May 4, 2017

When "mostly white millennials move into traditional African American communities," they "tend to take over political and civic organizations and promote their own interests..."

"... a phenomenon on display in the recent explosion of bike lanes, dog parks and upscale coffee shops.... Many older, working-class blacks are able to remain.... But they also resent giving up both their former political influence and the character of their community. In one case, lobbying by new arrivals cost black churchgoers a long-standing convenience of parking in a school playground on Sunday mornings."

From a WaPo article, "‘Black branding’ — how a D.C. neighborhood was marketed to white millennials." "Black branding" refers to the way "developers and other mostly white business interests actively promoted [the neighborhood's] historic black identity as a marketing strategy to attract white renters and buyers." According to a new scholarly book, young white people are titillated by "living the wire" — living like the characters on the TV show "The Wire."
“Living the wire refers to newcomers’ preferences for moving into an inner-city neighborhood because it has been branded as hip or cool, which, to a certain extent, is associated with danger, excitement, poverty and blackness: iconic ghetto stereotypes,” the book ["Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City"] says.
ADDED: This got me thinking about the "ethnic purity" gaffe Jimmy Carter made when he was running for the Democratic Party nomination in 1976:
Jimmy Carter said today that the Federal Government should not take the initiative to change the “ethnic purity” of some urban neighborhoods... “I'm not going to use the Federal Government's authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods.”...

[H]e used unusually blunt language about social differences—about “black intrusion” into white neighborhoods, for example. He spoke of “alien groups” in communities, and of the bad effects of “injecting” a “diametrically opposite kind of family” or “a different kind of person” into a neighborhood....

He said, “I have nothing against a community that's made up of people who are Polish or Czechoslovakian or French-Canadian, or blacks who are trying to maintain the ethnic purity of their neighborhoods."


Michael K said...

No kids, of course.

Yancey Ward said...

That needs the cultural appropriation tag.

David Begley said...

I thought Obama fixed race relations. How can this be a problem?

JaimeRoberto said...

The Wire was a great show, but why would you want to live it?

tcrosse said...

How many urban Traditional African American Communities were originally ethnic white communities ? This sort of ebb and flow has been going on for a long time.

MadisonMan said...

I thought Obama fixed race relations. How can this be a problem?

Why is this reported now, after Obama leaves office. Did it just start?

Paco Wové said...

I guess someone excised the word "gentrification" from the WaPo's dictionary.

mockturtle said...

As Shakespeare's Puck exclaimed in MSND "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think some conservative last night complained about this sort of thing. Are we talking about redlining here? It's good to remedy previous efforts at social engineering.

William said...

Living the wire: ymmv

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why is this reported now, after Obama leaves office. Did it just start?

In the Republican "mind," yes.

Bay Area Guy said...

There goes the neighborhood.....

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Why is this reported now, after Obama leaves office. Did it just start?

In the Republican "mind," yes.

Democrats have always supplied the racism in this country. They still are to this day. It is pathetic to call this a "republican" thing.

There are racist republicans. Racism is the foundation of the democrats and their electoral strategies and policy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Exactly. This natural ebb and flow of people moving into, out of and integrating communities has gone on for a very long time. Perhaps forever.

The problems arise when the Government and other officious meddlers get in and try to artificially FORCE the change or prevent the change. People who might otherwise be happy to just "go with the flow" become annoyed, irritated and MAD. Bad things happen. The government has no reason or legitimate power to socially engineer people and artificially alter the environment. Public housing projects that spawned crime and now stand in moldering decay are a prime example.

Yancey Ward said...

It is totally a Democrat thing- reported in a Democrat supporting paper, and you can be 100% sure that the vast majority of these millenials are Democrats, too, along with the people and social groups they are displacing.

Balfegor said...

Longtime residents “basically feel lost in the neighborhood they grew up in,” Hyra said in an interview.

Hmm . . . now where have I heard that before . . . oh right:

But while, to the immigrant, entry to this country was admission to privileges and opportunities eagerly sought, the impact upon the existing population was very different. For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country.

