May 30, 2017

So... this happened.

ADDED: Last month there was a controversy about a University of Alaska Anchorage professor's painting of a Captain America holding up the severed head of Donald Trump.

The holding up of a severed head is a traditional theme in Western art. There's Perseus with the head of Medusa...

... and Judith with the head of Holofernes:


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Earnest Prole said...

Birkel's Salon article highly recommended.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Goodbye, Achilles. Let me know when you present your doctrine of "IRS Hatred vs. Man w/a Machine Gun" as your defense in a court of law.

Seriously, go adjust to civilian life. Or at least adjust to what you can get a shrink to talk to you about when it comes to how you think everyone who's not with you is part of a leftist conspiracy to do violence with you.

Maybe see if you can find a right-wing shrink first, though. Wouldn't want to unburden your obviously tightly wound self to someone who's "in" on the supposed conspiracy of not agreeing with your warped political ideas.

Looks like this Trump guy is not exactly doing wonders for your mental health and psychological well-being. Hey, if even someone as belligerent as he can't get what he wants then I suppose that "proves" how ingrained and powerful that conspiracy must be.

Or maybe you and he are just wrong and fighting against the natural order of things.

Either way, never re-evaluate yourself. Never question anything. Never admit error. You are absolutely 100% right on everything and that impulse you were trained in to do violence must obviously be the right way. It must also mean that there's a lot of violence out there that's out to get you and provoke you into it.

When you're ready to embrace humanity, let me know.

Unknown said...

So Ritmo said that violence from his side is justified because Hillary lost the election, fair and square. He said that "Majority votes" should win, they didn't, ergo that means unlimited beatings, thuggery, and murder of all those who didn't vote for Hillary.

But it's not in dispute that Trump won under the rules of the Constitution. Hillary didn't. And it wasn't close.

So if Ritmo says violence is the appropriate response to a valid, constitutional election... isn't he endorsing violence to overthrow our constitutionally elected leader?

There's a lot of names for advocating violent overthrow of the US government, Ritmo. Ugly names like "treason" and "Sedition" and Traitor.

That is what you argue though: the left has a right to violently overthrow our Constitutional government because they lost.


Anonymous said...

Medusa and Holofernes are not the best comparisons. The classical depiction of each scene portrays the slayer as a hero for having vanquished evil - the protestations of the Mythical Creatures Studies department that Medusa was just misunderstood notwithstanding. There are enough mentally ill people in the world, none of whom need any encouragement to think they'd be a hero for doing what Griffin portrays.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks for putting all those words in my mouth, Vance. They taste like shit, but after all - they're just your own words. I never said any of them.

I did say that a public official who can't consider the will of the people will have some problems governing. For as long as he's able.

But I guess you like it that way. You like that sense of victimization he brings on to himself.

Do you feel that people treat you as harshly and unfairly as Trump claims to be treated?

Maybe the problem is you. Maybe the problem is Trump.

wildswan said...

If the election were held today Trump would win the popular vote as well as the electoral votes. That's how people really feel. Trump has gotten back one third of the jobs in the coal industry which were lost under Obama. Illegal immigration is way down. The government isn't financing Planned Parenthood's genocide against the blacks. The Europeans are acknowledging that America has financial problems and can't continue to pay 75% of the NATO budget. The various departments are working on which regulations to repeal. The stock market is up. The economy is growing at a rate not ever seen under Obama. Businesses are reinvesting in America.

And the left is talking about impeaching the man responsible for this in order to go back to life as it was. Just stop and think. Is the left going to repeal the various deals and reinstate the various regulations which got the coal miners' jobs back? Trump has done stuff. He's done what he promised or is working on it. The coal miners are not going to have their jobs taken away again. He isn't going to be impeached.

And I think the people playing with the idea are becoming afraid. They know they underestimated Trump's support during the election campaign. The wonder if they are underestimating him and his support again. (They are.)

