Hamblin likes the idea of "redefining strength" by accepting, in the moment, that one has been "physically overpowered" and not getting caught up in "the idea of masculinity as an amalgam of dominance and violence." Instead, Jacobs, speaking "as if narrating for the audio recorder," said “You just body-slammed me and broke my glasses." He also "started asking for names of witnesses to the assault who will be assets to his case as it plays out in courts of law and public opinion," and reported the incident to the police.
Of course, Jacobs's choices were not merely a matter of overcoming physical impulses and meritoriously eschewing violence. I don't know how much of an impulse to retaliate on the spot he may have felt. I don't really know how violently he was hit. I don't even know if he did something first toward Gianforte and Gianforte was doing the old tit for tat retaliation. But narrating the audio, dropping it on line, going to the police, and taking names for litigation purposes is also a form of dominance. Some people would even call it violence. Why, here's an article in The Atlantic from just last June: "Enforcing the Law Is Inherently Violent/A Yale law professor suggests that oft-ignored truth should inform debates about what statutes and regulations to codify."
You know, if somehow I were given the choice between getting body slammed and getting charged with a crime and the question were How hard would the body slam need to be before you'd prefer to get charged with a crime?, I'd say pretty damned hard. And I'm just a little old lady. I'd rather be body-slammed than get sued in tort. If you body-slammed me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't hit you back.* But I'll tell you one thing: If you sue me, I will defend to the hilt, and — where ethically appropriate — there will be counterclaims.
* And I have been body-slammed, at rock concerts, when I was trying to stand out of the range of a mosh pit and some young man came flying out obliviously. And sometimes it was intentional, an effort to provoke non-moshers to listen to the music the properly physical way. But I didn't call the cops or take names or file lawsuits.
A "body-slam" is lifting someone completely of the ground and then driving their body to the ground.Wait. Let's get some shared understanding here. Does anybody think Jacobs intended to refer to the professional wrestling move? Here's a careful, precise demonstration of what that is:
It's not the same as "slam-dancing" on the periphery of a mosh pit, where one person slams his body into someone else's.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 522 Newer› Newest»I shouldn't have said impotent, as not all rage is impotent.
After all, some Republicans do take Viagra.
"Louis C.K. on 05/21/2010*:
“one rum and coke and im ready to shit in sarah palin’s mouth seriously.”"
I had no idea Louis C.K. said that.
Sure. But you just laughed, didn't you? Sick.
How many white collar criminals register as Republicans?
Trick question! They don't have to!
They just buy off Republican congress critters to change the laws and make what they do not illegal any more.
"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats"
Democrats (mostly) jailing Democrats (mostly).
There is a great march through the institutions, but I think this may be some institutions too far. They should knock it off.
LOL - how many Democrats are slimy money-grubbing lobbyists?
7 out of 10 political bribes are made to a Republican.
When is comes to bribery - Hillary takes the cake.
LOL - how many Democrats are slimy money-grubbing lobbyists?
LOL - lobbyists don't belong to a party, dummy. Parties are for the politicians.
Methinks one crazy right-wing wacko needs to catch up on her Schoolhouse Rock specials.
When you get to the one on how a bill becomes a law, let me know. I might leave out the bribery introduction, though - as crucial as it is for your side.
Rene Saunce thinks the topic is "Why I hate leftists". That's her ONLY subject matter - ever. Find a shrink for Christ's sake.
come on Vogue! Hanging chad go go go!
Incomplete List of Democrat Criminals:
(or shall we call them democratic?)
Lee Alexander, Syracuse Mayor: racketeering and tax evasion
Hillary Clinton: unidicted bribe taker
Christopher Dodd: $50,000 bagman for John Huang, blamed it on Don Fowler.
Robert Filner, US Rep, CA: Assault and battery on United Airlines employee at Dulles Intn'l
*Barney Frank: unidicted child whoremonger, wrecker of currency, Fanny-Freddy
Oscar Goodman, Las Vegas mayor: bribes, telling fourth graders to bring gin if they are stuck on island
Diane Gordon: New York City Council, convicted of taking bribes
Alcee Hastings: impeached and convicted judge/representative
William Jefferson: has he been indicted yet?
**Ted Kennedy: unindicted murderer
Pat Kennedy: unindicted (censored) drunk
Robert Menendez: unindicted bribe taker
Kwame Kilpatrick: Detroit Mayor, perjury, obstruction of justice, fired police chief for investigating his mayoral personage.
Jack Murtha: unidicted bribe taker
Ray Nagin: say, Ray, what really happened to that $250,000,000 ya got from the Corps of Engineers to fix the dike? Didja think they meant dyke?
Harry Reid: unidicted bribe taker
Ed Rendell: unidicted bribe solicitor
Gary Siplin, FL State Senator: grand theft conviction- props for being different, still in office because stupid Florida Supreme Court allows convicted felons to stay in office until their case is appealed.
Thomas Wright: NC house, six count indictment for fraud/obstructing justice, pending trial and removal from office.
When is comes to bribery - Hillary takes the cake.
Not a politician. Is she running for something?
