And you're entitled to your feeling on the matter but sort of by definition someone loses their right to privacy when they break laws and endanger the rest of us. It's not like someone used a telephoto lens to catch him sunbathing in his backyard or something.
It certainly is an embarrassing and unflattering photo.
But, after getting past the photo, I go the other way.
1. Nobody was hurt. 2. His back injuries are severe and debilitating. 3. I don't how you endure that kind of chronic pain, without opioids or dope or alcohol or something. 4. Again, Nobody was hurt.
I'm gonna give him a mulligan and wish him well on his recovery and his dreams to play championship golf again.
But, yes, don't drink and drive, dummy. Use Uber, or just hire a driver, you're still a gazillionaire, jeez.
Sigh... Not sure how I am going to avoid the mug shot, but I won't look for it. BTW, I don't care if nobody got hurt, that's just luck. Tiger wouldn't count on luck in a tournament to stay out of trouble.
Looks like your Driver's License Photo when you forget to smile. Maybe Trump can hire him as Ambassador to the dangerous and strange country of south Florida.
Is he just another entry in the #floridaman twitter by now?
The future's not what it used to be. I guess the top looks different from the top, but the bottom still looks like the bottom. I genuinely wish him well. He will need resilience, though.
Of course, this is just a tempest in a teapot that will be forgotten in a month. He may lose a few sponsors - but so what? He's got $740 million.
Golfwise, I think he's finished even though he's talking - again - about returning in a few months. 41 years old and he's had 4 back surgeries. He's talked about not being able to walk without pain.
No, he finished. Tom Watson almost won the British open at 60. Jack won the Masters at 46. Trevino won the PGA at 45. But Tiger is done.
Sadly, there are thousands of people here in Florida who will go to bed tonight sad, as it was their dream to get hit by a drunk Tiger Woods. Some of them are lawyers.
It is sad. At his peak he was probably the best golfer ever to play the game. Self-destruction is always heartbreaking to watch. Wish him better days and maybe even a comeback. I'd like to see him go back to his wife & kids, too, if he became worthy of their forgiveness.
It's a survivable scandal, but something is clearly gnawing on him and maybe that something will have a full meal.....,,,I used to envy Tiger because his life seemed so perfect. Whom the gods would destroy, they first give chronic, intractable back pain.. He's not in a good place.
Mark said... And, yes, the whole thing is a tragedy.
No it's not a tragedy. It would be a tragedy if he killed innocent people. Woods will be just fine, despite his terrible judgement.
When you see mug shots of a person that lives in a trailer park busted for a similar crime, do you think it's a tragedy? You probably think it it's a good thing we got that guy behind bars. That guy is going to lose everything, probably his job, if he has one, and probably his home and family. The financial impact of a DWI is somewhere between 10 and 20 thousand dollars.
Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, OJ Simpson pictures - all in the last week. It is truly sad.
Hillary Clinton looks just as bad but in politics it doesn't seem to matter. Wasn't there a Spike Milligan sketch about how if you are a miner and you are old and blind and stupid and past it, you lose your job but if you are a judge and you are old and blind and stupid and past it then they make you chief judge?
"3. I don't how you endure that kind of chronic pain, without opioids or dope or alcohol or something"
Yeah, well, don't drive.
Why was he out at 3 am if he felt so bad?
Why doesn't he have a chauffeur? He's rich.
Driving is fun, and he only needs a chauffeur if he's drunk.
Why didn't he call a cab, why didn't he uber, why didn't he call a driver, why didn't he call a friend, why didn't he use better judgment? Well, he was drunk. Prolly gonna need a driver now for a while.
I hope he's ordered to do public service announcements about drinking and driving. He might as well add texting while driving. I don't think you can stop people from drinking and driving a golf ball. Playing golf without beer would lose its appeal for a lot of people.
Golf and tennis are too of my least favorite sports. My favorite is bungee jumping naked.
"It is sad. At his peak he was probably the best golfer ever to play the game. Self-destruction is always heartbreaking to watch. Wish him better days and maybe even a comeback. I'd like to see him go back to his wife & kids, too, if he became worthy of their forgiveness."
Did it occur to ya that he's on a different plain than the one you've concocted here?
Sure, the kids are good.
