May 11, 2017

"Mr. Comey’s fate was sealed by his latest testimony... Mr. Trump burned as he watched, convinced that Mr. Comey was grandstanding."

"He was particularly irked when Mr. Comey said he was 'mildly nauseous' to think that his handling of the email case had influenced the election, which Mr. Trump took to demean his own role in history. At that point, Mr. Trump began talking about firing him. He and his aides thought they had an opening because Mr. Comey gave an incorrect account of how Huma Abedin, a top adviser to Mrs. Clinton, transferred emails to her husband’s laptop, an account the F.B.I. later corrected...."

Excellent detail to the story of how Trump fired Comey, in "'Enough Was Enough': How Festering Anger at Comey Ended in His Firing" (NYT).

Also: "... Mr. Comey thought the president was unlikely to get rid of him because that might be interpreted as a conclusion that the F.B.I. director was wrong to announce shortly before the election that he was re-examining the email case, which would call into question the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s victory." Comey thought wrong, and it says something about how Trump analyzes these things. The election was already called into question. The questioning was continual and unrelenting. Not firing Comey would never stop the questions. Might as well go ahead and fire him, since everything Trump says and does is used against him. Trump must be inured to criticism, and that stupid mistake about Huma created an opportunity. 


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Known Unknown said...

"We are a large organization, we are 36,500 people across this country, across this globe. "

I think I found the problem.

Drago said...

Grackle: "Chuck’s reasons lack credibility to me."

Ya think?

If Congress attempts to drag the executive branch in for every conceivable thing (once again we see Chuck fully aligned with the far left, unexpectedly), Trump will do what I am did: claim executive privilege.

Not that McConnell and Ryan will allow the "lifelong republicans"/Dems to do that.

BN said...

Wait, Trump opposes "grandstanding"?!?

Drago said...

BN: "Wait, Trump opposes "grandstanding"?!?"

Is the part where we all pretend that supposedly non-partisan career investigative professionals are not supposed to grandstand as opposed to politicians SOP?

Really. You didn't pick up on that, eh?

Anonymous said...

How do they think this is going to happen? McCabe said the FBI investigation is definitely continuing, even without Comey. What the hell was Trump thinking?

(CNN)The White House said Thursday that removing FBI Director James Comey from his post may hasten the agency's investigation into Russian meddling.

"We want this to come to its conclusion, we want it to come to its conclusion with integrity," said deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders, referring to the FBI's probe into Moscow's interference in last year's election. "And we think that we've actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to make that happen."

The statement was a surprising admission from the White House that Comey's sudden dismissal on Tuesday may have an effect on the Russia probe."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...
Inga takes time out from posting alot to question others about posting alot."


She posts a zillion comments on any thread having to do with Trump and she calls out others for posting.

Typical stupid hypocrisy from the twat hat.

Matt Sablan said...

"McCabe said the FBI investigation is definitely continuing, even without Comey. What the hell was Trump thinking?"

-- Maybe, as people have been saying, that the firing of Comey was never about interfering with the investigation.

Birkel said...

@ Inga

Thank you for finally coming around to the realization that no FBI investigations were compromised. We welcome you to reality.

Birkel said...

@ Matthew Sablan

Damn your quicker fingers!!

Matt Sablan said...

I like how Trump firing someone investigating him is bad optics, and therefore, fascism, even though the investigation will continue.

Obama firing multiple people investigating him is... fine, not worth remarking on, and stopped the investigations cold.

It's almost like the left doesn't actually care about the integrity of investigations.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

From an interview with the Economist magazine. Read it and weep.

EM: But beyond that it’s OK if the tax plan increases the deficit?
Trump: It is OK, because it won’t increase it for long. You may have two years where you’ll . . . you understand the expression “prime the pump”?
EM: Yes.
Trump: We have to prime the pump.
EM: It’s very Keynesian.
Trump: We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world. Have you heard that expression before, for this particular type of an event?
EM: Priming the pump?
Trump:Yeah, have you heard it?
EM: Yes.
Trump: Have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven’t heard it. I mean, I just . . . I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It’s what you have to do.
EM: It’s . . .
Trump: Yeah, what you have to do is you have to put something in before you can get something out.

