April 7, 2017

"Trump’s strike on Syria disrupts the narrative that he is Putin’s pal."

A good headline... for a column at WaPo by Callum Borchers.

What I like about it is that we don't really know the relationship between Trump and Putin. It's only a narrative. And we don't really know how far apart Putin and Trump really are about the strike or how close they were before. I like the carefulness in speaking only about what you know and the awareness that our sense of experiencing these events and relationships is fake.

My appreciation for Borchers' approach to talking about Putin and Trump is heightened by my irritation over what I had just read (over at Forbes): "Russia Responds To Syria Strike, As Putin-Trump 'Bromance' Gets Tomahawked" (by Kenneth Rapozo):
Anyone who worried that close ties between Trump and Putin was bad for the U.S. -- and maybe even the world -- slept much better on Thursday. Just days after a chemical weapons attack in Idlib, Syria, the U.S. government responded like actors to a script by launching tomahawk cruise missiles in defense of human rights. From Moscow and from Washington, no matter where you sit on this fence, the air strike is seen as damaging to yet another "Russia reset."
Ooh. Ouch. Writing this post, I hit the "Russia reset" link...

... and I hit the button to play but found it so embarrassing that after one second, I impulsively hit another video in the sidebar. I picked "I SHOULD'VE NEVER DONE THAT !! - CRUSH BATTERY WITH HYDRAULIC PRESS - THE SMASHER SHOW" and damned if I didn't find relaxing respite... in this:


rehajm said...

'Lost in Translation' is a generous lie. The Russians translated it perfectly: Hillary is a moron.

traditionalguy said...

Fun, fun, fun till the media's daddy takes her narrative away. And I loved watching the Russian Collusion Hoax smashed by the truth of Trump's hydrolic Tweets.

Original Mike said...

"Trump’s strike on Syria disrupts the narrative that he is Putin’s pal."

It may be that one of Trump's motivations for the strike was to do exactly that. All this partisan crap by the Democrats vis a vis Russia has potential, real world consequences.

MikeR said...

I'm with Althouse: The minute Clinton took out her "little present" I couldn't watch another second. I felt humiliated for my country.

Laslo Spatula said...

This new strain between Trump and Putin can't help but make one think of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

I am Laslo.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Original Mike said...
"Trump’s strike on Syria disrupts the narrative that he is Putin’s pal."

It may be that one of Trump's motivations for the strike was to do exactly that"

Some simpleton on the radio was saying this morning that it was "suspicious" that the Russian military was warned ahead of time so any advisors they had on those bases could get away.

Yeah, Trump should have killed at least a few Rooskies just to really prove he's not Putin's stooge!


John henry said...

It was not a "reset" button.

You can call a dog a cat all day long but come the evening, it is still a dog no matter how much you believe it is a cat.

Red pushbutton, mushroom head, stays in when pushed: Federal law defines that as an "Emergency Stop" switch. It instantly stops the system, do not return to home position, kill all power.

I think that President Trump might be able to use this. Tell Putin that Crooked Hilary may have called it a reset but he is going to tell Putin to treat it as an E-Stop.


See also http://www.daybydaycartoon.com/comic/april03-2010/

John Henry

exhelodrvr1 said...

"This new strain between Trump and Putin can't help but make one think of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie."

In which movie?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Exiled, yep. And if we had NOT warned the Russians today's story would be "cowboy provocation" while simultaneously arguing Trump was doing it just to hide his Russian connection. Hell, Inga drug out the wag-the-dog bullshit before we even knew the strike had taken place last night!

I find it refreshing that our president was dining with the Chinese premier while this happened instead of sexually harassing an intern younger than his daughter.

Limited blogger said...

Good to see Trump has hit the 'reset' button on the "Narrative"

Original Mike said...

"Some simpleton on the radio was saying this morning that it was "suspicious" that the Russian military was warned ahead of time so any advisors they had on those bases could get away."

Gee, I sarcastically joked last night that Adam Schiff would launch an investigation into Trump warning Putin. Guess whatever nutty thing you make up can't top lefty reality.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Irony and Satire died together, O Mike

3MartiniLunch said...

The best part of the headline is that the media finally acknowledges that they follow a narrative. As they say, the first step in solving a problem is to admit you have a problem. Not really holding out a lot of hope though.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Hell, Inga drug out the wag-the-dog bullshit before we even knew the strike had taken place last night! "

Earlier in that thread she was wailing about the poor children. Of course, that's because she wants us to take them all in.

