April 15, 2017

"Hundreds of pro-Trump demonstrators and counter-protesters clashed Saturday at a 'Patriots Day' rally in Berkeley, the third time the two groups engaged in violent confrontations on city streets in recent months..."

The L.A. Times reports.
Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, where Trump supporters had scheduled a rally. Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown into the crowd, and a few demonstrators were doused with pepper spray.

Both groups threw rocks and sticks at each other and used a large trash bin as a battering ram as the crowd moved around the perimeter of the park. One bank boarded up its ATM machines before the rally as a precaution....

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the citizen militia group known as the Oath Keepers, said he came from Montana with about 50 others to protect Trump supporters. They were joined by bikers and others who vowed to fight members of an anti-fascist group if they crossed police barricades.

“I don’t mind hitting” the counter-demonstrators, whom he called “neo-Nazis,” Rhodes said. “In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.”
I found that hard to read. Both sides are calling each other Nazis? Everybody's hitting everybody?

Or is the L.A. Times choosing to depict this as more confusing than it is?

"Fistfights broke out...," "Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown..." — the subjects of these sentences are not human beings. 


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Anonymous said...

Both sides are calling each other Nazis?

Implausible? Inevitable.

The Bergall said...

That's why it's called Bezerkley.......

khesanh0802 said...

What else are you gonna do on a sunny Saturday afternoon? I'll bet the drunk in Madison on the 29th will be worse.

Anonymous said...

Nazis, testosterone, Pepsi, it's that kind of week.

mezzrow said...

Because Trump. Identifying any human behavior within the demonstration is victim-blaming.

Easily explained. Violence did it, and the press is anti-violence, unlike Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When leftist democrat progs disrupt a Trump rally with violence - the media will hide that fact, and confuse reality.

tcrosse said...

What a place, where fireworks and smoke bombs throw themselves, and fistfights break out without human intervention.

rhhardin said...

Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park

I assume from the name that it's in a slum.

rhhardin said...

Both groups threw rocks and sticks at each other

You can't say sticks and stones.

ddh said...

Fistfights broke out, catching people unaware. Thank heaven no one was responsible.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you need to read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. That will make it clear which side are the real fascists and who are just being called fascists. Use your portal.

sykes.1 said...

How Weimar. Will the street fights spread? Which side are you on? I'm with Benito.

jg said...

Safe bet: those throwing small bombs ('fireworks') and rocks are on the left.

wild chicken said...

Anyone going to an event like is hankering to fight.

So have at it, and no tears please.

Achilles said...

“I don’t mind hitting” the counter-demonstrators, whom he called “neo-Nazis,” Rhodes said. “In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.” I found that hard to read. Both sides are calling each other Nazis? Everybody's hitting everybody?

One side was having a demonstration. The other side attacked them.

They were joined by bikers and others who vowed to fight members of an anti-fascist group if they crossed police barricades.

The "anti-fascist" brownshirts at Berkely. College campuses are mis-educating college students. It is time for something new.

mockturtle said...

It is the Progs who are the Nazis. They are the ones who want to limit freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

They want to dictate what words are appropriate and what thoughts are acceptable.

They want to dictate how much CO2 you can emit [stop exhaling!] and methane gas you can expel [stop farting!].

They will even decide who is a man and who is a woman.

Because they are the all-powerful, all-knowing Progressives! Fuck them all.

Achilles said...

wild chicken said...
Anyone going to an event like is hankering to fight.

So have at it, and no tears please.

Bullshit. This never happens to leftists.

No tears? There will be tears when we start treating the left like it has been treating us.

Boxty said...

The antifa are communists, not Nazis, but their tactics are the same. That's where the confusion comes in.

Michael K said...

This is the results of months of leftist rioters who are not punished in any way.

It will get ugly and, as Fred Thompson said, "This will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.

The rioters should have been arrested and punished. They weren't so others, and the "Oathkeepers" are not a right wing militia, will take on the task of punishing them.

mockturtle said...

rhhardin observes: You can't say sticks and stones.

No. That would be cliché.

clint said...

"Both groups ... used a large trash bin as a battering ram as the crowd moved around the perimeter of the park."


Heywood Rice said...

Or is the L.A. Times choosing to depict this as more confusing than it is?

On a scale of one to ten: just how confusing would be the correct amount?

Gahrie said...

Once again, the Left refuses to allow the Right to exercise their political freedoms through the use of violence.

Once again the media protects the Left.

Michael K said...

This is a close analogy to "Cycle of Violence" where Palestinians drive trucks over Israelis and Israeli police shoot back.

The leftist media is determined not to choose sides if one side is leftist and the other is right or Jewish.

It's always a mystery. "No motive has been identified."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Why would someone organize a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley? Trump voters must make a minuscule proportion of the population in Berkeley so it is unlikely that it is local people attending this rally.

Ambrose said...

"Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park"

Has there ever been a sadder sentence?

Michael K said...

"it is unlikely that it is local people attending this rally."

You mean like all those Democrats attending Congressman "Open Houses " and screaming at them and waving preprinted signs? Those local people ?

Michael K said...

ARM, do you remember the "Free Speech Movement" in Berkeley ?

buwaya said...

This begs for Nazi analogies, because they are all over already but - this is indeed how it starts. Look up Horst Wessel.

ARM, because the right wing was insulted and people had their rights overridden in Berkeley. It doesnt matter a bit where the Berkeley electorate leans. Would you object if black people demonsrate for their rights in Texas, if many of them had been beaten by a white mob?

This is a war of symbols, for now.

Paul Ciotti said...

I wonder why more LA Times editors don't require their reporters to identify who was throwing smoke bombs, not just say "smoke bombs were thrown." Is it a desire not to incriminate your side or just lazy writing?

Paul Ciotti said...

I am surprised the left is fighting back so vigorously. When I went to Berkeley during Vietnam, my memory of leftists is skinny guys with sunken chests who would fold with a single punch. My only explanation is that Soros is bringing in some professional protesters with real fighting skills.

sane_voter said...

