June 5, 2017

A tweet-heavy Monday morning for the President of the United States.

Click to enlarge. Originals here.


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Brookzene said...

"You seem to be. for immigration not controlled by democratic processes and our laws,"

Where exactly did you get this? Where? You pulled it right out of your butt, didn't you? And now you want to lecture me.

tim in vermont said...

Tweet for effect Trump!

tim in vermont said...

Where exactly did you get this? Where?

Enlighten me then.

Brookzene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Trump was democratically elected. His executive order was within the lawful powers of the executive. The courts over-ruled him because Trump.

Brookzene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

You like to take offense more than you like to look for a common understanding. Now you're enlightened.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump goes right over the top of the media. I have made this point before- if he wasn't tweeting himself, his message would get buried. By tweeting it, even if a lot of it seems ham-handed to intellectuals, the media are forced to cover it and the denigration they attempt to heap onto it is ignored by the people Trump is speaking to- in other words, the tweets aren't for Inga's, ARM's, or Brookzene's consumption- it is for every one else that isn't vehemently anti-Trump.

The smarter people in the media and the Democratic Party realize this, but they are apparently very few of those. The idiots think he is "bashing his own DoJ", but what he is really doing is putting public pressure on the DoJ and SCOTUS to deal with this issue ASAP- they can either slow walk the issue, but that now has consequences.

Unknown said...

Brookzene, if you aren't for immigration unfettered by petty things like "Laws" and "Protecting the existing citizenry" have you let your local Democrat party know? They'd love to be expelling you for heresy about now.

Unfettered, unlimited immigration and sanctuary cities where immigrants commit crime with no fear of punishment while actual US citizens have no 1st Amendment rights to disagree with the left is the core political belief of you leftists. Right up there with "I have a right to murder my baby 1 minute before she is born!"

So if you actually disagree with the left on immigration, please enlighten us. If you actually believe that Muslims should be banned from moving here in mass, with no vetting, please tell us. Because that's the left's position: everyone who wants to actually keep out a terrorist is a hater bigot who is unAmerican.

Are you one of us, those bigots who think that maybe Abdul Muhammed Al-go-boom with the "Death to America" in farsi tattooed across his chest and a suitcase full of TNT shouldn't be allowed in? Come join the bigotry crowd and say no to Jihad!


buwaya said...

Posting from Manila - wifi at last, hurrah!
- Trump is right.
- Trump understates his case, if anything.
- Sharia is just a symbol. Even if they got that they would still attack you. Its a handy demand but not a real issue.
- They have Sharia in Marawi. That didnt stop them.
- You absolutely have to prevent a critical mass of Muslims from accumulating.
- The next tactic obviously is insurrections forcing open urban combat. Not in the US news, but Marawi is a mini-Stalingrad, much like Mosul. Heavy casualties (in the hundreds of wounded soldiers, besides dozens dead) and the Philippine Army lacks firepower, and its light vehicles are facing antitank weapons. Trainer aircraft with small bombs and rockets dont suffice against concrete buildings. The PA is substituting courage for firepower, and the local PA Brigade has been decimated, literally. This is actually much worse than Zamboanga four years ago, I didnt think so last week, but perspective is different on this side.
- Thank strict UK gun laws for keeping casualties down, else these characters would indeed be trying a Mosul/Marawi in London.
- From their perspective just carrying out such a manifestation, and tying up enemy forces to such an extent, counts as a victory. They are personally suicidal anyway.

buwaya said...

And, as noted often above, consider whether it is worth the cost of the security forces, surveillance systems and damage to civil liberties to properly supervise a large Muslim community.

On this side the Philippines has inherited the problem (these regions were taken in order to suppress their aggression in the first place), and cant do anything but to try keep the lid on.

But in the US you still have a choice.

tim in vermont said...

They say Trump has a lot of fake twitter followers because they don't have pictures or profiles. Maybe they only setup the accounts to follow Trump directly and don't give a flying fuck about the twitterati.

n.n said...

putting public pressure on the DoJ and SCOTUS to deal with this issue ASAP- they can either slow walk the issue, but that now has consequences.

