The Cap Times reports.
This is so obtuse. I mean, I don't mind if things are named after President Obama, who symbolizes something important to people that can be honored. I don't know why a City-County building would be named after a person who has nothing particular to do with this city or county, but it's just ignorant to advert to the phenomenon of naming so many things after JFK. The extensive naming of things after JFK happened because of the terrible assassination.
Anyone who opposes the naming of streets, schools, bridges and buildings after President Obama is a racist!
After it's named for the Light Bringer, will they kick the bums out of the lobby?
How about all the things name after Reagan?
'the JFK of our generation.'
yea another fraud.
What about the things named for Ronald Reagan?
JFK was a sex pervert. Read Howie Carr's book if you can stand it.
What a crock! JFK would be a Conservative by the standards of today. He certainly wouldn't have recognized what the Democratic Party has become.
I find it odd that many younger people consider him a 'great President'. He wasn't. But at least he was no leftist. And I can't imagine him saying anything like: The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam..
Yes, Otto, he was that, too. His apologists blame the steroids he was on.
I bet the plumbing is sub-standard.
To be honest..he's right. JFK was a shitty president who was popular with the Left also. All the hagiography around JFK is simply because he was young, with a beautiful family and he was assassinated.
He couldn't get nominated by the Democratic Party today either.
"not only for his accomplishments, but for his commitment to civil discourse and respect, both for those with whom he agreed and for those with whom he disagreed.” This is their explanation for why he is the JFK of our generation. Could be - was JFK known for that? He died when I was 4.
Isn't this the building where the homeless hang out; inside and outside? Perfect.
Wow! All they need is the cap in Obama's head.
Lefties gotta lefty.
In St. Paul, our local libtards named a school after Obama at the start of his term, about the time he received his Nobel prize. Madison is wayyyy toooo late to be hip.
Pardon the interruption, but JFK was a real warrior and hero who fought to the death against the Japs, the Boston Brahmins, his evil father and his Mafia connections. And he beat them all until the day he underestimated LBJ and the CIA joining together and going assassination on him from three assassins in a Secret Service arranged kill zone.
But by all means, go ahead and let his good looks and great wit make you jealous of the last real man.
Name it after Walker. Put a petition online.
"Officials want Madison's City-County Building named for Obama, 'the JFK of our generation.'"
Before or after he is indicted for spying on political enemies and thrown in jail?
Althouse's tag "anal" is intriguing. Now you see, now you don't?
Isn't the Madison City County building on MLK, Jr. Blvd? Won't this naming after the living detract from the memory of the dead?
On the other hand, the naming will give Madison outstanding street cred among African Americans -- something it sorely needs and perpetually frets about.
The article is quite a fun read:
"Sitting like a Soviet relic on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the 1956 structure that would bear Obama’s name features a stark black marble one-story facade above which hovers a corrugated protrusion of stained concrete. Looming over that is a flat shoebox of more concrete and aluminum-clad windows. The interior is home to numerous indistinct bureaucratic offices, topped off by two floors of jail space so run-down that the sheriff himself calls it an abomination, and which county officials are at pains to do away with."
Well, there are parallels. JFK had the Bay of Pigs, Obama had Libya and Syria. The parallel is especially apt, since in both the case of Fidel Castro and Bashar al-Assad the President seemed to believe that all he had to do was make a small gesture in the general direction of the offending dictator and he'd be quick to depart. JFK got us deep into Vietnam, Obama got us back into Iraq after the war had been won. Both left it to the next Republican to engage Russia in detente. Fortunately the feckless Barack Obama never faced a nuclear showdown with anybody or we'd all be glowing in the dark.
Fort Wayne, Indiana's current mayor wouldn't permit the downtown City Government Center to be named after a former five-term mayor whose named just happened to be Harry Baals. Perhaps the good folks in Madtown might have the baals to do the honors?
Correction. The ones of us who survived would glow in the dark. The big Democrat-run cities would be radioactive pits.
Wait! Wait! The building houses a run-down jail?!? Makes it ideal to be named after Barack Hussein Obama. Only thing better would be a port-a-potty.
Ann, why do you think the first 25 comments to this post are all from conservatives, with many of them borderline hateful and angry?
Ann, do you think you do anything with your blog to attract the audience you attract?
Is this the audience you desire?
I must admit it is getting mundane and predictable even for me. Your comment section has become so one sided and just an echo chamber. I don't think I can even work up the energy anymore to throw out an "Althouse Hillbilly."