But, I'm not sure Tiger seems like the type of dude who's gonna wanna/needta settle w/ recycled pussy, till the end.
I'm not sure where you see evidence indicating the contrary.
P.S., it's also not obvious that for some folks high flying re their profession (e.g. amazing golfer) can't also spill over to other stuff. So, ya gots a problem re containing re settling for what ya got v being wired to get more.
When you see mug shots of a person that lives in a trailer park busted for a similar crime, do you think it's a tragedy?
Yes, I do and it is. Anytime anyone throws their life away, anytime someone has soared to the heights and crashed and burned, and anytime someone never rose above the gutter and only went down further, it is a tragedy.
And, by the way, I say what I mean and mean what I say. Don't presume to say that when I say one thing, I mean something else.
Earnest Hemingway was especially prescient on Tiger Woods' tragic decline:
"His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he could only remember when it had been effortless."
Does the mugshot give us any information about the real Tiger Woods we didn't have at the time of the incident that exposed his life and ended his marriage?
He said it was an unexpected reaction to a mix of prescribed pain medications. Coming off back surgery it seems reasonable. I have no reason not to believe him. Give the guy some space ...
He said it was an unexpected reaction to a mix of prescribed pain medications. Coming off back surgery it seems reasonable. I have no reason not to believe him. Give the guy some space ...
Many seem to be assuming he's guilty. Like the town drunk.
As for being out at 3am, he owns and operates a sports bar nearby in Jupiter, "The Woods."
As for the arrest, the police have discretion; i.e., park the car and take a cab home. But pause here for a moment and picture yourself in a blue uniform. You're on the 18th green in the Masters Police Classic. It's either sink this once-in-a-lifetime putt, or die in obscurity. No way Tiger Woods is walking, not until he poses for the trophy-mugshot. An enlargement of which will hang in the arresting officer's living room until his 2nd wife divorces him for chronic stupidity.
Headlines that start out: "Golfer Tiger Woods . . . " is the real story here. Do we already have to remind the millenials what a "Tiger Woods" is? What it isn't is treed acreage full of striped kitties.
5:00 PM PT -- Tiger just released a statement ... "I understand the severity of what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions. I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn't realize the mix of medications affected me so strongly."
9:40 AM PT -- Unclear if it's related, but Tiger had back surgery last month. As we reported, cops have not specified whether the DUI was for drugs, alcohol or both.
Tiger Woods presented himself as a 'family man' for the 2000s golfing public, but in reality he was banging whores and porn stars until it finally caught up with him on a November 2009 evening with a 9-iron. His real lifestyle being exposed was the worst possible scenario and while he recovered sufficiently to become #1 again in 2013, now that his back is 10000% fucked up and he can't win golf tournaments anymore he's taken to opioids and booze.
I thought Nov 2009 was fucked up, but this takes the cake. He could've killed an innocent person. DUI should be instant execution, that would serve as a deterrent.
The downside of reaching such an apex in human achievement like the 2000 US Open(winning by 15 shots) is there is no way but down for 17 years. Icarus claims another victim.
For Tiger Woods, having all the money in the world is not the issue. What he thrives on is Sundays where he's wearing the red shirt and kicking everyone's ass on the golf course. That defines who he is to himself. He never planned for his post-career life and has no idea what to do with his time.
Can you imagine him becoming a big philanthropist or golf course designer? Nope.
I couldn't help but see his mug shot. (It popped up on my facebook newsfeed.) He looked terrible. People with that kind of wealth and talent shouldn't be that unhappy. They have the ability to get help if they want it. I really hope that he can get his life together. Everyone goes through bad times.
No worries Officer, I'm not driving drunk, I'm just driving around on oxy. And can't change that by getting all bendy and...the lights from the console... sparkling like
My first thought was that it was painkillers. He's had so many surgeries in the past couple of years. I hope it isn't an addiction. Won't break Jack's major record, but by far the most dominant golfer in history. Not even close.
I was sitting in court, waiting my turn to explain why 3 libtards were found buried on my property, watching a DUI case he ajudicated.
Defendent was super sorry. She was turning her life around and pleaded for mercy, for a second chance. She had been plastered at approx 1pm in the afternoon when she t-boned another car.
