April 29, 2017

Trump's secret weapon: We don't want to be bored.

An intuition that arose from seeing these 2 articles in quick succession today:

1. In the NYT (top center of the front page): "Our White House Reporters Recall Their Most Vivid Moments of Trump’s First 100 Days/Covering the Trump White House can be exhilarating, maddening, exhausting — but never boring. The New York Times’s White House correspondents recall memorable moments from their first 100 days on the beat."

2. On WaPo's front page, a link to an opinion by Kathleen Parker: "Disliking Trump is getting very boring." ("The 24/7 news cycle has jumped the shark with its incessant critique of the first 100.... Disliking Trump, even for all the right reasons, is exhausting and unsustainable. It’s also boring. With 265 days still left of Trump’s first year — talk about exhausting — our highest calling is to encourage wiser men and women to prevail, to ignore most of what Trump says....")


mockturtle said...

Priceless excerpt from Shaw.

David Begley said...

Yes. It is a rush of action and adventure. So much doing. So much winning. Just like a TV show.

The Left is baffled so they resort to the chaos narrative and keep babbling on about Russia. The Russia story has already become like that lost jet. No story. No news. The Russia thing is a complete bomb and the MSM becomes even less credible. Meanwhile Trump reopens closed areas for oil drilling. Coal comes back. Stock market booms. Hillary disaster avoided.

rhhardin said...

Boring means soap opera women are bored.

They're going to Trump-as-child from Trump-as-evil to keep those eyeballs.

traditionalguy said...

DJT was a TV Show producer that was still popular for 15 years when he had to leave it behind. The man knows what keeps an audience watching.

NASCAR and Daredevils the world over know people will watch a wreck or a WWF faux Wrestling villain and good guy match. Just keep a new one coming.

Poor Chuck Schumer is being played as the villain . And Schumck Chuck cannot get enough of it because it gets him on TV .

If you watch a 1980s or 1990s flick, the characters and dialogue are great and I miss them, but they seem too slow. We are now binge watchers of Netflix and Amazon Prime, and those shows move at twice the speed of the 80s and 90s shows.

MayBee said...

Kathleen Parker has nailed my feelings about current news in general and in particular CNN.

Even my husband and his sister- lifelong Democrats- can't stand the news any more because the news outlets just can't quit Trump.

rhhardin said...

Cavell on Emerson the questioner and Dewey the pragmatist Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome.

The left could lift the phrase.

"For an Emersonian, the Deweyan is apt to seem an enlightened child, toying with the means of destruction, stinting the means of instruction, or provoking the self to work; for the Deweyan the Emersonian is apt to look, at best, like a Deweyan."

traditionalguy said...

Meanwhile MSNBC and CNN have almost quit attacking Trump. He is now just a harmless FAILURE. Their blitzkreig is against Ivanka and Jared with a strange intensity.

Bob Boyd said...

"our highest calling is to encourage wiser men and women to prevail, to ignore most of what Trump says"

Highest calling? What about reporting the facts?
Yeah, I know.
What they have actually accomplished is to encourage wiser men and women to ignore most of what the press says.

Big Mike said...

Their blitzkreig is against Ivanka and Jared with a strange intensity.

Nothing strange about it, traditionalguy. Ivanka and Jared are Jews.

traditionalguy said...

You know, those infamous Presidential Tweets from the bowels of the White House that Pelosi hates so much, are really Show Posters posted up all over town for a week before the next Great Trump Show performance.

Flash: See Trump and his guests tonight in Philly. On all channels for free. Take that you weaselly Murdoch offspring.

bagoh20 said...

The way the press treats Trump is a little overdone, but still much better than how they did Obama or would have done Hillary. Just imagine the praise that would now be heaped on the the first woman President no matter what she had done in her first 100 days, and judging by her record it would not be much? There would be many awards by now, although Obama's Nobel Prize for opportunity would be hard to top.

I'm Full of Soup said...

At the fed level, they don't seem to fix even one thing in a substantive way in my opinion of course. So the back and forth news of politics in the Imperial City is boring - like a movie with a very unsatisfying or up in the air ending.

Some political accommodations seem obvious to me yet they don't get done. For instance, economists tend to agree we could repatriate trillions in foreign profits by offering a reduced tax rate on that money. If they taxed that money at a 20% tax rate, it could add $400 Billion - $800 billion in new tax revenue which could be used for the infrastructure proposal. This seems like a win-win for both parties yet it has gone nowhere. Why?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw, I suspect Kathleen Parker has been told by her readers/ editors/ syndicators that her repetitive columns claiming she is a Republican but she feels Trump is an incompetent failure are boring.

Kate said...

Boring is the wrong word. He's fresh. The constant haranguing about him is stale.

Tank said...

Liking Trump is not boring.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I was pondering Althouse's second point the other day after someone shoved a clip of yet another Alec Baldwin SNL cold opening under my nose. All I could think was; how much longer will this go on before they start loosing viewers? Not because the viewers become better disposed to Trump, but because they're sick and tired of seeing Baldwin's Trump and that lard ass Melissa McCarthy's impression of Sean Spicer.

traditionalguy said...

AJ....the speed Congress acts is exactly in tune with the time it takes to collect a few billion in secret bribes and kickbacks. That is what pols do.

And the key to getting bribed is to say NO, especially to good ideas. The cover story for the NO is a ideology, Liberal or Conservative, either one works.

You can say that gridlock happens when one or both sides is honest. That screws up the Bribery Swamp operation connection with the Royalty. The Royals are The Kochs, The kings of Google, The king of Amazon King, the king of Microsoft King that we expect. The deeper ones are the Saudis, The Chinese and the Russians. Their bribes have to be disguised better. That Disguising was the old Arkansas/Texas method that the Bush's and the Clintons perfected.

traditionalguy said...

Speaking of not being boring , DJT in Atlanta yesterday closed out his speech to the NRA by saying, " I will never let you down, and I know that you will never let me down either."

That talk is Scots-Irish heroin. The man will never be beaten around here. He pledged loyal leadership and he ASKED for our loyalty back. Let it be written. Let it be done.

LYNNDH said...

Wiser to whom? Certainly not me and a good many of the people that voted for Trump.

readering said...


traditionalguy said...

In the Great Russian Collaboration daily breaking News, it has come out that the crusty old Russian Ambassador talks with most Democrat Congress persons as well as GOP congress persons and has always done so.

Follow the money.

tcrosse said...

Trump is criticized as if he were a restaurant:
The food is terrible, and the portions are so small.

Alex said...

Agreed, ignore the idiot and he'll magically go away.

Alex said...

Ann - what makes you think I'm going to pay WaPo $100/year for their trash articles? Stop linking to these paid rags that nobody cares about anymore.

ga6 said...

"This seems like a win-win for both parties yet it has gone nowhere. Why?"

The grinning hypocrite who cannot find his razor, from Janesville originally now splits his time between DC and the Davos circuit.. they put up street signs about hm,"one-way, dead-end, sharp curve to the left, bank and safety deposit boxes one hundred feet..."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not nearly as exhausting as keeping tabs on his incompetence.

You really think the country should be run by Nielsen ratings? Let me let you in on a secret: Trump's suck. No one's entertained by President Sourpuss, either.

Your cucky slavishness knows no bounds.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Incompetence is way more boring and less entertaining than the cuckservatives gathered here know.

Fernandinande said...

tcrosse said...
The food is terrible, and the portions are so small.

And nobody goes there because it's too crowded.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Heh Yogi Berra - I just used that joke yesterday!

traditionalguy said...

NPR News just now was so happy to report that Trump told the NORKS that an Armada was headed their way when it was only a Carrier that only went in that direction today. It made them happy to report the NORKS had defeated their enemy and NPR's ,DJT.