There are blogs out there that have more diverse points of views in the comments and real civility. Once again, why do you not attract that?
Once again, why do you not attract that?
Related: Why wasn't Hillary 50 points ahead?
I can't seem to recall what MLK Jr. Blvd. was originally called. Was it Law St?
Hey Onsie! Lots of us don't think Barack Hussein Obama was good for the country. Deal with it.
There are blogs out there that have more diverse points of views in the comments and real civility. Once again, why do you not attract that?
Which blogs?
it's just ignorant to advert to the phenomenon of naming so many things after JFK.
I think the comment suggests that many people on the left romanticize Obama, in the same way many people romanticize J.F.K.
(Although I don't think B.O. will ever catch on as a nickname).
The notion of "Camelot" and the idealized marriage to Jackie.
A lot of it has to do with youth. Both Kennedy and Obama were young men with young pretty wives and young children.
Also Kennedy was the first Catholic president, which was a big deal in 1960. Barack Obama was the first African-American president, which was a big deal in 2008.
Barack Obama is a man who won the Nobel peace prize for doing nothing at all! It was so ridiculous he didn't even feel honored by the award.
So, this is just another lazy post where all of Ann's regulars (all conservatives) can once again vent about how much they dislike and disrespect former President Obama.
It just seems kind of boring to me.
Actually, Onsie, this is a teachable moment, if your mind is sufficiently open to learn. A lot of people would emphatically deny that I'm a conservative. I am somewhat pro choice, and not at all religious, for instance. I might seem conservative by your standards, but not by rational people's standards. What I am is way past fed up. You can dial it back or not -- your choice. But don't look to me or any of the others of us to save you when the howling mob is at your door. It's coming my friend. You foot soldiers for Obama and Ried and Pelosi and their fat cat donors sowed the wind. Do you think you won't reap the whirlwind?
Big mike let me questt , you own little black gun, are middle aged and could not run a quarter mile wiseguy needing a break?the only whirlwind you will get is the from the panting as you run from real professionals, Do not write checks that you ass can not cash.
Big Mike, Republicans control the White House, both chambers of congress and most governorships and state legislatures: but you seem more wildly over-the-top mad than ever. Why is that?
Gahrie said...
To be honest..he's right. JFK was a shitty president who was popular with the Left also. All the hagiography around JFK is simply because he was young, with a beautiful family and he was assassinated. "
When JFK was shot, his popularity was at an all time low and it looked like he would be a one-term president.
I don't remember his assassination. But almost every older Boomer I know who does (including Republican Boomers) seem to view "Camelot" sentimentally, despite what we now know about his personal life. His assassination was such a defining moment of their childhoods that few of them can view him objectively.
Once written, twice... said...
Big Mike, Republicans control the White House, both chambers of congress and most governorships and state legislatures: but you seem more wildly over-the-top mad than ever. Why is that?"
Because we are opposed by hateful murderous lying shits.
There are blogs out there that have more diverse points of views in the comments and real civility. Once again, why do you not attract that?
citations please
I would bet they are some progressive sites that ban all dissenting views.
And "more diverse points of view" would be like the following:
I think Trump is a serial killer.
No, I think Trump is Hitler.
No, you are both wrong- Trump is Satan incarnate.
No, you are three wrong- Trump is like Satan incarnate because there is no God.
Back In 1963 I did not think much of JFK. Little we known except that he was full of Vigor to get America moving again after Eisenhower did nothing much except smile benignly at us. We were bored by so much peace and prosperity.
But studying JFK's real biography many years later showed him to be a great communicator and a wise realist, like you know who. And unlike Trump, he went to war the old fashioned way plus he grabbed all the pussy he could get away with...I mean Marilyn Monroe class.
As for Mr Obama. All we know is he was a great leader for the inside demolition job done to this country...smiling all the way and intent on slaughtering the Jews in Israel. And he was a half African, Indonesian Muslim that mastered lying to everyone all of the time. So name the whole State after him.
Nelson: "don't cash checks your ass cannot cash"
Oh look, we have a little keyboard commando! Little pimpled fatboy going to use his best Xbox taunts on us.
LOL look at the pic in the CapTimes. Four white guys announcing their naming the City-County building after the first half-black POTUS. Every single person in the photo is white. Every one. On Martin Luther King Jr Blvd! Sure, name the building after Obama. He didn't do shit for black people either.
Once written, twice... said...
Big Mike, Republicans control the White House, both chambers of congress and most governorships and state legislatures: but you seem more wildly over-the-top mad than ever. Why is that?"