Patrick said...

Bike lanes are a plague.

Gahrie said...

Compton, California was founded as a segregated community for Whites by an open racist. When my Dad lived there in the 1960's it was still 90% White. By the late 1980's it was majority Black. Today it is majority Hispanic. Perhaps in twenty years it will go back to being White again.

Freeman Hunt said...

I want more details about the parking lot. Why can't they park in it?

Static Ping said...

The "tolerant" lack empathy and are selfish. This is not the least bit inconsistent with everything else we have seen.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Why is this reported now, after Obama leaves office. Did it just start?

In the Republican "mind," yes.

5/4/17, 5:18 PM

He reads minds, now.

George M. Spencer said...

Bike lanes, dog parks and upscale coffee shops...Are we to understand that African-Americans do not like bicycles, dogs, or coffee?

robother said...

Wasn't there a scientifically rigorous study by a Harvard guy (Putnam, I think) 10 years ago that documented that communities work better at the individual and small group level when less diverse? But of course, that had no application whatsoever to evil white blue collar ethnic communities: only BOBOs can be trusted to be appropriately woke.

Gahrie said...

I want more details about the parking lot. Why can't they park in it?

I'm betting a bunch of atheists started bitching about establishing a religion and threatened to sue.

mockturtle said...

I want more details about the parking lot. Why can't they park in it?

Freeman, I believe the article said it was the school playground. Presumably, the white newcomers wanted their kids to play there on Sunday mornings [instead of going to church].

It's not always racial or ethic intrusion. I have often used the term 'Californication' to describe what has happened in NW states where many Californians have relocated. There is almost always an impact on local economy and values.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Democrats have always supplied the racism in this country. They still are to this day. It is pathetic to call this a "republican" thing.

There are racist republicans. Racism is the foundation of the democrats and their electoral strategies and policy.

Supplied? Interesting way of seeing things.

I'm sorry you're so bitter that blacks don't want to be talked down to as much as poor whites want to be when it comes to embracing the hateful and divisive Republican party. Maybe you can find newer and better ways of talking down to them. That should attract some votes. It works for Kansas! said...

get a gift here

YoungHegelian said...

Whatever are the problems with black neighborhoods in DC getting gentrified (& DC has swung back amazingly white in the last 20 years), at least the black homeowners got to sell out for big bucks. The blue collar whites in neighborhoods in suburban MD like Wheaton, Langley Park, etc that are now about 80+% Central American were not so lucky.

The really fascinating communities are not white & black. In the past five years, downtown Silver Spring has become Little Addis Ababa. This is the number of Ethiopian restaurants in my zip code.

The other fascinating shift is the new Chinese communities in Rockville & Gaithersburg. I can now find multiple Taiwanese restaurants, northern Chinese, Cantonese, Szechuan/Hunan, Uighur restaurants & chinese groceries that have live turtle & a "meatball" (eg fish, pork, chicken) bar (bar as in an olive or salad bar). There's a yuuuuuuuuuge number of Chinese who work at NIH & in biotech in Montgomery County.

Static Ping said...

One of the ironies of bad neighborhoods is most of the people there want the neighborhood to be better: wealthier, cleaner, safer. Who can blame them? But part of the problem is the neighborhood reflects those who live there. Lots of poverty is going make things worse. Having a significant gang population is going to make the neighborhood bad. Deciding that the police should not arrest the gang members does not help matters.

If you want to turn around a neighborhood, the root fix is to improve the quality of the population. One way is to provide opportunities, but that is only going to work if the citizens want to take advantage of them. This can take some time as sometimes an entire generation needs to be replaced to get the bad habits out of the population. Or there is the other solution: replace who lives there. It must feel bitter for a neighborhood that you always hoped would improve finally reach that point and find out that you are no longer welcome even though you had nothing to do with the neighborhood being bad in the first place.

AllenS said...

You should see what happens when black Somalis move into the area that blacks from the hood live.