Then NPR's happy girl recited that all Trump's touted Orders/legislation reversing the Orders of Obama's EPA and the BLM that were destroying America for no reason were actually failures. Because she gloated, "they will be tied up in Court challenges for years."

I have always supported NPR, but they have crossed the line into Agenda Driven Obama Resistance only. Shut em down!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Even my husband and his sister- lifelong Democrats- can't stand the news any more because the news outlets just can't quit Trump.

Stop covering the presidency! (It's so unimportant). Leave Donny Tinyhands alone!

This is a plea from Republicans to stop focusing on their incompetence. Minimize it. Ignore it. Pretend it away. "Please don't pay attention to how little we're getting done and how much smoke and mirrors we're blowing around! Please, please! Pay no attention! Yes, we're incompetent now leave us alone, we beg of you!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

NPR News just now was so happy to report that Trump told the NORKS that an Armada was headed their way when it was only a Carrier that only went in that direction today. It made them happy to report the NORKS had defeated their enemy and NPR's ,DJT.

Well, it's not like we can count on Republicans to put country above party and the presidency.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Disliking Trump is getting very boring."

Tedious. The word is tedious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

To call Trump incompetent is an insult to incompetents.

Some people go to great lengths to conceal how lazy they are.

Trump just puts it all out in the open. Balls out, so to speak.

Lays back in the La-Z-Boy, open robed, with the remote tuned to Sexual Harassment Broadcasting (FAUX News) and waits for the next paid screamer to channel their mental anxieties into the part of his head that lurks just beneath the hair transplants.

Bad Lieutenant said...

R&B, honestly, I try to avoid criticizing or advising you because you evidently have a plan to say the things that you say. But I got to tell you, you're becoming repetitive. I don't like it as a technique in art and it doesn't work for me in rhetoric either.

I'm not telling you to love Trump or love conservatism or your interlocutors here, or giving any policy advice, just a style point.

I get that you heard the word "cuck" and it impressed you and you decided to bury "the enemy" in cuck-calling. I guess turnabout is fair play. But you're fapping it to death, take a rest before the skin gets raw. Use other words.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So what will Republicucks say once '45 spends more vacation days in 2017 than Obama did from 2009 to 2016?

Nothing, of course. Maybe applause.

No principles. Republicucks used to be in it for themselves, but now they're just in it to glorify what they want Trump to be able to get away with.

Eventually they'd transition from glorifying themselves to sucking up to some belligerent, incompetent in charge of them.

It's in their nature.

traditionalguy said...

Toothless is having a mental breakdown. Chalk up another victory for the Orange Haired Clown.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B, honestly, I try to avoid criticizing or advising you...

Well, thank you! I try to do the same.

..because you evidently have a plan to say the things that you say.

I'm just responding. If the crowd here or in D.C. gave me better material, then who knows where I could go with this!

But I got to tell you, you're becoming repetitive.

Aww babe. I'm just calling them like I see 'em. Trump's a creature of habit. Filet o' Fish Forever! I kept hearing about how fleet-footed and nimble he was. I'm not seeing it, though. The guy is a rhetorical one-trick narcissism show who has no credible defense for anything he does. And that's what you like about him! He just does stuff, and says, "ME PRESIDENT, YOU FOLLOW!" Well shiver me timbers if that ain't repetitive material to respond to.

I don't like it as a technique in art and it doesn't work for me in rhetoric either.

I'm a citizen. Neither is required of me.

But if you think comedy and satire are arts, I suggest the exploding ratings of Stephen Colbert, and nearly a half dozen other satirists who have the creative sensibility to somehow find something new and interesting in every action that "President Me Me Me" does.

I'm not telling you to love Trump or love conservatism or your interlocutors here, or giving any policy advice, just a style point.

Are you conceding the need for a "substance point" when it comes to criticizing President Respect Mah Hair that readily?

I get that you heard the word "cuck" and it impressed you and you decided to bury "the enemy" in cuck-calling. I guess turnabout is fair play. But you're fapping it to death, take a rest before the skin gets raw. Use other words.

I will. Just as soon as I see people on the right who aren't afraid to actually stand up to Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls-- shouldn't you be out on a ledge wearing a fuzzy pink pussy hat and waving a "just say no to fascism" sign?

Anonymous said...

I thought boring was good when it came to Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Toothless is having a mental breakdown.

Having a brain is not the same thing as "having a breakdown." The non-cucks get this. I'm just not a subservient slave to the guy's need to control the discourse. Are you that unfamiliar with dissent? In the north and west of our country, we're not. But then, we didn't fail so miserably at it 150 years ago.

Chalk up another victory for the Orange Haired Clown.

Having someone whose supporters even refer to as a "clown" for president is no laughing matter.

I repeat, a joke of a president is no laughing matter.

Comedy here, presidency there. It's important not to defecate where one eats. Comedic farce and competent government don't mix.

Friends don't let Republicans drive the country drunk.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Balls-- shouldn't you be out on a ledge wearing a fuzzy pink pussy hat and waving a "just say no to fascism" sign?

Shouldn't you be in the streets wearing a hat in the image of Trump's (and Ailes' and O'Reilly's) penises waving a "just say yes to fascism" sign?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Incompetence is way more boring and less entertaining than the cuckservatives gathered here know."

This is why I was never able to muster much feeling about Obama. He was so obviously completely out of his depth in terms of technical competence. A popular black kid elected to student government at an otherwise all white/Asian upper middle-class high school, despite his C average and lackluster showing on the Cross Country team.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whining about fascists while acting like fascists is a leftwing deal.

Glad you think so.

I think you're confusing competence with "fascism," though. Remind me how many favors for Big Corporate Trump's doled out lately. I'm sure you think his tax plan (DOA) will be a huge boon to all those captains of industry, (like yourself, no doubt), who didn't seem to do anything with it but crash an economy last time. Maybe if you get lucky you'll cause a repeat of 2008. One can dream, right? One can dream. There has to be something Republican'ts excel at.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I repeat, a joke of a president is no laughing matter."

However, despite my general indifference, I did laugh at Obama frequently. He was so manifestly clueless.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He was so obviously completely out of his depth in terms of technical competence. A popular black kid elected to student government at an otherwise all white/Asian upper middle-class high school, despite his C average and lackluster showing on the Cross Country team.

Ahhh. Thanks for reminding us about the important things: Cross country and high school grades. And when you figure out a definition for "technical competence" in a president (was he the White House's chief engineer?) do let us know. No major crises and growth and stability that Trump will now seek to unwind as best he can. He is good at that, isn't he? How many times did he bankrupt himself and the workers, contractors, business partners? And write off the loss? Do let us know when he feels his imaginary audit has stopped long enough to release the tax forms that will reveal how much he intends to enrich himself with his new tax proposal.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"many favors for Big Corporate Trump's doled out lately. I'm sure you think his tax plan (DOA) will be a huge boon to all those captains of industry"

That $400,000 has to come from somewhere...

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

OK, Toothless. It is not a mental breakdown, but a necessary 2nd stage of Grief following denial. Fortunately when you get to negotiation, the clown heart DJT will meet you half way. Then Acceptance will feel so right.

Or you can remain an anarchist always seeking revenge, to which no one else will understand the need for, except that Hamlet Prince of Denmark guy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

However, despite my general indifference, I did laugh at Obama frequently. He was so manifestly clueless.

Your attempt at humor is so manifestly inept. It doesn't even make sense.

Let me break something down for you, as cucks seem to generally not understand how to interact with people. When doing comedy, the point is to make other people laugh. I mean, did your witty riposte even elicit so much as a chuckle, nay a smile, from you?