Why would someone organize a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley? Trump voters must make a minuscule proportion of the population in Berkeley so it is unlikely that it is local people attending this rally.

The DOJ needs to file a lawsuit against the City of Berkeley and UC Berkeley for violating the civil rights of Trump supporters and Conservatives. There is a lot of corruption here to clean up. The discriminated minority in Berkeley must be able to enjoy the same rights as the majority.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
It doesnt matter a bit where the Berkeley electorate leans.

How is this different to Nazis marching through the Village of Skokie? It is certainly their right to do so but they are not legitimate representatives of the town they are marching in. They are just bused in provocateurs.

mockturtle said...

They are just bused in provocateurs.

Of course, we know the left NEVER buses in provocateurs.

Heywood Rice said...

My only explanation is that Soros is bringing in some professional protesters with real fighting skills.

Sounds good, let's go with that.

I wonder why more LA Times editors don't require their reporters to identify who was throwing smoke bombs...

Clearly Soros is behind this too. Eh?

Fritz said...

The DOJ needs to file a lawsuit against the City of Berkeley and UC Berkeley for violating the civil rights of Trump supporters and Conservatives. There is a lot of corruption here to clean up. The discriminated minority in Berkeley must be able to enjoy the same rights as the majority.

And then give the fine to the NRA.

buwaya said...

They dont have to be legitimate representatives of the town.
If you held civil rights activists to that rule it would be an interesting sort of constraint wouldnt it? Quite a few recent controversies, such as say the whole Ferguson business, would have been very different.

And you certainly recall the original offence was against the audience of locals, mainly students, come to hear Yiannopoulos.
They were a minority in Berkeley, but yet they exist.

buwaya said...

The LAT of course is part of the media mafia, and will hide, spin and promote news as it suits the requirements of their masters.

MaxedOutMama said...

Well, it's come to the sorry state in which I assume, when the passive voice exerts its control, that the real motivation is to obscure precisely what happened.

What I derived from the article, rightly or wrongly, was that the counter-Trump group attempted to attack the Trump group, and this time the Trump group was better prepared, as were the police.

If the media could try a little harder to report, I would not be making these assumptions. But as it is ...

MrCharlie2 said...

I want to see video of both groups using a trash can as a battering ram. Sounds sort a quantum to me.

FullMoon said...

The MSM always reports these "clashes" as if they are an even fight. The violence is planned by the mask wearing antifa, with some other assholes going along for the ride. They pepperspray from a distance, use sign poles as weapons and gang up on victims.

Kind of like reading "Christians and Muslims clash" when a gand of Muslims attacks Cristians coming out of a church.

mockturtle said...

I want to see video of both groups using a trash can as a battering ram. Sounds sort a quantum to me.

Maybe they took turns.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

buwaya said...
They dont have to be legitimate representatives of the town.

I agree that legally they do not have to be, but it does make them a rent-a-crowd deliberately provoking a confrontation.

Dude1394 said...

Let me help. Peaceful pro trump rally was attacked by violent democrat brown shirts. The article is disgusting in its bias.

James K said...

'The MSM always reports these "clashes" as if they are an even fight.'

Yes, or that one side isn't clearly the instigator. They do this with Israelis and Palestinians too. A Palestinian goes on a stabbing spree against Israeli civilians, Israeli police shoot him, and it's a "clash between Israelis and Palestinians."

Bob Loblaw said...

I found that hard to read. Both sides are calling each other Nazis?

It's pretty clear who's trying to use violence to keep the other side from speaking.

madAsHell said...

The first whiff of grape shot.

Clyde said...

The leftist/anarchist black bloc types used to have a monopoly on political violence.

Not anymore.

Two can play that game, and they're going to find that the people they are antagonizing are better armed than they are. Sure hate it for them.

Steve said...

Why would someone organize a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley?

Same reason people took busses to Alabama in the 1960s. Who knew that bikers would be the Freedom Riders of the two thousand teens?

If the LA Times is obfuscating yes yes knownit is the leftists that are the aggressors.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Clyde said...
The leftist/anarchist black bloc types used to have a monopoly on political violence.
Not anymore.

Hard to frame this attitude as a legitimate free speech issue.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Steve said...
Same reason people took busses to Alabama in the 1960s.

Seriously? Who do you think was organizing those marches?

Clyde said...

ARM, I wasn't talking about free speech. We're way beyond that at this point. I was merely stating the facts, that those on the right aren't going to allow leftist/anarchist types to commit violent acts without responding in kind. Those on your side have been getting away with it for a long time, but those days are over.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
buwaya said...
They dont have to be legitimate representatives of the town.

I agree that legally they do not have to be, but it does make them a rent-a-crowd deliberately provoking a confrontation.

This is a trivial truth. All protests are meant to provoke a confrontation.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
All protests are meant to provoke a confrontation.

What confrontation did the Woman's March provoke?

cubanbob said...

Ann there is no confusion: Americans exercising their free speech rights get attacked by Communists. Americans fight back.

The Godfather said...

Dear Reasonable: The term "rent-a-crowd" is not acceptable. The correct terminology is "outside agitators". Please adopt the politically correct phrase immediately. The Central Committee is watching.

harrogate said...

Each side calling the other the worst names possible, hatred cascades faster and further by the day.

People with kids? Good luck.

Oath Keepers. God, people come up with some
Creepy Shit.

Jaq said...

Well ARM the women's march was approved by the easily provoked. But I can see how a low wattage type cannot make the connection that violent movements often claim to have been provoked, and their sympathizers in the media are happy to go along.

Michael K said...

"What confrontation did the Woman's March provoke?"

With sanity.

Bad Lieutenant said...

AReasonableMan said...
buwaya said...
They dont have to be legitimate representatives of the town.

I agree that legally they do not have to be, but it does make them a rent-a-crowd deliberately provoking a confrontation.
4/15/17, 8:22 PM

Oh, like Martin Luther King Jr.

Michael K said...

" it does make them a rent-a-crowd deliberately provoking a confrontation."

I remember some groups that rode south in the 60s to "provoke a confrontation."

Civil rights is a trickey busiinss.

