২ জুন, ২০১৭

Kathy Griffin (re Trump): "He broke me. He broke me. He broke me."

Step 1 was going on the attack. Step 2, apologizing. Now, we're at step 3: She's the victim of bullying.
The comedian broke down in tears as she detailed the torrent of abuse she has been receiving online, and the constant death threats which she described as detailed and specific....

[She] said that her career was likely over now as a result of this incident, and that President Trump had 'broke' her, moments after she declared: 'There's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me!'...

It was also confirmed at the press conference that the Secret Service is investigating Griffin over the image, with the median saying: 'Yeah I might get arrested today. I don't care.'
Video will autoplay after the jump:

৩০৪টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   304 এর 201 – থেকে 304
Jim S. বলেছেন...

Here's another picture of protestors depicting Bush being beheaded (this time by a guillotine). And for more pictures depicting Bush's assassination by protestors, see zombietime.

walter বলেছেন...

Oh God..I don't know if I can get past the woman making the intro...still trying to make the flub all about the supposed menstrual reference by Trump. Oh...and dragging in so many other issues and leveling insults and attacks of her own.
Ah..now she's acting like blue dress jokes are in same league as holding up a bloody severed head.
Just like she didn't expect a backlash to the picture, Griff just keeps digging her hole deeper...yeah..damn "old white men" keeping da Griff down...and she feeeels Melania is part of it too. Right..

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Griffin didn't really behead Trump and she isn't really a martyr. Maybe she'll get 72 virgins who aren't really virgins.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's funny how, "We're just playing by their rules!" is never the refrain that the right-wing psychologically disturbed throw out there when talking about their intention to not obey an independent judiciary.

It's funny how, "We're just playing by their rules!" is never the refrain that the right-wing psychologically disturbed throw out there when talking about how they think 99% of the worlds' countries are wrong but they believe they know all the answers.

Any other things that you apparently just had no choice but to learn from the left?

I guess that's where the whole refusal to take responsibility thing comes from. A refusal to think for oneself.

Alex বলেছেন...

Ritmo, Trump being at below 40% approval is a license to issue death threats? I'm trying to understand leftist logic here. Or maybe there is none, and you're sensing a Russian Revolution if you just try hard enough?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Execution by guillotine is definitely a very credible way to threaten a president. We've killed so many of them that way.

As opposed to all those blacks who never met their end through the loop of a noose, the way the right-wing cranks voiced their displeasure with Obama.

There the right-wing goes again not understanding the difference between reality and imagination.

William বলেছেন...

I'd be more sympathetic to Kathy if she behaved in a way that inspired sympathy.........Compare and contrast her treatment not with the rodeo clown but with Milo. Milo, iirc, was a victim of child abuse. His crime was to talk about his abuser in a flippant way and that put finis to his career......I was sympathetic to him. No one's career, Griffin's or Milo's, should be terminated because of a bad joke.......I think Milo's career will stay buried. I don't think the same will happen to Griffin. Alger Hiss used to get standing ovations when he delivered lectures at Harvard towards the end of his life. A similar fate is in store for Griffin. She hasn't blasphemed the prophet or holy places of her religion, so forgiveness will come with time.........Sined O'Connor has been forgiven for tearing up the picture of the Pope. If she had torn up a photo of some IRA terrorist, such amnesty would not be forthcoming........If Griffin truly wanted to double down and truly put herself at risk, she could have held up the Charley Hebdo Mohammed cartoon and said "Je suis Charley Hebo" at her press conference. I would have respected her courage and would have mourned her loss after the inevitable murder.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo, Trump being at below 40% approval is a license to issue death threats? I'm trying to understand leftist logic here. Or maybe there is none, and you're sensing a Russian Revolution if you just try hard enough?

No death threat was issued. If it goes to court I predict it will be thrown out. They couldn't even get all the violent images the right conjured up about Obama prosecuted as threats. Same thing happened with visits by law enforcement - typically leading nowhere. Only difference is - Obama had an actual substantive and positive agenda. Trump just has resentment and skulking. So he plays these up to the max. That's what the Twitter feed is for. It's a total tantrum machine. 140 characters is just about as much as it takes for a 4-year old to express his grievances with how mean the world has treated him.

