April 17, 2017

At the Magnolia Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

And consider using The Althouse Amazon Portal.


Jon Ericson said...

Have mercy.

le Douanier said...

Ah yes, Magnolia.

So apt now. Now that the WH has come to respect the cuck.

Globalist Gary et. al..

David Baker said...

Did you ever try to watch CNN's Erin Burnett? Excruciating. He head is always down, buried in her notes, struggling to understand, trying to grasp whatever subject is at hand. Ironic, too, they call her Out Front. They should'a called it RedEye Candy for whomever thought it was a good idea.

Oh, JEEZUS! Now she's showing cleavage!

David Baker said...

PS> Did you ever try to read my typos ("He/Her")? Excruciating.

Jaq said...

Why is Wisconsin always ahead of Vermont in the season. We have some snowbells and a couple crocii (joke).

rehajm said...

Interestingly, Stovall of S&P Capital IQ also took a look at the how the stock market does depending upon who controls Congress.

When Stovall sliced and diced the data that way since World War II, the best performance was when the nation had a Republican president with a Republican-controlled Congress.

That was followed closely by a Democratic president facing a Republican Congress or split Congress.

rehajm said...

Erin Burnett got offered a plum job at CNN because or the giraffe dress she wore on CNBC.

Somebody at CNN has a kinky giraffe fetish.

le Douanier said...

"they call her Out Front. They should'a called it RedEye Candy for whomever thought it was a good idea."

She actually seemed okay when she was on CNBC.

Has a Goldman background too, iirc.

Humperdink said...

"Did you ever try to watch CNN's Erin Burnett?"

I continue to wonder how Don Lemom remains employed. The worst host I've seen, other than the human Gatling gun, Chris Matthews.

le Douanier said...

Speaking of CNBC alumni, surely there are not clips as lame as those from the recent DJT-Barteromo interview.


le Douanier said...

Of course it goes w/o saying that the big graduate was Roger.

Presumably cons rejoice at his doin', re the tube.

le Douanier said...

I wonder if Maria was asked by Rog.


J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

In other news, Turkey's nearly 100-year experiment in democratic republicanism appears to be coming to an end as of Sunday's referendum vote. Goodbye president; hello sultan.

David Baker said...

Regarding Goldman, Erin was a genuine beauty. And in business, you never let such a beauty walk out the door.

Don Lemon, he still lives on a plantation, but at least he can think on his bare feet.

Chris Mathews, when push really comes to shove, he refuses to outright lie. Spin? Sure. But lie for the cause? No.

Still, since Trump won the election, they're all next to impossible to watch. Except to gauge the hate meter.

Oh, and what about O'Reilly? There's a woman out for his head.

Humperdink said...

Oh, and what about O'Reilly? There's a woman out for his head.


Humperdink said...

My favorite is Tucker Carlson. Always smiling, while making commie-pinko leftie look foolish. Admittedly, not a difficult task.

le Douanier said...

"In other news, Turkey's nearly 100-year experiment in democratic republicanism appears to be coming to an end as of Sunday's referendum vote. Goodbye president; hello sultan."



J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...

@David Baker:

Don Lemon, he still lives on a plantation, but at least he can think on his bare feet.

Wow. There are a lot of things I'd say positively about Don Lemon: gorgeous, great dresser, fun drunk on NYE. But can think on his feet? Never.

Michael K said...

I'm tired of the angry lefties but will post a comment once more. David French, a pretty determined #NeverTrumper, has warned about the sowing of the wind the left has been doing in cities and on campuses.

We are now teetering on the edge of a truly terrifying incident, one trigger-pull away from a slaughter. Campus and urban progressives have a choice to make. Is this a nation of laws? If it is, then it’s time to grow a backbone, protect free speech, punish rioters, and expel those who disrupt the educational environment regardless of ideology. There should be no more sympathy or leniency for the lawless social-justice warrior than there is for the lawless neo-Nazi. Every single time the progressive establishment ignores, minimizes, or whitewashes leftist violence, it sows the wind. Americans have watched mobs attack police and burn buildings in Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlotte, and Minneapolis. They have watched mobs riot over politics and free speech in Middlebury, Berkeley, Portland, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Is anyone at all shocked that when the police hang back, others will step into the void? Leftists are fond of saying “violence begets violence.” If we don’t restore the rule of law, we’ll all find out just how right they are.

I am very concerned about this.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

I am very concerned about this.

Welcome to America 2.0. New and (un)improved. But hey, your average urban center has a lot more choices in ethnic cuisine. So there is that.

le Douanier said...

No J Farm.

Ya missed the important passage.

"I'm tired"

This best characterizes the way Doc Mike most often refers to himself.

Sometimes he's tired of libs, sometimes it's sleepy time, sometimes it's paying this or that which is tiring, and so on.

The common thread is always: "I'm tired."

