"I will bring activists, writers, artists, politicians, YouTubers, veterans and drag queens from across the ideological spectrum to lecture, march and party."
Says Milo Yiannopoulos (and he won't say who's inviting him or backing him).
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 235 of 235exiledonmainstreet said...
Trumps approval ratings have been climbing and are now at 49%.
Not really. Keeping track of reality is not as easy as you appear to believe.
George Orwell — 'To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.'
I see the usual suspects decrying the use of free speech by those they disapprove.
It's OK you guys. You can't catch gay.
I see ARM is obsessed with Milo.
Get a room guys.
Talk it out.
Or, you know, whatever.
Free helicopter ride, provided at the expense of the state of course, for Unreasonable Bitch as well.
Trumps approval ratings have been climbing and are now at 49%.
Not really. Keeping track of reality is not as easy as you appear to believe.
ARM is convinced that birds don't fly and fish don't swim.
The Trump polling among supporters, even reluctant supporters, is in the the 90%s.
The steady barrage of negative news media has taken a toll among those who don't pay attention and, of course, the left is in a frenzy.
Once he gets some serious legislation signed, like tax cuts and health care, both of which are coming before summer, you will have to find another tune to play.
I will agree that, unless the economy responds by summer 2018, the midterms will be negative but then the country will be lost anyway.
I was convinced it was lost when I thought Hillary would elected.
Michael K said...
The Trump polling among supporters, even reluctant supporters, is in the the 90%s.
I am guessing that this is why they are called supporters.
"I guess your ancestors weren't smart enough to get out while the getting out was good. Pity."
Yeah, Ritmo, that was low, even for you.
"And equally self-evidently, ARM did not distort the meaning of those words or published reports of those words."
Yes, you did. You said Milo wanted to have sex with 13 year olds. That is a distortion of what he said.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Yes, you did. You said Milo wanted to have sex with 13 year olds.
You are proving to be one of the most blatant liars ever to post here.
I was making fun of the conservatives who killed Milo's career, they were the ones obsessed with Milo's interest in diddling 13 year olds. Clearly, from the quotes I provided, Milo has an abiding interest in this topic.
Keeping track of reality is not as easy as you appear to believe.
George Orwell — 'To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.'
And Milo's comments are very similar to ones made by George Takei during interview with Howard Stern -
If only Takei was in the running to take charge of the most simultaneously powerful, ignorant and sexually uptight organizations in America known as the right-wing.
Check out the civility, the wit and the neighborliness of of this all-too-typical (and never called out) commenter:
Free helicopter ride, provided at the expense of the state of course, for Unreasonable Bitch as well.
So hard to remember whom to be civil to and whom not to be (let alone when) when shit like that comes as naturally to this place as the flag and mom and apple pie.
Yeah, Ritmo, that was low, even for you.
Alas, I admit it was. But the guy was tendentious and wouldn't shut up and kept thinking he was as brilliant as they come. It was necessary to knock him down a notch.
I've heard others go even further - so far as to say Holocaust survival or lack thereof is a demonstration of Darwinism of some sort. Which I've derided as ridiculous - based on the assumption that murder and even mass murder is not any normal form of "natural selection" to learn to avoid. But people go on increasingly over time about Ashkenazi intelligence and it became harder to avoid naturalistic explanations when an Israeli on YouTube told an anti-semite, something along the lines of: "We're smart because you keep trying to kill us. Basic evolution. If you want us all to become dumb, mediocre, less successful, then quit trying to kill us."
At some point I think a couple thousand or more years of getting better and better at overcoming oppression and escaping repeated attempts at mass murder has to leave its mark in how nimble the targets of these attempts become. I think there are other, less offensive explanations for Jewish achievement (that I detailed to the mildly anti-semitic J. Farmer) - and think that a society less interested in order, stability and control its members makes it easier for each of them to excel in some way. But even this gets us further afield than we need to be.
Point being, H. American is not as smart or as knowledgeable as he thinks and anyone who believes too strongly in any country's purported ideals, morals or social order is in for a rude awakening. This is no less true here or in Germany as it was in Poland back then.
