June 5, 2017

A tweet-heavy Monday morning for the President of the United States.

Click to enlarge. Originals here.


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eric said...

The more NeverTrump and the left wing media criticise Trump and his tweets (like morning Joe did recently) the more I want him to keep it up.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Andrew Stuttaford said...

Almost immediately after the terrorist attack in London, Donald Trump took to Twitter, and (as so often) none too wisely. One of his tweets read:

“At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’”

I’m no great fan of London’s mayor Sadiq Khan, but what he had said (my emphasis added) was this:

“Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”

That conveys a rather different message than the president had suggested, and even had it not done, this morning was not the time to be making that sort of point.

Anonymous said...

"The more NeverTrump and the left wing media criticise Trump and his tweets (like morning Joe did recently) the more I want him to keep it up."

I want him to keep it up too.

n.n said...

The British will have to come to terms with the consequences of adopting the Pro-Choice Church's [class] diversity standard that judges people by the "color of their skin".

Anonymous said...

"Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·
The Justice Dept. should ask for an expedited hearing of the watered down Travel Ban before the Supreme Court - & seek much tougher version!"

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·
The Justice Dept. should have stayed with the original Travel Ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted to S.C."

LOL! He's bashing his own Justice Department.

Darrell said...

Real people see Morning Joe and Mika as the asses they are. Trump would not be getting any message out if he had to send it through the Media filter.

James K said...

That conveys a rather different message than the president had suggested

I'd love for someone to try to explain why it's "rather different." It's "Don't be alarmed by seeing this increase in police in response to the rash of terror attacks" versus "Don't be alarmed by this rash of terror attacks." Not exactly night and day.

But I guess only hashtags, candles, and teddy bears are allowed.

traditionalguy said...

I thought I saw a Tweeting President. I did. I did. I saw a Tweeting President.

Go, go, go Donnie go, Donnie B good. Some day you'll be the leader of a Big Old White House.

He has the back beat.

Michael K said...

I wonder how much pressure will be put on Ginsburg to recuse herself from the Muslim "ban" case?

The 4th circuit used Trump's campaign statements to justify ignoring the law. Ginsburg made as many and as inflammatory statements.

Like moving to New Zealand if h was elected.

Richard said...

Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadie Kahn who had to think fast on his "no reason to be alarmed" statement. MSM is working hard to sell it

The CBS morning news on the radio reported the story by saying that Trump was wrong because the London Mayor didn't mean what he said. The MSM not only report the news but they tell you what is true. It is good to see that the MSM have unbiased reporters.

MAJMike said...

Seems like ever since 1914, the West has had a suicide wish. Our Western values are worth protecting and the apologists for the jihadi scum and all who support them deserve no protection from the rest of us.

I'll continue to exercise my concealed carry permit and assist any jihadi to his goal of 75 raisins.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy....

"Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·
People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!"

"....Justice Department lawyers have gone to great lengths to avoid calling it a "travel ban" in court, referring to it as a "temporary pause" or simply "the executive order.""


Brookzene said...

It's one thing to lift up our enemies. But to slap our friends so egregiously? Some terror policy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is something refreshing about a president unafraid of being misunderstood.

exhelodrvr1 said...

If there is no reason to be alarmed, why are they increasing the police presence?

Wince said...

He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear The Donald go tweet tweet tweet

Anonymous said...

The ambassador to London had to smooth things over after Trump tried to pick a fight with the Mayor of London after a terror attack. No wonder Trump is mad, he wants his "yes" people in place.

"Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·
.@foxandfriends Dems are taking forever to approve my people, including Ambassadors. They are nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want approvals."

"The acting U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom praised the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, for his response to this weekend’s terrorist attack, after President Trump criticized Khan on Twitter.

“The response from emergency services, law enforcement and officials in [London] - as well as ordinary Londoners - has been extraordinary,” Ambassador Lewis Lukens wrote."


rcocean said...

What ridiculous is the way in which the MSM will take the tweets and misrepresent them to make Trump look bad.

I've seen them attach the following words, so far, to his tweets: "Rant, Fume, Angry, bizarre, Spiraling into crisis, feud."

All of which are non-factual, biased opinion.

BTW, one thing Trump is doing, is making it clear that the doesn't control the DoJ. Those damn lawyers wanted that weak kneed ban. The SCOTUS will probably like that.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The Left are nailing themselves into the crate of Islamist affinity. Trump is just slapping the shipping label on it.

So utterly freakin' predictable that there's no way the Left aren't insane. No sane person could be stupid enough to blithely walk into such an obvious trap.

Brookzene said...

"There is something refreshing about a president unafraid of being misunderstood."

But something extremely scary about a president incapable of understanding.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

I’m no great fan of London’s mayor Sadiq Khan, but what he had said (my emphasis added) was this:

“Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.”

That conveys a rather different message than the president had suggested, and even had it not done, this morning was not the time to be making that sort of point.


I'm sorry, but I read that as "Everything is now under control... Nothing to see here... go back to sleep and forget there is any terrorism..."

Unknown said...

Brookzene: The Islamic Mayor of London is our friend? His most notable accomplishment to date is to try to put all women in burkhas.

Oh, I forgot: That's one of your ideals; there on the left: more Islamification of the country.

By the way: why aren't any of you leftists on the Portland thread defending the left's violent attacks on police and also on people protesting Sharia law?


Michael K said...

If there is no reason to be alarmed, why are they increasing the police presence?

The British have lost the war. 23,000 jihadists.

Read Belmont Club today.

The British police simply don't have enough men to watch an insurgent army of this size, and have had to cancel famous public events like the Changing of the Guard to release police from duties like crowd security or road closures. "The sad truth about the Government’s decision to deploy up to 5,000 troops on British streets is that it is an admission of failure," wrote Robert Verkaik. In particular, it is a failure to anticipate the threat and to provide enough resources to maintain the required superiority which makes the civilities possible.

There are not enough police to increase the presence,

steve uhr said...

"I'd love for someone to try to explain why it's "rather different." It's "Don't be alarmed by seeing this increase in police in response to the rash of terror attacks" versus "Don't be alarmed by this rash of terror attacks." Not exactly night and day."

How about this -- you should not assume when you see the increased police presence that there has been another terrorist attack.

Regardless, attacking the mayor of a city that was just the victim of a terror attack for perhaps not wording something as well as he could is so fucking lame. Why again is it in our best interest to piss off the citizens of London (not to mention the rest of Europe)?

rcocean said...

Every time Trump tweets his 31 million followers read his statement.

The liberals hate that. Especially the MSM. No filter. Of course, they do filter and spin his tweets for the old fogeys who don't know what Twitter is.

And after every Trump tweet, the #nevertrumpers and Democrats talk about how Trump is hurting his Presidency by Tweeting. Yeah, their concern is touching.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"But something extremely scary about a president incapable of understanding"

Tell us about it!! Just went through that for eight years!!

rcocean said...

Trump is attacking Khan but his real target is bigger, namely the complacent, "what me worry?" SJW, PC driven Establishment that doesn't want to change business as usual.

Trump also needs to get his UK Ambassador approved, since the current acting one is a Obama supporter.

Brookzene said...

"Trump is attacking Khan but his real target is bigger, namely the complacent, "what me worry?" SJW, PC driven Establishment that doesn't want to change business as usual."

So attack that at the appropriate time and place. Don't turn our allies against us to make a point in a context that's wrong.

Comanche Voter said...

Tina Turner once sang about somebody being "funkier than a skeeter's tweeter".

Well The Donald's tweets are funky alright. I'm certain that Inga and A Reasonable Man would like to see Donald's "tweeter" surgically removed,

Part of the defense of the London police "response" to this last terrorist attack was that, "if just 8 minutes after the attack started, the attackers were shot dead."

Well whoopty doo! When you need police protection, it's only 8 minutes away. And in those 8 minutes at least 7 people died (maybe more depending upon how the injured in hospital do) and 60 people were injured.

What is the death toll in England in the last three weeks? Forty plus people murdered by Islamist terrorists? If that's the new normal, it's hard to call it "safe". I've traveled to England frequently over the last 40 years; it was nice when all a bobby carried was a nightstick. It was jarring later when I saw police with machine pistols in Grosvenor Square. The security and safety situation in England is changing--and not for the better.