If you can't even turn your own self on while masturbating chances are you're an even worse lover.

Word to the wise, Mr Rugged Individualist.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

" How many times did he bankrupt himself and the workers, contractors, business partners? And write off the loss?"

An excellent and concise history of Democrat governance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

An excellent and concise history of Democrat governance.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I present you with "Cracker Emcee's" "We're at least as bad as you are" defense of the Trump presidency.

May it serve him well. Although, I think it won't. Show me a Democratic politician who failed as badly in business (or in government) as Trump. Show me a Democrat who did anything as harmful to the country as W. did in 2008 or Hoover did in 1929.

With failures and a record that bad, you can understand why Emcee has trouble focusing on the truth, and facts.

Denial is a necessity for them.

Laslo Spatula said...

The Ruthless Umlaut says...

Orange Cucks! Big Corporate Fascism, you ignorant Germknödels!

Do you people even have Principles? Of course, being stupid, you're probably thinking now of High School Principals -- if you even went to High School, you Moronic Cucks! I bet it sucked, having to go through Fourth Grade twice!

I have a Brain! You have Baumkuchen! Big Word: Adjective! Big Word: Noun! Or is that too much for you, you Cuck Bienenstichs!

Auf wiedersehen, you Mohrenkopfs!

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

Lightweight pussy hats are available for the coming warmer weather protests. Get yours while they last.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ah! Spatula Face exits his lair long enough for another pretend-punny non-joke! What a wonder! Cucks have no principles because they think it sounds like "principals!"

It all makes sense, now. How stupid people justify their lack of accomplishments is really important. It's important to make them feel good, just like Trump needs to feel good.

Bob Boyd said...

tcrosse said...
"Trump is criticized as if he were a restaurant:
The food is terrible, and the portions are so small."


Which reminds me, I heard if Trump lost he was planning to leverage his popularity by opening a new chain called National House of Pancakes.

Seeing Red said...

Next thing we know, it'll be so boring and normal, we will be waiting for the shark attack report from Florida.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

omg - Balls is right. The Koch brothers and Russia are under his bed!

buwaya said...

The poor guy is an angry boy looking for his father. I have tutored several such lads living with their single mom's. On the whole I think they turn out better than the daughters, but they aren't happy and they show it in many ways. Yelling at people on the Internet isn't the worst, by far.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever you say, puta.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The way the left behave = how you get more Trump. **

Fernandinande said...

I'm hoping Trump's secret weapon will be the Norcs blowing themselves up with another missile failure. (Or should that be "blowing-up themselves"?)

Bob Boyd said...

Or as Kim Jung Un declared, "Up myself I will not blow!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The way the left behave = how you get more Trump. **


"Submit to Trump. Kneel before Trump. Come to Trump, Son of Jor-El!"

Fuck Trump. What loser arguments. Resistance to incompetent narcissism increases incompetent narcissism, so let's welcome it!

Republicans arguing for their own uselessness.

buwaya said...

I remember joining a search for a poor kid, oh twenty years ago, a friend of my sons (I think he was 14 then) who had run away from his (single, hard working) mom, because one night he simply blew up, instantly, when she asked about his homework. We spent half the night cruising around Mission and Ocean looking for him.
He came home himself in the early am.
Good kid, smart enough, cheerful and funny, but under there was some deep sadness. He would fly into rages. If he were the type to declaim on the Internet I could see him doing that. Beating someone, anyone, over the head when the devil was in him.
His dad had run off when he was little, due to a drug problem.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Republicans complaining about how they can't do anything right with government or Trump is hilarious.

It reminds me of in 2003, when Israel was rooting out terrorists in the P.A., Raanan Gissin went on the cable scream-shows and said, "This is a lot like a root canal. For years, the Palestinians have been saying, 'We can't do anything about this terrorism problem!' Our job is to go in and do it for them!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes Big Daddy buwaya, reverting to the only role and way he knows of to trumpet his own supposed authority when people tire of hearing him defend incompetence.

Any fucker can have a kid. I find your defense of incompetence a good reason for why fathers are mocked in America, and the world.

pacwest said...

TTR:"Show me a Democrat who did anything as harmful to the country as W. did in 2008."

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd for starters. Let's not even start with LBJ. C'mon TTR, you're not that poorly informed are you?

n.n said...

First, he was the most exciting thing to be conceived on Earth. Now, he's just another colorful clump of cells, disposable, ignorable, deplorable. It seems that JournoLists of the Fourth Estate are having difficulty changing asses in mid-narrative.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump's secret weapon: We don't want to be bored.

You could not be more right. ”Two things only the people anxiously desire -- bread and circuses.”

buwaya said...

Ah, I think we are defining the problem more clearly. It is a family issue.
Son, you really do need a dad. Not possible over the Internet, but good luck, and I mean it.

Arguing over politics is one thing, but it's clear that's not really what you are doing. Or, more so, why you are doing it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

LBJ was a mixed bag. Didn't escalate American Vietnam fatalities as much as Nixon, though. But I guess W. just wasn't as powerful as two senators. Couldn't stand up to them. Couldn't convince the country and the congress to regulate Wall Street enough to stop a near-depression, especially since his party only controlled those chambers for six of his eight years in office.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Son, you really do need a dad.

What a patronizing twat.

You don't gain respect in society by bragging about incubating your penis tadpoles in some passive, docile Filipina's tummy oven.

Anonymous said...

Buwaya Puti,

You really should think twice about creating "stories" about other commenters. You don't know any of them personally and I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate having someone do this to you, would you? Someone could ask you why you've lived in this country for decades and haven't thought enough of the US to become a citizen. Or someone could ask you why you are so free with your advice to Americans and their politics, when you yourself aren't one.

You occasionally have a sense of humor, which I appreciate, but this behavior of creating "identities" for other commenters is not funny, it's mean spirited and ugly.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

buwaya resurrects pedophilia apologist Bruno Snuffleupagus' perspective that we need to look at Orange as the new daddy for the country.

Talk about issues. If you need someone to be a male authority figure to tell you what you do, keep it to yourself.

Fascism at its finest.

FullMoon said...

Whoa! that daddy thing really struck a nerve with toothless, and Inga. Interesting.
Bringing back those "repressed memories"?

buwaya said...

In my case the explanation is simple enough. I am a Spaniard, moreover one of the last authentic remnants of Spains mighty empire. I like Americans but I'm not one. My tradition is that of Cortes, Legaspi, Salcedo.
With respect to you and your affairs, I am an authentic if we'll informed foreigner.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Daddy issues. Oh yeah. Hit a nerve indeed. The left are wadded wet ball of collective daddy issues.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jared Polis (P-Pothead) voted for Hillary in the primary, as a super delegate - even though Bernie won in CO.

Go yell at him.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"You occasionally have a sense of humor, which I appreciate, but this behavior of creating "identities" for other commenters is not funny, it's mean spirited and ugly."

Uh huh. Except when you do it.

'Cause you're special.

Qwinn said...

Gotta agree. Massive display of daddy issues going on. Toothless appears to have more of them than every JJ Abrams character combined.

pacwest said...

TTR, Talking Great Society with LBJ. You know - "We'll have those niggers voting for us for fifty years".

Unless I'm misinformed W warned about the idiot Dem policy of subprimes, and was shut down. Wonder how that happened.

Don't worry, I'm not going to make that accusation of the socialists. LOL!

Mr. Groovington said...

Ah. You may speak Castellano filipino. I'd like to hear that. Cool.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Qwinn said...
Gotta agree. Massive display of daddy issues going on."

Daddy issues. Mommy issues. Issues. But at least we don't have to deal with the angry douchebag in real space.