Michael K said...

Oath Keepers. God, people come up with some
Creepy Shit.

Yes, as I recall it began as a group of men vowing to take care of their kids.

Really creepy.

Gahrie said...

Why would someone organize a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley?

To exercise their rights to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly?

harrogate said...

Michael K, always on board with the militias.

harrogate said...

Gotta agree with Gahrie on this. We don't agree on much.

But my god, Republicans organizing in Cali to be heard? Democrats speaking out in Alabama? We will become an even more mean spirited country than we already are, if we accept the idea that events like those are weird or illogical.

Bob Loblaw said...

I want to see video of both groups using a trash can as a battering ram. Sounds sort a quantum to me.

I assumed it was kind of like a tug-of-war, only pushing on a trash can instead of pulling a rope.

James Pawlak said...

But, who threw the dangerous items?

buwaya said...

The fuse is lit, its burning down.
Soon there will be martyrs.
The only way to put out the fuse is for the PTB to direct the MSM to do a 180 on the crisis propaganda.

Virgil Hilts said...

Over the last 6-9 months I have seen dozens of videos where sole or greatly outnumbered trump supporters were spat upon, chased down, punched, kicked and beat up by a group of progressive thugs. I cannot recall a single video where some single progressive wearing a Bernie cap or I'm with her shirt was surrounded by Trump supporters and treated in this kind of manner (i have seen one on one spats involving both sides - I am talking here about mob violence).
The Trump supporters have decided to start fighting back. Good for them.
If anyone thinks both sides have been behaving the same up to now, they're ignorant or dishonest.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Althouse sez...

Or is the L.A. Times choosing to depict this as more confusing than it is?

I suspect the reported confusion is because antifa got their clocks cleaned. No way the LAT is going to admit that.

Anitfa got their clocks cleaned on March 25 in Huntington Beach and it was basically ignored by the media.


Being that it was Berkley, the LAT couldn't just ignore what happened. Can't have the locals hearing rumors, getting panicky, and permanently relocating to Aspen.

Drago said...

harrogate: "Michael K, always on board with the militias."

You cannot seriously be lumping in the Oath Keepers with militias.

Anonymous said...

"Oath Keepers. God, people come up with some
Creepy Shit."
"Yes, as I recall it began as a group of men vowing to take care of their kids.

Really creepy."

Michael K,,
Oath keepers has to do with keeping an oath sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. I don't recall reading that it's some group vowing to take care of their kids.

"Oath Keepers was founded in March 2009 by Elmer Stewart Rhodes.[16][17][18] Rhodes is a Yale Law School graduate, a former U.S. Army paratrooper, and a former staffer of Republican Congressman Ron Paul.[19] On December 8, 2015, Rhodes was disbarred by the Montana Supreme Court for conduct violating the Montana Rules of Professional Conduct after refusing to respond to two bar grievances filed against him in the federal district court in Arizona.[20]

Rhodes is reported to have taken inspiration from the idea that Hitler could have been stopped if German soldiers and police had refused to follow orders.[21] Writing in S.W.A.T. Magazine in 2008, Stewart asserts, "'It' (a full-blown totalitarian police state) cannot happen here if the majority of police and soldiers obey their oaths to defend the Constitution and refuse to enforce the unconstitutional edicts of the 'Leader'."[22]


Heywood Rice said...

Over the last 6-9 months I have seen dozens of videos where sole or greatly outnumbered trump supporters were spat upon, chased down, punched, kicked and beat up by a group of progressive thugs.

How about a link or two?

Drago said...

Rhodes is reported to have taken inspiration from the idea that Hitler could have been stopped if German soldiers and police had refused to follow orders.[21] Writing in S.W.A.T. Magazine in 2008, Stewart asserts, "'It' (a full-blown totalitarian police state) cannot happen here if the majority of police and soldiers obey their oaths to defend the Constitution and refuse to enforce the unconstitutional edicts of the 'Leader'."[22]

Sounds like every single leftwing group and media outlet today, doesn't it?

Heywood Rice said...

Yes, as I recall it began as a group of men vowing to take care of their kids. - Michael K

Maybe you were thinking of Promise keepers, according to Wikipedia:

Promise Keepers is a non-profit organization, not affiliated with any Christian church or denomination, which champions opposite-sex marriage and marital fidelity. Their most widely publicized events tend to be mass rallies held at football stadiums and similar venues. They also sell a variety of promotional products to "help men keep their promises," including clothing, books, and music.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

I can picture ARM and antiphone crying on each other's shoulders about how it all started when those mean, nasty Trump supporters began to hit back.

ARM, there have been times when I thought you couldn't get any lower. But you always prove me wrong.

harrogate said...

Don't bother trying to confuse Michael K with the facts, tho.

Dr Weevil said...

Looks like some here (ARM, for one) are perfectly comfortable with the existence of 'no-go zones' for Trump supporters in America. I would have thought any decent American, when told that members of such-and-such race, religion, gender, political party, or social grouping of whatever kind "are not allowed" in some city or other, would have an immediate urge to get as many of that category as possible to go to that city openly, just to show that Americans are free to go to any damned (public) area we want. Whether it's blacks in small-town Utah or Appalachia, gays in Alabama, wearers of Che T-shirts in the Cuban parts of Miami, un-burka'd women in Dearborn, or Trump supporters in Berkeley, the point is the same: the idea that they should just stay away from places where they are not welcome is simply contemptible and unAmerican.

Achilles said...

Don't worry lefties. We are just going to be doing to you what you have been doing to us for years. It seems like you want it this way.

You lefties are all apologizing and deflecting for Obama after he turned the federal government on his political enemies.

Paybacks a bitch. Too bad you have been shitting on the military all these years. Seems like all the vets are on one side.

mockturtle said...

Years ago when Nazis marched through an Idaho town--maybe it was Sandpoint, I don't remember--the townspeople stayed inside with their doors shut. This is a more sensible way to respond to protesters with whom you disagree.

Gahrie said...

There were anti-Trump marches all over the U.S. today, demanding that Trump release his tax returns.

