June 1, 2017

Kathy Griffin's grisly photo snapped up for use in an anti-Ossoff ad.

(Background here.)


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All that was missing from the ad ------> Anderson Cooper crapping on a desk, Stephen Colbert's Putin-Trump cock joke, and Bill Maher's disgusting dialog about father-daughter blow jobs.

Gilbert Pinfold said...


rcocean said...

Great ad and absolutely correct. Ossoff (what a name!) will be a Pelosi butt boy if elected. The Democrats from red states always talk conservative during election time but support Pelosi and Schumer when they get elected.

Just like McCain.

rcocean said...

I'd like to believe Georgians would never elect someone with a non-Southern name like "Ossoff" - but that's the romantic in me.

madAsHell said...

I was surprised that Hillary's cackle "Why aren't I 50 points ahead?", and "At this point, what difference does it make?" weren't exploited. I understand that Hillary is so-15-minutes-ago, but they should really work to use their words against them.

n.n said...

It looks like something that escaped from an abortion chamber... almost.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

As the newer upper middle class areas of Metro Atlanta open up further to the north, the Sixth District is back filling with newcomers to the South from the bigger northern cities, korea, China and India. This is a good thing since they are better educated, hard workers and have a strong family culture...but they ain't Bible Belters.

Ossoff is a glib liar preaching Goldwater Conservatism in continuous repetition spending tens of millions to build a fictitious bio and accuse the southern lady of being a "Big Spender."That was a lie she got smeared with when she ran for Governor, after having done a fine job as Secretary of State in computerising the office and living under her budget... But budgeted expenditure items in process pre-dating her winning that office made it sound expensive when opposition lied about her.

Her trouble is she is dull and not a glip personality, and she faces a Macron like pretty boy.

This ad is the first GOP one I have seen that hits home. Kathy Griffin's ISIS imitation has one another one for Trump.

sane_voter said...

If that doesn't get the GOP leaning voters mobilized, nothing will.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
roesch/voltaire said...

I suppose this is the currant level of politics paid for by dark money. how one comic!s. Twisted attempt can be a representation of the liberal voter is no more true than claiming that Joseph Christian represents the Trump voter, or does it?

JAORE said...

I suspect this will prove an effective ad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dark money is a lefty thing, Roesch. See: Podesta, Hillary and Soros.

madAsHell said...

currant - a small seedless raisin.....and then incoherence.

FleetUSA said...

Great ad. thanks for posting

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "I suppose this is the currant level of politics paid for by dark money. how one comic!s. Twisted attempt can be a representation of the liberal voter is no more true than claiming that Joseph Christian represents the Trump voter, or does it?"

Why would a Bernie supporter like Christian represent Trump voters?

Swede said...

Ossoff is screwed.

Alyssa Milano just gave him the kiss of death.

If losing were winning, she's batting 1.000!

Michael K said...

Ossoff has matured as a candidate by being Hank Johnson's chief policy advisor when Johnson warned us of the risk of Guam capsizing.

That's a major intellect.

Clyde said...

Play it all night long...

Drago said...

Poor r/v. He/she is about a week behind on the info.

However, all things being relative, that might be an improvement. If so, good on ya r/v!

Luke Lea said...

Oh, God. But I had to laugh.

Clyde said...

In the "You Can't Make This Shit Up" category, we have this, via Twitchy: Climate disaster averted: World to end Friday during Kathy Griffin presser on being bullied by Trump family

To be honest, we didn’t buy into any of the voluminous worldwide hysteria that followed President Donald Trump’s announcement regarding the Paris Climate Accord; the planet will still be here tomorrow.

That’s what we thought, at least, before attorney Lisa Bloom announced she’d be holding a press conference Friday morning with her client, comedian Kathy Griffin, to discuss her “controversial” photo shoot with the president’s bloody severed head and the bullying she’s endured from the Trump family.

And suddenly, the failure of the Sweet Meteor of Death to appear on Election Day made perfect sense; it was waiting for this very moment.