Alex বলেছেন...

Ritmo said... We've killed so many of them that way.

and the vicious thug shows his true colors.

Remember folks - if Ritmo & his gang ever get true power the guillotine(and firing squad, gas chambers, other medieval tortures) comes back full force and all conservatives will be 'put the sword' to the speak.

He can protest all he wants that I'm a liar and not to pay attention to my words, but you want to put your lives in HIS hands?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Oh, and one other thing Trump does have going for him in this kerfuffle, that Obama didn't, is a target. Kathy Griffith is known as someone who could make her bread and butter onscreen doing comedy. Not the most talented at it, but financially viable. Just famous enough for the right-wing to resent. It's a cultural thing, same as he went after Rosie O'Donnell. If a nobody had done this who knows what would have happened. This is just another political moment for Trump - which means resentment, culture war, media - all that silly jazz. Everything they do has an ulterior motive, and this is it. She's the right target for him - and his merry band of cackling clones. Nothing more, nothing less.

walter বলেছেন...

"ok..let's get into trouble. Let's give them something to talk about"
Got what she wanted.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

...and the vicious thug shows his true colors.

It's sarcasm, you illiterate dummy. (Get off the internet or anything that requires reading!) How many presidents have been executed by guillotine or beheading, exactly?

You can't even answer the question. The number's zero, dunce. That's why the question was rhetorical. The right-wing psychopaths and illiterates (you're a good example) can't even see why the speech in question is less offensive, if it even was - because it was completely fantastical. The depictions of Obama in a noose were not - at least assuming you understand American history, which I guess right-wingers do not.

I'm willing to contribute to your education. You should pay me for this. If I kick in a few hundred for a community college course for you will you stop misinterpreting my comments? It's worth a try.

walter বলেছেন...

Toothless..try to go a couple posts without launching into personal attacks.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Fen said...
That's the only reason you guys are infuriated.

Every blog should have a mind-reader.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

walter - is being called a "vicious thug" showing my "true colors" not a personal attack?

He basically accused me of desiring mass violence. (Others here have put this cheap trick to me, as well). I guess you can say that I over-reacted, but I sort of presumed those were very untrue and harmful things to say (esp. without evidence) of me personally.

I don't want to ruin the thread and I don't want to reject the possibility that I'm in the wrong. But I predict this issue will come down to seeing things with a shoe on the other foot. At some point, all commenters here should try the same.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Every blog should have a mind-reader."

Right? The hysteria is beginning to be amusing though. Soon they'll be calling for her head on a spike to be planted on the White House Lawn.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sorry - meant to say cheap shot, not cheap trick.

The band would feel very insulted.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Quaestor বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary formerly known as Ritmo wrote: What world is that? A world in which a comedian knows her rights but a rodeo clown doesn't?

Typically ignorant.

No one has the right to be a rodeo clown. Rodeos are private events just like live comedy shows. The producer has the right to hire you or not. The rodeo clown who lost his job because he wore a rubber Obama mask (Get yours through the through the Althouse portal today!) had to go through humiliating "sensitivity training" and still has not been re-hired to clown at rodeos. He was broken by the adverse publicity heap upon him by Obama myrmidons in the MSM. The rodeo producers essentially blacklisted the clown in self-defense. Your comedian as a right to free expression. She does not have a right to free expression without consequences, which is she is demanding. In self-defense, CNN has fired her. In self-defence, the producers of those comedy shows have cancelled her appearances in at least five upcoming events. They don't want to be seen as endorsing her vile bullshit, which is only reasonable and well within their rights.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Thou shalt not kill a President in effigy unless his name is Barack Obama! No matter how many liberals denounced Kathy Griffin and her crass act, they still call for revenge, they want her head, maybe our heads too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ok, Alex - I'm sorry. You're not the things I accused you of being. But neither am I a "vicious thug."

Now you may resume preparing for the apocalypse and identifying me as some footsoldier in welcoming it. Or whatever nefarious role you imagine me in.

DRP বলেছেন...