Laslo's Angry Commenter says to his shrink:

"Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading son of a bitch. Retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, asshole, jerk. You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful. Shut up bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie. No dad, what about you? Fuck you. No dad, what about you? Fuck you. Dad, what about you?
Fuck you!"

"I take it that is Bender talking with his Father?"

"Fuck yeah. That's how those idiot douchebags on the internet are. They just want you to shut up so they can eat their turkey pot pie. But I'm not gonna let them eat their turkey pot pie. I'm NEVER gonna let them eat their turkey pot pie."

"I think our session is coming to a close..."

"I spit on their turkey pot pie! I SHIT on their turkey pot pie..."

"Yes, alright: we'll resume this line of discussion next week..."

"I'll shit on their turkey pot pie and then I'll make them eat it! EAT IT, OLD PEOPLE! EAT TURKEY POT PIE SHIT...!"

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

You don't gain respect in society by bragging about incubating your penis tadpoles in some passive, docile Filipina's tummy oven.

4/29/17, 1:33 PM

Why, that's not racist or sexist at all.

n.n said...


idiot Dem policy of subprimes

Republicans warned, as early as 2001. It did not leave committee. There were obviously overlapping and convergent bipartisan interests, but Democrats were clearly the public face of the liberal fiscal progression. They may have hoped to capture the high moral ground with the aid of the press, teachers, Hollywood, etc.

That said, subprimes and a massive redistribution of debt globally, which is in part responsible for asset inflation, which is in part responsible for unaffordable medical care (and Obamacare), and so on. It's one tightly wound ball of yarns that is unraveling and threatening to force catastrophic anthropogenic climate change.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why, that's not racist or sexist at all.

I'm pretty sure it's how buwaya himself described Filipina women. He claimed that's part of what made them, "better," than American women, IIRC.

He's definitely more the expert than I am. I defer to his judgement on that sort of thing.

Maybe he may now rejoice in my acknowledgement of him as the, "Father of Asian Anthropology." He does love fathers, remember.

Or at least, the Father of Asian Anthropological Stereotypes.

Just ask him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who claimed LBJ was perfect? He was a product of his time. As are you. I thought conservacucks believe that they're products of their societies and histories anyway, no? Or were they suddenly great fans of all the rugged individualists of the Islamic world?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Daddy issues. Oh yeah.

Oh, yeah? And assuming you had the capacity to believe the things you say, what would those be?

Anything like what the aspirational incest-man has said about his daughters?

Marc in Eugene said...

Alex, If anyone outside the DC metro area is paying $100 a year for the Post, he's doing it wrong. The digital version is, was costing me less than half that.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
LBJ was a mixed bag. Didn't escalate American Vietnam fatalities as much as Nixon, though.

Wait, what?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger buwaya puti said...
In my case the explanation is simple enough. I am a Spaniard

Spanish, Iberian, criollo or rather peninsulare? I thought you were Filipino.

Earnest Prole said...

There's nothing more boring than people talking about themselves.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Check out Rene's "Daddy-in-Chief"

Did your dad speculate on how your breasts would develop when you were a newborn, Rene'?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Didn't escalate American Vietnam fatalities as much as Nixon, though.

Wait, what?

Well, you're probably right on that. Nixon's issue however was to delay peace attempts and extend it, in length and in involved territories.

etbass said...

Desperately need some moderation here, in more ways than one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump trumps corruption.

Come to terms, tantrum butthurts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump trumps corruption.


Trump's is the most bought-and-paid-for administration in history.

How will he personally benefit from his tax plan? What does it do for anyone else?

Why's he so scared of releasing his tax returns? Does he worry that his will be too "low" and then he will have to defend the size of

n.n said...

Bad Lieutenant:

buwaya puti ... I thought you were Filipino

If I may. Filipino by ethnicity. Catholic by character. Spaniard by temperament.

Am I close, buwaya?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Examples? Are you silly? He beat Hillary.

Corrupt liar Hillary was beaten by odd-ball Trump. Man of the people.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I hope I am somehow adding to the breakdowns.

rhhardin said...

Levinas points out the duality of boredom.

"[T]his other than me accompanies the ego like a shadow. It is the duality of boredom, which is something different from the social existence we know in the world, to which the ego turns in fleeing its boredom; it is also something different from the relationship with the other which detaches the ego from itself. This duality awakens the nostalgia for escape, but no unknown skies, no new land can satisfy it, for we bring ourselves along in our travels."

Mentioned because Althouse likes to travel.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's only been 100 days since Hillary lost. We are still reveling in it.

You butthurts can stew. You can lob all the bombs you want at Trump... He won. Hillary lost.
No amount of Russian bed-wetting and fake news DNC-hack-job can change it.

Dr Weevil said...

Is it true that "Resistance to incompetent narcissism increases incompetent narcissism"? The foul-mouthed bore who wrote those words seems to be trying to prove them true: all attempts to argue with him have only increased his tediosity.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Why's he so scared of releasing his tax returns?"

I don't know. But nobody gives a shit except leftist loons. This is the perfect example of an utterly boring nonissue.

Why was Obama so scared of releasing his college records? Afraid we'd find out he was in fact an affirmative action case whose grades were poor?

cf said...

Seriously, the Obama true-believers crowd, like the ones right here, have become a hive mind of lost, besotted Women: repetitive, off-the-point, self-absorbed, blood-curdlingling venal. Nothing worse than a woman drunk. Sad.

but i can't say that, right? we cannot make judgements against any woman, no matter how cheaply she gives away her pussy.
and we cannot make judgements against Hillary Clinton or the master cunt of the 21st century, president Obama. No, we cannot make judgements against them, no matter how systematically they stripped down the strengths of spirit of this people and this polyglot nation that fosters Hope in the World.

Obama made it redundant, therefore unnecessary, to elect another snarky woman to the presidency. You drunks don't see it now, but perhaps someday you will. I pray you will find peace and realize how you have been misled by the bottle of poisoned power.

thank god for the sober man that is our delightfully surprising President Trump, and the Men and Women he has called together to restore sanity. he is crazy like a fox, never boring, and incredibly brave and determined.

Godspeed, america!

cf said...

rene' Saunce says it so much better, smarter and in such few words! best regards!

pacwest said...

BL, I noticed that too. I've tried to engage TTR a couple of times but it's always the same. Lie, deflect, and insult. Like Inga, I want to have some idea of how "the other side" processes information and forms opinions. Toothless is pretty much useless in that regard. There seems to be no intellectual honesty involved. ARM and others aren't above baiting and snark, but you can tell they look in the mirror ocasionally. I can't tell what is driving him other than hatred.

Sorry TTR, I couldn't make sense of your last comment to me, but I do agree that we are products of our environment if that was your point.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Examples? Are you silly? He beat Hillary.

Corrupt liar Hillary was beaten by odd-ball Trump. Man of the people.

Notice this lunatic's inability to cite a single thing about incestuous father Trump's administration that is not corrupt.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Why's he so scared of releasing his tax returns?"

I don't know. But nobody gives a shit except leftist loons.

Oh, I see. Now only "leftist loons" care about tax policy:





I guess it's not corrupt if you abet his corruption, right?

This is the perfect example of an utterly boring nonissue.

Listen, I understand that excitement is a problem for you control freaks, and your love of this incest-loving excuse of a man. But excitement doesn't keep republics from crashing, you dildo. Go find a man or a bridge to bungee jump off of or a hot air balloon to ride in and stop inflicting your inability to entertain yourselves on the functioning of the republic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ARM and others aren't above baiting and snark, but you can tell they look in the mirror ocasionally.