He's not woke.

le Douanier said...

In case ya golden-years folks missed it:


A state of perceived intellectual superiority one gains by reading The Huffington Post.

Ali is so woke. At brunch she explained how wearing anything other than Chuck Taylor's or Tom's is really a microaggression. Hey did you get your Amy Schumer tickets yet?

#microaggression #99% #mimosas #crossfit #almond milk #adele #yoga #brunch #beard wax"

From Urb Dic

YoungHegelian said...

@Michael K.

I am very concerned about this.

And I understand why, but the violence will come & it must come.

I have said this many time before & will say it again: this bloc of the hard Left will stop when, as Lenin put it, it "meets steel", & not before. The black bloc (I will not call them anarchists, because I have too much respect for Anarchism) now has the bit in their teeth. They now rule the universities, with veto power over anyone who disagrees. Soon, they will spread from the universities & they will start to target the moderate left in & out of the university space.

The authorities refuse to face up to the depth of this problem because, for now, they see the Black Bloc as shock troops against people they despise, also. But, the hard Left doesn't work for the moderate Left, no matter what it looks like. It hates the moderate "sell-out" Left. Right now, the Righties out there fighting the BB are basically fighting for the rights of everyone to the right of Maoism. It's just only us righties realize that at this moment.

If & when some Black Bloc-ers take an AR-15 slug or two, good riddance to them! The running dog lackies are armed this time, & will not get "struggled" in this Cultural Revolution.

Bob Boyd said...

Take a break from politics and enjoy this:


If you liked that, here's another:


le Douanier said...

Speaking of woke, I have a friend that went to two protests this last weekend.

She went to the tax thing-y. And, she also went to the BLM thing-y. An interracial couple invited her to the BLM protest because they were worried that there wouldn't be enough white folks (like her) to make for a diverse crowd.

But, it turned out that there were way to many white folks. Ha ha. Seattle is funny.

Anywho, I was in my place in West of the Twilight (and wolf) zone. When going through Forks I saw about a dozen folks w/ signs on Saturday. Maybe they were SJWs, I dunno, I was more focused on making sure I didn't (w/ my dually*) plow into the car in front of me, which contained a driver who was more focused on reading hand written signs than driving.

Anywho, I'm not sure which is tougher, being a SJW in Forks or a neo-Nazi in Berkley.

Carry on.

*I need this to tow toys. IOW, I don't need it because of a small cock.

le Douanier said...

Beyond the practicality, hicks don't seem to be offended by a so-called "Platinum" F450, but other options raise more eyebrows.

And, I don't have any silly lift kits and/or big tires. No tuner stuff for the engine. No noisy exhaust. Therefore not= micro dick.

Just sayin'

Michael K said...

"If & when some Black Bloc-ers take an AR-15 slug or two, good riddance to them! The running dog lackies are armed this time, & will not get "struggled" in this Cultural Revolution."

This may be the next stage, I don't want to be there when it happens but we live in an area of Tucson that voted for Trump. Tucson is kind if a lefty town what with the university and all.

Peanut butter makes another snarky dig about "tired." I am tired of the lefties here, including ARM which is a disappointment, getting more and more personal in nasty attacks. I quit the blog for a while before the election but came back because a number of other commenters asked me to do so. I quit Patterico because of his mindless Trump hatred. I haven't been back.

The internet is fun because you can be friends with people you will probably never meet. It gets less fun when angry juveniles make personal attacks that are not about issues.

The commenters on Cathy Seipp's blog used to get together for lunch once in a while. Some were pretty much antagonists on issues. We could get together for lunch and enjoy each others company.

This is getting to be less fun. Maybe Ann wants it this way to have more long threads. I don't know.

Anyway, I am doing a Kindle version of my history book and have a new house to get organized. I have better things to do than endure nasty personal attacks by anonymous people seem to live for controversy.

le Douanier said...

Maybe the hicks aren't as fooled as I think they are.

OTOH, they do invite me to shoot stuff w/ them. And, they say racist stuff about Mexicans and Asians in my presence. And, I do authentically fuss about libs, cause there's plenty to legit fault from my POV.

I interpret these interactions w/ hicks as them accepting in their group. But, maybe they're playing me, rather than the other way.

I dunno.


I have an 88. The tree cutting hicks always like it when I joke (truthfully) about my first (and only) saw being an 88. Then, many of them give me tips re juicing the thing. Some even invite me over to see there competition tuned saws. One such saw even had engraved fretwork on the pointy metal thing that sticks out to contact the log.

Anywho, hicks are funny.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...


This may be the next stage, I don't want to be there when it happens

Strangely enough, MK, living near DC as I do, I live in an area where the authorities took the BB rioting at the inauguration seriously. A sizable number of arrested BB-ers were very unpleasantly surprised to discover that they may be staring at up to 15 years in prison if convicted. The DC authorities, liberal as they tend to be, understand, that as the protest capital of the US, if they let protests get out of hand, downtown will be cinders in no time. They've always been this way. The DC cops slammed the anti-GATT protestors, while Seattle let them run riot.