Victim was in court too. Wheelchair for rest of his life. He refused to accept her apology or extend forgiveness.
On a related note, I bought a nice new mullberry tree to go along with the 3 I already had.
I have thought for some time that his career in golf might well be done. I have watched my father struggle with back problems my entire life. He has had some of the procedures that Woods has had, and while it helps for a while, things never returned to a healthy state, and the degradation and dysfunction just continues. Having played golf myself, I can't imagine having to play it at Wood's level with a bad back.
I just hope he can find a way to enjoy life without the sport itself. The times I have seen him publicly the last year, he seems quite lost to me, and that is a kind of tragedy.
"A human icon of our time"? Pfff. The guy is good at playing a game with a stick and a ball. For which, I will add, he's already been paid a butt-wad of money.
One of the areas Tiger out paced the field was his long drives - he didn't have the longest drive in the PGA, but he was the longest that also excelled at the other aspects of the game.
Part of that ability to hit the long ball was the incredible twist he put his body through. Younger Tiger twisted an incredible amount on his drives. Those days are long gone, never to return.
Pain and mediocrity do not sound like something he will be satisfied with.
Alex is right: "Tiger Woods presented himself as a 'family man' for the 2000s golfing public, but in reality he was banging whores and porn stars until it finally caught up with him on a November 2009 evening with a 9-iron."
And now this. His wounds are self-inflicted. He seems to have no sense of morality or self-respect. And the media knew all this and covered up for him, as they do for so many others. It hurts them in the end, letting them go all Charlie Sheen with no consequences. Til reality kicks in. Sorry, no sympathy. C'mon. Hookers! What a fool.
Classic case of an overbearing father dying and the son getting out of control. People forget the racial problem that golf had in the eighties, and that Tiger had to be presented as a family man to make it in the sport. I followed him at his first win at the GMO and, when the cameras were off, he'd be cussing and throwing clubs. I never thought he had the control to win eighteen majors and beat Nicklaus, but it was it was fun watching him try.
This is just a guess, but: Woods owns a restaurant, The Woods, less than a mile from my house in Jupiter, FL. He could have been there, drinkng, until way after closing and then, with impaired judgment, headed south towards Rachel's, a high-end Gentlemen's Club. Instead of driving the other direction to his home on Jupiter Island. Men have been known to make bad decisions when their mind is befuddle by alcohol. I know: I've 23 sober this past April. If it's not an isolated problem, let's hope I see him in "the rooms" soon.
"EsoxLucius said... Classic case of an overbearing father dying and the son getting out of control. People forget the racial problem that golf had in the eighties, and that Tiger had to be presented as a family man to make it in the sport. I followed him at his first win at the GMO and, when the cameras were off, he'd be cussing and throwing clubs. I never thought he had the control to win eighteen majors and beat Nicklaus, but it was it was fun watching him try."
Tiger's first win was at Las Vegas, not the GMO. The GMO was his first tour event as a Pro.
If he refused the breathalyzer, he must have known he was using alcohol. How can we believe the prescription drugs story if he refused the breathalyzer?
Worse, as he recently endured back surgery and admits to having prescription pain killers, is he mixing alcohol with them? That would explain the "unexpected reaction" he referenced.
And of course I see AllenS's comment when the screen refreshed just after I post the link ...
Although I'm not fond of professional sports in general, I still feel for the guy, who was brought up by his father to be a star. When he first ran into trouble, I suspected that his career was pretty much over, that he wouldn't be the Tiger Woods that he was before, and said so on Twitter (for which a sportswriter presumed to contradict me).
Being a star in any field is challenging. Everyone's eyes are on you, and even if they're not, you feel as if they were. You're judged by everything you do. If you're a golfer, every shot has the opportunity of making you look like a fool.
Yes, Tiger has a lot of money to cushion him. He won't be living in a trailer drinking Boone's Farm and yelling "Fuck off!" unless he's really profligate or his CPA steals most of it. But he has the rest of his life to live, and he has to do it knowing, as competitive as he is, that nothing he'll do will match up to where he was. He'll have to develop skills in a new field and learn to be content with who he is and what he's done.