That's right. Trump is forcing the issue in lieu of the press's abdication from their traditional role. He is also voicing public support for people who may otherwise be pressured to preserve the status quo. Again, because of the abdication of the press's normal role in serving the People (and our Posterity), and, more so, a progressive condition where they serve the special and peculiar interests that are in conflict with American interests.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Yancey Ward said...
they can either slow walk the issue, but that now has consequences.

What would these be exactly, particularly for SCOTUS? If Trump thinks he has problems now wait until he starts trying to strong arm SCOTUS as he did with the FBI.

Trump's tweets reflect his impotence. He is being tuned out by the establishment. The limited power of populism in the US only gets him so far. A more skilled and disciplined politician would have recognized the weakness of his position and acted very differently.

Snark said...

Listening to the mayor's full remarks in context leaves virtually no room for the interpretation that Trump's tweets suggest. Khan was clearly assuring Londoners that an increased police presence should be expected and should not be interpreted as a new or elevated cause for alarm, but as part of the efforts to keep people safe during this time of heightened threat.

Trump's very first tweet on the attack was an attempt to use the tragedy for his own political purpose. Awful. He later either deliberately or by Foxident mischaracterizes Khan's statement, again for his own political purpose. Today, rather than acknowledging an error or just letting it go he doubles down, apparently thinking that "Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the U. K." is best lived by effectively calling, you know, THE TRUTH, a "pathetic excuse" and swatting at the MSM for giving people the facts in context on this issue, which is, you know, their job. All this while the mayor and the city of London are dealing with a terrible event and terrible ongoing challenge. How selfish and morally impoverished do you have to be to leverage an event like this for YOURSELF? As if, at a time like this, the mayor needs to be put in a position to either defend himself from the bullshit of the President of the United States(!) or just let the selfish abuse of the truth echo around unanswered.

This should not be a partisan issue, and it blows my mind that is. Trump utterly lacks any moral core or sense of empathy, and has no interest that is not self interest. Sociopaths get away with self serving lying precisely because they are so conspicuous, aggressive and shameless in their untruths and manipulations that morally normal people are left confused into silence or feeling around for other less shocking explanations. It's not normal, it's not okay, its not 'sticking it to the left', and people pretend it is any of these things at their peril.

buwaya said...

What is Trumps self interest in a Muslim ban?
This seems simply like public spirited prudence.
If anything it has come at a considerable cost to him.

It is a sign of the depravity of the system that the resistance to such an obvious, commonsense policy has been so vicious.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Trump's tweets reflect his impotence. He is being tuned out by the establishment. The limited power of populism in the US only gets him so far. A more skilled and disciplined politician would have recognized the weakness of his position and acted very differently.


Bullshit... A politician would have gone along to get along and been subsumed by the deep-state leviathan, becoming another do-nothing empty suit... The "establishment" is going to do everything in its power to thwart ANYONE who dares challenge their unfettered power... Doesn't matter who... Trump simply has the gall to actually bring the fight to them instead of mouthing platitudes...

Brookzene said...

" If you actually believe that Muslims should be banned from moving here in mass, with no vetting, please tell us."

Nobody believes that. Why the clowning?

n.n said...

The problem for progressives, liberals, and libertarians, too, is that they don't acknowledge the relationships between orientation and expression, between Pro-Choice and abortion. Something radicalized these people, which forced realization of their orientation, and they committed mass abortion. It's embarrassing for the social justice adventurists because it invites scrutiny of their Church, including: Pro-Choice/abortion or elective killing, Pro-Choice/dignity ([class] diversity) that reduces men and women to colorful, interchangeable clumps of cells, and Pro-Choice/war including elective conflicts that force, among other things, refugee crises (i.e. mass emigration) in lieu of support.

Rick.T. said...

rhhardin said...

