May 18, 2017

"With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special councel appointed."

Trump is up and tweeting, replete with misspelling.

You know, "counsel" is a hard word to spell because there's also "council," but Trump came up with "councel," perhaps to preserve the argument that he knows the difference between "counsel" and "council." He only got one letter wrong!

He followed the above-quoted tweet with another one: "This is the greatest single witch hunt of a politician in American history!"


Once written, twice... said...

The Hillbilly King!

Meade said...

Which hunt?

Tank said...

Trump is correct, as usual.

Tank said...

Dennis Prager has been dissecting this witch hunt every day. He refers to it as the left's daily hysteria and/or where there is no smoke, there's fire.

AllenS said...

I agree with what Trump said.

EsoxLucius said...

I give him two weeks before he figures how to quit and call it a win. There's no right and wrong in his dystopian universe, only winning and losing.

Quayle said...

"There's no right and wrong in his dystopian universe, only winning and losing."

And to leftists, "right" is them winning and "wrong" is the other side - the bad guys - winning, and somehow, magically, that is different that of which Trump is accused.

Rob said...

Let's just be glad he didn't use Cockney rhyming slang for "witch hunt."

cf said...

May be badly spelled, nevertheless it is True.

Mike Sylwester said...

We need a special counsel to investigate

* the FBI's "investigation" of the Clinton Family Foundation

* the FBI's "investigation" of Hillary Clinton's e-mail server

* the FBI's "investigation" of the murder of Seth Rich.

These three subjects are inter-related. Let the public be informed fully about what Comey's FBI has done to investigate them.

Matt Sablan said...

Which was a failure of Congress and the administration then. It shouldn't change what we do now.

Except of course that Republicans remember how Democrats weaponized investigations against Scooter Libby, Ted Stevens, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, etc. I don't think there's any clean way for us to investigate Trump without people feeling like the government plays favorites, especially given the fact Obama's administration obstructed justice in obvious ways (like destroying State department records, IRS records, F&F records and firing IGs), while Trump... asked someone to go easy on a guy who just got fired.

Matt Sablan said...

Remember: Obama cited prosecutorial discretion for not pursuing IRS employees who targeted the Tea Party illegally. No one thought of charging anyone with obstruction of justice there.

The bar for obstruction of justice from the President is INCREDIBLY HIGH, unless we reset to pre-Obama rules.

tcrosse said...

Trump's real crime is that he usurped the Throne from its rightful heir. The economic royalists of Silicon Valley, Media, and Wall Street will never forgive.

Chuck said...

The Trumpian misspellings perform one substantive function; they prove that these things emanate from The Donald himself. And so he can be asked about them directly and personally, without any buffers.

Yeah, Senator; the Trump family had a lot of buffers.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He's clumsy and stupid - lock him up! with a cloth...

Mike Sylwester said...

The Intelligence Community is conducting a fishing expedition for any information that might link Russia to any Trump associate.

Now we have a special prosecutor, who will use any such information to broaden his investigation into any area where he might find dirt about Trump.

That's what Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr did. He was supposed to investigate a real-estate deal in Arkansas. Starr used his position as an excuse to investigate President Clinton's sex life.

How did any Republican agree to any special prosecutor to investigate Russia and Trump? The answer to such a proposal should have been NO! NEVER!!

Limited blogger said...

Since Trump is not a politician, who is being hunted?

Brookzene said...

"I give him two weeks before he figures how to quit and call it a win. There's no right and wrong in his dystopian universe, only winning and losing."

This is exactly right. And exactly the wrong personality type for President of the United States.

traditionalguy said...

The Dimms Media gang have a purpose to
Finish off Obama's success at making America a helpless chaos of leaderless rioters.

That is the sine qua non for a World Governance replacing a Nation State ruling in North America.

Hagar said...

Wait and see.
Robert Mueller has a good reputation and may want to keep it that way. Likewise, if this one presently FBI official is promoted to Director, he and the more respectable factions of the Agency, may want to restore the Agency's reputation.

DrSquid said...

Trump is absolutely correct. Doesn't help any, but he's as correct as the day is long.