How many of them were disrupted by pro-Trump protesters using violence to try and disrupt the event?

wholelottasplainin said...

When one of the Oath Keepers was on O'Reilly a few years ago, the big loudmouth treated them with contempt.

When the guest said that the government had no power to compel confiscation of firearms in the event of an "emergency", O'Reilly airily waved him off with, parphrasing, "Well, that's just extremism".

Actually, it's a frickin' LAW. 42 USC Sec. 5201.

I hope The Big O takes a long enough "vacation" that we will forget to even miss him.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Why would someone organize a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley?

Same reason people took busses to Alabama in the 1960s. Who knew that bikers would be the Freedom Riders of the two thousand teens?

Exactly. Why do some folks not get this?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


The number you are looking for is "zero."

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Dr. Weevil: Sing it to me, baby. You've got it and the Snowflakes have not.

jeyi said...

ref: Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park...I assume from the name that it's in a slum.

Not a wildly bad guess (if a bit Raciss), but in fact it's the landscaped public square in front of Berkeley's Old City Hall, right in downtown, about four blocks west of the UC campus. Berkeley's MLK Blvd., again unlike the usual demographics, dangers, and squalor associated with that street name, is a perfectly respectable main thoroughfare which used to be Grove St., and it's still sometimes called that by Haters old enough to remember.

To be sure, there are no slums worthy of the name anywhere in Berkeley and even the formerly-cheesiest neighborhoods on the far westside flats are getting seriously gentrified

Michael K said...

The lefties have all their panties in a twist.

Hilarious. Yes, Antiphone. I think you are right.

Maybe you were thinking of Promise keepers, according to Wikipedia:

Promise Keepers is a non-profit organization, not affiliated with any Christian church or denomination, which champions opposite-sex marriage and marital fidelity. Their most widely publicized events tend to be mass rallies held at football stadiums and similar venues. They also sell a variety of promotional products to "help men keep their promises," including clothing, books, and music.

And that is certainly bad.

Blogger harrogate said...
Don't bother trying to confuse Michael K with the facts, tho.

Yes, I am easily confused by leftists.

We were watching "Gran Torino" one of my favorite movies and I thought I would see what the idiots were doing. Do you ever get tired of being fools ?

Michael K said...

Do you people even imagine how ridiculous you are to 75% of the US ?

This is what gives us all Trump. Keep it up. I like it.

Earnest Prole said...

Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. I assume from the name that it's in a slum.

The houses near Civic Center Park in Berkeley sell for only a bit over a million dollars each, so by Bay Area standards it’s indeed a slum.

Bruce Hayden said...

Not surprised. This is one of the side effects of the Dems losing working class whites In the last election. A decade or so ago, these guys would have been on the other side. I expect that we will see more of this on the right. Working class means that a lot of them are strong, tough, and ready to rumble. I expect that the Black Block and Soros' paid goons are much less so. The time I think that it will get nasty is when the black (and maybe Hispanic) hoodlums are called out - the ones doing the BLN orotesting. I expect that a lot of them are just as strong, tough, and ready to rumble. We shall see.

ihasch said...

Yes, "both sides" engaged in violence. The second you see that you know what really happened. More leftist violence.

The Orwellian named Antifa literally advertises their intention to use violence and to violate the constitutional rights of anyone who disagrees with their politics while flouting anti-Klan laws and the California authorities refuse to do anything about it. If the state and municipal government are going to turn a blind eye of this type of violence, you are going to wind up with street fighting as people decide that they need to defend themselves. Not too surprising. Nor was it surprising that these coddled idiots could not handle people ready to meet them blow for blow.

I think what has occurred at Berkeley clearly warrants a DOJ investigation. It comes across as a state and municipal government conspiracy to deprive people of their constitutional rights.

Yancey Ward said...

Passive voice and the knowing the politics of the journalists is enough to determine who were throwing the fireworks and smoke bombs, as Ms. Althouse gently pointed out.

Bob Loblaw said...

Passive voice and the knowing the politics of the journalists is enough to determine who were throwing the fireworks and smoke bombs, as Ms. Althouse gently pointed out.

Yep. For those of you following along at home, here is a handy guide:

"Trump supporters attack anti-fascists": Just like it sounds.
"Fistfights broke out": So-called anti-fascists attack Trump supporters.

Am I the only one wondering when "anti-fascists" will realize "anti" actually means something?

tim maguire said...

Folks, something to keep in mind about areasonableman--he wouldn't have to put it in his name if it could be gleaned from his posts. It's an admission that he doesn't really believe what he writes but just enjoys getting a rise out of people.

Laslo Spatula said...

A meeting of the Jets and the Sharks turned violent yesterday, observers say.

The disagreement seemed to stem from disputes over territory, but some say personal factors might have been involved.

Amidst name-calling and shoving a man was killed by a knife.

Authorities are investigating the matter, said Police Office Krupke.

I am Laslo.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Let's recap, Milo's career was killed by the right wing and violent agitators protest in Berkeley?


tim maguire said...

Hmmm, I did a search for "Milo" on this page and your post is the first to mention him, but you bring it up lke people have been talking about him.

Xmas said...

There is video of an antifa girl being "sucker punched" by some guy with a shaved head. But a reverse angle picture shows her punching him while wearing a highly illegal in California, sap glove.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

tim maguire said...
Hmmm, I did a search for "Milo" on this page and your post is the first to mention him,

Apparently he has been 'disappeared', typical totalitarian move.

Jaq said...

I always cover my face with a hood and dress in a uniform black with all of my mates when my crystal ball tells me that I am going to be provoked. Black is the new brown. Sometimes I am provoked by people after I throw fireworks and smoke bombs at them.

Antifa brownshirt gets a wedgie

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I remember when Trump came to Burlington, it was considered a 'provocation' too, you know, a presidential candidate showing up at a state where presidential candidates possibly never visit, in the modern era anyway. Did he know how much Vermonters hated him and his voters?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

What ever happened to that nice young man Milo?

