June 16, 2017

2 years ago today: "Odd plant rum./Lord Mud Pant./Rad mold punt./Damp old runt./Torn lump dad."

That was absolutely all I had to say — provoking the first commenter to ask "Are you doing acid?" My only tag was: "nothing."

What was happening was this:


MayBee said...

Who ever would have guessed we'd actually end up with President Lord Mud Pant

Once written, twice... said...

Trump has no problems with Putin and the rulers of Saudi Arabia, but he is going to put restrictions back on U.S. Citizens visiting and doing business in Cuba. Other countries thank us for giving them a leg up in doing business there. You have to give this to Trump, you can always count on him to be consistently erratic.

chickelit said...

@Althouse: Yes, your first post on Trump as POTUS was bemusement, but your 2nd, 3rd, and maybe 4th ones were Trump-hostile. You went through a process as did most of us.

Ralph L said...

Making my entrance again with my usual flair
Sure of my lines
No one is there
Don't you love farce?
I missed that when it happened.

madAsHell said...

Was the music added to the video?...or captured during the event?

Old Neil, we don't need him around anyway.

madAsHell said...

Trump won my vote when a reporter asked "What happens if you lose?".

Trump didn't gush forth with some practiced talking points word salad, he just said "What a tremendous waste of time this will have been!". The guy understands money.

Rob said...

And it's been downhill ever since.

Fen said...

"Consistently eratic

Last month's talking points, prepping the battle space to justify impeachment with whisper campaign that Trump is mentally unstable.

Please update to the new "obstruction" talking points. Thank you.

Virgil Hilts said...

And we owe it all to John Oliver -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZiI6kVkPXs

Ann Althouse said...

"Yes, your first post on Trump as POTUS was bemusement..."

That was not bemusement. That was such strong contempt that I would not say his name. I felt that he was a buffoon and that it was wrong for him to hog attention when we had serious work to do picking from one of the real candidates.

rcocean said...

The man who saved us from President Hillary and the First "Gentlemen" Bill.

Thank God for Trump.

"He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He'll save with a mighty hand
Every man, every woman
Every child, with a mighty flash"

Fen said...

"Downhill ever since"

Actually no. He's been doing good things, making sigificant progress on many fronts. Of course, the media refuses to report anything but Russia Russia Russia. But he's done an impressive job so far.

And THANK GOD he took us out of the Paris Accord scam. That was a close one.

rcocean said...

I wasn't sold on Trump till the 1st Republican Debate. Then I realized that it was him or one of the 7 dwarfs. And as we know only Snow White could beat the Evil queen.

Fen said...

Of course, I preferred Cruz or Walker, but the MSM put their hand on the scale and forced 24/7 Trump coverage to suck all the oxygen out of the room from the other GOP candidates, to stack the deck for Cunt Hillary, and here we are.

Virgil Hilts said...

Ann, you can avoid saying the name Trump by just calling him "the Donald."
Was trying to figure out why DT chose Keep on Rockin. . as background and then remembered the last four lines: "Got a man of the people / says keep hope alive / Got fuel to burn /
got roads to drive."

rcocean said...

I was shocked as hell that they nominated Trump. I mean the same morons that gave us "The Maverick" or Mitt the dog abuser, or Bob "where's the outrage?" geezer Dole? It didn't seem possible.

And that Trump would win? That too seemed incredible. I never thought in a million years that Michagan, Winsc. or Pennsylvania would go for Trump. I guess things had to get so bad for a lot of working class types that they'd pull the lever for an (R) out of sheer desperation.

Snark said...

"Cunt Hillary"

Stay classy.

Snark said...

"Lord Mud Pant/Rad mold punt/Damp old runt./Torn lump dad."

Trump Rearrangement Syndrome

Yancey Ward said...

Snark wins the thread.

Fen said...

Trump could accidentally nuke NYC and he would still be a better choice than Cunt Hillary.

Hmmm. NYC and LA. Soddom and Gomorrah. Makes you wonder - I bet the rurals praised God for months after for nuking the rot.

Yancey Ward said...

Don't drum, pal!

Fen said...

Snark: "Cunt Hillary. Stay classy"

Your rules not mine. Get used to having them inflicted back at you. And stick your faux outrage up you ass.

tcrosse said...

"Cunt Hillary"

Stay classy.

That feature is the sine qua non of her political career.

Yancey Ward said...

D' 'nad lump rot.