Brookzene said...

This is exactly the problem with amateur hour in the west wing.

Unknown said...

I shudder to think of what happens when Inga or Brookzene or standard progressive opens their web browser and reads something like "Mass killings in XXXX, shouts of "Allah Akbar" as hundreds flee; dozens dead!"

Their first thought, no doubt, is "Oh poor Muslims! They are in danger of someone saying mean things to them! I need to light a candle to show them that I am not a bigot!" If it's really bad, it might be time to buy a teddy bear.

Nowhere is there a thought for the families of those now dead; for those who should be alive; or a thought about how to protect people against the next Islamic mass murder.

Instead we all get the "Muslims don't kill people nearly as much as climate change, bigots!"

And then they (generic progressives here) wonder why people think they are pro-Islam.


Anonymous said...

Where do these ideas come from? Breitbart? WND? InfoWars?

"The Islamic Mayor of London is our friend? His most notable accomplishment to date is to try to put all women in burkhas."


"Khan, 45, said: “When I was younger you didn’t see people in hijabs and niqabs, not even in Pakistan when I visited my family. In London we got on. People dressed the same. What you see now are people born and raised here who are choosing to wear the jilbab [a loose gown] or niqab.

“There is a question to be asked about what is going on in those homes. What’s insidious is if people are starting to think it is appropriate to treat women differently or that it has been forced on them. What worries me is children being forced to adopt a lifestyle.”

Khan suggested Muslim women should think about whether to wear the niqab, which covers the face, when they interacted with providers of public services. Asked whether women should be allowed to cover their faces, he said: “It’s not for me to tell women what to wear. But I do think that in public service we should be able to see each other’s faces. Eye contact matters. You should be able to see the face.”

He added: “There is no other city in the world where I would want to raise my daughters than London. They have rights, they have protection, the right to wear what they like, think what they like, to meet who they like, to study what they like, more than they would in any other country.”"

John said...

"Why again is it in our best interest to piss off the citizens of London (not to mention the rest of Europe)?"

Just one of those embarrassing conversations we need to have...

George M. Spencer said...

It would be interesting to read how FDR's critics responded to his use of radio in the 1930s or to how JFK and Eisenhower's critics responded to their use of television.

On some level, Trump always wins with Twitter because he bypasses everyone and goes directly to the people who don't care if he misspells a word.

Sally327 said...

At least Hillary Clinton isn't President. It remains a comfort although one that is starting to wear just a trifle thin.

Unknown said...

Inga, you should read up a bit: the very first think this guy did was try to remove all advertisements in the Underground that had women in them. This guy is an Islamist through and through.

So Inga: in your haste to defend having a devout Muslim run a city, do you agree with him? That there is no other city where you would want to raise a daughter, where gangs of Muslims roam with full support of the Mayor?


Kevin said...

That conveys a rather different message than the president had suggested, and even had it not done, this morning was not the time to be making that sort of point.

This is the typical news reaction to every Tweet.

1. The President is wrong.
2. Even if he may be right, the message was ill-timed
3. Therefore the President is unqualified to lead the nation.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Posters here often seem confused as to why the Europeans pay no attention to the US on matters of internal security. This is why. What would be a remarkable event in Europe is an everyday run-of-the-mill mass murder in the US.

Fernandinande said...

Trump: “Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’”

Some guy: I’m no great fan of London’s mayor Sadiq Khan, but what he had said was this:

“There’s no reason to be alarmed.”


mezzrow said...


He's just trolling. I'd like to see more discipline, actually.

That said, this is a guy who sees things we don't see, even if he expresses himself on Twitter and at the dinner table like a twelve year old. Twitter really is the devil in 140 characters. It'll probably work for him, at least in the short term.

Time will tell.

Brookzene said...

"I shudder to think of what happens when Inga or Brookzene or standard progressive opens their web browser and reads something like "Mass killings in XXXX, shouts of "Allah Akbar" as hundreds flee; dozens dead!"

"Their first thought, no doubt, is "Oh poor Muslims! They are in danger of someone saying mean things to them! I need to light a candle to show them that I am not a bigot!"

Where the fuck do you get that? Trump is making us LESS safe from these murderers. Because of him our allies are leery of sharing intelligence with the US. Trump is pushing us into a go-it-alone strategy which can't be to anyone's benefit other than the terrorists.

His executive orders on immigrants have been a joke that have accomplished absolutely nothing other than giving more excuses to radicals and further pushing them into taking action.

Very important intelligence and diplomatic positions remain unfilled, including FBI Director.

Man, at some point you better wake up.

Anonymous said...

Kahn spoke of ads that were "body shaming", not of scantily clad women. Such misinformation campaigns are exactly what the Right relies on for "news".

"...you should read up a bit: the very first think this guy did was try to remove all advertisements in the Underground that had women in them. This guy is an Islamist through and through."

Breitbart, InfoWars, WND.

Sally327 said...

"On some level, Trump always wins with Twitter because he bypasses everyone and goes directly to the people who don't care if he misspells a word."

I don't think this is true. He's not 11 years old turning in sloppy homework. He's got plenty of staff that could review his work. Mostly he could stop tweeting. But if he's going to spend him time offering up these half baked quips, the least he could do is appear literate. Ill-informed but literate at least, that's not too much to ask is it? He was the beneficiary of an elite education, his communication with the world should reflect that.

Anonymous said...

"Where the fuck do you get that?"

His ass.

Unknown said...

Trump wants to revenge on the London Mayor because he called Trump a buffoon during the election campaign. That's all it is.

Problem for Trump is he is POTUS now and being a total dope. C'mon Trumpski's, deep down y'all know Trump is incompetant. Ooops, you can't tell can ya because you watch Fox News and read Breitbart. Never mind, back to normal Trumpski's.

Thorley Winston said...

BTW, one thing Trump is doing, is making it clear that the doesn't control the DoJ. Those damn lawyers wanted that weak kneed ban. The SCOTUS will probably like that.

Then Trump’s a fool. He was a fool for ever saying he wanted a “Muslim ban” and now has to live with his own words being used to attack his own policies in court. He was a fool for not exempting legal resident aliens from the beginning which are already highly vetted. He was a fool for not delaying the implementation of his original executive order for a couple of days so that the people on the ground could figure out how they were to implement it and so that people wouldn’t learn about it when they were already en route. Everything he’s done with the “travel ban” has been a giant fuster cluck since he announced it on the campaign trail. If he manages to win in the Supreme Court, it will be despite not because of everything stupid thing he has said, tweeted or done to undermine his own policy.

James K said...

"Why again is it in our best interest to piss off the citizens of London (not to mention the rest of Europe)?"

And you know what the citizens of London think, and that they all think alike? I guess you infer this from the MSM, or statements by their elites. I bet quite a few of them agree with Trump and aren't too happy with their mayor right now. Ditto for many Europeans who aren't too thrilled by the Muslim invasion.

Fernandinande said...

AReasonableMan said...
What would be a remarkable event in Europe is an everyday run-of-the-mill mass murder in the US.

Funny that remarkable events in Europe occur at the same rate as run-of-the-mill events in the US:

"Using the traditional FBI definition [of mass shootings], the EU and the U.S. each experienced 25 mass shootings during the first seven years of Obama’s presidency (January 2009 to December 2015).

The rate at which people were killed was virtually the same: 0.083 per million people in the EU versus 0.089 per million people in the U.S. But the injury rate in the EU was more than twice as high: 0.19 versus 0.087."

Unknown said...

Where do I get that, Brookzene? From dozens if not hundreds of posts from progressives all over, who are always, always crying about "Muslim backlash!" before the blood even cools. Its the joke about CAIR decrying backlash against Muslims today for tomorrows terror attack.

It's the constant "Islam is peaceful!" Compared to what? It's the constant "One guy in a decade killed people so we need to destroy every confederate flag in history and sandblast monuments and so forth" while "Hate has no home here, only bowed knees and offered necks to any Muslim wandering by!"

Progressives put Muslims first, over anyone else. Even over LGBT people. Heck, after the Pulse nightclub shooting all we heard was one of 2 things: 1) It wasn't Muslim, it was a Christian (even when everyone knew it was a Muslim) and 2) Don't blame the radical Muslim Mosque who was preaching death to gays because Muslims are peaceful!