AllenS said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mucho respect for Ethiopians. I should make my way to D.C. more. The only African country never colonized. I remember how much I used to love Ethiopian food as a kid. Not as much as a novelty now but still not bad from time to time. Imagine how privileged Americans are and how toxic their diet must be to have found spongy finger bread and beans/vegetables with berbere exotic and natural.

robinintn said...

Segregationist democrats vs gentrifying democrats. You guys have fun with each other.

n.n said...

[class] diversity is internally, externally, and mutually inconsistent. It is a policy advocated by left and left of center under the Pro-Choice doctrine.

madAsHell said...

At the end of WWII, Seattle was almost entirely south of the U. of Washington. The returning veterans were interested in buying new houses north of the U, but still accessible to downtown. The Central District (the CD is adjacent to downtown) was left behind, and the inexpensive older homes in the CD were bought by mostly black families.

Sometime in the late 90's, the CD started to gentrify because the houses were inexpensive, and close to downtown. They can talk about "Black Branding", but it's really about the economics.

buwaya said...

"In the Republican "mind," yes."

Its been going on for a good long time, but in Democratic areas.
The same sorts of complaints have gone on in San Francisco for decades, in Oakland (notably the villains there were usually Asians), Sacramento, and numerous places in SoCal (Hispanic displacement of black populations), etc.

All this was a purely local story, mostly, the press never made a scandal of it, for very good reasons, as far as the State and National Powers-That-Be were concerned.

The only new-ish thing here is its going on in Washington DC and is local to the WaPo, and the "branding" thing, which is new and odd.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Static Ping,

25 or so years ago, I lived in Emeryville, CA, a few blocks from the Oakland border in three directions. By Bay Area standards, it was an extraordinarily friendly neighborhood, roughly 1/3 each white, black, and Indian subcontinent. Total strangers said "Good morning" when I walked to class (well, walked to bus to walk to class, but you get the gist).

Oh, of course there was the odd robbery. My husband lost his wallet one night pulling into the lot, to a black dude who led off with "Excuse me." There wasn't much in the wallet (he had to cancel all his credit cards, but the cash loss was very small). It's a good thing the thief didn't know about the $6K viola in the back seat, though. Not to mention the bow. We probably would have gotten them back if pawned, but it would've been a massive PITA.

After that, our landlady installed a thick steel gate. With an automated opener. Not sure that actually did much good.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Celebrate diversity! (But only in white neighborhoods)

Michael K said...

"25 or so years ago, I lived in Emeryville, CA, "

My older son, who is a lefty and trial lawyer, lives in Alameda but used to live in Emeryville.

He is very contemptuous of Orange County, where he grew up, but he has two kids now and his wife is mumbling about moving to OC for the schools. All these "gentrifying" neighborhoods are kidless.

JohnAnnArbor said...

To summarize:
- if you avoid certain neighborhoods, you're racist
- if you visit certain neighborhoods, you're racist
- if you move out of certain neighborhoods, you're racist
- if you move to certain neighborhoods, you're racist

All very familiar arguments in the Greater Detroit area.

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Mucho respect for Ethiopians. I should make my way to D.C. more. The only African country never colonized. I remember how much I used to love Ethiopian food as a kid. Not as much as a novelty now but still not bad from time to time. Imagine how privileged Americans are and how toxic their diet must be to have found spongy finger bread and beans/vegetables with berbere exotic and natural.

5/4/17, 5:58 PM

"Ethiopia loses around 16.5 percent of its GDP each year to the long-term effects of child malnutrition. That's just one of the statistics to emerge from "The Cost of Hunger in Africa" study which measures the economic impact of malnutrition in 12 different countries."

n.n said...

White Americans vs "African" American, presumably excluding native white survivors of social justice adventurism and mass abortions. It is no wonder that prejudice is a progressive condition. [class] diversity for democratic leverage is a first-order forcing of climate change and community warming.

Chris N said...

Why is it that black folks can't be expected to start gaining skills, dominating city political machines, integrating into more social institutions etc.?