Anonymous said...

"Rosenstein Pressed White House to Correct the Record on Comey Firing

Deputy attorney general objected to White House description of events, and hinted he couldn’t work in an environment where facts weren’t accurately reported.

WASHINGTON—Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein pressed White House counsel Don McGahn to correct what he felt was an inaccurate White House depiction of the events surrounding FBI Director James Comey’s firing, according to a person familiar with the conversation.

Mr. Rosenstein left the impression that he couldn’t work in an environment where facts weren’t accurately reported, the person said. The deputy attorney general objected to statements by White House aides citing Mr. Rosenstein’s critical assessment of Mr.Comey’s job performance to justify the firing."

Matt Sablan said...

Inga, Rosenstein is quoted as saying he did not threaten to resign over this. Therefore, the article is wrong (notice the deliberate wishy-washyness of "left the impression that," the anonymous source uses (or the author uses?)

Sorry. That report is already OBE.

Anonymous said...

What?! You didn't read every single comment in the thread?
Blogger Birkel said...
@ Inga

"Thank you for finally coming around to the realization that no FBI investigations were compromised. We welcome you to reality."
Blogger Inga said...

"Yes this might be true, hopefully it is. I was glad to hear the testimony of McCabe this AM stating he and the FBI are in no way backing away from the investigations."

5/11/17, 12:29

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Red State said...
Jason Chaffetz has asked the DOJ IG to investigate the circumstances of Comey’s firing. Other Republicans have started making noises about an “independent counsel.” In short, fewer and fewer in the GOP are concerned about publicly challenging Trump and, as 2018 approaches, with a little bit of bad luck you could see Republicans start running against Trump out of self-preservation.

Anonymous said...

"Inga, Rosenstein is quoted as saying he did not threaten to resign over this. Therefore, the article is wrong (notice the deliberate wishy-washyness of "left the impression that," the anonymous source uses (or the author uses?)

Sorry. That report is already OBE."

Cite please.

khesanh0802 said...

@Todd @3:36 Great piece. I hope we'll be seeing more of these.

Anonymous said...

OK, I found this.

"When asked by a Sinclair Broadcast Group reporter if he made such a threat, Rosenstein responded, "No, I'm not quitting.""

Matt Sablan said...

When asked by Sinclair Broadcast Group's Michelle Macaluso about reports that claim otherwise, he stated "no, I'm not quitting."

Macaluso: Did you threaten to quit?

Rosenstein: No.

eric said...

Ok, so the MSM lied. He never threatened to quit.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is a good version but I prefer Little Richard's.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Spicey will be back, we'll miss those SNL skits.

Matt Sablan said...

"Ok, so the MSM lied. He never threatened to quit."

-- With how often sources are burning journalists with bad tips, you'd think they'd start being more careful.

eric said...

. If he quits, he would turn what has been a damaging few days into an utter debacle

Such hopeful writing.

Please be damaged. Please! We are tired of all the winning!

Can these please be the thing that stops the Trump train?!

You can hear their desperation in their writing.

eric said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"Ok, so the MSM lied. He never threatened to quit."

-- With how often sources are burning journalists with bad tips, you'd think they'd start being more careful.

I'm starting to think they're aren't really any sources.

Reporter: Hey, what's up with this Comey firing?

Anonymous sources: Off the record?

Reporter: Sure!

AS: Well, it looks like Trump wanted to fire Comey, so he fired him.

Reporter: So, you're saying Trump is trying to stop this investigation into his illegal and unconstitutional fixing of the election by firing Comey?

AW: Um what?

Reporter: I get it, wink wink, nudge nudge.

eric said...

They're aren't?

It sounded right in my head. By they are are not doesn't sound right.

BN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steve uhr said...

Whatever Inga says, me too

BN said...

Drago: That Comey was "grandstanding" is Trump's reported interpretation (maybe) and reason for firing. Goose/gander whatever, I thought Trump would have liked it. But frankly, i don't really care one way or the other. You can think whatever you want. I was just making a joke about the grandstandiest of them all having a problem with others grandstanding. Maybe not funny.