It really takes very little by the authorities to shut the BB-ers down. There are just too many places where the authorities will not do it, & so it will fall to the vigilantes to defend their own rights.

le Douanier said...

Could some of ya tell Doc Mike that it's a brilliant idea to blowup Assad's palaces? Or, pick some other thing he keeps repeating.

He needs a boost.

J. Farmer said...


You've posted 12 comments in this thread so far, and I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

YoungHegelian said...


I really think there are commenters, in the evenings & weekends especially, who do a bowl or bottle before they come on-board.

mockturtle said...


You've posted 12 comments in this thread so far, and I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Don't worry. Neither does he.

le Douanier said...

I was going to say that, Mock.

Stole my line.

le Douanier said...


There is one thing that Mock and I both know. We get the tie between the Twilight zone and Forks WA.

le Douanier said...

BTW, is it possible that Althouse was hoping some of y'all would take inspiration from the pic and properly celebrate National Haiku Poetry Day?

I dunno.

le Douanier said...

J Farm,

Presumably (among other things) my link to Hotair re DJT and Turkey re your comment was too enigmatic.

How about this:


Michael K said...

Or, pick some other thing he keeps repeating.

He needs a boost.

I am simply not interested in what you post and the same applies to a number of others.

I am very close to giving up on this blog, which is kind of too bad as there are some who are really interesting,

FullMoon said...

Michael K said...

Or, pick some other thing he keeps repeating.

He needs a boost.

I am simply not interested in what you post and the same applies to a number of others.

I am very close to giving up on this blog, which is kind of too bad as there are some who are really interesting,

If you do that, the terrorists will have won.
4/17/17, 10:39 PM

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger YoungHegelian said...
. . .
Strangely enough, MK, living near DC as I do, I live in an area where the authorities took the BB rioting at the inauguration seriously. A sizable number of arrested BB-ers were very unpleasantly surprised to discover that they may be staring at up to 15 years in prison if convicted.

Good. Charge 'em with a felony. If they don't know it already, their lawyer will be happy to explain to them how f*cked their life will become with a felony record.
I think that a lot of this nonsense we are seeing from the Black Bloc is because they are just playing around. It's a game to them. Let them a pay a price for spitting on democracy, and we'll see how many show up at the next rally.
They'll lose the trustafarians, that's for sure.
If you are convicted of a felony:
-Can't be a lawyer, a teacher, or a doctor, or a psychologist, or a realtor, or be licensed for many other professions.
-Can't vote or hold elective office.
-Can be discriminated against by landlords.
-Can't get a job where you handle money or are in a position of trust.
-Can't be foster parent or adopt a child.
-Can't coach Little League :)

jaydub said...

Skippy: "*I need this to tow toys. IOW, I don't need it because of a small cock"

Ever known anyone who spends as much time talking about how marvelously he's equipped as Skippy does who doesn't have to sit down to pee? Yeah, me neither.

le Douanier said...


No sit to pee, no sit to pee, you sit to pee, no, you sit to pee.

Jon Ericson said...

"He fights!"
Go get 'em Mike.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Look boys, I've seen a lot of these sake-red cows.

chickelit said...

PB&J is the blog's erudite Titus. Emphasis on rude.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Of course us upper thinkers understand 100% fully with no deviation allowed every healthy, dynamic growing society will have increases in negative internationalities too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

John C. Reilly is more than dead Jimmy Dean could ever be now cause he dead and all.

cf said...

Michael K,
From across the nation, an entire landscape of people say
Don't go.
it is tough to thread through the Moths that swarm here sometimes.
I suppose it means this blog is dangerous in the possibilities for free expression, and some are drawn to stink it up.
FullMoon is right, don't let them win.

Rusty said...

Being fitted for a new hip this morning.
The x-ray of the old one looks like a bad horror movie.
My long term plan is to have a skeleton like The Terminator.
Terminator one. Not the other ones.
Later losers

Paco Wové said...

"It gets less fun when angry juveniles make personal attacks"

I assume you've tried the Blog Comment Killfile and found it didn't work for you. That is unfortunate. I find it to be a great help in efficiently ignoring the useless commenters on this blog — PB, Ritmo, the Unknown Sockpuppets, etc. Every so often, from a spirit of kindheartedness and charity, I will unblock one for a while to see if their output has improved, but so far – alas! – they go back into the bit-bucket again, to continue babbling their nonsense unseen.

Laslo Spatula said...

Dr. Laslo, Professor of Magnetic Thinking, says...

Any conceived ideation of Truth is binary, with both tracks aligned in parallel. The first track is the Ideation, while the second track is the Divergence.