I get that this trajectory may be on a longer curve due to America's racial history, but it's still no excuse for violence, fatherlessness and failure.

We know there are groups of ideologues and co-dependent do-gooders forever portraying them as a victim class of former slaves and noble savages.

None of that describes the individuals I know, so maybe I'm biased.

Chris N said...

And it's rather personal for me, so I get sick of the genuine racism (the scary shit and the subtle hypocrisy) and the white guilt brownstone activism.

Nitwit crusaders and violent thugs deserve each other. Morally decent, reasonably tolerant people deserve to be left alone.

YoungHegelian said...

@Chris N.

Why is it that black folks can't be expected to start gaining skills, dominating city political machines, integrating into more social institutions etc.?

Because the liberal whites & the blacks are both Democrats, but have very different ideas of what "local politics" is about. White liberals are very much into "good government", "openess", "meritocracy", etc. Blacks see the local government as a local patronage machine. For 300 years the white piggies have had their snouts in the trough. Now it's time for the black & brown piggies to get their snouts in. Hey, it may not be a morally uplifting sentiment, but as history goes, it's pretty accurate.

The blacks want a piece of the action cut off for them & then to be left alone. The white liberals want to get their noses & high-falutin morals into everything.

Bay Area Guy said...

In 1980, Oakland was 39% white, and 47% black (the rest hispanic and asian).

In 2010, Oakland was 35% white, and 28% black (Hispanic 25%, Asian 17%).

Blacks are leaving Oakland. Why? San Francisco is so ridiculously expensive, that folks are moving into Oakland, driving up housing prices, driving blacks out.

Chris N said...


Agree with most of that. Black folks had the harder road to walk and have the worst timing as to getting a piece of the Boss Tweed action (union jobs, garbage men and street sweepers, the sweet public project dough)

I openly laugh at the white small-town, university enlightened nimrods united by ugly politics and thin gruel liberal identity politics.

So much of what matters in life happens as far away from such nonsense as possible.

Chris N said...

But such nonsense makes its way into all of our lives, I suppose.

Ah, well.

Michael K said...

"I get that this trajectory may be on a longer curve due to America's racial history, but it's still no excuse for violence, fatherlessness and failure."

I see medical students who are black and those from Africa or the West Indies are doing well, while some American blacks I see flounder.

The non-American black students do not understand American blacks. My dental hygienist is Ethiopian and Jewish. She was one of the Ethiopian Jews rescued by Israel where she grew up. She is married to a white Jewish guy and they go to Israel every year to visit family still there, She has told me of hate stares she gets from black women when she is out with her husband.

It's possible that Reconstruction done by the radical Republicans after Lincoln was assassinated poisoned the well for whites in the South. Personally, I had good relations with blacks in Chicago in the 50s. It is much worse now.

Some may be due to race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson and Obama. Obama was just more subtle.

Chris N said...

The best I can say about Obama is the symbolic aspect, that his election made it possible for basic decency and moral inclusion.

But he's a radical incentivized in tearing down in a kind of symbiotic mental slavery with 'the oppressor'. He fans 🔥

That is a man not yet free.

But the Africans look down on natives in a way that may be true at times, but is condescending and not fully appreciative of what people went through.

Injustice makes people suffer, and radicalize. Hard and soft ideologues have answers for injustice which everyone more in the long run

Chris N said...

Which costs and hurts everyone more. And tears down functional institutions

MikeD said...

Michael K; Reminded me of the great 80's comedy show, In Living Color, starring the Wayans Bros. They had a great shtick with a West Indies family & how everybody had to work all the time.

steve uhr said...

Sucks to live in a popular neighborhood with high property values. A couple gun shots at night should bring home values back down.

Larvell said...

Why don't we just issue everyone racial identity cards and have Congress set out very clear rules about what kinds of things each race can say and do, what fashions they can wear, what they can do with their hair, where they can live, etc.? That way we can truly eliminate racial discrimination.

CL said...

I thought diversity was good?? so confused

Gahrie said...