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Hundreds of people with opposing opinions on President Donald Trump threw stones, lit fires, tossed explosives and tear gas and attacked each other with makeshift weapons as police stood by. Violence escalated when counter-protesters against a pro-Trump ´Patriots Day´ rally broke through netting separating the two groups

I would try to change the subject too. Well, no I wouldn't, I would try to change the subject if I were a fundamentally dishonest partisan tool.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The subject is the suppression of free speech. Milo seems to have been suppressed but not by anyone in Berkeley.

Why aren't they protesting at Breitbart HQ or at the homes of all the right-wing scolds who disappeared Milo?

Paco Wové said...

"The correct terminology is "outside agitators"."

ARM and George Wallace — Stronger Together!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Again, who is actually responsible for the disappearance of Milo, the people of Berkeley who played into his business model or the right-wing scolds?

The right-wing protestors in Berkeley are protesting the wrong people. They may be just impossibly stupid or they may be acting in bad faith. Hard call.

wholelottasplainin said...

Has anyone noticed the stories about gun sales falling since Trump took office?

That tells me the progs are not arming themselves, because guns are ick.

So, thanks to eight years of record gun purchases we have a well-armed right, and a left that has disarmed itself.


Paco Wové said...

"Violence escalated when counter-protesters against a pro-Trump ´Patriots Day´ rally broke through netting separating the two groups"

There's a website, Resistance Near Me, where the busy and on-the-go leftist outside agitator can type in a zip code and find where all the cool people are going to riot. Type in Berkeley's zip and yesterday's donnybrook pops right up at the top!

Michael said...


You must be so proud of the black shirts. Proving, just a tiny little bit, that your side is not one hundred percent pussies.

Swede said...

Generation Snowflake thought using violence during their temper tantrums was a-ok.

Wait'll they get a taste of real violence.

They won't know whether to shit or go blind.

Big Mike said...

@ARM, Milo's career was done in by his public support for pederasty. You feel sorry for Milo, ergo you are yourself a pederast.

My comment from 10:14 last night continues to apply.

Fernandinande said...

"Twitter" is playing their part, protecting you from "sensitive material":

'The #antifa thugs were so thoroughly beaten in #Berkeley, so humiliated, that before they fled in shame, some were subjected to weggies.'
This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
"Wedgies." Damn you, autocorrect!'

TrespassersW said...

Or is the L.A. Times choosing to depict this as more confusing than it is?

That's a rhetorical question, right?

Kirk Parker said...


I think you misfired: 42 USC Sec. 5201 seems to have nothing to do with your subject.

Paco Wové said...

"for the disappearance of Milo"

You know whose disappearance I really wonder about? Barack Obama. Whatever happened to that guy... What? Immediately after his term, he goes into hiding for an indeterminate period on some plutocrat's South Seas island without wife or family? Weird. Sounds like a Bond villain or something.

Michael K said...

"Type in Berkeley's zip and yesterday's donnybrook pops right up at the top!"

It's organized astroturf all the way down.

So are the riotous "town halls" the GOP Representatives are having to endure.

This is how you get more Trump.

Rusty said...

Blogger harrogate said...
Michael K, always on board with the militias.

Do myou own a gun?

Bay Area Guy said...

90% of Berkeley are anti-Trump, and mostly anti-American. They simply have a different vision of how the world ought to be (think of the lyrics to John Lennon's Imagine)

So, these folks can rally whenever they want without problem. Let's call them Group 1z

There are a tiny number of closeted Trump supporters sprinkled throughout the Bay Area. Whenever they form a rally, Group 1 shows up to disrupt the rally.

It's not like two sides battling. It's one large majority keeping the lid down on a small minority. Bad journalists and bad newspapers fail to elucidate these dynamics.

Kate said...

Thank you, @Xmas. I didn't know about the (or what is a) sap glove. The shot of this young woman with hippy dreads going down is all over my feed. Some feel you shouldn't hit a girl, some feel that she deserved it. The glove info changes the dynamic, that's for sure.

Matt Sablan said...

"Why would someone organize a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley? Trump voters must make a minuscule proportion of the population in Berkeley so it is unlikely that it is local people attending this rally."

-- So true. The minority shouldn't have a voice, and minority that gets uppity in thinking that maybe they should have a voice should be violently shut down.

Sarcasm aside, thank you for showing us exactly WHY there should be a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley.

Matt Sablan said...

"How is this different to Nazis marching through the Village of Skokie?"

-- You realize that the Nazis WERE allowed to do the march and, were in fact, protected while marching there, right?

Matt Sablan said...

"I was merely stating the facts, that those on the right aren't going to allow leftist/anarchist types to commit violent acts without responding in kind."

-- The right tried to do that. It ended with Trump rallies getting shut down and women and elderly folks being beaten, and a speaker at one college being mobbed.

Either cities and universities need to get their security forces in order, or the right is going to continue punching back. And it will get ugly.

Anonymous said...

ARM: Hard to frame this attitude as a legitimate free speech issue.

Troll harder, ARM. You're not trolling hard enough.

(Btw, Happy Easter everybody. I'm listening to some Russian choral music now. Russian Easter choirs are awesome.)

Fernandinande said...

Anti-Trump monkeys fight pro-Trump monkeys

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
Milo's career was done in by his public support for pederasty.

This is where the protest should be. Let those poor little right-wing pederasts run free. Run free little pederasts. Run free.

Anonymous said...

ARM: Let's recap, Milo's career was killed by the right wing and violent agitators protest in Berkeley?

No, you're confused, as usual, ARM. Milo's speech at Berkeley was shut down by violent lefty thugs in Berkeley. Milo's career was killed by cucks. I understand how, in the confused emo mind of a lefty, the latter has some causal relationship to the former, and somehow exculpates the left for its ongoing violation of American's free speech rights, but emo confusion should never be used as the basis for trolling people who aren't confused emos.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Paco Wové said...
You know whose disappearance I really wonder about? Barack Obama. Whatever happened to that guy... What? Immediately after his term,

Initially the right was complaining that he was staying in DC and wouldn't leave. Try to keep the story straight for more than one news cycle.