Clyde said...

Analysis: True.

damikesc said...

He isn't wrong. IRS targets Americans and violates prosecutor.

Hillary runs an illegal email server to avoid people seeing what she did as prosecutor.

Nebulous, illogical, and unverifiable claims of collusion...prosecutor needed.

Clyde said...

And it should be noted that Mueller will have wide latitude in following his investigation of Russia and the 2016 election wherever it may lead. Ask yourself which party has more corruption and more skeletons in its closet. Some people who have been baying for an investigation may not like where it ends up.

Mike Sylwester said...

Hagar at 8:22 AM

Robert Mueller has a good reputation and may want to keep it that way. Likewise, if this one presently FBI official is promoted to Director, he and the more respectable factions of the Agency, may want to restore the Agency's reputation.

They will be able to become historically famous as the two people who deserve the most credit for removing President Trump from office.

tcrosse said...

This is exactly right. And exactly the wrong personality type for President of the United States.

So now we administer the Meyers-Briggs test to Presidential Candidates ? How about checking their astrological sign ?

Bay Area Guy said...

Trump had 29 Million followers on Twitter, so it is a highly effective way for President Trump (I like writing that) to communicate his message to his troops.

There are, of course, limitations. If I were him I would stay away from any comments related to any investigations, and keep it vanilla for the next few months. A good rule of war is: don't give any ammunition to your enemies.

Mike Sylwester said...

Clyde at 8:26 AM

Ask yourself which party has more corruption and more skeletons in its closet. Some people who have been baying for an investigation may not like where it ends up.

The only purpose of appointing a special prosecutor is to remove President Trump from office.

Brookzene said...

"So now we administer the Meyers-Briggs test to Presidential Candidates ? "

If you needed a Myers-Briggs test to see what tub of character-less guts Trump is then you should be embarrassed.

chickelit said...

tcrosse said...
Trump's real crime is that he usurped the Throne from its rightful heir.

She is a witch, and yet DC voted for her, overwhelmingly. I appreciate Trump's feminizing the whole persecution, as it originates with her.

Brando said...

So Ann is in full Trumpist mode, now trying to find some hidden brilliance in his misspellings? Can't we just say he sends off his tweets without checking them first, and will inevitably misspell from time to time?

It's like Ann wants to be for Trump what Sullivan was for Obama.

Michael K said...

"And exactly the wrong personality type for President of the United States."

Yes, honest men have no place in DC.

chickelit said...

I don't believe that Mueller will fulfill the role of "Special Persecutor."

BTW, how is the impeach Trump polling going? Any early results?

Brookzene said...

"Yes, honest men have no place in DC."

Honest! The guy lies every single day. About everything and nothing. You see and hear with your own eyes and ears and you still say, "Trump is honest."


Unknown said...

Guess what Trumpski's?

No Wall
No Obamacare repeal which means No tax cuts for the rich which I'm sure you're really unhappy about.
No trade deals

Trumpski's get nothing except days, weeks, months and years of pain. Drip, drip, drip until Trump drowns.

320Busdriver said...

"BTW, how is the impeach Trump polling going? Any early results?"

Yesterday I saw that 98% of msnbc's respondents said Trump was guilty of Obstruction.
That channel is a hoot to watch lately.

buwaya said...

"dystopian universe"?
Geez. You clearly have no clue here.
This is what you get without a solid grounding in Science Fiction and Fantasy literature. You simply have not begun to stretch your mind into the expanse of nightmare.
Start with the Inferno and proceed to Lovecraft.

Brando said...

"No Wall"

Never expected there'd be one--maybe extension of existing fencing, but that's it.

"No Obamacare repeal which means No tax cuts for the rich which I'm sure you're really unhappy about."

That was pretty ridiculous. But I'd rather them do nothing than pass a complete mess like they've proposed.

"No trade deals"

Actually glad to see that. I'm guessing Trump's Wall Street advisers have had some sway on that.

Frankly, if Trump was able to just lock himself in a closet and shut the hell up for a while, he'd be much more popular--economy is humming along and he hasn't yet gotten us into any dumb wars. Most of this disarray is self-inflicted.

