Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, where Trump supporters had scheduled a rally. Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown into the crowd, and a few demonstrators were doused with pepper spray.I found that hard to read. Both sides are calling each other Nazis? Everybody's hitting everybody?
Both groups threw rocks and sticks at each other and used a large trash bin as a battering ram as the crowd moved around the perimeter of the park. One bank boarded up its ATM machines before the rally as a precaution....
Stewart Rhodes, founder of the citizen militia group known as the Oath Keepers, said he came from Montana with about 50 others to protect Trump supporters. They were joined by bikers and others who vowed to fight members of an anti-fascist group if they crossed police barricades.
“I don’t mind hitting” the counter-demonstrators, whom he called “neo-Nazis,” Rhodes said. “In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.”
Or is the L.A. Times choosing to depict this as more confusing than it is?
"Fistfights broke out...," "Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown..." — the subjects of these sentences are not human beings.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 252 of 252You use the same code word that anti-fascists use...
Anti-fascists use code words?
Matthew Sablan. The most peacefullest little snowflake of a fascist that was evar created.
I didn't put any words in your mouth; each quote that I used was one you said, perfectly in context. You're a hateful bully who casually threatens people on the Internet. But, since it is the Internet, it doesn't really "mean" anything. I've been threatened on the Internet since the 90s.
Honestly though, you should at least do a better job of being amusing when threatening people instead of being boiler plate.
Yes. Violent leftists frequently don't say: "I'm punching that guy because I don't like him." They pretend it is something noble that they will "hold people accountable." By punching them.
Well, if calling you out is something you consider "threatening," then I can't help you with that, Mr Peacefully Fascist Snowflake.
I call you out, you call it "threatening." Meanwhile, you devote an entire comment to telling me what I "intended".
Put away the turban, Carnac. Your powers of clairvoyance are greatly exaggerated.
Bitchmo will continue to whine and snark from behind his keyboard like the little twat that he is.
He will leave the getting their ass kicked and wedgies from bikers and veterans to the cannon fodder black bloc retards.
So he is stupid, but not retarded. Even flatworms respond to painful stimuli.
Yes. Violent leftists frequently don't say: "I'm punching that guy because I don't like him." They pretend it is something noble that they will "hold people accountable." By punching them.
What violence have I committed?
I don't control crowds on campuses. Since I'm no fan of neo-Victorian PC, I can hardly say I'm a fan of much of what they're about, anyway.
Do you control the folks who go on about "second amendment remedies" and brandish assault rifles at Target and Arby's?
Do you control right-wing groups who foment violence against the government every time a Democrat is in office?
You are a very illogical person.
"This time it stops" LOL. Why, no, it isn't going to stop here or now or when you say it will. LOL.
It's alright Toothless. You win on the Internet again, as I will not bother trying to talk with you again for a bit. I'm sorry you feel the need to threaten people, but maybe, maybe tomorrow you'll realize that you can communicate without threatening violence to those you disagree with.
Good luck out there.
Bitchmo will continue to whine and snark from behind his keyboard like the little twat that he is.
He will leave the getting their ass kicked and wedgies from bikers and veterans to the cannon fodder black bloc retards.
My, my. You are a true vulgarian.
It's nice to see how inarticulate the right wing is when asked to clarify their very complex thoughts on a given matter.
I think I prefer the snowflake, Sablan. At least he's not filled with an insane case of potty mouth.
Jeans just expresses the rage of being so powerless to run over other people's words. And the suppressed humiliation of having had her mouth washed out with soap so many times as a tot.
Keep up the comments with profanity and violence in every other word. The very consistent truth-teller Matthew Sablan will object to it very strongly, given how fair and non-partisan he is!
I'm sorry you feel the need to threaten people, but maybe, maybe tomorrow you'll realize that you can communicate without threatening violence to those you disagree with.
More lies.
Some "alternative facts" that need defending, Ms. Conway!