Odds on her having a new show on ABC in the Fall? There's no such thing as bad celebrity for a D-lister like Griffin.

Alex বলেছেন...

Ritmo - you are a thug in waiting, maybe you'd be the Commissar type issuing the murder orders instead of getting your own hands dirty, I don't know. I don't know what your personal level of blood lust is, but it's quite high as I can see following your postings for years. You are all the left are nasty, evil motherfuckers and I hope Ann Althouse bans me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I do hope you had a point to make in all that Quaestor, especially seeing as how you called me "typically ignorant." (Which in no way should be interpreted as a personal attack). Calling someone "ignorant" must not be an attack and it was not personal because he was only responding to my comment, not to me as a person.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"I think Griffin and her attorney are trolling you people and you're falling for it."

To what end?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo - you are a thug in waiting, maybe you'd be the Commissar type issuing the murder orders instead of getting your own hands dirty, I don't know. I don't know what your personal level of blood lust is, but it's quite high as I can see following your postings for years. You are all the left are nasty, evil motherfuckers and I hope Ann Althouse bans me.

So this is what the left and everyone else has to contend with: A barrage of personal attacks, wrapped up in all sorts of weird political-historical fantasizing, and ending with some internet-kamikaze self-martyrdom plea ("I hope she bans me"!)

I can see why people think the left and center have a lot of good stuff to work with when it comes to their friends on the right. Whatever was Buckley talking about!? (When purging the party of Birchers, etc.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"To what end?"

I'm just guessing here, but maybe to incite you Trumpists to become deranged with blood lust.

Bill বলেছেন...

Did you see Lisa Bloom's expression as Kathy Griffin spoke? That woman and her mother, Gloria Allred, are such avatars of compassion!!!

Alex বলেছেন...

Fascinating you accuse the right of blood lust the very week that Kathy Griffin shows the blood-soaked decapitated head of Donald Trump w/o any sense of irony.

News flash to Ritmo/Inga - the American people(incl Demcorats) are disgusted with you. You are vile, evil, subhuman creatures and we see through you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

News flash to Ritmo/Inga - the American people(incl Demcorats) are disgusted with you. You are vile, evil, subhuman creatures and we see through you.

So in case anyone was counting, this is Personal Attack #3 from Alex. And I've only started reading from comment #150 or so - so it's possible he launched some others.

It also occurred after he received an apology for experiencing a counter-attack (as walter pointed out that I was probably wrong to do), and after an explanation of the initial misinterpretation that set him flying off the handle.

Trump supporters seem to want to assure the rest of the country that they're capable of regulating themselves. (Or maybe they don't. Maybe they're in a vindictive - you have it coming! mode). Or at least I hope they'd want to provide that assurance.

Look at Alex's comments and ask yourselves if you'd trust in his sense of restraint.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Fascinating you accuse the right of blood lust the very week that Kathy Griffin shows the blood-soaked decapitated head of Donald Trump w/o any sense of irony."

What makes it funny is that it is now making you Trumpists look bloodthirsty. Listen to yourself. Shake that spike, gather your mob, get some heads! The left en masse denounced Griffith's act, yet you people seem to be more riled up than yesterday. Maybe Griffin and her lawyers are trying to make you folks look as bad as you could possibly look and you, Alex are doing their bidding. You're being duped into acting like some crazed blood thirsty loon, you sound worse than Griffin looked.

glenn বলেছেন...

I call Boomer.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Anyway, enjoy the thread. I'm off for a pint of chocolate peanut butter fudge ice cream.

It's just what we vile, evil, subhuman, transparent creatures do.

At least for dessert.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Polar bear population is exploding. Sun in shining in San Francisco Bay Area.
Once is crying.
Life is good.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It also occurs to me that Alex is trolling this thread and you Trumpists. He's trying to rile you Trumpists up and see how many of you he can get to join his mob. He's had a long history of Mobying on the Althouse blog. I don't trust his anger. He's putting it on, lol.

John henry বলেছেন...

My comment about het apologizing to Barron Trump was strictly rhetorical.

I never thought she would.

John Henry

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Calling someone "ignorant" must not be an attack and it was not personal because he was only responding to my comment, not to me as a person.