I don't know if he can. History's full of gifted people who flamed out and ended up unhappy. There are gifted men and women who never found the joy from using their talents, or refused to believe they were any good in the first place. Accomplishments don't fill that hollow need inside us that wakes us up at 3 a.m.
Golf is hard on the back, and as JAORE mentions Tiger put more strain on it than most. That made him an amazing player in his youth. In his first Masters win he was hitting a seven iron into greens when most of his competitors were hitting at least a four iron.
Unfortunately that probably wiped out his chances of continuing into his forties the way Nicklaus and Watson did. It was always a race whether he would break Nicklaus' record before the back gave out. If he didn't have the dust-up with his wife that ruined his game for a few years, I wonder if he would have made it.
And as others have mentioned, basically from infancy he was trained to do one thing: be the best golfer in the world. Now that his body has given up on him, it appears he has no idea what to do. There was no Plan B.
You'd think $740 million could take the sting out of that kind of problem, but it may be one of those problems that money doesn't really solve.
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WhaT mugshot what story?
"WhaT mugshot what story?"
Drunk driving Tiger Woods.
Of course with a lead-in like that, no power on earth could stop me googling "tiger woods mug shot."
And hol-ee shit. What the hell is wrong with that guy? He looks terrible!
And you're entitled to your feeling on the matter but sort of by definition someone loses their right to privacy when they break laws and endanger the rest of us. It's not like someone used a telephoto lens to catch him sunbathing in his backyard or something.
So sad.
It certainly is an embarrassing and unflattering photo.
But, after getting past the photo, I go the other way.
1. Nobody was hurt.
2. His back injuries are severe and debilitating.
3. I don't how you endure that kind of chronic pain, without opioids or dope or alcohol or something.
4. Again, Nobody was hurt.
I'm gonna give him a mulligan and wish him well on his recovery and his dreams to play championship golf again.
But, yes, don't drink and drive, dummy. Use Uber, or just hire a driver, you're still a gazillionaire, jeez.
I feel sorry for people in mug shots.
"3. I don't how you endure that kind of chronic pain, without opioids or dope or alcohol or something"
Yeah, well, don't drive.
Why was he out at 3 am if he felt so bad?
Why doesn't he have a chauffeur? He's rich.'s called
chafeur, it's called taxi, it's called UBER.
In the end it is called stupid.
The only reason I can think that he did not have a chaffeur, taxi or uber was that he was doing something he did not want anyone to know about.
He has been in a downward spiral for some time.
I looked at the photo, and I think he should have called a cab.
He's seen better days
But who has not?
Sigh... Not sure how I am going to avoid the mug shot, but I won't look for it. BTW, I don't care if nobody got hurt, that's just luck. Tiger wouldn't count on luck in a tournament to stay out of trouble.
Anyone in a mugshot at 11am for DUI is gonna look wasted.
Even in Florida, where they seem to do more of this than, in, say, Wisconsin.
Looks like your Driver's License Photo when you forget to smile. Maybe Trump can hire him as Ambassador to the dangerous and strange country of south Florida.
It was not long ago that Tiger Woods was on top of the world. It has been a long, sad fall for him.
Is he just another entry in the #floridaman twitter by now?
The future's not what it used to be. I guess the top looks different from the top, but the bottom still looks like the bottom. I genuinely wish him well. He will need resilience, though.
Life's a funny old thing, innit?
This has to be the craziest Tiger moment ever. The man is worth $740 million. Why the fuck is he driving himself at 3 AM? He can hire a driver.
And where is he going at 3 AM? If he wanted a hooker, have one delivered!
How someone with so much Golf smarts and Book smarts (Tiger was a good student) can be so stupid, is beyond me.
I suppose he'll claim - rightly or wrongly - that he was taking pain meds and that's why he was acting goofy.
I just read the other comments, and Althouse said the same thing.
Of course, this is just a tempest in a teapot that will be forgotten in a month. He may lose a few sponsors - but so what? He's got $740 million.
Golfwise, I think he's finished even though he's talking - again - about returning in a few months. 41 years old and he's had 4 back surgeries. He's talked about not being able to walk without pain.
No, he finished. Tom Watson almost won the British open at 60. Jack won the Masters at 46. Trevino won the PGA at 45. But Tiger is done.