Meanwhile, I'm not Piggy, Chuck is. So lay off.

BN said...

For the record, i don't think Comey was grandstanding. I think he was squirming--and has been squirming for a long time--about his actions prior to the election. I think he was earnestly trying to explain himself. Which I think is impossible but he had to try.

tcrosse said...

Trump has done Comey a big favor. Last week the Democrats hated him, and now that Trump fired him they all love him. He should have no trouble finding another job.

traditionalguy said...

A National Security Investigation seeks to
find a secret agent aiding another Nation we are at war with and offer him a deal to turn on them.

So Trump is a secret Russian agent or nothing. Talking to Russian we are not at war with is a politica show, and as such proof or evidence is not needed. Just a good fiction script.

All Trump wants is for the Investigation to
Be finished and admit ther is no evidence.

The Deep State laughs at his optimism.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"Ok, so the MSM lied. He never threatened to quit."

-- With how often sources are burning journalists with bad tips, you'd think they'd start being more careful."

With as how often journalists have burned the public by reporting crap, you'd think certain members of the public would treat their reporting with a bit of skepticism.

Jeez, it wasn't that long ago that Rachel Maddow was promising the Biggest Bombshell Report evah! on Trump's tax returns. It was gonna bury him, man!

Michael K said...

I think he was earnestly trying to explain himself. Which I think is impossible but he had to try.

I tend to agree but he should have resigned. He made a hash of whatever he was trying to do.

readering said...

NBC News: Trump nixes plan to visit FBI HQ—"told it was not likely he would be warmly welcomed."

Drago said...

BN: "But frankly, i don't really care one way or the other. You can think whatever you want. I was just making a joke about the grandstandiest of them all having a problem with others grandstanding. Maybe not funny."

We get it.

No biggee.

Drago said...

Michael K: "I tend to agree but he should have resigned."

No way was he ever going to resign. His "job" was to keep the investigation going indefinitely.

That's why the dems are howling. They lost their point man in the Trump/Russia collusion charade. Now there might actually be a director coming on board who will force this investigation to proceed one way or the other.

That's the last thing the dems want as they already know the collusion lie was just an attempt to deflect attention from what will be coming out shortly regarding domestic spying and unmasking/leaking.

Not to mention the many, many, other obambi era investigations that were stopped dead in their tracks by Comey/Lynch/Holder which might just find their way back onto the "active" track.

That's another reason why the dems are now saying they won't even consider a replacement director until a special prosecutor is appointed. The dems desperately need a special prosecutor to bury this thing for the next several years.

You might have noticed that there is now a concerted push by the dems to get Rosenstein to recuse himself!! The guy they just approved 94-6 2 weeks ago is suddenly not "up to the task"!


Qwinn said...

I agree with Drago, was thinking the same myself. The last thing the Left wants is for there to be any *actual* investigation of their Russia bullshit. They just want to be able to keep repeating that he is being investigated, forever. And any genuine investigation is a hundred times more likely to lead to Hillary than to Trump, and they know it. It's not like they didn't hear or believe us when we mentioned her uranium deals a thousand times, they just refuse to acknowledge it because partisan tools.

Anonymous said...

"I agree with Drago, was thinking the same myself. The last thing the Left wants is for there to be any *actual* investigation of their Russia bullshit. They just want to be able to keep repeating that he is being investigated, forever."

What a truly idiotic comment. How the hell will Trump be impeached if the investigation drags on forever? If Trump is indicted and then found guilty of collusion with the Russians, not even the most loyal Trumpist in the House and then the Senate will stand by him.

iowan2 said...

Republicans need to grow up and act like adults that won elections and control the govt of the United States. Trump is not a politician, and will never trend in that direction. Firing Comey was within his power, end of sentence. That is all the administration should say. "The President wants a Director of the FBI he can trust. THE END. Congressional Republicans should circle the wagons and take the lead of Sen Charles Grassely, who responded to a media question about the hurt feelings of Democrats. " I Suggest they suck it up, and move on."
When ever there is a media interview, Republicans should start and end the interview with a history lesson. The people have rejected the Democrat agenda to the tune of losing the House, the Senate, the Oval Office, and more then 1000 elected seats across the Nation. The Democrats have concerns...And nobody cares. See you in November 2018. The get back to tax reform, and fixing the health insurance fiasco known as ObamaCare. That is the only thing voters will base their vote on. Not the circus the leftist are focused on.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

FBI No. 2 did not disclose wife's ties to Clinton ally, records show

McCabe needs to go, too.

