

No Inga, the view of one socialst Marxist weasel that no one but you gives a damn about."

Exactly, Inga, the American leftist, quotes pissy comments from leftist media and leaders around the world and tells us "this is what the world thinks." No, that's what leftists who think like you think.

She quoted the Israeli Green Party.

"In the 2013 elections the party's vote share dropped to 0.2%, and again to 0.07% in the 2015 elections."

OMG!! The leader of .07% of the Israeli electorate has some harsh words for Donald Trump!

Drago said...

The Frogs better focus on their internal threat before they find themselves capitulating within the next generation.

BTW, you know how it is that the eskimos have over 50 words for snow?

The French have that same relationship with "surrender".

Drago said...

exiled: "OMG!! The leader of .07% of the Israeli electorate has some harsh words for Donald Trump!"

Dios Mio!

Drago said...

Man, todays events are traumatic enough to get a UN Ambassador to request the unmasking of domestic political opponents in FISA-approved foreign surveillance or something.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

.O7 of the Israeli population means the Green Party could comfortably fit into a large SUV, if they weren't totally opposed to SUVs.

Birkel said...

Now that Donald Trump has announced to the world that America is going to be an absolutely terrible place to live, I do hope all those foreign nationals who are here illegally take this opportunity to get to higher ground in their home countries.

Drago said...

I'll bet the European intelligence agencies are really sorry they didn't work harder with Brennan to gin up some extra fake collusion documents.

tsk tsk.

Missed opportunities. They haunt me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo talks about FDR style progressives.

Hmmm. I seem to remember that those white male Southern/Appalachian deplorables voted for him.

So what? They would have voted for Bernie Sanders, too. What's your point?

No one mocked them. What happened was that Trump tuned into their sense of smallness, though - because that's how he feels about himself. Always screwed over, most vilified politician, etc. He might as well have worked in a coal mine. Nobody knows the trouble's Trump's seen... Nobody knows his sorrow. Me Trump! Me important!

I think they would have voted for someone who didn't demean them with that shit and actually told them the truth and fought for them, instead.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I think they would have voted for someone who didn't demean them with that shit and actually told them the truth and fought for them, instead.

6/1/17, 7:49 PM

They didn't have that choice though, did they?

Birkel said...

@ exiled

Of course they had that choice. It was Trump.

walter said...

"so what? They would have voted for Bernie Sanders, too"
Any way to actually know that?
Bernie has the avg folk supposedly in mind..but he also carries a lot of other SJW baggage.

Drago said...

TTR: "So what? They would have voted for Bernie Sanders, too. What's your point?"

We'll never know given that it's not "linearly extrapolatable" (yes, I just made that up. I'm sure I can sell it) from the Clinton/Trump campaign strategy and tactics.

But I do think it would have been the necessary shock to the establishment system that would have sent an unmistakeable message (with no BS about Russia interference/collusion) that the failure of the "elites" was fully realized by the larger body politic.

Now with the left/elites (bedfellows "bedfellowing" again due to common interests) scrambling with the collusion nonsense to avoid the obvious that message has been lost.

It would have been an absolutely fascinating election and would have been the equivalent of Brexit before the first vote was cast.

But again, the elites hacked the dems and pushed Hillary forward, probably because she knows where all the bodies are buried and besides, she stuck by Bill so the dems "owe" her.

Drago said...

TTR, what are you even doing here? You ought to be running full speed into the idiot student identity groups that are screwing with your (appropriate in my opinion) framework of FDR/TR populist "stuff".

Skeptical Voter said...

King a it is nice you collected all those headlines from countries--or more likely "journalists" who are all wee wee'd up about Trump pulling out of the Obama pen and phone climate "agreement",

Well here is a message for all of them --Sod off swampy!

walter said...

Drago said... the elites hacked the dems and pushed Hillary forward
And the Berners don't give enough a shit to get up in arms over that.
Fuck it..too many of them only had free stuff in mind..no firm compass.

Drago said...

Next up from Inga: Parisian Street Vendor is Very Very Upset at Trump for ruining his lucrative croissant concession!!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

As if today wasn't happy enough, here comes some Hillary news. After blaming Russia, Trump, deplorables, the FBI, and Jupiter in Pisces for her election failure, she is now blaming the DNC and they don't like it one bit:

, Hillary claimed to have “inherit[ed] nothing” as the Democratic nominee, and that she “had to inject money into it — the DNC — to keep it going.” In particular, Hillary ripped the data efforts at the DNC, calling their results “mediocre to poor, non-existent, wrong.”