Bernie Sanders' family suffered much of the same fate. But thank goodness he or his family had the good luck/sense/fortune/whatever to make his way here. I can think of a lot of people who would have done a whole lot less good if they had somehow taken his place.
Awww, Dickless Revolutionary, why so salty?
I thought you loved getting free stuff?
This woman's decency knows absolutely no bounds. Literally!
She is an asset to your party, your faction, your cause. You should be glad to call her one of your own.
As for the quality of the non-vulgarian portions of her "contributions", only you True Americans can decide.
America just wouldn't be America without her.
Hyphenated American wrote:
>FDR missed all the signs of Japanese attack. Check.
No, he (and others) expected and were preparing as best they could. The LOCATION was what they missed.
>FDR did not prepare US military for the war. Check.
Sure he did. COngress, who controls the money, resisted until the fall of France. Many resisted until after Pearl Harbor. But, the Two-Ocean Navy act? Neutrality Patrol? Lend-Lease? Please.
>FDR was negligent in helping Great Britain until the ussr was attacked. Check.
Again, ever heard of Lend-Lease? The Neutrality Patrol?
>American military strategy was completely uninspiring. Check.
Apart from MacArthur's dicking the dog when invaded, USA strategy was quite good. Got any examples of "uninspiring"?
>American tanks were worse than Russian or German, and even British tanks. Check.
The M3 wasn't bad, and the M4 was the best medium tank of the war. Reliable, plentiful, wet amo storage, better ergonomics than ALL others; the "Ronson" memes are misleading you.
>FDR stupidly trusted Stalin and distrusted Churchill. Check.
He should've mistrusted Churchill MORE. Brits would lie to us to get us in the war, and Churchill sent Russian spies to the Manhattan Project.
>FDR gave up all of Eastern Europe to Stalin without a peep. Check.
And North Korea. And Sakhalin Island. Should he have begun combat operations against the Soviets?
Once again, ARM, you wrote:
"If only those close-minded mainstream conservatives had been more comfortable with Milo's interest in diddling boys as young as 13 all this unpleasantness could have been avoided."
You keep denying what what you wrote and I'm the liar? Sure. You run with that, skippy.
Ritmo wrote:
" It was necessary to knock him down a notch."
Somehow, I doubt that H. American felt at all "knocked down" by the likes of you.
But oh yeah, I understand how very necessary it is for you to preserve your fragile self-esteem by thinking you somehow got the better of him.
exiledonmainstreet said...
You keep denying what what you wrote and I'm the liar?
You are either a liar or functionally illiterate. I am now undecided. I would like you to acknowledge that you read the quotes from Milo then get back to me.
I am not denying what I wrote, it is an accurate account of what happened, Republicans repulsed by Milo's stated views killed his career. Any typical fool can see quite clearly what those views were. You appear to be a remarkable fool.
ARM is like a toddler who, caught with crumbs on his face and a broken cookie jar, continues to insist that "No, I didn't eat the cookies! You did!"
The leftist capacity for projection is truly a marvel.
Milo did not say what you - and the media stooges and GOP cucks - said he said. He did not express an interest in having sex with 13 year olds.
For Toothless revolutionary:
I can see that you now want to talk about me, but not respond to me... That's about to change...
You said the following about me:
"Hey, you're the one who brings up how being Russian, etc. colors your whole existence, how it defines you, how you cannot escape it and stop it from controlling your understanding of the world as if you're in a prison. Not me."
Now, either provide the quotes from me that support what you said or apologize. If you do neither, you are a piece of shit. I am okay with either.
For toothless revolutionary, a challenge:
You want to talk about me, but refuse to respond to me.... That's about to change...
You wrote this about me:
""Glad to know that you think that a decent education should only be the reserve of the wealthy. ""
Please provide a quote from me that supports this claim. If you cannot, please confirm that you were mistaken. If you do not respond, then you are a piece of sh@t. Agreed?
For "Toothless revolutionary":
You slandered my relatives who were killed by the Nazis during WW2. In your defense, you wrote the following about me:
"But the guy was tendentious and wouldn't shut up and kept thinking he was as brilliant as they come. It was necessary to knock him down a notch. "
So, your argument is that because there was a person who "would not shut up", you decided to attack his relatives. In order to shut him up. And to prove that he is not as brilliant as he thinks he is. That's what you said....