By losing his job the rodeo clown's rights were not violated. No one is bound by contract to accept the consequence of another person's exercise of freedom of expression. Kathy Griffin has no more rights in the matter of her assassination porn that the clown and his choice of costume. Griffin is trying to escape the consequences by blubbering about being bullied and broken by the Trump family. By your comments, you seem to have a deficient understanding of the concepts of freedom and responsibility.

If you spent half as much time reflecting objectively on your own comments as you do actually typing them, I believe you would post here only half as often as you do.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Maybe try doing a better job of relating to humanity...

...coalition of narcissists, sociopaths and autistics making up the right-wing in America

It's nice how well you relate to the segment of humanity that has a different opinion than you.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

nga said...

It also occurs to me that Alex is trolling this thread and you Trumpists. He's trying to rile you Trumpists up and see how many of you he can get to join his mob. He's had a long history of Mobying on the Althouse blog. I don't trust his anger. He's putting it on, lol.

Nah, he;s trolling you cockholsters.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Alex wrote: You are vile, evil, subhuman creatures and we see through you.

That is bullshit. Subhuman? Awa' with ye!

(Quaestor agree with Inga. This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Griffin. It will soon see the end of the rebellion.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Alex was trolling everyone on this thread. He's a Moby, we all know that. Plus he's a switch hitter, he'll take one side or another depending on who he wants to troll at that given moment. I had almost forgotten that he has been the blog's resident Moby for many years.

Thorley Winston বলেছেন...

Kathy Griffin just held a press conference to announce that Donald Trump “broke her.” No word yet on whether he left cab fare for her on the nightstand.

Fen বলেছেন...

ARM: "every blog should have a mind reader"

Don't flatter yourself.

Rusty বলেছেন...

I see the usual suspects are butt hurt and hitting their tranks of choice.
This ought to make your day
Stocks close at all-time highs as Street shrugs off jobs report.
Trump is a successful president.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Thorley Winston said...

Kathy Griffin just held a press conference to announce that Donald Trump “broke her.” No word yet on whether he left cab fare for her on the nightstand.
6/2/17, 8:09 PM

Painal? Hard to imagine it was her first time.

Barry Dauphin বলেছেন...

She's acting more like she's on the administration's payroll at this point.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"Maybe try doing a better job of relating to humanity...

...coalition of narcissists, sociopaths and autistics making up the right-wing in America"

It's nice how well you relate to the segment of humanity that has a different opinion than you.

They don't just have different opinions. They have different priorities - as in priorities other than the success/well-being of their fellow Americans.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Nah, he;s trolling you cockholsters.

"Trolling" = Right wing speak for "the normal rules don't apply to us!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

By losing his job the rodeo clown's rights were not violated.

Don't remember claiming they were.

No one is bound by contract to accept the consequence of another person's exercise of freedom of expression.

Don't remember claiming otherwise. However, civil procedure does compel juries to consider how "wrongful" a case of wrongful termination might be. In the past, you could fire someone for being gay. (I guess they had an alternative expression!). This is becoming harder and harder to do.

Kathy Griffin has no more rights in the matter of her assassination porn that the clown and his choice of costume.

One second: I don't even know ANYTHING about some rodeo clown let alone his "case." I was just responding to his being inserted into the thread on the presumption that doing so implied they'd had similar experiences.

Griffin is trying to escape the consequences by blubbering about being bullied and broken by the Trump family.

No she's not. No more than Trump tries to escape the consequences of all he does by blubbering about being bullied to any clone that will listen to him on Twitter.

By your comments, you seem to have a deficient understanding of the concepts of freedom and responsibility.

By your comments, you seem to have a deficient understanding of civil procedure and law.

If you spent half as much time reflecting objectively on your own comments as you do actually typing them, I believe you would post here only half as often as you do.

That's one hypocritical comment to make after your own meandering diatribe of straw men.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Cry baby back from ice cream store with mama.

I am smiling.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I am smiling.

No, you're annoying. And you need a better hobby.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"No, you're annoying. And you need a better hobby."