And about which of the Trump-defenders who lurk on this website can you say that about?

It's war. There is no humanity to "observe" in the other or bend over backwards to show in yourself when the other side has declared their most corrupt and dishonest president ever to be a god above all criticism.

Trump gets "the left" to be more humble? I don't fucking think so. This dangerous lunatic has to go and I don't care how many of you incest defenders I offend in making the need for that priority known. No one here even defends him. They just attack me for pointing out how indefensible his record has already become. They are the ghosts of a future tyranny and I won't bow to them for a goddamn second. Tyranny starts in the mind and in their behavior and they never waste a second to get offended at my pointing out how subservient to him they've become. It's transparent and it's sickening.

Rusty said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Examples? Are you silly? He beat Hillary.

Corrupt liar Hillary was beaten by odd-ball Trump. Man of the people.

Notice this lunatic's inability to cite a single thing about incestuous father Trump's administration that is not corrupt.

You have proven examples of things that are?
Clinton corruption is pure corruption?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Eat dookie, Balls.

President Trump on Friday defended his frequent weekend trips to his luxury properties, saying he does not care about golfing as much as people might think he does.

"I have a lot of property. So if I go to my clubs like in New Jersey, they'll say, 'Oh he is going to play golf.' I am not going to play golf. I couldn't care less about golf," Trump said in an interview on Fox News.

"But I have a place there that costs almost nothing because its hundreds of acres and security and they don't have to close up streets," he added.

How much money did Obama and his family cost the tax payers? It was yuge. Record breaking. But who cares? right? royalty and 400,000 speaking fees makes him Hillary now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You butthurts can stew. You can lob all the bombs you want at Trump... He won. Hillary lost.
No amount of Russian bed-wetting and fake news DNC-hack-job can change it.

The sucking up to this incest-loving man is palpable. I can practically hear you slurping, Rene. It's downright embarrassing. I understand that you want him to be able to get away with whatever he wants but the rest of the country won't have it. Winning an election does not get to make someone invincible, no matter how much difficulty you have when it comes to standing up to men whom you think should have the right to assault you.

traditionalguy said...

My apologies to Toothless. He is a sincere man.

All I suggest is a study in leadership. By general agreement, especially among other Generals, the most irritating, narcissistic asshole in the history of the USArmy was also one of the best leaders of men in actual battles ever known.

Ask the German Army. The Germans, who were at the time the best trained Army combat teams on earth, feared Patton. it was the amateur American Generals, like Eisenhower and Bradley, who used the press to try and destroy their rival with ridicue to take the fame and the glory...and the Presidency.

Why not Let Trump win the wars we face. Then we can kick him out for his myriad of faults.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nobody is sucking up to him. We are relieved and reveling in the fact that YOUR corruption queen, the money grubbing liar with a private server and her rapist husband and their gross spoiled daughter - LOST.

Butthurts stew.. it's what they do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

royalty and 400,000 speaking fees makes him Hillary now.

Free market at work, dummy. What are you going to do? Ban speaking engagement fees? Nothing tyrannical about that.

Trump is changing the tax code as we speak to shift more wealth upwards.

Obama cost the taxpayers? What? As much as Trump's eight-times more frequent multi-million dollar vacations have cost the taxpayers? That's a lot of money you're paying him to go golfing. How do you like subsidizing corporatist cronyism that way?

Pretty shameful. The guy said he'd never spend the presidency golfing, after all. But I guess he never really expected to win and never took the idea of running the country seriously. It was all just a publicity stunt - one that he now has to keep up just to preserve his stupid blowdried "image."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Every day is a blessed new day knowing that John Podesta doesn't have his creepy warlock paws in the national tip jar.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nobody is sucking up to him. We are relieved and reveling in the fact that YOUR corruption queen, the money grubbing liar with a private server and her rapist husband and their gross spoiled daughter - LOST.

Butthurts stew.. it's what they do.

FInd a single comment where I ever defended Hillary CLinton or claimed I would vote for her. You can't do it. You're just wounded because you knew I would have criticized her whereas you're incapable of criticizing "incest daddy" Trump.

As for Bill Clinton, you should love him. His every signature achievement was a Republican priority that even they themselves couldn't implement: DOMA, Welfare reform, crime bill, Glass-Steagall repeal, NAFTA (before you cucks went pretend nuclear against the COC).

The record is clear. You have nothing to defend. You don't even know what you stand for.

You are confused and stuck feeling that you have to defend incest daddy.

That's some hard-core Stockholm Syndrome. How does it feel to sell your soul this cheaply?

Again, I never once defended HRC. There are honest conservatives all over this website who remember it and know it for a fact and will tell that to you over and over again until you stop lying about my position.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls - you're a bitter tool of the corrupt progressive left. Stew.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Every day is a blessed new day knowing that John Podesta doesn't have his creepy warlock paws in the national tip jar.

Another guy I never defended, while you defend Scott Pruitt, Stephen Mnuchin, Steve Bannon and every other abomination that you cover your eyes and ears for when they say or do something.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Balls - you're a bitter tool of the corrupt progressive left. Stew.

Nope. I just tell the truth while you are too weak to do anything than to prefer lying to yourself.

Being that close to (no matter how far away from) political power must really just be that important to you.

How do you maintain an identity when you let Donald the Molester dictate for you who you are and what to feel?

Drago said...

TTR: "And about which of the Trump-defenders who lurk on this website can you say that about?"

Well I, for one, look in the mirror each day. But then again I get better looking each day.

Look, it's hard to be humble, but dammit I'm doing the best that I can.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, Drago. Of course none of us can hope to be as good-looking as you.

Paddy O said...

On being the head cluck and where the clucks should be shipped.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks for that needed diversion, Paddy O. Our Gang clips are always appreciated!

grackle said...

Some political accommodations seem obvious to me yet they don't get done … economists tend to agree we could repatriate trillions in foreign profits by offering a reduced tax rate on that money … This seems like a win-win for both parties yet it has gone nowhere. Why?

It is our Congress: It is becoming increasingly obvious that the Congress is simply not up to the job of producing any really important legislation. The congressional episodic melodrama that could be titled “Game of Groans” seems to have begun simultaneously with Trump becoming a serious GOP candidate.

The reaction of the eGOP, inside and outside of Congress, to that disturbing(to them) situation was to do everything it could to derail Trump. The flawed goal in the beginning was simply to ruin Trump, not to promote any particular opponent. I think that the eGOP thought that the eGOP champion would be better decided once the frightening Trump monster was dealt with. After that the polite jousting could begin and a true champion determined.

This strategy crumbled within weeks and the eGOP-safe candidates began to try to knock each other off as well. Cruz, at the time an antiestablishment candidate himself, wounded Rubio in a debate. Bush and Rubio started a feud. At the end the landscape became littered with the corpses of Trump opponents, some dispatched by Trump, some wounded by each other and easily overcome by Trump.

After the nomination the nitwits became #NeverTrumpers and tried as hard as they could to give the election to Hillary. What frauds! What whores!

As I’ve said before: I believe much of the blame for congressional inaction lies with Paul Ryan. McConnell seems to be doing a fair job with a thin majority in the Senate but Ryan has no such excuse, although he is careful to retain plausible deniability. Is it Ryan’s fault that the House GOP cannot agree on legislation? In a word – yes.

It is the job of the Speaker to get legislation through the House – Ryan is either an incapable leader, an anti-Trump saboteur or both. Trump needs to push him out.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Stop covering the presidency! (It's so unimportant). Leave Donny Tinyhands alone!