Anonymous said...

The Director of the FBI does not need to pledge his loyalty to the President. The President does not need to trust the dircector except that he is capable of doing the job.

Birkel said...

@ Inga

I am guessing if Donald Trump is really a space creature from the planet Morlock there will also be an impeachment. While we are throwing around ridiculous speculation I thought I would help.

You are welcome.

Grab your carry on.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Russians or someone - perhaps a disgruntle Bernie supporter - hacked the DNC & Podesta (which was easy)

The idea that Trump and the Russians did the hacking - it's a joke.
The democrats know it, but they are desperate.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Re-posting a post by Mockturtle----

Here are 10 of Comey’s biggest embarrassments at the FBI:

1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again….

3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban — but didn’t intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 [sic; actually 13] Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented.

4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller’s business and personal travel….

8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son’s radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview.

9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen — during which Mateen admitting lying to agents — the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case.

10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the “Draw Muhammad” event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hillary was actually under investigation - FOR ACTUAL SECRETIVE AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. This pisses off the fascist left to the hilt. How dare you look at the Clinton's and their criminal behavior. You are supposed to be a good lap-dog and ignore it.

They are pressing the fake Russian-collaboration with Trump story as pay-back. Only problem is, they are liars.

Anonymous said...

Trump wanted a pledge of loyalty?! If true, this is chilling.

"The New York Times reports that just a week after taking office, President Trump asked James Comey to promise to be loyal to him, and Comey declined.

The scene: Per NYT, citing two people who had heard Comey's account, the request came during a private dinner for which Comey was "summoned" to the White House.

The White House denies this account. Earlier Thursday Trump told NBC's Lester Holt that Comey had asked him over dinner whether he could keep his job. He said he thought Comey had requested the dinner.

Key excerpt: "Later in the dinner, Mr. Trump again said to Mr. Comey that he needed his loyalty. Mr. Comey again replied that he would give him 'honesty' and did not pledge his loyalty."

Key takeaways: 1. This tallies with earlier reports from CNN's Jake Tapper and others that Trump wanted and didn't receive an assurance of loyalty. 2. After Trump's harsh comments about Comey, the Comey camp clearly wants to get his side of the story out."

iowan2 said...

The Director of the FBI serves at the pleasure of the President.

Parse all you want, that's the constitution. President Trump is bound by the Constitution. Not traditions of decorum. The voters are the only arbitors of President Trumps actions that abide by the constitution.

iowan2 said...

The loyalty, story is fabrication, Just like the story about Comey asking for more money, just like the story about Rosenstein threatening to resign. All fabricated from thin air by The DNC media using fake annynomous sources

Anonymous said...

I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Anonymous said...

Support and defend the Consitution, not the President.

BN said...

RS quoting Mock, exactly right. Drop the mike.

Comey should have been fired a long time ago for not doing his job. I could care less what he says on TV in a pony show.

Birkel said...

@ Inga

Where is the part about hiding a server in a bathroom and using the word 'password' as a password. I was pretty sure every Democrat was duty-bound to do those things.

One of the duties is to enforce the law without fear and without favor. If only Coney had tried to do that against bathroom servers perhaps Bernie would be president and we could live like Venezuelans.

Michael K said...

"McCabe needs to go, too."

I agree but I can see Trump telling him, "Be nonpartisan and I will leave you in place. Go off the reservation and you are history."

Known Unknown said...

" If Trump is indicted and then found guilty of collusion with the Russians"

I wish someone would illuminate me on what the exact nature of the charges would be in such as investigation. I mean, can someone like Inga tell me what the nature of the collusion is and how it exactly impacted the election?

So far all I've heard is that some people talked to other people ... maybe?