Andrew Therriault made it clear that he has no intention of serving as Hillary Clinton’s scapegoat — at least for a little while. The former Director of Data Science for the DNC took to Twitter early this morning to castigate the two-time fumbler on presidential elections for her “f****** b***s***” accusations"

His furious tweets were captured before Therriault deleted them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, it would have been a better election, that way. Even if Trump still won (and you're right we can't know but I still strongly suspect Sanders would have outperformed Hillary) then the pressure on the elites would have been much greater than it is now.

Birkel said...

@ Drago

TTR is always going on about how the federal government will never devolve power back to the states. And I'm never going to get the 1920s back. (HINT: I didn't want them back.)

But now he advocates for the politics of FDR/TR.

Please to explain.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The DNC is incorrigible. You people would love the things I say to them when they call me up. The other day I got a call from the Democratic Governors Association, too. Shoulda heard what I told them.

They don't listen for a damn. Just robots reading scripts. It amazes me. I ask them, "Exactly who are you interested in listening to?" Then I tell them that maybe the Republicans are right about them.

WTF makes them think that throwing more donations and funds at a party that outspent its victor nationally in November needs more fucking money? It needs something that candidates can actually stand for.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes Plato - I mean, Birkel, again. What a pity that the American people aren't philosophical enough for him.

He really does like to moonlight as a conservative politics professor, in the evening. I heard Newt Gingrich used to do this, too. But the kids could never see the blackboard behind his massive astronaut's size helmet hair-head.

Michael said...

We were cheated out of a Trump Sanders matchup for sure. I expect Trump would have won but would have been happy with Bernie. He was harmless.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What state do you live in, Birkel? What "power" has it been prevented (politically) from exercising and what would it do with it?

"Please to explain." (Whatever that means). Pleased to meet you.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The DNC is incorrigible. You people would love the things I say to them when they call me up. The other day I got a call from the Democratic Governors Association, too. Shoulda heard what I told them.

They don't listen for a damn. Just robots reading scripts. It amazes me. I ask them, "Exactly who are you interested in listening to?" Then I tell them that maybe the Republicans are right about them."

You probably won't believe me, but change DNC to RNC and you have described the calls I got from the RNC. They have given up calling me or sending me anything, since instead of mailing them a donation I wrote out a diatribe and sent it back to them in their own postage paid envelope.

I told them I will donate to individual candidates but never again to the RNC.

It's funny and also sad. We are both disgusted with our own political parties - but are even more afraid of the other party.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

TTR, what are you even doing here? You ought to be running full speed into the idiot student identity groups that are screwing with your (appropriate in my opinion) framework of FDR/TR populist "stuff".

They're their own force; just like Bannon's white supremacists are their own force. Only the former are harmless. Maybe the latter are, too. And it doesn't matter anyway.

Like I told a friend (or two? Maybe even my dad?) a dozen times. Economics trumps nationalism. That's why Europe had social welfare states post-WWII. If the working class have enough opportunity and access and mobility and money, they won't vote fascist or racist. It worked in Europe just like it did in America. The point is, you can't outvote or outpolitick racism. All you can do is buy it off. If a nation's working class aren't listened to they WILL vote either socialist or racist/fascist, and I know which one of those I prefer.

wildswan said...

OK, so under the Paris Accords the countries in it are to start transferring money into a Green Climate Fund - 100 billion by 2020. We won't be providing "leadership" on that. The fund was supposed to begin at 10 billion and under Obama we provided "leadership" by promising to contribute 3 billion dollars- one third of the total. Ten other countries pledged another 3 billion. The rest of the world (now burning with indignation at the thought of us no longer providing "leadership = 3 billion dollars") was supposed to come up with the rest. It was an agreement - sort of like the one in which the Europeans have agreed to contribute to NATO by investing 2% of their GNP in their military. By that I mean that they have not met their pledges to the Green Fund any more than their pledges to NATO.

And now China and the EU are promising to provide "leadership" (meaning they are promising 3 billion dollars + their own contribution). Perhaps we should feel bad at losing "leadership" and gaining 3 billion. But I think that if the US was providing "leadership" such "leadership" would really only be a patriarchal, racist, white, Christian, misogynist, savior-complex, privilege 3 billion dollars. The world is better off without 3 billion dollars of oppression from us and with 3 billion from China and Germany.

