১৯ মে, ২০১৭

Why was Comey "just completely disgusted" when Trump pulled into the handshake and grabbed him around the shoulder?

"He thought it was an intentional attempt to compromise him in public."

Comey didn't want to shake hands at all...
[Brookings Institution fellow Benjamin Wittes, a close friend of Comey's] said Comey "really did not want to go to that meeting" and tried to distance himself from Trump to ensure the FBI's independence from the White House. Comey, who is 6 feet 8 inches tall, was wearing a dark blue suit and stood near the similarly colored curtains in the back of the room, hoping that Trump would not spot him.
Video at the link.

And that seems to have prompted Philippe Reines to tweet us some video of himself playing the role of Trump in Hillary Clinton's debate prep:

ADDED: I don't think trying to evade a handshake makes you look good. But what do you do when confronted with a person who has a handshake-plus move? There's the right hand doing the basic shake, and then the left hand gropes you on some other part of your anatomy — the upper arm or the shoulder? Do you just let him? If he's a star?

২৮৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   286 এর 201 – থেকে 286
Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

A gluttonous cake thief, who doesn't understand why she's losing so much weight.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

You're so wrong, R&B, you're so so wrong, and you're wrong at the top of your voice. You are the total Sith Lord who thinks he's a Jedi. You have no idea how you're betraying what you claim to believe in. You just don't see it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Dead man walking, so to speak.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Nobody's bringing down Trump including Trump.

The law will bring him down. Just you watch.

Yes, he does this to himself.

You've never worked with a narcissist or known one personally. If you did, you would know.

No one else is bringing him down or taking him away. He's just not the droid/messiah you were looking for.

He conned you, as he did so many others. He's an honest-to-goodness, bona fide phony.

You'll get over this loss. Trust me, he wasn't what he was cracked up to be.

And the country will be better off. So will the world.

chickelit বলেছেন...

We had a narcissist President for 8 years and a fellating press. It's a great change to have an egoist POTUS and a spitting press.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Any robot can tell you that Obama's speeches were replete with the word "I" which, translated from the Latin, might make him an ego freak. But he loved him a warm receptacle which the D.C. press gave him in spades.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I love reading about the D.C. press chafing from Trump's rough treatment.

Emil Blatz বলেছেন...


Congrats on all you did to put Hillary over the top in 2016! You, certainly in your own mind, were the critical element that made it all happen! Bask in the glory, bro!

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

The law will bring him down. Just you watch.

1) What do you want to bet?
2) If President Trump does not serve out his elected term or terms, R&B, it's going to be very dark days for America.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

We had a narcissist President for 8 years

This is a diagnosis best not left to non-professionals, let alone the mindblind.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Yeah, R&B, I should mention that I can't believe that all politicians are narcissists. So it's not a word that frightens me or otherwise moves me. Actually I do know someone in my life who is actual bad dangerous person like that. A vampire...

...And on that note I'm going to bed because I'd rather not think about this guy.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Sorry, that I *tend to* believe

chickelit বলেছেন...

Ritmo wrote: "This is a diagnosis best not left to non-professionals, let alone the mind blind."

Sorry Ritmo -- were YOU claiming psyche creds or was it your mama? or your psyche nurse?

Yeah, it's trenchant warfare. You axed for it. Hopefully we have a Christmas truce. :) k

jr565 বলেছেন...

Invalid wrote " guarantee you that Democrats, liberals, progressives, independents, and sane conservatives will fight to keep you fools from destroying this country. We are the patriots here."
I never said you can't be an opposition. I just know thst the only basis for your objections is Thst you don't like trump. And you seem to think Thst proves criminality. If judges start t laws can be blocked simply because a president made a statement on campaign trail, it shows a degree of lawlessness, Thst you as an honest person should reject. If, however, you embrace it, uts actually YOU Thst is the greater evil to this country. not Trump.ao, is can on your moral high horse all you want, but don't assume you are in the right here. Make the argument based on actual facts and not liberal outrage.liberals had the chance to win the election on these arguments, but didn't.
If you persist in trying to undermine president through illegitimate means, it's going to rebound on you big Time.

SukieTawdry বলেছেন...

Democrats knew what a loon Trump was from day one. We told you so. You people wanted him because he reflected your bigotry.