"I'm sorry." Apparently so. I'm sorry that you feel so easily threatened!
Any other delicate little feelings that you want me to apologize for triggering?
Sablan has been triggered. And there's nothing I can do to make it better for him.
He'd make a good PC student at a college campus, apparently.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
No. You're not getting away with pretending that that was not intended to be threatening.
Now you're lying by putting words into my mouth, you precious little paranoid snowflake.
Hahahaha! Another step backwards. Say toofless, ever punch anybody in the face? Ever been beat to a pulp, or you justa talker?
You should change your handle to "The Dickless Leftist."
Crying about "profanity" now are we? No one cares. The days of one sided civility are over.
Crying about "violence?" I stated that you are too much of a pussy to get out there with antifa. Does acknowledging that you are going to be safely able to continue running your cunt mouth scare you?
Your attempts to appeal to a religion which you mock and denigrate whenever it isn't useful to you as a club against religious conservatives isn't going to work anymore either.
Welcome to the post-religious right, douchebag. No turning of the other cheek when leftist agitators assault people in the streets. It won't affect keyboard cowards like you, but I suspect a lot of your fellow travelers are going to continue to learn their lessons the hard way.
Any evidence that I stated I would punch anybody here in the face would be much appreciated. No, I am not Trump and never said anything like that, as much as you clones like projecting.
I'm so glad that there are many right-wing kooks here who have a better idea of what's in my head than I guess I do. How they got in there is anyone's guess. But I'm glad to know that they make up for their poor reading with intense scrutiny of what they can clearly see from inside my head. Maybe they put a surveillance device in there.
Ever been beat to a pulp, or you justa talker?
Unlike you, I have to say no. I'm a bit less inept than you are at sorting things out IRL.
But this is internet land and of course 4 right-wingers to twist the words of one non-rightie is about as fair a fight as your side can manage when it comes to dominating civil discourse as you so hope to do.
Inga said...
Oh baloney. Any criticism of Trump is seen as sacrilegious."
Hmm you have somewhat of a point. Yo Trumpy, where is my tax rate reduction? Why hasn't the execrable Obamacare been repealed? Why haven't the prisons be purged of illegal alien criminals with a massive deportation? Why are we still allowing Muslims from very sketchy countries in? Why hasn't the federal government been shrunk as promised? Why haven't sanctuary cities had their federal funds withheld as per federal law? Why hasn't the AG begun criminal proceedings against the Clinton's and the Obamanites for their numerous felonious acts? Some many promises as yet unkept. Inga, you are right. There is a lot to criticize Trumpy about. Also Trump, take a tip from Ritmo, stay in the White House instead of going to your own private home so often. Don't look like an Obama with his endless vacations. come on, you already been in office nearly one hundred days. You are not a Democrat, you are not allowed the luxury of dithering ineffectually for eight years. Get on with it.
You should change your handle to "The Dickless Leftist."
Crying about "profanity" now are we? No one cares. The days of one sided civility are over.
Crying about "violence?" I stated that you are too much of a pussy to get out there with antifa. Does acknowledging that you are going to be safely able to continue running your cunt mouth scare you?
Your attempts to appeal to a religion which you mock and denigrate whenever it isn't useful to you as a club against religious conservatives isn't going to work anymore either.
Welcome to the post-religious right, douchebag. No turning of the other cheek when leftist agitators assault people in the streets. It won't affect keyboard cowards like you, but I suspect a lot of your fellow travelers are going to continue to learn their lessons the hard way.
As the assaults you were too ensconced in flyover land to experience won't affect a "keyboard coward" like yourself.
But other than that, your psychotic rant reads about as paranoid as a typical Nixon White House tape. Bravo!
"Because this is how you get more Trump."
Yeah but Ritmo threads deteriorate so fast that they don't see where all this is headed.
The leftist thugs are being organized, sort of like flash mobs are organized in Chicago as soon as it gets warm.