I thought diversity was good?? so confused

Diversity is good only when it mean "leftist" or "non-White".

Michael K said...

MikeD, Colin Powell's family was from Jamaica.

I think that is significant.

Also, my one black medical student who did very well with no problems, played water polo in high school and college.

How many black water polo players have you heard of ?

Mark said...

Yeah, I see a lot of progressive white guys displacing the black traditional civil rights types in D.C. leadership, pushing their white progressive agenda in addition to gentrification.

But I don't see any of these white boys saying, "Hey, let's go live in Anacostia!"


Mark said...

I can now find multiple Taiwanese restaurants, northern Chinese, Cantonese, Szechuan/Hunan, Uighur restaurants & chinese groceries that have live turtle & a "meatball" (eg fish, pork, chicken) bar (bar as in an olive or salad bar).

Well, try finding some of those Chinese people in Chinatown. The white folks have pushed most of them out -- with their coffee shops and bikes and dogs.

Mark said...

Give me Marion Barry over David Grosso any day.

Jaq said...

So is gentrification bad because people are coming into neighborhoods and forcing cultural changes and economic displacement and it is good for example, if millions of illegals come into the country and force cultural changes and economic displacement?

It only ever depends on whose ox is being gored with liberals, every time.

Lewis Wetzel said...

R&B wrote:
Supplied? Interesting way of seeing things.

I'm sorry you're so bitter that blacks don't want to be talked down to as much as poor whites want to be when it comes to embracing the hateful and divisive Republican party. Maybe you can find newer and better ways of talking down to them. That should attract some votes. It works for Kansas!

Has there ever been a time when the Dems did not consider the main object of government to be the assignment of civic rights on a racial basis?
No. No, there hasn't.

YoungHegelian said...


Well, try finding some of those Chinese people in Chinatown. The white folks have pushed most of them out -- with their coffee shops and bikes and dogs.

DC Chinatown has been moribund since the early 90s. The DC old-timers told me that it was a hoppin' place in the late 50s & 60s.

None of the new east Asian immigrants wanted to move into the district, so the suburbs got them. Much better schools in the 'burbs, less crime, cheaper decent housing, more jobs, social supports (e.g. the diocese of Arlington for the Vietnamese in the VA suburbs) & a suburban white population that actually, kinda, sorta, liked them. As opposed to the black population of the district, that made no effort to hide its dislike of them, a dislike that got promptly reciprocated.

YoungHegelian said...


But I don't see any of these white boys saying, "Hey, let's go live in Anacostia!"

I have a client, white as the driven snow, who actually lives in a new condo complex in Anacostia, near the metro. The view from the roof top over the Anacostia River into the District proper was incredible!

I went out there to set up his home office computer systems. First time ever to that part of Anacostia. But, I have to tell you -- it was a pretty neighborhood in its own way, & one day I'm sure it'll blossom again.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Black churchgoers wanted to appropriate a public school ground, in violation of the separation of church and state, and keep kids from playing there. And they don't like bike paths, dogs, or coffee shops. You gotta admit it, at least to yourself -- black people suck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

American blacks have about 1/3rd white slaveholder rapist ancestry. So there's that, I guess.

Gahrie said...

American blacks have about 1/3rd white slaveholder rapist ancestry. So there's that, I guess.

Have you looked at the current statistics for interracial rape lately?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No. Why should I?

Gahrie said...

No. Why should I?

Rapes of Black people by White people are virtually non-existent.

Rapes of White people by Black people average around 20,000 a year.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well maybe if they hadn't descended from so many white slaveowning rapists then they would have inherited less rapey raping rapist genes.

Qwinn said...

I call complete and utter bullshit on that 1/3 statistic. Then again, I can call utter bullshit on anything I've ever heard Ritmo say.

Gahrie said...

Well maybe if they hadn't descended from so many white slaveowning rapists then they would have inherited less rapey raping rapist genes.

Why aren't the White descendants of the White slaveowning rapists still raping Black women?

