"... after the university canceled her event because of safety concerns, then quickly reversed itself, saying it would reschedule her speech,"
WaPo reports.
In a series of tweets Thursday night, Coulter criticized the university, saying Berkeley officials were adding “burdensome” conditions to her speech. She said she had already spent money to hold the event on April 27 and was not available to appear May 2. She also pointed out that the later date would coincide with a reading period before final exams, when there are no classes on campus and fewer students are around. Instead, she vowed to speak in Berkeley on April 27 whether the university approves or not.
Berkeley is making a fool of itself. I laughed out loud when I heard the spokesperson on TV:
University spokesman Dan Mogulof responded to the lawsuit threat, saying, “We are confident that we are on very solid legal grounds.... We are concerned about her disregard for the assessment and recommendations of law enforcement professionals whose primary focus is the safety and well-being of our students and other members of our campus community"...
Pathetic. At best, "confident that we are on very solid legal grounds" is a bald-faced lie.
Berkeley is making a fool of itself.
And tacitly admitting that they've lost control of their campus.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne: "And tacitly admitting that they've lost control of their campus."
Nonsense. The leadership at Cal, along with the Berkeley Mayor and Police Chief, are completely in alignment and "part and parcel" with the violent radical left and is only play-acting at caring about the rights of non-leftists.
The lefties have decided that its now okay to be totally "out there" with their desires to shutter the constitutional rights of anyone who is not a part of the hive-mind.
The intersectional/marxist left has defined conservative ideas as "Hate Speech" and "Violence" and have given themselves carte blanche to initiate actual violence to crush the mere speech of the conservatives....all the while calling the conservatives fascists.
This is no surprise as this is what happens everytime leftists gain power within an organization, institution or government.
But only 100% of the time everywhere in the world.
Annie has called their bluff. You have to watch out when bluffing Anns.
traditionalguy: "Annie has called their bluff. You have to watch out when bluffing Anns"
She is definitely doing this and her ex-Special Forces bodyguards will be interesting to watch under pressure.
I put the odds at 50% that the lefties attack and the Berkeley police force arrests Ann's bodyguards.
Whatever happened to that nice young man Milo?
I wish the guys from Rolling Thunder would show up to help. I would watch that on TV all day.
I always liked Ann Coulter, and notwithstanding Trump, I still do.
Berkeley is getting a postgraduate education on the problems attendant to "The Heckler's Veto."
@ARM He's headed back to Berkeley. Link.
khesanh0802 said...
He's headed back to Berkeley.
I am currently 'plotting' to reclaim the Crown of Scotland for my family. Me and Milo, dreaming big.
1. We believe in free speech
2. Except for hate speech
3. And we define hate speech as anything we deem objectionable.
Coulter, like President Trump, has courage.
I am trying to recall the name of the head of the UC system. It's Janet something...someone from the most transparent administration ever.
@ARM I'll bet Milo succeeds before you do.
"Whatever happened to that nice young man Milo?"
I think he is planning to make your pitiful little life miserable.
Berzerkeley may find out what happens when they face someone with balls. It may get very violent and they my wish they had done a better job for Milo and Heather MacDonald.
"I am too soon oldt and too late schmart" as my uncle would say.
khesanh0802 said...
I'll bet Milo succeeds before you do.
I dunno. The first step in my master plan, Scottish independence, is starting to look like it might happen. The first step for Milo is to convince the religious right that pederasty is just another lifestyle choice. I think I am in front at the moment.
My favorite part of his comments was this: "This university has an unwavering commitment to the First Amendment of the Constitution, which enshrines and protects the right of freedom of speech and freedom of expression."
Dude, I'm pretty sure your commitment is wavering where everyone can see it.
Coulter, like Milo, is a controversialist. She must be delighted by Berkely's behavior. What fools these leftists are. They are leaving themselves no options other than violence.
More material for her next book.
Not to mention "...law enforcement professionals whose primary focus is the safety and well-being of our students and other members of our campus community". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I, however, am well behind in my plan to restore the Spanish Empire and reconstitute the Inquisition.