Why? Because we had a president who weaponized the IRS, sold guns to the Mexican cartels in an attempt to take ours away, who had an AG who flatly stated he looking out for "my people", who cause my health insurance rates to increase from $9K/year to $15/year, who set race relations back 75 years ......
Call it the Trump tower.
Madison, WI? City-county building? Barack Hussain Obama?
I think it's perfect.
Nelson Kerr said...
"Big mike let me questt , you own little black gun, are middle aged and could not run a quarter mile wiseguy needing a break?the only whirlwind you will get is the from the panting as you run from real professionals, Do not write checks that you ass can not cash."
It isn't how fast or how far you can run, but how well you shoot. "If you run you will be shot in the back.If you stand and fight, well, you just might live."
My new hip has a warranty. It will last for 20 years if I don't run.
"How long will it last if I start running again?"
"15 years"
" I can live with that."
Naming a whole building after Obama is a bit extreme. Maybe one of the rooms, like the lavatory. If that's still too much, then one of the urinals. You know, the one on the left.
Sigh, On the one hand a decent soul recoils from such vulgarity...then the soul reflects...surely one temporary building cannot express the wonder of the 44th President...his legacy should span the globe...I know! We'll call all those soaps, the ones that go in the urinals and toilet tanks, Obamacakes.
This is stupid, but no more stupid than naming all that stuff after Reagan. While he was still alive, no less.
Curious George: LOL look at the pic in the CapTimes. Four white guys announcing their naming the City-County building after the first half-black POTUS. Every single person in the photo is white. Every one. On Martin Luther King Jr Blvd!
I guess they're just excited to have somebody besides MLK to name things after now.
As a practical matter nothing should be named for a person, until after death. There was case in Des Moines, where they started naming things after a long serving council member. Then they discovered all the kick backs and scams he had worked, and was still involved in.
Haven't read the above comments, so this may have been mentioned, but.....what did Obama do that was so great?
."Maybe one of the rooms, like the lavatory."
A transgender one, of course.
Maybe they should rename MLK street. Afterall, he was a Bible thumping homophobe who opposed gender equality, ignored the constitutional (sic) separation of church and state, was an anti-choice extremist, and may have been a racist based on his comments about the people of South Vietnam.
The reason the newspaper photo is all white is that Madison puts all of their Blacks in jail.
It would be fitting to name it after Madison historical figure Edward Ben Elson.
I'm sticking to my "Don't name things for people who are still alive" rule. I mean, how awkward would it be to live on Bill Cosby Street or the like?
If you want to memorialize someone's accomplishments, it is best to wait until you know EXACTLY what you're memorializing. (I also just think it is tacky to name things after people still alive. I don't have a logical reason for thinking that, I just do.)
Hmm, both are comically overrated and didnt do much. JFK had a lot less time to do nothing. Obama fucked far fewer women and took Way less drugs.
"Haven't read the above comments, so this may have been mentioned, but.....what did Obama do that was so great?"
Same thing he's always done. Exist.
what did Obama do that was so great?
He left office when his term was up.
Aging hulk, full of asbestos, needing $100,000,000 in repairs to the jail.....Perfect!
"This is so obtuse." Not at all. The left fights. They will ram their propaganda down our throats wherever and whenever they can. The irrelevance of the naming reinforces the message.
But, frequency of adultery aside, it is symbolically appropriate to link two disastrous presidents: the one who got us into Vietnam and the one who left Iraq to ISIS--sorry, "ISIL"--and boosted Iran.
I'm sticking to my "Don't name things for people who are still alive" rule. I mean, how awkward would it be to live on Bill Cosby Street or the like?
thanks for sharing...
"What a crock! JFK would be a Conservative by the standards of today."
Yes, and Obama was essentially a liberal Republican with a good line of bullshit to hoodwink the Dems.
Dave from Minnesota: Maybe they should rename MLK street. Afterall, he was a Bible thumping homophobe who opposed gender equality, ignored the constitutional (sic) separation of church and state, was an anti-choice extremist, and may have been a racist based on his comments about the people of South Vietnam.
Those considerations only apply for stuff named after white guys.
"Haven't read the above comments, so this may have been mentioned, but.....what did Obama do that was so great?"
He was articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy and light-skinned with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.
Dave from Minnesota: "Maybe they should rename MLK street. Afterall, he was a Bible thumping homophobe who opposed gender equality, ignored the constitutional (sic) separation of church and state, was an anti-choice extremist, and may have been a racist based on his comments about the people of South Vietnam."