Oh, go bite yourself, Inga, you repugnant little troll (and I say this as someone who neither supported nor voted for the man). It might do you some good to reflect a while on your own bigotry.

wendybar বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...Time for the country to heal now, though. Move over and let the people who care about getting this right in to do the job.

Trump's in it for himself. Always was. Time to cut him loose from the deal.

Obama wasn't in it for himself??? We have to heal the country, because Obama DIVIDED us....So to tell us YOU are the ones who care about getting it right is the biggest laugh I had all morning....YOUR idea of a president has put us where we are...THANK HIM for Trump!!

Wince বলেছেন...

[Comey] stood near the similarly colored curtains in the back of the room, hoping that Trump would not spot him.

Speculation is now running rampant that Comey was "ghost boy" in 'Three Men and a Baby'.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Trump's in it for himself. Always was.

I'm sorry, were we offered a choice of somebody who wasn't? Democrats chose Hillary over Bernie, so there's a clue right there!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The Obamas arrived in Tuscany on a private plane escorted by six fighter jets and a 13-car motorcade on Friday as they continue their all-expenses-paid world tour. Barack and Michelle Obama will have an entire 14th century village to themselves during their five-night stay - at an eye-watering cost of $15,000 per night.

Obama is selfless! Actually, $15K a night sounds sort of like a bargain. Good thing none of those various conveyances produce CO2!

BillyTalley বলেছেন...

1. Cooties.
2. No quarter. No mercy, no negotiated settlements, no mixing agendas.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

After Trump’s Overshare With Russian Officials, Israeli Intelligence SNAPPED

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Like With Hillary Clinton, Jim Comey Is Not To Blame For Donald Trump’s Problems

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I think that this is a big part of why Comey is out of a job. Trump is very instinctive. And there is a male protocol here. If the big dog shakes hands, that is what you do in return. If he fist bumps, that is what you do. If you don't like it - tough. And, anyone who doesn't play along with this is not on the team. Comey was not on the team, and so had to go. Of course, he probably thought that he had his own team, that used fist bumps maybe instead of hand shakes. Unfortunately for him - he worked for Sessions who works for Trump, which means Trump's team or teamless. So now is tokenly unemployed. The instinctive part is that Trump reacts at times before he knows why, and I suspect that in the case of Comey, early on, wasn't paying a lot of attention. Then, when he did, realized that Comey was not a team player. And, looking back, never really has been - advancing by sneaking around the back, stabbing people in their backs, etc. Maybe expected at one time for FBI Directors, but not by Trump. Did much better with his patron, Chuck Schumer. (Which is why his replacement may get bloody - Schumer just lost his highest placed mole in the Trump Administration).

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Who can argue that Trump does not have the right enemies: the Commie-Pinko left, the media, the deep state, RINO's, Inga, Alley Oop, TTR, Ritmo, LLR Chuck, Soros, McCain...... but I repeat myself.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white

Sukie dear heart, you've wounded me so deeply, lol.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Boy, the troll storm continued all night.

Does anyone get any benefit from engaging with these mindless trollbots ?

I once had an exchange with inga on health care that made some sense.

The rest of the time, they seem to be reading from scripts.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

"LLR Chuck" LOL!

Jeff বলেছেন...

I haven't read any of the above comments yet, so forgive me if this is not original.

Wittes really should have thought about how silly this makes Comey look. But no, he had to have his little time in the spotlight. With friends like that, who needs enemas?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

so Trump scared Comey. That time the media confirms my vote was a good choice.

jr565 বলেছেন...

To Inga and ritmo:
The more that impeachment proceedings appear to be rushing to judgment or driven by partisanship, the less credibility they ultimately have.”
At some point the media and the democrats are gong to have to come up with actual PROOF of wrong doing. Trump voters already think That the news is Fake news. The more they play their hand the more this belief is cemented in their brains. And this has a lot more proof behind it than any Russian collusion CONSPIRACY.
There is no proof of conspiracy. Having trump saying he HOPES investigation of his colleague who he thinks is innocent is not obstruction. Havign him call comey crazy is not a scandal. The scandal, is that obama administration targeted his administration based on a flimsy pretext. And the degree to which the "deep state" is trying t undermine a presidency. AND the degree to which the obama administration buried an actual,scandal by not charging Hillary with anything.

John বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
Boy, the troll storm continued all night.