He could always go out in his yard and howl.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Apparently he's howling at his computer instead. The screen is like a big, bright giant moon to him.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"There's possibly the makings of a new meme in all this. There's the general concepts of crossing lines, going too far, ect. Perhaps a Griffon Event Horizon could be defined? It would be a point at which your assumed cohort no longer is able to openly support/condone you, and instead must roundly criticize or even denounce you. And what's more, beyond the G.E.H. you are no longer helping your cause in the eyes of the public, but damaging it."

This is why I didn't openly support Ted Cruz.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Ninja jump on toothfairies back, pretends they are friends. Sad!

Perfect weather, , tomatoes and zucchini growing nicely.

Leftys crying. Life is good.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

chocolate peanut butter fudge

Packin' fudge down on university avenue. Sad!

Michael বলেছেন...


Same down here. Lovely evening. I let the air out of the life raft a couple of hours ago since the rising ocean did not reach this far. Haven't read that it swallowed up any town at all. Cancelled flight to Kiribati, will go when the flights are a little cheaper in a few years. Listening to Ravel's Piano Concertos. Never liked that Griffin woman. All good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Bottom line is she is not sorry.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

After the big tsunami, San Francisco posted signs near the beach advising emergency escape route. We all smile every time we see them. Always tourists laughing and taking photos near them.

But, hey, better safe than sorry, am I right?

Michael বলেছেন...


Ah, but the road collapsed on the Big Sur stretch. So there is that. I lived out there ten years and there was a single thunderstorm during that decade. It was on the front page of the Chronicle.

Fen বলেছেন...

Ritmo saddles up to the ugliest woman in the bar and they commence to throw olives and pretzels and salted nuts at the rest of Ann's patrons.

When they get under your skin, try to remember that this is the pinnacle of their life - zingers on page 2 of an Althouse comment tbread...

I think Ritmo just comes here to vent his hatred, probably encoraged by his shrink to let some of the poison out as he devolves into a shadow of his former self. And whie we empathize with his frustration, it's inconsiderate of him to involve the rest of us in his therapy.

As for Inga, she keeps sticking her hand in the light socket because of some sick twisted fetish. She gets off on being humilated, degraded and whipped on a daily basis. I really think she should start paying us for the abuse. Self-loathing doesn't begin to cover it, but I'll spare you the gross and disgusting details of what she is punishing herself for.

Anyway, that's the skinny on the two wretches in the back of the joint. The rest of the place is lively and entertaining enough if you steer clear of those two. Let me buy you another drink and, remember, if you are ever tempted to smack them around - launching "sick burns" against their betters is the best part of their daily lives. They deserve your pity, not the back of your hand.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Fen, you're projecting.

You strike me as the creep with the greasy tee shirt on who claims he came from a rich family and works as a security guard at a nursing home. You remind me of some loser who on his way home from the bar, keeps his eyes open for teenage girls to kidnap and chain in his basement.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Blogger Michael said...


Ah, but the road collapsed on the Big Sur stretch. So there is that. I lived out there ten years and there was a single thunderstorm during that decade. It was on the front page of the Chronicle.

6/2/17, 9:21 PM

Y&eah, that one a monster, not gonna be cleared for Mondays commute.

Lived near a bypassed section of hiway 1 near Pacifica "The Old Road.
Locals used it frequently, commuters occasionally as a shortcut. A section collapsed one winter, city put up sawhorses with flashing lights to block off the thirty(?) foot drop. I kicked them all into the hole. Nobody drove into it.

FullMoon বলেছেন...


You strike me as the creep with the greasy tee shirt on who claims he came from a rich family and works as a security guard at a nursing home. You remind me of some loser who on his way home from the bar, keeps his eyes open for teenage girls to kidnap and chain in his basement.

Take your sexual fantasies to the cafe post.

walter বলেছেন...

"A section collapsed one winter, city put up sawhorses with flashing lights to block off the thirty(?) foot drop. I kicked them all into the hole."

Fritz বলেছেন...

roesch/voltaire said...
Jokes about killing Obama from Nugent or assassinating Harry Reid are okay because that's an example of "we just talking about it" like the characters in Glengarry Glen Ross, as opposed to an Kathy Griffin who converts the talk into an image that burns on our retinas.