Still, I grind away.
AReasonableMan said...
I dunno. The first step in my master plan, Scottish independence, is starting to look like it might happen. The first step for Milo is to convince the religious right that pederasty is just another lifestyle choice. I think I am in front at the moment.
Watching lefties project is getting boring. But watching them try to deflect from their inherent fascist tendencies? It is the job of every good "moderate" like ARM to stick up for and minimize the actions of the violent left it seems.
Sorry ARM, we aren't buying it. You people better give up your fascist pursuits. It can go easy or hard.
Blogger The Godfather said...
"Coulter, like Milo, is a controversialist. She must be delighted by Berkely's behavior. What fools these leftists are. They are leaving themselves no options other than violence." They don't WANT any other options.
Brio, I believe the name you're wanting is Napolitano.
"....we aren't buying it. You people better give up your fascist pursuits. It can go easy or hard."
What a loon. You do you think you are? Captain America?
University administrators lying? Isn't that kind of like dog bites man? Wouldn't it be more interesting if Prof. Althouse found someone at a university telling the truth about something?
The first step for Milo is to convince the religious right that pederasty is just another lifestyle choice.
This. Because that's who Milo hopes to woo with his schtick. The religious right. Because flamboyant, gay, loud mouths who toss insults constantly at fat girls and the like are exactly who the religious right have been looking for.
Except for that pedastry thing. Gotta draw that line somewhere.
Drago said...
Nonsense. The leadership at Cal, along with the Berkeley Mayor and Police Chief, are completely in alignment and "part and parcel" with the violent radical left and is only play-acting at caring about the rights of non-leftists.
If they're that radical, then why play-act? Why not let Coulter speak and let the student body riot? Wouldn't that prove what all good lefties "known" about Coulter all along? That she's a disgusting Nazi that needs to be punched.
They're looking at the recent antifa/alt-right rumble and worrying about their image. They don't want to loose enrollments and donations ala Mizziou. If the Berkeley admin was that down with the campus radical element they could cool things down and let Coulter speak without any violence. Then they could crow all they want about how superior Berkeley and leftists are. But they're not quite sure they can keep the situation under control.
Perhaps we need to organize ourselves as Conquistador-Americans and intervene in that Berkeley business. Get some lads together and find a lawyer to lead them (Cortez was a lawyer, as well as my ggggpa, the last conquistador).
Take a leaf out of Francisco Pizarro's book, to exploit the divisions and confusion of a civil war. Use superior medieval weaponry to win the street fights, and we will then control the intellectual center of California, under the Cross and the Crown. We will then be besieged of course, but that will just spread the idea, and prompt the organization of a relief-expedition.
Its an idea. Granted, neither Crown nor Church would approve, so that part needs some preparation.
The Spanish Imperial idea is a synthesis of ideological conservatism of the most extreme sort, fanatical Chistianity and Spanish culture. It could, perhaps, unite the warring factions of Mexican and other Latin American immigrants with white conservatives in a potentially unstoppable fusion.
Not a big fan of blowhards, but Coulter really won this right handily. Bravo.
Turns out that the Berkeley mayor is a member of the Antifa group that commits all the riots at Rightwing speeches. He's also a personal friend of one of the leaders of the group who went on TV and defended the Milo riot.
Whatever happened to that nice young man Milo?
He's still hanging out with Anthony Weiner.
If a university cannot promise safety when someone comes to speak there because their students might kill the speaker, they have failed as a university.
They should just get this over with and have someone from Berkeley tell her not to wear such short skirts.
"At best, "confident that we are on very solid legal grounds" is a bald-faced lie."
And, at medium-worst this statement is code for murder is fun and Satan rocks, and stuff about Hitler.
At worst-worst, the statement is true.
Carry on.
BTW, cons really should back off re criticizing the libs at Berkeley. Even though you see they're doing bad things that hurt folks, some people are turned off by your attacks. It's really tiring. So, just leave them alone and STF. I tell you this to help you. I'm concerned.
Y'all are funny.