Etienne said...

I think people who tweet, should be kicked in the head by Turkish body guards.

I think it's a Hollywood thing. Trump is more Hollywood, than real. Even the wife he was issued is like a hood ornament.

But, I say that as a peasant. I'm not one to lick their pictures like most people who buy People magazine.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Remember: Obama cited prosecutorial discretion for not pursuing IRS employees who targeted the Tea Party illegally. No one thought of charging anyone with obstruction of justice there.

The bar for obstruction of justice from the President is INCREDIBLY HIGH, unless we reset to pre-Obama rules."

Just as I pointed out in the previous thread this morning. Prosecutorial discretion is based on the allocation of scarce resources by those investigating and prosecuting crimes. Those resources here essentially belong to the President, and are his to allocate any way he sees fit.

If there were evidence of actual crimes having been committed, as there were from Fast and Furious, through Lois Lerner and Crooked Hillary's various enterprises and scandals, you could potentially argue a breach of trust and abuse of discretion in not adequately investigating (esp when they are as flagrant as Clinton's were). But that argument can't really be made with a straight face here, after a year of investigation and no evidence yet of a single crime having been committed by anyone associated with Trump (and ignoring all the crimes committed by the routine leaking of classified information on the other side).

tcrosse said...

Sorry, kids, but none of this is going to make Hillary president. Ever.

John henry said...

Here's another possibility:

President Trump knows the difference between council and counsel but he misspells on purpose.

Watch penn and Teller explain how magic works sometime. Especially the part about creating a diversion with one hand while the other one is appearing or disappearing the object.

Perhaps this is what President Trump is doing. He keeps everyone all jacked up about "Aww.. the dumb shit, doesn't even know how to spell counsel. Haw, Haw, Haw"

While he goes about doing things that nobody notices. Like repealing Obamacare while pretending to support a replacement. If nothing is done, Obamacare is dead in 6-12 months. Essentially repealed and we can get back to business.

All the while President trump can say "I really, really, really tried to fix Obamacare but the obstructionist Demmies and some repos would not let me. Sorry about that."

If he tried to get a bill specifically repealing Obamacare, it would never happen. While we are mocking his spelling, he is getting it done by doing nothing. Nobody is talking about Ryancare or Obamacare light.

John Henry

buwaya said...

And, to put it bluntly, Trump is your last chance, even for those of you who hate him. Or perhaps especially for those who hate him. Some of you lot comment here just for the laughs, but for heavens sake, in your copious free time, pay some actual attention to the world around you.

Stage 2 is waiting in the wings, and it is not something I want to wait for. I'm off travelling next month, looking for retirement locations, and not least arranging for hedging away from US assets.

Unknown said...

Hey Trumpski's

Checkout the latest TIME magazine cover ... it is a hoot. The POTUS' Red House.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

The Time magazine cover will be a big hoot for the 5 people who actually buy it.

Brookzene said...

"President Trump knows the difference between council and counsel but he misspells on purpose."

I'm not one to spend any time snarking about Trump's misspellings, but this is CLASSIC Trump-supporter psychosis.

It's funny when you're trying to justify his misspellings, but very dark when the same "logic" is used to justify his mess of a presidency.

Snark said...

It's three dimensional chess spelling. He wants to telegraph that he knows the correct choice is counsel, but brilliantly sidesteps the subliminal message that he is trying to sel you something by typing cel, which naturally invokes a terrorist cell, which reminds us of why we desperately need him in office. It's bloody genius. All while distracting an elite, witchhunting media by appearing to be a self-immolating sociopath with zero control of his impulses and zero ability to take the councel of anybody with useful experience and better instincts. I stand in awe of the master!

rcocean said...

Gotta agree with Trump. He's not being investigated for what he did as POTUS, but for his campaign - which is unheard of.

Not only that, no one has named the crime he supposedly committed while campaigning.

Its an witch hunt in the truest sense of the word.

Bruce Hayden said...