Ha ha ha. When has the "news" ever been 100% about the president and how the "news" feeelz about the president? We're just looking for a little balance. A little y'know NEWS about what else is happening in the world and the USA other than what Donny tweeted. I guess that's too much to ask from the "news" while they're in full blown Trump psychosis!

Rusty said...

The usual suspects are so bitter.
Maybe because Trump can't be bought for the baubles they offer.
Having the systematic destruction of their ideology has got to be disheartening.

pacwest said...

ARM and others aren't above baiting and snark, but you can tell they look in the mirror ocasionally.
"And about which of the Trump-defenders who lurk on this website can you say that about?"

Myself certainly. Dozens of others without naming names. If you are saying there are no comments here by Trump supporters that are critical of some of his "policies" you aren't paying attention. You do read Ann's writings don't you? I do agree it has become a little echoey in here though.

"It's war. There is no humanity to "observe" in the other or bend over backwards to show in yourself when the other side has declared their most corrupt and dishonest president ever to be a god above all criticism."

No it's not war. At least not for me. If it is you are shooting blanks. Worldviews differ. You know that. I've heard the word buffoon used here far more often than God in reference to President Trump. In fact I can't remember anyone calling him a god. I think you are misinterpreting a fervent hope that this unconventional President can change the tack our nation has been on for decades. (Different worldview, I know). I think a majority here are just happy we don't have a crook in the Whitehouse. Corruption? You mean Russia? If so please check your premises. Dishonest? Possibly. Fits in in that regard. I think you are giving him more credit than a neophyte politician deserves.

"Trump gets "the left" to be more humble? I don't fucking think so. This dangerous lunatic has to go and I don't care how many of you incest defenders I offend in making the need for that priority known."

I think reasonable instead of humble is more like it. Dangerous lunatic? Let's see how NK and Iran work out first. I for one am willing to let it play out, but I do acknowledge the possibility of disaster. And I'm pretty sure that he isn't having sex with his daughter.

"No one here even defends him."

Not true.

"They just attack me for pointing out how indefensible his record has already become."

I've yet to see a single reasonable argument from you attacking his positions. They can be made.

"They are the ghosts of a future tyranny and I won't bow to them for a goddamn second. Tyranny starts in the mind and in their behavior and they never waste a second to get offended at my pointing out how subservient to him they've become. It's transparent and it's sickening."

Talk about differing worldviews! To me that last paragraph is pure projection.

Drago said...

TTR: "Well, Drago. Of course none of us can hope to be as good-looking as you."

So true, so true.

Alas, I feel for the little people. Noblesse oblige I suppose.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Well, Drago. Of course none of us can hope to be as good-looking as you.
4/29/17, 4:22 PM

Speak for yourself, dawg. But since I have a photographic memory I already know just how good I look. I do mirrors anyway, from time to time, just to check for spinach in my teeth.

buwaya said...


Mestizo by ethnicity, Spaniard by nationality and tradition, Filipino by birth.
In the US out of opportunism.
My mother-tongue was Spanish.
The family has served the Crown in all sorts of capacities for at least 200 years.
We are the officers and footsoldiers of colonialism.

Colonialism and world trade made many mixed peoples and subcultures.

The Filipino accent of Spanish - dying out, I am one of the few remaining "native" speakers.

There was a Manila Spanish Creole patois ("Ermitense"), in addition, which once had a body of music and poetry. That is completely extinct.

A pretty rare recording from the 1970's -

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I don't know many readers Althouse has or if her blog moves the needle at all in terms of how people are identifying politically. But I do appreciate TTR's star turns of batshit incoherence here. No conservative could read them without laughing in delight, no Leftist with an ounce of sanity could fail to be embarrassed by them, and no Independent could read them without being moved to disassociate themselves from the drooling pants-shitting his comments so clearly convey. Thank you for your tireless service to conservatism here, Toothless.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Narcissist in Chief is really letting it all hang out tonight at his rally. The true Trump is always interesting. The man is not normal.

Anonymous said...

No Conservative or Trumpist could fail to be at least a little bit embarrassed by this loony president. What did you people do to our country?

Anonymous said...

Today's Climate March in DC. Looks like more people than at the Inauguration.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The sore loser turns up again to tell we should be embarrassed. Not one bit Inga. My side isn't shitting on the sidewalk and playing with their poop. Those are your heroes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When has the "news" ever been 100% about the president and how the "news" feeelz about the president?

When we elected a child-president who doesn't understand how the government works and needs training wheels to do the job. Mr. Flynn, is a strong dollar good or is it a weak dollar that's good? I know it's 3 AM and you have nothing to do with any advisor I have on economic issues, but I'm feeling overwhelmed! Waaah! Lol.

We're just looking for a little balance. A little y'know NEWS about what else is happening in the world and the USA other than what Donny tweeted.

Oh, you guys already know everything you think you need to know about the world. To recap:

Right-wing worldview:

Islam bad.
Progress bad.
Nationalism good.
Christianity best when practiced in name only and as an identity movement rather than as a philosophy of kindness and charity.
Government bad.
Working class - good to pander to, bad to actually do anything for.
Billionaires - the best people in the world and the demographic that all government energies must be focused on catering to.
Pollution - good. No other way to make money has ever been shown to exist.
Financial industries - good pretend enemy. Frenemy. Badmouth during campaign, cater to once in office.

There you have it. Have I not summarized their worldview accurately? No facts or news are needed to change any of that.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I suppose losers have to console themselves with twat hats and marches.

pacwest said...

What did you people do to our country?

Trying to save it for you! You're welcome, no thanks necessary.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No Conservative or Trumpist could fail to be at least a little bit embarrassed by this loony president.

Many if not most of them are. That's why they try so vociferously to redirect with tu quoques and, Look, there's Hillary Clinton! They're rubber you're glue it bounces off them and sticks to you. The ones who take their future in terms of any party organization seriously know that he's destroying them.

Trump is devastating to committed right-wing ideologues because he shows how much of a massive failure on every level - politically, economically, morally, socially, are their ideas once someone craven and careless enough to actually implement them is in office to try doing it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Right-wing politics is all about talking. There is no way their dystopian realities and utopian fantasies stand a chance of passing without destroying America. Right-wing social engineering simply doesn't work. But Trump is detached enough from reality to actually try it. He's not in on the secret: "Professional" Republicans know that the only thing they stand for is to badmouth the post-WWII FDR state enough to get into office and grift off the system. It's a permanent bogeyman/bugbear that they know they can't actually carry through. What do you think if they outlawed abortion! But they rally around things they have no intention of doing because they need a permanent, pretend-enemy. Their politics has nothing positive to offer so they need to preserve the enemies that they need in order to make themselves look useful.

Do any right-wingers on this website even take their own rhetoric seriously? Do they even bother to figure out the consequences of what they're trying to say? Of course not. They look at life, and especially government, as performance art. DJ 45 Tinyhands, President Gameshow Host, is just the actualization of that.

They think that if something isn't real, it can't be hurt. If their purposes are phony, they can't be ruined.

I think they'll find out that phonies and virtual usurpers to American leadership get a comeuppance just as bloody and retributive as any IRL, actual assault on America.

Anonymous said...

Trump is reciting that snake story again...yes Trump, you are the snake.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm watching a baseball game, Inga. I'm not nearly as obsessed with everything Trump does or says as you seem to be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"And about which of the Trump-defenders who lurk on this website can you say that about?"

Myself certainly. Dozens of others without naming names. If you are saying there are no comments here by Trump supporters that are critical of some of his "policies" you aren't paying attention. You do read Ann's writings don't you?