Why are there 100,000 rapes in South Africa each year making it the rape capital of the world?

Alex said...

“They described neighborhood carjackings, shootings, and purse snatchings with laughter and jokes,” Hyra writes. “It seemed that the neighborhood violence gave some newcomers ... something interesting to talk about at parties.”

How fucked up in the head...

Alex said...

None of the new east Asian immigrants wanted to move into the district, so the suburbs got them. Much better schools in the 'burbs, less crime, cheaper decent housing, more jobs, social supports (e.g. the diocese of Arlington for the Vietnamese in the VA suburbs) & a suburban white population that actually, kinda, sorta, liked them. As opposed to the black population of the district, that made no effort to hide its dislike of them, a dislike that got promptly reciprocated.

Isn't it a form of mental illness to hate on an ethnic group for being more successful?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I call complete and utter bullshit on that 1/3 statistic. Then again, I can call utter bullshit on anything I've ever heard Ritmo say.

No one cares what you say, magical thinker. I call you a monkey.

Thanks for the biology lesson. How many courses in human genetics did you fail?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why aren't the White descendants of the White slaveowning rapists still raping Black women?

How do you know they aren't?

You know, not every white southerner was descended from a plantation owner, let alone a rapist.

Gretchen said...

This is what democrats do, they ruin existing communities. When my kids went to a Charter school it was largely democrat parents who lobbied to do away with the things that made the charter unique and desirable, including wanting to get rid of uniforms because precious wanted to wear pink shoes or something, ability grouping (precious wasn't in the top group) and even the math program because it was "old fashioned" (we consistently had the highest scores in the state). The school had an enrollment of 520 and a waitlist of 2500. These busybodies would enroll then want to change the school instead of going to the neighborhood school down the street. Infuriating.

I have no problem with anyone living in any neighborhood, just respect the character of the neighborhood, and follow the community norms.

Lewis Wetzel said...

R&B! Expert at hormone-driven and DNA-driven behavior!
I've heard he has a GED. Scored high, too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only thing I know about hormone-driven behavior is how Lewis Wetzel's momma acts every now and then.

Gahrie said...

Why aren't the White descendants of the White slaveowning rapists still raping Black women?

How do you know they aren't?

Because the Department of Justice says so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So there are no white rapists, or none that were descended from white slaveowners?

I didn't know the DOJ had evidence that good.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Huh. A few days ago you were pushing the eccentric idea that "sexual orientation" is hormone driven, R&B. Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, eh?

Gahrie said...

So there are no white rapists

No..there are no Whites raping Blacks....but plenty of Blacks raping Whites.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo, do you think blacks are justified in raping white women now because of the actions of white slaveowners in the 19th century? Is that your idea of justice?

Paco Wové said...

Hmmm, I like the cut of that Mr. Carter's jib. Too bad there's no place for someone like that in the Democratic Party.

Lewis Wetzel said...

It's not racism. Bad people are racists. Instead it's "DNA guilt."

Rick said...

JaimeRoberto said...
The Wire was a great show, but why would you want to live it?

"The Wire" was in the projects, high rises and surrounding low rise apartments of government welfare housing. The DC neighborhoods in question are nothing like this. There are vastly more levels of poverty and danger than urban - suburban - rural. We see this in the Wire when Bubbles goes to his sister's place in Baltimore but outside the projects. The area is so different Bubbles has a hard time adapting.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Well maybe if they hadn't descended from so many white slaveowning rapists then they would have inherited less rapey raping rapist genes"

Now you're saying that mixed-race blacks are genetically predisposed to rape. That's absolutely disgusting! Unfortunately, it's not surprising that you hold a view like that, considering how much more likely liberals are to be racist.

Rusty said...

Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
"Ritmo, do you think blacks are justified in raping white women now because of the actions of white slaveowners in the 19th century? Is that your idea of justice? "

No ideas. Just hate.
If you somehow have more of something than Ritmo, you stole it from Ritmo. Somehow.

hawkeyedjb said...