I'm pretty sure Ted Nugent has been permanently banned from CNN's New Year's coverage.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

What if reflection's uponing black-racism fueled misunderstanding lead to lyrics interpreted "steal the wine, take that girl" as by an artist artistry artisting an artistic culture so immune to any unthought as we can characterize as bad it works?

What we do 'bout that?

walter বলেছেন...

Fritz said...Ted Nugent has been permanently banned from CNN's New Year's coverage.

walter বলেছেন...

Da Griff rubbing up on Anderson Coop while the Nuge skins a deer in the near background...

MaxedOutMama বলেছেন...

In 2016 she said she would go after Barron, so add acutely stupid hypocrisy to the rest of this performance.

I'm still stuck on the problem of how anyone uses such an image as a JOKE when there are people out there mourning loved ones (around the world and in this country) who were murdered that way.

It's crass, crude, inhumane and utterly disrespectful of those people. She has no sense and no decency.

walter বলেছেন...

Considering Griff's media hack at the presser mentioned her performing for troops, all the more-so.

Curious George বলেছেন...

I hope that dumb ass is looking for her next meal in a dumpster.

walter বলেছেন...

Not likely..her net worth in double digit millions..

Curious George বলেছেন...

“So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron,” Griffin added. “You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.”

Human filth.

walter বলেছেন...

she so funny!!

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

Kathy, Kathy, Kathy, when you play with fire you often get burned. What did you think would happen? You sound like Trump.

George Orwell (who knew the leftist mentality very well, being one himself) put it thusly:

“So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.”

George Orwell, Inside the Whale (1940)

walter বলেছেন...

because this forum technologically discourages hyperlinks, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/kathy-griffin-said-in-2016-she-wanted-to-beat-down-donald-and-barron-trump/article/2624828

Dagwood বলেছেন...

Biggest difference between the rodeo clown and the current queen of comedienne bitches is that the rodeo clown can't afford a Rodeo Drive ambulance chaser to set up special press conferences so that he can play the victim card and accuse his targets of breaking him.

What Griffin did wasn't merely some kind of satire that only highbrows like Toothless can appreciate. It was, well, deplorable. She seems to have been unable to grasp the possibility that the rest of the nation wouldn't guffaw and applaud the way the tone-deaf idiots who came up or helped with the stunt apparently did.

chickelit বলেছেন...

If KG misses one mortgage payment, will her Kardashian neighbors help her out?

I think they won't. Good riddance. Had your chance in Hollywood, KG. Muffed it!

Americans love this sort of Schadenfreude!

chickelit বলেছেন...

As for her Barron obsession -- did KG have kids? Wiki is silent. She either flushed or aborted every last egg she was given. Sad. Super sad.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Barren Griffen despises Barron Trump because...

...Baby envy.

walter বলেছেন...

Unknown said..he seems to have been unable to grasp the possibility that the rest of the nation wouldn't guffaw and applaud the way the tone-deaf idiots who came up or helped with the stunt apparently did.
She claims she spent about 5 minutes plotting her "art"..

JAORE বলেছেন...

If I had a trace of sympathy welling up over how badly this has backfired on her, the news conference wiped that out completely.

Largo বলেছেন...

The backlash is not about Trump. It is about the photorealism of this sort of image. It is worse than a photorealistic image of a burning and hanging done in effigy. We have not evolved to respond to such imaged with the amygdalian revulsion elicited by realistic images of bloody dismemberment.

This is the root of the emotional impetus to the backlash against Griffen.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Most of the "white guys" don't look "older" than Kath...

At 56, she's a fit spokesmodel for

WRINKLE CREAM, PoliGrip, or The Clapper...

She just doesn't have the talent to pull of "Joan Rivers".

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Personally, I think a comedian holding up a blood-soaked model of Kathy Griffin's head would be a real thigh slapper of a joke. Let's ask her if she agrees.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"Even Anderson Cooper, her CNN co-host for the New Year’s Eve show, condemned the images. Griffin said she has not spoken to Cooper since, and appeared visibly upset and struggled to speak when fielding questions about Cooper."