Let me get this straight: In order to keep your whatabouts current and well-stocked, you have to go after non-politicians also?
Wow. That's pretty pathetic. You're saying that at least your politicians aren't as bad as a single non-politician.
Think about the desperation in that. Do you also have to go against children when you compete in tournaments?
You sound like the Cobra Kai that got their asses kicked in The Karate Kid.
Rene Saunce thinks the topic is "Why I hate leftists". That's her ONLY subject matter - ever. Find a shrink for Christ's sake.
They'd probably throw her out after one session. She's too crazy for even a professional to bother with her.
Did you see crazy Rene Sauce's list of "unindicted" (non-criminals)?
That's really something. Let it never be forgotten how much contempt the right-wing has for due process. And other constitutional norms.
"come on Vogue! Hanging chad go go go!
Incomplete List of Democrat Criminals:
(or shall we call them democratic?)"
Look at this shit!! ROFL! She's out.of.control!
Let's continue the hypothetical a bit that I addressed above. Let us assume that the reporter was armed at the time. Of course, his concealed firearm is probably illegal, since permits are required in MT inside city limits. Ignoring that though, what happens if he draws his gun after being "body slammed" to the ground? As noted above, that would likely be escalation, which would make him the aggressor, and any deadly force he might use would not qualify as self-defense. But it is worse. He is apparently British, which means that he very likely doesn't know muzzle discipline, which means that he is likely to sweep at least one person in a crowded room with his muzzle. That likely constitutes an imminent threat of death or great bodily injury, providing anyone in the room who was armed legal justification for shooting him (and having a lot of Republicans in a room like that in MT probably guarantees that some of them are legally carrying concealed firearms). He probably wouldn't die, but if he did - too bad, so sad. The moral is that you shouldn't carry a firearm outside your house without knowing the rules for doing so.
How about some former office holders?
Weiner, Anthony [Carlos Danger]
**Sen. Brock Adams: rape
Frank Ballance: mail fraud, money laundering
Rep. Marrio Biaggi: Wedtech. illegal use of minority no bid contracting, bribes
*Marion Barry: is he still out of office, or is he back again?
Jim Black: NC Speaker of the house, five years for accepting bribes
Kathryn Bowers, State Sen.: bribery, "Tennessee Waltz"
Daniel Baugh Brewster: illegal gratuitie
Brian Burke, felony and misdemeanor pleas
Albert G. Bustamante: racketeering, bribery
Robert Byrd: KKK member
John A. Celona: racketeering, mail fraud
Warren Christopher, Secretary of State: fired James C. Woods for suggesting that $5,300,000 missing from AIT visa fund was spent on sexual favors and John Huang.
Chuck Chvala, Wisconson Senate Majority Leader: using state employees to do political work and to illegally funneling money to a state Senate campaign. (19 other counts were dropped and Chvala served no time.)
*Henry Cisneros: lying to FBI about $250,000 hush money to mistress
William Lacy Clay, Sr.: ethics charges, house banking scandal
Tony Coelho: bond market and stock market defrauder
Jerry Cosentino, state treasurer: bank fraud (seriously)
William Cotton, County Committeeman: bribery, "Tennessee Waltz"
**Gary Condit: murder
Alan Cranston: Keating five (funny how Keating, a republican, seemed to know to bribe democrats)
George Crockett, Jr.: contempt of court for defending communist on trial for advocating the overthrow of the government
Ward Crutchfield, State Sen. : bribery, "Tennessee Waltz"
Gloria Davis, Bronx Assembly: bribery
Dennis DeConcini: Keating five
Charles Coles Diggs, Jr.: mail fraud
Roscoe Dixon, State Sen.: bribery, "Tennessee Waltz"
Thomas Joseph Dodd: (daddy Dodd) $116,000 in campaign funds diverted for personal use
Edwin Edwards, Governor LA: $400,000 extortion
Angelo Errichetti, Camden Mayor: Abscam
Daniel Flood: payoffs
John N. Ford, State Sen.: bribery, "Tennessee Waltz"
Cornelius Edward Gallagher: tax evasion, conspiracy, perjury
Former Rep. Robert Garcia: Wedtech
**David Giles: child rape
Former Sen. John Glenn: Keating five
**Neil Goldschmidt, Oregon governor: confessed child molester
Eliot Spitzer - soliciting prostitution, Mann Act
"She's too crazy for even a professional to bother with her."
She's turning the threads she's in into shit.
If crazy Rene Sauce is saying that lobbying/donations are cool because she listed 20 ("unindicted") Democrats she accuses of it, that it's ok for 235+ House Republicans, 50+ Republican senators, the president, and untold numbers of Republican state officials to do it?
I never knew she formulated her priorities based on what Democrats do. But that's good to know. I suppose now she will model them on policy, as well.
That crazy Rene Sauce. You know, if a Democrat told her to jump off a bridge, she would do it. True story.
Democratics are awesome and clean. Very clean.
Eliot Spitzer and Carlos Danger are my favorites.
It's like she was traumatized by some leftist(s). Now all she can do is bogart every discussion with her hatred of leftists. That's some kind of nuts.
It's really not nice to refer to the party of Hastert, Foley, Vitters, Craig and Trump that way."