Every time we have an atrocity, you can bet money that if it's by a Muslim, all we hear are "Don't judge" and "Peace!" If it's not a Muslim, every Christian everywhere is personally blamed by you people. Unless you can blame the Jews.

If it's a black person committing the massacre, it's ignored completely by the left.


Brookzene said...

"Trump wants to revenge on the London Mayor because he called Trump a buffoon during the election campaign. That's all it is."

That's another great excuse for Trump. It's all about him, isn't it? Screw Britain, London, and the victims of the terrorists. If you get a chance to shove your foot into the balls of someone on your shitlist, don't even worry if he's got his hands full dealing with a real-time terror attack.

Unknown said...

Trumpski's put on Fox News, there is Breaking News about Hillary's email server. Apparently, it used electricity generated by solar power. Ah, bet you already feel better now.

The rest of us will continue to focus on reality. Have a good one Trumpski's.

Brookzene said...

"Where do I get that, Brookzene? From dozens if not hundreds of posts from progressives all over, who are always, always crying about "Muslim backlash!" before the blood even cools."

If you want to argue or discuss things with me, you know calling me out by name and all, then argue the things that I say - not crap from other people's posts.

Don't ascribe to me stuff someone else says that I don't co-sign to.

AllenS said...


Unknown said...

Just once, I'd like to hear a progressive attack Islam like they do Christianity. You know, how Christians are bigots who hold to "outmoded" social constructs and are haters for not fully participating in LGBT activities.

Christians are evil because they believe in personal charity, not in government enforced theft and redistribution, etc.

Why don't we hear any progressives bashing Islam for their beliefs?


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

""Trump wants to revenge on the London Mayor because he called Trump a buffoon during the election campaign. That's all it is."

That's another great excuse for Trump. It's all about him, isn't it? Screw Britain, London, and the victims of the terrorists. If you get a chance to shove your foot into the balls of someone on your shitlist, don't even worry if he's got his hands full dealing with a real-time terror attack."

I'm confused. Are we talking about Trump or the Mayor of London? Maybe the Mayor of London shouldn't be trying to influence the US election and taking cheapshots at a US candidate for president. That candidate then just may be president one day.

I wonder if the Mayor of London colluded with the Democrats it any Hillary hangeroner.

Kevin said...

"Trump wants to revenge on the London Mayor because he called Trump a buffoon during the election campaign. That's all it is."

I don't agree. Trump is arguing against the idea that we should all be calm in the face of terrorism, that we should accept that some loss of lives is the acceptable price we pay for multiculturalism, and that we shouldn't up our response because that might make things worse.

The Mayor of London was targeted by Trump's Tweet, because his comments best expressed those sentiments. In addition, he is an elected official in a city where people just died because people holding those sentiments were in charge.

Trump is trying to change the narrative around Islamic terrorism. The Mayor of London was trying to reaffirm it.

Unknown said...

Ok, Brookzene: On Ann's post about the Bridge attack a day or so ago, you posted one thought, paraphrased: "Please let's all unite without criticizing anyone!"

How... anodyne. How bland. How non-critical of Islam and non supportive of the dead and dying. Did you blame Islamic murderers? No. Did you vow revenge on an ideology that delights in murdering women and children? Nope. Did you do anything but plead for your side to not be connected with it? Not really.

The left enabled this attack through unfettered, unvetted immigration of Muslims, and you can't wish cast that away. Instead, you attack everyone who wants to pause immigration to not let more of these people in, and you attack them as bigoted, don't you?


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Fernandinande said...
Funny that remarkable events in Europe occur at the same rate as run-of-the-mill events in the US

The quoted study includes all the terrorist attacks in Europe, essentially equating terrorists in Europe with the everyday population in the US.

readering said...

Interesting response to Travel Ban tweeting. George Conway, who is married to Kellyanne, and was under consideration for Solicitor General and then head of the Civil Division at DOJ, before publicly withdrawing last week, this morning issued his first tweet since 2015: criticizing Trump's Travel Ban tweeting. Right as his wife is on NBC going off on coverage of Trump tweets!

Through the looking glass.

readering said...

Meanwhile, I'm calm in the face of daily risk of workplace mass shooting.

Brookzene said...

"Trump is arguing against the idea that we should all be calm in the face of terrorism, that we should accept that some loss of lives is the acceptable price we pay for multiculturalism, and that we shouldn't up our response because that might make things worse.

The Mayor of London was targeted by Trump's Tweet, because his comments best expressed those sentiments."

You say this even though the context is the mayor was telling Londoners he was upping the response.


Known Unknown said...

"Because of him our allies are leery of sharing intelligence with the US."

That was our beloved media showing crime scene photos from Manchester that caused that reaction, not Trump.

James K said...

essentially equating terrorists in Europe with the everyday population in the US.

Glad you seem to agree that terrorists are different from the occasionally mentally ill murderer in the US--the obvious difference being the Islamist ideology and political motivation of the terrorists. I thought leftists are the ones arguing that there's no difference.

Anonymous said...

Interesting indeed!

"George Conway, who is married to Kellyanne, and was under consideration for Solicitor General and then head of the Civil Division at DOJ, before publicly withdrawing last week, this morning issued his first tweet since 2015: criticizing Trump's Travel Ban tweeting. Right as his wife is on NBC going off on coverage of Trump tweets!"

"George Conway @gtconway3d

These tweets may make some ppl feel better, but they certainly won't help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually matters. Sad."

readering said...

Of course, the Conway withdrawal after months of delay in being nominated is implicit criticism of Trump tweet on executive nominations. There are about 2 dozen nominations working their way through the Senate. Almost 450 positions not yet submitted to Congress.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

James K said...
Glad you seem to agree that terrorists are different

So you are saying the quoted study is bogus BS?

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, I'm calm in the face of daily risk of workplace mass shooting."

While Trump hyperventilates over London, he ignores our own mass killings. Sad.

rcocean said...

"Then Trump’s a fool. He was a fool for ever saying he wanted a “Muslim ban” and now has to live with his own words being used to attack his own policies in court."

I got news for you guy. The District courts and Appeals courts were going to rule against Trump's travel ban NO MATTER WHAT HE SAID. Their opinions were judicial jokes and they decided to rule against it, before they even heard the arguments. Why? Because they are fucking Leftists.

On the SCOTUS, the 4 liberals will vote against Trump, NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS. They vote as a bloc and they vote their politics. The only question is whether Kennedy or the new guy or Roberts will join them.

Brookzene said...

"Ok, Brookzene: On Ann's post about the Bridge attack a day or so ago, you posted one thought, paraphrased: "Please let's all unite without criticizing anyone!" "

You're either intentionally dishonest or just incapable of making a remark that can't even rise to the level of youtube comment section.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

“I don't agree. Trump is arguing against the idea that we should all be calm in the face of terrorism, that we should accept that some loss of lives is the acceptable price we pay for multiculturalism, and that we shouldn't up our response because that might make things worse.”

Yep. The whole “keep calm and carry on” response has been twisted into a celebration of apathy and fatalistic acceptance. The British who endured the German bombings didn’t simply keep a stiff upper lip – they fought back.

rcocean said...

I'm almost certain Kennedy will vote against Trump. This is just the kind of thing he loves. He'll get a big pat on the back from the NYT and WaPo and the liberals will let him write the majority decision.

When he retires, he can go to conferences and everyone will shake his hand and thank him for slapping down that "racist boor" Trump.

James K said...

the context is the mayor was telling Londoners he was upping the response.

Yeah, I'm sure that's very reassuring. Why didn't he "up the response" two months ago after the last attack? Or did he? Or after Manchester? Or after the failed tube bombing last October? I guess this time he really really means it?

rcocean said...

"The British who endured the German bombings didn’t simply keep a stiff upper lip – they fought back."

Its like Patton said, you don't win by dying for your country, you win by making the other guy die for his country.

Fernandinande said...

AReasonableMan said...
The quoted study includes all the terrorist attacks in Europe, essentially equating terrorists in Europe with the everyday population in the US.