Corporate tax reform is incredibly important. I would probably be fine with, say, limiting the 15% tax to income above, say, $100 million, but those aren't the companies creating most of the new jobs, and aren't the ones paying the top marginal rate of 39% right now. Almost 2/5 of the income for relatively small companies goes to pay the federal corporate income tax. That is in addition to those companies also paying payroll taxes and state income taxes (sometimes almost 10%), and then federal and state income taxes on whatever is left and distributed as dividends. Why is unemployment so high? One of the big reasons is that federal and state governments are often taking over half the money needed to expand and hire new employees off the top. Really big companies can ship a lot of stuff overseas, preventing this. Not the small and medium sized businesses who would otherwise be the best job creators.

Brookzene said...

"Stage 2 is waiting in the wings"

Climate change, North Korea, alt+Right, cyber wars.

You aren't whistling Dixie. The idea that TRUMP is our last chance is foolish. This is actually TRUMP'S last chance.

rcocean said...

I'm getting less and less interested in reading liberal comments. Just insults toward Trump and lot of bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories. The NYT and Wapo just have non-stop anti-trump "news" articles 24/7. All directed at the Republican weenies in congress who don't want to fight for anything except Tax cuts for the rich and open borders.

Rule or Ruin. Robert Riech laid out their strategy on youtube. They want to stage a coup - and we shouldn't let them.

rcocean said...

"Corporate tax reform is incredibly important"

Really? Was that Trump main talking point on the campaign? Is that what got him elected? IRC, it was the wall, bad trade deals, and stopping open borders.

Nobody cares about "Corporate tax reform" except the well-to-do who will get $$$ out of it.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Witch hunts directed at American politicians:
I don't think Clinton should have been impeached over Monica. On the other hand, I'm not so sure it was totally unfair. Times were changing, workplace harassment was more of an issue. Clinton was a bit too clever in responding to a deposition.
Nixon played hardball, he sometimes lost at hardball, and then he brought about his own destruction. No witch hunt.
Andrew Johnson may be plausibly said to have been the victim of a witch hunt. He was and is blamed for blowing Reconstruction, but this would have been hard for anyone. This Johnson didn't help his cause by showing up drunk at Lincoln's second inaugural, Johnson's first as VP. Lincoln delivered one of the great speeches in the English language, Johnson not so much.
Jimmy Carter was the victim of what we now call memes: that he was weak, looking for excuses for bad people, always an amateur. The mainstream media was biased to the liberal side, but they piled on when they sensed weakness, and helped get Reagan elected.

buwaya said...

Trumps tweets are essential.
Its his way to the public past the gatekeepers of the media, the TV and cable news and anything else with a broad audience, and this includes the likes of Fox and the radio pundits.
You may not like how he does it, but its become clear that for any Republican or conservative there are no other options. The media will not permit an unfiltered message to pass through them, nor is there any friendly alternative with a broad reach.

Both Bush and, moreso, Romney, suffered from an inability to communicate through the filters, many of which they imposed on themselves. Part of this was because they and their advisers were unable to comprehend how that world had changed. They assumed the professional and ideological nature and controlling interests of the MSM was something out of the 1970's-80's. It isn't.

The thing about Twitter is that it is a voluntary subscription, and voluntary repetition in other media. One must win an audience. A Mitt Romney Twitter would have been useless, because it would have been dull. Trump established this personally by attracting enough attention to attract a huge audience, and he keeps their attention. No doubt his enemies would like him to shut up because they would then regain their information monopoly.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The New Yorker has also made that spelling mistake.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

tcrosse said...
Trump's real crime is that he usurped the Throne from its rightful heir. The economic royalists of Silicon Valley, Media, and Wall Street will never forgive.

This is all you need to know to understand what is happening. Trump is a threat to the establishment's grip on power and the economy. He must be destroyed as a warning to anyone else.

Support Trump or support the .1%

EsoxLucius said...

Leftists know that what's being done to Seth Rich's family is wrong. Rod Wheeler, who last appeared on Fox to talk about the hundreds of lesbian gangs roaming the country recruiting children as young as ten, has said that he has no such evidence tying WikiLeaks to Seth. Anyone on this board who repeats rumor like this should take a long look in the mirror.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is bad spelling an impeachable offense?