Boy, Anderson Cooper does not seem to come off as a bully, but there it is.


Fen বলেছেন...

I like how Griffin referred to the _specific_ death threats she's been getting. It was a spoiling attack, which is a tacit admission she meant her stunt to be a vague death threat. She deliberately used the word "specific" to distinguish between the two - her implied death threat was just a joke, but the specific death threats back at her were super serious for real.

If she honestly didn't intend a threat, she wouldn't have felt the need to make such a distinction. But she can't very well complain about death threats after posting her fantasy porn decapitating Trump.

And did she really say "all of you who voted for Trump, we wish you would die"...?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Some above have suggested that she will be fine in a couple months when this blows over. I don't think so. I suspect that she will be too hot to handle outside of progressive bubbles like LA, San Francisco, NYC, Portlandia, etc. for the foreseeable future. If CNN tries to sneak her in somehow, the picture of her and Trump's block day head will magically reappear all over the place, they will get thousands of complaints, drop her again, and, then, even after dropping her, will take a ratings hit. And pretty soon, her career will be truly dead.

The first part of this is that the Internet doesn't have an erase button. It remembers everything. It just takes one person remembering it, or Googling her name, and being reminded of her stunt. Forever she is going to be remembered as the woman who went after the young son of the President with a picture of his father's bloody head. Never mind that she may not have thought the two connected. They were - by her. Her name comes up, it will quickly be associated with that picture. Only thing left is to find an angelic one of Barron a Trump looking sad or upset.

Next part of this is Ace's comment a couple days ago (via Instapundit) that it is now time to start responding to fire with fire. The left has been using boycotts for a long time to get their way. The right has been too nice to respond in kind. Turn the other cheek etc. But this last election changes things, likely forever. First, the Republican Party has gone down market with the abandonment of the (esp white) lower middle and working class by the Democrats. This demographic has never been as nice as the upper middle class, who traditionally set Republican Party mores. The left's distains for them was made obvious with Crooked Hillary's calling them deplorables (which is also going to stick around). And, of course, Trump won. He could set an example, telling everyone to forgive and forget, as a good Christian would. But won't, because he knows this is a blood sport, and the left just tried to take out his son-in-law. He has given Clinton's deplorables a voice, and justified them standing up to the bullies on the left. And things will never be the same here. In the end, I expect that they will be more effective in boycotts than the left simply through numbers. The Democrats' problem here is a large percentage of their voters are lower class, who tend to be more apathetic than middle class. Sure they have their college campuses and urban enclaves, but I suspect that the number of people that they can energize is much lower. We shall see. In any case, I don't expect it to be a one sided fight anymore, as Ace pointed out this week.

Fen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
JAORE বলেছেন...

"...Sure they have their college campuses and urban enclaves..."

True enough. But the right controls more of the legislative bodies. And there is becoming a healthy trend for legislators to question the wisdom of the more outrageous acts on campus and the more radical fields of study.

The University of Missouri should be instructive. (Couldn't have picked a better choice.)

Fen বলেছেন...

In hindsight it would have been better if she had come out guns blazing. No apology. No tears. No victim card. Just an aggressive defense of freedom of expression.

And when I say "better" I mean in a ramming the iceberg head on way. As opposed to the sideswipe, then reverse back into it, then get hung up on it while executing a three point turn kind of way that we just witnessed.

James Graham বলেছেন...

She always impressed me as someone who thought vulgarity itself was funny; no need for wit or humor.

No sweetie, you gotta be funny.

Ask the ghost of Joan Rivers who got it right: if you're funny vulgarity will be acceptable.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Going on a bit. I feel a bit sorry for her. As Adams pointed out, I n the leftist bubble that she inhabits, probably no one told her that she was going too far. Indeed, some may have egged her on. A bit edgy, but not really beyond the pale, in leftiland, where Trump is still seen as illegitimate, and a boor to boot. But an example had to be made, and she was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Trump's base, the Deplorables, are discovering that they have to speak out, to act, to respond to bullying, if they don't want to continue to be bullied, like they have been for quite some time by their supposed social betters on the left. And make no mistake, that is what the left has been doing for quite some time - bullying.

