March 10, 2017

Why Camille Paglia loves the Women's March — "Oh, wow, to be with all the women.”

"I think it’s important that women rediscover solidarity with themselves. It really wasn’t about feminism. It’s really not about Trump. It’s not about any of that. It was all of a sudden, Oh, wow, to be with all the women."

But: “I was horrified, horrified by the pink pussy hats... a major embarrassment to contemporary feminism."


ngtrains said...


traditionalguy said...

Paglia is very intelligent. The femi-nazis hate her for seeing the value in men too.

Laurel said...

"Oh, wow, to be with all the women."


52% of the population.

Where da white womens at? Protesting...something...again.

Narcissus, properly understood, is a woman.

dreams said...

As Trump likes to say, sad.

Wince said...

Great women think alike?

Mostly, though, she was exasperated with the general sense of upheaval that had dominated recent months. “This is all meaningless,” she said. “So sometimes it’s like, oh my God, the news, and then I pick up my book and suddenly I’m reading about ten thousand years ago again, and, wow, that gives you a perspective.” It is this that gives her Native American research its appeal.

MathMom said...

Oppression of wimmenz, from Ace.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Paglia thinks Meryl Streep is over-rated and has thought that for decades. Yes.

High five, Paglia,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MathMom - heh. Perfect.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Curiously missing is the question to Paglia about Ashley Judd's performance.

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed by Paglia. It was about the women who are against Trump. There are many things women and men alike can protest regarding Trump and that's why there were 4 million out on the streets protesting him that day. Paglia doesn't represent us, she should've stayed home.

Michael K said...

I can under stand why Paglia wants ti be around lots of women.

Lesbians like that. Why not ?

rhhardin said...

If women are pretending to be men, there will always be a lot of embarrassment.

Quaestor said...

Oh wow, to be with all the women...

But it wasn't "all of the women", it was just some of the women. Actually very few of the women. There are 3,742,163,000 female humans on Planet Earth, give or take. Most aren't women, but slightly fewer than half are, 2 billion is a safe number. The Pussy Hat brigade was about 5 million worldwide (Just goes to show that men still pay the bills, which is why the power stayed on and the Washington Metro trains kept running.) That's .25%, which is good because all the women would find it inconvenient to find a place to stand. Wouldn't "being with all the women" be basically the same as staying wherever you happen to be?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's wasn't a march for female power, it was an embarrassing tantrum of rage and incoherence. **Signifying nothing.

Gahrie said...

Could someone explain to me why it is OK for women to want to hang out with a bunch of other women and no men, but no OK for a bunch of men to want to hang out with other men and no women?

gadfly said...

That is not a new hairdo - its obviously a new wig.

Matt Drudge claims that the former Democratic presidential candidate's hair is fake because she never appears to show her scalp.

Even a picture of Hillary showing her hair swept back in the wind screams "fake" because Huma, walking beside her, has not a single strand out of line.

Bob Loblaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Loblaw said...

Paglia is a smart lady. I suspect much of what she says is purely for its provocative effect, though.

Bob Loblaw said...

But it wasn't "all of the women", it was just some of the women. Actually very few of the women.

Women who could afford to kill a day in a march about nothing. So mostly retirees, bored housewives, and government workers.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

You couldn't pay me enough to hang out with those shrieking Womens March harridans. I hid them all from my Facebook feed and don't call them for coffee anymore.

Normal women, who are sane and down to earth and have too much interesting stuff going on in their lives to give a damn about made-up bullshit oppression---now those are my girls.

Bay Area Guy said...

The one great unifying thing about Paglia (and our gracious hostess to boot) is that they independently think about things and reach their own conclusions.

Most of the modern day feminist Left don't think, they just check the boxes:

1. Abortion: Pro-choice
2. Gay rights: for
3. Equal pay: for
4. Discrimination: against
5. Republicans: against
6. Democrat: for

These aren't horrendous positions to take. But then they start sloganeering, and making false rape accusations, and wearing mattresses on their backs, and it all goes to crap. These gals should take in some opposing view-points from the likes of Christina Hoff Summers or Helen Smith or Sarah Palin, heaven forbid.

It would help round them.

johns said...

Like other right-leaning people, I like Paglia because she is a feminist who bashes wacky feminists. But while Paglia votes for Ralph Nader and Jill Stein, she is not accepted by any meaningful segment of the left and hasn't been for decades. So I kind of agree with the interviewer that Paglia is kind of like candy for the right. Still, she's a lot of fun to read. What I found amusing about this interview was the way the interviewer carefully distanced herself from anything that would sound like admiration for Paglia, while also trying to do a "friendly" interview that would not offend the subject. I was hearing a background theme where the interviewer was saying to her fellow leftists reading this piece "You know, of course, I think Paglia's views are horrible and disgusting."