Lucien said...

Trump's tweet makes it sound like it wasn't his administration that decided to hire a special counsel (not prosecutor).

Brookzene said...

"Is bad spelling an impeachable offense?"

Yeah, that's what this is about. Either that or you're so up to your neck in right-wing ideology you can't see straight.

buwaya said...

Stage 2 will not be a genial, mildly eccentric billionaire entertainer with a sense of humor.

There is a rage out there that will break through, is breaking through, and its going to be looking for victims.

The boiler has a failed operating control, and pressure is beyond operating limits. Trump is your pressure relief valve, or high limit control. If you are smart enough to get the analogy, you know whats coming if you disable THAT.

Michael K said...

Trump is your last chance, even for those of you who hate him.

Yes, and they have no clue. The nasty leftists are getting more aggressive as they think Trump is being badly wounded by this cold civil war.

Nobody cares about "Corporate tax reform" except the well-to-do who will get $$$ out of it.

And, of course, those who work for them and need a job. Jeeez !

You may not like how he does it, but its become clear that for any Republican or conservative there are no other options. The media will not permit an unfiltered message to pass through them, nor is there any friendly alternative with a broad reach.

I agree and Fox News seems to be lost with the Murdoch kids heading back to the fourth generation coolie rule.

I had kind of hoped Ailes had a new plan but that goes down with him.

The signal - noise ratio in this blog comments is getting pretty low.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Nobody cares about "Corporate tax reform" except the well-to-do who will get $$$ out of it."

They should. Best way to create jobs. Not for the big businesses, but, rather for small and medium sized businesses that are currently, actually, paying at a higher corporate tax rate than IBM, GM, Google, etc pay at (and at a mich higher rate than these big companies actually pay at). These small and medium sized companies are the real job creators in this country. Governments can't create jobs(except by getting out of the way), and, indeed, ultimately reduce employment when they increase their share of GDP. And big companies create jobs where they can do so most profitably in the world, which is often not here. If you want more employment in this country, you should be backing corporate tax cuts for small and medium sized businesses. You should care.

Once written, twice... said...

The asshole just corrected his spelling on this tweet. What a buffoon.

rcocean said...

"Trumps tweets are essential."

Exactly, which is why the MSM is constantly attacking him for tweeting. They'd love for him to stop. Of course, this AM, I'm reading MSM articles entitled "Trump says X" and have to read 2 paragraphs before they mention its all based on 2 Trump tweets.

They could just print the two tweets, but then they couldn't "interpret" them.

madAsHell said...

Is bad spelling an impeachable offense?

Only if you speak Austrian.

rcocean said...

If you want more employment in this country, you should be backing corporate tax cuts for small and medium sized businesses. You should care.

I'm extremely skeptical that we get a lot of jobs for the dollars in tax revenue that is lost. Apple and Google for example, have large corporate profits and very few (relatively speaking) employees and many of them are overseas or H-1Bs. The same is true of Facebook.

rcocean said...

Maybe its different with "small corporations" - but you'd have to show me why the extra dollars won't just go to the owners and stock holders. Just because net profits go up, that doesn't mean the company necessarily plows it back into the company and creates new jobs.

Rusty said...

"The boiler has a failed operating control, and pressure is beyond operating limits. Trump is your pressure relief valve, or high limit control. If you are smart enough to get the analogy, you know whats coming if you disable THAT."

They don't. The left wants violent confrontation, thinking they'll prevail. With the internet the days of provoking a fight and then claiming victim are over. There are just too many cameras that are always on out there.
The left didn't take the hint withg the TEA Party. Those were their moms and dads. Those were the middle class stalwarts. The people who what makes things work. Who know how to get things done. The left really doen't want to provoke these people. Their patience has limits too.

buwaya said...

It doesnt have to be reinvested by the owners of any existing business. This sort of thing has many effects. For one thing it changes the risk-reward calculation for others looking to start or expand a business.
Retained profits are also more likely to be available to finance another small business, very likely for a relative.
You have to think broadly.

MountainMan said...

Camille Paglia

buwaya said...