Oh, I dunno, leaving a woman to die in a car is in its' own special league.
And here we find the Rito, flailing about in desperation as the tide receeds. If one listens closely, the grinding of his mandibles sounds very much like "Kill me now. Please
Mercy. Just do it already!".
And as the Rito exasperates, behind him we see a flit of an Inga quickly disappearing deep into her shell, to hibernate until the fake mating call of the Russian Snipe draws her out yet again to perform her Dance Of Beclownment.
Will she survive the summer? Will the Fen ever find a meal worth his effort, or will he continue to laugh himself to death?
Find out next week when Althouse Geographic returns!
* this episode sponsored by:
Boris and Natasha
People's District 24, Moscow.
GRU substation 3, Washington DC
and His Eminence, The Reptilian Overlord of Alpha Centauri
I have more.
What decade did you get your alternative/fake news from, Crazy Rene Sauce?
Get this: Trump boasted about assaulting women and then went to office - just last year!
Apparently a Republican is a Democrat who actually has substantiated/on-the-record accusations and then not only doesn't leave office or the public eye, but takes it and inflicts himself on the populace with his disgrace.
Take more Adderall when doing your hack copy-and-paste job, Crazy Sauce.
It's good to know someone else is doing your blog comments for you, though. You've been getting a little rusty and long in the tooth for this sort of thing for quite some time now, haven't you.
Brookzene, you've traumatized the country. Think of Nov. 8 as America giving itself an enema.
Oh, I dunno, leaving a woman to die in a car is in its' own special league.
Don't worry, it wasn't you.
You were off being let down by men in other ways.
"The moral is that you shouldn't carry a firearm outside your house without knowing the rules for doing so."
I'm assuming that we can remove the in house v out of house distinction re knowing rules re pistols and such.
Just Sayin'
Over 1000 Dem seats lost at the local state and federal level since 2008. Obama's true legacy.
Real Americans doing their best to vomit the filth up.
Very derivative, Fem. But at least not as boring as your usual comments.
Admit it: You admire Russia.
There the politicians get to behave toward ordinary citizens the way our soldiers do when abusing the occupied in one of the countries we're off trying to micro-manage.
And you envy and long for that. Don't you?
"She's too crazy for even a professional to bother with her."
She's turning the threads she's in into shit.
When your opponent resorts to name calling, you have won the argument
Real Americans doing their best to vomit the filth up.
Real Americans don't need Russia to brag to and tell their president what to do, you treasonous fake patriot.
OH, look at me Mrs. Kislyak and Lavrov! I gots the BEST intelligence! Now let's reveal everything about it and get the operative killed! Whoopeee! I'm Trump I don't give a fuck about anyone. But I CAN BRAG about obvious things and play show and tell to the Russians that play me!
I guess spouting off-topic shit is all you've got when you have to defend Trump and the alt-Right.
Somebody probably will be frog-walked out of the administration pretty soon. Trump doesn't seem to have much to offer the Trumpistas these days either. Talking about walking back his stand on the Paris accords just the most recent. Of course the wall's nowhere in sight. Repealing Obamacare isn't going anywhere. Savaging food stamps is going to hurt a lot of the Trump supporters as well.
Yeah, maybe she's not nuts. If I had to defend the Trumps and his surrogates I'd do change the topic, too. Get out a list of all the bad Dems and hope nobody thinks about this Trump and the Russians business.
Trump is just so excited that someone finally let him get his tiny fake hands on some actual intel for a change.
He couldn't contain himself!
What an important man! Look at what the presidency allows him, especially when not being blocked and played by his smarter-than-him staff.
He's a poker player who not only doesn't know that he's the mark, he brags about how low his cards are.
Stupid stupid stupid. Just like a Russian Republican.
ah yes, I'm reminded of the wretched nazgul, martin bashir who had similar remarks toward the huntress, which occasioned his dismissal from msnbc bin Laden's favorite network till they kicked out olbermann,
TTR, if, like Teddy, you're such a ladykiller, why do you spend so many Saturday nights here? Your charming personality doesn't seem to be winning the ladies over.
Wow. What a surprise.
Day after day faced with the fact that Trump has no character. Of course for voters who have no character that's not a problem. But conservatives used to tout that as one of their selling points. Now that's turned to shit. It's got to be depressing for most of the non-crazy ones.
I guess spouting off-topic shit is all you've got when you have to defend Trump and the alt-Right.
The topic was congressman vs reporter until you guys lost the argument and changed it.
Real Americans don't need Russia to brag to and tell their president what to do, you treasonous fake patriot. "
Your delusional rants are most entertaining.
Did Poot and Trump conspire to embarrass Hillary and the DNC?
They did! no proof - just. They did! Leftists whining about a red scare is hilarious.
Unlike Forrest Gump, Trump is too stupid to know that he's not a smart man.
Unlike Forrest Gump, Trump doesn't give a shit about Jenny. Or any other American, really.
Trump got intel! From sources that will never give it to him again!
Trump got forensics on the Manchester bomber! Give it away-give-it-away-now!