My reply there:

ClydeS • 7 minutes ago
Shouldn't this have been a job for Bialystock instead?

"Springtime For Griffin and Liberals..." Genius!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Lots of Ossoff signs around Brookhaven and Dunwoody, not many Handel signs.
The Dems eventually have to win one of these things and it would be a shame if this was the one...but I would not put a bunch of money on Karen this time.
She was a good GA SecState but is not a very exciting candidate and there is a TON of Dem-supporting money being spent.

Gahrie said...

That’s what we thought, at least, before attorney Lisa Bloom announced she’d be holding a press conference Friday morning with her client, comedian Kathy Griffin,

For those who don't know...Bloom is Gloria Allred's daughter.

Big Mike said...

Thanks, Kathy! Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi was bitching about Trump's Middle East tour on the grounds that -- get this! -- he didn't visit them in alphabetical order. Now that's political leadership, Democrat style!

Clyde said...

Gahrie said...

For those who don't know...Bloom is Gloria Allred's daughter.

One shudders to think about the sort of people that Allred's granddaughter will wind up representing.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I guess the image was not so intrinsically offensive after all, for a Republican Super PAC to be using it in an ad. KG should demand her royalties.

Earnest Prole said...

Note how the Golden Gate Bridge is universally understood code for San Francisco Democrats.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"how one comic!s. Twisted attempt can be a representation of the liberal voter"

I was at a family event Saturday with the nicest, most decent group of white, middle-class folks you could ever hope to meet. And yeah, the severed head gag is an exact representation of what the liberal voter currently believes.

Fen said...

Roesch, new rules are in play. The Left no longer gets to shame the Right by association and then play the civility card to get the Right to back off from doing the same.

We've tried to reason with the Left for years. Didn't work. We've tried to change their behavior by rolemodeling better behavior. Didn't take.

So it appears the only alternative to get the Left to stop is to make it hurt in equal measure.

So yes, Kathy Griffin is the face of the Democrat Party. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. If I managed to put up with it for 30 years, so can you.

Fen said...

Lisa Bloom is going to create another Jihad Kathy news cycle? Damn. Whatever we paying her, its not enough.

Will she accept rubles?

Michael The Magnificent said...

If the shoe fits...

sane_voter said...

Too bad they couldn't squeeze in that lying cheat Debbie Wasserman into the spot. But 30 seconds isn't a lot of time.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

roesch/voltaire, right back at you.


AlanKH said...

Karma comes on stage like Chuck Norris. Suck it, Dems.

Fen said...

I mean really, the Left forced the takedown of cherished battle flags and toppled statues of honorable men by associating the Right with racism. While your side snickered in glee.

Did you really think we would just forgive all that and accept a call for a truce?

"The South remembers" - Lady Mormont of Bear Island

Achilles said...

roesch/voltaire said...
I suppose this is the currant level of politics paid for by dark money. how one comic!s. Twisted attempt can be a representation of the liberal voter is no more true than claiming that Joseph Christian represents the Trump voter, or does it?

We have over a dozen examples throughout history of leftist movements who do exactly what you are doing now where they seize power and go on to kill millions of people. Don't forget Obama used the IRS, EPA FBI, NSA, CIA and several other federal agencies against his political opponents.

There is no doubt who you people are. You just let the mask slip.

eddie willers said...

As a Georgia voter, I approve this message.

Next ad, Ossoff as Pajama Boy.

Fen said...

Re the Jihad Kathy Presser, maybe Griffin is crazy like a fox:

Griffen: I want to talk about what my decapitated head stunt really meant.

Bloomberg: I'll give you $25 million just to go away.

Griffen: Make it $50 million...

Soros: Done!

Fen said...

Achilles nails it.

Anonymous said...

Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday.
Email: michael.l@hackermail.com
Telephone +1 646-652-6107

Unknown said...

This advertisement will likely cost the R's the election.