I mean even Feinstein admitted that they had no actual evidence that Trump was involved with anything.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Loyalty is for Democrats. They demand and expect lock-step loyalty and get it.

The Trump loyalty "story" is more fake news.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Yes Indeed, We Need a Special Prosecutor --- to investigate the charge from the Bangladeshi Prime Minister that Hillary Clinton tried to extort money out of her to help donor to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.

Be said...

This is sort of reminding me of Andrew Jackson's rhetoric before closing down the Federal Reserve Bank at the time. (Shrug.)

MPH said...

"Trump must be inured to criticism"

Nothing could be further from the truth.

madAsHell said...

I'm not sure why anybody responds to Inga, or Chuck.

Original Mike said...

Unless I missed it, interesting we haven't heard from Hillary. Wouldn't be surprised if she's all of a sudden feeling vulnerable. If all Trump's firing Comey does is shut her up it will have been worth it.

Anonymous said...

Because we're more interesting than you, mad dog.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Mostly, what I don't care for, are people who respond to careful and effective criticism of Trump by saying, "But what about Obama? What about Hillary?"

If a republican does something wrong they resign and are prosecuted and spend years in court fighting charges. If a democrat does something wrong they aren't hurting republicans anymore and they go on a speaking/book tour.

You are completely disingenuous and lame.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
Support and defend the Constitution, not the President.

This is beyond disingenuous coming from a leftist.

I would put the over/under on number of times Inga demanded the firing/resignation of Comey at 5,003,283 times since the election.

Birkel said...

@ madAsHell

Cats play with cat toys. It's empty fun.

Rusty said...

Inga said...
I doubt Chuck gives a shit if you give a shit Rusty, now be a good boy and go work in your garage.

Aww. You care enought to respond.That's adorable.
And yes I think I will.
Your concern for the working man is underwhelming.

tim in vermont said...

Support and defend the Constitution, not the President. - Inga

Yeah, not laws that were duly enacted per the constitution, way too specific and because then I would have to re-think my support of Hillary, but "the Constitution" because that means whatever I want it to mean!

Unknown said...

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grackle said...

How the hell will Trump be impeached if the investigation drags on forever?

You missed the point, Inga. There’s no danger of Trump being impeached because after months of exhaustive investigation none of the various investigative bodies have come up with any evidence of collusion – the reason being: There was no collusion.

What they want is a permanent investigation of all things Trump. Then they can invent anonymous “sources,” speculate, imply, distort and lie about the “investigation.”

The Director of the FBI does not need to pledge his loyalty to the President.

If I were the next FBI Director I think I might refrain from calling any of my bosses “crazy.”

The scene: Per NYT, citing two people who had heard Comey's account, the request came during a private dinner for which Comey was "summoned" to the White House.

This isn’t credible. For starters, it’s third hand. Also, we cannot believe anything coming from Comey OR the fucking NYT in regards to anything having to do with Trump. I’ll bet the “two people” are unnamed, right? O those anonymous sources!

Love the word, “summoned.” If the dinner had actually taken place(which I doubt), I’m imagining Trump telling Priebus, “Tell Comey to get his whining ass over here, his crazy boss wants to see him.”

Upon scanning the NYT article I came across the following quote:

A businessman and reality television star who never served in public office, Mr. Trump may not have understood that by tradition, F.B.I. directors are not supposed to be political loyalists, which is why Congress in the 1970s passed a law giving them 10-year terms to make them independent of the president. (emphasis mine)

It’s a pretty well-known law so it is puzzling to me how the NYT got this wrong. Don’t they use Google or Wiki? The FBI Director is NOT “independent.” He has some bosses who can fire him. Here's the relevant info:

A Director can be removed from office by the President on the recommendation of the Attorney-General and the Deputy Attorney-General.

Inga, relying on the NYT for accuracy is foolish.

I wish someone would illuminate me on what the exact nature of the charges would be … So far all I've heard is that some people talked to other people ... maybe?

A couple of months ago I came across an article online that I cannot find again, dammit! It claimed to have evidence of collusion and interference by the Russians. It referred almost exclusively to instances of interference in the election by “RT.” What the hell is “RT”? I finally figured it out: “RT” stands for(you’re not going to believe this) Russian Television!