Then decent people avoid those areas, like north Michigan Avenue, just like I avoid Ritmo threads.
When the bikers start showing up at the Trump rallies, the lefties will have no clue about why they are getting their heads beaten in.
They just talk to one another and don;t listen.
Thats how you get more Trump and the "Antifa" get concussions.
Those busloads of provacateurs gotta have something to do when there isn't an election for them to be bussed around to vote in.
Shorter Michael K.: Anti-Trump crowds had better not organize! There are consequences to free speech! If only they could learn to just cuck up to Republican leaders like we do!
They should just take a page out of the Tea Party playbook and hold up signs saying, "We came unarmed this time!"
Anything less than an assault weapon is "unarmed" to a right-winger. So technically it would be true.
Has the ram's horn sounded or am I just hearing things?
Happy Easter to all the sane members.
Off to brunch.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Ever been beat to a pulp, or you justa talker?
Unlike you, I have to say no. I'm a bit less inept than you are at sorting things out IRL.
But this is internet land and of course 4 right-wingers to twist the words of one non-rightie is about as fair a fight as your side can manage when it comes to dominating civil discourse as you so hope to do.
Yeah, thought not. I have no "side" . I don't like assholes. left, right, or center..
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
They should just take a page out of the Tea Party playbook and hold up signs saying, "We came unarmed this time!"
Hmm, they can also wear T shirts picturing a dead Che with the caption reading "the only good communist is a dead communist". Then when the antifa clowns get violent they can whip out their 9mm and make those commies good commies.
The snowflakes don't like it when their targets fight back. There are a lot more of us than there are of you, too.
Blogger Michael K said...
Happy Easter to all the sane members.
Off to brunch.
4/16/17, 1:18 PM
Thanks! Same to you.
Big Mike:
Milo's career was done in by his public support for pederasty.
This is a contemptible lie.
Uppity conservatives and outside agitators (you have to imagine Strother Martin saying it) all the sane members.
Am I missing something? Is this a party, such as one in which there is such a thing as "membership?" Like the CPUSA?
You go enjoy your brunch, Comrade-Member Michael Kennedy!
Or is it just Comrade Cuck Kennedy?
Yeah, that has a nicer ring to it.
Jason to Big Mike:
"Milo's career was done in by his public support for pederasty."
This is a contemptible lie.
Seriously. I think Milo is a degenerate who was going to crash and burn sooner rather than later, but he did no such thing. Jesus, people, stop taking your marching orders from degenerate cucks.
stop taking your marching orders from degenerate cucks.
Exactly so! Take your marching orders from the non-degenerate non-cucks, you cucks!
It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here.
@Jason, go read Milo's words. There's a video on YouTube.
"We're sick of the lies, and aren't going to tolerate it. Stop thinking that civility and good threads are an excuse for hiding behind that orange wig, his abominable performance, or Republicans' abject cowardice in holding him and their own ideas to account.
It won't go unnoticed, my friend. This time it stops."
Don't make me laugh.
Have a hissy fit.
"It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together FOR VIOLENCE clearly bothers some commenters here. "
We don't like flash mobs.
There are some people, not us, who really don't like flash mobs and might become punitive.
Snowflakes melt.
"Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Big Mike said...
Milo's career was done in by his public support for pederasty.
This is where the protest should be. Let those poor little right-wing pederasts run free. Run free little pederasts. Run free."
ARM and his sock puppet repeat the many times debunked LIE that Milo was advocating pederasty.
It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here.
No one gives a shit about is the paid protesters and the constant resort to violence we object to.
Hmm, they can also wear T shirts picturing a dead Che with the caption reading "the only good communist is a dead communist".
I'll take two so I have one to wear while I'm washing the other.....
SDN said...
ARM and his sock puppet
Big Mike is my sock puppet? Who knew? Next time I am going to build a smarter one.
"It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here. "
It all depends on how much Soros pays.
How much are you getting to post?