He could care less.
People feigned outrage when Brit Hume said what he said. But he was right.
And, yes, the whole thing is a tragedy.
Drudge has the mugshot and this story:
Kung Fu Master Breaks Record By Pulling Helicopter -- With Genitals...
"Mo money, mo problems."
Sadly, there are thousands of people here in Florida who will go to bed tonight sad, as it was their dream to get hit by a drunk Tiger Woods.
Some of them are lawyers.
Tiger Tiger, burning bright,
In the forays of the night;
What immortal camera eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
It is sad. At his peak he was probably the best golfer ever to play the game. Self-destruction is always heartbreaking to watch. Wish him better days and maybe even a comeback. I'd like to see him go back to his wife & kids, too, if he became worthy of their forgiveness.
Nicely done, chickelit!
Florida Man Emulates Florida Man.
It's a survivable scandal, but something is clearly gnawing on him and maybe that something will have a full meal.....,,,I used to envy Tiger because his life seemed so perfect. Whom the gods would destroy, they first give chronic, intractable back pain.. He's not in a good place.
Mark said...
And, yes, the whole thing is a tragedy.
No it's not a tragedy. It would be a tragedy if he killed innocent people. Woods will be just fine, despite his terrible judgement.
When you see mug shots of a person that lives in a trailer park busted for a similar crime, do you think it's a tragedy? You probably think it it's a good thing we got that guy behind bars. That guy is going to lose everything, probably his job, if he has one, and probably his home and family. The financial impact of a DWI is somewhere between 10 and 20 thousand dollars.
Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, OJ Simpson pictures - all in the last week. It is truly sad.
Hillary Clinton looks just as bad but in politics it doesn't seem to matter. Wasn't there a Spike Milligan sketch about how if you are a miner and you are old and blind and stupid and past it, you lose your job but if you are a judge and you are old and blind and stupid and past it then they make you chief judge?
Ann Althouse said...
"3. I don't how you endure that kind of chronic pain, without opioids or dope or alcohol or something"
Yeah, well, don't drive.
Why was he out at 3 am if he felt so bad?
Why doesn't he have a chauffeur? He's rich.
Driving is fun, and he only needs a chauffeur if he's drunk.
Why didn't he call a cab, why didn't he uber, why didn't he call a driver, why didn't he call a friend, why didn't he use better judgment? Well, he was drunk. Prolly gonna need a driver now for a while.
I hope he's ordered to do public service announcements about drinking and driving. He might as well add texting while driving. I don't think you can stop people from drinking and driving a golf ball. Playing golf without beer would lose its appeal for a lot of people.
Golf and tennis are too of my least favorite sports. My favorite is bungee jumping naked.
"It is sad. At his peak he was probably the best golfer ever to play the game. Self-destruction is always heartbreaking to watch. Wish him better days and maybe even a comeback. I'd like to see him go back to his wife & kids, too, if he became worthy of their forgiveness."
Did it occur to ya that he's on a different plain than the one you've concocted here?
Sure, the kids are good.
But, I'm not sure Tiger seems like the type of dude who's gonna wanna/needta settle w/ recycled pussy, till the end.
I'm not sure where you see evidence indicating the contrary.
P.S., it's also not obvious that for some folks high flying re their profession (e.g. amazing golfer) can't also spill over to other stuff. So, ya gots a problem re containing re settling for what ya got v being wired to get more.
I dunno.
When you see mug shots of a person that lives in a trailer park busted for a similar crime, do you think it's a tragedy?
Yes, I do and it is. Anytime anyone throws their life away, anytime someone has soared to the heights and crashed and burned, and anytime someone never rose above the gutter and only went down further, it is a tragedy.
And, by the way, I say what I mean and mean what I say. Don't presume to say that when I say one thing, I mean something else.
BTW Mock,
If none of that makes sense to ya, maybe you could consider the current POTUS re a dude not wanting to stick w/ wife number one.
Sad lonely man. Who will help him try to rise up? He needs people who will treat him with love and they are hard to find in the world where he lives.
Earnest Hemingway was especially prescient on Tiger Woods' tragic decline:
"His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly's wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he could only remember when it had been effortless."
If he was a white golfinh legend, no one would care.