Mr. Reasonable Man -
As a descendant of Scottish stock on my mother's side (Ayrshire), and with a father who was a piper, I think the idea of an independent Scotland is one of the dumbest to come down the pike. Other than misplaced romanticism, what could be the benefit? There is a reason that there are probably more bagpipers in America per capita than Scotland. All the smart, ambitious, or desperate have already left. They're here in America, or in my family's case, partly in Canada - so perhaps I should say North America.
Scotland has no major source of a national income. The North Sea fields are in decline with the decrease in global crude prices, tourism can only go so far, coal is what it is, and I can only buy so many bottles of single malt. They rely on transfer payments from England, which with independence, will evaporate. Nobody in Cornwall or Bucks, etc. will happily send their tax money to cover a Glasgow poor rate divorced from the Union.
It's a pipe dream, maintained by Scottish poetry and idealistic fantasy, and has existed since James I went to London in 1603, through the early Jacobites, and was concluded at Culloden Moor.
Oakland and Berkeley are the cesspool of welfare America.
Why any non-communist would want to speak there, and wade into that pool of shit, is cause for concern about their true mission.
If her mission is to feed them good food, then you have to know that everything in a cesspool only feeds on shit.
Pack some heat Ansn. Since the mayor is a member of antifa, expect to have to shoot your way out.
We shall march, and we shall march
Here in my heart I do believe
We shall overcome someday
Back then it was firehoses and attack dogs, today it is pepper spray and bike locks.
"You do you think you are? Captain America?"
It's pretty cool to see some con folks fall into gangster-rap style threats and braggadocio.
I've always wondered how some old (and not old) cons can be captivated by the same visceral feelings as hood thugs (or artists pretending to be hood thugs). Maybe there's something universally human goin' on.
I dunno.
The reason for Berkeley is simply because that is where the fight is. When the Catholic Church was serious about missions, the best were sent, over and over, to where they risked martyrdom.
How many virgins did they get?
I am captivated by the memory of the 19th century Martyrs of Vietnam (canonized by John Paul II in 1988).
They were avenged by a Franco-Spanish punitive expedition in 1858-62. My ggggpa led an assault column over the walls of the Citadel of Saigon.
Martyrs are the fuel.
Only one, the Virgin Mary.
We RCs are very boring that way.
Blogger sean said...
Wouldn't it be more interesting if Prof. Althouse found someone at a university telling the truth about something?
She's retired..only so many hrs in a day.
...When the Catholic Church was serious about missions.
The Catholic church does not condone what is going on in California. It strongly condemns violence, as it strongly condemns corruption in government.
It places no value on a people who garnish peoples wages to enrich Marxists that empowers their violence against the peaceful society.
The Pope has said that California is the train station of hell. Don't get on the train he commands us. Don't buy a ticket.
Berkeley is a culture clash between the deplorable's (white trash) and the desperate (illegal immigrants and Chinese).
Meanwhile, in America, we bake bread and tickle the wife under the apple blossoms.
Buwaya, dont be so limiting. Virgins have been some of the best witnesses for the church in all sorts of settings. St Patrick brought a lot of virgins into the church for manifold ministries. In the church women are valuable contributors, not just rewards.
There arent very many Chinese or illegal immigrants in the black block or the other street fighters. Its almost all white vs white.
Paddy O,
I kid. Is joke.
Letter sent to UC Berkeley by the law firm representing the YAF about the University's actions and how they intend to respond. 4 page pdf.
Letter sent to UC Berkeley by the law firm representing the YAF
“Surely a public institution of higher learning should be a crucible of challenging ideas and thought, not a kindergarten where wards of the state are fed a steady diet of pasteurized pablum.”
Fabulously purple prose -- not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Buwaya, I know. I just like to talk about Patrick's virgins.
Oh FFS. I'm supposed to be at Cal on the 27th. You know, for boring school stuff? Anyone remember that?
Cynical me, I expect that the various "elements", if they appear, will be too lazy to climb up hill and cause trouble at the part of campus where I plan to be.
Just like in the 70s.