The Toothless Revolutionary, like most leftists, must include in virtually every public utterance some statement that denigrates his country and countrymen. I'm convinced it is not simply an act of perverted virtue-signaling; it must be a source of glee akin to that produced by drugs or auto-titillation.

Peter said...

"How many urban Traditional African American Communities were originally ethnic white communities ? This sort of ebb and flow has been going on for a long time."

And no doubt it will continue, absent government coercion.

The danger in the assertion that long-time black residents are losing something when the neighborhood when white Millenials move in is admitting that there are some good things about a cohesive, ethnically homogenous neighborhood that are lost when it diversifies.

For although there are upsides to living in an ethnically diverse neighborhood there are also drawbacks, yet pointing this out contradicts the dogma that diversity is always an unalloyed good (perhaps to the point of inviting accusations of racism?).

Peter said...

"How many urban Traditional African American Communities were originally ethnic white communities ? This sort of ebb and flow has been going on for a long time."

And no doubt it will continue, absent a government forcing function.

The danger in the assertion that long-time black residents are losing something when white Millenials move in is admitting that there are some good things about a cohesive, ethnically homogenous neighborhood that are lost when it diversifies.

For although there are upsides to living in an ethnically diverse neighborhood there are also drawbacks, yet pointing this out contradicts the dogma that diversity is always an unalloyed good (perhaps to the point of inviting accusations of racism?).

Beach Brutus said...

Returning to President Carter's statement -- when considered in total, isn't he saying that while diversity is good, freedom is better? ... and it is not the place of government to interfere with how people freely arrange themselves so long as coercion is not used to promote or prevent it? I think the problem was people took the phrase of "ethic purity" as a qualitative endorsement rather than as he obviously intended as merely descriptive.

Tim said...

Almost all of the African slave trade went to South America or the Caribbean. Why don't the race hustlers go after the Spanish? Why doesn't LaRaza go after Spain- Spain "stole" Mexico from the various tribes that were trying to steal it from each other.

Bob B said...

Why are the blacks complaining? Everyone knows the Democrats believe black must serve the interests of white Democrats.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No..there are no Whites raping Blacks....but plenty of Blacks raping Whites.

Are you one of those whites who raped some of those rapey genes into them, or something?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...mixed-race blacks are genetically predisposed to rape.

Seems to me that's what gahrie was saying, actually.

Gahrie said...

Seems to me that's what gahrie was saying, actually.

Are your comprehension skills that bad?

You brought up Whites raping Blacks in our history. I countered with the information that that is no longer a problem today, and the real problem is Blacks raping Whites...which never gets mentioned anywhere.

You then proceeded to obfuscate and divert...which is all you ever do really.

Hyphenated American said...

For everyone who argues with a character named "The Toothless Revolutionary"....

One thing you need to know is that he now self-identifies as a "piece of sh$t"....

How do I know this? A few weeks ago he made a number of false claims about me. I gave him 3 options: provide evidence to substantiate his claims; apologize for making false claims; he is a piece of sh$t. Surpringly, toothless revolutionary chose the third option. From now on, he should be referred to as POS, and you know what it stands for. This was his own choice, and we have to respect it.

As a reference, here are two messages from me to him....

For Toothless revolutionary:

I can see that you now want to talk about me, but not respond to me... That's about to change...

You said the following about me:

"Hey, you're the one who brings up how being Russian, etc. colors your whole existence, how it defines you, how you cannot escape it and stop it from controlling your understanding of the world as if you're in a prison. Not me."

Now, either provide the quotes from me that support what you said or apologize. If you do neither, you are a piece of shit. I am okay with either.

4/23/17, 3:26 PM
Blogger Hyphenated American said...
For toothless revolutionary, a challenge:

You want to talk about me, but refuse to respond to me.... That's about to change...

You wrote this about me:

""Glad to know that you think that a decent education should only be the reserve of the wealthy. ""

Please provide a quote from me that supports this claim. If you cannot, please confirm that you were mistaken. If you do not respond, then you are a piece of sh@t. Agreed?

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