April 26, 2017

"I've been in a lot of locker rooms. I don't know where in locker rooms where it is acceptable to talk about, 'Man, I was out this weekend and boy, I got a piece of her, and I did this and I did that.'"

"The guys who usually say that are usually the ugliest sons of bi— guns in the room. Here's the deal guys, you gotta speak up. You cannot let that kind of talk be bred on a college campus.... When you see something, if you're a fraternity brother and you see a young freshman co-ed in the second week dead drunk, and him walking her up the stairs, you gotta go up to him and say, 'Hey, not in my house, Jack. Not in my house.' Because if you don't, you are an accomplice. You know what's about to happen. You know!... I say to you guys, please, please act like men. Rape and sexual assault are not about sex, it’s about power. If you want to be a man, stand up, man. And if you can't get her to say yes because she wants to, you ain't much."

Says Joe Biden, who is out and about talking to guys the way guys talk to guy or so Joe Biden seems to think is the way guys talk to guys.

I certainly agree with him about not raping anyone, not having sex with anyone who is drunk, and intervening to stop drunks from getting victimized.

But he is imposing a crude stereotype on men, and there is some problematic lookism in that quote.


sean said...

What a windy series of cliches! Biden should debate Catharine MacKinnon on whether rape is about sex. She would wipe the floor with him.

le Douanier said...

"But he is imposing a crude stereotype on men, and there is some problematic lookism in that quote."

a) Apparently Althouse is new to this Joe Biden dude and that way he talks and acts.

b) See a)

Loop until the figurative lightbulb goes off.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The weird thing is that women at that age are, let's say, quite receptive to men of their same age and class. Simply behaving like a decent human being is guaranteed to get you laid. Biden is right to call out the behavior of men who fail to meet this minimum standard.

Michael K said...

I agree with the sentiment but Uncle Joe may not have much more moral authority than Bill Clinton given his behavior with women.

There are a number of very funny photos of Slow Joe imposing himself on women.

Creepy Uncle Joe.

dbp said...

"Rape and sexual assault are not about sex, it’s about power."

This is a sort of cliche which I first heard in the 1970s. It may be true in some forcible rapes. It is impossible to see this as at all likely, in cases of rape due to lack of informed consent.

rcocean said...

There's only one other man that can connect with the young Bro's today like Joe Biden.

And that's Lindsey Graham.

We need to hear Lindsey back up Joe up. Guys, Just say no to Rape.

rcocean said...

When was Joe Biden in " a lot of locker rooms"?

And what was he doing there? Getting autographs?

Bob said...

I wonder if Joe remembers the pic of him with the biker chick, and the two male bikers looking like they were ready to punch him?

Ann Althouse said...

The worst thing about that dogma — "Rape and sexual assault are not about sex, it’s about power" — is that it gives room for a person to think that if they're doing something for the sex, it's NOT rape.

fivewheels said...

Yeah, he switched to the very bold and very controversial stance of being against rape (congratulations, what a guy), but he starts on the concept that normal men don't talk about sex. Oh really? It never comes up, who you may have pursued, and how successfully, over the weekend? And of course women never talk about such things either.

Keep denying reality. Some people will fall for it, I guess.

campy said...

Keep denying reality. Some people will fall for it, I guess.

Slow Joe wouldn't know reality if it whacked him in the hair plugs.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ann Althouse said...
it gives room for a person to think that if they're doing something for the sex, it's NOT rape.

Like brushing their teeth or reading 'The Female Eunuch'?

Gospace said...

My youngest graduates from HS this year. A female friend of his today showed him a video of her giving her boyfriend a Lewinsky and wanted to know if it looked like she was doing it right. He was horrified for several reasons. One, he thought she was smart enough NOT to allow or take videos like that of herself. Two, she was showing it to him for critiquing. And a bunch more. The critique he offered was "What the hell are you showing me that for?"

In today's world, it's not always the guys who are the problem.

Clyde said...

Having Bad-Touch Biden come out against sexual assault is like having the Clintons coming out against lying.

Fernandinande said...

Biden is not anatomically correct.

YoungHegelian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...

What Uncle Joe left out of this story about cock-blocking your frat brothers when they are attempting to score is how you better be good at MMA or your ass is gonna get quite a beat-down. A beat-down that very well may be accompanied by the vocal encouragement of the girl if she feels you're calling out the guy's behavior has now shamed her publicly.