What an understatement! Haven't read one thing that TTR, Inga, Brookzene, et al have written that even raises a little doubt in my mind that they (and most of the left) are nothing more than toddlers having an extended tantrum.

Mark Caplan বলেছেন...

Comey lacked intestinal fortitude: not only did he "feel mildly nauseous [sic] to think that we might have had some impact on the election," but he felt "digusted" when Trump approached him for a routine photo-op. Clearly Comey's digestive tract was too sensitive for his stressful job as FBI director.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I troll trolls.

I gaslight the gaslighters.

I sex up the sexxer uppers.

Hitler pooped, so do you, YOU ARE HITLER!!

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

"The law will bring him down. Just you watch."

Really? Which law? Seriously which law? What is the crime here?

The only "law" trump broke was crossing the deep state. You are just a tool for the people that are recording all of your phone calls. The only election that was hacked was the DNC primary against Bernie.

Stop being an ignorant tool like Inga. You aren't that stupid.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Never query "why why why" it makes you look weak. Ascribe motives, any damn motives will do, and throw out accusations damning. You wanna virtue signal you like truth, justice, the American Way? Get Out!

We don't need no moral ninnies disrupting the ultra-genocide we warrior caste are provoking.

Fact is girls don't like me, okay, so I see mass famine with apocalypse-style living as my best chance to find a mate. You know you can't stop it. Now, like I told you, hop on and enjoy it. Say uncle too.

I feel nearly exactly like in Apocalypse Now Bobs Duval regretting that some day the war will be over, and ergo he (us) will be out of our element, back in "civilization" that values weak liars who steal and deceive and not men with masculine virtues. Only the war I am waiting for is taking too long to arrive, not soon to be ending too quickly.

Anywho, I remember when weed was $400 an ounce and gold $390. Now it's $120 and $1300. Do your math.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"You aren't that stupid."

Assuming facts not in evidence, as Lawyers say.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

So again, it appears trump is correct. Coney is crazy.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Veteran journalist Bob Woodward called on the national media Friday to keep focused on reporting straight news, after many reporters have revealed a bias against President Trump.

Friday on MSNBC, Woodward said he knows of too many reporters who have strayed from objectivity and shown an excessive hostility toward the White House.

"Stick to the reporting," he said. "Stick to the reporting. … One of the realities we have here is we have a good, old newspaper war going, the New York Times and the Washington Post and some very powerful stories. At the same time, I think it's time to dial back a little bit about because there are people around ... who are kind of binge drinking the anti-Trump Kool-Aid. And that is not going to work in journalism. Let the politicians have that binge drinking."

Washington Examiner

jr565 বলেছেন...

Hey Inga,
The democrats have already admitted they have no evidence of any collusion as of yet.

Diane Feinstein admitted it:
“The last time we spoke, Senator, I asked you if you had actually seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and you said to me — and I’m quoting you now — you said, ‘not at this time.’ Has anything changed since we spoke last?” asked CNN’s Wolf Blitzer

“Well, not—no, it hasn’t,” Feinstein said.

“But I just want to be precise, Senator. In all of the—you’ve had access from the intelligence committee, from the Judiciary committee, all of the access you’ve had to very sensitive information, so far you’ve not seen any evidence of collusion, is that right?” Blitzer pressed.

“Well, evidence that would establish that there’s collusion. There are all kinds of rumors around. There are newspaper stories, but that’s not necessarily evidence,” Feinstein admitted."
And who is spreading those RUMORS? the media and the democrats and people like INGA. But you know and we know that THERE IS NO PROOF. So why do you persist in spreading RUMORS?

jr565 বলেছেন...

Maxine Waters also admitted she had no proof despite saying earlier that there WAS collusion
After saying that she thinks Russia actually helped Trump with his campaign slogans. She thinks the Russans were like a PR firm and actualyl came up with "Lock Her Up". That's the level of collusion she thinks exists.

Sam Stein, Huffington Post: “But just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet.”
REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): “No, it has not been.”

ah, so she is talking out of her butt hole? All of that was just conjecture and she has no basis to make the claim? INTERESTING.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Even if you go back to the reporting that alleged collusion wrote:
The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far. But the disclosure could increase the pressure on Trump and his aides to provide the FBI and Congress with a full account of interactions with Russian officials and others with links to the Kremlin during and immediately after the 2016 election."