Etienne said...

Interestingly, the Florida electric chair protocol is:

1) The automatic cycle begins with a nominal 2,300 volts, 9.5 amps, for 8 seconds
2) Then it is switched to 1,000 volts, 4 amps for 22 seconds
3) Back to 2,300 volts, 9.5 amps for 8 seconds more

The second stage is to reduce smoke and possible flames.

The last 8 seconds are just to make sure the brain stem is suppressed and the inmate doesn't jerk and flop around the chair, which is common after an execution of any live animal.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

So, Trump not the boyfriend. He's married, with children.

Trump not the mortal god. He's never made allusions to that status, and, fortunately, neither has anyone who resists conflation of logical domains.

Trump the man with feet planted firmly on terra firma, on a mission for the People and our Posterity, Planned and unPlanned.

victoria said...

I don't think anyone would accuse Fen of being classy. That is about as far from the truth as the natural color of Trumpy's face is orange.

And you admonished me for being angry? Nasty? Ha. Your anger and nastiness makes my perceived anger and shame almost nice.

Vicki from Pasadena

Once written, twice... said...

But Ann, then you quickly transitioned into never writing critically about Trump.

What do you think about being a blog where it is the norm to write "cunt Hillary." Can there be civility on your blog when that is the norm? (When I write about your mostly conservative commenters and refer to them as the "Althouse Hillbillies," you would think it was the most offensive thing ever written in your comments.)

Fen said...

LOL. If you had told me 4 years ago that Donald Trump would be our President and our champion fighting the Establishment Party, I would have put out a BOLO for a runaway pysche patient.

But here we are.

1st win was incredible, breaking through the Dems blue firewall. Who would have thought?

But the 2nd win, 7 months of the Left's temper tantrum and ditching the rule of law, was a watershed event. Now we've seen their true colors, now we know what they really are.

Once written, twice... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Once written, twice... said...

Ann, why do you think your conservative commenters are madder than ever even though conservatives control pretty much all the levers of government at all levels?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Are you saying that you had it early and got over it?

robother said...

You will never get the crowd to cry Hosanna until you ride down an escalator with a great piece of .... (or something like that, I'm a bit rusty on my Nietsche).

Fen said...

The ass who routinely uses ethnic slurs and slimes Althouse commenters as racist sexist homophobes is now clutching his pearls over "Cunt Hillary".

Ritmo, take your fake outrage and fake call for civility and shove it.

Fen said...

Bully gets his nose bloodied, runs crying to mama Althouse.

LOL thanks for the entertainment Ritmo. Not boring. For a change.

Snark said...

"What do you think about being a blog where it is the norm to write "cunt Hillary." "

Settle down there. It's not like he said "single payer" or "Cuban holiday" or "background checks". Jeez.

Once written, twice... said...

Ann, you have called for a new civility in your blogs comments. Is that only applicable for the few liberals like myself who comment here? Are you just engaging in (your words) "civility bullsh*t"?

Limited blogger said...

By the time he got to the bottom, I knew he was my guy.

tcrosse said...

Once written is shocked, shocked, but just can't stay away.

Fen said...

Vicki, tell me where it hurts so I can hit you there again for whining about it.

And the hypocrisy. How rank. You have always been a nasty putrid woman here. No wonder you brace at the word "cunt", like a vampire to a cross.

You people have been rude nasty and uncivil for years. Sit down and shut up. You are merely reaping what you have sown.

Once written, twice... said...

Limited blogger -- I don't think Trump has gotten to the bottom yet. He can and will go much much lower.

Etienne said...

I thought Trump was very nice to our Cuban state today.

I think Florida is a much better Cuba than Cuba.

He even had a Cuban playing the National Anthem on a violin.

Not only that, he remembered to put his hand on his heart.

His wife and young son was nowhere to be found. They could have said a few words in Cuban.

Unknown said...

Once, what new civility applicable to the "few liberals?" Toothless went around calling me in particular a Nazi and boasted about how he wanted to stove my face in.

To the cheers of every other leftist here, as I recall. Direct, specific threats. And then he claimed he was the moral, high standing person because Republicans didn't denounce violence; while of course he and the left are a-ok to murder people.

Heck, just yesterday one of you liberals couldn't bring herself to say "Shooting my political opponents in cold blood is wrong." Couldn't do it.

So stuff your sanctimony. Today a Democrat congress critter announced his new hashtag campaign: "Hunt a Republican." Yes, that is the name of his new campaign, released today, after the shootings this week.