Anonymous said...

"Like other right-leaning people, I like Paglia because she is a feminist who bashes wacky feminists."

Paglia is wacky feminist. She doesn't represent true feminists that run the gamut from stay at home moms to working professional mothers and single women without children. She doesn't even represent lesbians very well. She's an outlier that is rejected by normal feminists for very good reasons.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Bay Area Guy said...

Most of the modern day feminist Left don't think, they just check the boxes...

That's very cis-normative of you. Pre-op transgender women feminists don't have boxes to check!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Unknown said...

...normal feminists...

LOL. Good one!

n.n said...

Paglia has a feminine bias. She likes women. She feels comfortable with women. She empathizes with women. She would like women to discover that their dignity is not limited to the sum of their parts.

Yet, despite her bias and even prejudice, she manages to reconcile moral, natural, and personal imperatives to conclude that women and men are equal and complementary. She is not a female chauvinist or [class] diversitist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Paglia is an individualist on the left. The left-wing horde doesn't tolerate anyone wandering into individual thought. Anyone who leaves the group-think plantation is derided as "whacky."

Achilles said...

Unknown said...

Paglia is wacky feminist. She doesn't represent true feminists that run the gamut from stay at home moms to working professional mothers and single women without children. She doesn't even represent lesbians very well. She's an outlier that is rejected by normal feminists for ______

This is why you are losing. I bolded the key phrase She's and outlier for you and I supplied a blank over your abject stupidity.

This is intended to help you. But you are an idiot and a perfect representation of what is wrong with leftists today and you will ignore it. You are a group think tool. You want to jail, suppress, ad ostracize people who disagree with you politically in this country while importing more sharia law.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Everyone who wants to take moral instruction from Madonna raise your hand!

Roughcoat said...

It was about Trump, and it was about feminism. Own it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I've seen Paglia on television. Can't remember the interviewer.
She is animated, she talks fast, and quickly jumps from idea to idea.
She seems to have the kind of persona that impresses undergrads. I don't know if this is affected or the real Paglia.

Freeman Hunt said...

Pretty easy to hang out with all the women you want. Make friends.

Anonymous said...

"...normal feminists..."

"LOL. Good one!"

Sarah Palin called herself a feminist... well yes she is a bit wacky. There were hundreds of thousands of married women with their children, husbands, mother and grandmothers at those Women's Marches. Some of them may have even been related to you.

"Palin has the right to call herself a feminist: The "feminist" label doesn't have to be so polarizing, says Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times. Boiled down, feminism just means viewing men and women as equals, and seeing your gender "as neither an obstacle to success nor an excuse for failure." So if Sarah Palin "has the guts to call herself a feminist, then she's entitled to be accepted as one."
"Sarah Palin, feminist""

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you want to be accepted by the fem-left, call everyone in the GOP a Nazi, insist you are a victim, scream "hands off my uterus" all while yelling "you must pay for my abortions and all my tampons!", and repeat everything that comes out of Colbert's mouth, especially as it relates to the GOP wanting to kill everyone with health care.

Anonymous said...

Freeman, there were many women who were friends that went to the Women's Marches in groups. I was in a group of about 10-12 friends.

madAsHell said...

uummmm..did anyone read the article at the link?
I failed to get past the 3rd paragraph, but I think the summary is.....all womyn should be just like Camille Paglia. She predicted 2017.

I'll go out on a limb here, and predict 2018.

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman, there were many women who were friends that went to the Women's Marches in groups.

Not my point. My point is that if being around a bunch of women is special and wonderful, one can create that experience any time. (Even without joining some kind of quasi-political march.)

harkin said...

Wonder what CP thinks of the latest burning SJW women's issue - white ladies wearing hoop earrings:

Drago said...

Unknown: "There were hundreds of thousands of married women with their children, husbands, mother and grandmothers at those Women's Marches."

There were millions and millions of married women with their children, husbands, mother and grandmothers who were not at those Liberal Women's Marches.

So, what conclusion should one draw from that simple fact?

Bob Loblaw said...

Paglia is wacky feminist. She doesn't represent true feminists that run the gamut from stay at home moms to working professional mothers and single women without children.

She's probably not even a Scot.

Anonymous said...