So, NO EVIDENCE. Also we have to remember that every time they mention unnamed sources and or former officials it is very likely OBAMA offficials. And OF COURSE, they are going to justify their spying on the trump adminstration, or leak info that makes trump look bad.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"So, NO EVIDENCE. Also we have to remember that every time they mention unnamed sources and or former officials it is very likely OBAMA offficials. And OF COURSE, they are going to justify their spying on the trump adminstration, or leak info that makes trump look bad."

As far as I know no one is accusing Trump of colluding. This just needs to be investigated and not just to determine if there was wrongdoing on the part of the Trump campaign but to figure out exactly what the Russians did.

Possible obstruction of justice needs to be looked at as well. Everyone should probably calm down now and let the investigators do their work.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Brookzene wrote:
As far as I know no one is accusing Trump of colluding. This just needs to be investigated and not just to determine if there was wrongdoing on the part of the Trump campaign but to figure out exactly what the Russians did.

if u think no one is saying trump DID collude then you haven't been reading/watching liberals or democrats say exactly that. The argument is, there's smoke and therefore there's fire. But is there even a lot of smoke? Only to liberal moonbats. But then again, every time he makes a statement, it's watergate II, eve n if the statement is benign, taken out of,context or not criminal in any way it's yet another example of criminal activity for which he should be impeached.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"if u think no one is saying trump DID collude then you haven't been reading/watching liberals or democrats say exactly that."

You spend all your time listening and responding to anonymous internet commenters and you think that's what liberals and Democrats are all about.

Try not to think so small. Try to think bigly.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Brookzene wrote:

You spend all your time listening and responding to anonymous internet commenters and you think that's what liberals and Democrats are all about.

Try not to think so small. Try to think bigly.
I'm now going to ignore you.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Everyone should probably calm down now and let the investigators do their work.

New instructions have arrived from DNC.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"I'm now going to ignore you."

Of course.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"New instructions have arrived from DNC."

New instructions from the DNC - pull back a little.

New instructions from InfoWars - double down on the insane paranoia.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Really? Which law? Seriously which law? What is the crime here?"

-- Whatever law it is, it needs to be one that was applied equally to Obama/Clinton and their underlings. So far, Trump has done nothing close to what they have done. If he goes down for something less than they did, then despite the fact I don't like him, I may have to start agreeing with the people who think this is a coup in the making.

The left chopped down a bunch of laws to protect their people; I feel only the mildest of sympathies that they have no law with which to protect themselves from the devil.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"This just needs to be investigated and not just to determine if there was wrongdoing on the part of the Trump campaign but to figure out exactly what the Russians did."

-- No, it does not need to be investigated. There were no serious investigations into foreign money Obama allowed into his campaign coffers, so I see no precedent for a nearly year long investigation into whether Russia said, "Hey, maybe campaign behind the blue wall, and you'll squeak out a win."

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"-- No, it does not need to be investigated."

Well, too late, too bad. Because you are way in the minority. Three investigations are under way (unless Mueller doesn't start until Monday) and virtually everyone wants to know more about what the Russians did in 2016 - including Trump's own people who have gone on the record. Find someone in Congress or in the intelligence bureaucracy who doesn't and tell us his or her name.

So tough. That part of the argument at least is over.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Oh, no, I'm not saying it shouldn't be investigated. I'm saying from the rules as we've decided to operate under, there is no need to investigate it. We've established over the previous two campaigns that you actually have a lot of lee way in what foreign governments can do, for example, hosting you at major locations to give campaign speeches for photo ops.

The unequal application of "This must be investigated!" is *why* the right doesn't trust the left with investigations. If the left had acted with this must insistence on keeping the appearance of impropriety, we'd never be in this position. But, they didn't care about the rule of law or good manners for the last 8 years, so as much as I like rules and good manners, most of the right has decided to fight the left using their own rules.

And the left doesn't seem to like it much.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"But, they didn't care about the rule of law or good manners for the last 8 years"

Shorter comment: why should Trump be held accountable?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

By jingo, I love Leftist hysteria. And the more of it I see, the more I have to wonder if this all isn't some kind of planned trap to draw out Trump's enemies and let them immolate themselves in public. That would seem improbably (Thomas) Cromwellian but, given the complete absence of substance, what other explanation could there be?