Why do you belong to such a bloodthirsty party, Once?


Matt Sablan said...

Stacking the deck for Clinton by pushing Trump is why I say she'd make a great tragic hero figure. Between that and her refusing to campaign in some states, she's got the hubris down.

I didn't think he'd actually run-run. I thought it would be a flash in the pan for some ego boosting.

Well, I was wrong about a lot that cycle.

Drago said...

Once written: "Limited blogger -- I don't think Trump has gotten to the bottom yet. He can and will go much much lower."

And he'll still be standing on the liberals/left heads.

Once written, twice... said...

If after the Special Council investigates Trump's financial ties to the Russians, he finds other financial crimes Trump has committed, we will then hear from conservatives that any laws Trump broke with his businesses before becoming president should be off limits. Never mind what happened to the Clintons with the phony Whitewater and cattle futures issues that conservatives still like to jabber about.

Drago said...

Once written: "But Ann, then you quickly transitioned into never writing critically about Trump."

The hive mind doesn't appreciate contrary voices.

Drago said...

Once written: "If after the Special Council investigates Trump's financial ties to the Russians, he finds other financial crimes Trump has committed,..."

How quickly the new charges come as the old fade away.

Once written, twice... said...

Drago, wasn't that true with the Clintons?

Fen said...

I think that's why the MSM went all in with the fake Russia narrative and destroying the remants of the credibility with all the made up anonymous sources.

Because the morning after the election they looked out and saw angry Leftist mobs with pitchforks.

The MSM promoted Trump to give Hillary an easy road to the White House. Their polling was wrong. Their punditry was wrong. Their analysis was wrong. They were so out of touch with America that they were predicting a Hillary landslide. Worst of all, the MSM blinded their own party with false narratives, to such an extent that Dem daitful were wandering the streets shell-shocked for MONTHS. "How could this happen?!" went the lament.

I think the MSM realized very quickly that unless they gave the irrational lefty mobs a scapegoat to vent their fury on, their own heads would be adorning pikes. Literally.

And so, we got 6 months of Russia nonsense. It went nowhere, the MSM with their inside sourcing knew it would. But it kept the mobs off their doorstep.

Unknown said...

Trump has lawyered up.
Mike Pence (VP) lawyered up today.
Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, announced today he has lawyered up.

Trumpski's: Do you see a pattern? No? Didn't think y'all would. Back to Fox News as they have more highlights about Hillary's emails.

eric said...


We can't prove collusion with the Russians. However, we will use collusion of the Russians to lead us to obstruction of Justice to that non existent collusion with Russia.

But wait! We already realize we can't prove obstruction of Justice to the fake Russia story! Oh noes! Now we have to chase the financial crimes that stemmed from the fake obstruction of Justice which came from the lack of any evidence of collusion with Russia.

They don't understand the fire they are playing with here.

And they won't, until it's too late.

Bob Ellison said...

My parents told me to save really nasty words for when I really need them, so I'm with Once on this. Also, it makes the comments a place not worth visiting.

NPR today was big on Russia-Trump-Collusion-Is-Likely-Real-and-Trump-Shows-It-with-Tweet-about-Witch-Hunt. It's pretty easy to suppose that Trump was correct in his assessment, and that these phishing expeditions are awful.

Matt Sablan said...

Hiring a lawyer. When a Republican does it, sure sign of guilt. Anyone else, reasonable prudence in an age of over prosecution

DanTheMan said...

>>The Calif. Rep. (Pelosi) stood by, laughing, as the state’s Democrat Chairman John Burton raised two middle fingers as he encouraged the crowd at the state convention in Sacramento to chant “F**k Donald Trump.”

We hillbillies are ready for our political civility lecture now.

tcrosse said...

Trump has lawyered up.

He's retained a lawyer, ergo, he's guilty.

Fen said...

"We will then hear that any laws Trump broke before the campaign should be off limits"

As they should be. Don't really care what "crimes" you guys makeup. You keep forgetting, we're playing by your rules now.

"I don't recall". Fine by me.

"No controlling legal authority". Okay cool.

"I regret to inform the committee those hard drives were all lost in a freak canoe accident". Well golly, accidents do happen.

Your rules Ritmo. Deal with it.

eric said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Trump has lawyered up.
Mike Pence (VP) lawyered up today.
Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, announced today he has lawyered up.