Challenge for Toothless Revolutionary:
You wrote the following: "What's astounding is how clueless Hyphenated American is in understanding that America's population and economy (as a function of its population) was nowhere near as advanced as Germany's specifically due to how far behind we were on industrialization, and the powers deprived of American presidents up until FDR."
I showed you sufficient data to show that USA had higher GDP than Germany - both total and per capita. In fact, USA was known exactly for its industrial capacity for half a century before WW1.
Do you still maintain (with no evidence to prove it) that USA was less industrialized than Germany before FDR? Come on, either provide the evidence or leave.
She's nuts.
">FDR missed all the signs of Japanese attack. Check.
No, he (and others) expected and were preparing as best they could. The LOCATION was what they missed."
The Brits used the radars to detect the Nazi plane attack during the War of Britain in 1940. The American military were completely and utterly unprepared to notice a huge Japanese fleet moving to Pearl Harbor all the way from Japan in the end of 1941. Why? It did not require a lot of money to be prepared.
The US navy on the day of attack were allowed to leave for weekend. Is this the right thing to do with the armed forces preparing to fight a war? The planes and many ships were all stuck in Pearl Harbor (except the aircraft careers, luckily). Why? Who was in charge of this disaster?
What exactly did FDR do right prior to Pearl Harbor? Is there anything that indicates he put the armed forces on alert and provided them the minimum necessary to at least deal with the first blow?
">FDR did not prepare US military for the war. Check.
Sure he did. COngress, who controls the money, resisted until the fall of France. Many resisted until after Pearl Harbor. But, the Two-Ocean Navy act? Neutrality Patrol? Lend-Lease? Please."
The same FDR who almost single-handedly controlled the US economy, did not bother to prepare to war.
Oh, and the Lend-Lease? It was a joke until USA went into war. A big reason - FDR was working with people who were anti-British, and pro-Soviet. FDR supplied third-rate equipment to Churchill, and Britain was forced to pay with gold and hard cash for all of that.
USSR? Nope, did not pay anything.
">American military strategy was completely uninspiring. Check.
Apart from MacArthur's dicking the dog when invaded, USA strategy was quite good. Got any examples of "uninspiring"?
By time USA and Britain landed the troops in Normandy, USSR was almost free from the Nazis. A month later, USSR was at the outskirts of Warsaw. By that time, WW2 was pretty over.
As for specifics on "uninspiring" - the US invasion of Italy was rather uninspiring. The troops were hold up in Italy until the end of the war.
But better yet - which specific US operations against Nazi Germany did you find "inspiring" except the bombardment of Germany with heavy bombers?
">American tanks were worse than Russian or German, and even British tanks. Check.
The M3 wasn't bad, and the M4 was the best medium tank of the war. Reliable, plentiful, wet amo storage, better ergonomics than ALL others; the "Ronson" memes are misleading you."
Here is the appropriate response: "Despite their advantages against the Panther, American tankers knew their Shermans were no match for the Wehrmacht’s main battle tank; thus, the Sherman’s nickname in Western Europe was the “Death Trap.”
If I remember correctly, the cost of destroying one German tank (Tiger, and even Panther) was normally 5 Shermans. That hardly speaks well about the US tanks. On the positive side, T34-85 (a later version of T34 - initial one was T34-76), was by far the best medium tank in the first few years of the war, until 1943, when the Germans introduced Tigers and Panthers. It also required 5 T34-85 to destroy one German tank.
Technologically, the best things US built were aircraft careers (which were used against the Japanese in huge numbers), heavy bombers (Liberator, Fortress and Super Fortress) and the fighter plane to accompany the Fortresses in Europe (the famous "Mustang", which had huge range - and of course, used the British Rolls-Royce engine). On the negative side, the Germans later developed the first mass produced jet plane, ME262, over the objections of Hitler, and it was the best plane of WW2. Luckily, the Germans lacked the pilots by the end of the war.
Sorry about the earlier multiple postings of the same comment. I didn't see them post earlier and so repeated them.
Inga said...
She's nuts.