"Not my point. My point is that if being around a bunch of women is special and wonderful, one can create that experience any time. (Even without joining some kind of quasi-political march.)"

Yes, this is true. Also this was the first political march we've attended as a group of friends. Our group consisted of a couple of grandmas, some middle aged married women with and without children, a coup,e of young women students, ( some SAHM, some working moms) a couple off boyfriends and husbands. We had a great time, but we often have a great time when we get together socially.

Anonymous said...

"There were millions and millions of married women with their children, husbands, mother and grandmothers who were not at those Liberal Women's Marches."

That's nice Drago. Has nothing to do with those who chose to attend the Marches. The women who stayed home have the same right to their opinion as we who attended. Many who were in favor of the Marches also stayed home.

rcocean said...

She doesn't like Streep and she called Hillary a "Protestant Nun".

Just for that I like her.

rcocean said...

"I was in a group of about 10-12 friends."

Sorry, no one believes you have friends.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe rcocean has anything to add to the discussion but a dumb comment.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unknown said...
"...normal feminists..."

"LOL. Good one!"

Sarah Palin called herself a feminist... well yes she is a bit wacky.

I've never met a woman who called herself a feminist who wasn't at least a bit wacky.
Or a man, either.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Lewis, no one I know goes around declaring that they are feminists, just like gay people don't go around saying, "Hello my name is Lewis and I'm gay", lol. Being a feminist is more so a state of mind. I wonder do non feminists feel the need to tell people they are against feminism? No? Well the same thing goes for those who identify with the concept of feminism.

Sebastian said...

Paglia is horrified by the perfect expression of contemporary "feminism." Normal feminists like the political excretions of Meryl Streep and the ravings of Ashley Judd and the violent fantasies of Madonna. After an election in which a majority of white women voted for Trump, normal feminists think a few marches represent all women.

Titus said...

She is a lesbian

Titus said...

lesbians munch carpets

Fernandinande said...

rcocean said...
"I was in a group of about 10-12 friends."
Sorry, no one believes you have friends.

It didn't claim they were its friends.

Anonymous said...

"After an election in which a majority of white women voted for Trump, normal feminists think a few marches represent all women."

I don't believe anyone asserted that the Women's Marches represented all women. This March was 4 Million strong nation wide, BTW.

Laslo Spatula said...

Meanwhile, pharmacies in the vicinity of the March saw a great increase in the sales of MONISTAT® products.

It was a yeasty day.

I am Laslo.

Anonymous said...

Titus, just to be fair,

Gay men munch sausages and then look for a bun in which to place their sausage.🌭

Fernandinande said...

Article: I found myself swept along by her willingness to be difficult, which did not manifest itself as rudeness or a sense of entitlement

I skimmed - lunch, booth, more nonsense - but stopped when I hit that New York Fake News virtue signaling phony humility word.

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, pharmacies in the vicinity of the March saw a great increase in the sales of MONISTAT® products.

It was a yeasty day."

Laslo, did your grandma complain of an itchy crotch when you visited her after the Women's March? That wasn't just bread she was baking, huh?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Yeah, Unknown/Inga/Whoever you are ... Laslo is sacrosanct. Don't go there.

Anonymous said...

Annie, meh, he doesn't scare me, lol.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Look up the word sacrosanct. it has nothing to do with fear. You just lose any respect there may have been.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unknown said...
Lewis, no one I know goes around declaring that they are feminists, just like gay people don't go around saying, "Hello my name is Lewis and I'm gay", lol. Being a feminist is more so a state of mind. . . .

Sorry, "Unknown", you are not permitted to define feminism for others.

Known Unknown said...

This March was 4 Million strong nation wide, BTW.

There's at least two and half times as many Flintstone kids out there.

Anonymous said...

I'm aware of the meaning of sacrosanct Annie. You were intimating he wasn't to be messed around with, were you not? Also, my dear Annie, I'm not here to gain respect from anyone here. Whether I lose it or gain it in this forum means nothing to me and has nothing to do with me expressing my opinion.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Oh lordy, child.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordy indeed lady...
Annie, you opened the can of worms, now you don't want to deal with it? Sorry, I don't take advice from you about Laslo. I'm sure Laslo can speak for himself.

Big Mike said...

