১৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১৭

Let's go to Newfoundland...

... and see the icebergs.

১৫টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Cool pics. Thanks.

Michael The Magnificent বলেছেন...

Not possible. Al Gore said Atlantic sea ice would be gone by 2014.

Francisco D বলেছেন...


Al Gore's Global Warming is so yesterday. It's now climate change because you can fit any data or observation into the theory.

For example:

We are seeing more icebergs in the Atlantic this year. That's a sign of climate change.

We are seeing fewer icebergs this year. That's a sign of climate change.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

I've never seen an iceberg, and judging by that great photo I don't think I want to. Kind of scary.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Oh, boy. More frozen lobsters from the new found land.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Any scientific theory should be able to be disproven scientifically. If it can't, then it's religion. Case in point: Einstein's theory of special relativity would have failed if we couldn't show gravitational lensing of light around heavy bodies.

So how do you disprove "Humans are murdering the earth with their wicked poison CO2?" You can't. The only thing I've ever heard a supporter claim is "if you can show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and overturn Arrenhius, then maybe!"

It's an awful long way from "CO2 in a tube retains heat" to "Humans (actually, westerners and in particular American white males) are the supervillians of the climate!" that we have Al Gore preaching today.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nice pics. They give a hint of why the Titanic did not survive its encounter.

Agree with the commenters that the presence or absence of icebergs (at local scale, anyway) tells us exactly nothing about Climate Change!!! ELEVENTY! But due to their photogenicity the bergs become proxies for Vanishing Ice.

What's funny is, the bergs are NOT "sea ice," which is the object of alarmist concern. Sea ice is just floe ice, the sea-surface frozen in place. The bergs are chunks of glacier that have calved off the foot. Probably these come from Baffin Island or Greenland, which holds the ice sheet of some 2.7 Million Gigatons. Wiki informs us that it is "melting" at the rate of 200 Gigatons/yr, so you can see how imminent its demise must be.

Wilbur বলেছেন...

There are no more icebergs, or at least no more Arctic ice.

My step-daughter's mother-in-law made sure I knew this at her Passover Seder last weekend. She and her husband generally blame Trump for this, as with every other perceived ill in the world.

Of course I thanked them for sharing that great news, as the ocean levels should drop, as ice has more volume that water.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Been there. It was pretty cool.

if you can show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and overturn Arrenhius, then maybe!

If you can overturn Newton and overturn the laws of gravity, you can prove that airplanes can fly! Maybe....

It is always so simple with these people who "believe" in "science." You would think they would bother to understand the arguments on both sides, instead, they confidently re-assert what they have read in the press. I know, thinking makes some people tired, and it's not fair to demand it of them.

dbp বলেছেন...

Great pictures!

The first thing I thought was, the water must be amazingly deep for that close to the shore--90% of the iceberg is below the surface. They said these were grounded, so maybe a bit less than 90%, but still.

Titus বলেছেন...

Newfoundland and Novia Scotia are beautiful.

Love Halifax.

holdfast বলেছেন...

"as the ocean levels should drop, as ice has more volume that water."

Um, but since the ice is less dense, part of its sticks up into the air - so the net displacement is the same. So melting of sea ice (not glaciers / land ice, that's another topic) should not cause any rise or fall in the ocean levels. It's a wash, so to speak.

Danno বলেছেন...

Newfoundland, home of a really good indie band, "Hey Rosetta". Here is a video filmed there-


SF বলেছেন...

Newfoundland is a beautiful place, and Ferryland is a quick drive from St. John's, where the main airport is. Last time we were there (the walk out to the Ferryland lighthouse is great) we spotted a whale a couple of hundred yards from the shore. (Though I think it might be early in the season for whales? We usually go in late July / early August.)

And if you like traditional/folk music, Newfoundland is just loaded with great music. Two youngish bands:

The Once, Leonard Cohen's "Coming Back to You": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UypY2BjWEQ
The Dardanelles, "The Eastern Light": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wliMXMBrxKU

Rusty বলেছেন...

Been there. Done that.