Since running across the ridiculous Russian Television “evidence” article I’ve not seen any other evidence of collusion or interference. Have I missed anything? Has any other “evidence” been revealed? Wiki has nothing but speculation. Google doesn’t turn up anything.

David Baker said...

This McCabe character sounds like yet another heretofore repressed, #NeverTrump, show-boater. It's like all of DC is a cesspool of back-stabbing sedition.

Meanwhile, I'm working on what I saw at the Comey Memorial last night. And it wasn't pretty.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
Because we're more interesting than you, mad dog.

5/11/17, 10:03 PM

Because your stupidity makes you an easy target. You're everyone's favorite punching bag.

Todd said...

Inga said...

What a truly idiotic comment. How the hell will Trump be impeached if the investigation drags on forever? If Trump is indicted and then found guilty of collusion with the Russians, not even the most loyal Trumpist in the House and then the Senate will stand by him.

5/11/17, 7:42 PM

LOL! Trump colluded with the Reds except he is a moron so others on his team colluded with the Red and they are all so super duper geniuses that there is NO proof! They are so smart that they planted proof that the DNC is staffed with idiots and tricked them into allowing themselves to get hacked by the Reds. They tricked Hillary into having a secret email server in a bathroom and tricked Huma into emailing government confidential documents to her pedophile husband.

And the CRACK investigative team assembled out of the best and brightest Democrats EVER will Get.To.The.Bottom of this an impeach Trump!

There really IS an Easter bunny! Really!

Todd said...

Inga said...
Trump wanted a pledge of loyalty?! If true, this is chilling.

"The New York Times reports that just a week after taking office, President Trump asked James Comey to promise to be loyal to him, and Comey declined.

5/11/17, 8:14 PM

You are so right! That is absolutely CHILLING! The President of the USA, who has the right to fire those that serve at his pleasure, for any reason at all, to include not liking the color of the man's tie, basically asked an employee if he could/would be loyal and was told no. So he was fired. That is your new storyline? OMG! I am CHILLED! He should be impeached like yesterday! Amiright?

In other news Hillary still NOT president.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"You are so right! That is absolutely CHILLING"

Why, it's just like the socialist government in Venezuela (you know, the one the leftists so admired until the day before yesterday) cracking down on starving dissidents.

Or Obama siccing the IRS on Tea Party groups - which didn't bother Inga one bit.

"But it's OK when we do it."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It’s Finally Confirmed: Rod Rosenstein Says He is Not Resigning and Never Threatened To

hack media lied, again.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Thursday vouched for President Trump’s assertion in a letter to former FBI Director James Comey that he was not under investigation by the FBI.
Grassley told committee members at an executive meeting that he and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had met with Comey last week, and that he had briefed them on who the targets of the various investigations are.

“Senator Feinstein and I heard nothing that contradicted the President’s statement,” he said.

Feinstein then said after Grassley’s statement, “I very much appreciate what you’ve said and it’s very accurate, and we were briefed.”

President-Mom-Jeans said...

" have just received a forwarded comment from the future written by Inga:

Inga wrote on November 1st 2040:"

Nonsense. That fat old bitch will be worm food long before then.

Unknown said...

Josh Marshall has quoted Trump responding to Lester Holt saying that he fired Comey because he thought that the Russia investigation was a bogus scandal. If that was the reason that he fired Comey, that he wanted to shut down the Russian hack of the campaign (not of the election), would that be obstruction of justice or not? Firing the FBI Director to shut down an FBI investigation would seem to be obstruction of justice, wouldn't it.

What would Republicans have said if Obama had fired Comey immediately after the July testimony?

Known Unknown said...

Firing the FBI Director to shut down an FBI investigation would seem to be obstruction of justice, wouldn't it.

Can you not read? The investigation is still ongoing. Firing the Director has no effect on the investigation.

Rusty said...

Support and defend the Constitution, not the President. - Inga

Your dishonesty is ................amusing.
It's your total lack of self awareness that is problematic.

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