Trumpski's: Do you see a pattern? No? Didn't think y'all would. Back to Fox News as they have more highlights about Hillary's emails.

You don't realize Trump isn't Nixon. He isn't going to go quietly.

Lincoln only received 40% of the popular vote.

Try and remove Trump from office with your fake news and your fake crimes. See what happens.

Fen said...

"really nasty words"

Double standard. Trump is a dick, Trump is a prick, Trump is an asshole. But call Hillary a cunt and the whole world loses it's mind? I think not.

Fen said...

In fact, its actually sexist to cringe over one but not the other. Bigotry of low expectations. Man can deal with being insulted by their private parts but women cannot because they have such fragile dispositions?

tcrosse said...

If I read it correctly, Our Hostess wishes us not to direct billingsgate and invective at our fellow commenters, but other public figures are still fair game.
But her blog, her rules.

Unknown said...

Also, Kellyanne Conway lawyered up this morning too.

No smoke without fire.

If Trump and Co. are innocent then just let Mueller continue with investigation and come out the other end smelling of roses. Unless of course, Trump et al are guilty and smelling like poo already.

Bob Ellison said...

Fen, the standard is: don't say such words all the time, because what you say shows how you think, and if you think that way all the time, then you're betraying yourself as just a foulmouth.

It's probably an outdated standard. Rightists do well to live up to their own rules, though. Much tougher to be a leftist, with no rules at all.

Unknown said...

"Try and remove Trump from office with your fake news and your fake crimes. See what happens."

What a moronic statement.

The USA is a law of nations. If Trump & Co. have committed crimes and these crimes can be proven then Trump & Co. will be found guilty and punished accordingly. If Trumpski's don't understand this then one-way flights to Russia are available online.

Bob Ellison said...

Unknown, "moronic" might be overstating.

The story thus far is that Trump+Russia is not a story.

I think you meant "nation of laws", by the way. Could be.

Michael K said...

"If Trumpski's don't understand this then one-way flights to Russia are available online."

There are no crimes and no collusion. If the lefties like you don't understand that, there are one way flights to Cuba where you may be more at home.

campy said...

My parents told me to save really nasty words for when I really need them,

Like when describing Hillary.

eric said...

. If Trump & Co. have committed crimes and these crimes can be proven then Trump & Co. will be found guilty and punished accordingly. If Trumpski's don't understand this then one-way flights to Russia are available online.

If is doing a lot of work up there.

You don't go on a fishing expedition looking for a crime. This is what they are doing with Trump. They'll find something, I'm sure. Unpaid speeding ticket or maybe he stiffed his barber. Whatever it is, they'll be shouting "High crimes!!" From the rooftops. I have no doubt.

But it's not going to end well. Not for any of us.

chickelit said...

What do you think about being a blog where it is the norm to write "cunt Hillary." Can there be civility on your blog when that is the norm? (When I write about your mostly conservative commenters and refer to them as the "Althouse Hillbillies," you would think it was the most offensive thing ever written in your comments.)

That sort of language went mainstream -- in "comedy" circles -- when Palin was the regular target. And Althouse's archives (ca. 2008-10) are filled with any number of nasty comments flung at Palin. The left encouraged it. The Internet never forgets. Ask Andrew Sullivan.

chickelit said...

Unknown gaffed...The USA is a law of nations.

The thinking is bass ackwards with this one.

chickelit said...

Lefty thinking includes the following logic: "We brought down Sarah Palin with mere words; therefore we can do the same to Donald Trump."

Fen said...

"Also somebody else lawyered up"

According to who? Anonymous sources at the NYTs?

chickelit said...

According to who? Anonymous sources at the NYTs?

I'm getting so tired of every story being back (and only backed) by according to an anonymous source. For example, today's Drudge headline story about the baseball shooter having a "hit list" is backed only by "according to an anonymous source." Perhaps I'm just waking up to the news that every story is now backed only by an "anonymous source" and it has always been that way. Or else, there is really an epidemic.

chickelit said...

Perhaps the epidemic of every source being an "anonymous source" is merely a consequence of the paparazzi nature of today's press. Were any source to out themselves, and they'd be feeding seagulls in their driveway for the next week.

chickelit said...

The Press only operates in two modes these days -- paparazzi style or stealth anonymous source style.

Achilles said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Try and remove Trump from office with your fake news and your fake crimes. See what happens.

"What a moronic statement.