That's how you prove your American power! Opening your fucking fucktard flapjaw and giving everything away!
American POWER! Loose lips sink dipshits.
Day after day faced with the fact that Trump has no character
Liberal character:
Colbert said, “The only thing [Trump's] mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's cock holster.
The topic was congressman vs reporter until you guys lost the argument and changed it.
5/27/17, 9:22 PM
Yep. One more fail.
Good night, losers!
Yet Obama dealt with Russia, re Syria, Iran, Cuba, let the decapitation of the polish cabinet go practically unnoticed, responded with some weak sanctions after the shootdown of a civilian jetliner over the Ukraine, allowed the exchanges to be hacked, etc etc,
"TTR, if, like Teddy, you're such a ladykiller, why do you spend so many Saturday nights here? Your charming personality doesn't seem to be winning the ladies over."
Again the vaunted intellect of the Trump voter. Making another strong pro-Trump argument. Watch who nods.
Real Americans don't need Russia to brag to and tell their president what to do, you treasonous fake patriot. "
You're the tard that uses the phrase - as if it means anything.
Yep. Wisconsin. State of the real Americans. If by "real" you mean really boring Americans.
My nights start late, and not just on weekends. What time do things close in Wisconsin? 10 PM?
And I'm not talking about your hoo-hah. That's basically always closed.
"Yet Obama dealt with Russia, re Syria, Iran, Cuba"
But but but...whatabout???
One good defense of Trump that's not "leftists suck" or "He's not Hillary!"
Go ahead. I dare you.
mainstreet is one of those nasty beeyatches who think she's entitled enough to pick the guy she wants.
But like Trump, she's the mark who doesn't realize that she's nowhere near as wanted as she presumes. But she likes to think she's winning some game, at any rate.
The new masculinity:
Did you see that? That man just body-slammed my wife and broke her glasses. And she's still on the floor! Will all you witnesses give me your names. Oh dear, I think I'm going to faint.
Yes. Trump voters. Veritable studs and tens.
Sure, they can't charm the pants off of a slug. But they believe they're in high demand so why not?
Well, see you all in a month or so.
Off to Asia.
If there is a war anywhere there, its not gonna be my fault, I swear.
The topic is reporter vs Congressman
But but but...whatabout??? One good defense of Trump that's not "leftists suck" or "He's not Hillary!"
"The new masculinity:"
Don't fight back, not if you want to win the lawsuit.
"The topic is reporter vs Congressman"
Well maybe now that the off-topic jackasses are gone.
Brookzene, the tsk-tsking self-appointed hall monitor of Althouse, pretends that he/she/it has been making strong anti-Trump arguments instead of screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia!" and hypocritically ignoring all evidence that he/she/it belongs to a party of corrupt filth.
I guess a conservative broke Brookie's glasses once and gave him a wedgie.
Was it Michelle Malkin?
" If I had to defend the Trumps and his surrogates I'd do change the topic, too. Get out a list of all the bad Dems and hope nobody thinks about this Trump and the Russians business."
Believe me, America won't be forgetting about the Trump Russia scandal anytime soon, no matter how desperately they try to deflect or distract. It's only getting hotter as the days go by.
...the tsk-tsking self-appointed hall monitor of Althouse...
It's funny listening to an old admirer of nuns like yourself admonishing others for simply attempting to stick to the topic.
What do you think character is in a politician, exiledonmainsreet? Just putting that out there so you can show us at your best.
Believe me, America won't be forgetting about the Trump Russia scandal anytime soon, no matter how desperately they try to deflect or distract. It's only getting hotter as the days go by.
It's funny. The more Trump tries to hide and obstruct, the more this comes back to bite him in the ass.
It's like, he never even got the memo on how the job of a president is NOT to deflect, hide things, obstruct, prevaricate, perseverate, etc.
What do you think character is in a politician, exiledonmainsreet? Just putting that out there so you can show us at your best.
$50 says she won't answer and will just fling out some garbage about Democrats, instead.
$20 says that if she gives a real answer, it will be something pre-approved by the CATO Institute.
"he/she/it belongs to a party of corrupt filth."
It's almost biblical. Boy, you sure get yourself worked up over this stuff.
"$20 says that if she gives a real answer, it will be something pre-approved by the CATO Institute."
Not smart enough to find something by CATO - or even to have heard of them.
"It's funny. The more Trump tries to hide and obstruct, the more this comes back to bite him in the ass."
True, it's uncanny, yet hilarious.
"$50 says she won't answer and will just fling out some garbage about Democrats, instead."
That's the smart bet.
Not smart enough to find something by CATO - or even to have heard of them.
That's true.
Her intelligence only reaches the level where she throws out garbage terms like "real American" as if she's got a scorecard for eliminating those of her country who somehow merit the designation of anything but.
Says she was educated at University of Chicago, but talks like Bill the Butcher. Only with less color and pizazz and one-tenth the charisma. But roughly the same moral standards.
"Says she was educated at University of Chicago"
Not a fucking chance. Unless it was some STEM program.
Well, she doesn't even have to answer, she's voted for Trump and never regretted her vote for a moment, I'm betting.