Trump bombs and talks about being moved by seeing pictures of children gassed (don't get me wrong, I think he was motivated by a lot more than "let's do it for the children") and suddenly it's all "wag-the-dog."

No mention of course of how "wag the dog" began with dear old Billy Jeff.

Original Mike said...

I really do think the Democrat Russian hysteria is reprehensible. Sure, have an investigation and if there's something there deal with it, but all the hyping and fantastical charges aren't about that. They are a transparent political attempt to gum up the current administratioon. Their actions can have real world consequences.

Achilles said...

"Trump’s strike on Syria disrupts the narrative that he is Putin’s pal."

That's the least important thing that happened.

bwebster said...

Back to the battery video: I love the increasing damage to the wall behind the hydraulic press as the video progresses. And that the Unseen Manipulator puts on gloves after the first crushing.

Fernandinande said...

Just about the first thing our res-dog did when we let him in the house was chew up a remote control, along with the AA batteries.

"I am not an atomic playboy!"

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Trump warned the Russians before he launched the strike - see how easy it is to get back on narrative. But isn't it a problem for Trump if he's not Putin's pal? His ability to make a deal with Putin was part of the sale. If Trump can't deliver ...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Alternative facts new service.

Fits the Dominant narrative: He's a Stooge

Fits the Narrative He's a Crazy Asshole Risking WW3

Now ask yourself, no matter which theory you adhere to (I know adherence isn't a concept Democrats or media [but I repeat myself] understand), WHY DID PUTIN REACT THE WAY HE DID TODAY?

Rob said...

It's nice that David Letterman is working again.

Bruce Hayden said...

My theory is that Trump warned the Russians because he didn't want Russian collateral damage. Russia isn't our enemy, per se, but rather, they take the opposite side sometimes, and sometimes they may end up on our side. Not a fiend, either. But a country that needs to be dealt with on a continuous basis. We may not like the fact that Russia is supporting Assad and is in bed with the Iranians, but we don't want to go to war with them either, if we can help it. Trump respects Putin and Russia, but shows that we often have opposing interests. I thought it well done.

Original Mike said...

"My theory is that Trump warned the Russians because he didn't want Russian collateral damage."

I think there's zero doubt about that. Russian damage could have huge ramifications.

Inga said...

Maybe Trump found out his pal Putin wasn't such a great guy after all. Too bad it took this to do it. There is talk that Russia may have been complicit, certainly negligent.

"Tillerson says Russia either complicit or incompetent in Syria chemical weapons deal"

Then there's the comical response of the Alt Right.

"The fractured elements of what was once called the alt-right were unified once more on Thursday night in condemning Donald Trump’s airstrike in Syria as a mistake. Or as Milo Yiannopoulos put it, “FAKE and GAY.”

This loose confederation of Web-savvy, anti-establishment right-wingers formed an important vanguard of Trump’s online support in last year’s election, and its unified opposition to the airstrike forewarns a political downside to intervention in Syria. While foreign wars tend to boost presidents’ popularity in the short term, Trump risks losing the segments of his base that flocked to his isolationist, “America First” message.

In addition to its nationalist, anti-interventionist and anti-“globalist” views, the alt-right and its fellow travelers have also displayed a marked affinity for Syria’s ally Russia, whose government has returned the love by tweeting images of the alt-right's mascot, Pepe the Frog, from official accounts. In reacting to the airstrikes, leaders of the movement placed those ideological reflexes over their personal loyalty to Trump.

Most noteworthy were the herculean efforts of blogger Mike Cernovich, who took to the livestreaming application Periscope to rally opposition to the strike in a marathon session that went on for several hours."


Original Mike said...

Given that Trump warned the Russians, it's noteworthy they didn't interfere.

grackle said...

What I like about it is that we don't really know the relationship between Trump and Putin. It's only a narrative.

a narrative? Narratives can win elections, end dynasties and start a new one. Narratives can elevate the irrelevant over the significant. Narratives can be very important.

This particular narrative was already unraveling. It’s difficult even for the MSM to fight significant facts and their obvious implication(Trump was wiretapped by the Obama administration) with irrelevant bullshit and flimsy fantasy(Putin has Trump in his pocket) – especially with Trump baiting the MSM with his tweets. This Tomahawk strike blows away the remnants of an already failing MSM narrative.

Grackle’s formula #1

The more potent the Trump tweet the more the MSM will try to ignore it. On the other hand, if they believe tweet has potential for harm to Trump the MSM will gnaw on it for days.