My wife has noted that feminine solidarity seems only to go one way -- towards extreme leftists. Whenever there's a conservative female -- Sarah Palin, Joni Ernst, Mia Love, even Millicent Fenwick back in the day -- the notion of female solidarity seems to vanish at something akin to light speed.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If there was a "masculinist" movement on bizzaro-world, the men in the movement could only talk about their genitals, wear t-shirts with pictures of penises on them, carry illustrated signs carrying messages about their penises, and wear hats shaped like a penis or with a cockscomb. To stay on-message they would have to talk about their genitals all the time, how big their cocks are, how often they become erect, how sweaty their balls are, etc.
They couldn't talk about typical male attributes or what men are for (like fathering children, creating things, building hierarchies in pursuit of some common goal, being physically and intellectually aggressive) because that would be defining "maleness", and it would be up to every man to define what it meant to be masculine for himself.
Except for the penis part, so their penises are all that the men of the masculinist movement could talk about in bizzaro-world.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Big Mike,

Exactly. That's why anything with "women" or "feminist" is a partial lie. It's missing an adjective. It should be Liberal Women's March on Washing or Liberal Women's Studies on campus.

66 Million people voted for Trump. Of that, about 41% were women -- about 26 Million female Trump supporters.

That's a lotta girl power -- are they included too?!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lewis, but neither do you. I speak for myself and the women I know to be feminists.

Bay Area Guy said...

I wouldn't even support a "Men's March on Washington" -- there'd be too many pajama boys, snowflakes and Beta Males. I'd trade them all for Joni Ernst and Mia Love.

Bilwick said...

“I was horrified, horrified by the pink pussy hats... a major embarrassment to contemporary feminism." So's socialism, toots. It continually saddens me that the groups who have historically been the State's biggest victims--Blacks, Gays, Jews, women--politically tend to be the State's most loyal Eloi. Call it a kind of delayed collective Stockholm Syndrome.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unknown said...
Sorry Lewis, but neither do you. I speak for myself and the women I know to be feminists.

3/10/17, 1:52 PM

I didn't try to say what was and what was not a feminist, "Unknown." I merely noted that men and women who self-identify as feminists seem to be a bit wacky.

Seeing Red said...

That was great, Laslo!

Feminist wimmin have no sense of humor.

viator said...

Stop oppressing me!

Anonymous said...

"That was great, Laslo!
Feminist wimmin have no sense of humor."

Au contraire, I thought is was quite funny. I also thought my retort back to him was funny, now who doesn't have a sense of humor? Annie, maybe.

retired said...

Stopped clock phenomenon. Pagilia is nuts.

n.n said...

Paglia's orientation is transgender/homosexual, but she is not defined by that narrow diversity class.

As for the female chauvinists who define women as the sum of their parts... she chose, she conceived, she aborted is a final solution that denies human evolution and dignity. Your juvenile antics are the least of your concerns.

Ms. Cecile, tear down the privacy veil. Close the abortion chambers.

Rosalyn C. said...

I also thought the hats were stupid but the atmosphere of so many women together was soft and warm, even when some of them tried to be fierce and loud. Not like the so called peaceful protests we've seen recently where vandalism and violence plays such a big part.

I googled "men who munch" and came up with Edvard Munch, and found this and this. Learned something unexpected.

n.n said...

Another problem for female chauvinism, is that women are disproportionately present in higher education (but lack market awareness); white collar jobs (including low-level and service positions); and many women choose family before career (thus are denigrated by their female chauvinist counterparts and not surveyed as taxable commodities). The first increases their debt load. The second reduces their income potential. The last ensures a lower initial income as women begin their careers later. The progress of political, economic, and social prejudice under institutional [class] diversity unifies the problems.

Bob Ellison said...

Meryl Streep thinks too highly of her own political views, but she is the greatest actor of my lifetime, male or female. How do you consider her career and watch some of her movies and not conclude that she's a force of acting nature?

Also very pretty, but not glamorously, high-maintenancely so. That probably helped her in a few roles.

rcocean said...

"Meryl Streep thinks too highly of her own political views, but she is the greatest actor of my lifetime, male or female. How do you consider her career and watch some of her movies and not conclude that she's a force of acting nature?"

Force of nature? Not really, she's the ultimate chameleon. And she also comes off as "actressy" at times.

To me, she's cold and bloodless. Imagine her in "All about Eve" or "GTW", or "klute". She just likes charisma. But yeah, she has GREAT Range.

rcocean said...

She just likes charisma = She just lacks charisma.


harkin said...

Big Mike: "My wife has noted that feminine solidarity seems only to go one way -- towards extreme leftists. Whenever there's a conservative female -- Sarah Palin, Joni Ernst, Mia Love, even Millicent Fenwick back in the day -- the notion of female solidarity seems to vanish at something akin to light speed."