This is what we know. It is a he said/he said story, with one retracted testimony, another confirming, and limited evidence. The rational progression would be to await for an investigation and independent confirmation of each witness's story and scrutiny of the evidence. The Pro-Choice sects (left, right, and center) need to holster their scalpels and delay the baby trial until one or another story can be determined to be viable.
Yeah, I was thinking that Chicago really would be a strange place to attend for a Great Books program.
I didn't even know that was a major.
You know at this rate, he'll never beat Hillary in November,
People want to punch corruption.
She really does argue like an eight-year old. I can't imagine she's even smart enough to have flunked out of the University of Chicago.
It's not the point of view she argues it's her, ahem, rhetorical skills.
"People want to punch corruption."
You clearly want to punch. I'd do something about that anger. You must have been told that before.
You know at this rate, he'll never beat Hillary in November,
Don't pick on Rene Sauce, she's not all bad, she loves elephants.
I'm not picking on her. She has real anger issues so you can't even argue stuff with her.
I think the cons got confused. They thought 2016 is still ahead of us and the election against Hillary could take place then.
They're a little slow, that way. A 1950s social policy, a 1920s energy policy, an 1880s regulatory policy. And a year behind on what the upcoming elections are about and who's running in them.
They do, Hall Monitor. They also want to drain the swamp.
Well, she loves elephants, that's something. 🐘I'm sure she's very kindhearted towards them. Liberals, not so much.
The GOP isn't going to have anything to run on in 2018 if they don't get their shit together. It'll just be a referendum on Trump.
"Well, she doesn't even have to answer, she's voted for Trump and never regretted her vote for a moment, I'm betting."
"She really does argue like an eight-year old. I can't imagine she's even smart enough to have flunked out of the University of Chicago."
"mainstreet is one of those nasty beeyatches"
They also want to drain the swamp.
Then why did you liars agree to staffing his cabinet with more billionaires and multimillionaires than ever before and a tax and budget policy that only benefits them?
It's like, you can't even do anything but mouth the slogans.
Let me be the first to suggest you getting physical is funny, laughable and invited.
"Well, she loves elephants, that's something. 🐘"
Republican mascot elephants, right?
. It'll just be a referendum on Trump.
Like Montana?
I'm not all bad.
No. What's typical is you respond to the response, but not the instigation.
How ironic. What was this thread supposed to be about, anyway?
no you're confused, you fell for a bogus it report that couldn't identify the malware as Russian, and a dossier commissioned by a Russian agent trying to break the sanctions, who hired glenn simpson's firm who hired the mi 6 spy,
"Typical: "
You should have seen the shit we had to put up with.
You should have seen the shit we had to put up with.
He's a Republican. He can't see anything he doesn't want to see.
You should have seen the shit we had to put up with.
Louis C.K. on 5/21/2010*:
“Sarah palin says US law should be based on the bible. Let’s start by spraying diarreah into her mouth. like it says to in the bible.”
Sources: Twitter | Web Archive
"They also want to drain the swamp."
"Then why did you liars agree to staffing his cabinet with more billionaires and multimillionaires than ever before and a tax and budget policy that only benefits them?
It's like, you can't even do anything but mouth the slogans."
Reminds me of a certain commenter that keeps assuring us that Trump the Oligarch King and his Court of Jolly Oligarchs ( not even mentioning the Russian Oligarchs) will save us from the Oligarchs. How's that for some cognitive dissonance?
"“Sarah palin says US law should be based on the bible. Let’s start by spraying diarreah into her mouth. like it says to in the bible.”"
Yes, I know, I just heard. You must be so traumatized.
Hang on while I find you a safe space.
How dare Trump cut gub waste. Democrats worked decades to waste our money on lesbian roaming pigeon studies.
Sarah Palin, everybody.
FullMoon has done what his name implies and finally lost it.
He's used this as the perfect opportunity to white knight for a nobody has-run from 2008 - which was like a lifetime ago politically.
You should have seen the shit we had to put up wit
VIDEO: Trump supporter beaten with skateboard by agitators at Berkeley rally
April 15, 2017
By Olaf Ekberg
"How dare Trump cut gub waste. Democrats worked decades to waste our money on lesbian roaming pigeon studies."
Here she goes again. Inviolable to anything but the sound of her own spew.
"I'm not all bad."
I know sister! Anyone who loves elephants the way you do, is redeemable. Rethink your love affair with the Trumpkin, OK?
"How dare Trump cut gub waste. Democrats worked decades to waste our money on lesbian roaming pigeon studies."
She breeches!
Actually she never said that, that came from a bogus letter that fooled matt daamon, besides she upheld the gay marriage ruling in Alaska despite disagreeing with it,
You should have seen the shit we had to put up with
Leftists attack marchers rallying in favor of president's policies with pepper spray, fireworks
by Kathryn Blackhurst | Updated 05 Mar 2017 at 12:00 PM
How dare Trump cut gub waste.
Right. Because science, the Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health (I don't use acronyms with you because like, Rick Perry, I presume you're likely to get confused by them) and anti-poverty programs inc. Medicare and SSI don't benefit Trump's Cabinet of, by and for the Billionaires, then they're nothing but waste. But tax cuts for the top 0.01% are very NOT wasteful.