They are brazenly and openly telling the 60 million Trump supporters who went by the rules and won the election that DC swamp people feel such raw contempt for Trump supporters that the Swamp intends to reverse the election. But underneath I think the Swamp people are afraid of what they are saying. This comedian deals with her fears with a joke as comedians do - look, I, all powerful and brave beheaded The President of the United States. But underneath I think she knows who would be beheaded if America started putting aside the law and following emotion - as she is urging us all to do.

cubanbob said...

Trump won enough of the popular vote to get the majority of the electoral votes. It just goes to show how stupid and incompetent Democrats were, spending an inordinate amount of money and effort to win an outsized majority where it doesn't matter. Such stupidity isn't deserving of getting a second (nevermind a third) chance at winning.

As for Kathy Griffin, I guess flashing her hooha wasn't enough for her career. Oh well. The Trump people ought to take that photo and caption it "This is CNN" and use it as an excuse to never allow CNN access to any press meeting.

TTR do you really believe for a second that a Republican Congress is going to impeach a Republican President? Comey and the Clintons being indicted is a more plausible scenario than Trump getting impeached. Not saying those criminals are going to get indicted but simply saying Trump getting impeached is even less likely.

Unknown said...

Ritmo: I asked you whether you defended leftist violence. You responded by your long post about how Trump is illegitimate because he didn't get the popular vote and thus should have "issues". And coupled with your love of watching "Nazis" get beaten; and your direct threats against me and others as "Nazis"; well, your response to "Do you support leftist violence to overthrow the election" is an unqualified yes. I mean, you never condemn it, despite multiple opportunities.

Do you support leftist violence? "well, considering Trump didn't get the popular vote he should expect troubles!" That's an unqualified "yes, I support leftist violence against our duly, constitutionally elected president."

If I misread your response, you certainly have an opportunity to take a stand against Leftist violence: Do you support beating and assaulting Trump supporters? You've dodged it enough, certainly you can take a stand.

But we all know what the answer is, considering your own personal threats against Trump and his supporters.


Jon Ericson said...

Y'all need to stop yielding to the temptation to tussle with unknown agents.
Vets can tell ya.

Craig said...

And who could ever forget the gory ending to MacTrump?

Professional lady said...

Kathy Griffin is pathetic. This is what she has to do to get attention. Is it a tacit approval of ISIS? Does is belittle the suffering of persecuted and murdered people? What comes to mind is "Aren't all those beheadings of Christians edgy and entertaining?"

Kevin said...

If only people cared as much about kids with bats on college campuses as they do about presidential lawbreaking.

If only people cared as much about actual violence as they do about imagined crimes.

Big Mike said...

As I wrote way upthread, none of the actions taken by the Democrats or their allies in the media or Hollywood has caused me to regret whom I voted for for even a nanosecond.

Mark Caplan said...

Why isn't the powerful cannibal community in the U.S. denouncing this act of cultural appropriation?

walter said...

I see. This just proves how much she cares...

wendybar said...

Remember the Rodeo Clown??? HE got fired for wearing an Obama Mask!!! A Mask!!! Then he was forced to take "sensitivity" training. Upside down world.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Liberals tune into MSDNC for their lie and anger session. This is the result.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hands up don't shoot. Never happened. Total lie.

MSDNC pimped it. Feed the anger, MSDNC.


Bad Lieutenant said...


Oh right. If only people cared as much about kids with bats on college campuses

Like the guy in Portland? He had a bat in a college campus. Or maybe Professor Bikelocks?

as they do about presidential lawbreaking.

When some is proved, then we can talk.


dustbunny said...

Althouse's wo examples were not made by artists who were portraying contemporaries, one was of a mythological character, Medusa, and the other from a biblical storiy painted hundreds of years later. Griffins photo is closer to the hideous pictures of terrorists holding up the heads they've decapitated

Rusty said...