"they can also wear T shirts picturing a dead Che"
Where can I get one ?
I have my "2016 Trump White House. Bernie Nut House, Hillary Big House" tee shirt but I would like to add to the collection.
I watched the YouTube. I read the transcripts. That's how I know it's a lie. It's also how I know the little shits pushing that lie are among the thickest fucking idiots I've ever seen in internetdom and that's saying something.
These clashes aren't a new thing. The press mischaracterized this clash. These aren't your political activists and they've been fighting for years.
It's not pro vs. anti Trump people. It's skinheads vs. punks & anarchists.
It reminds me of a Fugazi concert in San Fran where the same thing happened. I think the same groups are still showing up to fight.
"It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here. "
It all depends on how much Soros pays.
How much are you getting to post?
"It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here. "
It all depends on how much Soros pays.
How much are you getting to post?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Any evidence that I stated I would punch anybody here in the face would be much appreciated. No, I am not Trump and never said anything like that, as much as you clones like projecting.
I'm so glad that there are many right-wing kooks here who have a better idea of what's in my head than I guess I do. How they got in there is anyone's guess. But I'm glad to know that they make up for their poor reading with intense scrutiny of what they can clearly see from inside my head. Maybe they put a surveillance device in there.
You spend half your posts here projecting what "right-wingers" all think. Go back and read your own posts. You have spun up this whole thread by attacking people with what they think.
You have been better.
More on the coming violent reaction to leftist violence.
They have no idea of the reaction they have coming.
Sure the "exhaust every legal means" strategy is good. Pursue it. Who do you sue, the City of Berkeley? Maybe Landmark Legal Foundation or somebody will take that up. Good luck to them. Realize that the outcome is a total crapshoot, maybe even one with the dice loaded against us, and it will take YEARS for resolution, IF we're lucky and we keep moving up through the appeals courts, as it will probably require.
Meanwhile back on the front, what to do? Here we had a peaceful free speech rally and antifa showed up and started throwing M60s into it. That's how it began. At that point the police disappeared, which should tell you something right there about how we're going to fare in the judicial system. Antifa was given "space to destroy" - unfortunately our guys were in it.
I saw the video of Lauren Southern trying to talk to that antifa chick with the strange eyebrows. Crazy Eyebrow Chick struck first, swiping at a shocked Lauren while proclaiming, "I want to fight a white girl today!"
It's coming and the lefties were warned again and again.
Boxty said... The antifa are communists, not Nazis, but their tactics are the same. That's where the confusion comes in.
Conservatives need to drop their ridiculous insistence that leftists are "the real" Nazis/racists/sexists/homophobes. When Barron is king, I hope he sends all conservatives to re-education camps where they're forced to study the "DemsRRealRacist" Twitter account until they get their minds right.
At least Based Stick Man understands antifa are communists.
@SDN, I have never seen a credible debunking regarding Milo, but I have read a transcript of what he said in his podcast that got him in trouble. He was discussing the age of consent for teenagers to have informed consent with older males, and he opined that some were prepared to do that at age thirteen. Milo's attitude towards teenaged gay sex with older men is not a hill to die on.
"It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here. "
It all depends on how much Soros pays.
How much are you getting to post?
harrogate said...
It is true that even the idea of Democrats or liberals organizing together clearly bothers some commenters here.
That depends. Are you "organizing" to deny other people their right to free speech and free association? Then yes, we do object to your Nazi behavior.
Here let me help you:
You organize and say what you want, we organize and say what we want, everyone else is free to watch and listen to whoever they chose.
This is good.
We organize to say what we want. You organize to drown us out, attack us, and stop people from being able to hear our message.
This is bad. You are a fascist pig. The authorities should arrest, try, prosecute, convict, and punish every single one of you.
If they won't, then we will use violence to protect ourselves.
And since we're actually competent human beings who refuse to roll over for Nazi Brownshirts (which is what the "black bloc" are), we'll win.
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