You losers have lost your gourds. How much more than the next ten countries combined will his 10% DOD budget increase put us in the running for?
Louis CK is a bit of a dick.
"VIDEO: Trump supporter beaten with skateboard by agitators at Berkeley rally"
I know. We're all just heartbroken.
"Louis CK is a bit of a dick."
Oh he's a big dick!
Don't worry, FullMoon.
You're not going to Berkeley, you've never been to Berkeley, no one in your family will ever attend or visit, and as a Republican you hate knowledge and the mission that universities and academia stand for anyway.
So remind us again what your gripe is about this place you know nothing about, have no stake in and will never visit?
Republicans. The party of implied reality.
TTR - wag that poodle.
You should have seen the shit we had to put up with
Published on Jan 20, 2017
As this Hispanic Trump Supporter was leaving the premises of the deploraball he started talking to some of the protestors and they started beating him up. He took around twenty punches, got bloodied up, and when I was asking him questions the liberals started assaulting and beating him again. Hopefully he is safe.
"Leftists attack marchers rallying in favor of president's policies with pepper spray, fireworks"
Those bastards. They oppress me and they oppress you, too!
"As this Hispanic Trump Supporter was leaving the premises of the deploraball he started talking to some of the protestors and they started beating him up. He took around twenty punches, got bloodied up, and when I was asking him questions the liberals started assaulting and beating him again. Hopefully he is safe."
If you could only see how I just wailed out loud when I read this! Please brother, I can hardly take any more. I'm as brokenhearted as can be, as I am sure you are.
He was Hispanic, too.
Seriously, are all of Althouse comments sections just gone to shit?
Oh Dear Lord. Let's hear it for those poor Hispanic Trump supporters.
It was fun when Ann Althouse said the back and forth was killing the comments sections.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Or the day before.
NOTE TO Non-Leftists:
This is a thread to abandon.
You should have seen the shit we had to put up with
Gay Trump Supporter Beaten Unconscious on Texas Street After He Pulls Out Trump Lighter
Lucian Wintrich Feb 2nd, 2017 10:48 pm
"Admit it, you admire Russia"
I'm the guy that approves of dragging Marxists into the street and shooting them in the face, remember?
Hey dude, all bullshit aside, if you are anxiousbabout it I can pick out a shotgun that will meet your needs. Just let me know. Because this is pathetic. I wouldn't even hire you to parody the old ritmo. There's no hope of getting better, it's all down hill. You don't want people to remember you like this. Goal keepers union -> trolls union.
Dead trophy hunters. I'm cool with it.
I'm cool with body-slammed media pricks.
Trump will declare a national day of mourning and eat a Trump Tower Taco Bowl in their honor.
Hall Monitor: Seriously, are all of Althouse comments sections just gone to shit?
Ever since you arrived, yes.
"Seriously, are all of Althouse comments sections just gone to shit?"
If they go on long enough. One can remain serious for so only so long in the face of such hilarity. Eventually ya gotta say oh screw it.
This thread demands the ultimate trash talk: SCOREBOARD!
More than 1000 seats formerly held by Democrats are now held by Republicans.
"Hey dude, all bullshit aside, if you are anxiousbabout it I can pick out a shotgun that will meet your needs. Just let me know. Because this is pathetic."
"But I only said it once!"
("And it was because you made me say it!
Too fuckin funny.
I asked this question, earlier, what exactly is moderated here, it's like the facehugger homeworld in covenant,
"Dead trophy hunters. I'm cool with it.
I'm cool with body-slammed media pricks."
Ohhhhhh now Rene Sauce, I had such hope for you.
I can pick out a shotgun that will meet your needs.
Having trouble adjusting to civilian life, there?
I know it's difficult when your one purpose in life - violence - doesn't pay stateside. But don't worry. Once you spiral into the inevitable course of PTSD, there will be a helpful widow of another abused and likely suicidal piece of cannon fodder who will be there for you.
"Ever since you arrived, yes."
Holy cow. She came out of her stupor long enough to acknowledge somebody else is here other than herself.
@ Inga
One can remain serious (sic) for (sic) so (sic) only so long in the face of such hilarity (sic).
Fem's like Chris Cooper's character in American Beauty. Only without the more intelligent son.
Inga- I do like elephants. Is there anything cuter than a baby elephant? NO.
I like big cats, too.
"Having trouble adjusting to civilian life, there?"
Oh please. This dickless coward never served.
It was fun when Ann Althouse said the back and forth was killing the comments sections.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Or the day before.
Naw, we are the drunks on the corner after the bar closes.
Hey, there's my ride, gotta go.Brook, Toofless, pleasure Inga as long as you can.
Holy cow. She came out of her stupor long enough to acknowledge somebody else is here other than herself.
She does that with the regularity of Groundhog day. Once a year she looks around to take stock of whether other people have joined.
Did I miss a (sic) or two?
This dickless coward never served.
I think you could be onto something there.
"Having trouble adjusting to civilian life, there?"
Oh you mean he's on some kind of work-release program.