So you admit you were wrong about "remarkable" vs "run-of-the-mill" mass shooting events. That's really swell.

Unknown said...

Really, Brookzene? This is what you posted: "This ought to be something that unites all Americans, at least temporarily while we offer our thoughts and prayers to the victims without a lot of acrimony and accusations"

Exactly how did I paraphrase that incorrectly? You argued for the "Candles and teddy bear" approach and pleaded to not have accusations. What accusations did you have in mind? Against whom? The people responsible, like militant Islamists? The enablers of Militant Islam, like the left? Shouldn't Militant Islam be blamed, Brookzene? Or was this another one of those mysterious moments when a knife got up and killed 7 people all by itself, with no human agency behind it?


James K said...

So you are saying the quoted study is bogus BS?

So you are saying that comments like Inga's at 12:43 are BS?

As for the study, if the question is: How likely are you to die from some mass killing? then it's valid. That doesn't mean that killers like Adam Lanza are the same as London jihadis and that the response should be the same.

Brookzene said...

"Really, Brookzene? This is what you posted: 'This ought to be something that unites all Americans, at least temporarily while we offer our thoughts and prayers to the victims without a lot of acrimony and accusations' "

This means AMERICANS need to come together in the immediate aftermath of terrorists attacks. Attack the terrorists, NOT each other. That comment section was a cesspool of alt+right hatred of AMERICANS - not terrorists.

"Exactly how did I paraphrase that incorrectly?" you ask. You "paraphrased" that as:

"Their first thought, no doubt, is "Oh poor Muslims! They are in danger of someone saying mean things to them! I need to light a candle to show them that I am not a bigot!"

Ignorance personified.

Kevin said...

You say this even though the context is the mayor was telling Londoners he was upping the response.


I waited for this. It took 5 minutes.

“Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days,” Khan said. “No reason to be alarmed. One of the things, the police, all of us need to do, is make sure we’re as safe as we possibly can be. I’m reassured that we are one of the safest global cities in the world, if not the safest global city in the world, but we always evolve and review ways to make sure that we remain as safe as we possibly can.”

An increased police presence "today and over the course of the next few days" is not "upping the response". It is police theater as the round up any collaborators. Kahn has no intention of permanently increasing the police presence, and his "no reason to be alarmed" is aimed at people who might take offense or feel discomfort from seeing more police in their neighborhoods.

He might as well have said, "Hey Muslims, although there are going to be cops going around asking questions, they're not going to be a permanent presence in your neighborhood. No reason to be alarmed."

Kahn states that London is already "one of the safest global cities in the world, if not the safest global city in the world", so really they were doing all they could before the latest two attacks in London happened. And of course they will "review" things to be as safe as they can, but there is absolutely no commitment to do anything going forward which permanently ups the response.

I. Read. Just. Fine.

Fernandinande said...

AReasonableMan said...
equating terrorists in Europe with the everyday population in the US.

What could be more "everyday" than working at Kentucky Fried Chicken?

The "remarkable" part is that he actually had a normal job at some point.

Brando said...

Does any non-idiot really believe that the Dems are holding up his appointments? We do all realize that you can't filibuster those appointments, correct?

So as no non-idiot can fall for that excuse, and it is clear that if Trump's appointments are still unfilled it is because (a) he is not submitting them promptly or (b) the GOP is actually holding them up, who then is he speaking to?

Brookzene said...

Anytime you want to badmouth a terrorist I'm good with it. But the President and the alt+right want to slap our allies around. They need an excuse for embracing Putin in full erection mode.

Krumhorn said...

Posters here often seem confused as to why the Europeans pay no attention to the US on matters of internal security. This is why. What would be a remarkable event in Europe is an everyday run-of-the-mill mass murder in the US.

How remarkably obtuse, even for ARM! There is such a fundamental difference between criminal activity and terrorism that it's always a shock when a librul mixes them up. But, of course, the leftie defeat monkeys purposely conflate the two.

Let's be clear. As is so often the case, some or all of the London terrorists were known to the government as a problem. It may be the case that the US had alerted the British authorities to the guy who had earlier appeared in a Jihadist-themed film. I'm reasonably sure that our security forces were not apprised of the possibility that this fired worker would return with weaponry. Although, perhaps we should alert Homeland Security whenever someone gets fired...just in case.

The Europeans have invited this problem on themselves by promiscuously permitting immigration from problematic territories and then permitting the immigrants to isolate into enclaves that fester. It is the leftie judiciary in this country that has decided that we should duplicate this same horror by acting as a legislature to make immigration policy decisions.

And, ARM, you are clearly part of the problem. Imagine if just one of those citizens on the bridge or in a restaurant had a CCP and a Beretta in a pocket or purse. A terrorist receiving return fire quickly changes his plans.

- Krumhorn

Thorley Winston said...

Yep. The whole “keep calm and carry on” response has been twisted into a celebration of apathy and fatalistic acceptance. The British who endured the German bombings didn’t simply keep a stiff upper lip – they fought back.

So did the Londoners this weekend.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Fernandinande said...
So you admit you were wrong about "remarkable" vs "run-of-the-mill" mass shooting events.

No, the mass shootings in the US are generally dismissed as unremarkable, a predictable product of our gun happy society, whereas the terrorist killings in Europe are seen as aberrant, both shocking and a serious problem that has to be dealt with.

The fact that you are comfortable equating terrorists in Europe with regular US citizens is perhaps the most remarkable thing.

Heywood Rice said...

The Mayor of London has announced, "there is no reason". Sit back and let that sink in folks; there is no reason and yet the lunatic left will offer "nuanced interpretations" designed to sound "reasonable". They want you to believe in some arcane, slippery slope contextual concept or another. No! not on our watch, why a child of eight has the common sense to understand what "there is no reason" means. It means "there is no reason".

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Thorley Winston said...
Yep. The whole “keep calm and carry on” response has been twisted into a celebration of apathy and fatalistic acceptance. The British who endured the German bombings didn’t simply keep a stiff upper lip – they fought back. "

Good for them. However, when you have thousands of potential jihadis in your country, throwing chairs and bottles will only go so far.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan and Morroco, are those countries on Trump Travel Ban list? No? So all his furious tweeting about his Travel Ban and the London terror attack was for nothing.

"Police named on Monday two of the three men behind a terror attack in London as Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane, saying Butt was known to security services but there had been no evidence of “attack planning”.

Butt was 27 and a British citizen born in Pakistan, while Redouane was 30 and “claimed to be Moroccan and Libyan”, national counter-terrorism police chief Mark Rowley said in a statement."

Brookzene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brookzene said...

"I waited for this. It took 5 minutes."

It must have been tough.

James K said...

So all his furious tweeting about his Travel Ban and the London terror attack was for nothing.

So your view is that Trump should include more countries in the EO? I agree.

Brookzene said...

"Kahn states that London is already "one of the safest global cities in the world, if not the safest global city in the world", so really they were doing all they could before the latest two attacks in London happened. And of course they will "review" things to be as safe as they can, but there is absolutely no commitment to do anything going forward which permanently ups the response."

So that's it? Because Khan did not say he was permanently increasing the police presence, that's the reason why Trump turned on him in virtually the real-time of the attack and you are signing your approval? That's why we should argue and criticize him on the world stage in front of all our friends and enemies - because he hasn't said anything about permanently increasing the police response? Like he should have figured out London's strategic response and rolled it out within 12-24 hours?

Friends like you guys. America used to stand for some principles beyond vainglorious megalomania.

Sebastian said...

"The British police simply don't have enough men to watch an insurgent army of this size." Neither do the French and the Belgians.

Though Trumps's tweets are right, it's not clear he's right to tweet. But he's saying he's doing everything possible to prevent Muslim carnage here: if any occurs, it's on the courts and the Dems.

rcocean said...

"Does any non-idiot really believe that the Dems are holding up his appointments? We do all realize that you can't filibuster those appointments, correct?"

You don't know how the Senate works do you? The Democrats aren't filibustering the nominees, they are slowing down the confirmation process and refusing to cooperate with the Republicans to get them confirmed. For every nominee and piece of legislation they are demanding delays & the maximum amount of debate time possible.