Google and Apple and etc. make their money mainly through market position and returns on intellectual property.
These people will not invest in anything real, they dont need to.
But they are not the bulk of the US economy.

Chuck said...

"This is the greatest single witch hunt of a politician in American history!"

Is Trump referring to the Special Counsel appointment? Does Trump think that Mueller will be conducting a "witch hunt"? The entire congressional leadership and the vast majority of both parties would disagree, if that is what Trump intended. (Which might be the signal to Trump supporters, that Trump is giving them exactly what they want.)

I expect that Spicer will try to weasel out of that one; saying that Trump was referring to the general media campaign against him. (And that Trump supporters won't then be able to say that Trump is seriously pushing back on official Washington.)

But once again, here is Trump making a point in a way that is so imprecise, it allows different interpretations. Trump can't get away with that anymore. It's why his whole presidency has been such a precipitous downhill course. Trump says something, or Tweets something, as President, he's gonna get questions about what exactly he meant. And there are consequences to whatever the answers are.

Kirk Parker said...

Michael K.,

"The signal - noise ratio in this blog comments is getting pretty low."

Think of it via the If The Flack Is Increasing, You're Over The Target principle--I just mostly skip over Ritmo and ARM and the new(?)comers, but I do the volume of their bleats.

Bruce Hayden said...

Maybe one way of looking at this is to ask whether that greedy small businessman or the altruistic government employee is more like to create new jobs with the money being sent to government in taxes. And, the answer is clearly the greedy small businessman. The vaunted Keynesian Multiplier is not 4 or 5, as claimed by Nancy Pelosi, but has repeatedly been shown empirically to be less than one. Governments cannot, by direct action, create net jobs. Just doesn't happen long term. Best way of thinking of government is as friction in the economic engine. They don't create anything, just take a slice off the top, and redirect resources to less economic alternatives.

And note that I stipulated up front that big businesses aren't the ones creating most of the jobs here, and any corporate tax cuts would be best directed at small and medium businesses, so mentioning Google and Apple is misdirection and ignores my premise.

eric said...

I'm seeing a lot of very angry people on my Twitter and several #nevertrumpers who are so full of themselves they dont see what's coming.

narciso said...

some perspective on the matter!P4Y93OFIfoLpfe6MmYGZpQ/

Brookzene said...

"He may be impeached. But the wall has been built. Mexico has paid in full. A complex legacy."

Bad Lieutenant said...


Republicans can't get away with that ever, though Democrats always can.


You actually have a valid point but not as you mean it. The Obama and Clinton people are always allowed to get away with mushy non-responses, because collusion, but for "your" side, it's either drill in, or just plain misrepresent.

Paul from Decatur, GA said...

I nominate "councel" as Word of the Year.

Brookzene said...

"People are saying I’m the greatest US president since Caligula. But my genius is needed in the world of business. It’s time for me to go"

Richard Dawkins

readering said...

What time will he tweet in Asia and Europe?

Bruce Hayden said...

Trump isn't going to be impeached. Sure, there are maybe enough Republicans in the House who might conceivably vote with all the Democrats, but if they did, they might as well switch parties, because they would lose any chance at top committee membership in the present, and likely lose such in the present. And the House leadership would lose their jobs if it ever got to the House floor. This hanky pansy is starting to really piss of the Republican base, which is why any Republican in the House supporting impeachment is DOA. Or, at least their political career is DOA.

Meade said...

Speaking of Counsell, Craig, last night in San Diego the Crew moved into 1st place in their tough division.

Hum, baby, hum

Bay Area Guy said...

A quick reminder to our hysterical, hyperventilating friends on the Left re impeachment.

Impeachment: Needs a House Majority vote.

Removal, after Impeachment: Needs a 2/3 vote in the Senate.

In 2018, the GOP could lose the House, but likely won't lose the Senate. Too many Dem seats are up, not enough GOP seats.

Bottom line: Trump could possibly impeached, if and only if, the GOP loses the House, but likely won't get removed by the Senate.

So, Trump will run in 2020.