It is past my bedtime.
Where are my footie pajamas and hot cocoa? Damn you Trump - you cut them out of the budget. Bastard.
Rene Sauce,
Trump also grabbed your pussy cat and threw it outside, asshole that he is.
Those bitches can stay out.
Notice I asked so and so just to describe what she thought a politician of character would be like - just gave her a chance to say something positive and show her best side - and we never heard from her again. TTR called that.
The most Fen ever served on was the local Squirrel Hunters Council.
Well he loves to tell other commenters to eat a shotgun. Well he only did it once of course. Well then also here, he just told you. Well of course he's a big fucking liar so he may have a habit of telling people to shoot themselves and how to do it.
"Notice I asked so and so just to describe what she thought a politician of character would be like - just gave her a chance to say something positive and show her best side - and we never heard from her again. TTR called that."
She doesn't like the number of liberals on this thread, she prefers to be surrounded by her own kind. Just think, we libs come here daily and face a 90% conservative commentariat.
Notice I asked so and so just to describe what she thought a politician of character would be like - just gave her a chance to say something positive and show her best side - and we never heard from her again. TTR called that.
After a couple months you get to know these commenters' - er, well, I guess you'd technically call them "personalities."
With so and so, she lives for and actually believes she's a participant in dominance displays. So she's the ultimate show horse cheerleader.
Getting to the reality of any discussion is a distant second in her list of priorities to the part with the chest-beating. After that ends, she's out.
He lies almost as much as he refuses to accept responsibility.
"The most Fen ever served on was the local Squirrel Hunters Council."
He said he does reenactments.
"Well then also here, he just told you. Well of course he's a big fucking liar so he may have a habit of telling people to shoot themselves and how to do it."
He also tells them he wants them to die in a fire.
Well he loves to tell other commenters to eat a shotgun. Well he only did it once of course. Well then also here, he just told you. Well of course he's a big fucking liar so he may have a habit of telling people to shoot themselves and how to do it.
He's like any of the other Republicans that way. For them, reality is a flexible and subjective (and partisan) thing. So lying's just another way of getting to their "truth," as it were.
"He said he does reenactments."
He reenacts the times he told off leftists. "And so I sez to him I sez, you oughta eat a shotgun you faggot! Har! So then I sez you traitorous cunt. I hate you. I'm not sorry either. Those lying leftists taught me how to be this way."
Then he turns away from the mirror and turns on his computer.
"He also tells them he wants them to die in a fire."
ROFL. Sorry I missed that one. Can you imagine if he were a relative or you knew him personally?
So the Brookzene, Inga and TTR faction all served - themselves, not one of the innumerable offspring - in the armed forces?
Perhaps they are willing to reveal their military bona fides for us all to judge.
"Perhaps they are willing to reveal their military bona fides for us all to judge."
You aren't qualified to judge me for anything, son.
"ROFL. Sorry I missed that one. Can you imagine if he were a relative or you knew him personally"
God forbid. I think he said he was thinking of chaining women in his basement on the abortion thread the other day.
@ Brookzene
I would turn you over my knee and judge you quite effectively.
BIrkel has never been allowed to judge anything since the day his friends disqualified him from participating in their penis measuring contest - so as not to hurt his feelings.
God forbid. I think he said he was thinking of chaining women in his basement on the abortion thread the other day.
5/27/17, 10:38 PM
If you gonna keep revealing your sexual fantasies, Ima hang around , for laughs.
"I would turn you over my knee and judge you quite effectively."
I'm sure you would, son. Now go play with Fen and let us talk.
I would turn you over my knee and judge you quite effectively.
My, my. What's it like to have so many active fantasies about so many people who think you're a creep and want nothing to do with you?
I guess your above response is the answer.
We're not talking IQ, dummy.
(he ) has never been allowed to judge anything since the day his friends disqualified him from participating in their penis measuring contest - so as not to hurt his feelings.
5/27/17, 10:41 PM
Whoa! She got you all stirred up, eh? She into BDSM, you into " measuring".
I would turn you over my knee too.
Punishment is received by those who deserve it.
Talking as you do to other people deserves punishment.
Changing to IQ was witty.
I've nothing to hide.
Creepy .
Talking as you do to other people deserves punishment.
Hm. I don't feel very punished.
What's your punishment for talking as stupidly as you do?
Oh, that's right. The reality of what you have to live with every day.
Changing to IQ was witty.
I've nothing to hide.
Except for the fact that no one likes you?
Oh, that's right. That was already obvious.
If we are taking turns spanking the poodle-waggers and the hall monitors, I get a whack.
Just imagine the money we could raise for charity?
In point of fact, and without boast because I believe IQ is a largely irrelevant measure, my IQ is largely untestable. After more than three standard deviations above the mean the results are worthless. My sister tested much higher than did I.
IQ measures are for those within two, or perhaps 1.5 standard deviations from the mean. You go ahead and talk all you want, average person.
By which I mean I tested about 3.5 standard deviations above the mean.
My sister tested more than four standard deviations above the mean.
"In point of fact, and without boast because I believe IQ is a largely irrelevant measure, my IQ is largely untestable. After more than three standard deviations above the mean the results are worthless. My sister tested much higher than did I."