The once proud and ferocious predators, the MSM, are frequently reduced by Trump to a bunch of jackal-like scavengers squabbling over whatever Trump throws away on his Twitter account.

The Morning Joe whores looked this AM as if they had suddenly been diagnosed with gonorrhea. They’re going to be off the mattresses for a few days. That out of control, chaotic but lucky Trump just Tomahawked their main anti-Trump narrative. Head Pimp Joe has decided he has no choice but to approve, albeit with every far-fetched caveat the guest whores and regular whores can invent.

Meanwhile behind the scenes Trump is dismantling the Obama legacy and probably laughing at them.

grackle said...

Most noteworthy were the herculean efforts of blogger Mike Cernovich, who took to the livestreaming application Periscope to rally opposition to the strike in a marathon session that went on for several hours.

Cernovich is also the blogger who broke the Rice Revelations, a scandal that resembles Rathergate in that it is a scandal that the MSM first tried to ignore, then deny and that is currently in the “explaining away” stage. If memory serves me, Rathergate followed the same track.

Inga said...

Yes, he is the same one who created a fake story, that was supposed to have been a huge scandal. Didn't work out that way. That's who is now Trump's enemy.

Inga said...

Hilarious. Angel-Dyne, hurt and confused.


Prominent figures associated with the “alt-right” movement and other previously impassioned advocates of President Trump’s administration reacted with disbelief and outrage after the U.S. military launched a missile strike on a Syrian airfield Thursday in spite of the president having campaigned against foreign intervention.

Several of Mr. Trump’s most vocal proponents quickly turned critical Thursday evening after U.S. forces fired dozens of Tomahawk missiles at an airfield used by Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, which is accused of launching a chemical attack on Tuesday.

In some instances, Mr. Trump’s supporters outright rescinded their support in response to Thursday’s airstrike.

“I guess Trump wasn’t ‘Putin’s puppet’ after all, he was just another deep state/Neo-Con puppet,” tweeted Paul Joseph Watson, an editor of the Infowars website founded by pro-Trump media personality and noted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

“I’m officially OFF the Trump train,” Mr. Watson wrote from his verified Twitter account to his hundreds of thousands of social media followers.

Cassandra Fairbanks, an American writer for the Russian state-owned website Sputnik and an adamant self-professed Trump supporter, responded negatively to the news as well.

Inga said...

"White nationalist Richard Spencer, meanwhile, condemned the American attack on Syria and even floated Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) as a challenger to Trump in 2020."

Inga said...

"His ecelebrity cohorts have turned tail, including former men’s rights activist Mike Cernovich, #TrumpCup creator and ex-Buzzfeed employee Baked Alaska, The Rebel mouthpiece Jack Posobiec, white nationalist and living meme Richard Spencer, and Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars fame. All have tweeted voluminously in support of Trump for months. Earlier today, many also supported the theory that the gas attack in Syria was faked, and are now coming to grips with a very real missile strike."


Inga said...

Funny stuff. I'm thinking that Kuschner and some other sane people talked some sense into Trump. That and his low approval ratings.

"Even while the media was assaulting us with heartbreaking images of Syrian children either dead or fighting for breath, some of Trump’s most faithful backers had already revved up the conspiracy mill and were pumping out their theories faster than their followers could keep up.

These were the alt-right nutcases that made Donald Trump during the run up to the election. They went from being just random internet kooks to actual engines of policy, promoting Trump’s every crazed, barely intelligible speech on the campaign trail.

And Trump ate it up.

Trump is no stranger to pushing conspiracy theories, whether it be his birther theories about Barack Obama or his oh-so-casual promotion of the idea that Ted Cruz’s dad was somehow connected to Lee Harvey Oswald and President Kennedy’s assassination.

Make no mistake, these are his people.

And now his people are losing their collective minds.

Even before last night’s strike, the usual suspects began a furious “false flag” push, signaling that Assad was not to blame for the deadly gas attack, but that either it was staged by the “fake media,” or Syrian rebels had launched the attack, themselves.

Alex Jones, the rabid Trump-apologist and founder of unhinged conspiracy site, InfoWars, began beating the drum on Wednesday, implicating George Soros-funded groups for staging the gas attack.


William said...

The hydraulic press demolishing the batteries is a visual metaphor for our involvement. Sometimes the batteries are ground to dust, and sometimes the batteries explode and start a fire. I hope this display of force is an example of the former and not the latter.

Tinderbox said...

The original, and best, is the Hydraulic Press Channel. Accept no substitutes!

grackle said...