I must have a higher filter or bar cause I'm certainly not seeing it. Every one of her posts about Trump reads to me like yet another swipe at the press (sure they deserve it but not just on behalf of Trump's complaints) or some other institution that had gotten in Trump's crosshairs. When she does mention something about just Trump alone, it tends to read very bare-bones and stripped down in its blanket objective summaries. I can't ever see the criticism or even snark in those. If you can, feel free to point me to it. And feel free to let me know when there are specific criticisms of Trump among the conservative commentariat here. I know for a fact that there are a couple here or there who had their reservations (usually voiced respectfully, quietly and/or generically, but that's fine. I respect that and I'll give them credit for that anyway). But it's funny because I think the pros who understand party organization better are the group remaining more suspicious of him. It's the ideologues who seem to love him best, and he may well do a thing or two to promote the Buckley worldview (though traditional conservatism is less capitalist and more socially responsible; it understands that extreme and gratuitous wealth inequality at the expense of social stability isn't conservative).

But I think the best thing he'll end up doing for the country is to help the far-right screamers feel that they have a champion while snuffing out the steam in their 37-year long movement by showing how impossible it is to implement when you have an entire country to worry about and 60% of them not on board with the ideas shown to be most unlikely to work in practice. Some of their ideas deserve to be heard out. But they have no understanding of balance and see politics as a zero-sum game. This makes authoritarian over-reach and an outsized belief in political coups - including a WH as dysfunctionally riveted with infighting as President Bannon's - inevitable. It worked for one election, but showed itself to be unsustainable by Jan. 20th.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not nearly as obsessed with everything Trump does or says as you seem to be.

Because his impact on your country is not something that interests you in the slightest.

He puts your fears to rest by pretending and believing that they are real, and that's all you care about.

He is your fear validator.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe because Trump can't be bought for the baubles they offer.

Hmm. That's not how his cabinet seems to see it. Have you seen them lately? All billionaires. Do they even allow mere millionaires into that clique? Which 99%ers are they listening to and influenced by?

Having the systematic destruction of their ideology has got to be disheartening.

Your delusion that you can destroy ideas and social movements through politics is the most fucking Stalinistic thing I've heard stated on this site. But it's something we always suspected about you. Fred Koch loved doing business with Stalin. And so do you.

khesanh0802 said...

@Grackle A very solid analysis. Ryan is looking weaker and weaker. He has been campaigning for 3-4 years to revamp Obamacare, but when push comes to shove he can't get the votes. Can you imagine a Republican Tip O'Neill in this situation unable to come up with enough votes? Neither can I.

pacwest said...

"I must have a higher filter or bar cause I'm certainly not seeing it."

I know what you are saying. I get the same effect from my filter when I'm on left sites.

I will alert you when I see some of these criticisms. Unfortunately it will be through my lens, so ymmv.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

@Grackle A very solid analysis. Ryan is looking weaker and weaker. He has been campaigning for 3-4 years to revamp Obamacare, but when push comes to shove he can't get the votes. Can you imagine a Republican Tip O'Neill in this situation unable to come up with enough votes? Neither can I.

Imagine this:

24 million Americans actually don't want to be priced out of the insurance market.

What do you think of that? Sounds insane, I know. Freedom is supposed to be about having no economic purchasing power when it comes to preserving your own life, right?

But that's about 10% of America they spent six years going to war against and now find out that the reaction people have when you take your pretend assault on their medical access into the real-life world of possibility, is quite rude and not permissive at all.

So much easier to go to war against the people when it's only done in the abstract, I know. For capitalism! For the completely free markets that medicine has always been ever since medical care became regulated and access to medical schools became a bit more selective than just taking in any damn Trump University applicant.

Crazy! This world we live in! Why can't screwing over the little guy be easier! Didn't we stroke them heavily enough during the campaign? And now they expect us to carry through? The nerve they have...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will alert you when I see some of these criticisms. Unfortunately it will be through my lens, so ymmv.

Well, even so it's definitely appreciated because I know there are plenty of valid rightish/conservative points and I think it's important to integrate them in to American policy where it will help the policies to be successful.

Michael K said...

Ritmo thread. Bye

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't let the door slam you in the ass, Michael Cuckennedy.

Did you want to take your marbles with you?

You can always complain to your nursemaid about it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Sure, Ritmo,whatever.

What a bore you are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your mother's boring.

Your estranged baby-daddy's boring.

Your bathrobe-wearing president-in-training wheels is boring.

American citizenship is not a spectator sport, you low-information incompetence lover.

Trust me, no one - NO ONE comes here (or anywhere) to be entertained by you, 60 year-old accidental granny.

Do be sure to let me know how I'm wrong and who was the last person who was entertained by you.

For god's sake, you can't even heckle competently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama says - "Hi fat cat WallStreet - I want to be one of you now."

Free Market - LOL.

It's called money laundering.

Mary Beth said...

The man is not normal.

Of course not, the normies lost the Great Meme War.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is why they're low-information. If they can't be entertained by it, they find the information useless.

And they wonder why their kids are so coddled in their underperforming schools.

Probably because Mother Mainstreet is one of those typical American momma's who berates the teacher for not keeping her hyperactive kid enthralled. They can't focus or think and blame that on people competently working with and conveying the information.

Remember, their only job is to be amused. And they wonder how the country got into the sorry state that it's in.

Is President Orange Groper entertaining you? That guy must give you like a million orgasms a minute.

Good thing your disease is terminal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama says - "Hi fat cat WallStreet - I want to be one of you now."

He can't run for anything. Where's the conflict of interest?

Corruption? It's like you don't even understand the definition of the word.

Did someone need to present it to you in animation, with graphics and fun sounds?

I hear your people get bored quickly.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Boring man can't understand people who have other interests and amusements besides politics. It's Saturday night. Relax. Or is hectoring conservatives on the Internet the Angry Commenters only diversion?

pacwest said...

Right-wing worldview:

Islam bad.
Not sure how to go about this, but short answer-duh! Especially in its fundamental form. Anyone who doesn't KNOW this is uninformed or just plain stupid. Checked my premises and assumptions on this a lot and came to the same conclusion every time.

Progress bad.
Progress good. Luddites bad. Or maybe I got the semantical context wrong?

Nationalism good.
It certainly can be a bad thing. Especially in the wrong hands. The one world order thing isn't quite ready for prime time yet though.

Christianity best when practiced in name only and as an identity movement rather than as a philosophy of kindness and charity.
Believing as I do there is no such thing as a knowable first cause I think a lot of folks are deluding themselves, but overall I have found Christians to be both kind and charitable for the most part. Personally I've found the golden rule and religious tolerance best. Islam. is. not. a. religion!

Government bad.
Government necessary. The smaller the better.

Working class - good to pander to, bad to actually do anything for.
When is the last time you heard any politician not promise to put a chicken in every pot? Works every time. I still haven't seen my chicken yet, and I've been promised one by a lot of people.

Billionaires - the best people in the world and the demographic that all government energies must be focused on catering to.
Greed is good huh? Government necessary. Capitalism and government will always be at odds, and often out of balance. Seems to the best system so far.

Pollution - good. No other way to make money has ever been shown to exist.
Pollution bad! National economic suicide bad!!

Financial industries - good pretend enemy. Frenemy. Badmouth during campaign, cater to once in office.
Best thing since sliced bread! But you got to watch the scoundrels every second.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Watched the perfect metaphor for the Left in Seattle today. A Black man standing at a busy intersection with a cardboard sign reading, "give e a dollar if you don't like Trump". I watched him for ten minutes and nobody gave him a thing. Near the U-District no less.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I won't bow to them for a goddamn second."

"I am not a crook." Tricky Dick

Guildofcannonballs said...

"'I couldn't care less about golf,'" Trump said in an interview on Fox News."