"There's three kittens attacking each other in the jungle of weeds in front of the house. You can follow them by weed motion."

Completely different subject, but I'd encourage you to trap, neuter, and return them when they get about 8 weeks old if you weren't planning to before.

Michael K said...

I still want to know if Ginsburg will recuse herself.

The 4th Circuit ignored the law and ruled on Trump's campaign rhetoric.

Ginsburg had her own rhetoric during the campaign, like I will move to New Zealand if he wins.

She should recuse herself but may not.

buwaya said...

Ultimately, vetting is irrelevant.

As long as you have such an indigestible subculture embedded inside yours, trouble is inevitable. You can let in just the best and the cleanest, and inevitably they will produce your enemies. And this will happen whether or not their parents or grandparents approve.

This is a painful reality, but it has to be faced.

tim in vermont said...

Nobody believes that. Why the clowning?

You could save a lot of back and forth by simply stating your position on this matter. Probably everybody will just say "Oh, no issue then."

tim in vermont said...

Ever hear of reductio ad absurdem?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
Ginsburg had her own rhetoric during the campaign, like I will move to New Zealand if he wins.

Maybe she just appreciates beautiful scenery.

Brookzene said...

I don't know what the answer to immigration is. I don't believe in prohibiting all Muslims from any particular countr(ies). I believe in the US as a sanctuary for some refugees from the Middle East. As far as I know everyone who would accept refugees from anywhere, let alone the MENA, wants them vetted - I do. I know vetting isn't foolproof. We need to do our best with it and be rigorous. But accept that nothing is foolproof - s*$t will happen. We pay a price for who we are.

Europe has not done a great job with their immigration policies. People smarter than me can figure out better ways to do this. "Keep all of them out," isn't anything I'd support.

There, that's my position because people are asking even though I don't remember commenting on or advocating a policy on immigration here.

Anonymous said...

Buwaya: Nice to see you posting from Manila.

Ultimately, vetting is irrelevant.

As long as you have such an indigestible subculture embedded inside yours, trouble is inevitable. You can let in just the best and the cleanest, and inevitably they will produce your enemies. And this will happen whether or not their parents or grandparents approve.

Yup. Getting Americans to drop their sentimental universalist delusions re immigration and culture may be an impossible task, though.

Anonymous said...


One would like to say that the extreme wrist-flapping tone of your comment @4:50 detracts from any substantive content buried underneath, but one can't, because there isn't any substantive content.

Please save that vapid church-lady emo merde for facebook or tumblr, OK? There are no kitten pictures here to complement it properly.

Amadeus 48 said...

Trump sure has a way with words. He is not helping himself here.
1. Travel ban vs. pause.
2. Already doing extreme vetting.
3. Thinks SCOTUS could give him more than HE ordered.
4. Doesn't recognize that he heads the Executive Branch and therefore the Justice Department. 5. Openly states that courts are political--not a winner right now with Kennedy still there and other Supremes not wanting to appear political after Kennedy is gone. There is a reason you don't say stuff like this even if you believe it.

Amadeus 48 said...

Michael K--She should recuse herself, given what she said, but I predict she won't. She is too sold on her own virtue and won't want to acknowledge a mistake. I doubt she will be the deciding vote. Up until today, I would have said president wins 7-2 or 6-3. Now I don't know. Trump should have let this one bake.

buwaya said...

The reason to state facts, such as the politicization of the courts, is simply to make the facts known, and make the discussion possible. Your courts are hopelessly politicizied.

That is, for now, a worse problem than any number of Muslims.

In the US there are plenty of naked emperors, which so many say are imprudent to notice. Trump notices them, and seems to be hated for that more than anything. People of character should be willing to take such discomfort and argue it openly. Insisting on byzantine circumlocutions is decadent.

buwaya said...

You are covered with infected sores, hidden by all sorts of bandages and plasters. And too many are given to insisting on your clear skin, regardless.

Trump rips off the bandages, or threatens to, thus challenging the amour propre of those who see themselves as responsible for the national condition.

