Said Vladimir Putin reveling in the nothingness of the interview he was giving to the American news star Megyn Kelly in the premiere of the much-hyped show "Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly."
Putin toyed with her for 10 minutes, the show broke for commercial, and after the break it was a new story, some corruption somewhere, perhaps in the drug business, in the manner of "60 Minutes," but with noticeably lower production values. I don't even watch "60 Minutes," so I'm not watching this. I turned it off, complaining about the fuss that had been made out of Megyn Kelly's big interview. It was a ridiculous session of Kelly staring, steely-eyed, at Putin as he delivered stern, emphatic denials. Did she imagine her glamour and steady eye contact would melt him?
Here's Lorraine Ali in the L.A. Times:
The interview, which was teased for weeks on NBC as a must-see exclusive, lasted less than 10 minutes. But that was just about enough time to confirm that she’s still not a great interviewer, and he’s still one of the most deceptive interview subjects around.Fingerprints, hoof prints, horn prints... That's funny.
Short of asking “How many people have you killed with your bare hands, Mr. Putin?,” Kelly did everything she could to get something out of him other than smirks, huffs and “nyets.”...
Clips were played from the event that showed Kelly asking Putin in front of 4,000 guests about Russia’s role in the hacking of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Did Russia hack the U.S. election, she asked, pointing out that U.S. intelligence agencies had found ample evidence, “fingerprints,” that it had meddled.
“What fingerprints, hoof prints, horn prints?,” he answered dismissively. “What are you talking about? … It could come from your home IP address, as if your daughter carried out the attack.”
To make matters worse, Oliver Stone’s “The Putin Interviews,” where the filmmaker spent significantly more time with the Russian leader for a Showtime special, will air over four consecutive nights next week. They even watched “Dr. Strangelove” together.Now, that I will watch. Brilliant.
She'll be on the Billy/Hoda/Kathee Lee shift before long. Happy Winesday!
They puffed and promo'd this crap all week. If Putin had said anything at all newsworthy, it would've been ... on the news.
Steely gaze, indeed.
Helen Reddy as portrayed by NBC, "I am Megan lets hear you snore"
I suspect Putin will have played Oliver Stone every bit as hilariously as he does Kelly in this interview. A lot of American suckers, who take a lot of different forms.
If Beyonce looked like Susan Boyle, we'd have never heard of her. Ditto for Megyn Kelly. Both women have the advantage of looking good in their underwear, which often passes for "talent".
Of course he toyed with her, he's an honors graduate of the KGB. The only way he would have a straight answer is if she water boarded him. And that's iffy.
Ailes would have given Me-again a B+ in Creating a Sensation Out of Nothing. She needed to show some more sexy slinkyness to amp up the Sensation.
After all the Show is all about her. She is the Wonder Woman doing a wonderous interview demanding admissions that The Wonderous War Against Trump Narrative is the last word.
But I bet she can't Tweet worth a damn.
American news star Megyn Kelly
Soft-porn star Megyn Kelly.
I suspect next up for Obgyn Kelly will be Kathy Griffin.
Kelly comes off as a fool with an inflated sense of her own importance while Putin seems to know exactly who he is and what he is about.
I wonder if Putin has watched Dr Strangelove before and, if so, whether the translation conveyed Kubrick's humor
Always keep in mind about the press in the US: what is being presented to you is a consumer product, carefully crafted and promoted by capitalists to get you to watch and to get you to come back next week; all softened in a marinade of constitutionalist "world saving" fourth estate sauce with a topping of selfrighteous but highly selective illumination.
This is rank profiteering of the lowest order. They know and operate on the fact that in our present society controversy and contention drives ratings and thereby profits.
So the bottom line is that these so-called news organizations are people who sow seeds of division and social discontent for money.
It's like the media has been handling domesticated lap dogs for years and have no idea what to do with these semi feral street dogs popping up all over the place. But the semi feral street dog population is a direct result of incompetent owners
Still, interesting that Putin is suddenly doing interviews with Americans. Never seen one before, that I can recall. Glad we have our best and brightest on it.
Watching Charlie Rose interview from 9/15. So maybe no big deal.
"For me, this is just amazing. You created a sensation out of nothing. And out of this sensation, you turned it into a weapon of war against the current president."
"Well, this is, you know, you're just, you people are so creative over there. Good job. Your lives must be boring."
Now poor Mr. Putin has no friends.
GWB doesn't gaze into his eyes anymore.
Mr. Flexibility after the election is waiting for his depositions.