A slight detour on bullying. One of the interesting differences I noted between how my partner was raised and how I was involves this very subject. My father was an attorney, and so, there was always almost an aversion to the use of violence to settle disputes. And when my kid was bullied in school, we went to the (private) school teacher and got bullyproofing training for them, and anti-bullying training for the bully. My partner's father boxed, and taught his sons to do so (and even her a bit, when bullied by her older sister). So, when her oldest brother was jumped by 5 guys from his high school, and ended up overnight in the hospital, her father took him to the houses of the other boys, one by one, told the other father's that they could either fight him, there and now, or let their sons fight a fair fight. Needless to say, her brother beat each of them up, fair and square, but none, despite being black and blue, ended up in the hospital. None of his kids were ever bullied after that. Or jumped 5-1.

And that difference in attitude is maybe part of what Ace was talking about. Things are changing in American politics, and Trump and his election is maybe the catalyst. The white lower middle/working class have long been the shock troops for the Democrats. Probably since the founding of the party a century and a half ago. But a lot of them moved over to the Republican side over the last 40 or so years. Loosing those shock troops on their enemy has always been part of the arsenal at the disposal of Dem politicians. And, up there in Madison, you saw this with the Walker election, and the importing of Dem muscle from Chicago. The Republicans were traditionally like my family - resorting to violence was a sign of working class sympathies (etc). Just was not done. Which meant that Democrats and their shock troops could, and routinely did, bully Republicans, not just physically, but in later years, also, by their supposed moral superiority. But all those Republican leaders who would have said in the past that "Republicans show their moral superiority by turning the other cheek" didn't really support Trump, and some even were Never Trumpers, and, so lost moral authority when he won. Crooked Hillary was beaten by fighting back, and not by appeasing the left. Not accepting their claimed moral authority. It felt good, and isn't going to stop. And, these Trump (former) Democrats know that the best way to survive being bullied is to hit the bully back even harder. And making things worse - the Dems/left are cheating. Trump won, fair and square, by working smarter and a lot harder than his opponent. But they refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of his win, trying by any means available to delegitimize it. Which is a lot like having someone punch you below the belt in a boxing match. Which is when things get nasty. And why few Trump supporters stay up late at night agonizing over the fate of this woman who was pictured with what looked like Trump's bloody head.

Dan Hossley বলেছেন...

Step 4. Monetize your self proclaimed victimhood. Hillary started a PAC so that people could continue to send her money after her "I'm a victim" tour. Griffen should be able to get an HBO series or at least a gig on ESPN.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Barron, barron, barron. Never before in history has so much concern trolling been directed at the fussy, untalented and utterly unremarkable 10-year old princeling of the king.

In 1776 you would have been Tory monarchists. And traitors today.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Barron, barron, barron. Never before in history has so much concern trolling been directed at the fussy, untalented and utterly unremarkable 10-year old princeling of the king.

That's because up to the last twenty years ago, no one was vile enough to go after the president's kids. Congratulations on your achievement.

Hyphenated American বলেছেন...

One simple question to Kathy - would she hire someone who in 2016 posted a photo of himself holding a model of Obama's bloodied head?
Someone needs to ask her that.

Paul Ciotti বলেছেন...

No one is going to arrest Kathy Griffin. They'd have to listen to her complain for two hours while they booked her.

Hyphenated American বলেছেন...

This was clearly "hate speech". We need to ask liberals if they believe Kathy should be prosecuted for her hate speech.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Curious George said...
I hope that dumb ass is looking for her next meal in a dumpster.

How you makin out, George?

WA-mom বলেছেন...

This photo seems about as bad It is Whoopie Goldberg wearing a T shirt showing bullet going through Trump's head with the message "Make America Great Again" https://imgoat.com/uploads/51ce410c12/12353.jpg

Unknown বলেছেন...

I am a victim of Misogyny; this wouldn't happen if they knew I had Bruce Jenner's ballz now , I did nothing wrong, I am blameless, I am a symbol,

northierthanthou বলেছেন...

Certainly not one of her better moments.

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