The USA is a law of nations. If Trump & Co. have committed crimes and these crimes can be proven then Trump & Co. will be found guilty and punished accordingly. If Trumpski's don't understand this then one-way flights to Russia are available online."

A Hillary voter said this.

You are delusional. Over half the country thinks this "investigation" is treasonous. We will not allow you to affect a Stalinist coup.

Yancey Ward said...

I think there are too many people on the left commenting here who need to acquaint themselves with the principle of probable cause. I will tell you what it isn't- it isn't believing yourself that there is a crime to be found because you read happen to read some article on Vox or The New Yorker.

tcrosse said...

I will tell you what it isn't- it isn't believing yourself that there is a crime to be found because you read happen to read some article on Vox or The New Yorker.

Or believing yourself that there is a crime to be found because you really, really deep down want there to be because Trump is like so super icky.

Achilles said...

Blogger Once written, twice... said...
"Ann, why do you think your conservative commenters are madder than ever even though conservatives control pretty much all the levers of government at all levels?"

Because no matter how thouroughly defeated the democrats are in elections the permanent bureaucracy continues to rule against our will and do the bidding of the donor class. Part of this is Vichy republicans and part of this is a permanent aristocracy embedded in DC.

93% of DC voted for Hillary, of whom cunt is the nicest thing you could say about her. Since that day Trump won the election the people who voted democrat in DC have been trying to overturn the election.

We want DC to change. Trump was a giant FU. With love. You remove Trump we are going to purge D.C.

Trump is the last chance for a peaceful change.

Michael K said...

I agree with Achilles. We have seen how far the angry left will go.

The dope that tried to kill all the GOP Congressmen is just another fool who listens to the Deep State and thinks it is truth.

Like some commenters here.

chickelit said...

We want DC to change. Trump was a giant FU. With love. You remove Trump we are going to purge D.C.

I think a nice engineered housing bubble burst confined to the D.C. metroplex would go a long ways towards this goal. It would be sort of the reverse neutron bomb: people unharmed but their housing value collapses. This could clear the way for real American leadership to move there from all over the nation. It might also benefit Trump: He or family members could scoop up distressed properties.

chickelit said...

D.C. doesn't produce anything of material value, really -- it's all intellectual property of sorts. It's absurd that 8 out 10 of America's wealthiest counties are clustered around D.C.

wild chicken said...

The thought of a Nice GOP establishment prez sounds good about now. Except for the wussiness on immigration.

rcocean said...

."The ass who routinely uses ethnic slurs and slimes Althouse commenters as racist sexist homophobes is now clutching his pearls over "Cunt Hillary".

Anytime you see a "progressive"/liberal women clutching her pearls over profanity or crudity, you just have to laugh.

We all know you left-wing cunts love profanity and crudity. You have no class - at all.

But you do play by Alinksy's rules.

DanTheMan said...

>>The USA is a law of nations. If Trump & Co. have committed crimes and these crimes can be proven then Trump & Co. will be found guilty and punished accordingly.

Oh, I agree. He should face the exact same punishment as Hillary, who actually broke the law.

Achilles said...

chickelit said...

I think a nice engineered housing bubble burst confined to the D.C. metroplex would go a long ways towards this goal. It would be sort of the reverse neutron bomb: people unharmed but their housing value collapses. This could clear the way for real American leadership to move there from all over the nation. It might also benefit Trump: He or family members could scoop up distressed properties.

Term limits on federal jobs. At some point you have to leave and do something productive.

robother said...

The L and I form a marching band "U" if you squint from the stands.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Once written, twice... said...
Ann, why do you think your conservative commenters are madder than ever even though conservatives control pretty much all the levers of government at all levels?"

I told you already, but apparently you like to repeat your questions. Are you brain damaged?

It's because we have to deal with you violent, lying assholes.

Jaq said...

I think Trump won my vote when he took on that heckler from Univision

Anonymous said...

"...why do you think your conservative commenters are madder than ever even though conservatives control pretty much all the levers of government at all levels?"

It can't be easy seeing your President and everyone around him lawyering up.

Fen said...

Can't be easy? You should reconsider your faith in your perception and intelligence.

This is lawfare, not a legitimate investigation. Lawyering up reassures me that Trump and his staff understand this is nothing more than a witch hunt intended to remove or handicap Trump. Because the Sore Losermans refuse to abide by the results of a fair and legal election.

I'm happy they are lawyering up. I hope they use every trick in the book to thwart this attempted coup.