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"I have to wonder if this all isn't some kind of planned trap to draw out Trump's enemies"

This is all Trump playing 3D chess. Just wait and see. As soon as his popularity drops to under 33% he'll spring his trap!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

It's hardly 3D chess. It's a pretty basic tactic of high school debate teams and bar room raconteurs everywhere. But, yeah, you'd need a bit of self-awareness to realize what you're being led into. It looks like a few Democrats are beginning to get it.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"It's hardly 3D chess."

Deserves a non-snark answer. Your point is made. A lot of people on the left are going way overboard. I've gone further than I want to myself.

Sounds like a lot of people on the left are trying to sober themselves up today. Yesterday was not Trump's best but not the left's either.

I'm not Kumbayaing but we all have to live with one another. We should be able to pull that off if we keep our heads.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

We have to heal the country, because Obama DIVIDED us...

Sounds like that's what the RNC's propaganda arm, FOX News (Sexual Harassment Central) got you to think. While they were pushing their usual wedge issues, and getting nothing done for the country.

Anyone who doesn't think the country was in unprecedentedly better shape in 2016 as opposed to 2008 is a total partisan hack and not worth discussing anything with further. The Obama hatred was all ginned up by the FOX/TP/Breitbart cabal and based in nothing more than the sense that a black man dared to be "uppity" enough to come across as/more confident as/than one of their own rich, privileged white underachievers. That was his crime. The crime of confidence. And to be competent on top of all that?!!!

Party that hates government is by definition chained to installing incompetent buffoons. Otherwise their whole ideology falls apart. If they put someone competent in there than the theory of government incompetence goes out the window. It's logically self-evident and simple to see. But conservatives hate logic and are unable to reason.

Better for them to just pick people/things to hate, instead.

Which is so unifying and not at all divisive.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Let me see if I have it right:
Trump is not alleged to have broken any laws.
Trump did not collude with Russians.
Trump must be investigated.
This is the end of Trump.
Because reasons.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Trump doesn't have the trust of the country. Even a basic, bare minimal level of trust. Impeachment is a political mechanism, so don't you worry about that. Trump hates rule of law, the court system, and basic protocols for dealing with intelligence, national security or even basic U.S. interests. He's so easily flattered that he took to getting allies' human intel, embedded in ISIS, killed - just so that he could brag to his Russian taskmasters that he had the intel - as if that was an accomplishment. He is a traitor and he can't stop meddling with the basic mechanisms of justice, law enforcement or national security. The people will not wait to find the source of the fire while their house suffocates them with smoke. They will hose it all down from the outside (and inside) to stop this dumpster/Trumpster fire with full force. Then they will evict this dirty cigarette of a human being unceremoniously and ungraciously, out on his keister. But the process is in place. He has no shot at a legacy. No one trusts him and he will accomplish nothing. Who would work for someone who throws that many underlings under the bus and blames every mistake he makes (of which there are an infinite number, every day) on them. No one. He inspires no confidence and is the most dysfunctional manager ever to occupy the office. Everything revolves around him and what he watches the news saying about him 24/7. Aides have to insert news clippings that mention him into his briefings or else he gets bored and will stop listening. He is a menace to the country and he will go, whether by the increasing heat of investigations he can't handle or just a simple resignation. Or an impeachment and/or conviction if it comes to that. But he failed before he started and will leave a legacy that rivals Andy Johnson's.

Enjoy your destruction of government glory. Must have sucked to forget that he's the one heading the government he thinks he's destroying. Hard to not get wet when you're pissing all over the apparatus you head up.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Let me see if I have it right:
Trump is not alleged to have broken any laws.
Trump did not collude with Russians.
Trump must be investigated.
This is the end of Trump.
Because reasons.

Because reasons, which are classified. If Birkel must know this classified stuff maybe he should ask Assange to get someone to hack it and post it on Wikileaks. Or file a complaint with the Special Prosecutor.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

It's not over until the orange haired clown and his choir of deplorables sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic after DJT finishes saving our Republic from Barry's EU Globalism and a CIA pretense at needing a United Nations Government to rule the World.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ Inga

Is it a conspiracy theory when you believe the information is there but is kept just out of reach... Because reasons!!!

I wonder if Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts are there with you now.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ Inga
Which laws?
What collusion?

Diane Feinstein disagrees. But Inga knows best... Reasons!