Jelly exhorted: "Did it occur to ya that he's on a different plain than the one you've concocted here?"
One thing Tiger is not is vanilla.
He drives his own car?? 3AM?
Does Florida allow liquor sales at 3AM? Was he chasing pussy?
Why does he kiss-off endorsements?
Kung Fu Master Breaks Record By Pulling Helicopter -- With Genitals..
Was his name "Hung or Die"?
E. Prole: Good and apt quotation.
At CNN right now:
Tiger Woods blames DUI on pain meds
Tiger kills zookeeper in freak accident
I lol'd.
Honest Office, it was the I don't have the, I don't have th3e bottle...I was just goin to the 7-11..
Tiger was caught in a sand trap.
All the Tiger material was exhausted when he was discovered cheating on his wife.
He's a paper tiger now.
Maybe he was going to the 7-11 for some Tea and Skittles.
Does the mugshot give us any information about the real Tiger Woods we didn't have at the time of the incident that exposed his life and ended his marriage?
"Why doesn't he have a chauffeur? He's rich."
I use Uber.
I found one on Reddit...
"A lion would never drive while drunk.
But a tiger wood."
Wildswan observes: Hillary Clinton looks just as bad but in politics it doesn't seem to matter.
Hillary has a little less stubble.
If B. Hussein Obama had a golfing buddy he would look like .......
Hillary has a little less stubble.
Wrong! That's what the panzoots are for.
Good thing we didn't get a pic of Tiger after his former bride took a nine iron to him.
He said it was an unexpected reaction to a mix of prescribed pain medications. Coming off back surgery it seems reasonable. I have no reason not to believe him. Give the guy some space ...
He said it was an unexpected reaction to a mix of prescribed pain medications. Coming off back surgery it seems reasonable. I have no reason not to believe him. Give the guy some space ...
What if he went all Mel Gibson during his arrest?
Isn't alcohol a contraindicator for most pain meds?
But before we critique or defend Tiger any further, shouldn't we know his politics regarding Trump?
I agree, and respect you for it.
"What if he went all Mel Gibson during his arrest?"
Then I guess he'll also make a bunch of gory movies about Christians.
Many seem to be assuming he's guilty. Like the town drunk.
As for being out at 3am, he owns and operates a sports bar nearby in Jupiter, "The Woods."
As for the arrest, the police have discretion; i.e., park the car and take a cab home. But pause here for a moment and picture yourself in a blue uniform. You're on the 18th green in the Masters Police Classic. It's either sink this once-in-a-lifetime putt, or die in obscurity. No way Tiger Woods is walking, not until he poses for the trophy-mugshot. An enlargement of which will hang in the arresting officer's living room until his 2nd wife divorces him for chronic stupidity.
No alcohol involved he says
If they need a model for an ethnic doll version of Homer Simpson, there it is.
"Prescribed medication post-surgery"
Don't most presribtioms like this come with prohibtions like driving and operating heavy equipment?
Prescriptions, LOL stupid smartphone
Tiger don't need no stinking driver. He can make it home with a four iron.
"But before we critique or defend Tiger any further, shouldn't we know his politics regarding Trump?"
The presiding Jupiter judge might be interested in that piece of evidence.
Good thing we didn't get a pic of Tiger after his former bride took a nine iron to him.
Was it a nine iron? I was thinking it was a driver.
Oh, spare me. The only thing this guy ever did well was hit a little white ball into a hole in someone's lawn.
Headlines that start out: "Golfer Tiger Woods . . . " is the real story here. Do we already have to remind the millenials what a "Tiger Woods" is? What it isn't is treed acreage full of striped kitties.
TMZ reported:
5:00 PM PT -- Tiger just released a statement ... "I understand the severity of what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions. I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn't realize the mix of medications affected me so strongly."
9:40 AM PT -- Unclear if it's related, but Tiger had back surgery last month. As we reported, cops have not specified whether the DUI was for drugs, alcohol or both.
That dashcam video will never see the light of day -- just like the Gianforte video.
Tiger Woods presented himself as a 'family man' for the 2000s golfing public, but in reality he was banging whores and porn stars until it finally caught up with him on a November 2009 evening with a 9-iron. His real lifestyle being exposed was the worst possible scenario and while he recovered sufficiently to become #1 again in 2013, now that his back is 10000% fucked up and he can't win golf tournaments anymore he's taken to opioids and booze.