Yes, he is the same one who created a fake story, that was supposed to have been a huge scandal. Didn't work out that way.

Wishful thinking. The Left is full of it these days. The Ricegate scandal has only just begun. This comment is several days behind. They already tried to claim it was a “fake story.” THAT is what didn’t “work out.” They’ve moved on to the explaining stage now – which is going to be just as unsuccessful as the denial stage.

Night Owl said...

"The Ricegate scandal has only just begun."

Indeed. When I get impatient for more facts and information my husband calmly reminds me that Watergate took two years to unravel. But in the age of the internet, I suspect things will be revealed a bit faster than 40+ years ago. They better; we have shorter attention spans!

Original Mike said...

"The Ricegate scandal has only just begun."

The reports that the intelligence agencies have stopped cooperating seem significant.

JaimeRoberto said...

A Russian stooge wouldn't have approved the Keystone Pipeline either. Maybe Trump's warm language toward Putin wasn't a bromance or admiration. Maybe it was just diplomacy.

Inga said...

"The InfoWars founder hosted the political dirty trickster — who’s under investigation for possible ties to Russian intelligence — on his program Friday to discuss the military action.

Alex Jones and Roger Stone blamed “President” Jared Kushner for the Syrian airstrike ordered by his father-in-law, Donald Trump.

The InfoWars founder hosted the political dirty trickster — who’s under investigation for possible ties to Russian intelligence — on his program Friday to discuss the military action.

“It’s them, it’s them — it’s his daughter and son-in-law who are literally enemies of the Republic!” Jones shouted.

At the start of the discussion, Stone suggested the chemical weapons attack, which Trump used to justify the military action, might have been staged as part of a conspiracy to draw the president into war in the Middle East.

“What’s interesting to me is this push by the generals, which I believe is aided by the president’s son-in-law (Kushner), to essentially shed the non-interventionist position that he stuck to very closely in the campaign and become George W. Bush,” Stone said. “The people, if they wanted a neocon, they would have elected Jeb (Bush).”

Jones blamed “President Kushner” for the torrent of media leaks from the White House, which he described as a “jihad” to go after “hardcore conservatives and patriots” like Steve Bannon for opposing the airstrike.

“I can absolutely certify that Steve Bannon was opposed to this intervention in Syria, and he obviously lost an internal argument,” Stone claimed.

He said the White House blamed the chief strategist for the failures of the travel ban and the health care bill, which Stone claims was written by former House Speaker John Boehner and foisted on Bannon by Kushner."

RawStory. Yes this may be a fake story, but it's entertaining. I sure hope the Kuschners have good SS protection.

grackle said...

His ecelebrity cohorts have turned tail, including former men’s rights activist Mike Cernovich, #TrumpCup creator and ex-Buzzfeed employee Baked Alaska, The Rebel mouthpiece Jack Posobiec, white nationalist and living meme Richard Spencer, and Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars fame.

Cernovich has served his unintended purpose – which was to force Eli Lake to be the first MSM writer to cover the fact of the spying of Trump by the Obama administration. The “alt-right” is a splinter group of no real importance which once intrigued me until I did some research and found out they are a bunch of idiots. Trump will ignore these dolts, who have ZERO political clout, with impunity. Those named in the above comment, with the possible exception of Cernovich, are NOT “ecelebrities.” They are obscure even to most Trump supporters.

And the main reason Alex Jones has any prominence at all is because Trump supporters liked it that Jones was a Trump supporter. Few people had heard of him until then. Once Jones ceases that support a significant amount of Jones’s subscribers disappear and Jones becomes just another conspiracy pimp – a diminutive version of Glenn Beck. Celebrity that is bestowed is celebrity that is conditional.

grackle said...

Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance – these are the stages of grief. Scandals follow a similar path.

First comes shock: “How in hell did they find out!”

Then denial: “She didn’t know anything about any unmasking.”

Next, explaining: “Sure she unmasked but it was for national security purposes. The unmasking was normal and ordinary.”

Finally, acceptance, when even the Democrats, the eGOP, the NeverTrumpers and the MSM have to admit that yes, Trump was indeed spied on by the Obama administration. It’s going to be such fun watching those whores squirm!

Heywood Rice said...

Shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance – these are the stages of grief.

Actually, the five stages of grief as proposed by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross are five stages. You've got six.

grackle said...

Actually, the five stages of grief as proposed by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross are five stages. You've got six.

Some other experts say 6, some even list 7. Here's a link to one that lists 6 stages. Number of stages aside, my point remains the same.

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