"Never made par and I could give two shits." Kid Rock

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Free market at work, dummy. What are you going to do? Ban speaking engagement fees? Nothing tyrannical about that."

I agree with this, but politically it is correct to destroy everything Obama ever stood for, other than horrible evilness personified.

We are the best that has ever been created, you stand on gigantic shoulders.

Comanche Voter said...

He'll wear those silly sapsuckers out before the year is over.

walter said...

Inga said...Lightweight pussy hats are available for the coming warmer weather protests. Get yours while they last.
Grab them!

Looks like the anti-unlaut plexi will need some elbow grease to clean.
Good grief.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey, check this out everybody:

...people who have other interests and amusements besides politics.

In response to THIS post:

"Trump's secret weapon: We don't want to be bored."
170 Comments - Hide Original Post
An intuition that arose from seeing these 2 articles in quick succession today:

1. In the NYT (top center of the front page): "Our White House Reporters Recall Their Most Vivid Moments of Trump’s First 100 Days/Covering the Trump White House can be exhilarating, maddening, exhausting — but never boring. The New York Times’s White House correspondents recall memorable moments from their first 100 days on the beat."

2. On WaPo's front page, a link to an opinion by Kathleen Parker: "Disliking Trump is getting very boring." ("The 24/7 news cycle has jumped the shark with its incessant critique of the first 100.... Disliking Trump, even for all the right reasons, is exhausting and unsustainable. It’s also boring. With 265 days still left of Trump’s first year — talk about exhausting — our highest calling is to encourage wiser men and women to prevail, to ignore most of what Trump says....")
posted by Ann Althouse at 9:31 AM on Apr 29, 2017

Hear that, Ann? This lunatic says that you have no interests and amusements other than politics.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I agree with this, but politically it is correct

If anyone wanted to know where the abomination known as "political correctness" came from, just check out "Guildofcannonballs".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

pacwest: You are way too good and decent and intelligent and rational for this crowd.

They will claw you away with a vengeance for it.

I will defend you. Decent conservatives need defending. The indecent phony ones are giving the others a bad name.

walter said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Decent conservatives need defending.
Ah..outside this blog of anonymous folk, do tell.
Umlaut's list of approved "conservatives".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You think all conservatives are equally rational and useful to American political discourse, walter?

Do tell.

walter said...

Evasion..get to it, Umlaut.

Bruce Hayden said...

"LBJ was a mixed bag. Didn't escalate American Vietnam fatalities as much as Nixon, though"

Huh? My understanding was that the maximum fatalities were in 1967, then second was 1968, then Nixon was elected, and fatalities dropped every year that Nixon was in office.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You first, walter. They're obviously "your people."

Or do you just let every one of them in? It seems you're more of an "open borders" guy, when it comes to who you let into your special political club.

pacwest said...

I'll defend myself if needed thanks. I enjoy this "crowd" and agree with very many of the opinions stated here. I have enjoyed our conversation though.

walter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

Ah..you got nothing then...just leveraging abstract respect as needed, I see..

walter said...

If I have a "special political club", it's because I am concerned about Federal, state and local governmental over-reach/tax and pension anvils while being agnostic/secular.
In my day to day, I find it easier to avoid churches than lefty "religions".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If I have a "special political club", it's because I am concerned about Federal, state and local governmental over-reach/tax ...

Oh, well aren't you a special little snowflake now!

I'm sure you've just been damaged beyond repair by them!

walter said...

Ha! Fuck you, Umlaut :)!!!!!!

walter said...

(You are really determined to piss on every dialogue you engage)
Back to to Laslo's couch!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I think it's pretty clear that Althouse has a lot of interests that do not pertain to politics.

But Ritmo does not. You poor, sad child.

Laslo Spatula said...

The Ruthless Umlaut says...

Orange Cucks! Right Wing Cuck Talk! Cuck Cuck, you moronic diseased Baumkuchen!

I have given you fifty-five comments! Five-Five! Does it not get through to you, you ignorant Gugelhupfs? Can you even count that high? Dystopian! Zero-Sum!

I have a Brain! You have Baumkuchen! Stalin! Snowflake! Big Word: Adjective! Big Word: Noun! Or is that too much for you, you Cuck Bethmännchens!

Auf wiedersehen, you Mohrenkopfs!

I am Laslo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DNC media breathless over 'Occuppy Wall Street'


Wall Street wants to give Obama 400K - say a few words to make it legal.

Leftwing stooges will call it "free market".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Laslo - ha.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Insta P.

HBO host Bill Maher on Friday slammed former President Obama for reportedly accepting $400,000 for a Wall Street speech this fall, asking, “Isn’t that what sort of cost Hillary the election?”

The “Real Time” host faced off with panelists on the “Overtime” segment of his show over reports that Obama will speak at Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald LP’s healthcare conference in September for $400,000.

Former GOP communications director Tara Setmayer defended Obama’s decision.

“Personally, as long as he’s not running for office again, I don’t care how much money he makes,” Setmayer told Maher. “If people want to pay him that, it’s a free market value. Who cares?”

Maher responded by noting the crushing criticism Hillary Clinton got during the presidential election for her paid Wall Street speeches.

“But wait a second, the current president is trying to undo all of his Wall Street regulations, and then he goes to Wall Street and takes [money]. Isn’t that what sort of cost Hillary the election?” he asked.

“Are those ‘horrible’ speeches she made to Wall Street and she couldn’t release the transcripts of it?”

Actor and liberal activist Rob Reiner said the comparison isn’t applicable because unlike with Clinton’s speeches, Obama’s are coming after his political career is entirely over.

“The difference is, ‘Are you in the pocket of Wall Street?’ And [Hillary Clinton] was running for office. He’s not running for anything right now.”

Maher responded that Reiner’s stance seemed hypocritical.

[See - It's all OK to take big bucks from evil Wall Street - Obama's career is OVER. behold liberal moral superiority]

Glenn suggests:
"...“Seemed?” Trump should troll Obama by proposing a 90% excise tax on speaking fees by former Executive officials. And announcing that he’d be happy to pay that tax!"

JAORE said...

Strongly worded assertion.
"LBJ was a mixed bag. Didn't escalate American Vietnam fatalities as much as Nixon, though. "

Brilliantly stated rebuttal:
"Wait, what?

Capitulation in face of superior intellect/logic:
Well, you're probably right on that.

Geez, tootless, makes one wonder if ALL your assertions are as weakly grounded and subject to change as this one.... Yep, makes one wonder.

Renee said...

Some people had a fancy dinner party and someone cracked insults that everyone laughed at in fear of being the next target. I rather go back to the misery of middle school, then break bread with this group of so called professional journalists.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think it's pretty clear that Althouse has a lot of interests that do not pertain to politics.

But Ritmo does not.

How would you know? If you had any of your own, you might have asked me about them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Geez, tootless, makes one wonder if ALL your assertions are as weakly grounded and subject to change as this one.... Yep, makes one wonder.

I guess if you're as insecure in your own ideas you might wonder such a thing. But most people view changing one's mind as a sign of maturity. To assert that all the things I say are "as subject to change as this one" is a silly lie; the primary reason your comrades hate me is because of how strongly I'll defend a view.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Insta-opinions are instantly wrong. Maher doesn't make any sense. Quid-pro-quo bribery only works before (or during when) you have the power to do the thing you're getting bribed for. Total logic fail to push any other line, but the right wing doesn't care about logic and is usually incapable of it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump should troll Obama by proposing a 90% excise tax on speaking fees by former Executive officials. And announcing that he’d be happy to pay that tax!"

Right, because no one would pay for his opinions or to hear him speak. Taxes on other things, however, not so much.

He's all in it only for himself.

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