Pass the popcorn.

Original Mike said...

The proper thing for Obama to have done was to have submitted this to the Senate. He didn't, because he would have lost. Democracy's a bitch.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

300+ comments. Too many to read. My question is has the lawsuit been filed to force Trump to remain in the Accord?

walter said...

exiledonmainstreet said..The former Director of Data Science for the DNC took to Twitter
Well..meanhile, Hildabeast got airtime and I assume a youtube clip.
Tweet on..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The point is, you can't outvote or outpolitick racism. All you can do is buy it off.

And you can't shame it away, either.

Anonymous said...

""Please to explain." (Whatever that means). Pleased to meet you."

Hahahahaha, I love Birkel's affectations.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well..meanhile, Hildabeast got airtime and I assume a youtube clip.

6/1/17, 8:10 PM

Bitching about the DNC...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, that Hillary really is something. Going on about James Comey and whatever. Every time I second guess whether she really could have been just as bad as Trump she proves me wrong again.

It's really quite amazing. Trump won, and I expected him to act presidential but he didn't. I figured when Hillary lost, she could at least do something helpful for her party or the voters she lost. But NO. A bunch of crocodile woe is me tears. She thinks the country owes her and not the other way around - even after all this.

madAsHell said...

What a predictable thread!! I think we were asked to not be so predictable, and not insult each other. Try to ADD something to the conversation, and avoid attacking each other.

In other news.....
I used the Althouse Amazon portal to buy stuff.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I told them I will donate to individual candidates but never again to the RNC."

Which is one reason why I came to detest Chuck. It wasn't just because he despises Trump - it's because he worships the DC Republican Establishment and hates Trump because Trump threatens that establishment.

I actually do believe he's a life-long Republican. A country club George Will type who can't bear sharing his party with deplorables.

He is a Party Man through and through.

Birkel said...

Is anybody here tired of all the winning, yet?

If the winning didn't come with the attendant complaining by the losers I would not be enjoying the winning nearly as much.

Please to entertain me.

Birkel said...

If people don't understand the "please to..." it's because you've never had a lot of discussions with Russians. It's an odd tic that many of them have. It's a signal to Boris and Natasha that the plan is a go.

The. plan. is. a. go.

Moose and Squirrel be damned.

wildswan said...

The cities, like NYC that "stay in" the Paris Accord should have a special tax to pay their share of the US "leadership" share. But, whatever they say, they won't pay anything. The climate fund will end up like the pension funds in these cities - empty

Drago said...

Michael: "We were cheated out of a Trump Sanders matchup for sure. I expect Trump would have won but would have been happy with Bernie. He was harmless."

Au contraire mon frere.

Supreme Court and lower court judges.

Drago said...

Birkel: "If people don't understand the "please to..." it's because you've never had a lot of discussions with Russians. It's an odd tic that many of them have. It's a signal to Boris and Natasha that the plan is a go.

The. plan. is. a. go."

The cow is in the dell. I say again: The cow is in the dell.

One step closer to victory comrades.

Rusty said...

According to NOAA at the cur.rent rate of oceans rising it will take a couplke of thousand years for the oceans to rise one foot

roesch/voltaire said...

It is an accord not a treaty, but as Trump with draws the Us from leadership in so many areas, China will be to take over while a few thousand continue to deep mine coal generating more black lung and asthma for children in our carbon polluted cities.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Birkel: "If people don't understand the "please to..." it's because you've never had a lot of discussions with Russians. It's an odd tic that many of them have. It's a signal to Boris and Natasha that the plan is a go.

The. plan. is. a. go."

Get Premier Kissoff on the hotline!

Laslo Spatula said...

When Dylan sang "You don’t need a weatherman / To know which way the wind blows" he meant that you needed Climate Models instead.

He was THAT good.

I am Laslo.

Quayle said...

Inga, cam down.

Trump is just leading from behind, on the issue of climate change. That's all.

walter said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...Trump won, and I expected him to act presidential but he didn't.
--You mean reverse course/capitulate once elected?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Decades go by, and all of the left's dire predictions have fizzled or the opposite. The solution isn't green planet, the solution for leftists is to drain our wallets into the Soros sewer.

walter said...

Laslo Spatula said...When Dylan sang "You don’t need a weatherman / To know which way the wind blows"
Right..and his "science" proves more worthy than that manipulated for CAGW cabal benefit...