Mrs. Reset Button is buying every bottle of chardonnay for 50 miles with the $30 million he gave her for North American Uranium.
And to top it all off the ingrates are scapegoating him for their idiocy during the election and Trump is committed to $40 a barrel oil.
I would be bitter too.
Putin made his points quite effectively. Putin walked all over Kelly.
I'm confused, do we believe the Russia version of facts or not? Putin trolls the media, asking for evidence...none is offered. (DNC e mails have digital "finger prints" of persons, who, in the past, are assumed, to have, RUSSIAN, connections) The FBI was denied access to the DNC servers, so who exactly is making the claim, with the threat of prison waiting, when the claim turns out to be unsubstantiated'
So we dont believe Russia when they deny involvement.
Kushner meets with Russians in DC, the White House explains, normal diplomatic contact, Russia claims it was all Trump bussiness.
We do believe the Russians on this?
So, which is it?
"For me, this is just amazing. You created a sensation out of nothing. And out of this sensation, you turned it into a weapon of war against the current president."
"Well, this is, you know, you're just, you people are so creative over there. Good job. Your lives must be boring."
Putin is a scumbag, but that statement is absolutely correct.
Sharc said...Watching Charlie Rose interview from 9/15. So maybe no big deal.
More from our "best and brightest" ?
Did Charlie pull anything out of that?
For Kelly's, it would have been more entertaining if Putin had done the interview via satellite, sitting on a horse..shirtless.
I keep waiting for some Russian of importance to say: "If we wanted anyone to win, it would have been Hillary Clinton. Because the Clinton's can be bought."
David Ignatius of WaPo said Megyn Kelly had Putin's number. I must be wrong!
Oh. That's where Megyn Kelly went.
I signed up for a free 7 day Showtime trial--won't extend it, even for Putin.
I thought about it for Imogen Poots, but not for Putin.
A character in one of the shows shares my dear dear relative's name too even, but the show ought to have been mercy murdered long ago. And trans people are NOT morally superior saints we all must flog ourselves for our lack of sympathy or empathy for. They offend me by not celebrating the immaculate virgin but instead base animal instincts. Hell Ray Donovan gives a pre-op a bunch of cash after he/she attempted blackmailing his client, as if he wants him/her dead like so many trannies end up so prematurely after they mutilate themselves with a doctor's hand for a temporary levity. The message don't do drugs but chop your cock off is insane.
Watch Trumped if you want to celebrate 2016 and laugh at the drugged-up bald bully John Heliernman or whatever he goes by, the freak. 7pm election night he says the exit polls show Clinton winning so TV will act like it is close but the pros know Hillary has already won.
Later speechless with a mouth twitching in disbelief. Beautiful!
Kelly will be on the Murder Channel, which is what we call Discovery ID, along with superstars of the past like Deborah Norville and Paula Zahn. Just in case anyone wants to know where they went.
She had a good deal on Fox with Ailes telling her what to do.
Big heads often cause people to capsize.
NSA admitted that software it wrote allowed someone in VA to make it look like they were in Russia. But this software was stolen. So Putin is correct.
Putin puttin' it out there. I can't wait to see DR. Strangelove with him.
Some candidate got in hot water for suggesting Kelly got her job on her looks. Who was that again?
Wait till Putin dishes his view of the Megan Kelly interview— "She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base."
That is collusion.
It's all downhill as in over the hill for the silly and overrated Meygn Kelly.
"Kelly will be on the Murder Channel, which is what we call Discovery ID, along with superstars of the past like Deborah Norville and Paula Zahn. Just in case anyone wants to know where they went.
She had a good deal on Fox with Ailes telling her what to do.
Big heads often cause people to capsize."
Yeah, a large capsize can cause someone to capsize.
Ms. Kelly is certainly easy on the eyes. And, in her early years was reasonably competent as an interviewer. She was prepared and moderately forceful. And, thus, would periodically get some insightful information out there.
As her fame grew she, apparently, began to believe her own press. She became ruder, to the point of belligerence. Worse, she asked questions which clearly demonstrated she had the answer and if you didn't answer the way she wanted, the attack was on. It was if she had to make every interview BIG NEWS!
Lots of pretty women on TV. No thanks Ms. Kelly.
Composure and the ability to stick to talking points is not worthless, but nobody should confuse it with intelligence, let alone wisdom. Your average Russian porn actress, if she speaks English and she probably does, could easily replace Megyn Kelly in any function whatsoever.
"Wait till Putin dishes his view of the Megan Kelly interview— "She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions,. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base."