ROFLMAO! Pure comedy gold! You can't make this shit up!!!
TTR - we know you received a lot of toilet swirlies when you were a bit younger, but that's OK. We understand your need to lash-out with sad personal attacks. Toilet swirlies leave scars.
@ Brookzene
Which part causes you to laugh?
Feel free to say something intelligent whenever you're ready, BIrkel.
It was a Test Your IQ meme on Facebook. The next one was Which Harry Potter Character Are You? I wonder how he did on that one.
If you body-slammed me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't hit you back.
No. You'd eviscerate me with your rapier writ - I mean, wit.
"If you body-slammed me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't hit you back."
As I say, hitting back might weaken your civil suit.
buwaya puti:
Don't redistribute or consume drugs.
President Duterte met with a live Russian. There are anonymous reports that he spoke with dead Soviets...
You'll be fine.
"Which part causes you to laugh?"
Seriously? Okay let's start with you being an anonymous noob on the Internet bragging about your IQ. Never saw that before. At least not from anyone well-adjusted.
Pearls before swine.
@ Brookzene
You are close-minded and I don't hold it against you. I was tested on a great number of occasions and the fact is I'm likely to be smarter than a random sample of 100,000 people from the Western Hemisphere. I have greater capacity than nearly anybody you can know.
And I stand constantly in awe of the great, varied and various knowledge of the people who comment on Althouse because their backgrounds leave me ever-awed. It is one of the reasons I understand socialism cannot and will not ever work.
Grab your carry on.
"If you body-slammed me, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't hit you back."
As I say, hitting back might weaken your civil suit.
5/27/17, 10:55 PM
Basic ego defense mechanism response. Nothing wrong with that, it's natural, for some people.
"Basic ego defense mechanism response."
I know. My ego is so under pressure here.
@ Brookzene
What part do you consider a brag? The part where I say the test is unreliable? The part where I admit my sister tested much higher than did I? The part where I stand in awe of Althouse commenters who know so much more than do I on topics of general interest?
I guess my braggadocio knows no bounds, admitting I am largely just a dude.
I know. My ego is so under pressure here.
When you got nothin', you got nothin' to lose.
@ Full Moon
Janis Joplin was unavailable for comment.
Janis Joplin was unavailable for comment
Yeah, she been that way for quite awhile.
And I stand constantly in awe of the great, varied and various knowledge of the people who comment on Althouse because their backgrounds leave me ever-awed. It is one of the reasons I understand socialism cannot and will not ever work.
Can someone translate this into normal-person language?
Pearls before swine.
This right here proves how dumb you are. You say you took an internet test that proves you to be smarter than any random sample of 100,000 people. And then you say that somehow a sampling of those greater than the top 1 of every 100,000 must be here on Althouse, awing you with the fact that their backgrounds are diverse.
Well, isn't that special. And here I was with my little whatever number iQ just thinking that everyone was supposed to have the same job and background in life.
You sound like a typically narcissistic clod.
Birkel asserts that the intelligent things he knows how to say are too secretive for swine of unknown IQ to hear, lest they do something dangerous with the intel. Or perhaps it might go wasted by being heard by all these other commenters of whom he's supposedly in awe.
Right. Makes complete sense.
You sound like a typically narcissistic clod.
5/27/17, 11:27 PM
Wow, cut to the quick. Oscar Wilde?
Toothless is back. Raise the plexiglass.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
He's like any of the other Republicans that way. For them, reality is a flexible and subjective (and partisan) thing. So lying's just another way of getting to their "truth," as it were.
This is you at your worst. You are no better than Inga or Brookzene when you are like this. In fact this just makes you sound plain dumb.
Wow. This thread is complete garbage. It is totally off the rails. The left has completely lost it and Ann has clearly gone to bed.
It is depressing to watch a bunch of Bernie supporters be so easily led. The only election rigged in 2016 was the democrat primary and when Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails that proved it we had a botched robbery.
Now what do the Bernie supporters do when they find out their party screwed them? They rally to the resistance like retards. There isn't a single credible link between Trump and Russia. The DNC was an inside job. Seth Rich was a hero outing corruption. But you idiots will lap up any drivel your media masters dribble in front of you.
Was Seth Rich the last decent Bernie supporter?
Your dopey commenters have been at it again with another weird face contest.
Yur ability to misinterpret plain language is, in a way, a gift. The tests I have been given to measure my purported IQ precede the internet. School systems used to pretend to care about top students.
I put very little stock in such tests. I have that luxury, I suppose. Of course, I grew up in a rough neighborhood and have enjoyed alternative dispute resolution. I encourage you to enjoy it too.
Seth Rich was a hero outing corruption.
Right, tell that to his parents.
So you're one of those, then.
Was Seth Rich the last decent Bernie supporter?
Anyone remember when conservatives were decent enough to not politically hound real people's tragedies and actually not get in the way of doing something for ordinary folks?
Yeah, me neither.
I cannot imagine the fear Seth Rich's parents feel, after the murder of their son. The threats the DNC may have offered might be terrible, indeed.
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