Hey, Coulter should hire the Hell Angels for security. It sorta worked for the Stones.
3rdgrader: "It's pretty cool to see some con folks fall into gangster-rap style threats and braggadocio."
Yes, a lefty supporter of the crazy hooded, armed and violtent leftist rioters just wrote that.
Without irony.
Coulter has been linking to Jonathan Turley posts. Check out his blog.
Coulter fires the first savio in the new Berkeley Free Speech Movement.
It will be interesting to see what happens. If Coulter does press the issue on the 27th, I applaud her courage.
chickelit:"Coulter fires the first savio in the new Berkeley Free Speech Movement."
Well played.
An independent Scotland would have to be Catholic. Otherwise, why bother?
"Coulter fires the first savio in the new Berkeley Free Speech Movement."
I got that reference, I think.
Skippy: "I dunno."
There's some fundamental truth there.
3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
"You do you think you are? Captain America?"
It's pretty cool to see some con folks fall into gangster-rap style threats and braggadocio."
PB, the air-headed fascist, cheers on fascists while decrying "gangster-rap style threats and braggadocio."
PB is far too stupid and frivolous to understand what a hypocrite he is.
If PB really does have money, it's because he's a trust fund baby. Nobody this dense made money on his own. It came from daddy.
Come the revolution, it is the clueless dolts like PB who are the first to be ripped limb to limb. While screaming "I'm on your side!"
Yancey Ward said...
It will be interesting to see what happens. If Coulter does press the issue on the 27th, I applaud her courage.
4/22/17, 1:02 AM
I don't always agree with her, but there is one tough woman. 1000X tougher than the pussy hat hags.
There is a safety exemption for the free speech thing, so now we see why the Berkeley police/university complex never arrests violent protesters. They need them to enforce the university's power to censor.
How - progressive.
"1984" comes to mind.
Note Bene: One is never foolish if the courts agree with one. However, the problem is those pesky appeals, because Berkeley really does know that it can count on all the local authorities to support its position.
Annie get your gun Coulter possesses a near perfect trial lawyer's arguing about everything persona. It is almost socially embarrasing to buy her books, even in a plain brown wrapper. She invented the winning brutally Gladiator that leaves none to live another day.
She is also a quentissential Blonde having more fun who smiles at utterly destroying the other side's arguments.
I was pleased to see the Hippies of Yore remind the American public the Berkely was "Ground Zero for the Free Speech Movement, as if to say it's legacy insulates them from any charge of quashing free speech.
It should serve as a reminder that every "civil rights" movement from the '60's was a lie.
Some like to think the various movements (free speech, women, queer, minority) have been co-opted by radical leftist.
I contend they were useful idiots, pawns in a larger scheme.
I'm reminded of when Trump called off a rally during the campaign due to threats received and the left unanimously called him a coward, and then later when he didn't complained that he didn't listen to reasonable threats and just shut the hell up because, shut up, they said.
There's literally no winning if you're a right of center speaker going somewhere that people may violently try to silence you. So, since you're going to be condemned as a moral reprobate whether you go or stay, you might as well go and not be silenced.
Though, if Coulter shows up and something bad happens to her or her people or the people come to listen, everyone in the media will blame her, and none of them will bother to think about "blaming the victim."
ARM: I am currently 'plotting' to reclaim the Crown of Scotland for my family.
buwaya: I, however, am well behind in my plan to restore the Spanish Empire and reconstitute the Inquisition.
Still, I grind away.
If you guys could see your way to helping me out with my plans to retake Constantinople for Christendom, I'll see what I can do to help you along in your projects.
An English friend explained how the UNited Kingdom works:
The English send money north of the border, and the Scots send back spite.
MOM @ 5:35
Actually I think a comparison to Maduro of Venesuela is more apt. The left wants nothing more than a monopoly on violence.
Any time anybody says they are "confident" of this or that, your bullshit detector should be pegged.
"I am confident the app will be live on Friday!"
"I am confident that all of the test cases will run successfully!"
"I am confident that there are no German mines in the orchard!"