JAORE said...

"Even if climate change does not exist, the saving of energy and the use of free raw materials such as sun and wind are an economic success story. This has brought more than 400,000 new jobs in Germany alone!"

Well hell. In that case market forces will drive the AGW movement much faster and further than the Paris accords ever could.

Or is this another crock o' crap?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So Macron tweeted out "Make Our Planet Great Again."

Yeah, because the earth is really really feeling its' loss of status.

Venus and Mars are laughing at it. Even that dweeb Mercury and that big lunk Jupiter are snickering. It's the laughingstock of the galaxy!

FullMoon said...

roesch/voltaire said...

It is an accord not a treaty, but as Trump with draws the Us from leadership in so many areas, China will be to take over while a few thousand continue to deep mine coal generating more black lung and asthma for children in our carbon polluted cities.
6/1/17, 8:35 PM

Lead paint and asbestos right around the corner-bet on it

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Our own moon doesn't respect us now!

n.n said...

Positive progress.

Seeing Red said...

Carbon-polluted cities?

Well since most of the cities lean Left, maybe they should just abort themselves.

Less humans spewing carbon into the air.

OTOH, maybe you should keep up with what's going on with coal-producing countries like Australia.

Mr. Fabulous said...

(World Famous Lurker Says....)

Rusty, I like your comments, but that is just wrong. Current rise is about 2mm/yr, or 20mm/decade or 200mm/century. 25.4mm = 1 inch: 1 ft = 12 inches = 12 x 25.4mm = 304.8mm = 1 foot. Then it takes only 152.4 years for the oceans to rise a foot, assuming that the rate of rise is constant. (It's been constant for a while now...). BTW, I don't consider a foot rise in ocean levels in 150 years a real issue for humanity.

Fen said...

Exile, as regards the Establishment wing of both parties, google up "After the Republic" at Clairemont website.

A sad truth is that Ritmo should be natural allies with us, but since we are deplorables, he remains apart.
Interesting that even intelligent folk fall for divisive identity politics. But as they say, "the smarter you are the more sophisticated your self-deceptions".

Seeing Red said...

Climate change has always existed.

That's what's so amusing about that statement.

It's so superficial. Homer Simpson D'OH head slap!

How were the Great Lakes formed?

Fen said...

Mars is laughing at us too. Sharp ridicule from Xlythraxis:

"Goofoo prill godunkl vevvinnp!"

Seeing Red said...

Paul Erlich could not be contacted for comment.

How many believed Rachel Carson and her science?

mockturtle said...

What a thoroughly entertaining thread! :-)

Fen said...

"asthma for the children"

Yesterday's Left: Get over it Baron
Today's Left: for the children!

Without an ounce of shame. Ya know..
the Left sure does have a high tolerance for shame. Almost an immunity to it... makes you wonder what they are doing in their daily lives to build that up.

EMyrt said...

So f'n happy! This was my main reason voting for Trump, closely followed by protecting first and second amendments, and defeating Hilary. Anything else is gravy.

walter said...

"assuming that the rate of rise is constant. (It's been constant for a while now..."
=?In Earth scale?

jr565 said...

It's a nonbiding agreement. It was only binding in this country for obama adminsitration since he never got it ratified as a treaty. It pays India and china billions to keep building coal plants. And even if it was enacted in full (which wouldn't happen since there's no way to enforce) it wouldn't impact climate one iota anyway.

Seeing Red said...

It's easy to have social welfare states when Uncle Sam was footing their defense.

But Britain has had national dental care for what, 50-60 years.

Have you ever watched a show with normal people?

Pay attention to their teeth.

That's national health care in a nutshell.

zipity said...

Mr. Macron ?

I fart in your general direction.

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries...

MikeR said...

Well, good. As a matter of principle, these kinds of unilateral actions by President Obama should be overturned.

Fen said...

"New Zeland stands shoulder to shoulder with - "

Hey we're a billion light. Who didn't put in?

EsoxLucius said...

Trump declares the Earth "a loser" that "ought to be fired". "We can move to Jupiter, i'ts bigger and has a red spot that'll match my spray tan."

Jon Ericson said...

No Fluoride?

Etienne said...

Dinosaurs love it hot. Humans can just fucking die.

Trump is the coal train, lets put our hands in the hip pockets of the person in front of us - choo! choo!