Grab your carry on.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Inga, we've already provided the quotes of people who have made alageations and who sit on counsel that would get briefed on info saying there is no evidence Thst has been presented to the Thst proves any collusion. So why do you persist in saying there is. If you have evidence, now is the time to reveal it. Otherwise, shut your pie hole already.
And there already is an investigation. You keep hammering on about the need for one. What do you think has been happening up till now?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Ritmo plays the "if you didn't like Obama it can only be because you're racist" card.


I feel regret for having associated Ritmo with twerps and douches before. No twerp or douche deserves such a comparison.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

He'll be impeached or resign anyway. And even if not, he won't have a legacy. Rage is not a legacy. Poor me the disagracefully victimized maybe billionaire is not a legacy. I can't appoint a tenth of my needed nominees and run the place in an organized way is not a legacy. He won't get anything done.

And in the meantime, we need to clear out the smoke and find the legal breach behind this smoldering dumpster/Trumpster fire in the WH. Hell, even Clinton got stuff done, and was a quasi-effective president (not always for the right reasons, but oh well). Trump will be as inconsequential a president as Warren Harding.

But at least you got to feel rage at so-called "elites" (as if Trump isn't one), which is really important - for people who need to blame their failures on others.

Listen, you got a self-described multi-billionaire to expose himself as as big a loser as you and his other supporters. That's something. Feel good about that. You humbled your master, by making him look as bungling and compromised as you've always felt.

So now he channels you. It's a success, in your world.

And now he's ready to go.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo plays the "if you didn't like Obama it can only be because you're racist" card.

You a Trump defender?

Let everyone here know what character flaws, exactly, Obama had that made you hate him so.

Aside from being black, intelligent and competent. I know you hate that.

So go ahead and reveal the secret behind your hatred for Obama the competent president. Explain your rage against him.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"I'm an old lady now, lol."

Good, hopefully you die soon. Perhaps sometime in Trump's second term.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Exactly Ritmo, they hated Obama so badly that when Trump came along and spewed his bigotry, they lapped it up like dogs lapping up other dogs' vomit.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Obama and his supporters inside and outside government acted over eight years to consolidate power in the federal government. As a supporter of dispersed power and attendant increases in freedom, I did not like his policies.

I de-registered from the Republican Party when Bush expanded the federal government with his ill-conceived Department of Homeland Security. Bush's attempts to legitimize illegal aliens pushed me further from that party.

I guess that makes me a racist against both black and white presidents, in your world.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Get a better job, re-train yourself, or vote for someone who cares more about poverty cases like you and you'll have the luxury of obsessing less on non-European immigrants.

Which European country did your ancestors immigrate from? Didn't Trump say that only immigrants who can bring wealth to America were ok? Were did your parents go wrong on that one? How did they get in here without all the wealth to contribute that Trump believes should have constituted their permission slip for entry?

Trump should have kept out your own job-killing grandparents, it sounds like.

Birkel বলেছেন...


Again, you can tell how poor and uneducated I am despite my using complex sentence structure, citing Nobel winning economists and just plain knowing shit. You sussed it out, you scallywag, you!

One thing I cannot understand, however, is why people think calling names matters. I gave up caring about those tactics when I was ten or eleven. I never respond in kind because I do not consider name calling a winning tactic.

Also, as a poorly educated person with no money I am used to make calling from people who live in trailer parks.

Birkel বলেছেন...

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
― Benjamin Franklin

Caring about the poor is an interesting business.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Also, as a poorly educated person with no money I am used to make calling from people who live in trailer parks.

Yes, that is indeed a "complex sentence structure." So complex that you used two verbs as if they were one. That's some pretty tricky shit there!

But good on you for pretending that we live in an 18th century society and economy, with similar strategies for wealth acquisition and political influence. Hell, by 1790 standards Franklin would have died with a net worth that was, what, like a thousand times your own in 2016?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Name became make somehow. Name calling. Auto-correct plagues Collectivists and those who prefer freedom, alike.

Why do you think name calling is an effective tactic? Why do you take such pride in assuming you are wealthier than another person? Those are odd tics.

I continue to hope you will learn charity. You seem to believe that was insincere but you are wrong, a not surprising outcome.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Why do you think name calling is an effective tactic?

Because it calls you out to others for what you are. Since you are not someone who is correctible to facts or reason, I stop pretending that you'll listen to those things, and instead find an entertaining shorthand to alert to everyone else that you are just out for your own pride and the ideology that feeds it. If you wanted a debate or an argument or a discussion, you would have to be open-minded enough to accept new facts or conclusions or even the fact that you could be wrong. But because your pride and stubbornness doesn't allow for that, I just call attention to the destruction you cause American society with a neat little name, instead.