The goal of the Dems, at least the ones who aren't brain dead, must see this, and know that impeachment is improbable. So, why stoke the fears? Pure politics. Destabilize, create chaos, fear, uncertainty, cross fingers, try to win elections.

It's all about Dems trying to win elections.

Let's not lose sight of this.

readering said...

People must be telling him that privately. But he shouldn't let the world know he believes it. Or maybe he thinks everything involving him is the biggest ever.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Unknown said...

Guess what Trumpski's?

Justice Gorsuch.

*drops mic*

Michael K said...

Pure politics. Destabilize, create chaos, fear, uncertainty, cross fingers, try to win elections.

It's all about Dems trying to win elections.

Let's not lose sight of this.

Oh, I think the donors are more important than any principle.

It's about the Benjamins. It's always about the Benjamins. If they say "It's not about the money," it's about the money.

Achilles said...

"Is Trump referring to the Special Counsel appointment? "

You know exactly what he is talking about. You are just a disingenuous person pretending to be something you are not.

Achilles said...

"The boiler has a failed operating control, and pressure is beyond operating limits. Trump is your pressure relief valve, or high limit control. If you are smart enough to get the analogy, you know whats coming if you disable THAT."

We are about 40 years overdue for a revolution anyhow. Trump gives the country a chance to avoid it for a time is all. Government attracts people who want power over others by it's very nature and they acrue more and more power over time. The reset button will need to be pressed at some point.

narciso said...

some context to the next squirrel

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Thanks for the Paglia link, MountainMan. The only sane leftist in the country is always worth a read:

"The popular author,..., pointed to early struggles experienced by previous presidential administrations to illustrate the media's bias against Trump. "Obama's administration for the first six months was chaos," Paglia recalled. "Bill Clinton's was chaos for six months. Nobody holds that against a new person."

Paglia's assessment of media bias in the Trump era leaves little room for optimism. "I am appalled at the behavior of the media," she declared. "It's the collapse of journalism."

As the Examiner reported in April, Paglia, who cast her ballot for Jill Stein last November, is predicting Trump will win re-election in 2020. "I feel like the Democrats have overplayed their hand," she said at the time.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...
Unknown said...

Guess what Trumpski's?

Justice Gorsuch.

*drops mic*

5/18/17, 11:15 AM

And many, many Court appointments.

Real American said...

This is a witch hunt! There is no crime being investigated, just people.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Meade said...
Speaking of Counsell, Craig, last night in San Diego the Crew moved into 1st place in their tough division.

Hum, baby, hum

5/18/17, 11:04 AM

Ah, but Meade, aren't you a Reds fan?

Meade said...

I've become more of a NL Central division fan.

steve said...

Ok, I typed "councel" into Twitter and there's red line beneath it, indicating that is it misspelled. Does he not SEE the red line, or does he just not care? More alarmingly, does he not understand what the red line MEANS?

Chuck said...

steve said...
Ok, I typed "councel" into Twitter and there's red line beneath it, indicating that is it misspelled. Does he not SEE the red line, or does he just not care? More alarmingly, does he not understand what the red line MEANS?

Thanks for that. I meant to ask, since I am not a Twitter user. Yours is the answer I expected, and yours is the question I too would ask.

Chuck said...

Achilles said...
"Is Trump referring to the Special Counsel appointment? "

You know exactly what he is talking about. You are just a disingenuous person pretending to be something you are not.

Actually, I don't know what he is talking about, and which one it is. I am not following news today; has the Administration given an answer? Any answer is going to be problematic. Which I would have told Trump if he asked me, prior to his pressing "Send."

Michael K said...

It also happens to be a pure excuse for the Democrats having lost an election that they should have easily won because of the Electoral College being slanted so much in their way. That’s all this is. I think it shows division, and it shows that we’re not together as a country. And I think it’s a very, very negative thing.

Trump today and he is correct.

readering said...

Damn and here I was thinking we were together as a country.

readering said...

Remember way back on March 4, when Trump woke up and decided he had to act to bring the country together?

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

Mike Sylwester said...

Chuck at 9:51 AM

Does Trump think that Mueller will be conducting a "witch hunt"?