Coal baby! Burn baby burn!

choo! choo!

Etienne said...

According to NOAA at the cur.rent rate of oceans rising it will take a couplke of thousand years for the oceans to rise one foot

It doesn't work like that.

It's an exponential function.

Sort of like the debt, or compound interest.

Mr. Fabulous said...


Respectfully, there is a pretty consistent rise from the end of the Little Ice Age, and I'd provide a link or a dozen, but the info on this topic is out there for you to source, evaluate and draw your own conclusions from.

The rate of rise of global sea level has been relatively constant for hundreds of years. Provide me with a link of a location that has sea level rising at a faster rate than that, and I will cite another location where the sea level appear to be dropping, but from a global sea level average, 2mm/yr rise is the accepted consensus.

walter said...

Blogger EsoxLucius said...Trump declares the Earth "a loser" that "ought to be fired".

Do tell..:

walter said...

"the info on this topic is out there for you to source, evaluate and draw your own conclusions from."
Umm..I'm not exactly a knee-jerk warmist. Your point?

Etienne said...

The French are worried about the temperature, when Islam is pushing them into the sea.

Brigitte Bardot warned them 20 years ago, but they just arrested and fined her for hate speech.

"shut up bitch, we like Moslims..."

Swede said...

The Duchy of Grand Fenwick was also mightily peeved at us.


walter said...

Overly firm handshake to ENSUE!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Don't fret, EsoxLucius!

Macron will make The Earth Great Again!

Lord Almighty, you people fret about imaginary boogie men (I've been hearing environmentalist doom and gloom predictions since I was a kid) while ignoring the very serious dangers we face. Because it's easier to drive a Prius and recycle than it is to figure out what to do about Islamic terorism.

Mr. Fabulous said...


No point but my original one - that Rusty had the rate of sea level rise off by an order of magnitude, but HIS basic point remains: Sea levels aren't doing much of anything different in the last several hundred years, and the modest rise over time is no big deal. Unless you unfairly cherry-pick. That's all.

Marc in Eugene said...

This is one of those times when I wish the day had permitted me to keep up with comments but alas it hasn't been, and I doubt I'm going to read 400 of them. But the headlines online are almost as amusing as they were 9th November last year: you can practically feel the vibrations caused by the fits of apoplexy that the media people are having.

walter said...

Marc, a major religion has been skewered..

Karen Galle said...

A question on the rising coastal sea levels: how much is due to sea level rise; how much to land subsidence? Maybe these coastal lefties should stop sucking up and wasting the ground water. I live near a fresh water river, the Susquehanna. These coastal enclaves are next to salt water sources. Maybe they should start ponying up for desal plants to leave the aquifers alone and pristine, like the smelt fish water sources.

walter said...

The public sector/CAGW worshippers/educators will be struggling to keep their shit together manyana..
Some of them might have to screw exra numbers of students to cope...

walter said...

"teacher What is Economic Disadvantage??"
"Shut up Fascist!!"

walter said...

But really..school teachers will by and large be driven by their ideology to run away from the "withdrawal".
Odd at minimum..and telling...

Original Mike said...

Blogger Etienne said..."It doesn't work like that.

[sea-level rise is] an exponential function.

Sort of like the debt, or compound interest."

Exponential? Really!!! So, after a few years there won't be any land anywhere? That's terrifying!

Seeing Red said...

Is that before or after the land masses drift together and smash everything into oblivion?

Seeing Red said...

If we listed to Ted Danson back in the 80s, we'd be underwater by now.

Seeing Red said...

Oceans been dropping on the Atlantic Seaboard I thought I read.

Seeing Red said...

Cut the UN's budget. Then the piggies will really scream!

Ooohhhhhh, they're going to March? Buy cheap air tickets and think planting a tree gives them dispensation?

Open source the science!

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

The point is, you can't outvote or outpolitick racism. All you can do is buy it off.

Racism is going to die a demographic death. We just need all of the baby boomer democrats to die off and the only racists left will be the -studies majors.

If a nation's working class aren't listened to they WILL vote either socialist or racist/fascist, and I know which one of those I prefer.

Why do you want racist/fascist? Given that socialists are the greatest mass murderers in history I assume you wouldn't want that.

Given how the economy is going right now I assume the Fed is going to freak out over "inflation" soon because wages are going up pretty fast right now. When tax reform is passed Katy bar the door.

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