With a small 52-48 majority, the Democrats only need a couple Republicans to agree to stop everything, so McConnell can't push too hard.

Anonymous said...

"So your view is that Trump should include more countries in the EO? I agree."

Start with Saudi Arabia.

Brookzene said...

"So did the Londoners this weekend."

You bet they did. This shouldn't partisan matter. People should be ashamed for smearing our allies when they just took a kick to the head. Trump should be running over there asking "Where do you want our help?"

Stove in some heads, or bring them intelligence or supply some relief. But DON'T attack London for its response in the first 24 hours, especially.

Brookzene said...

Within 8 minutes they had engaged the terrorists and then killed them. London must know something about responding to terror that Trump doesn't

traditionalguy said...

Look up Scott Adams 101 on persuasion. DJT puts enough of a handle onto the tweets to attract counters to his description of the subject that he wants driven home. In a day or two everybody has repeated that subject Trump wanted highlighted 100 times, thinking they are pointing out a Trump error.

And the Trumpbadger , he don't care. He won either way

Kevin said...

"It must have been tough."

I would use the word "disappointing".

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

America used to stand for some principles beyond vainglorious megalomania.

6/5/17, 1:10 PM

True. But then we elected Bill Clinton and Obama.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Within 8 minutes they had engaged the terrorists and then killed them"

I'm sure that's a comfort to those whose loved ones were murdered.

Kevin said...

So that's it? Because Khan did not say he was permanently increasing the police presence, that's the reason why Trump turned on him in virtually the real-time of the attack and you are signing your approval? That's why we should argue and criticize him on the world stage in front of all our friends and enemies - because he hasn't said anything about permanently increasing the police response? Like he should have figured out London's strategic response and rolled it out within 12-24 hours?

The last attack, which looked exactly like this one but was two bridges over, was on March 22. Nothing was done between then and now because it too was "no reason to be alarmed".

At least Teresa May has upped the response level to "Embarrassing Conversations".

James K said...

"Within 8 minutes they had engaged the terrorists and then killed them. "

8 minutes is an eternity for a attack like this in the heart of the city.

wholelottasplainin said...

Inga said...
Kahn spoke of ads that were "body shaming", not of scantily clad women. Such misinformation campaigns are exactly what the Right relies on for "news".


Ahhhh....so Inga is in favor of government censoring advertising that makes fat people feel bad because they are fat.

Got it.

Anonymous said...

Hard to know what we can do beyond a total sharing of intelligence and trying to finish off isis. we did advise they leave the EC as quickly as possible so they could seal their borders. And for that matter, vet heavily. And the current administration is advising a Swiss and israily approach to the problem, arm every one who completes a mandatory concealed carry arms training and safety where the government provides guns and ammunition and bounty for every idiot killed and life saved. Not hard at all. A fraction of the cost of every event that destroys civil society by making citizens slaves to their fears. including those that are just nightmares calmed by knowing they can protect themselves and their families if needed. Sad state we find ourselves in. Don't want guns. use the rules Britain had when no Bobby carried.

Mr. T. is pissed? Wouldn't you be? Something you could have prevented but were stopped from even attempting to. Heads are going to roll. What would O. or C. have done? Run up the social justice flag. Oh I forgot. Idiots. The party of Bullies. of Stupid Bullies.

Anonymous said...

"Sadiq Khan addressed the vigil just moments ago with a moving message of defiance.

He said: "As Mayor of London I want to send a clear message to the sick and evil terrorists who commit these crimes: we will defeat you you will not win.

As a proud and patriotic British Muslim, I now say this: you do not commit these disgusting acts in my name.

"Your perverse ideology has nothing to do with the true values of Islam and you will never succeed in dividing our city.

"Today we mourn the loss of innocent lives, Londoners and people from around the world, we send our love to the victims families and to all those who were injured and we thank our courageous emergency services and the brave Londoners who risked their lives to save others. You are the best of us.

"Our city is filled with great sorrow and anger tonight but also great resolve and determination because our unity and love for one another will always be stronger than the hate of the extremists.

"This is our city these are our values and this is our way of life. London will never be broken by terrorism we will step up the fight against extremism and we will defeat the terrorists.""


cf said...

Awesome. I watched in alarm and disbelief during the campaign as my hopes for scott walker and Carly fiorIna were squashed by reality. This President is exactly what America 2017 needed.

His speech removing our compliance with the Paris climate straitjacket was an excellent display of refreshingly clear reasoning. I notice @npr etc have been silent in examining it in any way.

These tweets today are Clear, plain-spoken and focused on key fundamentals of governance.

I say hurray for his discipline, discernment and courage to cross the red line rules drawn by his pussy-hat wearing resistors.

Go Mr. TRUMP GO! (The Deep State and their rentseekers can go to hell.)

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

So whatever happened to the police increase / soldiers in the streets that was supposed to be everywhere after the Manchester bombing? Where was all the "heightened" security?

Additionally "Uk counter-terrorism officers secretly recorded an alleged ISIS-inspired terror cell in Barking last month discussing a plan to use a van and a knife in a terrorist attack.

A friend of one of the terrorists claimed he reported the man to authorities, however; law enforcement didn’t arrest the man nor confiscate his passport."


Just what in the hell are these so-called "leaders" doing?!?!?

Unknown said...

Btw Trumpski's, here are some real stats on how safe the USA is:

"Over 300 million firearms in the USA. 13,286 killed and 26,819 injured by guns in 2016 - more than all the rest of the world combined."

Read that last bit again ... "MORE THAN ALL THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED".

You can go back to Fox News now.

Brookzene said...

"I'm sure that's a comfort to those whose loved ones were murdered."

No you callous right-wing moron. It was a comfort to those who WEREN'T murdered. Now GTFOH.

wholelottasplainin said...

AReasonableMan said...
What would be a remarkable event in Europe is an everyday run-of-the-mill mass murder in the US.


Yet these "remarkable" (therefore "rare") events in Europe are prevalent enough to create a 160-page study:


MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Regardless, attacking the mayor of a city that was just the victim of a terror attack for perhaps not wording something as well as he could is so fucking lame. Why again is it in our best interest to piss off the citizens of London (not to mention the rest of Europe)?


How about shaming them into pulling their heads out of their asses and waking up to the existential threat in their midst...?

rhhardin said...

There's three kittens attacking each other in the jungle of weeds in front of the house. You can follow them by weed motion.

It's no wonder the world is filled with violence.

Brookzene said...

"The last attack, which looked exactly like this one but was two bridges over, was on March 22. Nothing was done between then and now because it too was "no reason to be alarmed"."

I'm pretty sure you have no source for saying "nothing was done between then and now" other than pulling that out of your ass.

Especially since in London it took the cops only eight minutes to kill all the savages. But you know, keep on criticizing the Brits from your Trump-like luxury armchair in the basement. It's a real good look for wingers at a time of crisis.

Anonymous said...

"I say hurray for his discipline, discernment...."

Lots of "discernment" in this comment. Sure, Trump's a really disciplined guy...

Unknown said...

Another btw ... Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK has just told Trump to back-off from criticising the London Mayor.

At this rate the only international friends of Trump will be Putin, Erdogan, Duantte, Sisi, the Arab rulers, and a few other tyrants and despots.

Oh, wait a minute. Those are the only international friends Trump has.

What a joke Trump is.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Blogger Brookzene said...
"Trump is attacking Khan but his real target is bigger, namely the complacent, "what me worry?" SJW, PC driven Establishment that doesn't want to change business as usual."

So attack that at the appropriate time and place. Don't turn our allies against us to make a point in a context that's wrong.

6/5/17, 12:02 PM


Khan is not our ally... And if you want to talk about "Amateur Hour", why not target the guy responsible for letting two separate terrorist attacks happen on his watch with a body count of over 40 in just the last few weeks? I'd say the Mayor of London couldn't care less about the safety of the British people and is more concerned about defending Islam than protecting English citizens...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
Another btw ... Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK has just told Trump to back-off from criticising the London Mayor."

Theresa May's response to terrorism is one of the reasons why she is in danger of becoming the former PM of the UK. Unfortunately, her counterpart, Corbyn, who had kind words for the IRA terrorists, will be ever worse.

The UK is led by ciphers.