I thought Nov 2009 was fucked up, but this takes the cake. He could've killed an innocent person. DUI should be instant execution, that would serve as a deterrent.
The downside of reaching such an apex in human achievement like the 2000 US Open(winning by 15 shots) is there is no way but down for 17 years. Icarus claims another victim.
"Why doesn't he have a chauffeur? He's rich."
Good question. My answer is he's got problems and he's acting like a loser. Still sad though.
For Tiger Woods, having all the money in the world is not the issue. What he thrives on is Sundays where he's wearing the red shirt and kicking everyone's ass on the golf course. That defines who he is to himself. He never planned for his post-career life and has no idea what to do with his time.
Can you imagine him becoming a big philanthropist or golf course designer? Nope.
Of course he was belligerent. Obama told him to "get in their faces".
I say BFD. Guy is tired late at night. Takes prescription. Doesn't hit anything. Pulls over when cop flashes light.
I couldn't help but see his mug shot. (It popped up on my facebook newsfeed.) He looked terrible. People with that kind of wealth and talent shouldn't be that unhappy. They have the ability to get help if they want it. I really hope that he can get his life together. Everyone goes through bad times.
All this talk about chauffeurs. He's from California. Californians drive themselves. It's what they do.
Patrick Kennedy did the same in DC. What is same between baby harp seal and Tiger Woods? Both have been beaten with club by a Scandinavian.
It's not about how you drive; it's about how you're driven.
What is difference between a golf ball and an SUV? Tiger can drive golf ball for 400 yds.
Guy is tired late at night. Turns into a werewolf. Doesn't bite anybody. Runs away when constable flashes silver flashlight.
Jack's record will never be broken.
No worries Officer, I'm not driving drunk, I'm just driving around on oxy. And can't change that by getting all bendy and...the lights from the console... sparkling like
My first thought was that it was painkillers. He's had so many surgeries in the past couple of years. I hope it isn't an addiction. Won't break Jack's major record, but by far the most dominant golfer in history. Not even close.
I was sitting in court, waiting my turn to explain why 3 libtards were found buried on my property, watching a DUI case he ajudicated.
Defendent was super sorry. She was turning her life around and pleaded for mercy, for a second chance. She had been plastered at approx 1pm in the afternoon when she t-boned another car.
Victim was in court too. Wheelchair for rest of his life. He refused to accept her apology or extend forgiveness.
On a related note, I bought a nice new mullberry tree to go along with the 3 I already had.
I have thought for some time that his career in golf might well be done. I have watched my father struggle with back problems my entire life. He has had some of the procedures that Woods has had, and while it helps for a while, things never returned to a healthy state, and the degradation and dysfunction just continues. Having played golf myself, I can't imagine having to play it at Wood's level with a bad back.
I just hope he can find a way to enjoy life without the sport itself. The times I have seen him publicly the last year, he seems quite lost to me, and that is a kind of tragedy.
"A human icon of our time"? Pfff. The guy is good at playing a game with a stick and a ball. For which, I will add, he's already been paid a butt-wad of money.
One of the areas Tiger out paced the field was his long drives - he didn't have the longest drive in the PGA, but he was the longest that also excelled at the other aspects of the game.
Part of that ability to hit the long ball was the incredible twist he put his body through. Younger Tiger twisted an incredible amount on his drives. Those days are long gone, never to return.
Pain and mediocrity do not sound like something he will be satisfied with.
Alex is right: "Tiger Woods presented himself as a 'family man' for the 2000s golfing public, but in reality he was banging whores and porn stars until it finally caught up with him on a November 2009 evening with a 9-iron."
And now this. His wounds are self-inflicted. He seems to have no sense of morality or self-respect. And the media knew all this and covered up for him, as they do for so many others. It hurts them in the end, letting them go all Charlie Sheen with no consequences. Til reality kicks in. Sorry, no sympathy. C'mon. Hookers! What a fool.
Tiger Woods? Residential district in China, isn't it?