Crude guilt-by-association TV ads produced by hack R consultants have a long track record of failure.

In politics, you need to "pull" people, not "push" them ...especially with something as ugly as this.

Rusty said...

I would have liked to have been in the room when Kathy Griffens people were talking this over. That would have been a hilarious meeting.

No, Jameson. It won't.

Panharith said...

I understand that Hillary is so-15-minutes-ago, but they should really work to use their words against them.

gclub casino

Anonymous said...

Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday.
Email: michael.l@hackermail.com
Telephone +1 646-652-6107

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "I guess the image was not so intrinsically offensive after all, for a Republican Super PAC to be using it in an ad."

I guess the things Trump has said in the past were not so intrinsically offensive after all, for the democrats to be using them in ads.

Drago said...

Jameson Campaigne: "This advertisement will likely cost the R's the election"

It depends.

What other ads are being run? How often? What about the ads the Dems are running? Will those "cost" the dems or the reps?

Single variable analysis is not usually sufficient to try and understand complex systems.

Dave from Minnesota said...

Kathy Griffin did endorse the Democrat. I don't see what's wrong with the ad.

Dave from Minnesota said...

And KG used the word "Resist" in her endorsement. That implies use violence to many of us.

Anonymous said...

Fen: Achilles nails it.

I'm impressed by everyone in this thread who was able to parse r/V's comment @8:46 into enough sense to be able to respond to it.

"I suppose this is the currant level of politics paid for by dark money. how one comic!s. Twisted attempt can be a representation of the liberal voter is no more true than claiming that Joseph Christian represents the Trump voter, or does it?"

"Wut?" is the best I can manage here.

I know SPAS (Smart Phone Autocorrect Syndrome) plagues us all, but ...wut?

Bilwick said...

"What other ads are being run? How often? What about the ads the Dems are running? Will those "cost" the dems or the reps?"

Ossoff has big, BIG money behind him (I'm guessing a lot of Soros Bucks, too), mostly from Blue States; and has inundated the airwaves in the metro Atlanta area with his "Who, me--a 'liberal'?" ads. He's on more than those Than Merrill infomercials, and seems just about as believable. Only recently has the GOP opened its purse-strings in any big way to the Handel campaign, but Ossoff still dominates the commercial breaks. I love when he puts on that hurt-and-wounded facial expression. The first time I saw one of his ads (this was the ad where he didn't even mention his party affiliation) I thought: "Phonus balonus." See no reason to assume my first impression was wrong.

Someone here commented that "Ossoff" seems a very un-Georgian name. First, my understanding is that he doesn't actually live in Georgia, but Washington DC, although I wouldn't be surprised that once this was discovered, he hurriedly moved in with his girlfriend, who does live in Atlanta. Second, I like to call him "Osshole." Jejeune of me, I realize; but since one of his popular campaign signs is "Vote Your Ossoff," he's hardly in a position to complain.

As you might guess, I live in the contested district, and my immediate neighborhood is the very Yuppified area, Brookhaven. Here, pro-Ossoff signs abound. "Liberal Yuppies"--the most nauseating hybrids to arise since Doctor Moreau closed his lab.

Gospace said...

roesch/voltaire said...
I suppose this is the currant level of politics paid for by dark money. how one comic!s. Twisted attempt can be a representation of the liberal voter is no more true than claiming that Joseph Christian represents the Trump voter, or does it?

The murderer with the ironic name acted on is own- and is a Bernie supporter who posted on facebook "I've had it!!! I gonna kill everybody who voted for Trump or Hillary!!!" he said in another post in early January. "It's all your fault!!! You're what's wrong with this country!!! Reveal yourselves immediately and face your DOOM!!!", which kind of makes him not representative of a Trump voter, since he didn't vote for him.

Kathy Griffin received a host of help in producing her obnoxious video, all from other Trump hating Democrats, so it is entirely fair to paste Democrats with her actions. If it hadn't blown up in their faces, none of them would distance themselves from what she did.

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