Seriously, read your newspaper's local section. It's shit like this that gets guys killed in the parking lot outside of the club. Do not expect people to just go "Okey-dokey, my bad" & walk away from that night's score. Expect things to get ugly.

rcocean said...

"...but he starts on the concept that normal men don't talk about sex."

Yeah, everyone lies about sex - but no one talks about it.

YoungHegelian said...


My youngest graduates from HS this year. A female friend of his today showed him a video of her giving her boyfriend a Lewinsky and wanted to know if it looked like she was doing it right.

If the girl or guy in the video that your son was shown was under eighteen at the time the video was taken, please tell your son to never, ever speak of it again. Everyone involved in your sordid tale could be facing charges relating to child pornography. If we're talking about this getting back to the wrong teachers or the wrong parents, cooler heads will not prevail.

Amazingly enough, if this young woman wanted to give your son a live action demonstration of her oral techniques for him to critique, there would be no legal problems. But filming it? That opens up a whole new can of whoop-ass.

rcocean said...

The world seems divided into two. Those who take Joe Biden seriously, and those who don't.

I've seen this guy - off and on - ever since the Bork hearings and never, ever, understood why he was a Senator or why anyone took this clown seriously. He plagiarized a speech, he's made a million dumb comments, and every SCOTUS nomination shows him to be total idiot.

Yep, some people respect him. God knows why.

Rob said...

Still waiting for society to acknowledge that when a woman has sex with a drunken man, she is guilty of rape, because he can't give informed consent when drunk.

rcocean said...

Which is why, why, did a Clinton supporter and big friend of Ted "lets have some sex" Kennedy, ever become the poster boy for "Just say No to Rape"?

How can you have a serious discussion when "Slow Joe" is involved? And who thinks this guy has ANY, I mean ANY, connection to young guys?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps Biden and Nye can go on a sexual junk tour.

Darrell said...

Slow Joe is down with the next generation.

John henry said...

I call bullshit.

I spent some of my younger years in the Navy and that is all we talked about. Much of it was bragging and bullshit but we at least pretended we were getting laid. Wives were fair game too. We'd talk about any woman.

John Henry

LordSomber said...

So much public speaking these days seems like complete projection.

John henry said...

I suspect that people who are in locker rooms don't need to use force. If you are a celebrity, like a football player, girls will let you grab them by the pussy, shove cigars up their snatch or shove your dick down their throats.

Whether you do or not is up to you but it is the guy saying no to women coming on, not the woman saying no to the guy. Not all women, of course but enough that anyone who is even a mild third string celebrity of any kind will never have to worry about getting laid.

Unless he is overly choosy.

John Henry

Gahrie said...

Simply behaving like a decent human being is guaranteed to get you laid.

Bull fucking shit. It's most likely to get you friend zoned. The deep dark secret that can't be mentioned is that women, especially young women, prefer the bad boys and assholes, and put out for them, and complain to the nice guys later.

Comanche Voter said...

Slow Joe never made it to the locker room. A day late and a dollar short, the door was locked when he got there. The rest of the team had showered, dressed and gone home.

fivewheels said...

"women ... prefer the bad boys and assholes, and put out for them, and complain to the nice guys later."

Or show them the videos, apparently. What excruciatingly awful behavior, and I don't mean the BJ or even the video, but the vicious cockteasing.

MayBee said...

I like the way the guys go from the locker room to the fraternity house.

It's like guys in college don't spend time anywhere else.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

fivewheels said...
Or show them the videos, apparently. What excruciatingly awful behavior, and I don't mean the BJ or even the video, but the vicious cockteasing.

I didn't read it this way, but it is a possible reading. However you read it, one things stays the same, the screwed up attitude towards sex. Some things never change.

BN said...

Wait, "not having sex with anyone who is drunk"?

Good bye human race.

BN said...

By the way, how much did Biden get for his last speech to Goldman Sacks?

YoungHegelian said...


Wait, "not having sex with anyone who is drunk"?
Good bye human race.

Seemingly the case in Great Britain, yes.

The Godfather said...

I won't criticize Slow Joe because I have a friend who knows him well and says that he's a good guy and totally sincere, so I believe that. But when I was in college and law school in the '60's the situations he desribed were rare. Not because young men weren't horn dogs then; of course we were. But in those days most young women knew better than to get drunk to the point of incapacity. Most young women were looking for a relationship more substantial than a one-fuck hook-up.