Classic case of an overbearing father dying and the son getting out of control. People forget the racial problem that golf had in the eighties, and that Tiger had to be presented as a family man to make it in the sport. I followed him at his first win at the GMO and, when the cameras were off, he'd be cussing and throwing clubs. I never thought he had the control to win eighteen majors and beat Nicklaus, but it was it was fun watching him try.
This is just a guess, but: Woods owns a restaurant, The Woods, less than a mile from my house in Jupiter, FL. He could have been there, drinkng, until way after closing and then, with impaired judgment, headed south towards Rachel's, a high-end Gentlemen's Club. Instead of driving the other direction to his home on Jupiter Island. Men have been known to make bad decisions when their mind is befuddle by alcohol. I know: I've 23 sober this past April. If it's not an isolated problem, let's hope I see him in "the rooms" soon.
"But before we critique or defend Tiger any further, shouldn't we know his politics regarding Trump?"
You have all wrong here. It's what Tiger said in the months leading up to his arrest that will determine his guilt or innocence.
"EsoxLucius said...
Classic case of an overbearing father dying and the son getting out of control. People forget the racial problem that golf had in the eighties, and that Tiger had to be presented as a family man to make it in the sport. I followed him at his first win at the GMO and, when the cameras were off, he'd be cussing and throwing clubs. I never thought he had the control to win eighteen majors and beat Nicklaus, but it was it was fun watching him try."
Tiger's first win was at Las Vegas, not the GMO. The GMO was his first tour event as a Pro.
Woods refused to blow into a breathalyzer. Any wonder why?
If he refused the breathalyzer, he must have known he was using alcohol. How can we believe the prescription drugs story if he refused the breathalyzer?
In any jurisdiction in this country as far as I can tell, refusal is an automatic DUI. Been that way for a long time.
Worse, as he recently endured back surgery and admits to having prescription pain killers, is he mixing alcohol with them? That would explain the "unexpected reaction" he referenced.
Smoking Gun says he blew .000 on the BAT, so it was prescription meds and not drink that did him in.
I also noticed that, Bill, so, now we have two completely different stories.
However, if you are all fucked up on prescription drugs, don't drive. In fact, it might be worse than driving high on liquor.
After seeing a few comments about the breath test, I went back to Smoking Gun to confirm that, yup, he took two tests and passed clean.
It was the meds.
And of course I see AllenS's comment when the screen refreshed just after I post the link ...
Although I'm not fond of professional sports in general, I still feel for the guy, who was brought up by his father to be a star. When he first ran into trouble, I suspected that his career was pretty much over, that he wouldn't be the Tiger Woods that he was before, and said so on Twitter (for which a sportswriter presumed to contradict me).
Being a star in any field is challenging. Everyone's eyes are on you, and even if they're not, you feel as if they were. You're judged by everything you do. If you're a golfer, every shot has the opportunity of making you look like a fool.
Yes, Tiger has a lot of money to cushion him. He won't be living in a trailer drinking Boone's Farm and yelling "Fuck off!" unless he's really profligate or his CPA steals most of it. But he has the rest of his life to live, and he has to do it knowing, as competitive as he is, that nothing he'll do will match up to where he was. He'll have to develop skills in a new field and learn to be content with who he is and what he's done.
I don't know if he can. History's full of gifted people who flamed out and ended up unhappy. There are gifted men and women who never found the joy from using their talents, or refused to believe they were any good in the first place. Accomplishments don't fill that hollow need inside us that wakes us up at 3 a.m.
Golf is hard on the back, and as JAORE mentions Tiger put more strain on it than most. That made him an amazing player in his youth. In his first Masters win he was hitting a seven iron into greens when most of his competitors were hitting at least a four iron.
Unfortunately that probably wiped out his chances of continuing into his forties the way Nicklaus and Watson did. It was always a race whether he would break Nicklaus' record before the back gave out. If he didn't have the dust-up with his wife that ruined his game for a few years, I wonder if he would have made it.
And as others have mentioned, basically from infancy he was trained to do one thing: be the best golfer in the world. Now that his body has given up on him, it appears he has no idea what to do. There was no Plan B.
You'd think $740 million could take the sting out of that kind of problem, but it may be one of those problems that money doesn't really solve.
Much ado about nothing.
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