Well, Inga, let's run that one past Dr. Francisco D. the next time he shows up here, shall we? He's a bit more qualified to make that determination, isn't he? Not to mention smarter than you by at least 50 IQ points.
"So, your argument is that because there was a person who "would not shut up", you decided to attack his relatives. In order to shut him up."
And then, after saying Holocaust victims died because they were not smart enough to leave Poland (does that include the other millions of Polish Jews or just a family which would commit the horrific crime of producing someone who disagrees with Ritmo), he turned around and called me an anti-Semite.
Yeah, this is someone we should respectfully engage?
Ritmo is utterly vile.
exiledonmainstreet said...
[Milo] did not express an interest in having sex with 13 year olds.
Milo said...
This arbitary and oppressive idea of consent which totally destroys, you know, the understanding that many of us have of the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships. You know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, those kind of coming-of-age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable — a sort of a rock for when they can’t talk to their parents.
You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to someone 13 years old who is sexually mature.
Yeah, I don’t mind saying, I don’t mind admitting that [I am advocating for cross-generational relationships], and I think particularly in the gay world – and outside, the Catholic Church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this – I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly, you know, life-affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys
Exile, you are completely delusional. Maybe, you genuinely have no experience with the gay scene and gay men. Maybe, I should give you the benefit of the doubt on this. But, I have known gay men express very similar ideas to what Milo is saying and they were not speaking purely theoretically any more than he is.
Incredibly, the interviewers gave him multiple opportunities to walk back his comments and he militantly refuses to do so. He's a true believer and almost certainly a sexual predator, but he is also a little dim and very full of himself and didn't realize that he had just walked off the plank.
Understanding reality is not as easy as you appear to believe.
George Orwell — 'To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.'
Ritmo is a troll, much like ARM is getting to be.
Ignore him.
Marshall sent a "war warning" to Pearl about November 22. It resulted in Short lining the planes up in rows to protect against sabotage.
Stark ran a loose ship and did not have any alert in effect. Fortunately Halsey was at sea with the carriers but he was given to made rushes around like his mixup of compass bearings after the attack. He went south looking for the Japanese fleet. Fortunately for him, they were north.
The Intelligence apparatus was a mess. The best officer, Joe Rochefort, was a Lt Commander and the Navy Intel service was run by two fools in DC. After Midway, they managed to get Rochefort relieved and he ended the war commanding a dry dock.
FDR and the rest of the high commend could not imagine Japan attacking Pearl Harbor.
Roosevelt pressed the Japanese very hard and probably expected them to go for the Dutch East Indies. He should have expected them to go after the Philippines and I don't know why he ignored that.
The Navy was very late to appreciate Midway and Wake. Guam was indefensible. Wake should have been fortified much earlier although it might not have survived.
It was probably all foreordained. No one thought the Japanese would attack and no one expected the Zero. Or the Betty or Kate.
It was just fate.
Now, either provide the quotes from me that support what you said or apologize. If you do neither, you are a piece of shit. I am okay with either.
Yes. Threats to apologize captioned by vulgar insults. Always a good strategy.
Somehow, I doubt that H. American felt at all "knocked down" by the likes of you.
But oh yeah, I understand how very necessary it is for you to preserve your fragile self-esteem by thinking you somehow got the better of him.
Check it out everybody! A Trump voter is talking about other people needing to "preserve their fragile self-esteem." LOL. HAHAHAHAHA.
In any event, good to know that you and he understand each other so well. I don't doubt that children with conduct disorders also have trouble feeling humbled, also.
Well, I guess my comment is lost in moderation hell.
At the very least, FDR, after pushing the Japanese so hard (as I remember reading, they had only a few months left of oil supply, and they had to do something drastic), did nothing to prepare for the Japanese attack. At the very least, he needed to install radars in multiple locations and have the people man it 24/7 to figure out what Japanese were doing. He should have used his ships with airplanes to survey the area around US bases to know the Japanese movement. Nothing of a kind was done. As I remember, the radar was installed in Pearl Harbor, and was used only 2-3 hours a day. In short, FDR did not prepare for the war with Japan. It was super-stupid.
And I've heard multiple people talk about FDR leadership during the war - and yet, no one was able to explain in detail what exactly he did which was so extraordinary. Literally, nothing....
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