It just means "I think it, but I know I can't prove it."
buwaya: There arent very many Chinese or illegal immigrants in the black block or the other street fighters. Its almost all white vs white.
But one of these days, Based Library Man is going to snap, and escalate.
Angel-Dyne said...
If you guys could see your way to helping me out with my plans to retake Constantinople for Christendom, I'll see what I can do to help you along in your projects.
Maybe we could discuss these plans during the mortification session at next months Opus Dei meeting.
@buwaya:The Spanish Imperial idea is a synthesis of ideological conservatism of the most extreme sort, fanatical Chistianity and Spanish culture. It could, perhaps, unite the warring factions of Mexican and other Latin American immigrants with white conservatives in a potentially unstoppable fusion.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Prediction: Coulter will speak to Steven Hayward's class.
The Fascists in Berkeley won't be having it. They will dress like Isis, and get all violent, and then blame Donald Trump. Trump should send Ann in with the National Guard. THAT would frost their asses!!
Blogger wendybar said...
"The Fascists in Berkeley won't be having it. They will dress like Isis, and get all violent, and then blame Donald Trump. Trump should send Ann in with the National Guard. THAT would frost their asses!!"
It' all beta males acting out. You'll never meet up one on one. Individually they got no sand.
I suggest some strategery, here. Ann can show up with her beefy bodyguards, and try to give her speech. Meanwhile, have the Hells Angels or someone similar secreted nearby.
Once the riot starts, take Antifa from front and send them running... straight into the loving arms of the Hells Angels. Make sure everyone is well armed with bats, rods, etc. And show these leftist punks that they are not equipped for street violence. If there's a 50-60% casualty rate (defined as injured, broken bones, etc--not deaths) then perhaps we can persuade them that violence is not acceptable.
Oh, you'll have to have a decoy force to occupy the Berkeley cop's attention--once they see massive attacks on their leftist mayors friends, I'm sure that the mayor will order the cops to intervene on the side of the leftists.
"Turns out that the Berkeley mayor is a member of the Antifa group that commits all the riots at Rightwing speeches. He's also a personal friend of one of the leaders of the group who went on TV and defended the Milo riot."
Yesterday at Breitbart: Berkeley Mayor Is Member of Antifa Facebook Group that Organized Riots.
Interesting legal situation there, if it indeed turns out that the Berkeley mayor was conspiring with the Antofagasta terrorists to violently assault conservatives and the like. It is one thing for police to sit on the sidelines and watch violent felonies be committed in front of them, without intervening. Typically, they have no legal duty to enforce the law or to protect anyone. Quite different, legally, if their boss, the mayor, is both conspiring with the perpetrators of the violence, and ordering his police not to intervene to prevent it. Very much like the police standing on the sidelines while the Klan beat blacks. I would suggest that the conspiring with the violent thugs while ordering (directly or indirectly) the police to stand down, is potentially a Civil Rights Act violation, plus potentially running afoul of other statutes, as well as opening both the mayor and the city to civil liability. It should be quite interesting - pass the popcorn (ok, I am sitting in Walmart, having just finished a bag of such, so will take a rain check on the popcorn).
Great Simpson's reference, Gabriel.
Bruce Hayden: "Typically, they have no legal duty to enforce the law or to protect anyone." while this may be true, it does seem bizarre, does it not? That police could watch you be murdered and only THEN spring into action to apprehend (or not) the perp?
@CL - as you said "or not". Prosecutorial discretion starts at the arrest stage.
Just finished a book today by David Drake titled "Lacy and his Friends". It is set in a future where surveillance is ubiquitous, and arrest is automatic. They have a streamlined judicial system limited, due to volume, to mostly malum in se offenses (plus avoiding surveillance). Instead of incarceration, they mostly just reprogram perps (convicted by the all seeing computers). Interesting stories in view of this discussion. Turns out Drake was a city prosecutor before going full time into sci fi writing. It did make me question my opposition to prosecutorial discretion, esp when it meant that Crooked Hillary and her minions got to skate on their email related espionage act violations.
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