Meanwhile, Milo is still missing in action in the right-wing media industrial complex. Poor little Milo. Run free little Milo, run free.

JAORE said...

It's a damn shame that the filibuster has died in the Senate. But it had to be done. The left would have used the nuclear option at their first opportunity. The left demonstrated their willingness to escalate that issue whenever it benefited them in that instance of time.

It's a shame that a political march devolves into violence. But it has to be done. The left demonstrated a willingness to send in the black shirts whenever they would be unopposed (not even mentioning the SEIU thugs over the years).

Perhaps,just perhaps, this will continue until the right learns that the left has given up the use of the black shirts.

(Oh yeah, of the X arrested, what percentage were from the pro-Trump side?)

Anonymous said...

Paco Wové: You know whose disappearance I really wonder about? Barack Obama. Whatever happened to that guy... What? Immediately after his term, he goes into hiding for an indeterminate period on some plutocrat's South Seas island without wife or family? Weird. Sounds like a Bond villain or something.

That's apt, he would be a good creepy Bond villain. I see him as more of a high-ranking underling of the main villain, though. Say, Soros's lieutenant.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So you have a "Trump Derangement Syndrome" tag but no tag to indicate that the Orange MaraLago Vacationer in Chief might not be in, well, shall we say - the best psychological health.

Sounds about as subservient as we can expect from you.

mtrobertslaw said...

I was surprised to see ISIS warriors in there mixing it up. I had no idea they opposed fascism. Well, you learn something new every day.

Big Mike said...

So ARM's reply to my insinuation that he is a pederast is to defend pederasty. Folks, I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

ARM: Initially the right was complaining that he was staying in DC and wouldn't leave. Try to keep the story straight for more than one news cycle.

ARM, you need to consult your avatar about the ecological fallacy. Your ignorance on this point is really holding back your trolling game.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ARM. Milo's speech at Berkeley was shut down by violent lefty thugs in Berkeley. Milo's career was killed by cucks. I understand how, in the confused emo mind of a lefty -

I can understand how, in the proudly ignorant "mind" of a rightie, you might think anyone would care.

Here's the sequence, sister: Protests broke out over inviting an intellectually vacuous and divisive provocateur, Bill Maher hosted him anyway, the increased exposure led the right-wing sexual squirmers to comb through his history, and BANG! They decided that his equivocating stance on pedophilia was a bit of a liability for their "movement," especially just before he was to be elevated at CPAC. So they pre-emptively torpedoed him. Couldn't have a pedophile apologist as celebrity wannabe leader of their "movement", no matter how thin the ranks of character attributes among its many other so-called leaders.

Michael K said...

I see Ritmo has made it back from the Berkeley rally. How much was bail ?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not nearly the price to Bruno Snuffleupagus's career.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Big Mike said...
my insinuation that he is a pederast

Typical Cuck.

Anonymous said...

Kate: Thank you, @Xmas. I didn't know about the (or what is a) sap glove. The shot of this young woman with hippy dreads going down is all over my feed. Some feel you shouldn't hit a girl, some feel that she deserved it. The glove info changes the dynamic, that's for sure.

I had little, if any, sympathy, regardless. Perhaps a minute amount for a young woman so brainwashed by "gender equality" bs that she can see a bunch of guys brawling, and seriously think that she can mix it up with them without being creamed, pronto.

That smidgen of sympathy is neutralized by the dreadlocks, though. Nothing says "Punch me, I'm an annoying idiot" like a white chick with dreadlocks.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"my insinuation that he is a pederast"

Typical Cuck.

Wasn't Bruno's pedophilia defense based after all on his endorsement of the subservient position held by the minor in a "relationship" with an adult male?

Apparently right-wingers have many ways of being cuckolded. And many angles of privilege to reap from it.

This is the secret behind the persistence of the right-wing subservient bitch - and their love of hierarchies generally.

The Milo/Bruno debacle was just one angle to see in exposing this.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Ask Angel-Dyne why she dropped Pepe as an avatar. First goes Bruno Snuffeupagus (lol), next goes Pepe, whoosh under the bus!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Right. Pepe....

Hopefully that ridiculous nonsense will be dropped as quickly as Drunkard Bannon (the only real element left promoting it) from the NSC.

The green frog was knocked out of "Angel-Dyne's" profile as rousingly as this guy was knocked off his own pedestal - and just a minute before rationalizing the thing.

Anonymous said...

Inga: ARM

Ask Angel-Dyne why she dropped Pepe as an avatar. First goes Bruno Snuffeupagus (lol), next goes Pepe, whoosh under the bus!

I dropped Pepe for a detail from Giotto's "Entry into Jerusalem" in honor of Holy Week.

I assume ARM, unlike you, is cultured enough to have noted what was up, if he had any interest in people's avatars.

Pepe will be back, don't worry.

Anonymous said...


I'm not worried in the least.

I'm sure Pepe is sufficiently cultured to not have his feelings hurt or to put on airs.

Anonymous said...

Re my comment @10:04: I'm willing to cut Inga some slack here. She doesn't know Judas from Peter, so it's understandable that she's a little fuzzy on basic Christian iconography.

Anonymous said...

Pepe is mad at Trump

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

She doesn't know Judas from Peter, so it's understandable that she's a little fuzzy on basic Christian iconography.

That's fine. She knows enough about little frogs to know that you're a Nazi. (Or apparently just a frog-like Nazi wannabe).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter Angel-Dyne: "I'm a knowledgeable Christian! So cut me some slack on my Nazism!"

Wow. What a clever evasion there.

Anonymous said...

She loves all God's creatures, especially little Nazi frogs.

Anonymous said...

"Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
22 Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was approaching, 2 and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people. 3 Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. 4 And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. 5 They were delighted and agreed to give him money. 6 He consented, and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present."

Just like the Alt Right betrayed Trump. If Angel Dyne has trouble with this passage she should file a complaint.

Paco Wové said...

Donald Trump is Jesus? That's just fucking weird, Inga.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

She loves all God's creatures, especially little Nazi frogs.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"

Paco Wové said...