That is collusion."
Inga is all over it! This time for sure!
We colluded with Russia, England and other countries to defeat Hitler in World War II, Collusion with other countries isn't against the law.
Without FOX News, Megyn Kelly has nothing going for her. Her grandiose dreams were based on self-flattery and nothing more.
Kelly reports to and for only about half the nation -- she's tainted with obvious bias. The MSM's challenge is to find a new star with crossover appeal.
If you don't eat your Megyn, you can't have any Putin.
Your lives must be boring.
Not realizing the volumes that this simple sentence says about the American commentariat (professional or otherwise) is how you got Trump.
It was a ridiculous session of Kelly staring, steely-eyed, at Putin as he delivered stern, emphatic denials. Did she imagine her glamour and steady eye contact would melt him?
One should keep in mind how these so-called face to face interviews are conducted. You may notice that in such situations no camcorders, lights, or sound equipment are visible. So how do we see Megan Kelly's "steely-eyed" glare? Where is the camerman hovering over Putin's shoulder? Where are the lights positioned perfectly to bathe her face in the most flattering glow, and the boom mic operator dangling his dead cat just out of frame? These should be visible behind Putin when we see him in the POV shots and in the wide shots where Kelly and the Russian leader are seen simultaneously. But we don't see those people or that equipment, do we? And we tend to forget about what is invisible. Here's the disappointing truth: we don't see them because they aren't there. Those steely-eyed shots that we assume are what Putin sees are added post-production. So when you see Kelly's stern face as she demands answers like a prosecutor, those are post-production shots. Putin's not there. The question was asked earlier, and probably not in such an inquisitorial manner. And Putin's reply was also recorded earlier. Kelly is repeating the question for the camera, and she gets as many takes as she likes. Was I steely-eyed enough? Did I look like I had the goods on Putin? No? Let's do another take. Other things are done in post-production as well. A clever editor can make an interviewee look stupid or clever, stumped for an answer or johnny-on-the-spot, guilty or innocent, saintly or sinister.
As to Megyn Kelly, Roger Ailes was her champion at FOX News but she betrayed him by opportunistically piling on when he was down.
Never go on any of those shows without your own camera and recording people. Never.
Quaestor said...One should keep in mind how these so-called face to face interviews are conducted. You may notice that in such situations no camcorders, lights, or sound equipment are visible.
There is nothing unusual about the technical setup on this. The angles and framing allow the cameras to be excluded. They are wearing lapel/lavier mics..though there may be booms above as well...would be no "deadcat" on them in an interior shoot. All SOP.
But way to know if this multi-cam shoot was edited in a manipulative way without seeing original footage.
I can't wait to see the ratings for this wretched show. NBC and Megyn deserve each other.
No Body Cares
Nothing But Crap
Putin must be unfamiliar with judicial establishment of the Pro-Choice Church, where babies are deemed viable at our pleasure, disenfranchised Democrats now deceased hide in Clinton's Water Closet, dead Soviets past haunt the hollowed halls of the DNC, and journolists of the Fourth Estate play with their ball of yarns.
It's all possible in the penumbra.
Like a horse swatting flies with his tail. Putin is a strong horse.
Me Again Kelly got treated like a fruit fly. a "broken world" doomed to fail, what's the problem with accelerating it?
"What fingerprints, hoof prints, horn prints?"
He knows he's in the clear. There are no prints. He wiped, them, like with a cloth.
(I heard a deliberate echo there, he's got a good sense of humor I think. It's an acquired taste though, to appreciate humor from someone who poisons his enemies with polonium.)
It would indeed have been funny if Putin referenced/used the infamous cloth wipe bit.
Megan got her job because she's good looking. Glad got his job because he's the toughest guy on the block. What did anybody expect.
Now Vladimir, we always talked about the possibility of something going wrong with the election. The ELECTION Vladimir, the PRESIDENTIAL election. Well now, what happened is, uh, our mainstream media had a sort of - Well, they went a little funny in the head. You know. Just a little funny. And uh, they went and did a silly thing...
V. Putin to M. Kelly:
Look, lady, we Russians know fake news. We grew up on fake news. Thing is, when we put it out we know it is fake. Most of our people do too. When you lot put out fake news you and good share of your people don't know it's fake.
Putin is a bastard, but he's much, much more intelligent than Megyn Kelly.
And he's right about "fingerprints". Most likely the whole thing was made up from whole cloth by Democrats in the deep state, or there's some Romanian hacker laughing his ass off right now.
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