Unknown said...

BREAKING NEWS: Trump says keeping USA safe is working as John Robert Newmann, Jr. (45) shot and killed 5 people in Orlando before turning the gun on himself.

James K said...

Especially since in London it took the cops only eight minutes to kill all the savages.

Again with the eight minutes. I guarantee you that if this happened midtown Manhattan the police would have been there in under a minute. Eight minutes is a ridiculously slow response for a dense urban area, especially given all the other attacks in the last few months.

Brando said...

"You don't know how the Senate works do you? The Democrats aren't filibustering the nominees, they are slowing down the confirmation process and refusing to cooperate with the Republicans to get them confirmed. For every nominee and piece of legislation they are demanding delays & the maximum amount of debate time possible."

They can demand all they like--it's still up to McConnell to grant what they ask for. ANd while he doesn't want to lose two Republicans, again, that comes down to Republicans in the end--Dems can't do any of this without the GOP's help.

GOP owns what goes on now. The time for excuses based on "Dem obstruction" is over.

ANd is it the Dems' fault we don't have a new FBI chief? Did they somehow keep Trump from naming anyone, even while it was his own decision to fire Comey?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My, my, brookzene, aren’t we testy today?

You’re the one who wants to let more potential terrorists into the West, and I’m the callous one?

"Now GTFOH."

Great debating skills on display there. I'm sure all the other 6th graders in your class are very impressed.

steve uhr said...

90 percent of London police don't carry guns. Probably a policy worthy of reexamination.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

BREAKING NEWS: Trump says keeping USA safe is working as John Robert Newmann, Jr. (45) shot and killed 5 people in Orlando before turning the gun on himself."

Was it a "gun free zone?"

Because that's where all these mass shootings seem to take place.

It's funny how murderous loons never seem to pay much heed to signs and rules.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

"As Mayor of London I want to send a clear message to the sick and evil terrorists who commit these crimes: we will defeat you you will not win."

Wow Trump gets results! After the last attack he said terrorism was just part of living in a big city.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drudge has photos up of the "Mediterranean" men who slaughtered innocents in the name of Islam in London.


wholelottasplainin said...

Read that last bit again ... "MORE THAN ALL THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED".


Ah yes, a "statistic" cited on Twitter w/o a supporting reference by the noted gun violence expert, Joyce Carol Oates.

And yeah, if by "the world" you leave out Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Mexico, Libya, Nigeria, Chad......and if you really think reliable statistics are reported by China and other non-democratic states.

Anonymous said...


Morocco and Pakistan, two countries not on Trump's Travel Ban list.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"The husband of White House aide Kellyanne Conway, who himself was reportedly considered for two administration jobs, wrote Monday that President Donald Trump’s tweets about his travel ban affecting several Muslim-majority countries would make it difficult for the government to defend the ban in court.

George Conway criticized the President’s assertion on Twitter that:"

“The Justice Dept. should have stayed with the original Travel Ban, not the watered down, politically correct version they submitted to S.C.”

“These tweets may make some ppl feel better but they certainly won’t help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually matters. Sad.”

David Baker said...

What's the Court Supreme doing today other than enjoying another 3-hour lunch. I tell you what they're NOT doing today: reinstating the travel ban. Would you like to know why they haven't reinstated the ban? Because they're supreme, and the Executive is not. And whether Americans live or die while they're digesting their favorite, Duck a L'Orange with Sweet Potato Pie - has absolutely nothing to do with it or them. Because shut up.

n.n said...

Obama's elective wars and the left's social justice adventures are first-order forcings of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change (e.g. fascism, terrorism, [class] diversity, mass abortion, immigration reform/refugee crises), which is, to their great misfortune, not limited to the privacy of abortion chambers, and it cannot be denied equal access by journolists.

Eight minutes is a ridiculously slow response for a dense urban area, especially given all the other attacks in the last few months.

This is reminiscent of the failure in Libya, Syria, Somalia, Ukraine, etc. to provide security following elective wars and opening of abortion fields. I wonder what advice and incentives they will offer to British refugees of [class] diversity conflicts. Probably something like "sit down and shut up", this is progress.

Brookzene said...

"Again with the eight minutes. I guarantee you that if this happened midtown Manhattan the police would have been there in under a minute. Eight minutes is a ridiculously slow response for a dense urban area, especially given all the other attacks in the last few months."

Give me a real-world example.

John said...

Brookzene said...

So that's it? Because Khan did not say he was permanently increasing the police presence, that's the reason why Trump turned on him in virtually the real-time of the attack and you are signing your approval? That's why we should argue and criticize him on the world stage in front of all our friends and enemies - because he hasn't said anything about permanently increasing the police response? Like he should have figured out London's strategic response and rolled it out within 12-24 hours?

Where do you get "within 12-24 hours"? id the clock start from this latest attack? Have they not worked on a strategic response prior to this attack or has the red line finally been crossed and now we're going to do something! When we figure it out, we'll let you know. Keep calm. Carry on. Cheers.

I feel better now with the increased presence.

Heywood Rice said...

he's saying he's doing everything possible to prevent Muslim carnage here: if any occurs, it's on the courts and the Dems.

Yes, Trump wants to cover his ass and exploit terrorism for political gain. He's a politician but there's no reason for the rest of us to play along and if we do we're suckers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...


Morocco and Pakistan, two countries not on Trump's Travel Ban list.

6/5/17, 2:02 PM

Pakistan isn't on the Mediterranean, you dolt.

Brookzene said...

"Khan is not our ally..."

Yeah, we know. Trump and the alt+right are pret-ty selective about their allies. Well, there's Putin.

Roy Lofquist said...

"The liberals hate that. Especially the MSM. No filter. Of course, they do filter and spin his tweets for the old fogeys who don't know what Twitter is."

I am an old fogey. I was crawling around inside computers before your daddy was born - they were pretty big in those days. Twitter is an abomination. Between texting and tweeting the language has gone to Hell. Nobody can spell of write a proper sentence anymore. These tweetists or twitters or twits, whatever these frumious creatures call themselves, make about as much sense as a gaggle of giggling girls.

But y'all don't see the obvious. Trump, via his misspellings and fractured syntax, is trolling the twitterverse.

Dr Weevil said...

Your own 1:05pm comment noted that the two terrorists ID'd so far were one "born in Pakistan" and another wo "claimed to be Moroccan and Libyan". Why do you leave out the Libyan part now and pretend that the second one was only Moroccan and nothing else? It's quite obvious to the rest of us: because Libya is one of the six countries on Trump's list. Which means that you're the kind of liar who's contemptible enough to blatantly twist the facts to suit your political position, but too stupid to notice that you've left the evidence of your stupid lies right in your own comments.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Blogger Brookzene said...
Within 8 minutes they had engaged the terrorists and then killed them. London must know something about responding to terror that Trump doesn't

6/5/17, 1:19 PM


After the Manchester bombing, and especially considering that security forces were aware that an attack was coming, there should have been armed soldiers on the streets at all potential target locations...

When I visited the WTC in NYC last November, there are STILL a LOT of soldiers and police walking around with M16's in full display...

Why should current Islamic terrorism be handled any differently than Irish terrorism was 20 years ago?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gee, one day our resident featherhead and geography expert Inga is arguing that Trump’s travel ban is terribly racist and cruel. The next day she screeches that it’s not inclusive enough.

Brookzene said...

Sorry to insult right-wingers wholesale. I know there are many who are not down with Trump, the alt+right or other extremists. I apologize to them, my bad and I'll try to be more careful.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think Trump is getting impatient at the glacial pace of change in The Swamp.

Anonymous said...

Rene Sauce said...

I said...
"Morocco and Pakistan, two countries not on Trump's Travel Ban list."

6/5/17, 2:02 PM

Hexiled said...
"Pakistan isn't on the Mediterranean, you dolt."

You are the dolt Hexiled. I was quoting Rene Sauce when she said they were thought to be Mediterranean early on. I didn't say that Pakistan was on the Mediterranean. You ASSumed that is what I was saying. I was pointing out that those two countries were not on Trump's Travel Ban. You're pretty dense Hexiled.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I'd love to see a poll of libruls asking them which religion they fear and hate the most. I bet Islam would not be #1.