BTW, I suspect Angel-Dyne was referring to your confusion about who denied Jesus, not who did the betraying.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is weird Paco, so why did you folks act like he was the next coming of Christ?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes it is weird Paco, so why did you folks act like he was the next coming of Christ?

They like to reimagine Christ as a violent warrior, and focus on the post-apocalyptic stuff. Helps cleanse their minds of all that troubling, peace, tolerance, forgiveness, generosity stuff.

In their minds, retribution is the most admirable virtue of all.

Paco Wové said...

"Yes it is weird Paco"

So why did you do it? What point did you think you were making? It just makes you sound hysterical and confused.

"You folks?"

It will greatly help your ability to think and discuss ideas if you can learn to stop hyper-generalizing and engaging in absurd hyperbole. Unless you can show me where I "act[ed] like he was the next coming of Christ" I'll just have to assume that's more hysterical confusion on your part.

Michael K said...

Boy, the lefties are really getting weird on Easter morning.

Anonymous said...

Deny, deny, deny.... "Peter"!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Boy, the lefties are really getting weird on Easter morning.

Define "normal," Trumpist!

Anonymous said...

Naw, the lefties are just having fun throwing Trump weirdness back at the Trumpists on this fine Easter Morning, kind of like the Berkley brawl.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Today's just another "normal" Sunday morning for Trump - vacationing as he does every Friday through Monday 4-day weekend at Mar a Lago.

Stuff that Michael K identifies with.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How many millions has Trump's every weekend vacation been costing the taxpayers, BTW?

Republicans have no principles. The guy's on target to surpass Obama's 8-year personal travel budget by the end of 2017.

And campaigned relentlessly against golf, and vacations.

Is this level of comfort with lying a new development for Republicans? Or have they always been this way?

Big Mike said...

Reading the comments of "Toothless" and Inga, one thing is crystal clear: they want more Trump. They want a LOT more Trump.

Because this is how you get more Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Reading the comments of "Toothless" and Inga, one thing is crystal clear: they want more Trump. They want a LOT more Trump.

Because this is how you get more Trump.

Really? By criticizing him you get more of him?

This is how you get more subservience.

Rusty said...

Michael K said...
"Boy, the lefties are really getting weird on Easter morning."
Jebus scares em.
Like shouting at the deeevil, or whistling as they pass a marble orchard.
The silly superstitions of the left.

Matt Sablan said...

"Really? By criticizing him you get more of him?"

-- The level of "criticism" I see often amounts to: "People say he's bad. So he must be bad! Why's he so bad? People wouldn't say he was bad if he wasn't so bad! NAZI IMPEACHMENT RUSSIAN GOLDEN SHOWERS DOSSIER PROOF INCOMING!"

It's fevered ranting; there are people who criticize Trump legitimately. The ranting we see here is... is not it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yep. When I think of Jesus, I think of Rusty.

Pulled downward baseball hat rim and everything.

Known Unknown said...

""How is this different to Nazis marching through the Village of Skokie?"

Shocked that ARM Godwinned the thread.

Anonymous said...

Oh baloney. Any criticism of Trump is seen as sacrilegious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

-- The level of "criticism" I see often amounts to: "People say he's bad. So he must be bad! Why's he so bad? People wouldn't say he was bad if he wasn't so bad! NAZI IMPEACHMENT RUSSIAN GOLDEN SHOWERS DOSSIER PROOF INCOMING!"

It's fevered ranting; there are people who criticize Trump legitimately. The ranting we see here is... is not it.

I see. The criticism of a man who lies reflexively, has no impulse control, contradicts himself constantly and will say and do anything to advance himself is just not subtle and genteel enough for your delicate ears.

Read between the lines. Focus on the facts. Look at what he said and compare it to what he did.

Oh, that's right - you're a Trump defender. You believe we live in a post-truth world.

Matt Sablan said...

Inga... I criticize Trump about things. So... no. I don't view criticism of Trump as sacrilegious. Try again.

Anonymous said...

"Inga... I criticize Trump about things."

Well I don't recall any from you. I'd be interested to hear some, have at it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

84 days in, and the Republicans are already spending more on Trump's personal travel than Obama spent in 8.

If you want to know how Republicans manage to wreck economies and deficit-spend (in good times) in ways that they would never tolerate from anyone else, just witness their silence on that. Everyone knows how loud they got about Obama's expenses. And just watch Trump's own many statements to that effect.

The guy is just congenitally incapable of telling the truth. And Republicans are congenitally incapable of holding their own to account.

Matt Sablan said...

"I see. The criticism of a man who lies reflexively, has no impulse control, contradicts himself constantly and will say and do anything to advance himself is just not subtle and genteel enough for your delicate ears."

-- If you honestly think that there's some group of people clutching pearls about insulting Trump, you're wrong. The problem is that, frankly, I heard Romney was a Nazi. I heard McCain was a Nazi. I heard Palin was a Nazi. I heard Scott Walker was a Nazi. I heard in October that people had seen compromising information about Trump that would prove his Russia ties. Then I heard it again in December. And again in February. And again just last week. And none of that evidence ever materialized.

So, I've got a very high threshold for the conspiracy nut jobs out there who insist on this Russia conspiracy. There are a lot of things Trump does that are legitimate problems, and by keeping the focus on golden showers, secret intercepts that have been seen but can't be shown, and dossiers, we've lost any chance to talk about Trump like we would any other politician.

Sort of like the nonsensical defensive barrier that went up around Obama prevented a real analysis of what he did well and what he bungled completely.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Inga said...
Any criticism of Trump is seen as sacrilegious.

Not by Chuck, god bless him.

Matt Sablan said...

"Well I don't recall any from you. I'd be interested to hear some, have at it."

-- Pay attention more; I'm not going to dance to be a hate sink for you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. "Things!"

I know... things.

I hear... things.

I criticize Trump, about... things.

Anonymous said...

Yes, "things" because those things of Matthew's don't exist.

Anonymous said...

Yes, God bless Chuck and those brave conservatives who kept their principles intact.

Matt Sablan said...