Note that the Divergence can not truly diverge, it is parallel, yet as such it neither can meet. As the Ideation of truth attempts to alter course to avoid criticism the Divergence follows, a reciprocation of adaption and mutation.

The only variable to this formulation is of the distance between the parallel tracks. Ultimately, if the tracks grow too far apart the ability to discern relationship is lost.

This leads to my Theory of Magnetic Ideation: the Divergence and the Ideation adhere to a force between them, this Force strengthened or weakened by the awareness of their relationship.

Any important Concept will have strong magnetic resonance. Indeed the strongest ideas will have the tracks of Ideation and Divergence perceived as the same, so close they rely on each other for meaning.

Thus, to better understand an idea, once must bring it's Divergence as close as possible to the Ideation: this is the Foundation of Magnetic Thinking.

In the Course of my Studies I have identified the Eleven Levels of Magnetic Consciousness, through which we can first perceive, than transcend, Truth, as exemplified by the Universe.

Ancient incarnations of the Magnetic One have left clues that exist before the dawning of Man. Indeed, Magnetic Thinking is what brought Man into Existence.

Unfortunately, Man is not born into Parallel. This is the root cause of despair and dissatisfaction with Life. Through my training, a person that reaches Level Three of Magnetic Consciousness can develop the beginnings of controlling the Magnetic Powers that shape their life.

I, Laslo, operate at Level Eleven: True Magnetic Parallelism. True Magnetic Parallelism enables one to Transcend Life in The Pure Magnetic State.

Through your studies with me I shall show you how to bring your tracks into Parallel, unleashing greater thinking capacity, strength, and a Magnetic Sex Drive. Stop living in False Convergence: study with me today....

Fees may apply.

I am Laslo.

Jon Ericson said...

Do you accept pallet fulls in the usual nontraceable manner in the amount of 54B?

Laslo Spatula said...

Dr. Laslo, Professor of Magnetic Thinking, says...

"Dr. Laslo, Why is there Iron in our bloodstream? Could this have anything to do with True Magnetic Parallelism?"

Great question!

Why WOULD we need Iron in our blood. Of course there are health reasons, but then why is our health predicated on Iron to begin with?

Level Two of Magnetic Consciousness will give you the understanding of Ideation Iron and Divergence Iron. Conventional scientists have yet to understand this, leaving medical and psychiatric care in relative infancy.

At Level Two you will learn to harness the power of Ideation Iron in your own bloodstream, leading to greater thinking capacity, strength, and a Magnetic Sex Drive.

While increasing the power of Ideation Iron you will diminish the presence of Divergence Iron in your blood -- Divergence Iron that can cause deficient thinking, poor analytics, impotency and many blood-related cancers.

Stop living in False Convergence: study with me today....

Fees may apply.

I am Laslo.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Guns dont kill people. Social media kills people.

Laslo Spatula said...

"Dr. Laslo, does True Magnetic Parallelism have anything to do with Scientology?"

Great question!

The answer is NO.

Scientology is a great example of Thinking Out Of Parallel. It is false science, absent of all Magnetic Resonance.

Space Aliens that left Dead Souls on Earth in Volcanoes? Excuse my lack of Scientific Propriety here, but what a Load of Bullshit!

True Magnetic Parallelism is proved by the very existence of Iron in your bloodstream. A simple experiment: feel your wrist. Do you feel a pulse? Is that pulse blood? Does that blood have Iron? You are now on your way to True Magnetic Parallelism.

If you have wasted time with Scientology do not fear: my eleven-part Scientology Decontamination Process can help you get back to Parallel.

Stop living in False Convergence: study with me today....

Fees may apply.

I am Laslo.

MadisonMan said...

@MichaelK, I will miss you if you go. Your posts have taught me things, and also pointed me to interesting books to read.

I think Madison-area Althousians should meet. Long ago, I missed the meetup with them. I'm at the best Coffeeshop on Monroe street right now :)

Bob Boyd said...

@ Michael K

What MadisonMan said.
Except the coffee shop part.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Left on the Free Exchage of Ideas

1. We are for Free Speech;
2. However, there is one big exception - Hate Speech
3. And, we define Hate Speech broadly to include anything that challenges our vision or value system, such as Heather MacDonald, Milo, Charles Murray, Donald Trump, ad infinitum.

mockturtle said...

Ah, Laslo! Made my morning! :-D

Laslo Spatula said...

Thank you. mockturtle!

I am Laslo.

MadisonMan said...

You've posted 12 comments in this thread so far, and I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

I thought he was talking about his schwanzstucker.

Michael K said...

I'll work on ignoring the lefties who are nasty. The trouble is that more get that way. Maybe it is just Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Anyway, if anyone catches me responding to people I shouldn't, remind me.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Well, yeah. Michael K is "one of the interesting ones."

The others, and you probably know who you are, ........

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