James K said...

Give me a real-world example.

This reports that average response time for "critical calls" in NYC as a whole is 4.6 minutes. That includes outlying residential areas, not just midtown where there are police patrols all over.

Brookzene said...

"After the Manchester bombing, and especially considering that security forces were aware that an attack was coming, there should have been armed soldiers on the streets at all potential target locations..."

I don't disrespect the argument but I think we're going to disagree over what a police state is and whether we really want to live in one in order to get the illusion of perfect or near-perfect security.

Anonymous said...

"The next day she screeches that it’s not inclusive enough."

You really are slow on the uptake Hexiled. I wasn't for a moment saying Trump's Travel Ban "wasn't inclusive enough". I was pointing out sarcastically that his Travel Ban is complete bullshit and not having Saudi Arabia on the list proves it. Who were the majority of the 9/11 terrorists?

Brookzene said...

"This reports that average response time for "critical calls" in NYC as a whole is 4.6 minutes."

I don't think you can compare to response times for the cops on the beat even to "critical calls" with response times to possible ongoing terror events with multiple casualties.

I imagine the Boston bomber brothers really messed with the average times for Boston PD response to critical calls for example. I really doubt that these responses are comparable.

Heywood Rice said...

I'd love to see a poll of libruls asking them which religion they fear and hate the most. I bet Islam would not be #1

Yup, libtards can't even do fear and hate right. ++

Brookzene said...

"This reports that average response time for "critical calls" in NYC as a whole is 4.6 minutes."

On the other hand respect for the argument and the link.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...


Morocco and Pakistan, two countries not on Trump's Travel Ban list."

Nope, Inga, you clearly don't know where Pakistan is. No use trying to cover up your abysmal ignorance now. And as Dr. Weevil noted:

Why do you leave out the Libyan part now and pretend that the second one was only Moroccan and nothing else? It's quite obvious to the rest of us: because Libya is one of the six countries on Trump's list. Which means that you're the kind of liar who's contemptible enough to blatantly twist the facts to suit your political position, but too stupid to notice that you've left the evidence of your stupid lies right in your own comments.

6/5/17, 2:11 PM

" too stupid to notice that you've left the evidence of your stupid lies right in your own comments."

That's an everyday occurrence with Krazy Kat Woman.

chickelit said...

Yes, the Mayor of Londonstan is duly elected. That doesn't mean he wasn't a mistake. He made callous remarks about Islamic terror in the past, and there has been an uptick in Muslim aggression in Britain. He turned out to be more a divider than a healer.

James K said...

Who were the majority of the 9/11 terrorists?

Someone thinks it's useful to fight the last war.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Actually the police response time was way faster than 8 minutes. Within seconds of the attacking beginning the police were on the scene. They were running away with the civilians but they were there.

It took 8 minutes for an ARMED police response.

chickelit said...

"Why don't we hear any progressives bashing Islam for their beliefs?"

Because they've got their butts in the air too, awaiting penetrative incite.

Anonymous said...

Hexiled, all I hear from you is snarl, snort, growl. You no longer make an iota of sense because you are so eager to gotcha! Guess what dummy, you gotchaed yourself. It's not even worth typing out any sort of response to you when you are in your feral dog persona and not a pretty Golden Retriever, more like a mangy bulldog.

Kevin said...

"The last attack, which looked exactly like this one but was two bridges over, was on March 22. Nothing was done between then and now because it too was "no reason to be alarmed"."

I'm pretty sure you have no source for saying "nothing was done between then and now" other than pulling that out of your ass.

I'm pretty sure they did nothing between then and now to prevent an attack happening almost exactly like it within the next 90 days.

Wait, I'm more than pretty sure about that.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Now now. Didn't mama Althouse just lecture us about personal insults. Don't Make her pull this blog over!

Dr Weevil said...

It's especially "not worth typing out any sort of response" when you've been caught redhanded falsifying information. Why did you omit the fact that one of the terrorists is apparently at least partly Libyan, Inga? Why can't you admit that one of them seems to come from a country on Trump's list, when you had clearly stated that neither of them does? Answer the question, please.

Anonymous said...

Inga said...
"Pakistan and Morroco, are those countries on Trump Travel Ban list? No? So all his furious tweeting about his Travel Ban and the London terror attack was for nothing.

"Police named on Monday two of the three men behind a terror attack in London as Khuram Butt and Rachid Redouane, saying Butt was known to security services but there had been no evidence of “attack planning”.

Butt was 27 and a British citizen born in Pakistan, while Redouane was 30 and “claimed to be Moroccan and Libyan”, national counter-terrorism police chief Mark Rowley said in a statement."

6/5/17, 1:05 PM

Kevin said...

Hexiled, all I hear from you is snarl, snort, growl. You no longer make an iota of sense because you are so eager to gotcha! Guess what dummy, you gotchaed yourself. It's not even worth typing out any sort of response to you when you are in your feral dog persona and not a pretty Golden Retriever, more like a mangy bulldog.

Isn't this exactly the kind of personal attack, which fails to reference or respond to anything the original poster said, and caused Althouse to issue a scathing rebuke to the commentariat?

Anonymous said...

Weevil said...
"It's especially "not worth typing out any sort of response" when you've been caught redhanded falsifying information. Why did you omit the fact that one of the terrorists is apparently at least partly Libyan, Inga? Why can't you admit that one of them seems to come from a country on Trump's list, when you had clearly stated that neither of them does? Answer the question, please."

Read the entire thread, you insect.

eric said...

I think Inga makes a solid case that we should expand the travel ban to include more countries.

JAORE said...

"Because of him our allies are leery of sharing intelligence with the US."

Wow! Because of "him" (Trump)!

Talk about twisting the truth 180 degrees The incident you refer to is a LEAKER releasing info from the bombing that the Brits wanted kept quiet. The leaker is likely (like as 99+%) from a holdover from the prior administration or a disgruntled intell guy. I guess you missed all the statements on the need to track down the leakers.

Heywood Rice said...

Why don't we hear any progressives bashing Islam for their beliefs?"

Because they've got their butts in the air too, awaiting penetrative incite.

It's still quite amazing to see the Keyboard Commandos sitting at their computer bashing Islam for their beliefs as though it were accomplishing anything useful.

Anonymous said...

"I think Inga makes a solid case that we should expand the travel ban to include more countries."

Maybe Trump's Travel Ban wouldn't have been such bullshit had he added Saudi Arabia to it, instead of fondling the King's Orb.

Brookzene said...

"I'm pretty sure they did nothing between then and now to prevent an attack happening almost exactly like it within the next 90 days.

Wait, I'm more than pretty sure about that."

You just don't know what you are saying. These are some of the most experienced and skilled people in the world dealing with urban terror. As if they would do nothing for 90 days.

And then you've been told that the police responded (see above post from Bill in Texas) not in eight minutes but within seconds of the attack. And you still want to shit all over the Brits like a good Trumpista.

You need to stop to look at your arguments - which are apparently founded on nothing unless they're just feelings - and ask yourself, why am I arguing this crap? Why do I want to say negative things about our allies without knowing what I'm talking about? Especially when they're hurting. They always stand by us, you know.

cf said...

Re: travel ban not including the saudis. As i understand it, The President focused his order on the 7 countries that have poor-to-none Checks on who is in their country and who is coming and going across their borders, which seems to me a reasonable measure of who we "just say No Travel" to. It is Pretty clear Saudi arabia has a handle on their travelers, and since the President's recent trip, I would venture we have more support in this effort than we ever had from them before.

(Imagine the dull, ineffective malaise we would be in now if the other candidate -- the criminally corrupt, deeply compromised, media-controlling police state candidate -- had gotten her way.)


Dr Weevil said...

I have read the whole thread, more carefully than you wrote your parts of it. I'm referring to your 2:02pm comment which reads, in full:


Morocco and Pakistan, two countries not on Trump's Travel Ban list."

The second line should have read:

"Morocco and Pakistan and Libya, two countries not on Trump's Travel Ban list and a third that is."

You still would have had a pretty strong point - two out of three's not bad - but you just couldn't bring yourself to write a complicated truth when you could write a simple and blatant and easily-proved falsehood and then insult and deny and insult again when called on it, could you? And that's why most of us here think - or rather know - that you're a pathetic hack.