Kevin said...

Up until today, I would have said president wins 7-2 or 6-3. Now I don't know.

The question is whether a candidate's remarks can individually limit the power of the Executive Branch. If so, are there some bills Trump can't veto? Are there some budgets he can't cut? Are there some people he specifically can't fire?

This should be 9-0, no matter the president. 7-2 is a clown show. 6-3 is a disgrace.

Given the state of our Judiciary, it will probably go down 5-4.

buwaya said...

More notes on Marawi, and Mindanao, and Muslims.

- Marawi is actually a university town. Consider it the Berkeley of Mindanao, the home of the largest and best university campus of that region (Mindanao State), serving a population of 22 million. Creating it there was a deliberate policy of the Philippine government, from the 1960s to today, to integrate the Christians and Muslims and create a modern economy in the region. Not a success. The city proper has never stopped being a no-go zone. The graduates flee.

- The cost of the perpetual Muslim unrest is extreme. Even mainly Christian cities near Muslim regions suffer from a chronic lack of commerce, tourism and investment. Zamboanga is, apparently, a lovely place, but as per some old residents, no person with significant assets should visit or reside there out of fear of kidnapping or murder. The islands of the Sulu archipelago, such as Tawi-Tawi, are, I am reliably informed, delightful, if it werent for their sinister reputation.

Michael K said...

"Consider it the Berkeley of Mindanao, the home of the largest and best university campus of that region (Mindanao State), "

One of my surgical partners went to medical school there the first two years, then transferred to UCLA. His wife went with him. That was about 35 years ago.

buwaya said...

The costs of terrorism show up in many ways, many not easily accounted for. Just the uncertainty is costly. In Manila this week the scandal was a casino fire (38 dead) set by a desperate gambler. The very idea that it was terrorism led to fears of national martial law, and corresponding risk of capital flight.

The military and security authorities were quick to deny that it was terrorism, as they are dead-set against martial law.

There are quite a few more Muslims in Manila these days. Every day we go out we see a few women in veils, which is something new.

walter said...

Clearly, it's time to dispatch James Taylor.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Obama cozied-up to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and to the radicals Jew haters of Iran. typical leftist.

walter said...

..and to avoid that pesky droopy vocal mic issue, he could play an instrumental version of "You've got a friend." on his cello..

Unknown said...

All you have to do is consider what would happen if a guy went into the local NAACP chapter with a gun and shot it up while yelling "This is for the Christians!" Do you think we'd get lots of replies from the left and people like Brookzene or Toothless like "We mustn't judge!" Or "Not all Christians are hate filled" Or "Give peace a chance!" Or my favorite: "We may never know what caused this person to go on this rampage!"

Somehow.... yeah, does anyone think we wouldn't see calls for every Christian in the country to be put in the camps?

Meanwhile, today in Australia, a Jihadi took a hostage and literally called into a TV station saying he was doing it for Allah and for Isis.

After the police killed him, the local leftist paper was wondering 'What could have caused this? We may never know!"

That's the left--they never, ever know what causes Islamic terrorism. But all whites or conservatives are to blame right quick if possible! My local paper has a well known leftist right now saying Donald Trump is a traitor because of this England terror attack--apparently, Donald Trump is directly responsible for these guys wielding the knives. It's unhinged leftism, that's what it is.


Alex said...

Brookzene said...
"Trump wants to revenge on the London Mayor because he called Trump a buffoon during the election campaign. That's all it is."

That's another great excuse for Trump. It's all about him, isn't it? Screw Britain, London, and the victims of the terrorists. If you get a chance to shove your foot into the balls of someone on your shitlist, don't even worry if he's got his hands full dealing with a real-time terror attack.

It's not Donald Trump who let millions of Muslims into the UK, let them radicalize 10s of thousands and conduct terror attacks at the current rate of 1/month. Nah, let's blame Donald Trump for the UK murders!

Alex said...