Am I blaming young women for the terrible deterioration of sexual mores among the young? No. I am only observing that women have become as bad as men have been for ages. God! I hope that changes back.

BN said...

YH at 8:05 is right. Step in and you better be prepared to fight. And you'd have to be drunk to do that.

traditionalguy said...

I could regress to all PR is good PR. How else will the best sluts get credit for their superior talent.

But, I agree with you about not depriving drunken woman of free will to choose the man. How else will the man improve his skills as a lover without feedback from a conscious intimate lover?

BN said...

Added benefit: If you are drunk and you kill him, you couldn't be held responsible.

YoungHegelian said...


How else will the man improve his skills as a lover without feedback from a conscious intimate lover?

Wait! That's important?

Dagnabbit! Why am I always the last guy to get the memo?!

Gospace said...

YoungHegelian said...

If the girl or guy in the video that your son was shown was under eighteen at the time the video was taken, please tell your son to never, ever speak of it again.

One of the first questions I asked. Both persons in the video over 18. He is fully aware of the implications otherwise.

Unknown said...

Men can't have sex when women are drunk because consent is redefined from what it was in the 1960s?

Ok then. Maybe I need to catch up on HBO "Girls" and see what "the new rules are".

Or ask a young wise fellow like Joe Biden what legal and proper behavior has become in our new Utopia.

William said...

I never once had sex with a woman who was drunker than me.......I was an enlisted man in the service. The subject of sex would occasionally come up, but I can't remember anyone bragging about jumping on an unconscious woman. For all I know it might have happened, but who would brag about such a thing......I would guess that many rapists are extremely good looking. Handsome men feel entitled. Some probably even feel that they're doing the woman a favor. Despite what Joe says, I would urge women to avoid good looking men. Charm is something else to watch out for.

Earnest Prole said...

Good Lord.

JPS said...


"The deep dark secret that can't be mentioned is that women, especially young women, prefer the bad boys and assholes, and put out for them, and complain to the nice guys later."

For about the first half of college I was the living disproof of ARM's first comment, and might have thought I was the nice-guy in your comment. Years later I heard Adam Carolla on LoveLine give some tough love to a young man complaining how women only like jerks. Roughly:

"No. Women don't like jerks. They like confidence. Unfortunately at your age, it's mostly the jerks who have it."

I think this is true much more often than not.

Steven Wilson said...

Ah yes, Bork, Biden and Teddy. If only someone in the Republican party back in those days would have the balls to answer Ted Kennedy's character assassination of Robert Bork with "Well, as far as I know he never left a woman to suffocate in a submerged Oldsmobile." Yes, I know it was 50+ years ago and that the Lion of the Senate has been dead for going on a decade, but he was such a malignant destructive force in American politics that I think it's only fair to impose a guilt duty on those who refrained from criticizing him out of a sense of "collegiality." And, of course, it was probably a dread of what he knew on them that held their tongues rather than collegiality, but it still rankles when you seen people like the deceased Kennedy, Clinton, and Biden lecturing
the rest of us about morality, sexual and otherwise.

Rick said...

Joe Biden just offered some blunt advice to college men: “Guys, a woman who’s dead drunk cannot consent. You are raping her.”

Joe is just showing he's completely out of touch. Incapacitation isn't and never has been the issue, everyone has always agreed this is rape (except the left doesn't agree it's rape when men are incapacitated).

michaele said...

So, does Joe think all the girls at the party are too drunk to have accountability? Seems like the message should be if anyone is sober enough to notice a rape on the verge of happening, they should speak up...male or female. Blue collar Joe with all his "man" interjections is creepy.

Roger Sweeny said...

Rape and sexual assault are not about sex, it’s about power.

That's as stupid as saying "mugging is not about money, it's about power." There is always both, generally with more of the former than the latter.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Joe Biden just offered some blunt advice to college men: “Guys, a woman who’s dead drunk cannot consent. You are raping her.”

What if it's consensual role-playing agreed upon before any alcohol was served?

Leigh said...

This seemed an odd comment from Biden:

"... it’s about power. If you want to be a man, stand up, man. And if you can't get her to say yes because she wants to, you ain't much."

ccscientist said...

There was a survey in England. Over half the married women say they ALWAYS need some alcohol before having sex. College girls it may be 100%. Informed consent? hahahahah

Steve said...

Isn't Biden a sexual predator?


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