Inga said...
"It's going to be simultaneously sad and hilarious when this investigation is all over and millions Trump sychophants will have to face some unpleasant facts about their Golden God with feet of clay.

Keep telling yourselves it's all just a bad dream...."

Still. Not Hillary though. That never gets old.
What are you going to do then the investigation turns up nothing?
See if you can answer civilly.

Bad Lieutenant said...

From Insty:

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Report: Middlebury prof attacked by mob still suffers from concussion.

Sorry, what was that again, about kids with bats on college campuses?

walter said...

I suppose her "apology" means she has put her Pissgate re-inactment skit on hold...

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I'm so old I can remember when calling the President "cool" was a horrible racism-tinged insult that could instantly push the offending speaker from the good graces of society.
Remember when CNN banned people from even using phrases or metaphors that might in any way be related to violence or firearms (crosshairs, targeted, etc)?
Funny how things change.

Bilwick said...

I was thinking Trump could retaliate with a mock-up photo of him holding Griffin's bloody, severed head. But who would believe it? Why would Trump want anything so ugly and empty? Maybe as an umbrella holder, I suppose.

Bilwick said...

"So Republicans. Quick pop quiz question.

"Is there any downside to a leader so starved for affection that he declares: Anyone who likes me, I like them!?"

"So... no downsides to that, at all? No alarm bells from the self-anointed management experts here in the chat-board?"

I'm a libertarian RINO, interested in moving the GOP into a more consistently pro-freedom direction just as the socialists of the 1920s and 1930s moved the party of Jackson and Jefferson in a more statist direction; so maybe I'm not the best qualified to answer your question. But the answer I have is in two-parts:

(1) Maybe I'm weird, but I, too, tend to like people who like me. Operative phrase: "tend to." I like people even better when they respect my liberty and don't try to coerce me.

(2) Even if the alarm bells you mention did go off, what could I do? Go back in time and somehow arrange it for Queen Cacklepants the Alinskyite Witch to get elected instead of Trump? If I could, I wouldn't.

brylun said...

It's not only Western art that depicts beheadings. I saw a painting in the area around the Golden Temple of the Sikhs in Amritsar, India, where a warrior was continuing to fight holding his own beheaded head:

Jon Burack said...

It doesn't seem as though anyone here commented on the other severed heads Ann put up. I think they reveal something. First, the unreal amount of blood Griffin felt a need to use. Secondly, HER expression compared with the other images. She looks positively deranged, not at all the expression of someone aware of the awesome power and terror she has embraced. In both ways, it's childish, cartoonish. I think she hoped it would appear noble and determined. Instead its psychotic. Not good for Trump haters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

TTR do you really believe for a second that a Republican Congress is going to impeach a Republican President?

That's actually a good question. I guess not. I was about to say that they would have impeached Nixon, but that was before they had majorities and still had some morals about them. Maybe those things are linked.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I see Vance stayed up even later last night to write interrogatory diatribes to me in the hopes that I would have any interest in responding to an illiterate crank.

FIDO said...
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FIDO said...


The Left is using twitter to reveal itself as the ugly, arrogant group of malcontents that the press tries desperately to hide.

Inga's 'drip' analogy works well for the social capital and trust that the Left is leaking like old Hans Brinker's dyke. Except that giving them the finger isn't going to fix anything.

The Left is increasingly violent both in rhetoric and in REAL VIOLENT protests.

Inga also has very self serving amnesia in forgetting how often the Left used to hang and burn in effigy GWB, GHWB, Reagan, Gingrich, etc. In fact, they had that 'Democrat Porn' movie about the assassination of GWB. Because they are just that classy!

This is nothing new. It reveals they are dangerous and think very little of violating any kind of respect or norms

So Kathy has now made a new boundary. I will show any incoming Democrat president the same benefit of the doubt, respect and authority that the Left is currently showing Trump, right down to the protests and having...graphic cartoons and photoshops made.

You brought it on yourselves.

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