I'm even cool if they go out of bounds to end it.

Fen said...

CNN BREAKING - Mueller motorcade destroyed in errant Hellfire missile exercise. All staff presumed dead.

How unfortunate. Thoughts and prayers. Hashtag Come Together. Hashtag Unity. Pouty sad selfie to show solidarity.

Anonymous said...

"You should reconsider your faith in your perception and intelligence."

I have no worries on that score, you not so much.

Fen said...

How so? You wrongly assumed Trump supporters would find it worrisome that Trump and staff were lawyering up. I easily knocked your silly assumption aside, explaining why we thought it was a wise move.

Your lack of intelligence, perception, critical thinking and analytical skills are demonstrably sub-par. If you had any self-awareness, you wouldn't be so arrogant in your ignorance.

Truth is, your side has nothing, and you know it. That's why you are reduced to feeble attempts to rattle Trump supporters with your nonsense. I guess the only question left is why you think such lame tactics will work on us. Probably because it works on you?

Anonymous said...

"Ann Coulter is furious with President Trump today, and she’s not holding back.

Earlier today, Mediaite took notice of how the conservative commentator launched a brutal tweetstorm, blasting Trump for not making more progress on the border wall and making America great again in general.

Mediaite reached out to Coulter for her expanded thoughts, and received the following reply:

"It was a whole series today! This jackass is really ticking me off. And today…Cuba? F*cking Cuba? If he’d run a campaign promising to do everything he’s done in the last 6 months, he’d never have been elected."

Ann Coulter anti Ttump Tweet Storm

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

since when is hiring a lawyer proof of guilt?

Inga is even more moronic today than usual.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

so Ann Coulter is pissed off. so what? who cares?

Anonymous said...

Oh my.

"Veteran Washington reporters tell me that they have never observed this kind of anxiety, regret, and sense of imminent personal doom among White House staffers—not to this degree, anyway. These troubled aides seem to think that they can help their own standing by turning on those around them—and that by retailing information anonymously they will be able to live with themselves after serving a President who has proved so disconnected from the truth and reality."


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

More gossip masquerading as news. More unnamed sources.

The MSM spoons out its shit to Inga and she swallows iit and begs for more.

Fen said...

Oh my. More unsourced anonymous speculation. Oh my.

It's funny that you think your "stories" mean a damn thing.

You want on for months with Comey related material, just like this, and it turned out to be a big nothing burger. Worse, Comey even testified the linch pin of your narrative, the NYTs story that kicked it all off, was "mostly wrong".

And here are buying Snake Oil New and Improved, thinking it will somehow be different this time around.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Trump, not the boyfriend? Is it because he's ...?

Trump, the male muse.

Freeman Hunt said...

Will it ever stop feeling odd that he is president? You go around, and you're awake, but the tiny part that's aware of who is president seems fast asleep.

"There's a part of me having the strangest dream..."

Darrell said...

Obama always lawyered up on the taxpayers' dime. He'll try and do that for his sedition trial, too, I suppose.

chickelit said...

Freeman Hunt wrote: There's a part of me having the strangest dream...

Was that in reference to this?

Unknown said...

BREAKING NEWS: "Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo has been contacted by FBI in Russia probe and has hired his own attorney, a source confirms."

Way to go Trumpski's.

Unknown said...

BREAKING NEWS: "Trump hires another high-profile lawyer as special counsel probe heats up" (from Politico)

Nothing to see here, move along. Yeah right, Trumpski's.

Grab another bottle of the finest Russian vodka, swig it from the bottle in front of Fox News who won't be covering the real news.

Jaq said...

Nothing to see here, move along. Yeah right, Trumpski's.

So what is there to see? What's the new evidence that has come to light, other than Democrats ratcheting up the pressure out of thin air?

I know, Inga explained it already. He's guilty because "reasons"!

Jaq said...

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

Ha ha ha! Electoral College says!: Trump would be re-elected!

stlcdr said...

"Trump won my vote when a reporter asked "What happens if you lose?".

Trump didn't gush forth with some practiced talking points word salad, he just said "What a tremendous waste of time this will have been!". The guy understands money."

Which is just so normal.

Which is why so many people voted for him. Yes, he's a rich normal (or as normal as one can be in his situation). Or put it this way, we can relate. As much as the hating leftist want to paint him as abnormal, they still don't understand that they are ostracizing well over 50% of the country.

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