My local paper has a well known leftist right now saying Donald Trump is a traitor because of this England terror attack--apparently, Donald Trump is directly responsible for these guys wielding the knives. It's unhinged leftism, that's what it is.

90% of liberals believe this stuff. The other 9.99% are on the fence about it. 0.01% think that Donald Trump might not be a total scumbag.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

Turn to this video captured during the attack, and you’ll see, or rather hear, what I’m talking about. You’ll see police barge into a pub near London Bridge, shouting at customers to get on the ground. http://vlt.tc/2vhp At the 37 second mark, you’ll hear a man, in the midst of an attack and likely believing his life was in danger, shout “F–king Muslim c–ts!” The man making the video replies, “Shut up mate, you f–king idiot. It’s not Muslims.” He later took to Twitter to follow up. http://vlt.tc/2vj8 “It’s me saying it isn’t the Muslims in that video because it bloody well isn’t. Stop grouping people based on a cult. They aren’t Islamic. It’s f–king lazy and downright racist to label all Islam alongside these scumbags.” So again, keep in mind that as this video is being filmed, people are being stabbed and attacked. The police are running to try and stop them. And in the middle of this attack, this young Brit’s priority is to say “not all Muslims” to those huddled on the floor. A nation of juveniles yelling “that’s racist” on their phones in the midst of a terror attack does not exactly indicate the persistence of the toughened spines that beat the Boche.

Alex said...

Notice how in any Trump post, tons of trolls appear out of the woodwork? I mean I have a pretty good grasp on the regulars and I'm noticing some newcomers on this thread that never have anything to say on Wisconsin politics or other mundane issues. All they care about is bashing Trump & conservatives.

Alex said...

Seeing Red... whatever happened to "I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this Government: "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."...

THAT Britain, when it twas their finest hour.

Seeing Red said...

As always, Rantburg is a great site for these topics.

Bob Loblaw said...

Why don't we hear any progressives bashing Islam for their beliefs?

Because Christians won't saw their heads off.

Michael K said...

"All they care about is bashing Trump & conservatives."

Even some of the old trolls. I've been avoiding these posts once the lefty comments appear. It is just a waste of time to engage them.

tim maguire said...

Kevin said...This should be 9-0, no matter the president. 7-2 is a clown show. 6-3 is a disgrace.

It should be 8-0, with Ginsburg recusing.

chickelit said...

Nowhere is there a thought for the families of those now dead; for those who should be alive; or a thought about how to protect people against the next Islamic mass murder.

Lefties have been that way about crime for a very long time. They always dwell on criminal welfare and forget about victims. Witness the recent bellyaching about having to get criminals (even violent ones) back out on the street and voting. Or the importance of protecting criminals in Sanctuary Cities. Witness the upcoming release of OJ Simpson. The Lefty refrain will be "he's a hero who beat the white man's system." Those on the right will think about the "unsolved" murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I thought the "extreme vetting" was the most interesting part of Trump's tweets. The fact is courts can rule against Trump until the cows come home but he'll still have the power to exclude Muzzies just by slow-walking the vetting. Very, very slow-walking. I'm guessing any Muslims starting the process now will have to be extremely patient. And the more the Left freaks out, the more patient the Muzzies will have to be.

Craig said...

I still want to know if Ginsburg will recuse herself.

The 4th Circuit ignored the law and ruled on Trump's campaign rhetoric.

Ginsburg had her own rhetoric during the campaign, like I will move to New Zealand if he wins.

She should recuse herself but may not.

Your link doesn't say what you claim it says. You should read it again.

Michael K said...

"the Supreme Court justice said her husband, who died in 2010, would have said, “‘Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.’”
“I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president,” she said. “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.”

Your link doesn't say what you claim it says. You should read it again.