Folks, and this is why you shouldn't bother engaging trolls like Inga/Toothless. Because this entire conversation thread about this event has now been ruined. As was their intention, since they ruin, essentially, every thread they enter by destroying any chance to talk about the topic at hand.

Honestly, I don't understand why regulars continue to engage people who we know will only deliberately sabotage threads here. I do it because I think each time, "This time they'll have a real discussion and not squirrel the thread and revel in their 5-minute hate."

Every time? They squirrel the thread and revel in their 5-minute hate.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Matthew Sablan said...
This entire conversation thread about this event has now been ruined.

Ruined, I say, ruined. We had a good thing going hyperventilating about some rent-a-crowd protesting the wrong people and the libtards ruined it. Ruined!!!

pacwest said...

Trolls are fun. Stupid, but fun.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Folks, and this is why you shouldn't bother engaging trolls like Inga/Toothless. Because this entire conversation thread about this event has now been ruined.

Nah. The post is about how to hold Trump accountable, since you guys obviously hate protests and clashes (except when Trump threatens physical violence). So you said you criticize Trump, about... "things." But couldn't get specific.

That's an evasion - one of Trump-level caliber. Threads aren't worth having in the first place if you can't be honest and accurate in making your intentions clear.

You think folks don't trust Trump in this day and age? Get ready for them to have less trust in you (and other Trumpists), too.

We're sick of the lies, and aren't going to tolerate it. Stop thinking that civility and good threads are an excuse for hiding behind that orange wig, his abominable performance, or Republicans' abject cowardice in holding him and their own ideas to account.

It won't go unnoticed, my friend. This time it stops.

Paco Wové said...

Matthew - I generally ignore Inga, and always ignore Ritmo, for the reasons you mention. Today I made an exception — I attempted to reach out to Inga in an act of Easter charity, to try engage her as an adult. It was, of course, futile. Perhaps next year.

Fernandinande said...

Ambrose said...
Has there ever been a sadder sentence?

Try "Alabama peace rally".
Not technically a sentence, but close enough for gubmint work.

Matt Sablan said...

... Yeaaah.... maybe you should take a few steps away from the Internet and go out in the world so you can see that keyboard hatemongering is... it's just not cool, ok?

Paco Wové said...

Anyway, it's good to see that the First Amendment still has value, even in Berkeley.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ruined, I say, ruined. We had a good thing going hyperventilating about some rent-a-crowd protesting the wrong people and the libtards ruined it. Ruined!!!

They ruined my lies! I was having such a good time lying to myself and telling everyone how awesomely our country is doing under the Mar a Lago Marketer in Chief's propaganda and deflection! It's like, Trump was my alcohol and they ruined my buzz!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

... Yeaaah.... maybe you should take a few steps away from the Internet and go out in the world so you can see that keyboard hatemongering is... it's just not cool, ok?

Thanks for the concern about my well-being.

Now, I believe there were "things" about which you would prove that you're willing to criticize Trump. Care to share them?

You know what would really make my day? You proving that you're not just a Trump stooge.

It's sunny here, high seventies, light breeze. Beautiful. I've got my window opened directly to it, and everything else that's going on outdoors. Very comfortable, very enjoyable. Fully stocked fridge of every delicacy you could imagine and company around the corner.

But I live for Matthew Sablan's demonstrations to me that he's not a liar and will be a decent citizen in holding his president to account. And not just for partisan outcomes.

Go ahead, Matthew. Make my day.

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

We're sick of the lies, and aren't going to tolerate it. Stop thinking that civility and good threads are an excuse for hiding behind that orange wig, his abominable performance, or Republicans' abject cowardice in holding him and their own ideas to account.

It won't go unnoticed, my friend. This time it stops.

4/16/17, 11:21 AM

Hahahahahaha ! So, you gonna go get some black costume, complete with bandanna to mask your face pick up some pepper spray and bring frozen bottles of water on down to the demo and raise a ruckus? Or, you just gonna sit there and type?
You a scary guy!

Matt Sablan said...

Believe it or not, not-so-subtle threats don't make me want to waste more time with you. Take care.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In what way do you believe you were threatened, Mr Sablan?

All that was said was that people were going to see through the lies Trump tells and that you cover for. Did you believe your safety or well-being were threatened by stating that those cover-ups would not go unnoticed?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh I see. They "threatened" to expose and publicize the lies told that you choose to go unchallenged.

Yep. Very threatening.

Our basic rights as citizens include being able to lie, apparently. And perpetuate a hoax on the country.

It's good to know what your priorities are.

Happy Easter!

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

In what way do you believe you were threatened, Mr Sablan?

All that was said was that people were going to see through the lies Trump tells and that you cover for. Did you believe your safety or well-being were threatened by stating that those cover-ups would not go unnoticed?

Yep, Trump is a fantastic liar. Thank God for that. If he did not have the ability to lie like a Democrat (which he was until this election), we would be under Hillary's thumb.
Good to see you weasel out of the tough guy stance. Guess you were just misunderstood.

Matt Sablan said...

No Toothless. No backing up; your post at 11:21 AM is clearly meant to be threatening. You're language is threatening, and it is intended to be so. You use the same code word that anti-fascists use before beating on old ladies and individuals by their group, claiming you just want to hold people "accountable." You say that people are going to have even LESS trust than now, when those people are actively attacking conservative speakers on campuses and in public; when we have entire groups who think that punching non-Leftists is acceptable because, "Hey, they're Nazis." And you warn me these people will trust me even less?

You say you aren't "going to tolerate the lies," with the understanding that the violence that currently exists is "tolerance." You warn me that "civility" is no longer going to be something that can be used, and then again, you say you will "hold their own ideas to account." Just like the assholes beating people they disagree with in the street.

Finally, you say that "this time, it stops."

No. You're not getting away with pretending that that was not intended to be threatening.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No. You're not getting away with pretending that that was not intended to be threatening.

Now you're lying by putting words into my mouth, you precious little paranoid snowflake.

Matt Sablan said...

On the bright side, it is the Internet, and most Internet threats don't go anywhere. But let's not pretend that you weren't posturing.

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