Not just women, people of color too. The knives come out extra quick (and extra sharp) for any female/minority who dares to go against the big government mantra (aka think outside the herd).

It's like Ben Carson calling African American slaves "immigrants" (anyone who disagrees with this does not understand the word) and liberals going postal even though Barack Obama said the same thing in 2014.

viator said...

10 million American males between the age of 24 and 64 who have literally dropped out of the workforce.

They are finding women to keep them, a growing trend. How many men like this do you know. I know of several.

David said...

After the Bill Clinton episode, nothing else can be as major an embarrassment. Other perhaps than the continued refusal to see the problems that they created in backing Clinton.

Feminists, ask yourselves why the pussy grabbing story really did not hurt Trump much. Or don't ask. You will just get it wrong again.

David said...

"This March was 4 Million strong nation wide, BTW.'

Crowd creep is not just a Trumpian flaw, it seems.

Anonymous said...

"Feminists, ask yourselves why the pussy grabbing story really did not hurt Trump much."

That's interesting. The pussy grabbing video and what Trump said regarding not even having to ask because he was a star, was one of the few times that Althouse actually came out swinging against Trump.

Saint Croix said...

Boy I would love to have a throw down with Camille Paglia over Doris Day.

I will defend you, Doris! You rock.

Pillow Talk is an awesome romantic comedy, one of the finest ever made.

People who don't like Doris Day are anti-woman. That's right, Paglia! You are anti-woman!

Oh sure, Marilyn Monroe is a great comedian, an underrated comedian. But there's a certain phoniness with Marilyn Monroe. She's working the sex angle so hard that it almost makes her a woman imposter. She's playing at being a sex goddess. So, yes, we all want to fuck her. You, me, and the rest of mankind. But Doris Day is a woman, a real woman, an authentic woman, a woman who wants to get a job and also get married and have a family. She's an authentic, all-American woman. Who has a great ass, which you would have noticed if you were a man, Paglia. That's right. Don't debate me on the sexual attractiveness of Doris Day. What the hell do you know about Doris Day? Nothing. And so on and so forth.

madAsHell said...

They are finding women to keep them, a growing trend. How many men like this do you know. I know of several.

I saw this guy in the mirror this morning.

rcocean said...

"Pillow Talk is an awesome romantic comedy, one of the finest ever made."

Yeah, it is. Its fantastic.

Even though its two Gay actors supposedly fighting over Doris Day.

And I agree. Doris Day is great. Elite Liberals disagree(d) at the time, because they hate(d) anything the average white american likes.

JackWayne said...

As a man who raised an only female daughter, none of this makes sense to me or to my daughter. She is what she is. And she has no thought of being a "feminist". She is an adult. I can ask for nothing more. She doesn't want to be anymore than that.

FullMoon said...

This March was 4 Million strong nation wide, BTW.

Right. 97% of scientists agree.

A fake number.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Unknown said...
"Feminists, ask yourselves why the pussy grabbing story really did not hurt Trump much."

That's interesting. The pussy grabbing video and what Trump said regarding not even having to ask because he was a star, was one of the few times that Althouse actually came out swinging against Trump.

Trump apologized for the comments he made over a decade ago, both in a statement and in a video:
Do you remember Bill Clinton apologizing for any of his horrible anti-women actions? Not words, actions?
I don't.
Thank God America voted in 2016 to keep that woman-hating, woman-assaulting SOB out of the White House.

rcocean said...

"Unknown" aka "Inga" is a German who loves to lick Hillary's Cunt. And also loved to lick Eva Braun's cunt.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

rcocean said...

"Unknown" aka "Inga" is also too mentally ill and gutless to post under her real name.

Mostly because she loves to lick Liberal German Cunt.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

HT said...

Camille, she's the best, and that march was fantastic. All of you trashing it who didn't go don't know shit.

This was my favorite line from the article:

"At last we were seated at a small table a few yards from the first. We would remain there for the next 4 hours and 45 minutes. In the grand scheme of Paglia interviews, mine was brief. When Francesca Stanfill profiled her for a New York cover story, in 1991, their conversation lasted ten hours, long enough for Paglia to consume two steaks: one for lunch and a second for dinner."

ALP said...

As a huge Paglia fan, I was thrilled to find this article, as I've been waiting with bated breath to hear what she has to say about the current climate.

But now that I've finished it, there was so little about current events I suspect the author simply couldn't bring themselves print most of it. Having read Paglia for years and years, this article came through mostly as the thoughts of the author.

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