Was MLK a homophobe? Did he oppose gender equality? How do you know? How did he ignore the constitutional separation of church and state? To speak of him being "anti-choice" is an anachronism, as Roe v. Wade was decided several years after his assassination and the great national argument over and rhetoric about "choice" did not exist at the time. Did he ever speak out on the subject of abortion? What comments did he make about the South Vietnamese that could be construed as possibly racist?
Blogger Gahrie said...
All the hagiography around JFK is simply because he was young, with a beautiful family and he was assassinated.
Don't forget all the money funding the Kennedy fog machine. Papa Joe was one of the 4-5 wealthiest men in the US.
He got, and deserves, a lot of credit for his heroism in saving his men after PT-109 got T-boned. Nobody ever asks how a PT boat could get itself T-boned by a Japanese destroyer.
We don't hear much about Inga Arvad, either. JFK, once he got into the Navy by special dispensation, was assigned to a desk in DC. He was carrying on an adulterous affair with Inga A whose husband was thought to be a German spy.
He got transferred to FL but kept riding the train to DC to see her. FDR finally had him sent to the Pacific as the only way he could separate them.
John Henry
I am against naming anything for living persons.
Here in PR we have a stadium named after a convicted drug trafficker and ex-con, Orlando Cepeda.
It was actually named after Orlando Cepeda the baseball player before he became a drug trafficker. Now it is an embarrassment.
What happens to the building if Ex President Obama turns out to have been involved in some illegal stuff.
John Henry
Robert, first of all I am primarily mocking the lefty puritans. But lets cover a few of my points.
He opposed homosexual marriage. Enough said. I don't believe he supported transgenders neither.
He preached politics from the pulpit. He used the Bible to support his politics. So therefore he wanted to create a theocracy (according to the definition the left uses.
What did he do for gender equality? Did he support equal pay for equal work?
Although it wasn't a center of his activism, MLK was pro-birth control but also anti-abortion.
As far as the Vietnamese, he probably didn't know about who brutal the communists were and the reign of death that would fall upon Asians of that area when he gave support to the other side.
But my point is....using an Alinsky tactic, I am holding the other side to their own rules and standards. Use todays standards and what we now know, and hold historical figures to those standards. If they don't hold up to what we expect today, we need to erase them from the public sphere.
As far as re-evaluting biggest issue with him was when he banged the 18 year old virgin intern in the White House pool. In 2017, that would be rape.
Trad Guy,
Which JFK Bio?
Lots of good ones out there. I've read Nigel Hamilton's, Garry Wills, Richard Reeves, Collier & Horowitz and a couple more.
JFK was a shitty person and a shitty president. He almost got us nuked by Russia over some misslies in Turkey that he planned to remove anyway. He got us into Vietnam and murdered the Prime Minister there (Diem) Worst of all, he gave us Johnson.
Think JFK was a pussy hound? He had a long way to go to keep up with papa.
The whole family was pretty shitty.
But rich.
Trivia: How many people think Joe Kennedy died when his bomber was shot down over Germany?
John Henry
How about naming the building for Clayton Slack who was awarded the Medal of Honor in WWI and was actually born or lived in Madison, WI. The only other Madison recipient of the Medal of Honor, Joseph A. Cable, fought in the Frontier Wars which would probably be a bridge to far for the residents of Madison.
Or Aspin, Babcock, Laird.
Why name him after a national figure with no connections to Dane County.
>>Trivia: How many people think Joe Kennedy died when his bomber was shot down over Germany?
It exploded over the UK. Or are you going to tell me it was more sinister than that?
If so, I need to borrow TradGuy's tinfoil LBJ-FBI-CIA hat...
The FIB Building for short.
Better caption for the picture in the story: "Four White Guys decide to name a run-down Building after a Black Guy"
The analogy seems fair to me, and probably to anyone else who's read Halberstam's THE BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST.
"It would be fitting to name it after Madison historical figure Edward Ben Elson."
Edward? I've always thought his first name was "Crazy".
Edward? I've always thought his first name was "Crazy".
Unless that was Crazy TV Lennie.
Crazy Ben Elson.
Crazy TV Lenny is on the radio hawking e-bikes now. How old is that guy?
Crazy TV Lenny is on the radio hawking e-bikes now. How old is that guy?
The State Journal says he's about 74. I'm amazed he's that young.