Anonymous said...

"It is Pretty clear Saudi arabia has a handle on their travelers..."

Tell that to the victims and families of 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Insect. I was quoting Rene Sauce. She said "Mediterranean" you dumbass.

eric said...

Blogger Inga said...
"I think Inga makes a solid case that we should expand the travel ban to include more countries."

Maybe Trump's Travel Ban wouldn't have been such bullshit had he added Saudi Arabia to it, instead of fondling the King's Orb.

6/5/17, 2:44 PM

I'm sorta with you on this. I'll take what I can get. But sure, let's add more nations to the ban.

Brookzene said...

"I guess you missed all the statements on the need to track down the leakers."

No, I didn't. They need to get a grip on the leaks. It's frightening. From the deep state and Trump appointees.

But Trump has responsibility here, too. Passing his cell number on to world leaders - "Just call!" Braggadocio shooting-the-shit sessions in the oval office with Russki friends. Allegedly giving locations of nuclear subs to the Philippines.

But you are right our allies aren't just leery of Donald Trump but of the Trump Administration and probably all intelligence and enforcement agencies are suspect until the leakers of Manchester info are identified. That is truly sad.

Dr Weevil said...

Are you playing dumb, or being dumb?
I'm not arguing about the "Mediterranean"! Libya is on the Mediterranean - it's entire coast, unlike Morocco's, is Mediterranean. If you had mentioned Libya, you would have had a stronger case on the whole "Mediterranean" thing, which is unimportant.

What is important is that you are trying to pretend that neither of the terrorists ID'd so far is from a country on Trump's list, when one of them is apparently Libyan, as proved by your own comments, and Libya is on his list.

So who is the dumbass now?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I wonder how Justices Kennedy, Roberts, and Gorsuch will read those tweets.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

""It is Pretty clear Saudi arabia has a handle on their travelers..."

Tell that to the victims and families of 9/11."

Tell that to Jamie Gorelick.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
"It is Pretty clear Saudi arabia has a handle on their travelers..."

Tell that to the victims and families of 9/11.

We were the ones who had no "handle" on the hijackers. Mohammed Atta's visa was renewed 6 months after 9.11.

The "12th hijacker" was caught trying to get into the country which is why the flight 93 passengers were able to overpower them.

Unknown said...

So let's see: Brookzene's idea is "Let in millions of Muslims and then put a police state to keep them down." Or else just buy a stock of teddy bears to put at the site of the daily Muslim attack, right?

The right wing says, "Don't let them in in the first place, then we'd not need to live in a police state."

Racist! Bigot! Hater! How dare you say such things!

The left wants us to either live with a Gestapo or just live with mass murder all the time. Trying to prevent it? Well, that's totally not a fair discussion.


tim maguire said...

Everybody sucks. Trump is right on the facts, the MSM is lying to defend the London mayor and attack Trump. But Trump shouldn't be picking a fight with him right now. What he said is not so bad, not so far from "keep calm and carry on."

Brookzene said...

Vance, here's a clue. If you want an argument with at least a little quality to it, paraphrase your opponents position reasonably - in a way s/he would recognize it. Then go for it, attack!

But if you just want to see if you can out-demagogue me, which you can't, then go ahead and make up crap like you just did:
"So let's see: Brookzene's idea is "Let in millions of Muslims and then put a police state to keep them down." Or else just buy a stock of teddy bears to put at the site of the daily Muslim attack, right?"

Seeing Red said...

Not the time to make the point?

When is the time?

Jaq said...

It's kind of funny that Congress at the time, and POTUS denied that Obamacare was a tax, by the logic of the courts to date on this matter, it should not have been considered a tax. But that was them and animus against Trump trumps all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

cutting thru the leftwing culture of PC bullshit. fine with me.

Jaq said...

with at least a little quality to it, paraphrase your opponents position reasonably - in a way s/he would recognize it. Then go for it, attack!

Maybe it is too hard for you when he skips a step.

Fernandinande said...

AReasonableMan said...

Fernandinande said...So you admit you were wrong about "remarkable" vs "run-of-the-mill" mass shooting events.

No, the mass shootings in the US are generally dismissed as unremarkable, a predictable product of our gun happy society, whereas the terrorist killings in Europe are seen as aberrant, both shocking and a serious problem that has to be dealt with.

Why bleat about people's feelings?

The fact that you are comfortable equating terrorists in Europe with regular US citizens is perhaps the most remarkable thing.

Numbers is numbers and "mass shooting" has a definition.

If you want to talk about something else, talk about something else.

Sorry any confusion, I usually don't read your posts and I hope it won't happen again.

Darrell said...

Lots of cocksuckers on the Left. In retrospect, all of them are.

Earnest Prole said...

I wonder how Justices Kennedy, Roberts, and Gorsuch will read those tweets.

So much winning.

Brookzene said...

"Lots of cocksuckers on the Left. In retrospect, all of them are."

The sure sign of an empty mind. And it doesn't matter which group they saying it about but count on it: thick as a brick.

Jaq said...

ut if you just want to see if you can out-demagogue me, which you can't, then go ahead and make up crap like you just did:

You could explain to him why his paraphrase is wrong by perhaps making a little effort to understand his objection, and then answering it. You seem to be. for immigration not controlled by democratic processes and our laws, maybe you can explain why this perception is wrong? Naah!

n.n said...


Also, don't start elective wars, or, if you do, stand with the people so that survivors are not forced from their homes.

End [class] diversity and other policies that discriminate by "color of skin", including: racism, sexism, congruence, etc.

Identify conflicts of interest in elective wars, social justice adventures, and immigration reform, including: outsourcing/insourcing, social leverage, compensation for dysfunctional policies including abortion rites and corporations including Planned Parenthood, gerrymandered districts (through insourcing and redistributive change), etc. Both businesses and politicians like high-density, subsidized populations. Reducing the unity (e.g. family, community) of native populations is not only icing but also a strategy.

The rise of anti-nativism is a clear and progressive threat not only to native people in the West, but also to native people in the East, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, etc.

Martin said...

He tweets as if the DoJ doesn't report to him, through his AG. Weird.

Brookzene said...

"Maybe it is too hard for you when he skips a step."

Yeah, I recognize you too from the empty wagon noise. Another person out of their element in an argument. Wants to fling pooh when others are reasoning.

n.n said...

The justice are all familiar with progressive liberal judges that receive their instruction from a twilight faith that informs their treatment of the constitution as a living, malleable, negotiable menu.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Fernandinande said...
Numbers is numbers and "mass shooting" has a definition.

So does terrorism, which you decided to ignore.

Darrell said...

The sure sign of an empty mind

Is the hollow sound when you tap your head, Benzene.

Brookzene said...

"Is the hollow sound when you tap your head, Benzene."

Sure, Darrell. You're two for two for having something worth saying or even worth getting pissed about in this thread, guy.

Keep givin' us your best.

Jim at said...

"It's one thing to lift up our enemies. But to slap our friends so egregiously? Some terror policy."

So you didn't like Obama's terror policy, either.
Good for you.

Jaq said...

Yeah, I recognize you too from the empty wagon noise. Another person out of their element in an argument. Wants to fling pooh when others are reasoning.

LOL! I guess "out of their element" means "disagrees with you." I was just pointing out that if you could get past the hostility, a point was being made. But you would rather ignore it so you can continue your name calling and enjoy your dudgeon. Whatevs. If you had any self awareness you might see the irony, but like Aristotle Jr there, you don't.

Kevin said...

I think Inga makes a solid case that we should expand the travel ban to include more countries.

I'm pretty sure once the Supremes rule for Trump the left will switch its meme to "Trump's Travel Ban isn't broad enough and must be expanded or it's a joke".

Irony and hypocrisy have never stopped them before.

Brookzene said...

I wasn't crazy about much of Obama's foreign policy but compared to Trump so far he was a genius. Thank God for Mattis, McMasters, Haley.

Brookzene said...

"You seem to be. for immigration not controlled by democratic processes and our laws,"

Where exactly did you get this? Where? You pulled it right out of your butt, didn't you? And now you want to lecture me.

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