Why do you take such pride in assuming you are wealthier than another person?

I don't do it for my sake, but for yours. Since you are a wealth-worshipper, who thinks that wealth must be endlessly enriched because of your fears of that bogeyman called the state (that is now more nakedly allied with that wealth than ever before), I point out that you are in no position to understand anything about wealth or its role in our political economy. It shows that you don't know what you are talking about. It shows that you are addicted to irrelevant charts and numbers and presumptions about America that haven't been true for over 200 years. It's just easier and more efficient to point out the psychological and social motivations for your addiction to bad and wrong ideas, because your addiction to those things is too strong to be overcome by facts or reason. Argumentation is no match for your pride; your pride is too strong. So I attack your self-evidently ridiculous false pride instead.

Birkel বলেছেন...


Have you noticed how little I care about your tasteless insults? None of it penetrates. It is amusing to witness the things you think are insulting. That window into your self is quite revealing. What you think would cut me to the quick is a nice bit of projection.

Otherwise, I would debate you if you you were original. It's boring to read the same received thoughts passed on as if it were wisdom.

Joe বলেছেন...

When are people going to realize that Comey really is crazy and a proven liar? He has NO integrity. He takes the concept of self-serving comments nearly to a Hillary level.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Have you noticed how little I care about your tasteless insults? None of it penetrates.

That's the fun thing about insults. Whether you care or not (and you don't care to be honest enough to have an adult discussion - so why bother), I still get to make you look like the schmuck that you are.

Otherwise, I would debate you if you you were original.

Oh, now I see why you're such a socioeconomically underachieving member of the underclass. Like many Americans, you're easily seduced by glitz and glam and flash and other things that look shiny and "new!" Hence, your lust for Trump.

Well, I hate to break the news to you, Buckleyan warrior of the John Birch/CATO talking point (and how recycled are they?), but truth isn't based on what seems novel to you or that "stimulates" you (which is kind of a disgusting thought, anyway). It's based on what's true and defensible. Debates are not won or lost based on how old or new the positions are. As boring as your life must obviously be, you can't change reality through your need for novelty.

It's boring to read the same received thoughts passed on as if it were wisdom.

Well, get used to it. The things I defend here are much better attested to by experience and study than are your own, worn-out make-believe Bircher/CATO/FOX propaganda points.

Achilles বলেছেন...

@ TTR:

What laws did Trump break?

What has Trump done for the Russians?

What did the Russians do for Trump?

Stop being a tool.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

What laws did Trump break?

What has Trump done for the Russians?

What did the Russians do for Trump?

Whatever the voters tell their reps that he/they did.

Stop being a tool.

Stop being an autocrat.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Those petty evasions are the best you can muster? Underclass? And from that underclass I also manage to be an autocrat?

Bircher and CATO? If you weren't so angry in your online persona, you wouldn't be half as hilarious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Methinks someone needs a girlfriend.

Methinks someone needs to learn that his "online persona" isn't the same as Achilles. I realize that Repuppetkins are as anti-knowledge as they come. But do yourself a favor and take a course in Basic Thread Following 101. Here's a hint: When a response is posted to another commenter's quoted statement, the response is to that other commenter, not to you.

Of course, Trumpian that you are, I'm sure you won't apologize for that one. Or even admit the error. This is the kind of self-righteous petty hubris that defines the right-wing these days. Maybe you find it too embarrassing to acknowledge, like if Trump tweeted a reply to the wrong person.

Your thoughts are pretty much straight out of the Birchers and half out of CATO (they probably disagree with you on immigration, but nothing else, right?) Now, does that make you feel better, as if you've been accounted for as the oh-so-complex person you see yourself as?

Right-wingers think the world revolves around them. Any further clarifications you would like to see, Your Royal Highness?

How's your Saturday going, otherwise? As lonely as usual?

dunce বলেছেন...

Clinton liked to hug women and communicate his lust by an erection pressing against them. Katheryn Wiley.

Birkel বলেছেন...

So Achilles gets to be an autocrat and I don't, despite the fact I have asked the same questions? That seems unfair. I thought you were all about equity and fairness.

Imagine my surprise!

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