It's quite likely that Mueller will conduct a witch hunt.

That is a common consequence of appointing a special prosecutor. Good examples are Watergate, Whitewater and the Plame case.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Mike Sylwester said...

It's quite likely that Mueller will conduct a witch hunt.

I thought they weren't gonna go after Hillary.

Mike Sylwester said...

Real American at 11:50 AM

This is a witch hunt! There is no crime being investigated, just people.

Well put !!

The Intelligence Community is on a fishing expedition for anything linking Russia to any Trump associate.

It's a reckless effort to smear people with any Russian dirt that can be found.

Whenever such people are identified, the special prosecutor will subpoena their testimony and records in order to find more people to smear.

The special prosecutor will get all of Trump's tax records, all of which will be revealed to the public.

It's a witch hunt for the purpose of removing President Trump from office and for ruining the lives of all his associates.

Birkel said...

@ Chuck, so called fopdoodle

I believe you when you claim not to know what somebody means. A majority of Michigan voters meant to vote for Trump and you had no idea. In a world full of people who don't get it, you have distinguished yourself as one of the don't gettingest LLRs ever to babble on the internet.

Again, I believe you.

bridgecross said...

Yes, his misspellings are a canny ploy. He's just working on a higher plane of existence.

damikesc said...

When Obama gave Russia the locations and serial numbers of the nuclear missiles we sold them...why was this not a concern?

I didn't hear of this until today. The press seemed WAY less concerned about Russia back then.

Michael K said...

"here I was thinking we were together as a country."

I suspect that you don't know anyone but leftists. Common error by the left. It might have begun with Pauline Kael.

I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don't know. They're outside my ken. But sometimes when I'm in a theater I can feel them.

readering said...

Michael K Your day seems to be consumed with suspicions.

Birkel said...

@ readering

Maxine Waters suffers the problem you wrongly ascribe to Michael K.

readering said...

Maybe both.

Bad Lieutenant said...

damikesc said...
When Obama gave Russia the locations and serial numbers of the nuclear missiles we sold them...why was this not a concern?

I didn't hear of this until today. The press seemed WAY less concerned about Russia back then.
5/18/17, 5:34 PM

wait, what?

Achilles said...

readering said...
Damn and here I was thinking we were together as a country.

Me and Senator Kucinich along with every other decent human being agree the deep state is trying to pull off a coup.

The rest of you know at one level or another what you are trying to do. If you think we will let you turn our country into Venezuela or Cuba guess again.

Chuck said...

Mike Sylwester said...
Chuck at 9:51 AM

"Does Trump think that Mueller will be conducting a 'witch hunt'?"

It's quite likely that Mueller will conduct a witch hunt.

That is a common consequence of appointing a special prosecutor. Good examples are Watergate, Whitewater and the Plame case.

Your comment is so much more interesting to me, than you can imagine. The Wall Street Journal has long held a position against Special Counsel (good thing Lewis Wetzel didn't catch you writing "special prosecutor"; you'd have hell to pay) assignments. And I generally agree. I hated the Scooter Libby injustice. I understand the discomfort that some had, with Whitewater and the breadth of that investigation.

So you make a really good point. In normal circumstances.

But here, because of mostly idiotic maneuvers by Donald Trump personally, and utterly rotten communications from the White House, we had a truly unusual circumstance. Unprecedented, really. The FBI Director had been fired, with no good reason given. And the Attorney General had disqualified himself from the large-scale matter. And, it was a matter of somewhat pressing counter-intelligence, involving a lot of people very close to the President.

I dislike Special Counsel cases. But I would have approved a Special Counsel if I had been in the decision loop.

Kirk Parker said...


I nominate "councel" as Werd of the Year.


Kirk Parker said...

I'm going to have to update my morning mantra:

"Every day I wake up and am overjoyed that Hillary! isn't president... and that Chuck is not in any decision loop that matters.

Birkel said...

@ Chuck, so called fopdoodle

Shorter version: bad communications - as defined by me - while doing things squarely within the power of the Chief Executive and having a personal style with which I disagree should be investigated as a criminal matter.

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