২১ জুন, ২০১৭

"I don't (want) to fight you publicly but you raised a half of million dollars for Justified Anger and have not reported ONE outcome to the community."

“My first thought when I’m thinking about Justified Anger is, I wonder where all that money went... It’s disheartening to see so much financial backing behind something that I personally cannot see in action."

“We keep our ear to the street. I’ve heard good and bad things about it.... I know there's a lot of people angry at Justified Anger."

Quotes from "Justified criticism? Alex Gee's Justified Anger Coalition works to clarify its purpose" in the Cap Times (the Madison, Wisconsin newspaper).

২০টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Lo and behold. It was all about the money. And the Racist Black Leaders' long time tool for extortion has been a 1-2 punch using white guilt combined with an inborn white fear of a racial uprising that kills them in their sleep. Now that the white guilt has sputtered out, thanks to landslide elections of Obama the Liar, the system turns to doubling down on the Nat Turner Fears theme.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Justified Anger is a scam; just like CAGW and most of the other Dem issues.

BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

Summary: White people are clueless, black people are hopeless, but black hopelessness is justified. White people need to give us money so we can empower more black people to educate white people to give us more money. Only then will we have hope. Otherwise we'll just be talking about these problems years from now.

Richard বলেছেন...

Years ago, during a particularly nasty heat wave in the South--how can you tell?--a woman was filmed weeping that, "We need programs,". They'd been voting for people promising programs for so long that programs became some kind of magic which, as it happened, didn't need to actually work.
Money disappearing here.... Man, I never. I mean, how can this happen? It's unprecedented.

Dave from Minnesota বলেছেন...

I read the Cap Times on line recently and one of their columnists is against the free speech bill. He says that protesters have a right to prevent speakers from coming on campus.

Fen বলেছেন...

We should get in on this to fleece the Trump Derangement crowd.

The Althousian Project! We have super serious evidence of impeachable offenses, captured by our crack team of undercover reporters. But printer ink is expensive. Send just $3 and send a message to those Deplorable Fascists! Trump is going down!

Clyde বলেছেন...

I guess this particular Black Anger Matters group got lost in the general sea of Democrat fury over their losses in November and their continuing series of defeats in special elections ever since. If everyone they know is walking around angry, then they're just more angry faces in the crowd, albeit more chromatically diverse. "I'm black, I'm angry! I'm feminist, I'm angry! I'm immigrant, I'm angry! I'm Democrat, I'm angry!"

I prescribe anger management therapy.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

The article begins with "...a document outlining what it would take to narrow the intense racial disparities in Dane County."

Nothing to clarify or prove the assertion about "racial disparities." Too many motel owners named Patel?

Alla you Crackers clear out and move to the next County. Problem solved.

Bill R বলেছেন...


David বলেছেন...

I liked the part of the article about "clueless whites" trying to get Woke.

“We’re Lutheran. We can organize and plan and run a great food pantry and serve a meal with five types of Jell-O,” he said. “But how well do we know our neighborhoods?”

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

“Where’d the money go?” is a White question. If you think you’re obliged to answer, you’re doing urban politics wrong.

David-2 বলেছেন...

"Justified Anger's product is a process."

I.e., something completely unmeasurable.

IOW, a money sink run for the benefits of those in charge and their friends.

Peter বলেছেন...

"Justified Anger's product is a process." And, any organization that prioritizes process over results one can expect ... more process, and, who really cares about results anyway?

The only thing that's surprising is that anyoneone would just come right out and admit it.

As for the message, all I can hear is "You owe me plenty, I owe you nothing, now when you gonna pay?" And even in Madison that's a hard sell: some may "pay up" when confronted but, few will volunteer and many will just avoid confrontation.

Much as people do when Jehovah Witness missionaries work a neighborhood: it's easiest to just avoid them. It's tough to sell stuff people really don't want.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Fifty-three years after the Civil Rights Act, 152 years after the abolition of slavery, and they're still black -- no wonder they're angry, and justifiably so!

TosaGuy বলেছেন...

There is a lot of profit in non-profit....in this case it is 100%.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

If only they had puppets.

Etienne বলেছেন...

$500 grand is chump change. Hire 5 people and it's gone.

No one wants to work for $50k a year anymore. That's crazy!

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>$500 grand is chump change. Hire 5 people and it's gone.

Or hire yourself at 400K, and leave a bit for travel expenses.

JAORE বলেছেন...

They really need some community organizers.... especially the ones that don't produce those pesky programs.

Justifiably bored, I am.

Etienne বলেছেন...

What I would have done, is take the $500k and charter a plane to North Korea.

Put all the retarded and unproductive people from the city on it, and then tell the North Koreans that they all want to kill their dictator, and that they should be arrested.

Yea... only we don't want them back brain dead. Just keep them.