Why don't you read it again dope.


eddie willers said...

but what he is really doing is putting public pressure on the DoJ and SCOTUS to deal with this issue ASAP-

It prompted me, at age 65, to write my first letter to my Congressman.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

steve uhr said...
Regardless, attacking the mayor of a city that was just the victim of a terror attack for perhaps not wording something as well as he could is so fucking lame.
6/5/17, 11:55 AM

Says a guy who's been gurgling over "convfefe" for a week. Conveniently, progressives have no standards, principles, or self-awareness, making hypocrisy just another tool in their arsenal.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

AReasonableMan said...
Trump's tweets reflect his impotence. He is being tuned out by the establishment.
6/5/17, 4:43 PM

He is being boycotted, blackballed, and obstructed by The Establishment. The Establishment is boldly open about doing harm to our president and his administration in any way possible because they don't like him. The Establishment media declared publicly that they were abandoning even the pretext of journalistic ethics in order to attack the man before a presidential election. After the election, the major news networks openly plotted to prevent the first woman to ever manage a winning presidential campaign from having a presence or a voice in political discourse. The Establishment is controlled by people who persecute KellyAnne Conway and allow Reality Winner access to classified information. The establishment is an enemy of America. They are not tuned out at all. They set the frequency.

Rusty said...

Michael K said...
"All they care about is bashing Trump & conservatives."

Even some of the old trolls. I've been avoiding these posts once the lefty comments appear. It is just a waste of time to engage them."

It's usually a good bet, after a thread has gone over 200 posts, that the usual suspects have gone all morally outragey and are spouting their usual nonsense. The amusing aspect is they have no morals and the capacity for reason rarely enters the picture.

MPH said...


Fen said...

Inga: "travel ban is joke unless it includes Saudi Arabia"

Nurse Inga: vaccinations are a joke unless they include Measles.

How are you unable to remain consistent re basic principles? Either you were never really a nurse, or your Trump Derangement Syndrome has clouded your judgement.

Anonymous said...

Either you have no reading comprehension, or cannot understand sarcasm. Or you just like to hear the sound of your own voice. I said the Travel Ban is bullshit. I mentioned Saudi Arabia as a way of pointing to the hypocrisy of the Travel Ban in it's entirety, dummy. I did not say the Travel Ban would be a GOOD thing if Saudi Arabia were to be added to it. The Travel Ban is a violation of the Establishment Clause, can you understand this? I don't know why I bother except that you often misstate other's opinions and then other dummies such as yourself run with that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
old trolls.

Speaking of which, when would be a convenient date for you to pick up your Righty Troll Lifetime Achievement Award?

Todd said...

OMG! I can not believe someone not only had this thought in their head but took the time to type it out, review it for errors, and STILL hit the "Publish Your Comment" button!

Brookzene said...

I wasn't crazy about much of Obama's foreign policy but compared to Trump so far he was a genius. Thank God for Mattis, McMasters, Haley.

6/5/17, 3:56 PM

WOW, just wow. Prefers the "give away the farm to our enemies but kick our friends in the balls" foreign policy of 8 years of Obama to the current [what] not even 6 months of Trump.

Do you have NO memory of the last 8 years? A partial stroll down memory lane gives us uranium to Russia, Benghazi and the video, Iran (and pallets of cash), and Arab Spring.

Care to rethink your statement and position?

Birkel said...

@ Leftists

Even the courts, which have largely abandoned principles against Trump's immigration order, do not make an Establishment Clause argument.

Birkel said...


Meaning, the court relied on statements made by Trump to, in the courts mind, show bad faith.
Without that determination - that campaign statements should be used against a facially neutral order exercising presidential power clearly given by Congress to the Executive - there is no application of the Lemon test.

The Establishment Clause analysis is a secondary consideration.

There are quite a few assumptions to get there and most of them are unlikely to hold under SCOTUS.

Craig said...

Michael K, I did read it again. Contrary to your assertion, but consistent with what you quoted, she does not say that she will move if Trump wins. She says that when she imagines what her now-deceased husband would have said had he known, she imagines that he would have said he'd move.

I can distinguish a living woman from a dead man. Can you? Dope.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Craig said...
I can distinguish a living woman from a dead man. Can you?

Apparently not.

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