"I'm amazed he's that young."
Me too. I guess he was pretty young when he started American TV.
"He opposed homosexual marriage. Enough said. I don't believe he supported transgenders neither."
Did he ever speak of homosexual marriage or transgenders, pro or con? These were hardly commonplace topics of the day. MLK was assassinated before the Stonewall Riot in NYC, which gave rise to the Gay Pride movment.
"He preached politics from the pulpit. He used the Bible to support his politics. So therefore he wanted to create a theocracy (according to the definition the left uses."
This is simply silly. He was a reverend.
"What did he do for gender equality? Did he support equal pay for equal work?"
I don't know if he did or didn't; do you? Again, many of these topics came to greater prominence as part of the national discussion after he died. However, he was in Memphis to support a strike by the sanitation worker's union when he was assassinated. One can assume he supported fair and equal pay and treatment for all workers, regardless of race or gender. Do you have evidence he did not?
"Although it wasn't a center of his activism, MLK was pro-birth control but also anti-abortion."
That sounds reasonable, and may even be true, but do you know it to be? Did he ever discuss abortion, pro or con? If not, one can only surmise.
"As far as the Vietnamese, he probably didn't know about who brutal the communists were and the reign of death that would fall upon Asians of that area when he gave support to the other side."
What comments did he make about the South Vietnamese that one might consider racist?
"But my point is....using an Alinsky tactic, I am holding the other side to their own rules and standards. Use todays standards and what we now know, and hold historical figures to those standards. If they don't hold up to what we expect today, we need to erase them from the public sphere."
I agree it is unfair and inaccurate to judge historical figures for holding common views of their own day that might be seen today as objectionable or less than sterling. However, to do it effectively, you must show specific instances where the historical figure "failed," rather than presenting rhetorical supposition.
Just as judging historical figures by present day standards is common, so is claiming historical figures for one's own pet causes, stating, "So and so, were (s)he alive today, would surely support/oppose (speaker's pet cause or peeve)!"
Why are almost all public properties named after politicians? It speaks to the way in which politicians consider the government and public property to be their own, really, and to be used in the service of their own interests (see "public choice economics" for the academic version of this argument). In San Francisco recently I drove down "Nancy Pelosi Drive." Unbelievable, but true.
List of placeds named after Robert Byrd
Me too. I guess he was pretty young when he started American TV.
Lenny took over his dying brother Ferdies's business, American TV. Remember "Ferdie's Inferno" which became Lenny's Inferno?
Remember "Ferdie's Inferno" which became Lenny's Inferno?
There was a whole genre of TV Horror Movie hosts. Where have they gone ?
Ann, why do you think the first 25 comments to this post are all from conservatives, with many of them borderline hateful and angry?
Ann, do you think you do anything with your blog to attract the audience you attract?
Is this the audience you desire?
The absolute perfect illustration of a 'progressive.' How dare someone instigate the wrong type of thought. Instead of taking on an argument, you attack a response to the argument and prosecute the argument on the basis of the response. You don't even bother to address the substance of the response, focusing instead on the tone. Sad!
So they're going to name the building after Obama? Good. Hope they call it "the Red Diaper Baby Building," "the You Didn't Build this Building Building," or just "Il Dufe."
They could just go all the way and name it after Hillary Clinton, since she won't have that Presidential Library or much else named after her.
It exploded over the UK
According to what I have it read, it exploded over the English Channel when they armed the bombs onboard, and they waited until they were over the channel because they were afraid of a premature explosion.
"Remember "Ferdie's Inferno" which became Lenny's Inferno?"
I do!
"Ann, why do you think the first 25 comments to this post are all from conservatives, with many of them borderline hateful and angry?"
I don't think she could possibly think that, because it's obviously false. The 3rd, 5th, and 16th comments are all from obvious lefties, and some of the others are snarky comments that aren't particularly left or right.
Personally, I find the constant complaints that this "comment section has become so one sided and just an echo chamber" to be tiresomely "mundane and predictable" as well as dishonest, like the constant bigoted slurs about "hillbillies".
"Ann, why do you think the first 25 comments to this post are all from conservatives, with many of them borderline hateful and angry?"
When did you stop beating your wife?
"Althouse's tag "anal" is intriguing. Now you see, now you don't?"
LOL. Just seeing that now as I go to use the "analogies" tag on a new post. You start to write a tag that already exists and it shows you the word. The software used to work to autocomplete if you hit return, but now it just makes a tag out of the portion of the word you typed.
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